Read dead water public concept. E.g. Kuznetsov: about the origin of the internal predictor of the USSR and Kob “dead water”. Legally


From “sociology” to life-speak


If the entire Universe turned into one state, then how could we not establish the same laws everywhere?

K. Prutkov

A course of video lectures “Secrets of managing humanity” can be taken on the website

“Dead Water” was formed in February - June 1991 as a “squeeze” (digest) from our previous working materials, called “Depressurization”. When writing it, it was put target to prevent the destruction of the USSR and the accompanying disasters, in the assumption and hope that the ruling party-state and scientific “elite” will come to its senses or be afraid, and will find the strength and courage to change the direction and concept of reforms in our country. This goal was not achieved. And only after the collapse of the USSR, already in 1992, “Dead Water” was published in a circulation of 10,000 copies.

Many of her readers don't know real story the appearance of this work and therefore they say that “Dead Water” is written in boorishly rude language, without any respect for the reader. But initially, the work, which became a public book, was not addressed to the general reader at all, but to the leadership of the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences, whose “intellectual” leaders succeeded in shaping the opinions of the highest officials of the USSR on the further direction of the domestic and foreign policy of the party and state in all sectors activities. And they are directly to blame and responsible for the state collapse of the USSR and subsequent social disasters.

Initially, “Dead Water” was a so-called “independent examination” of a report on the topic of research work “Development of the concept of strategic stability and the dynamics of development of scenarios for possible interaction, provided that the parity of the long-term strategies of world powers is maintained for the period until 2005,” carried out at the US Institute and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1990 (the terms of reference for this research work were signed by the then deputy director of this institute A. Kokoshin, later the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia). Accordingly, the title chosen for the addressee was not a book at all, but expert analysis one of the reports of the named institute: “How can you reorganize B’nai B’rith” (Organizational platform of the CPSU) , in which the consonance with the work of V.I. Lenin “How can we reorganize the Rabkrin” was played out. The circulation of this expert analysis brochure was 5 typewritten copies, from which several more copies were photocopied.

This was an attempt to wedge between the “elite” administrative apparatus of the USSR and valid the bosses of biblical civilization (the global predictor) in order to cut off the control channels on the part of the predictor and, without catastrophes, enter into the transformation of pseudo-socialism into a normal humane society of justice. It was not successful, because some did not heed, while others had already “placed their bets” in the global “game” and did not refuse them.

This examination was published after the state collapse of the USSR in the censorship and ideological confusion of 1992. In the 1992 edition, the original title addressed to certain to the addressee, was replaced by a description of the work itself from the last phrase of its afterword (in the then third brochure). In this form, “Dead Water” became available to a wide readership. The fact that it was published as a book and became, in principle, publicly available is a consequence of the collapse of the former statehood and the destruction of the USSR, as a result of which material was published that, if the former statehood was preserved or the course of social transformations was not catastrophic, was doomed to be lost in the archives of the CPSU Central Committee, state intelligence services and “Special control over Spetsnadzor.”

According to their mental type, the “elite” are slaves, smug, arrogant slaves. The slave reacts exclusively to the master's command cry; how to awaken the dignity of a person in him? and is there anything left in him to awaken at all? - these are questions to which we do not know the answer other than: the slave himself must remember that he was originally - free man and must behave in accordance with the dignity of a person, then people will treat him humanely.

If the cry did not achieve success, then one should not flatter oneself with the hope that “Dead Water” would be written respectfully and courteously in relation to everyone who is mentioned in it personally, in relation to the then “elite” as a whole and provided with a loyal accompanying letter to the name “ and about. tsar,” then it would have been heard, adequately understood and gratefully accepted by the apparatus for execution, which would have allowed the people of the USSR to avoid many troubles; or, faced with erroneous opinions, expressed in it, the Academy of Sciences would develop a more understandable and perfect long-term concept of the life of society.

M.S. Gorbachev and the whole pack (like their predecessors and successors) received more than enough affectionate and kind letters from many Soviet people who treated the leaders of the party and state bodies with the deepest respect and trust, and wrote to them for decades in sincere naive the belief that the authorities do not see, do not know and do not understand something. Many hard workers, party and non-party, who did not put too much into their pockets even on legal grounds, tried to reason with the country’s leaders for years while they were pursuing their bureaucratic careers; they wrote extremely kindly and respectfully - without that negative attitude towards the entire social “elite” and its masters, which is expressed in “Dead Water”; but the “elite” boor simply spat on them and mocked them in their narrow circle of “communism” inside the Kremlin walls and fences of special dachas. And in “Dead Water” they were told: “Tsits!” - to which they did not heed, but in vain...

If “Dead Water” had initially been addressed to a wide readership, whose everyday professionalism finds application outside the sphere of state and national economic management, outside the sphere of journalism and sociological sciences, then it would have been written in a different emotional and semantic system.

