Christian riddles for children based on the Bible. Biblical riddles in verses. Calendar - archive of entries

How many apostles are mentioned in the Bible? (Answer: 16. Luke 6:12-16; Acts 1:26; 14:14; Hebrews 3:1).

He ran, didn't run away. Alive, but in a coffin. He announced death and did not want to live. I learned my lesson. Who was that? (From the minor prophets)

A biblical character whose name is not mentioned in the Bible‚ but burial clothes can be purchased at the grocery store. (Genesis 19:26)

At the time of the flood there were eight people and many animals in the ark. What was the ark like? (Joke‚ wet)

Two from the sea, five from the field, one from heaven worked many miracles. (Matthew 14:19)

Two people talked about one thing, one said something, and the other confirmed it. (Isaiah 53:12 - Luke 22:37, etc.)

They carried him, but when he was strong, he ate his own kind, but he himself remained unharmed and whole. (Exodus 7:12)

Living pit, living coffin, living dead man. (From the minor prophets)

Lived and did not sin, carried Jesus. (John 12:15)

She lived, did not die, does not live. (Genesis 19:26)

The name of the wife who sat on the gods. (Genesis 31:34)

He gave to others, but he himself did not have. (Matthew 3:1‚6)

Which land saw the light of day once? (Exodus 14:21‚27)

Which bird made the stone cry? (Matthew 16:18; 26:75)

What weakness broke the great strength? (Judges 16:16‚17)

What two animals were talking human language? (Genesis 3:1‚ Numbers 22:28)

Which are the most beautiful women lived on earth? (Job 42:14,15)

Which four women came down from the mountain without going up there? (Genesis 8:4‚16)

What is the name of the first city built by people? (Genesis 4:17)

When he was raised, people did not die from his kind. (Numbers 21:9)

Whom does a simple person always see: the Tsar - sometimes, God - never? (Isaiah 45:5‚6)

Who was the greatest man? (1 Samuel 17:4)

Who chopped wood for mother? (Genesis 2:7)

On which shelf in the ark did Noah keep the Bible? (Joke)

On what floor were the fish in Noah's ark? (Joke)

Not born, not baptized, lived on earth. (Genesis 2:7)

He was not born, but he lived, he did not die, but he was no more. (Exodus 7:10)

What did the prophet do and Jesus forbade his disciples to do? (2 Kings 1:10‚ Luke 9:54–56)

The reasonable one sent the unreasonable one, the unreasonable one (the postman) brought the sheet, but the reasonable one understood everything. (Genesis 8:11)

How many pairs of animals did Moses bring into the ark? (Joke)

She died, but did not kill, she destroyed herself. (Acts 28:3–5)

The man made the thing‚ sold it. It was bought by someone who doesn’t need it, but is forced to buy it. The one who needs it does not realize that he needs it. (tomb‚ “the dead know nothing”, Eccl. 9:5)

The person was covered, but not a veil. It was removed from sadness, it did not belong to him, the lesson showed that it disappeared that same night. What was it? (Jonah 4:6–11)

How Abel killed Cain. (Joke)

Black, but not a Negro, without arms, but not a cripple, but fed a man. (1 Kings 17:6)

What God gives twice, and the third time a person buys it himself. (Teeth)

Everyone needs this thing every day, but not much. We remain unhappy without her. All those who love the truth should be like this. You have to talk to her constantly. (Matthew 5:13)

What did not grow, by the will of God, blossomed. (Numbers 17:8)

Where little grows, soon much will bloom. (Isaiah 35:1)

What God created before our eyes. (Joke‚ nose)

I would never have thought what man came up with. He didn’t want to give it away, but he couldn’t refuse. (Matthew 14:6–10)

Who died between heaven and earth? (2 Samuel 18:9‚15)

Someone who told a lie and had nothing to do with it, but once told the truth and was punished. (Judges 16:6, 7, 13, 17)

What is the physical difference between Adam and Jesus? (Adam had fewer ribs)

Five are coming. One knows where he is going and why he is going. The second one knows where he is going, but does not know why. And the other three don’t know where or why. Who is first, second, third, and the rest? (Genesis 22:3,5)

Young, modest, served Jesus, but will not be resurrected? (Luke 19:33–35)

He was not born, did not die, but ate his own kind. (Exodus 7:12)

What were the names of the children whose father was their grandfather and whose mothers were their sisters? (Genesis 19:36–38)

Who killed a crowd, two crowds, a thousand people with the body of an animal? (Judges 15:15‚16)

Who walked for three years in the clothes in which he was born? (Isaiah 20:2)

What word appears once in the Bible, and will happen only once in history? (Revelation 16:16)

He lived, grieved, when he received it, he got into trouble. (Genesis 2:22–25)

Whose head was worth 80 shekels of silver? (2 Kings 6:25)

Who else during his lifetime made a monument to himself and named it after himself? (2 Samuel 18:18)

Whose birds pecked bread, but pecked off the whole body? (Gen.40:19)

What insect destroyed a world power? (For those who know well biblical story‚Daniel 8:8)

The man gave a gift, they refused to accept it, but subsequently the one who accepted this gift was punished. (2 Kings 5:20‚22‚27)

Grandchildren whose father was their grandfather. (Genesis 38:13–18, 29, 30)

Most great prophet In whose death wine was involved. (Matthew 14:6‚10)

Who had the opportunity to study zoology well? (From the minor prophets)

