What do you dream about pregnancy with a girl, verified. What you dream about pregnancy: several options. When you really want it, then you dream: what does it mean to see children in a dream?

Oneirology is a science that studies dreams. Entire treatises have been written about prophetic visions. Known real cases when dreams helped in life. Dreams have been mentioned in all known religions since antiquity. There is a description of how Maha Maya, the woman who gave birth to Buddha, saw a white elephant in a dream before he was conceived. The Koran states that Amina bint Wahb saw a vision of growing green Tree. Such a dream predicted an imminent conception.

IN Christian religion conception and birth were always foreshadowed through vision. And not necessarily such mothers. The birth of the Virgin Mary is prophesied to her father Joachim. And the next day to his wife Anna. Although these were elderly people and no longer hoped for the miracle of the birth of a child.

Humanity is accustomed to looking for explanations for its visions. The first mention of dream interpreters appeared on papyri ancient egypt. There are entire treatises devoted to the symbolism of night visions, foreshadowing important events: marriage, conception, birth.

Young girls and women, by the nature of their subconscious, are focused on motherhood. The debate over whether dreams can foretell pregnancy has not been going on for a long time. After such a vision, the woman wakes up with a persistent feeling of imminent conception.

What dreams portend pregnancy? Let's figure it out now.


First of all, great importance is attached to dreams with live fish. Pictures in which she is present in a pond can be regarded as a sign to a young girl that she will soon conceive. The surest sign is considered to be when conversations are being conducted with the fish, the tongue is shown, accompanied by a smile or laughter.

Catching this river inhabitant with bare hands in clean, clear water is another undeniable sign. Usually these kinds of dreams foreshadow a twin pregnancy. And if the catch is successful and more than one fish is caught, then the number of individuals predicts the number of children the woman will have in her life.

Buying a living river inhabitant from a male or female seller is a hint about the gender of the child. What else determines whether a girl or a boy will be born? The gender is also indicated by the type of fish. Perch, carp or carp symbolize a boy, burbot, catfish and pike are a hint of the appearance of a girl.

Sometimes a close relative (mother or sister), who is not expecting a new baby, may have a prophetic dream. A fish swimming towards the raging mother makes it clear who the message is intended for. What does it mean to talk with a friend on the shore of a pond with splashing carp or trout? Such a dream symbolizes for a girl not her pregnancy, but the one with whom the conversation was held.

Fried fish can also mean a hint of pregnancy. But in this case it must be tasty and juicy. The fried fish should be eaten directly by the girl or her chosen one. A clearer sign will be if you dream of sharing a meal with a dish.

A man may dream about a pregnancy of a friend or wife. Usually these are dreams about a pond with clear water, in which there are a lot of fish. It’s especially good if she splashes happily and jumps out of the water. Another prophetic vision is fishing with a rich catch, where fish are removed from the hook with bare hands.

It happens that in a dream there is both a body of water and its inhabitants, but it is interpreted as negative dream. The fish was caught by the girl, but missed (slipped out of her hands), such a message foreshadows a miscarriage. But still, even if you saw this, you shouldn’t get upset and set yourself up for negativity.


What else can dreams that foreshadow pregnancy depict, besides fish? Visions related to water. For example, being on the shore of a clear reservoir and seeing the bottom, wading a river or stream with a calm current. Wash with cold clear water. And also see a pool, bath, pond, aquarium with clean, unclouded water.

Talk about an interesting situation

You may have a dream about visiting a gynecologist, where good news is announced. Or an ultrasound procedure showing the presence of a fetus. In such visions, the gender of the child is sometimes pronounced and the date of birth is indicated. Some mothers even recognize the baby's name. It’s good if in such dreams there is bright light, a pleasant atmosphere, smiles on the faces of the interlocutors, or the presence of joyful notes in the voice.


Dreams in which eggs are taken from under a chicken or come out of a chicken coop with them in their hands, as well as shopping or browsing in a store are symbols of imminent pregnancy.

Their number in such visions does not in any way indicate the number of children. If you break an egg in a dream, this warns of the possibility of a miscarriage.


