Thucydides ignorance makes people bold and indecisive. Aphorisms, thoughts of wise people about nature, science, scientists, knowledge, ideas

I believe that Thucydides' statement: "Ignorance makes people bold, but reflection makes them indecisive" is false. First, let's understand the meaning of the word ignorance. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge.

The author says that when a person does not know what awaits him ahead, he boldly takes action, but when he has certain information, it confuses him. A person understands the danger of what is coming, and ponders whether it is worth doing or not.

But I think Thucydides is wrong.

After all, a bold act is a conscious step. A brave person is one who knows what he is doing and what the consequences may be. But he takes this step not for himself, but for the sake of those around him. This is exactly what courage is.

Let's look at such a literary character as Andrei Bolkonsky from the work “War and Peace”. He decided on a desperate act to protect his homeland, to save his comrades. But do you really think that he did this out of ignorance of what it might entail? He knew! This is what makes him brave.

So, a brave person is one who has complete information, but still takes risks, and first of all, not for his own sake, but for the sake of those around him.

Updated: 2017-11-01

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An ignoramus is a person who does not know what you just learned about.
Will Rogers


The wise speak, but the ignorant decide.

It takes a long time to prove your education, but you can demonstrate your ignorance right away.
Don Herold

There is so much ignorance around because it is shared so readily.
Frank Kgark

An empty head is not empty at all: it is filled with garbage.
Eric Hoffer

There is nothing more terrible than active ignorance.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Number of subjects and topics. which we know nothing about is growing at an alarming rate.
Ashley Brilliant

While we build bridges over the rivers of ignorance, they change their course.
Sergey Averintsev

It is better to be a beggar than an ignoramus: if the first is deprived of money, then the second is deprived of human image.

Ignorance is the mother of all crimes. Crime is, first of all, foolishness.
O. Balzac

We often meet people whose learning serves as an instrument for their ignorance - people who, the more they read, the less they know.
G. Buckle

We prefer to remain ignorant rather than admit it.
J Bossuet

Ignorance is the best science in the world; it comes without difficulty and does not sadden the soul.
D. Bruno

At all times and everywhere, various charlatans have imposed a tax on ignorance, fear and gullibility.
P. Buast

The ignorant despise science, the uneducated admire it, while the wise use it.
F. Bacon

As long as ignorance lasts, man finds no means against evil.
F. Bacon

Ignorance is the greatest disease of humanity.

Ignorance is the mother of prejudice.

Ignorance is the mother of malice, envy, greed and all other low and gross vices, as well as sins.
G. Galileo

Ignorance disgraces a person no more than the absence of a hundred fingers on a hand. Just as there is no natural need for a hundred fingers, so there is, apparently, no need for knowledge of the hidden nature of things.
P. Gassendi

Anyone who studies the history of national disasters can be convinced that most of the misfortunes on earth are brought about by ignorance.
K. Helvetius

There is no such false judgment that would not be a consequence of either our passions or our ignorance.
K. Helvetius

Complete ignorance leads to complete stupidity.
K. Helvetia

In ignorance, the mind languishes for lack of food.
K. Helvetius

It is better to hide ignorance, but this is difficult with licentiousness and a cup of wine.

Hiding ignorance is preferable to revealing it publicly.

There is nothing worse than active ignorance.
I. Goethe

The deepest ignorance, boundless gullibility, utter thoughtlessness and ardent imagination - this is what creates pious people, fanatics and saints.
P. Holbach

The one who never dares to admit that he cannot or does not know something is uneducated.
I. Gofmiller

Where ignorance is bliss, stupidity is wisdom.
D. Gray

Fill up the chasm of ignorance and you will destroy the den of crime.
V. Hugo

Ignorance is twilight, evil lurks there.
V. Hugo

Ignorance always has greater self-confidence than knowledge, and only the ignorant can confidently say that science will never be able to solve this or that problem.
C. Darwin

Ignorance never asks questions.
B. Disraeli

Only those who do not know how to make anything of themselves and are still waiting to be dragged by the ears to where they themselves should go justify their ignorance by the lack of skill of teachers.
N. Dobrolyubov

The ignorant people are the army with which politicians achieve their base goals.
V. Zubkov

You cannot talk about the ocean with a frog living in a well: he is too attached to his hole. With an insect that lives only one summer, one cannot talk about winter cold: it is limited by the time of its life. You cannot talk about the Tao with a limited literate person: he is constrained by his education.