Not born‚ but died. (Genesis 3:19)

They angered the king, they were sentenced to death by the king, and they were saved by the king. (Daniel 3:12, 13, 29)

Who has been annoyed by Jehovah's mercy? (Jonah 3:10–4:1‚3)

Neither in heaven, nor on earth, but the prayer was heard. (From the minor prophets)

Who was the first surgeon? (Genesis 2:21)

It is not easy for a Christian to swim against the tide. And who finds it easy to swim against the current? (Job 40:18)

What two names can be used to call everything created in the universe? (open to the beginning of the Bible)

What type of product is currently unavailable but was available in the past? (Exodus 16:31)

Water lock, wooden key. The mouse ran by and the cat drowned. (Exodus 14:16‚28‚29)

The most organized people without a king. (Proverbs 6:6)

With whom can you not enter into an agreement? (Job 40:23)

Which biblical character sowed Christmas trees? (Nahum 1:1)

Which of the pagans was called Christ? (Isaiah 45:1)

Who received a great blessing for a great sin? (think for yourself without prompting)

What speculator was blessed by God? (Genesis 41:49‚56)

What was there in the time of Jesus and what we have to look for now? (think for yourself without prompting)

Who died without being born? (Genesis 3:19)

The coffin rocks, the dead man prays. (From the minor prophets)

Which suicide will be resurrected? (Judges 4:30 p.m.)

A proud man is not afraid of God, but he is afraid of someone on earth. (Job 41:26)

Which prophet was 3 years older than “God”? (Exodus 7:1‚7)

What kind of person does not “stand”, “sit” and does not “walk”? (think for yourself without prompting)

I lay there for thousands of years, I was chosen as one of the five, I prevented the enslavement of an entire people. (1 Samuel 17:40‚49)

Who was never born but died twice? (Genesis 3:19‚ Revelation 20:14)

Where in the Bible does it say that in times of danger those who honor different gods united, worshiped the true God and submitted to his demands? (From the minor prophets)

Having said only two words, he surprised everyone, ordered them to feed them, and forbade them to speak. (Mark 5:41–43)

What could it be better than God and worse than the Devil? (the answer is a pronoun)

Who says "Go-go"? (Job 39:25)

Which pagans contributed to the writing of the Bible? (Daniel 4:1)

Having taken away forty from half a hundred, he saved the one who was so dear. (Genesis 19:29; 18:24–32)

Which chapter has three "chapters"? (1 Corinthians 11:3)

He swayed a little and fell on some pebbles. (Matthew 27:5‚ Acts 1:18)

When did one day depend on many combatants? (Joshua 10:12‚13)

The one who could speak did not see, but the one who could not speak saw and spoke. (Numbers 22:28)

Did the unclean according to the word of the Righteous One enter into the unclean according to the word of the Law? (Matthew 8:28–32)

Slept - carried, fell - left, touched - woke up, enemies came. (2 Kings 13:20‚21)

Three against one, who is for himself, and another against everyone for Jehovah. (Job 32)

Round, large, with 48 legs, 24 horns, 12 heads, whoever climbs up cleans himself. (2 Chronicles 4:2)

When did the enemies flee from an army that was not there? (2 Kings 7:6)

They wanted to do something bad to two, and even worse to the third, and only three escaped from the fire. (Genesis 19)

Judged. but not a judge; hung on the oak tree, but not an acorn; should have lived, but died. (2 Samuel 15:2; 18:5‚9)

Because he killed seventy, Jehovah struck with a stone. (Judges 9:53‚56)

The three of us achieved victory over our enemies with both hands. (Exodus 17:11‚12)

There are 300 red ones in front, 150 fiery ones in the back; They walked through the fields and through the gardens - they burned the enemies' crops. (Judges 15:4,5)

He walked into the desert and ended up in prison; I was looking for a tree and found death. (Numbers 15:32)

When did the leader of Jehovah's people stand barefoot before the leader of Jehovah's army? (Joshua 5:15)

Who has sat higher than his father God? (Genesis 31:34)

Who was saved from death by the seal, the sling and the cane? (Genesis 38:25)

Those who do not sow, do not reap, fed the one because of whom they could neither sow nor reap. (1 Kings 17:6)

The amorous, unwise and proud together chose their end. (Genesis 3:1–6)

Which two tribes fought before they were born? (Genesis 25:22‚23)

Two for one struck his house. (Genesis 34:25)

Who laughed at the words of God and, having lied to him, suffered punishment? (Genesis 18:15)

When did the prophet flee from his rod? (Exodus 4:3)

Who left a city without a gate near a mountain with a gate? (Judges 16:3)

Three, thanks to the fourth, came out from where no one could walk. (Daniel 3:25‚26)

Did you ruin your clothes, penetrate into the enemy’s camp, deliver your enemy from death? (1 Samuel 24:5; 26:8, 9)

Who was burned by the fire? (Leviticus 10:1‚2)

Who chose the lesser of three evils? (2 Samuel 24:12)

What miracle did the worms eat? (Exodus 16:20)

Until I sneezed seven times and didn’t wake up at all. (2 Kings 4:35)

One beat the other three times until he spoke. (Numbers 22:28)

Who saw how the one who will be talked with those who are not? (Mark 9:4)

Who wore a manifestation in his bosom God's powers? (Exodus 4:6–8)