IN Lately, due to the accessibility of the Internet, it (KOB “Dead Water”) has become widespread, including thanks to the so-called “KOB members” hanging around various forums, with the stupid persistence of sectarians imposing their “best holistic worldview in the world” on everyone.
And similar to annoying forum zombie trolls.

KOB is written in a dead computer language. There are no contradictions within this “worldview system”. Don't waste time looking for them. Stupid.
The mechanism of such “revelations” is simple.
Such information is not from the egregor and not from the so-called information field or noosphere.
From the World of the Dead, the programmer sends a signal to the brain. The required program is activated. Need images? An impulse through the right leash of the pineal gland into the right, “figurative” hemisphere.
Do you want to pee and abstract? Get through the left leash to the left... Done!
Several dozen volumes are like seeds...
What do you think Comrade Lenin wrote? The same one that Vladimir Ilyich... With brain liquefaction. It’s a medical fact, it’s just called something else...
An sprinkled 55 thick volumes. And there is a lot of unpublished stuff, although the published stuff is called P.S.S.
What a clever idea he made, you rascal, you can’t fault him! But you won’t find fault because the program writes through a person. You can't argue with a computer.

To understand the inconsistency of the Life of the COB, it is necessary to step out of its framework (measures) and become Alive.
With all this, it provides a fairly high-quality description of the current management of social processes.
More precisely, a description of its external manifestation.

Let's summarize briefly.
The basis " Dead water» make up several basic provisions(in bold):

"Trinity" (
Matter - Information - Measure).
A pathetic, tortured attempt to describe Life and everything that exists in limited philosophical categories.
The Trinity is dead.
From the position of a dead view, you can do whatever your heart desires. You can look into Kabbalah and try to measure and digitize Life. You can make a fuss, strain your “wired” brain and beautifully, scientifically substantiate any nonsense. It is also necessary to substantiate the fact that force (in foreign words - energy) is a transitional form of matter. It will be very convincing. And conceptually. After all, “it’s all about understanding the terms!”

Enough has already been said about “Measure”.
By the way, thoughtlessly and brainlessly, often quoted by KOB apologists in confirmation of universal moderation: “He created every THING and measured it by measure”- an empty argument.
This has nothing to do with Life. Life, Living, Man is not a THING.
What he made, he measured.

"Types of psyche."
Similar stratification in the context of BER, with a call to acquire "human structure of the psyche", - idiocy. You won't buy it. Impossible. Life is not a hypermarket.
"Building the psyche" due to many reasons independent of the individual. In particular, this is impossible due to information “superimposed” on the human psyche from other individuals to whom the soul was previously attached.
From Sharik you can only make Sharikov. Professor Preobrazhensky learned this well, unlike the newly-minted wise guys.
But it’s possible to rant about this topic. Long, beautiful and exciting. Calling on everyone to become a kind of “Mother Teresa.”
Although, of course, everyone needs to become more humane. But this is not relevant to what is being discussed.
By the way, the KOB writers took these strata from the Christian writings of the bishop Vasily Kineshemsky. Modernizing and giving them a scientific look.

In addition to all this, the “intelligent collective” subtly, jesuitically and subtly went over the “I”, along the Foundation. Having pumped a feeling into the subconscious of the herd of “shit-eaters” at the sound of the word “I”.

“Priorities of OSU (Generalized Control Facilities).”
Taking into account the above information, the highest, main management priority is not indicated. The lower ones are correct.

Circumstances cannot be “life-like”. This phrase is unacceptable to describe Life. Mutually exclusive concepts. Nonsense.
The use of such words is sometimes permissible in everyday speech. Inertially, out of thoughtlessness.
But not in the definition (s.s.v.) basic concepts.
“Standing” - immobility, static.
Life has no “states”. Life is growth and movement.

A vital co-existence. Life should flow in the dialogue mode of Life Speech.
This is a Living Language, in contrast to the program-dead language of circumstances.
The sentence often used in the old days: “Life says that (like) a spring flows” - meant life in Lada, contentment and joy. Conversation of the Living with Life and Life with the Living.
“Dead water” operates with dead concepts for even deeper programming for self-suffocation.

"Dynamic Programming Method (DPM)"- one might say, “quintessence” DOTU, its “algorithmic expression”.
And they talked about it. I will duplicate:
any “programming”, “modeling” is possible only within the framework of the implementation of the soul program. While there is no Self, it is not the Will that is present, but its surrogate. In order to always live by your own Will, you must be YAR. Not a personality, but a Self.