IN folk beliefs this bird most likely migrated from the prophetic stork - a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. The Finns, the Irish, the Greeks and the inhabitants of modern Egypt believe this.

Round objects

Playing volleyball or basketball in a dream are signs of a future pregnancy. Football is not included in this category; in a dream, the ball must be handled with your hands. This also includes playing bowling in a dream, where you can find out the gender of the child by the number of pins (even indicates a boy, and odd indicates a girl).


Visions in which children are present do not mean that this is a dream foreshadowing pregnancy. These are often experienced by pregnant women who are worried about the outcome of childbirth. In these dreams, the mother can see the color of the hair, hear the voice and understand what gender the child is. The age of the child can be very different. Sometimes such a dream is not immediately remembered. After birth, at a certain stage, at some point the vision emerges in memory and the mother vaguely remembers that she has already seen and experienced this somewhere.


Dolphin is a symbol of joy, happiness and good news. For women who have problems conceiving, this sea creature means long-awaited good news. It's good if you swim in the sea, pet and hug a dolphin. If you see this animal performing tricks in the pool, this should be taken as a sign that you should change your environment, agree to move or change jobs.


Apples are a symbol of joyful excitement and abundance. Red fruits in green foliage mean that well-being is not in danger. A beautiful dream about blossoming apple trees, symbolizing a big harvest, is a dream for a successful birth. Collecting ripe apples in the hem of a dress means early conception.


The pomegranate tree and fruits in Greece are still considered a symbol of fertility to this day. In dream books they are described as a symbol of the birth of a new life. But only if you pick a pomegranate. If there are grains of such a fruit in a dream, then this foreshadows temptations and enticements.


Watermelons symbolize the mother's womb. But not all interpreters come to a consensus on this matter. IN biblical interpretations this berry is a harbinger of imminent conception. There is a modern interpretation of if you saw a watermelon in a dream. Why do you dream about such a berry? There are two explanations for this. For young girls, such a dream speaks of imminent marriage. For patients, such a vision promises a quick recovery and recovery. For men who are busy with business and affairs, dreams with this berry promise a quick receipt of goods or money. What does it mean to choose a watermelon at the market in a dream? Why do you dream like this? For women - to gossip and gossip, for men - to clashes and conflicts at work.


Doesn't really like mice feminine. And they don’t like to see them in their dreams; to them it seems like an omen of trouble. Although everything is quite the opposite. Seeing a small mouse in a dream, like chickens, hares, puppies, means children. Another interpretation of such a vision is their early appearance. Children's toys of any kind, as well as seeing a toy mouse in a dream for a woman with children, means another addition.


Dreams in which mushrooms are picked are equally a good sign for men and women. Couples who are already desperate to have children dream of mushrooms as a symbol of reward for patience. For young people, such a dream is a hint of an active sex life, which can lead to pregnancy of the partner. Therefore, if you are not planning to have children yet, do not forget to protect yourself.


Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream does not mean at all that it is a prophetic dream. Our subconscious rarely sends clear and clear images that take place in real life.

But seeing a pregnant friend in a dream is a sign that, most likely, the dream will come true. This girl will soon find out about her situation or share the good news with you. For unmarried ladies, dreams in which they are pregnant signify deception and warn of danger. For a married woman, this vision is interpreted differently: it means an imminent major purchase.

Seeing an unfamiliar pregnant woman in a dream means profit and prosperity in the family.

Giving birth in a dream is good sign for women making plans for the future. The dream means that everything will come true, but you will have to suffer. Taking birth from another woman is a hint of imminent difficulties and problems. Sometimes pregnancy dreams of a salary increase or an inheritance.


What other dream can you see that foreshadows pregnancy? A vision in which there are spiders. Also, a dream in which a cobweb fell on your head is a harbinger of pregnancy. Butterflies are also considered to be harbingers of conception.


Some flowers seen in dreams are attributed to the meaning of an early pregnancy.