The one who killed a thousand would have died if he hadn’t drunk? (Judges 15:18‚19)

The mad man died of his madness, but the wise woman saved the house with her understanding. (1 Samuel 25:25‚33)

Seven played, thousands were silent; They stopped playing and thousands started screaming. (Joshua 6:8‚9)

And he lived differently from everyone else, and died differently from everyone else, and was buried differently from everyone else? (Deuteronomy 34:5‚6)

Who said that he didn’t even know what was on white wall shouted? (Acts 23:3)

The lady is next to the pit, and next to the lady is the light. (John 4:6, 7)

What was the world's first spaceship and who flew in it? (2 Kings 2:11)

Who was saved from trouble in a basket without water at night? (Acts 9:25)

Who, after being born, began to care for their mother? (Genesis 2:7, 15)

Who was born once and died twice? (several characters)

Big, evil, but not earthly. (Genesis 6:4)

Who spoke once in their life? (Numbers 22:28)

To whom has God not given wisdom and meaning? (Job 39:13–17)

Who was the first prophet and what did he predict? (Genesis 3:15)

It is not a rose, but it blooms, it is not a key, but it opens, it is not a stone, but it breaks. (Numbers 17:8‚ Exodus 14:16‚ Exodus 17:5‚6)

On which side of the Jordan were Jesus' disciples standing when he was baptized? (joke)

When did all the people on earth hear the sound of a bird together? (think for yourself without prompting)

Who didn’t see it himself, but told someone who did? (Daniel 2:26‚28)

There were more invisible people than visible ones, who stopped seeing and were captured. (2 Kings 6:17‚18)

What people went to the grave alive? (Numbers 16:32)

What was the name of Cain's grandmother? (Genesis 2:7)

What is stronger than a lion and sweeter than honey? (Song of Songs 8:6‚7)

What fell almost disappeared, but the prophet saved it by throwing a piece of wood. (2 Kings 6:6)

I didn’t see it, I didn’t know, and when I saw it, it was too late. (Daniel 5)

Once upon a time there was a word that a person who spoke correctly was saved, and someone who spoke incorrectly perished? (Judges 12:6)

One recovered and took the lands with him, the other took the silver with him and became ill. (2 Kings 5:17, 27)

On the left there was light, on the right there was sound, in the middle there was a cry, and the result was victory. (Judges 7:20)

What city was built on the firstborn and its gates on the child? (1 Kings 16:34)

Whose soul languished from Jehovah's miracle? (Numbers 11:6)

Christ ate this food, but the Pharisees did not. (John 4:34)

Which biblical character was a vegetarian for 7 years? (Daniel 4:22‚30)

Which prophet lived outside the law? (Exodus 1:15‚16; 2:11)

Who had seven times more knees than legs? (Genesis 49:28)

Who was first stoned, then burned and then stoned? (Joshua 7:25,26)

From what stick were two beaten and two not beaten (Exodus 9:31, 32)

With horns - but not a bull, with legs - but does not move (Leviticus...think for yourself without a hint)

I was looking for donkeys and found a crown (1 Samuel 9:3,17)

What does Adam have in front and Eve behind? (look at the text of the riddle again)

6 good legs and 18 bad legs, 16 long legs and 8 short legs (Revelation 6:2,4,5,8)

A place on earth where only two men walked (Matthew 14:25,29)

The Slippery Treasurer (Matthew 17:27)

Could David have seen the temple from the window of his house? (Joke)

Who had neither father nor mother? (Hebrews 7:2,3)

What city was saved by the disobedience of a righteous man? (Genesis 19:16-22)

Why does Carlson live on the roof? (Proverbs 21:9)

Why was Adam created first and then Eve? (Was Adam a test subject?)

How many elders does it take to turn on a light bulb in a Kingdom Hall? (Acts 6:2,3)

A German, an American and a Russian are flying on the plane. The plane broke down and all three bailed out. Who was the first on earth? (Genesis 2:7)

Moving "hell" (Jonah 2:1-3)

He gave to everyone, but he himself lost (Matthew 20:28)

In which two cities did people suddenly speak in different languages? (Genesis 11:7; Acts 2:4).

Could David have seen Jehovah's temple from the window of his house? (2 Chronicles 6:8,9).

What tree was not in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 2:9, trees of death).

What threefold question was asked by the apostles to Jesus? (Matthew 24:3)

Who are the four wise men on earth who are wiser than the wise? (Proverbs 30:24-28)

Who was the director of the first zoo? (Genesis 7:14,15)

Who was not born, but lived, did not die and does not live? (Serpent on the Rod, Exodus 4:2-4)

Who didn’t say a word, yet lied? (Acts 5:2-5)

Who carried the sentence to death with his own hands? (2 Samuel 11:14)

What in heaven is made by human hands? (Thomas - fingers into the wound, John 20:25)

Who received their sight before eating and who - after eating (disciples after - Luke 24:31, Adam and Eve - before, Genesis 3:7)

Two people are walking and talking about the third, and he stood in the bushes and waited for them (Abraham, Isaac, the lamb, (Genesis 22:7)

Whose prayer was answered by God before he finished praying? (Genesis 24:48)

He didn’t have enough, he grieved, he got into trouble (Adam - Eve, Genesis 2:20, 3:20).