Usage TIR in conditions of suffocation, it is similar to the use of maggots inside a sewer pipe.
Maggot identified and formed "vector of management goals" in accordance with "God's providence". He thinks that he is carried by the “stream of Life” and the “wind of Almighty” in accordance with his “righteous” aspirations. Maggot is happy! It floats, swaying, carefully monitoring other “vectors” and confidently managing all processes along PFU, enjoying the knowledge of all seven of its points (he didn’t get enough sleep, didn’t finish eating, learning them by heart, and even came up with his own, eighth point, becoming "conceptually powerful"). But:
1. The maggot is not able to exhibit mine vector of goals and live by the Self due to its absence and the presence of systemic restrictions, having “freedom of choice” limited by measure and a stinking pipe-fishery. He cannot even think about freedom of choice, due to ignorance of the essence of these words. You can’t look behind the pipe...
2. The sewer pipe – God’s providence “doesn’t give a damn” about the vector of goals and aspirations of the righteous maggot, if he suddenly, on a whim, decided to start “ new life" from Monday…
And the sewer pipe is God's providence in this case, for sure, algorithmically insensitive to the nature of the cause-and-effect conditions in the life of the maggot. She's just a pipe, even if she's lined with glittering inside "mosaic-holistic" pictures.

In general, you shouldn’t think that you are living a full life.
You will be a “maggot” until you become, let me say a “terrible” word, soulless. Not suffocating. That is, until you destroy the soul in yourself - an alien program that exploits you according to someone else's plan.

Why is so much said about COB?
She certainly deserves it.
Information from the World of the Dead is “stitched” very harshly.
The revelations of this “panopticon”, supported by actual knowledge, but based on a cannibalistic essence, mistakenly mistaken by the flock for human love, are dangerous in their plausibility.
As a result, Life loses seekers, pure, sincere, loving Rus' Great, but who did not have the opportunity, due to “deadly circumstances,” to cultivate the Self in themselves.
KOB, luring them with beautiful patriotic words, deadens them “on takeoff.” Like a drunken hunter, in a vile spirit, point-blank, shooting at the beautiful, light breath of the colorful colors of Life with buckshot...

148 Of course, also Jews.

149 Two or three people are already a team.

151 Sufficient General Theory of Control (ed.).

152 AT DOTU Professor Zubov V.I. described those management processes that were accessible to his understanding. That is, only those information about which was brought to the levels of his consciousness and allowed for publication.

154 At night, in soul-chilling, ominous nightmares, giant, foul-smelling kosher sidelocks came to them and, mysteriously smiling, grimacing and winking, declared their rights to the COB, demanding to indicate - after all them as authors by last name, by name, not forgetting by father. Otherwise, they threatened to become forever a personal accessory to the hairstyle of each of the VP representatives.
The constant and unrelenting sticky-diaper fear of the “smart team” of such an ugly prospect in any case ultimately resulted in the VP’s proactive copyright opus on copyright, with its funny horror story about “mystical, extra-legal retribution.” ▲ - may turn out to be inevitable for individuals who diligently study BER. ▲

Proponents of BER usually claim that they have not yet seen any worthy criticism of BER. I do not consider the following information to be “worthy criticism”, but I think it is useful to familiarize yourself with it.

Some of Kuznetsov’s conclusions regarding the KOB are, to put it mildly, unexpected and all over the head, for example, the author claims that the Internal Predictor of the USSR is part of the Global Nadiudean Predictor, that “Dead Water” works for the interests of Jewry and is an instrument for its salvation in Russia.

This work appeared back in 1997, but I only came across it now. As far as I know, it is not discussed among KUB supporters, at least I didn’t find it on the KPE forum, although Kuznetsov was at the origins of the movement, participated in the publishing of the first edition of “Dead Water” (as I understand it) and led seminars in St. Petersburg ( after that he was replaced by Dmitry Slavolubov).

Before moving on to the text “On the Origin of the Second World War,” which mainly deals not with the Second World War, but with the role of Jewry in historical process, I recommend watching the video where Kuznetsov himself talks about his position, otherwise you never know what they will say on the Internet. Although, the information in the video and in the text basically coincides - in the text there is more detail about Jewry, and in the video there is a big digression into the history of Russia (the assassinations of Paul I, the Napoleonic Wars, the influence of England, the creation of the USA - very interesting).

Description of this video on youtube: - Kuznetsov Evgeniy Grigorievich visiting the ROD with KOB (original) - Origin of the USSR Internal Predictor - KOB - Masonic stub for the crowd

These are my short comments and theses on the work of Evgeny Grigorievich Kuznetsov “On the Origin of the Internal Predictor” (VP USSR), written somewhere in 1997.

The Concept of Public Security (CPS) of Russia (COBR) began to spread in 1989 by samizdat called “Depressurization”, later Leningrad State University and the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences (signed the terms of reference for the research by the deputy director of this institute Andrei Afanasyevich Kokoshin) prepared the work “How you reorganize B'nai B'rith" (from Hebrew "sons of the Covenant", a group of Jewish Masonic lodges in the USA, the organizational platform of the CPSU), since 1992 known as "Dead Water" (the term is already from " New era", New Age, meaning the period of preparation for the meeting of the Savior, Heb. Moshiach) under the authorship of E.G. Kuznetsov, which he officially abandoned in 1995 (the first Nikolai Starikov did not take place). Before the final break in October 1996, he led the KOB seminar in St. Petersburg. He was replaced by Dmitry Vadimovich Slavolubov.