The antidote to ignorance is education, with which the souls of young people should be nourished in schools.
J. Komensky

What is a handsome ignoramus but a parrot adorned with feathers?
J. Komensky

The more ignorant someone is, the more impatient he is to judge.
E. Condillac

A dogmatic tone is always a consequence of deep ignorance: only an unenlightened person is confident in his right to teach others things that he himself has just learned about; the one who knows a lot does not doubt for a second that his words will be taken seriously, and therefore speaks with appropriate modesty.
J. Labruyère

Ignorance is a free state and does not require any labor from a person; Therefore, the ignorant number in the thousands and overwhelm the learned in numbers.
J. Labruyère

There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend.
J. Lafontaine

Ignorance is less distant from the truth than prejudice.
V. Lenin

There is no such ignoramus who could not ask more questions than the most knowledgeable person can answer.
M. Lomonosov

Ignorance is terrible: it is the cause of many human troubles, as if somehow filling events with darkness and obscuring the truth, and hiding the life of every person.

An uncouth blockhead is never on the side of mastery, he is always against it, and it is precisely the fundamentals of the fundamentals that give the first, most approximate form that seem especially unnatural to him.
T. Mann

Ignorance is a demonic force, and we fear it will cause many more tragedies.
K. Marx

Ignorance is of two kinds: one - illiterate, precedes knowledge; the other, swaggering, follows him.
M. Montaigne

Crudeness, lack of education, ignorance, and simplicity often cover up innocence and purity, while curiosity, sophistication, and knowledge give rise to an attraction to evil.
M. Montaigne

An ignoramus has a great advantage over an educated person: he is always pleased with himself.

Ignorance is the mother of suspicion.
W. Alger

Ignorance makes a person indifferent to the world, and indifference grows slowly but irreversibly, like a cancerous tumor.
K. Paustovsky

The tumor of incompetence is not one that can be removed with a scalpel.
L. Peter

An ignorant person is someone who talks about what he does not know.
M. Prishvin

Ignorance and fear are twins; their father is oppression, and their mother is submission. And the whole spirit of this family is slavish.
A. Reyhani

It is not the seas that divide peoples, but ignorance, not differences in language, but hostile relations.
D. Ruskin

Our lives are shortened by ignorance. We must strive to understand our nature and the world around us. We must establish the conditions of existence and find ways to apply them.
G. Spencer

Ignorance is not an argument.
B. Spinoza

Ignorant and depraved people cannot be controlled either by justice or by reason: they rebel not so much against the evil that is done to them, but rather against the good that they want to do to them.
A. Steel

We have become ignorant because we have forever hidden from ourselves the fact that all science is the study of those steps that all the great minds of mankind have taken to understand the truth. Since history has existed, there have been outstanding minds who have made humanity what it is, these mental heights are distributed throughout all millennia of history...
L. Tolstoy

In human ignorance, it is very comforting to consider everything that you don’t know to be nonsense.
D. Fonvizin

An ignoramus without a soul is a beast. The smallest feat leads him into every crime.
D. Fonvizin

Ignorance makes people bold, but reflection makes people indecisive.

There are three types of ignorance: not knowing anything, knowing badly what everyone knows, and knowing something that should not be known.

Ignorance is the night of the mind, a moonless and starless night.

The state and property of an ignoramus is to never expect either benefit or harm from oneself, but always from external things.

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Nature is never mistaken... Nature hates any counterfeit, and the best thing is that which is not distorted by either science or art
-Erasmus of Rotterdam-

Just as he came out naked from his mother’s womb, so he goes away as he came, and will take nothing from his labor that he could carry in his hand.