For example, a lotus flower on the surface of the water or when they go into the water and pick flowers. Cornflower is a sign of an upcoming interesting situation. Therefore, if you have had a beautiful dream where they present you with a whole bouquet of cornflowers or forget-me-nots, you can prepare for an addition.

Objects seen briefly

There are also a number of indirect hints about an imminent joyful event. This includes objects seen briefly, on which attention was not focused.

This could be a baby rattle, crib, toy doll, baby vest, booties, pacifier, baby bottle. Pregnancy also dreams of choosing a new dress, especially if it is blue, as well as peace, tranquility in the house and a pleasant feeling of someone's presence.

Emotions at the moment of awakening

The emotional situation at the moment of awakening is very important. A feeling of joy and good mood is the best indicator that the dream is positive. But the feeling of anxiety at the moment of awakening is not always an indicator of bad events in the near future. Perhaps your fears and concerns that you try to suppress find expression in your dreams. Maybe you should drink a soothing decoction before bed, take a warm bath, and help your body relax as much as possible. Peace in your soul will bring peace to your dreams.

The famous astrologer and soothsayer Nostradamus saw a large number of prophetic dreams. He explained this by a heightened sense of his intuition. He attributed these abilities to one degree or another to all humanity. We see hints of many events in our dreams, but we discard them in the morning, considering them unnecessary information.


Now you know what kind of dream you can have that foreshadows pregnancy. But such visions cannot be called a standard. Each consciousness is individual. Some people can't wait to hear good news, while others are afraid of possible conception. All these emotions migrate to our subconscious. And we begin to see what we desire or what we are afraid of.

Dreams allow you to learn about changes in life, including an imminent replenishment. There are several signs interpreted as a sign of pregnancy. It is generally accepted that dreams foreshadow pregnancy already in the early stages, pushing a woman to active actions. Thus, a dream in which a fish appears is popularly called one of the surest signs of a speedy addition to the family. But there are many other options pointing to this joyful event. Some of them will be discussed further.

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      Water and everything connected with it

      Since ancient times, water has meant life, and in dreams it always means change. Often this speaks of a specific event - the birth of a child. Conceiving a child means the birth of a new life, and water in dreams confirms this. If the dreamer swims in water, and especially swims in a lake, pregnancy is not far off . But various water bodies can appear at a later stage, when a woman is about to give birth. Sometimes a future father can dream of a pond.

      • Traditionally, the first harbingers of conception are dreams associated with fish. By the way, Sigmund Freud himself agreed with this interpretation. Catching fish with bare hands in clean water is also a harbinger of imminent conception. This picture also shows the number of children that will be born. Very often, women who are about to give birth to twins have a vision. A dream in which a girl caught a fish in the water with her hands, but it slipped out of her hands and dives back into the pond, is interpreted by the dream book as a future miscarriage or forced abortion.

        Buy live fish in a dream is also a sign notifying the young lady of an upcoming interesting situation. It is worth remembering who the fish is bought from, men or women: the dream indicates the gender of the unborn child.

        Family and Children

        Women in this position quite often dream of her family and children. If expectant mothers dream of her walking arm in arm with a boy and a girl, then there is a high probability of having twins. A sign of a long-awaited pregnancy is a dream in which the father plays with the baby. The picture of a family idyll, when the father and mother stand together at the child’s crib, has a similar meaning.

        Occasionally, a young mother is visited in her dreams by visions of her already grown children. In such a dream, a woman sees the life of a child from the outside, but always knows for sure that this adult is her son or daughter. Childbirth, like pregnancy, evokes strong emotions in a young mother, so dreams about future children are always vivid.

        A little funny, but still indicating the birth of a new life, are dreams in which a woman sees a ball, a balloon or a watermelon, which symbolizes a large belly during pregnancy.

        Egg as a sign of motherhood

        Eggs are called one of the surest harbingers of the imminent birth of a baby. Usually a pregnant woman simply dreams of eggs, sometimes of chicks hatching from them. If the eggs break, then most dream books agree that such a sign usually means bad news, even troubles.

        The egg itself is a sign of the origin of life, where the shell means the safety and security of the offspring. If such a structure is disrupted, then there is reason to believe that imminent events will harm the future addition to the family.