In general, the question remains open. But I think you shouldn’t ask clarifying questions (useless) to the author. Rumor has it that the concept was developed in Scotland (the center of Freemasonry). Hence the Celtic symbolism of the KPE, but the Celts, or rather the descendants of the degenerate Boys (called themselves Great Russians), before the Jews settled at the top of power here in Novgorod (the original name in their way was Slavia) and Moscow, where, not by chance, the first heresy then came Judaizers. The concept was finalized in Israel; the symbolism also resembles the Star of David, but the pyramid of knowledge is much smaller than the pyramid of power. Then the doctrine was introduced anonymously by samizdat into the middle echelons of the CPSU and the KGB, and only after local revision, in a circulation of 5 copies, it reached the leadership of the USSR.

CON – “Living Water” (Concept of Public Democracy)



Against this background, KON is actually “Living Water” - which was consumed immediately after the “dead” one - so that the body came to life and breathed new breath, strong life. In our case, CON answers the questions of WHAT and HOW to do in order to build a really healthy and harmoniously organized organism of the Society. The concept proposes to use NATURE-Social mechanisms for the organization and development of Society for this - without the involvement of politicians and parties. It allows you to understand and use simple logical schemes for realizing the interests, will and power of people - the way it happens in Nature itself, in the entire Universe. And not according to the minds and beliefs of individual citizens or their groups.

Why the Concept of PUBLIC Democracy? Isn't this a tautology?

The answer is also simple and obvious. Today, “Democracy” has become the most popular concept among many social forces. And each of them gives it its own coloring, its own meaning. Ukrainian nationalists demand that it be “Ukrainian Democracy”, Russians - “Russian”, Georgians - “Georgian”, etc. Political forces - so that it is “proletarian”, “trade union”, “liberal”. In reality, the System of Real Democracy is a fundamental similarity, a cybernetic analogue of the structure of the Human body. And, as you know, it is the same for any nation, politician or believer. Therefore, the System of Democracy is ALL-general. Those. Public. But at the same time, it allows every person, every socio-economic, spiritual, etc. to develop systematically and realize their potential. sphere of consciousness of the Society. Those. is GENERALLY fair for everyone.


Everything in the world rests on the idea and power of power. Money, army, resources... and all other attributes are just tools for realizing power. Remember from Archimedes: “Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Planet over”? In relation to our topic it will sound like this: “Give me Power and I will change the world”. And then there is the “Pareto Law”, the essence of which is that a small part of correctly applied (i.e. at the right point) efforts provides a solution to all major problems. While dispersing efforts on minor issues solves only the minimum possible. Dr. in words, the main thing for today is the reorientation of the efforts of the People from solving individual, at first glance, important problems (ecology, wages, prices, corruption, crime, etc.)- to solve ONE, but the MOST IMPORTANT, ROOT ISSUE - to return lost power. Distracting people to solve individual problems is an attempt by politicians to retain power for themselves. POWER is the most important issue that needs to be resolved by everyone who is really for the People. For, Power is the fulcrum that is the BASIS for solving all other problems. “He who has the Power has the Peace.” If the Government becomes truly People's, all other issues will be resolved. If it remains with politicians and officials, all the problems will remain. The dilemma, as we see, is simple. Either the People take Power into their own hands and build a New, GENERALLY fair World. Or politicians and oligarchs are building their “New World Order”. Or more precisely, a Neo-slave system, where the top will have everything (power, money, land, mineral resources, etc.), and the People will have everything else: complete lack of rights, poisoned food, chips and total electron. control over everyone, etc.


The entire history of mankind is an endless struggle of the common people against the oppressors - the powers that be. The signs of the systems, their ideologists and leaders changed. But the essence of governing any system still boiled down to one thing - deception and violence of society on the part of certain rulers. As a rule - the most tenacious, cunning and unprincipled leaders who put above all else the interests of their own and those of those groups with the help of which this power was won and retained. And although over time the methods of gaining and maintaining power changed, the essence remained unchanged: slaves (ordinary people) served as a source of wealth and satisfaction of the whims of the rich.

Over time, slavery mimicked - taking on more decent and less expensive forms.

Thus, under a direct slave system, a person’s life was worth nothing, and a huge army of soldiers and overseers was required to subjugate slaves. Under the feudal system, slaves were already given some freedoms and small plots of land, while taking away part of the products grown. Under capitalism, money began to play the role of overseers. People misled by the values ​​of Mammon and in pursuit of material benefits, they themselves began to surrender themselves into slavery of the system: some as workers, some as employees, some as police officers, etc. True values ​​were forgotten, honesty and nobility faded into the background.