The Universe gradually emerges more like a great Thought than a big machine
-D. Jeans-

Nature is simple and does not luxury with unnecessary reasons
-M.V. Lomonosov-

They write vaguely about what they vaguely imagine
-M.V. Lomonosov-

Nature is always right. Errors and misconceptions come from people
-I.V. Goethe-

Nature does not have speech organs, but creates tongues and hearts through which she speaks and feels.
-I.V. Goethe-

Erase random features. And you will see: The world is beautiful!
-Alexander Blok-

Ask nature, she keeps all the truths and will answer your questions without fail and satisfactorily.
- R. Bacon-

From communing with nature you will get as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.

Nothing in nature disappears without a trace, except our environment
-Leonid S. Sukhorukov-

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn.
-Leonardo da Vinci-

Just as eating food without pleasure turns into boring eating, so doing science without passion clogs the memory, which becomes unable to assimilate what it absorbs.
-Leonardo da Vinci-

Brilliant ideas come to those who earn them through hard work.
-IN. I. Vernadsky-

When God gives out mind pills, some people get a placebo.
- Stephen King -

Science always turns out to be wrong. She will never resolve an issue without raising a dozen new ones.
-George Bernard Shaw

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas
-George Bernard Shaw-

Knowledge is such a precious thing that there is no shame in obtaining it from any source.
-Thomas Aquinas-

Science should serve only good! It must not be allowed to get ahead of the level of morality.
-Jules Verne-

Ignorance makes people bold, but reflection makes people indecisive.
-Thucydides, ancient Greek historian-

In research activities, it is better to show the timidity of ignorance than the impudence of ignorance
- M. Borisova -

There are no difficult sciences, there are only difficult expositions, that is, indigestible
- A. I. Herzen -

Science is only science when it does not regulate and does not bind itself to the question of immediate benefit.
-IN. V. Veresaev-

University develops all abilities, including stupidity
-A.P. Chekhov-

Education is what remains when everything learned is forgotten.
-Burres Frederick Skinner-

Genius is a beacon that shines for the descendants of those for whom he was a thorn in the side
-Unknown author-

The sign of an expert is the ability to teach

Young people should not be looked down upon. It may very well be that as they grow up, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing by living to be forty or fifty years old do not deserve respect

No person can be a narrow specialist without being an idiot in the broad sense of the word. A narrow specialist learns more and more about less and less, and so on until he knows everything about nothing and nothing about everything.
-Bernard Shaw-

Life experiences give us joy only when we can pass them on to others
-Andre Maurois-

The more we think, the more we become convinced that we know nothing

As a child, I often made up deliberate nonsense just to arouse the surprise of others
-Charles Darwin-

There are no completed studies, there are complete researchers who no longer come up with any thoughts.
- V. Ya. Alexandrov -

If a theory explains everything, it is no good.
-Grigory Landau-

The search for the beautiful leads us to the same choice as the search for the useful.
-Henri Poincaré-

If a theory is not beautiful, it is not true.
-“Aesthetic postulate”-

Beautiful theories, like beautiful women, are often incorrect.

-“Counter-aesthetic postulate”-

If there is no reason why something cannot exist, then it must exist.
-Murry Gell-Mann-

Everything can be explained, even what is impossible to understand.
-Ivan Ivanyuk-

Laziness is difficult to overcome because it embodies the fundamental law of conservation of energy
-Yuri Tatarkin-

A scientist is not one who gives the right answers, but one who asks the right questions.
-Claude Lévi-Strauss-

We dream of a vacation in nature, nature dreams of a vacation from us.
-Ilya Gerchikov-

Natural science serves no other purpose than the serenity of the spirit.