Name the father and mother of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 6:20)

Who ran not from death, but towards it? (Egyptians at sea, Exodus 14:27)

How many years did Amram live? (Exodus 6:20)

Who has raised an enemy for himself at his own expense? (daughter of Pharaoh - Moses, Exodus 2:9)

Who said, “don’t be afraid, because I am afraid”? (Joseph to his brothers when they met: Genesis 50:12, 42:18)

There were only two of them, just she and he, she was earthly, and he was created. The only mysterious thing is this: the two of them did not get along, she reigned at night, and he only reigned during the day. (light and darkness)

Whose soul entered the rods? (Joseph sold into Egypt Exodus 4:17,18)

Who is death's mother and father? (lust and sin, James 1:15)

What father didn't trust his sons? (Jacob learned about Joseph, Genesis 45:26)

Which dumb man spoke when he named his son? (Zechariah, Luke 1:63)

My first syllable is a count without a letter, the other two are bent into an arc, lives with the clouds in front Through God's eyes. (rainbow)

What a fruit, it looks nice, it is both round and square, if you pick it from a branch, you will definitely die (sin)

Which prophet walked naked and barefoot for three years? (Isaiah 20:3)

About whom did God say: “My shepherd”? (Isaiah 14:28)

What is the width and depth of the curse that fell on the earth? (Zechariah 5:2-4)

Who has seen a woman with stork wings? (Zechariah 5:9)

Who did cereal serve as salvation? (2 Samuel 17:19)

Who hanged himself for false advice (2 Samuel 17:23)

Without arms, without legs, stood in the forest, reeled, caught? (Absalom, 2 Samuel 18:9)

Who walked on the bottom as if on dry land (Moses, Psalm 106:9)

Who played with which king, i.e. wanted to gain time (sorcerers, fortune-tellers and wise men with King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 2:8)

Which king bowed to his captive and brought him great gifts (Daniel 2:46)

Who said: “I will howl like a jackal”? (Micah 1:8)

Which prophet was like an iron pillar and like a copper wall? (Jeremiah 1:18)

Who ate bread strictly by weight and drank water by measurement? (Ezekiel 4:10,11)

Who should have trembled while eating bread and drinking water? (Ezekiel 12:18)

Who had the heart of a beast? (Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 4:13)

Who cursed their birthday? (Job 3:1, Jeremiah 20:14-18)

In what country was a book read, and a stone was tied to it, and it was thrown into the middle of a river, and into which river? (Ephrates River, Babylon, Jeremiah 51:60-63)

Who painted Jerusalem on a brick? (Jerezkiel 4:1)

Name the first tailors (Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:7)

Who was named differently at birth by both parents? (Genesis 35:18)

Which two husbands died while serving? (Leviticus 10:1,2)

What did God create on the first day of creation? (light, Genesis 1:3)

Were there living souls before Adam? (were on the fifth day, Genesis 1:30)

Name eight people who died twice? (1 Kings 17:22, 2 Kings 4:36, man touched the bones of Elisha, Christ, Luke 7:15; 8:55, Lazarus, Acts 20:9-12)

Name a prophet who was afraid of another person and fled to another land? (Exodus 2:14,15)

Who told another what he himself did not see? (David on Christ, Acts 2:31)

Who, being strong and just, fled with his troops from the weak and unjust? (David of Saul, 1 Samuel 27:1)

Name a person who, in infancy, did not yield, did lies, deceived and stole, and when he matured, obeyed God and was justified by God? (Jacob, Hosea 12:3)

During the flood, eight souls were saved in the ark, but who was saved alone in the ark? (Moses, Exodus 2:3)

What is the name of the man who stood up against 300 Philistines with their spears raised? (1 Chronicles 11:11)

Who died from strong wind? (Job 1:19)

Who cut down someone else's tree and did not ask the owner, but acted righteously? (Gideon, Judges 6:30)

Which king first died and then began to reign? (Jesus, Matthew 27:37)

Where does it say that Israel will be enslaved for 400 years? (Genesis 15:13)

What is the name of David's great-grandmother? (Ruth, Ruth 4:5, 17)

What does the word "Gilgal" mean? (Joshua 5:9)

Who burned the king's bones into lime, and which king? (Amos 2:1)

Who sacrificed his son and burned him on the wall? (2 Kings 3:27)

Who did good and beat Christ with a stick? (Moses struck the rock with a stick, Exodus 17:6, but Christ struck the rock, 1 Corinthians 10:4)

Where does it say that children cannot be sacrificed? (Leviticus 20:2)

When was death cooked in a cauldron? (2 Kings 4:39-41)

Who was the dead and raised the dead? (2 Kings 18:21)

How did the ax surface? (2 Kings 6:6)

Who did the worms eat alive? (Acts 12:23)

How many apostles are mentioned in the Bible? (Answer: 16. Luke 6:12-16; Acts 1:26; 14:14; Hebrews 3:1).

He ran, didn't run away. Alive, but in a coffin. He announced death and did not want to live. I learned my lesson. Who was that? (From the minor prophets)

A biblical character whose name is not mentioned in the Bible‚ but burial clothes can be purchased at the grocery store. (Genesis 19:26)

At the time of the flood there were eight people and many animals in the ark. What was the ark like? (Joke‚ wet)

Two from the sea, five from the field, one from heaven worked many miracles. (Matthew 14:19)

Two people talked about one thing, one said something, and the other confirmed it. (Isaiah 53:12 - Luke 22:37, etc.)

