“God gave me an Audi as a vocation

Archbishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryan Pitirim (Volochkov) dedicated a poem to his Audi, which was stolen during a church service. The priest posted the poem on his page in "In contact with".

As the archbishop said in an interview with Komiinform, the incident occurred in Syktyvkar on the evening of February 4. While he was at the service in the St. Stephen's Cathedral, criminals entered the territory of the bishop's compound and stole his used Audi sedan, which was parked in the open garage.

“Our servants noticed them [the hijackers]. We promptly reported to the police. Within a few hours, law enforcement officers found my old foreign car in one of the courtyards near the cathedral. However, they wouldn’t have gone far with it, since it’s acting up,” said Pitirim, adding that the criminals took a liking to the 2003 Audi A8, which has long been in need of repair.

According to the priest, recordings from CCTV cameras in the compound, which show two carjackers dressed in black, were transferred to the police.

Pitirim’s poem entitled “God’s servant - “Audi” old woman,” which describes the theft, concludes with the following quatrain:

“I’ll park the car before dawn,
I'll turn on monitoring again.
God gave me an Audi as a vocation,
I’ll read my prayer to God again.”

An ordinary theft of a foreign car in Syktyvkar attracted the attention of not only regional but also federal media. The “culprit” of the increased interest turned out to be the local Archbishop Pitirim Volochkov, who reacted to the incident in a unique way - he wrote a poem.

The archbishop dedicated a poem to the extraordinary event, the title of which already looks ambiguous: “God’s servant is the old Audi.”

“It just started to get dark, two thieves,
Pressing the remote control, opening the gate
At the cathedral, the lord's house,
We found ourselves inside the garage.
The Bishop himself with his retinue in the cathedral
Served the service for confessors.
At this time the thieves managed,
I kicked out the Audi and closed the doors.

The old car is thirteen years old
And it was still faulty.
And thieves are on average eighteen,
A crowd could be seen at the gate.

The beggar showed it to the policeman
The car turned in the right direction.
And the employees are looking for the poor,
Thank God, they found it in the courtyards.

But not so soon the thieves come out
From their dens, how they passed
The gates of the lord's house,
Having closed the locks for some reason
Garage and old cars,
Having driven to the young people in the yard.
Turned away from God's servant
Mercedes: “Know your worth.”

Like the frog princess stood,
Our Audi suddenly rose,
Flew through the air, rushed,
The song flowed from the trunk
From poetry. There are the lord's books,
Prepared for prison
So that, after reading, everyone achieves salvation,
Having understood sin, we created it.

I'll park the car until dawn,
I'll turn on monitoring again.
God gave me an Audi as a vocation,
I’ll read my prayer to God again.

The priest posted his poetic creation on social networks, where he is very active: on the VKontakte social network alone, thousands of people subscribe to the archbishop’s two accounts, and he himself writes posts almost daily. The clergyman accompanied the poem with thematic photographs on the theme of car theft and a drawing of an Audi car - however, not the elite A8 sedan, but a simpler Audi 80 B4 model.

Pitirim reacted calmly to the strong resonance caused by his work. Moreover, on his page he later made several more posts dedicated to the public’s reaction to his work, and even posted a fragment from his earlier work under the symbolic title “My Audi.” There he described the difficulties of driving a foreign car in bad weather conditions.

According to the data provided in

"In a day memorable date Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, my car was stolen.


It was just getting dark, two thieves,
Pressing the remote control, opening the gate
At the cathedral, the lord's house,
We found ourselves inside the garage.

The Bishop himself with his retinue in the cathedral
Served the service for confessors.
At this time the thieves managed,
I kicked out the Audi and closed the doors.

The old car is thirteen years old
Yes, it wasn’t working yet.
And thieves are on average eighteen,
A crowd could be seen at the gate.

The beggar showed it to the policeman
The car turned in the right direction.
And the employees are looking for the poor,
Thank God, they found it in the yards.