        Time or clock

        In dreams, clocks are harbingers of change, indicating both the birth of a new life and the end of an old one. This does not necessarily mean death or illness, but it is still worth coming to terms with quick changes, because in the near future a woman’s life will change dramatically.

        If in the dream there are hands that reach out to the girl, then this can be interpreted as outside intervention, assistance in the birth of a new person.

        Cabbage and other vegetables or fruits

        According to Long's dream book, if a girl dreamed of cabbage after she got married, then she is probably already expecting a baby. The core of cabbage is considered a symbol of life hidden from the outside world, which can be interpreted as pregnancy.

        In addition to cabbage, watermelon, apples, pomegranate and mushrooms are signs of pregnancy for a woman. The latter mean a reward for a woman who has been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for a long period of time. In the east, pomegranate is considered the fruit of life, and the large number of seeds it contains is a symbol of offspring. Apples have the same meaning, but in Western culture.

Dreams are the true key to the subconscious. With their help, they learn about upcoming events, including imminent motherhood. Thanks to natural intuition, girls are able to independently interpret such signs, but information about what dreams they have about pregnancy will be useful to them.

Walking on water

Warnings about imminent motherhood are varied. A sure signal for a woman is dreams about water - a symbol of life and fertility. In them, the expectant mother can swim in the river, wander barefoot on its surface, or watch what is happening at the bottom.

But there is only one condition: similar dreams They talk about pregnancy only if the pond is crystal clear. In this case, the source of moisture can be anything - from an aquarium to seething mountain rapids.

Fishing with bare hands

This category of dreams is the most common. Our grandmothers also predicted long-awaited motherhood from them, and catching a fish in a dream indicated the appearance of twins. However, if a woman could not hold the catch in her hands, failure awaited her - an early miscarriage or abortion.

Buying live fish in a dream is another sign of imminent pregnancy. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the gender of the seller - he will tell the girl who will be born.


Psychologists believe that the image of a child in a dream and the events associated with it are just the fruit of experiences caused by strong desire have offspring. But already accomplished mothers unanimously say: children and a successful birth of a child are dreamed of before conception. Moreover, often a woman gives birth not to a baby, but soft toy or animal.

Dreams in which a child is brought into the house by an acquaintance or close person- a harbinger of a long-awaited pregnancy. Such images usually appear to those who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for a long time. The children in them can be of any age and completely different from their future parents, but it’s worth taking a closer look at them anyway: the dreamer’s child will also receive some traits.

Voices from outside

If unknown people speak to a woman in a dream or she does not see the source of the sound at all, she should listen to the content of the speech. This is how they learn about the date of an upcoming event or the resolution of an exciting situation. But such “prophecies” happen quite rarely, so few people rely on them.

A happy family

When Morpheus brings images of a house full of harmony and love to one of the married couple, this is usually interpreted as a hint of an imminent addition to the family. The pictures in these cases appear different: from gatherings by the fireplace to walks in the forest. The main thing is the cozy atmosphere of what is happening.

Although in some cases such dreams are just a game of the subconscious, which thus projects what it wants into “reality.”


Women often dream of baby animals straying from their mother. In a dream, the girl clearly feels the desire to protect and warm the poor fellow. This feeling is similar to the instincts that awaken in a woman after birth. own child. It is believed that such a sign prepares the dreamer for the upcoming care of the new generation and gives a hint of future motherhood.

Other dreams that are harbingers of pregnancy

In dream books there are many examples, the interpretation of which contains references to the imminent appearance of a child. But not all of them are as popular as the ones listed above.

Often in a woman’s dreams, she sees images and symbols that she herself associates with the process of pregnancy and childbirth. If a girl is sure that there is no more accurate symbol than fish, that is what she will see in her dream.

However, other options are also possible:

  • Harvest (joyful excitement, promise of reward for efforts to those who actively tried to conceive a child);
  • Chicken eggs are a symbol of fertility and successful resolution of a burden in the future;
  • A broken egg means a threat to the fetus, a warning about miscarriage;
  • Chickens (these brooding birds are strongly associated with caring for children, which is why some girls dream of them shortly before conception);
  • Children's things and toys are a very clear symbol of motherhood.