They carried him, but when he was strong, he ate his own kind, but he himself remained unharmed and whole. (Exodus 7:12)

Living pit, living coffin, living dead man. (From the minor prophets)

Lived and did not sin, carried Jesus. (John 12:15)

She lived, did not die, does not live. (Genesis 19:26)

The name of the wife who sat on the gods. (Genesis 31:34)

He gave to others, but he himself did not have. (Matthew 3:1‚6)

Which land saw the light of day once? (Exodus 14:21‚27)

Which bird made the stone cry? (Matthew 16:18; 26:75)

What weakness broke the great strength? (Judges 16:16‚17)

Which two animals spoke human language? (Genesis 3:1‚ Numbers 22:28)

What were the most beautiful women who lived on earth? (Job 42:14,15)

Which four women came down from the mountain without going up there? (Genesis 8:4‚16)

What is the name of the first city built by people? (Genesis 4:17)

When he was raised, people did not die from his kind. (Numbers 21:9)

Whom does a simple person always see: the Tsar - sometimes, God - never? (Isaiah 45:5‚6)

Who was the greatest man? (1 Samuel 17:4)

Who chopped wood for mother? (Genesis 2:7)

On which shelf in the ark did Noah keep the Bible? (Joke)

On what floor were the fish in Noah's ark? (Joke)

Not born, not baptized, lived on earth. (Genesis 2:7)

He was not born, but he lived, he did not die, but he was no more. (Exodus 7:10)

What did the prophet do and Jesus forbade his disciples to do? (2 Kings 1:10‚ Luke 9:54–56)

The reasonable one sent the unreasonable one, the unreasonable one (the postman) brought the sheet, but the reasonable one understood everything. (Genesis 8:11)

How many pairs of animals did Moses bring into the ark? (Joke)

She died, but did not kill, she destroyed herself. (Acts 28:3–5)

The man made the thing‚ sold it. It was bought by someone who doesn’t need it, but is forced to buy it. The one who needs it does not realize that he needs it. (tomb‚ “the dead know nothing”, Eccl. 9:5)

The person was covered, but not a veil. It was removed from sadness, it did not belong to him, the lesson showed that it disappeared that same night. What was it? (Jonah 4:6–11)

How Abel killed Cain. (Joke)

Black, but not a Negro, without arms, but not a cripple, but fed a man. (1 Kings 17:6)

What God gives twice, and the third time a person buys it himself. (Teeth)

Everyone needs this thing every day, but not much. We remain unhappy without her. All those who love the truth should be like this. You have to talk to her constantly. (Matthew 5:13)

What did not grow, by the will of God, blossomed. (Numbers 17:8)

Where little grows, soon much will bloom. (Isaiah 35:1)

What God created before our eyes. (Joke‚ nose)

I would never have thought what man came up with. He didn’t want to give it away, but he couldn’t refuse. (Matthew 14:6–10)

Who died between heaven and earth? (2 Samuel 18:9‚15)

Someone who told a lie and had nothing to do with it, but once told the truth and was punished. (Judges 16:6, 7, 13, 17)

What is the physical difference between Adam and Jesus? (Adam had fewer ribs)

Five are coming. One knows where he is going and why he is going. The second one knows where he is going, but does not know why. And the other three don’t know where or why. Who is first, second, third, and the rest? (Genesis 22:3,5)

Young, modest, served Jesus, but will not be resurrected? (Luke 19:33–35)

He was not born, did not die, but ate his own kind. (Exodus 7:12)

What were the names of the children whose father was their grandfather and whose mothers were their sisters? (Genesis 19:36–38)

Who killed a crowd, two crowds, a thousand people with the body of an animal? (Judges 15:15‚16)

Who walked for three years in the clothes in which he was born? (Isaiah 20:2)

What word appears once in the Bible, and will happen only once in history? (Revelation 16:16)

He lived, grieved, when he received it, he got into trouble. (Genesis 2:22–25)

Whose head was worth 80 shekels of silver? (2 Kings 6:25)

Who else during his lifetime made a monument to himself and named it after himself? (2 Samuel 18:18)

Whose birds pecked bread, but pecked off the whole body? (Gen.40:19)

What insect destroyed a world power? (For those who know Bible history well, Daniel 8:8)

The man gave a gift, they refused to accept it, but subsequently the one who accepted this gift was punished. (2 Kings 5:20‚22‚27)

Grandchildren whose father was their grandfather. (Genesis 38:13–18, 29, 30)

The greatest prophet in whose death wine was involved. (Matthew 14:6‚10)

Who had the opportunity to study zoology well? (From the minor prophets)

Not born‚ but died. (Genesis 3:19)

They angered the king, they were sentenced to death by the king, and they were saved by the king. (Daniel 3:12, 13, 29)

Who has been annoyed by Jehovah's mercy? (Jonah 3:10–4:1‚3)

Neither in heaven, nor on earth, but the prayer was heard. (From the minor prophets)

Who was the first surgeon? (Genesis 2:21)

It is not easy for a Christian to swim against the tide. And who finds it easy to swim against the current? (Job 40:18)

What two names can be used to call everything created in the universe? (open to the beginning of the Bible)

What type of product is currently unavailable but was available in the past? (Exodus 16:31)

Water lock, wooden key. The mouse ran by and the cat drowned. (Exodus 14:16‚28‚29)

The most organized people without a king. (Proverbs 6:6)

With whom can you not enter into an agreement? (Job 40:23)

Which biblical character sowed Christmas trees? (Nahum 1:1)

Which of the pagans was called Christ? (Isaiah 45:1)

Who received a great blessing for a great sin? (think for yourself without prompting)

What speculator was blessed by God? (Genesis 41:49‚56)

What was there in the time of Jesus and what we have to look for now? (think for yourself without prompting)

Who died without being born? (Genesis 3:19)

The coffin rocks, the dead man prays. (From the minor prophets)

Which suicide will be resurrected? (Judges 4:30 p.m.)