But not so soon the thieves come out
From their dens, how they passed
The gates of the lord's house,
Having closed the locks for some reason
Garages and cars - old ladies,
Having driven to the young people in the yard.
Turned away from God's servant
Mercedes: "Know your worth."

Like a princess the frog stood,
Our Audi suddenly rose,
Flew through the air, rushed,
The song flowed from the trunk
From poetry. There are the lord's books,
Prepared for prison
So that, after reading, everyone achieves salvation,
Having understood sin, we did it."

(Spelling, punctuation and style of the original have been preserved. - ed.)

The car was stolen in Syktyvkar on the evening of February 4, Komiinform reports. At that moment, Pitirim was at a service in the St. Stephen's Cathedral: the attackers entered the territory of the bishop's compound and stole an Audi sedan from an open garage.

“Our servants noticed them [the car thieves]. We promptly informed the police. Within a few hours, law enforcement officers found my old foreign car in one of the courtyards near the cathedral. However, they wouldn’t have driven far in it, since it was junk,” he said Pitirim. He also said that the Audi A8 2003 is in need of repair for a long time.

The poetic work of the Archbishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryansky ends with the following quatrain:

"I'll park the car before dawn,
I'll turn on monitoring again.
God gave me an Audi as a vocation,
I’ll read my prayer to God again.”

An ordinary theft of a foreign car in Syktyvkar attracted the attention of not only regional but also federal media. The “culprit” of increased interest turned out to be local Archbishop Pitirim Volochkov, who reacted to the incident in a unique way - he wrote a poem.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Komi, on the evening of February 4, the Syktyvkar police duty station received a statement that from a garage located on the territory of Svyato-Stefanovsky cathedral, an Audi A8 car was stolen. A few hours later the foreign car was found on one of the city streets. The police opened a criminal case into the theft.

“Currently, the police are establishing the involvement of two persons in the commission of the crime, whose details are not disclosed in the interests of the investigation,” the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs noted, explaining that the suspects have not yet been detained.

In an interview with local media, Pitirim spoke about the incident in more detail.

According to the archbishop, on Saturday evening he went to the Cathedral of St. Stephen for a service in memory of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

At this time, two intruders entered the territory of the bishop's courtyard and, taking advantage of the fact that the car was open in the garage, got into it and drove away.

“At that moment our servants noticed them. We promptly reported to the police. Within a few hours, law enforcement officers discovered my old foreign car in one of the courtyards near the cathedral,” the archbishop told Komiinform. “However, they wouldn’t have gone far with it, since it’s acting up.”

Pitirim noted that there are only about a dozen Audi A8s in Syktyvkar, but the car itself is 13 years old and has long been in need of repair. “The robbers, most likely deluded by the common perception that the clergy were having a blast, were counting on a good catch,” he noted.

The archbishop dedicated a poem to the extraordinary event, the title of which already looks ambiguous: “God’s servant is the old Audi.”

Further, Bishop Pitirim very informatively described the entire incident in poetic form.

“It just started to get dark, two thieves,
Pressing the remote control, opening the gate
At the cathedral, the lord's house,
We found ourselves inside the garage.
The Bishop himself with his retinue in the cathedral
Served the service for confessors.
At this time the thieves managed,
I kicked out the Audi and closed the doors.

The old car is thirteen years old
And it was still faulty.
And thieves are on average eighteen,
A crowd could be seen at the gate.

The beggar showed it to the policeman
The car turned in the right direction.
And the employees are looking for the poor,
Thank God, they found it in the yards.

But not so soon the thieves come out
From their dens, how they passed
The gates of the lord's house,
Having closed the locks for some reason
Garage and old cars,
Having driven to the young people in the yard.
Turned away from God's servant
Mercedes: “Know your worth.”

Like the frog princess stood,
Our Audi suddenly rose,
Flew through the air, rushed,
The song flowed from the trunk
From poetry. There are the lord's books,
Prepared for prison
So that, after reading, everyone achieves salvation,
Having understood sin, we created it.