To consolidate the result obtained, the demon priests invented democracy. In reality it is a demonocracy. A cunning system of crowd control – under the guise of fair elections of “people’s” leaders and parties. At the same time, ordinary people only the right to choose their “shepherds” appeared, and the right to rule remained with politicians and oligarchs. All that was required of the latter was to continue to maintain the illusion of “freedom, equality and fraternity” - pitting against and skillfully manipulating the people divided into opposing parts.

But the people do not sleep. Gradually, step by step, there is a process of awakening and understanding life. Today, if desired, anyone can find out from the Internet all the details of WHO, HOW and WHY enslaved humanity. Including even the most secret knowledge about the true rulers of our world and their “spiritual” mentors and customers. (See links at the end of the material)

But in order to change the situation radically, it is important not only to know WHO and HOW enslaved us. It is important to know WHAT and HOW to do in order to get rid of this slavery. It is important to know exactly and represent the system of life organization and management that will become the personification of real Democracy. For knowledge and understanding of its application is power. And strength is power. Therefore, the slogan of the Narodnaya Volya: Power to the enlightened People! Management - to wise, and controlled by the Society, specialists!


First, let's separate the concepts "power" And "control".

To clearly understand the difference between them, let’s look at their functional affiliation.

This is best done with a simple example. Imagine that you, together with your household (or partners) are the owners, i.e. ownersany enterprise(or ship, bus, etc.). But, possession of all of the above is not at allmeans that you must also be their “director”, “captain”, or “professional driver”. The concept of “POWER” (“VLADA” - in Ukrainian and Old Russian) means only your right to the ownership of what you have in your POSSESSION according to generally accepted rights and supporting documents (in the case of the State, - the right to own all its values ​​- according to the Constitution). Those. YOU exercise Supreme Authority over them. To manage these objects of your property, you hire a Manager (respectively, “Director of the enterprise”, “Captain of the ship”, or “Driver of your bus”). Those. Power, according to the Law, belongs and is exercised by YOU - as OWNERS, and management (so as not to distract you from creative processes and enjoying life) entrusted to specially trained managers (Executive System). Who, naturally, receive a decent salary from YOU for their work.

The Master’s wisdom consists in who to listen to and who not to listen to, what decisions to make.

And because wisdom is a derivative of knowledge, and clear understanding of their application - then POWER is a derivative of YOUR clear knowledge of WHAT you want and WHAT you need. A, MANAGEMENT - from the clear understanding of MANAGERS how to achieve this. FROM FROM WE DO A LOGICAL CONCLUSION:

POWER OF THE PEOPLE is the Power of the Enlightened People + Management of Wise Specialists .

Where , POWER– this is the actual RIGHT of the Owner to own something, as well as His RIGHT to FREELY determine and make decisions regarding these possessions (freedom to choose one’s own development, private, common communal and state property, natural resources, etc.).

A, CONTROL– these are professional actions of spiritually and intellectually developed managers (i.e., the Executive System) to implement the decisions given by the Master of Power.

RIGHTsame - this is a fundamental opportunity, adopted by the General Agreement of its participants (the Constitution), to make specific decisions, impose restrictions on something or someone, etc.

Based on the above arguments, we have:

DIRECT REAL democracy means the RIGHT of people DIRECTLY, without the mediation of political parties, determine the path of their own development and the course of the State. This is a Natural-Social System that uses the mechanism of cascade subordination of the ENTIRE vertical of the Bodies of Democracy to the DIRECT POWER of the Primary Collectives. (Diagram No. 6: )


As you know, any Power can be realized only if it is an organized force. This is clearly seen in the example state system. And also from the practice of organizing and functioning of party organizations. Therefore, for the Power of the People to become a reality, the People must legally and practically become an organized monolithic Power. And for this, the Society must be structured according to its basic common characteristics and natural interests (territorial communities, professional, spiritual, etc.). Then, the Will and interests of each person, uniting with their own kind, and enlarging from the periphery to the center, become Laws (See Diagram No. 6) for the entire executive system.

In order for Power to be always subordinate to its Source (the People), its basis, the atom-generator of Law (Legislative System) must become Primary Collective (community, or kolshchinafrom “kolo (circle) community” – i.e. Advice) in every area/branch of the Company’s life.

To control the executive structures, the Council of the Primary Collective of each sphere/industry elects/appoints captain/commissioner of this community. His task- to be a conductor of a given decision of your Team, to monitor the process of its implementation - right up to its full implementation.

To ensure that each captain/commissioner is always under the control of his team, it is applied the principle of the supremacy of Law and Power of the Soviets. The decision adopted by the Council of the Primary Collective is the Law for the appointed captain and the entire Executive System of this level. If there are grounds for doing so, the Council may revoke its mandate from the Captain and appoint a new one at any time.