To make the forecast more accurate, you need to pay attention to the details of what is happening and trust your intuition, because without this, any dream loses its meaning. And, of course, such signs should be assessed in accordance with the current situation in her personal life and the woman’s desire to have children during this period.

What dreams portend paternity for a man?

It's not just women who are receiving warnings of impending changes. A man can also act as an intermediary for a harbinger dream.

The elements that predict early fatherhood are the same:

In addition, the future father may see a whirlwind, roaring flames or a storm. Any images associated with natural disasters are associated with the partner’s pregnancy and the destruction of the previous way of life. The subconscious, as a rule, gives such pictures to those men who are not yet ready to nurse their own children. Therefore, these dreams are usually regarded as a warning and a call for caution.

Dreams foreshadowing the imminent arrival of grandchildren

Cases when parents receive a signal about their daughter's upcoming situation are very rare. But this happens if grandchildren are an extremely anticipated event for them.

The girl's mother is more likely to see her daughter in position, a generous catch, round vegetables or fruits.

And for a man such a joyful event is predicted by dreams, where unfamiliar voices tell him this news. In addition to the parents of the expectant mother, close relatives also receive such signs.

In the specialized literature there are other interpretations of the elements described above. So, seeing your daughter’s pregnancy in a dream means unexpected good news, the appearance of a wealthy son-in-law, or the purchase of living space.

Dream atmosphere

The mood of the images sent by the subconscious plays a major role. Dreams foreshadowing pregnancy bring a feeling of peace and an invisible but long-awaited presence.

The dreams of future fathers, on the contrary, present pictures that cause fear or great excitement. Every tenth man calls them nightmarish, and only a few characterize these images as positive.

Sleep is a person’s natural state of rest. This physiological process puts the brain into a state of minimal activity, allowing the entire body to rest. Basically, in dreams we experience recently happened events or our hidden desires. And here, Not everyone knows what they dream about pregnancy and they can’t always make out the signs being sent. Let's try to figure out who and what comes to pregnant women in their dreams.

Should we believe or not the warning signs of pregnancy?

Opinions are quite different and no one can say unequivocally whether one should believe in dreams foreshadowing pregnancy. After all, if you look at it, dreams are mirror reflection subconscious. And it stores:

  • all kinds of fears;
  • subconscious beliefs;
  • hidden desires;
  • immodest fantasies.

All this manifests itself in a dream in an incomprehensible form. Many women, having learned that they are pregnant, remember that on the eve of this event they actually dreamed of certain harbingers, which we will discuss below.

Fish is considered to be a harbinger of a joyful event called pregnancy, but not all women see it. And many claim that they dream about fish before their periods. Therefore, it should not be argued that the sign of pregnancy in a dream - a fish - should be interpreted unambiguously as pregnancy.

It should also be noted that the signs and symbols in different dream books are interpreted differently. Therefore, when highlighting the harbingers of pregnancy that come in dreams, we took into account the reviews of already happy mothers.

What kind of prediction dreams can an expectant mother see?

What do you dream about pregnancy? Prediction dreams are rare, and only 3% of people living on our planet can see them. Experts say that a prophetic dream is previously recorded information, put aside by our brain “for later.” Therefore, it is generally accepted that it is the subconscious readiness of a female person to become a mother plus interruptions in hormonal levels during pregnancy that encourage brain activity“give out secret signs” in a dream. Recognize what you dream about pregnancy and what is just simple pictures popping up in the subconscious is not easy.

A classic of the genre - dreaming of fish!

The sign of pregnancy, Pisces, is the most popular. It is this that is considered a harbinger of pregnancy, but the main thing is to correctly interpret all the signs that you dream about. In various dream books, dreamed fish are explained as profit, meeting love, exposing a traitor, etc.