I'll park the car until dawn,
I'll turn on monitoring again.
God gave me an Audi as a vocation,
I’ll read my prayer to God again.

However, as it soon became clear, the minor “thieves” turned out to be one of their own, Orthodox:

The hijackers of the Audi A8, which the Archbishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryan Pitirim drives, turned out to be minor relatives of the priests. Komi police detained two 16-year-old teenagers, against whom a criminal case was opened under the article “Theft”. Pitirim, who became famous for his poems dedicated to the theft, has not yet commented on the situation.

The Komi police reported on the capture of the thieves of a foreign car Audi A8, to which the local archbishop has already dedicated more than one poem. A member of the Russian Writers' Union, Pitirim, wrote his latest creation on this topic, entitled “God's Servant – Old Audi,” about a week ago on a sad occasion - his 13-year-old prestigious foreign car with a telephone installed in the cabin was stolen. The car was found almost immediately - the thieves abandoned it not far from St. Stephen's Cathedral, where the archbishop was holding a service at the time of the theft and from where they stole the car.

“During the operational search activities, it was established that the crime was committed by two 16-year-old teenagers - relatives of church ministers. One of the attackers is studying at school, the second is at a secondary specialized educational institution, the Komi Ministry of Internal Affairs said. - Both young men are familiar with the location outbuildings and arrangement of premises in the temple building. Knowing that no one was watching their actions at certain times, the teenagers stole the keys to a car belonging to the diocese and drove it out of the gate.”

It turned out that the teenagers' plan to drive a prestigious foreign car was thwarted by a call from the father of one of them.

“Fearing that their relatives would realize the crime they had committed, the teenagers abandoned the car and ran away, but first locked the foreign car.

Soon the fugitives decided that it was better to return the car to the garage or move it closer to the church, and returned to where they left the car. But circumstances did not allow them to carry out their plans,” the police noted.

The children of the clergy were detained. They admitted to the police that they stole the car as a prank to go for a ride. The police found the key to the foreign car during a search of the house of one of them.

Today, the Russian Orthodox Church is brazenly and impudently intruding into schools under the pretext of spiritual and moral education of young people. However, when it comes to raising their own children, the servants of God are not doing very well, to put it mildly.

Pitirim Volochkov
today at 9:03

“The ruling bishop of the Syktyvkar diocese had his car stolen

The night before, unknown persons stole an Audi car from the Archbishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryan Pitirim in the capital of Komi directly from the territory of the bishop's courtyard. The police found the car in one of the city courtyards several hours after the emergency, and law enforcement agencies are currently taking measures to apprehend the criminals. Vladyka himself told Komiinform about this.
According to him, on Saturday evening he went to the St. Stephen's Cathedral for a service in memory of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. As you know, his house is nearby. Two unknown persons entered the territory of the bishop's courtyard and, taking advantage of the fact that the car was standing open in the garage, got into it and drove out onto the roadway.
“At that moment, our ministers noticed them. We promptly reported to the police. Within a few hours, law enforcement officers discovered my old foreign car in one of the courtyards near the cathedral,” the archbishop noted to Komiinform. “However, they wouldn’t have gone far in it.” because she's acting up."
He explained that we were talking about the Audi eighth model. According to his information, there are only about a dozen of them in Syktyvkar. The car is noticeable, however, “unpromising,” as he put it: it is already 13 years old and has long been in need of repair.
“The robbers, most likely, under the illusion of the philistine idea that the clergy are being luxurious, were counting on a good ‘catch,’” the agency’s interlocutor clarified.
The Bishop also told Komiinform that he handed over to the police recordings from surveillance cameras from the territory of the bishop's compound, which captured the emergency and its participants - two young people.
“I’m glad that the police found the car so quickly. And it’s good that no one was hurt as a result of the incident,” summed up the agency’s interlocutor.