In turn, accepted District Council of Primary Captains, A DECISION is a LAW for execution by captains of the Territorial-Sectoral Councils (TSC) of the next level.

And so - to the most central level - the Supreme Council of Public Captains.

They, based on the given decisions by the previous levels of TOS, formulate the General Program for the Development of Society - Law for the entire executive system of the State. (See Diagram No. 6)

The reducer, the point of transition of the Power of the People into the actions of executive structures to implement the Will of the People is the link: Captain/Commissioner of the Society – People's P-Resident.

At the first stages of the formation of the New System, these may be two different persons.

The Captain of the Society is the Commissioner over the P-resident, who controls the course of development of the State according to the Program established by the WHOLE SOCIETY. And the People's P-Resident is the Commander over the entire Executive System of the State, giving it orders and demanding their execution - in strict accordance with the tasks assigned to them.

Henceforth, the Captain of the Society and the President of the State are one and the same person. Internet technologies and competent assistants will allow him to conduct regular orientation/control meetings online with representatives of all executive bodies, represented by their heads - at Council for Development and Security of the State(See Diagram No. 6). And on set days he will report on the work done and the state of affairs in the State - to the Supreme Council of Captains of the Society.

Those, in turn, in a similar way, each in their own industry, are accountable to the Councils of the next level - closer to the main mass. And so - up to the most important, 1st level - the Councils of Primary Collectives. Where every member of a given community is a Sovereign– The source and bearer of Power in the State.

For The Power of the People is the realized Right of EVERY Person to assert their Will and complete and constant Control over its implementation.

Thus, the most important article of the Constitution on the Power of the People becomes a reality - being confirmed by a clear and simple mechanism for its implementation .


THE MAIN FEATURE is the transition from the administrative-territorial principle of the formation of the power of officials - to the territorial-sectoral structure of the system of public self-government. A CLUSTER-NETWORK SYSTEM of Public Self-Government is being built, which makes it possible to realize the Will and Power of each person through a vertical community of like-minded people. At the same time, the reduction of the Power of the People into actions for its implementation by the Executive System of the State occurs thanks to a rigid hierarchical structure - completely controlled by social structures.

More specifically, this is expressed in the following characteristics and principles:

POWER is the inalienable natural right of every citizen, which is not delegated to anyone;

THE PEOPLE, in the person of every citizen, is a SOVEREIGN - THE REAL SOURCE OF POWER in the State.

ALL natural resources (subsoil, water, forests, etc.) and economic potential are in the hands of the People.

ALL STRUCTURES of the State are in complete subordination of the entire People (see diagram No. 6).

Between the BEARER OF POWER (citizen, collective) and the ACT OF ITS FORMATION and further IMPLEMENTATION - direct communication, without intermediaries(politicians, parties).

THE PEOPLE EXERCISE THEIR POWER WITHOUT POLITICIANS and any ELECTIONS, implementing it in a CONSTANT MODE - through the CASCADE “Captain System”, as a NATURAL-LEGAL RIGHT and the free will of each individual - to live and develop in natural conditions, for themselves.

THE MAIN and ACTUAL GENERATOR OF POWER OF INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS OF AUTHORITY is Primary Territory-Industry Team (Council) exercising the power of its members through the CASCADE PRINCIPLE of formation Councils of Public Captains of current levels.

- THE POWER OF EVERYONE is realized through a network territorial-industry vertical socio-economic groups (territorial-municipal, professional, spiritual-creative, etc.) - by electing a “Responsible Captain”, WHOLE AND FULLY responsible to this Council for the implementation of the task, project or program entrusted to him, his colleagues.

PROMOTION OF WORTHY people to leadership positions occurs strictly along the chain, from level to level - under the full control of the Councils that nominated them. This means that the slightest possibility of accidentally getting into legislative or executive bodies at any level disappears for swindlers.

CAPTAIN OF THE TEAM (Council of Teams from...) is the supervisor of the activities of the deputy-manager, with whom the team has a business agreement on consulting their project (at Stage 1). (See Diagram No. 2-c - ). Subsequently, after the organization of the Personnel Training System new formation, The Captains of the Councils themselves become, in essence, direct implementers of the legislative will of their teams, starting from the district level and ending with the Supreme Council of Captains of the Society (see Diagram No. 6).

FORMATION OF PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS is carried out laminarly (not mixed) - through the coherence of single-sectoral projects - from the Primary Collective - to the Central.

THE BODY OF PEOPLE'S AUTHORITY is the United Center Social Development(ECOR), where, using innovations in the field of information Internet technologies, POWER and CONTROL of the Society in the System of Collective CO-Management is EXERCISED DIRECTLY - on a permanent basis. (See DIAGRAMS No. 12-14 -


Today it is customary to demonize the role of the State, considering it responsible for all the troubles of the People.