Since ancient times, a live fish dreamed of by a girl or woman of childbearing age foreshadowed “offspring,” that is, profit in the form of a fetus. The main condition was to see live fish, but where and how (catch, buy, watch) is no longer so important. It was also noted that the boy dreams of:

  1. carp;
  2. carp;
  3. crucian carp

And the girl says:

  1. pike;
  2. killer whale.

Even caviar can mean an early conception. Correct interpretation can tell not only about the sex of the child, but also about the course of pregnancy and the number of children.
Officially, cases were recorded when a man had a prophetic dream with a fish, and subsequently it turned out that his wife was pregnant.

When you really want to, then you dream: what does it mean to see children in a dream?

Probably everyone knows that little boys dream of troubles, and girls - of surprise. But how can dreams of children notify you of pregnancy? According to dream books, seeing the following pictures in a dream foretells imminent motherhood.

  1. Walk with your baby by the hand down the street.
  2. Play catch and other games related to chasing each other.
  3. Have fun, tickle, swing both in your arms and on a swing.
  4. Accept a child as a gift from your husband or find him on the street.
  5. Seeing yourself pregnant and giving birth to a newborn.

All actions occur with an increased experience of emotions - this is due to an increase in hormonal levels. Very often, mothers who have seen such harbingers in life experience “déjà vu,” since the lost moment in the dream (except for the husband’s gift) occurs in real life.

Dreams with children contain a rather deep subtext and carry many clues that indicate a boy or a girl, the time of birth (winter, summer) and more. For example, choosing clothes for your baby by color, red/blue, indicates the gender of the child.

Our smaller brothers are animals!

If you dream about animals, then quite often in a short period of time a woman learns about her situation. Mostly, the replenishment of baby animals (puppies, kittens) is foreshadowed. Although dream books write that such dreams are associated with minor worries, in young girls these worries arise with the onset of pregnancy.

These rules also apply to birds with eggs. Seeing a stork means expecting a gift in the form of a baby. It is not for nothing that this bird brings newborns into the house. A man who dreams of a stork is already ready for fatherhood and his parental instinct has awakened.

Eggs - to profit, which is regarded as a replenishment. If the eggs are broken, then it is quite possible that the gestation process may be interrupted.

Water is a symbol of life!

Our great-grandmothers also said that:

  • see clean water- this is for good, profit, health;
  • swim in muddy or dirty water- to losses, illnesses, losses.

Because water is the personification of life, natural renewal processes, the cradle of all living things. Motherhood is associated with water, since the child lives inside the mother in an aquatic environment. Many people associate water with pregnancy, since there is often a fish swimming in clean water, which is the main harbinger of an early conception.

It may be that the father is having a prophetic dream related to water, but here it is necessary to make a reservation - avid fishermen constantly dream about clean water and a huge catch.

Water can be dreamed of as a sea, a river, and sometimes in an aquarium or glass. The question still remains open, because it is very difficult to consider water as a symbol of conception.

An idyll in the family – a child is “on the doorstep”!

Usually such dreams occur to couples who do not yet have children. A dream filled with harmony, care, and love may carry news of an imminent pregnancy. The dream conveys not only the relationship between people who love each other, but also harmony with the surrounding world, beautiful nature, measured life. At such moments the sleeper is overwhelmed by sleep positive energy. Conception is indicated by a persistent joyful feeling of the presence of a third participant - this could be a child, animals, or even a teddy bear.

What do you dream about pregnancy?? Symbols and signs that will surprise!

Usually associated with the imminent arrival of a baby are dreams that evoke thoughts about a newborn. Since every woman has “her own cockroaches” in her head, there are a lot of symbols that directly or somehow indirectly indicate a possible conception. We will present the most popular ones in our opinion, since in dream books, every fifth sign is, in one way or another, associated with pregnancy.

1. Cabbage. For representatives of the fairer sex who have recently gotten married, such a sign indicates that conception has already taken place.

2. Dolphin. Of course, you can call it a fish and not explain anything else, but this is a mammal that “came” to prophetic dream, brings happiness and fun. What can make a woman happier than having a child?

3. Place the nails in a box. Such actions indicate the birth of something new within you. Therefore, such a dream may indicate conception.