Daria Shuchalina
“In the trunk of the car, an old Audi, there was a valuable cargo, so they stole it. Namely, 4-5 packs of brand new, precious books with poems by Archbishop Pitirim, “Learning to Love.”
“I just visited the site of an Audi abandoned by thieves and saw many more expensive cars: Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Mercedes and other high-status cars.” More interesting message from the bishop’s driver: “2 minutes after the car was stolen, I called several times on the internal phone of the stolen Audi car. Apparently this scared them, the sound was loud, alarming throughout the entire cabin.”

Vladyka, good afternoon! Your car was recently stolen - this is an extremely unpleasant story. Please tell me, have you already forgiven the person who committed the theft? In Orthodoxy, is the sin of theft a grave sin? “Thou shalt not steal” is one of the commandments. "On the day of the memorable date of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, Archbishop Pitirim's car was stolen. If you look from the window of the bishop's house, the stolen church car stood at the end between the aisles of two nine-story buildings. This is a little more than 100 meters from the theft site. What they did there is unknown. Archbishop Pitirim traveled these days in a driver's car. Photo at the garage where the Audi was stolen." "N..:
I read about another temptation, Vladyka... yeah... And today in our cathedral in Yekaterinburg the cash drawer was opened. The police also came."

Hello, dear Master! I don't know how your gates open. Someone advised me. They gave you PR again. They don't understand that you don't need it. Your PR is a service for the benefit of our North! In general, it’s a shame that this happens in your environment. God bless you!
"https://life.ru/t/news/969700/bogh_dal_mnie_audi_p ..

“In...: Hello, Master. There is so much news around your car.
I read the comments of evil, envious people and am amazed at the bloodthirstiness.
Well, what is an Audi 8 with 13 years of age!?
This is not an indicator. Its price on the Auto.ru website is about 400-500 thousand rubles.
Where do people have so much poison?) It’s true what they say
The lower a person’s soul, the higher his nose stretches; he stretches his nose to where his soul has not grown!)))
And in your case, it seems to me that they decided to steal the car in order to scatter it for spare parts, because it is in this vein that it is valuable, because... Spare parts for it are no longer produced.
“I know that Archbishop Pitirim has never bought personal cars for himself and is not a driver or car enthusiast. I initially drove a donated car from Nobel Oil and the state of emergency, Viktor Zakharov. After submitting them, I bought a used Audi 8.” I used the difference in money to pay for the paintings of the Trinity – Stefano – Ulyanovsk Monastery.” Cathedral employees often travel to the diocese in domestically produced cars.”

"Pitirim Volochkov
yesterday at 22:42
On the day of the memorable date of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, my car was stolen.

It was just getting dark, two thieves,
Pressing the remote control, opening the gate
At the cathedral, the lord's house,
We found ourselves inside the garage.

The Bishop himself with his retinue in the cathedral
Served the service for confessors.
At this time the thieves managed,
I kicked out the Audi and closed the doors.

The old car is thirteen years old
Yes, it was still not working properly.
And thieves are on average eighteen,
A crowd could be seen at the gate.

The beggar showed it to the policeman
The car turned in the right direction.
And the employees are looking for the poor,
Thank God, they found it in the courtyards.

But not so soon the thieves come out
From their dens, how they passed
The gates of the lord's house,
Having closed the locks for some reason
Garages and cars - old ladies,
Having driven to the young people in the yard.
Turned away from God's servant
Mercedes: “Know your worth.”

Like a princess the frog stood,
Our Audi suddenly rose,
Flew through the air, rushed,
The song flowed from the trunk
From poetry. There are the lord's books,
Prepared for prison
So that, after reading, everyone achieves salvation,
Having understood sin, we created it.

I'll park the car until dawn,
I'll turn on monitoring again.
God gave me an Audi as a vocation,
I’ll read my prayer to God again.
(Archbishop Pitirim)."