A proud man is not afraid of God, but he is afraid of someone on earth. (Job 41:26)

Which prophet was 3 years older than “God”? (Exodus 7:1‚7)

What kind of person does not “stand”, “sit” and does not “walk”? (think for yourself without prompting)

I lay there for thousands of years, I was chosen as one of the five, I prevented the enslavement of an entire people. (1 Samuel 17:40‚49)

Who was never born but died twice? (Genesis 3:19‚ Revelation 20:14)

Where in the Bible does it say that in a moment of danger those who worship different gods united, worshiped the true God and submitted to his demands? (From the minor prophets)

Having said only two words, he surprised everyone, ordered them to feed them, and forbade them to speak. (Mark 5:41–43)

What could be better than God and worse than the Devil? (the answer is a pronoun)

Who says "Go-go"? (Job 39:25)

Which pagans contributed to the writing of the Bible? (Daniel 4:1)

Having taken away forty from half a hundred, he saved the one who was so dear. (Genesis 19:29; 18:24–32)

Which chapter has three "chapters"? (1 Corinthians 11:3)

He swayed a little and fell on some pebbles. (Matthew 27:5‚ Acts 1:18)

When did one day depend on many combatants? (Joshua 10:12‚13)

The one who could speak did not see, but the one who could not speak saw and spoke. (Numbers 22:28)

Did the unclean according to the word of the Righteous One enter into the unclean according to the word of the Law? (Matthew 8:28–32)

Slept - carried, fell - left, touched - woke up, enemies came. (2 Kings 13:20‚21)

Three against one, who is for himself, and another against everyone for Jehovah. (Job 32)

Round, large, with 48 legs, 24 horns, 12 heads, whoever climbs up cleans himself. (2 Chronicles 4:2)

When did the enemies flee from an army that was not there? (2 Kings 7:6)

They wanted to do something bad to two, and even worse to the third, and only three escaped from the fire. (Genesis 19)

Judged. but not a judge; hung on the oak tree, but not an acorn; should have lived, but died. (2 Samuel 15:2; 18:5‚9)

Because he killed seventy, Jehovah struck with a stone. (Judges 9:53‚56)

The three of us achieved victory over our enemies with both hands. (Exodus 17:11‚12)

There are 300 red ones in front, 150 fiery ones in the back; They walked through the fields and through the gardens - they burned the enemies' crops. (Judges 15:4,5)

He walked into the desert and ended up in prison; I was looking for a tree and found death. (Numbers 15:32)

When did the leader of Jehovah's people stand barefoot before the leader of Jehovah's army? (Joshua 5:15)

Who has sat higher than his father God? (Genesis 31:34)

Who was saved from death by the seal, the sling and the cane? (Genesis 38:25)

Those who do not sow, do not reap, fed the one because of whom they could neither sow nor reap. (1 Kings 17:6)

The amorous, unwise and proud together chose their end. (Genesis 3:1–6)

Which two tribes fought before they were born? (Genesis 25:22‚23)

Two for one struck his house. (Genesis 34:25)

Who laughed at the words of God and, having lied to him, suffered punishment? (Genesis 18:15)

When did the prophet flee from his rod? (Exodus 4:3)

Who left a city without a gate near a mountain with a gate? (Judges 16:3)

Three, thanks to the fourth, came out from where no one could walk. (Daniel 3:25‚26)

Did you ruin your clothes, penetrate into the enemy’s camp, deliver your enemy from death? (1 Samuel 24:5; 26:8, 9)

Who was burned by the fire? (Leviticus 10:1‚2)

Who chose the lesser of three evils? (2 Samuel 24:12)

What miracle did the worms eat? (Exodus 16:20)

Until I sneezed seven times and didn’t wake up at all. (2 Kings 4:35)

One beat the other three times until he spoke. (Numbers 22:28)

Who saw how the one who will be talked with those who are not? (Mark 9:4)

Who wore a manifestation of God's powers in his bosom? (Exodus 4:6–8)

The one who killed a thousand would have died if he hadn’t drunk? (Judges 15:18‚19)

The mad man died of his madness, but the wise woman saved the house with her understanding. (1 Samuel 25:25‚33)

Seven played, thousands were silent; They stopped playing and thousands started screaming. (Joshua 6:8‚9)

And he lived differently from everyone else, and died differently from everyone else, and was buried differently from everyone else? (Deuteronomy 34:5‚6)

Who said that he didn’t even know that he was shouting at a white wall? (Acts 23:3)

The lady is next to the pit, and next to the lady is the light. (John 4:6, 7)

What was the world's first spaceship and who flew in it? (2 Kings 2:11)

Who was saved from trouble in a basket without water at night? (Acts 9:25)

Who, after being born, began to care for their mother? (Genesis 2:7, 15)

Who was born once and died twice? (several characters)