Therefore, the main Goal of the New System is not the destruction of the State as such, but the creation of the foundations of a real People's State. Those. such an executive structure, which, at each of its levels, will be directly subordinated and fully controlled by public self-government bodies. To make this possible, the fundamental cybernetic model of the structure and development of Nature itself was taken as the basis for the New System of Life Organization and Management of the Society’s body. Specifically, the human body itself. (Remember: “If you want to know the Universe and the laws of the World Order, know yourself, man; “As above, so below, as within, so without...”, etc. – see diagrams No. 10, 22-24 - )

At the same time, representatives of ALL social and economic relations will feel comfortable in the New State. Entrepreneurs will live and provide services to the population within the framework of their system. Communists and community members will be able to live in their own environment - using the potential of cooperative structures and people's corporations. And the socialists will find application for their strength in the Planned Economy - developing the State Sector of the Economy (general transport, industry, etc.). Role of the State at the same time it comes down to DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION between all participants in socio-economic interaction; provision of administrative services to citizens and organizations; organizing the safety of the general infrastructure of life; etc. (See Diagrams No. 8, 9 - ). This topic is covered in more detail here:

Implementation methods

Basic implementation methods - organizational and informational educational work:

Speech by Democracy activists on all possible TV programs, radio, etc.;

Placing articles on this topic in the press, Internet publications, etc.;

Production of own information media: newspapers, leaflets, PC disks, video cassettes;

Work with power holders (Primary Number) on the ground - in homes, schools, factories, etc.

Involving youth, veterans, etc. in cooperation. organizations;

Other events.

We must understand - the death of the old system and the accession of the new will happen in any case.

And if people don’t have a clear and understandable way to peacefully achieve the desired changes in their heads, they will take theirs by force. And, as always in such cases, like a jack-in-the-box, all sorts of false leaders of the revolution will immediately appear - swindlers of various stripes who will once again try to lead people away from the Truth. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary that knowledge about the mechanism of real democracy and, most importantly, the very image of the New System, DESIRED by them, firmly reigns in their minds and hearts.

Therefore, now There is only one Path to peaceful becoming foundations of Real Democracy.

This, Firstly, mass education of the People regarding Their original rights to Power in the State, plus training people in the mechanism of its implementation and control.

A, Secondly, the use of all existing opportunities in this regard - in the form of participation in elections to all legislative bodies (plus presidential ones).

In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to involve all the constructive forces of the Society in this process. Because only the Idea that is supported by the masses becomes a reality.


Today, the Power of the People is nothing more than a “Constitutional Theory” - not supported by a practical mechanism for implementation. In practice, the entire system associated with the functioning of “democratic institutions” is purely a sham, an imitation. Only the Executive System really functions - subordinate to the authoritarian will of the P-resident and the political and financial force (internal and external) that left him. And this situation will continue as long as the People will continue to remain powerlessly disunited and ignorant of the real mechanisms for implementing their primordial Power. Those the basis of everything is the enlightenment of the Society and the presence of an Asset ready for action.

And, therefore, first of all, need to create Primary Asset Base future transformations.

And also the working structure itself, capable of uniting the potential of the participants and directing their efforts into a single direction of reasonable and thoughtful actions.

The following are expected to participate as participants and constructive forces:

Really pro-people public leaders (both from NGOs and small parties);

Supporters and sympathizers of the People's Power - political scientists and publicists;

Honest journalists capable of translating the logic of the Concept into clear images of the Living Word;

Progressive editors and media workers;

Scientists, scientists in all its fields;

Entrepreneurs and leaders of their movements;

Trade unions and their leaders;

All the rest are citizens who have “seen the light”, ready to become an active Active of the People’s Power.

As the Driving Organized Force and the main mechanism for creating the New System, the creation of a single Socio-Political UNION - “For Democracy” - is proposed.

Main Objective of the UNION - to raise a CONSCIOUS CITIZEN, to instill in him a sense of the Master of his life, land, country. To form in him a new, spiritual and moral worldview. Make him an Active Member of the New Society - a real Source of Power in the State.

Main Purpose of the UNION – creation of the State of Real Democracy. Based on the proposed schemes and using all the possibilities of existing legislation, carry out, if possible, peacefully all the necessary reforms and transformations.

MainWhat the leaders and the elite of the Society must understand is that radical changes in the State in favor of all the People are INEVITABLE. This will not happen peacefully - people will be forced to take up axes and pitchforks. Therefore, it will be much wiser for them to use their chance to enter New System- without losing your face, and everything else too. Moreover, the proposed System of Public Self-Government (Direct Real Democracy) does not deprive anyone of the right to live within the framework of their views and natural interests - among their like-minded people.