The word “scholar” only implies that he has been taught a lot, but this does not mean that he has learned anything.
-Georg Lichtenberg-

Science does not answer all questions, but it helps to understand the meaninglessness of many of them.
-Henryk Jagodzinski-

Three stages of recognition of scientific truth: the first - “this is absurd”, the second - “there is something in this”, the third - “this is generally known”.
-Ernest Rutherford-

The ocean is a confluence of water circumstances.
-Valery Afonchenko-

Darkness also spreads at the speed of light.
-Konstantin Kushner-

If geometric axioms affected people's interests, they would be refuted.
-Thomas Hobbes-

You shouldn't believe everything people say, but you shouldn't assume that they say it for no reason either...
-Immanuel Kant-

When learning science, examples are more useful than rules.
-Isaac Newton-

The best way to become familiar with a subject is to write a book about it.
-Benjamin Disraeli-

I write to understand what I think.
-Daniel Boorstin-

Only at the end of the work does it become clear where to start.
-Blaise Pascal-

Schoolchildren who failed to learn a lot of unnecessary things become scientists.
-Edward Yokel-

Science begins with myths and with a critical attitude towards myths.
-Karl Popper-

The only one exact science- thinking in hindsight.
-Feigin's principle of foresight-

Everyone has their own horizon of knowledge and interests, and when it narrows to a point, the person says: “This is my point of view.”
-David Gilbert-

There is no point in refuting something that the enemy did not take the trouble to prove.
-Jean Dussault-

A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This is equally true for the mind and the body.
-Benjamin Franklin-

Science is the best way to satisfy personal curiosity at public expense.
-Lev Artsimovich-

If a scientist cannot explain to an eight-year-old boy what he does, then he is a charlatan.
-Kurt Vonnegut-

The progress of technology gives us more and more advanced means of moving backwards.
-Aldous Huxley-

Science is the tireless centuries-old work of thought to bring together through a system all the knowable phenomena of our world
- Albert Einstein -

The ideals that illuminated my path and gave me courage and courage were kindness, beauty and truth. Without a sense of solidarity with those who share my convictions, without the pursuit of the ever-elusive objective in art and science, life would seem absolutely empty to me.
-Albert Einstein-

Science is not and will never be a finished book. Every important success brings new questions. Every development reveals new and deeper difficulties over time.
-Albert Einstein-

Science is endless, every day there are new and new tasks, and university education should try to arouse the desire to contribute to the treasury of science.
-DI. Mendeleev-

Bow before the spirit of doubt!

How many things were considered impossible until they were accomplished.
-Pliny the Elder-

A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction.
-V.I. Vernadsky-

The greatest scientific discoveries are the result of painstaking observation of the smallest facts.
-André Gide-

Science is a very special field of work, attracting people with an irresistible force. A scientist ends his research activity almost always only by dying.
-S.I. Vavilov-

The main enemy of science is scientificism. The main danger of scientificity is its “proximity” with science.
-D.S. Likhachev-

Science is built from facts, just as a house is built from bricks; however, a pile of facts is not science, just as a pile of bricks is not a house.

There are sadistic scientists who would rather find errors than establish the truth.
-M. Curie-Sklodowska-

The right of a scientist is freedom, and his duty is truthfulness.

A man ran to Socrates and said:
- Listen, I have to tell you that your friend...
“Wait, wait,” says Socrates, “have you sifted what you want to say through three sieves?”
- Which?
- The first is the sieve of truth. Are you saying this is true?
- I don’t know, that’s what I heard.
- Enough! Have you sifted it through the sieve of kindness? Is what you really want to tell me something creative or good?
- I don’t know, probably not.
- Then we’ll sift through another sieve, is it really necessary for you to tell me about this?
- No, there is no need for this.
- And that means, if there is no need, no truth, no kindness in this, do not burden either me or yourself.


You just have to have fun learning. To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite.
-Anatole France (Thibault)-

Our scientists know everything, but they just don’t know how to survive until their salary.
-Konstantin Kushner-

Everything should be stated as simply as possible, but not simpler.
-Albert Einstein-

How much we know, and how little we understand!
-Albert Einstein-

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