4. Pick mushrooms. This sign is interpreted from two positions:

  • firstly, a long search for mushrooms will be crowned with success. So the long-awaited pregnancy will come;
  • secondly, fungal spores are associated with active sexual life, and sooner or later it will lead to conception.

5. Voice from the underworld. For some reason, such dreams are considered prophetic. Someone in light clothes, very often, a deceased relative comes to the expectant mother and talks about the joy of conception, which will happen soon or has already happened.

6. Menstruation. As they say, what you dream must be perceived in reverse. So, seeing your period in a dream means adding to your family.

7. Items with a round shape. Such dreams are called “round”; objects with this shape are usually small. You may dream of peas and beans, which symbolize the “embryo” placed in the “womb” of the mother, which in a dream looks like a jar or box.

8. Spider weaving a web. It symbolizes nesting, which usually begins after two stripes on the test.

9. Seeing two paired, identical objects means getting twins. These items can be different - from two chickens to two bicycles.

10. Apples. It is impossible to directly connect this fruit and pregnancy. It’s just that many women, when asked what they dreamed about pregnancy, answered – apples.

There are no universal dreams that foretell pregnancy. When interpreting the signs and harbingers of pregnancy, an individual approach to each dream is very important.

Author of the publication: Margarita Ignatova

Dreams often foreshadow important events, including pregnancy. Many people know that the appearance of a fish in a dream promises the birth of a baby, but this is far from the only option that carries such news. So, what dreams do you have about pregnancy?

Fish in a dream

Visions can be varied and differ significantly from each other. It all also depends on how much the girl believes in the power of the images that appear during a dream. Religion has its own views on this matter. Many scientists are debating whether this theory is true.

The most common symbol that foreshadows conception is the fish. If a woman sees herself fishing, most likely she will soon become a mother. Fish is dreamed of by those who have long dreamed of experiencing the happiness of motherhood. If you think a lot about raw fish, it is possible that you will dream about it, and this will in no way symbolize the birth of a child. Statistics show that, in general, such dreams are true.

The presence of fish can manifest itself in different ways; a girl can see the following images:

  1. Contemplation of a swimming fish in a clear pond. Most often, such a vision speaks of the process of gestation that has already begun. Also, at the time of dreaming, various interesting actions occur. A woman can laugh with a fish, talk with it and much more.
  2. Catching fish with your hands in a clear body of water portends an imminent conception. Here you can also see how many babies there will be. Such dreams, as a rule, occur to those mothers who will have two children at once. If the catch slips out of your hands, this may mean a miscarriage or forced disposal of the child.
  3. Fish dreams of pregnancy and when a woman buys it. And depending on whether the seller is a man or a woman, it is possible to determine who will be born.
  4. Sometimes, such images may not be dreamed by the expectant mother, but by those around her. Most often, this category includes women: friends, mother or sisters. As a rule, in such dreams it is clear who will soon have a baby.
  5. Also a symbol of the birth of a child can be Fried fish, which the girl or her man eats.

In some cases, such symbols are dreamed of by men whose spouse will soon become pregnant. In such a dream, the future father sees a pond in which there are a lot of fish or there is an opportunity to get a good catch.

What can water mean in dreams?

Dreams that foretell pregnancy do not in all cases appear in the form of a fish. Very often, this is water, which is the messenger of the cradle and motherhood. Representatives of the fair sex, before they become pregnant, have the following dreams:

  • A sign of the appearance of a baby is often a dream of a clean pond in which floating animals are visible.
  • Fording a river in a dream brings similar news.
  • The birth of a new life is often symbolized by washing with clean water.
  • Sometimes a man dreams about the birth of a baby when he sees a clean pond, pool or aquarium. This means that his wife will soon become a mother.

According to scientists, water is considered an ancient symbol of life. This is due to the fact that it was in water that the human principle was born. That is why dreams associated with clean water speak of the beginning of a new life. They sometimes come both to the woman herself and to her loved ones. All actions that take place are accompanied by a feeling of happiness, peace and inner peace.