Big, evil, but not earthly. (Genesis 6:4)

Who spoke once in their life? (Numbers 22:28)

To whom has God not given wisdom and meaning? (Job 39:13–17)

Who was the first prophet and what did he predict? (Genesis 3:15)

It is not a rose, but it blooms, it is not a key, but it opens, it is not a stone, but it breaks. (Numbers 17:8‚ Exodus 14:16‚ Exodus 17:5‚6)

On which side of the Jordan were Jesus' disciples standing when he was baptized? (joke)

When did all the people on earth hear the sound of a bird together? (think for yourself without prompting)

Who didn’t see it himself, but told someone who did? (Daniel 2:26‚28)

There were more invisible people than visible ones, who stopped seeing and were captured. (2 Kings 6:17‚18)

What people went to the grave alive? (Numbers 16:32)

What was the name of Cain's grandmother? (Genesis 2:7)

What is stronger than a lion and sweeter than honey? (Song of Songs 8:6‚7)

What fell almost disappeared, but the prophet saved it by throwing a piece of wood. (2 Kings 6:6)

I didn’t see it, I didn’t know, and when I saw it, it was too late. (Daniel 5)

Once upon a time there was a word that a person who spoke correctly was saved, and someone who spoke incorrectly perished? (Judges 12:6)

One recovered and took the lands with him, the other took the silver with him and became ill. (2 Kings 5:17, 27)

On the left there was light, on the right there was sound, in the middle there was a cry, and the result was victory. (Judges 7:20)

What city was built on the firstborn and its gates on the child? (1 Kings 16:34)

Whose soul languished from Jehovah's miracle? (Numbers 11:6)

Christ ate this food, but the Pharisees did not. (John 4:34)

Which biblical character was a vegetarian for 7 years? (Daniel 4:22‚30)

Which prophet lived outside the law? (Exodus 1:15‚16; 2:11)

Who had seven times more knees than legs? (Genesis 49:28)

Who was first stoned, then burned and then stoned? (Joshua 7:25,26)

From what stick were two beaten and two not beaten (Exodus 9:31, 32)

With horns - but not a bull, with legs - but does not move (Leviticus...think for yourself without a hint)

I was looking for donkeys and found a crown (1 Samuel 9:3,17)

What does Adam have in front and Eve behind? (look at the text of the riddle again)

6 good legs and 18 bad legs, 16 long legs and 8 short legs (Revelation 6:2,4,5,8)

A place on earth where only two men walked (Matthew 14:25,29)

The Slippery Treasurer (Matthew 17:27)

Could David have seen the temple from the window of his house? (Joke)

Who had neither father nor mother? (Hebrews 7:2,3)

What city was saved by the disobedience of a righteous man? (Genesis 19:16-22)

Why does Carlson live on the roof? (Proverbs 21:9)

Why was Adam created first and then Eve? (Was Adam a test subject?)

How many elders does it take to turn on a light bulb in a Kingdom Hall? (Acts 6:2,3)

A German, an American and a Russian are flying on the plane. The plane broke down and all three bailed out. Who was the first on earth? (Genesis 2:7)

Moving "hell" (Jonah 2:1-3)

He gave to everyone, but he himself lost (Matthew 20:28)

In which two cities did people suddenly speak in different languages? (Genesis 11:7; Acts 2:4).

Could David have seen Jehovah's temple from the window of his house? (2 Chronicles 6:8,9).

What tree was not in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 2:9, trees of death).

What threefold question was asked by the apostles to Jesus? (Matthew 24:3)

Who are the four wise men on earth who are wiser than the wise? (Proverbs 30:24-28)

Who was the director of the first zoo? (Genesis 7:14,15)

Who was not born, but lived, did not die and does not live? (Serpent on the Rod, Exodus 4:2-4)

Who didn’t say a word, yet lied? (Acts 5:2-5)

Who carried the sentence to death with his own hands? (2 Samuel 11:14)

What in heaven is made by human hands? (Thomas - fingers into the wound, John 20:25)

Who received their sight before eating and who - after eating (disciples after - Luke 24:31, Adam and Eve - before, Genesis 3:7)

Two people are walking and talking about the third, and he stood in the bushes and waited for them (Abraham, Isaac, the lamb, (Genesis 22:7)

Whose prayer was answered by God before he finished praying? (Genesis 24:48)

He didn’t have enough, he grieved, he got into trouble (Adam - Eve, Genesis 2:20, 3:20).

Name the father and mother of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 6:20)

Who ran not from death, but towards it? (Egyptians at sea, Exodus 14:27)

How many years did Amram live? (Exodus 6:20)

Who has raised an enemy for himself at his own expense? (daughter of Pharaoh - Moses, Exodus 2:9)

Who said, “don’t be afraid, because I am afraid”? (Joseph to his brothers when they met: Genesis 50:12, 42:18)

There were only two of them, just she and he, she was earthly, and he was created. The only mysterious thing is this: the two of them did not get along, she reigned at night, and he only reigned during the day. (light and darkness)

Whose soul entered the rods? (Joseph sold into Egypt Exodus 4:17,18)

Who is death's mother and father? (lust and sin, James 1:15)

What father didn't trust his sons? (Jacob learned about Joseph, Genesis 45:26)

Which dumb man spoke when he named his son? (Zechariah, Luke 1:63)

My first syllable is a count without a letter, the other two are bent into an arc, it lives with the clouds before God’s eyes. (rainbow)