All of the above makes sense and will be realized only if a person’s consciousness changes. The transition from its current demonic-egoistic (spiritually-materialistic) level - to knowledge and life according to the real Laws and Principles of Development of all intelligent systems of the Universe. From his mastery of a new, spiritual and moral worldview, connecting together physical world and the interests of the earthly essence of man - with its spiritual, cosmic component. (See - For the Earthly World is nothing more than a School of maturation for the souls of New Creators. Creators created in the image and likeness of their Creator. Creators of New Worlds - in the infinity of space and time of the Unified Universe. (See Diagrams No. 1 and 2 - ) .

And as in every School, in order to pass the exam and gain access to a New and Free Life on Earth, a person must first acquire ALL KNOWLEDGE about the laws and principles of the harmonious development of all living things. And, of course, knowledge about what and how this development can slow down - if you move away from these laws. And only the symbiosis of experience (history) and the ability to plan and implement the desired future gives rise to the synergy of the fullness of a happy, fair and harmonious life.

Thus, all that remains for us is to know the real past, foresee the desired future, and arrange all our thoughts and actions in accordance with the General Laws of the Universe.

(See diagrams No. 3, No. 4 - )


Please consider this Concept only as a working model– as a basis for further optimization, both in content and in the form of presentation – between all interested parties.

Thanks to maximum versatilitythe topics outlined to existing realities, this Concept can be taken as the basis for the activities of any political and ideological groups - whose words and actions are aimed at creating real conditions for the prosperity and development of man and society.

The main thing to remember is that it is stated Social-Natural Model structure and development of the Company – Natural Essence harmonious Life– equally suitable for any spheres of social, national, etc. consciousness. Those. outlines the Principle Scheme of the structure, management and development of the Organism of Society - as a GENERAL-national (civilizational) Idea of ​​Development for all humanity.

Whereinnational-cultural programs (communities that self-identify as ethnic: “Ukrainians”, “Russians”, “Georgians”, “Germans”, etc.) are compiled in line accepted traditions, culture, customs, etc. – each nation independently. And not one of them encroaches on the rights of the others. The principle proposed by the Ukrainian poet Taras appliesohmShevchenko: “Every house has its own truth and will” . This principle will allow everyone who wants to live according to their national culture to unite with their fellow tribesmen, and live and speak as it pleases their heart and soul. But, at the same time, not a single nation or people will impose its dogmas on those around them - those who want to live within the framework of their cultural and ethnic environment: “...And they will reforge (people) their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not raise sword against nation, and they will no longer learn to fight. But each one will sit under his own vine and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid...” (Book of the Prophet Micah, chapter 4, verse 3,4). So NATIONALISTS will gain the long-awaited right to lead their people along the path of the traditions of their ancestors - without entering into conflicts with other “dissidents”.

POLITICAL FORCES those declaring a PRO-PEOPLE position will be able to prove in practice their commitment to the ideals of real democracy. At the second stage of reforms, they will be transformed into consulting structures, whose task will be to implement development programs for territorial and sectoral teams, with whom they will have a contract and an Employment Agreement.

MONARCHISTSwill have at their disposal the desired system that allows them to place a Tsar at the head of the Power - the Absolute Monarch for the entire Executive System (Captain of Society). But at the same time completely subordinate to the Will and interests of the entire People. And this will not be some “blue-blooded heir to the throne” - but a real People’s Tsar - elected by all the People. And at the same time, exactly for the period that he is ready to serve himself, or until the Master-People decides to install a new one.

ANARCHISTScan also rightfully consider this System theirs. For there will no longer be a hierarchy of power over the Society. But, the People themselves will now be the Power over the officials - remaining free and free, where everyone is their own master.

KOB members– supporters of General Petrov K.P. they get the essence of what they want: the most worthy of the best leaders of Society becomes the Predictor of the State. At the same time, all levels of the formation of the Legislative Power of the Society and the Executive System will be supervised by Scientific Expert Councils (from among the wisest scientists and public figures). And security will be provided by the Integrated Public Security Service (S-KOB) - in the formation and work of which they can take a direct part.

ESOTERICAwill become the vanguard of the Society - “looking beyond the horizon.” Their intuition, knowledge and ability to foresight will play a decisive role in drawing up a development STRATEGY for the future.

ALL OTHER PUBLIC GROUPS those who want to build their lives according to their own will and truth will receive everything for this the necessary conditions- but with general “freedom, equality and fraternity” - with all other members of the Society.

Thus, The Natural-Social Model of the New World and the Mechanism of Direct Democracy is a common, universal basis. It allows everyone to create their own individual socio-economic, cultural, etc. space - within the framework of the United People's State. On this moment– for each of those existing in the world. In the near future - a COMMON-Planetary - Ecological Spiritually-Unified World. And today this is no longer a utopia, but a real necessity and immediate reality. And how quickly all this will come true depends on each of us.


More details here:​.2011).doc.html(download)

Or read here: parts 1 and 2

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