Children in a dream

What dreams portend pregnancy depends on what sensations the expectant mother experiences. Sometimes they appear in the form of children. Many experts say that a dream in which a woman sees herself pregnant or even the birth of a baby is not at all an indicator that this will happen in reality.

Although very often, pregnant women dream of childbirth, but this speaks more about their experiences expectant mother. If a young girl dreams about something like this, it is likely that this is a kind of warning about a possible pregnancy.

The main harbingers of the birth of a baby include the following events:

  1. If a girl sees her own children, who have not even been born yet, it is likely that there will soon be a new addition to the family.
  2. Sometimes it is possible to discern the gender of the unborn baby and even his appearance. Some can watch the baby's actions and hear his voice. Sometimes during childbirth, the mother experiences the feeling that she has already seen these events, which is a sign of prophetic dreams.
  3. Sometimes a woman dreams of playing with a child, running after him or leading him by the hand. In a dream, a girl can roll her baby on a swing, tickle him, catch him, or just play with him.
  4. The images that come are accompanied by joy and happiness. There is also sometimes a feeling of fear, panic and discomfort. This not only symbolizes an interesting position, but also a surge in hormones, which is an integral part of the process of gestation.
  5. For those who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, but have been unsuccessful, the image of a baby will bring good news. As a rule, in a dream it is simply left or given as a gift.

Not everyone sees events in dreams as prophetic. Even if a woman dreams of children and pregnancy, this is not always true in real life.

Family idyll in a dream

Dreams before pregnancy very often appear in the form of good family relations. The list of main events includes:

  • Quiet family evenings.
  • Walking through a meadow or forest.
  • Peace and tranquility in the home.
  • Lack of conflicts in the family and harmony.
  • Relaxation by the sea and in the garden.

The difference between such dreams and others is a feeling of calm and tranquility. Often, some animal may be present in a dream (fish, dog, cat, bird, etc.), everything that happens in a dream is very cute and brings happiness. Often, when feeling such emotions, a girl may soon find out about an interesting situation.

It is very important that a woman is with her loved one and is filled with the most pleasant feelings. At the same time, she should feel great love and peace. Many girls see ideal family relationships with various developing plots. For example, they walk with their loved ones on the beach, sit in a beautiful garden or in another beautiful place.

It is important to pay attention to what you dream about so that in the morning you can correctly interpret everything that is happening and draw conclusions.

Other harbingers

Many people wonder what they dream about before pregnancy? This is especially interesting for young girls and women who want to become a mother. The dream book can tell a lot, including about joyful events that foreshadow the appearance of a baby. Images symbolizing the birth of a baby include:

  1. Often a symbol of motherhood is a watermelon, which a young girl eats with gusto. It can also be any other juicy and ripe fruit.
  2. The birth of a baby is indicated by various animals in a dream, for example, a duck, chicken, mouse, mole or some other rodent. It can also be duck or chicken.
  3. Hunting or watching animals can symbolize the birth of a child.
  4. Some expectant mothers may dream of going to the forest, where they pick berries and mushrooms. It could also be a meadow with flowers, from which the girl makes a bouquet or weaves a wreath for herself.
  5. The expectant mother may dream of baby items, including strollers, cradles and cribs, children's clothing or toys.
  6. Pregnancy dreams often appear in the form of a beautiful light source. He appears in a window, at the end of a tunnel or in the middle of the sky.

  7. Someone sees small objects that are placed in a container. Often these are beads, beans or small fruits and vegetables.
  8. Some girls, who soon learn about their interesting situation, see unusual landscapes, beautiful sky, beach with golden sand, etc.
  9. Another symbol of motherhood is the egg. It is very important that it be intact, since breaking it in a dream speaks of a miscarriage or termination of pregnancy.
  10. For married women, cabbage often brings news of pregnancy.

In addition to fish, women see many other signs that foretell the birth of a child. Sometimes, things related to children appear in dreams, such as diapers, toys, strollers, or even a positive pregnancy test.

Often it does not matter at all what events indicate pregnancy; what is more important is the sensations that a woman experiences in a dream.