What a fruit, it looks nice, it is both round and square, if you pick it from a branch, you will definitely die (sin)

Which prophet walked naked and barefoot for three years? (Isaiah 20:3)

About whom did God say: “My shepherd”? (Isaiah 14:28)

What is the width and depth of the curse that fell on the earth? (Zechariah 5:2-4)

Who has seen a woman with stork wings? (Zechariah 5:9)

Who did cereal serve as salvation? (2 Samuel 17:19)

Who hanged himself for false advice (2 Samuel 17:23)

Without arms, without legs, stood in the forest, reeled, caught? (Absalom, 2 Samuel 18:9)

Who walked on the bottom as if on dry land (Moses, Psalm 106:9)

Who played with which king, i.e. wanted to gain time (sorcerers, fortune-tellers and wise men with King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 2:8)

Which king bowed to his captive and brought him great gifts (Daniel 2:46)

Who said: “I will howl like a jackal”? (Micah 1:8)

Which prophet was like an iron pillar and like a copper wall? (Jeremiah 1:18)

Who ate bread strictly by weight and drank water by measurement? (Ezekiel 4:10,11)

Who should have trembled while eating bread and drinking water? (Ezekiel 12:18)

Who had the heart of a beast? (Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 4:13)

Who cursed their birthday? (Job 3:1, Jeremiah 20:14-18)

In what country was a book read, and a stone was tied to it, and it was thrown into the middle of a river, and into which river? (Ephrates River, Babylon, Jeremiah 51:60-63)

Who painted Jerusalem on a brick? (Jerezkiel 4:1)

Name the first tailors (Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:7)

Who was named differently at birth by both parents? (Genesis 35:18)

Which two husbands died while serving? (Leviticus 10:1,2)

What did God create on the first day of creation? (light, Genesis 1:3)

Were there living souls before Adam? (were on the fifth day, Genesis 1:30)

Name eight people who died twice? (1 Kings 17:22, 2 Kings 4:36, man touched the bones of Elisha, Christ, Luke 7:15; 8:55, Lazarus, Acts 20:9-12)

Name a prophet who was afraid of another person and fled to another land? (Exodus 2:14,15)

Who told another what he himself did not see? (David on Christ, Acts 2:31)

Who, being strong and just, fled with his troops from the weak and unjust? (David of Saul, 1 Samuel 27:1)

Name a person who, in infancy, did not yield, did lies, deceived and stole, and when he matured, obeyed God and was justified by God? (Jacob, Hosea 12:3)

During the flood, eight souls were saved in the ark, but who was saved alone in the ark? (Moses, Exodus 2:3)

What is the name of the man who stood up against 300 Philistines with their spears raised? (1 Chronicles 11:11)

Who died from the strong wind? (Job 1:19)

Who cut down someone else's tree and did not ask the owner, but acted righteously? (Gideon, Judges 6:30)

Which king first died and then began to reign? (Jesus, Matthew 27:37)

Where does it say that Israel will be enslaved for 400 years? (Genesis 15:13)

What is the name of David's great-grandmother? (Ruth, Ruth 4:5, 17)

What does the word "Gilgal" mean? (Joshua 5:9)

Who burned the king's bones into lime, and which king? (Amos 2:1)

Who sacrificed his son and burned him on the wall? (2 Kings 3:27)

Who did good and beat Christ with a stick? (Moses struck the rock with a stick, Exodus 17:6, but Christ struck the rock, 1 Corinthians 10:4)

Where does it say that children cannot be sacrificed? (Leviticus 20:2)

When was death cooked in a cauldron? (2 Kings 4:39-41)

Who was the dead and raised the dead? (2 Kings 18:21)

How did the ax surface? (2 Kings 6:6)

Who did the worms eat alive? (Acts 12:23)

The Bible is a source of undeniable truth for millions of people, but this book (or rather, a series of books) is so ancient that many questions can arise about the accuracy of the events presented in it. In this list, we want to introduce you to several historical and theological mysteries that the Bible contains.

Holy Grail

Riddle: Where is the Holy Grail?
According to Christian mythology, the Holy Grail was a dish, plate or cup that Jesus used during the Last Supper, which was supposed to have miraculous properties. Belief in the Holy Grail and interest in its potential location have never ceased. Possession of the cup has been attributed to various groups, including the Templars.
There were bowls that were said to be the Grail. They were located in some churches, for example, in the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Valencia. Valencian Cup can truly be considered a contender for the true Grail, since, with scientific point view, it is claimed that it was created between the fourth century BC and the first century AD, in the Middle East. Other stories claim that the Holy Grail rests beneath Rosslyn Chapel or lies at a spring on Glastonbury's rocky summit. And also that a secret dynasty of protectors possesses the Grail, or that it was hidden by the Templars on Oak Island, known as the "Money Pit of Nova Scotia."

Riddle: Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
The Ark of the Covenant is a container described in the Bible. According to legend, the stone Tablets of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments were kept in it, as well as, according to the Epistle to the Hebrews, a vessel with manna and Aaron's staff. The Ark was kept in Jerusalem until the Babylonians plundered and destroyed the temple. Since then, he became a kind of legend and disappeared forever.
There are several theories about where it could be: deliberate concealment by the priests of the Jerusalem Temple, the removal of the Ark from Jerusalem by the inhabitants of Babylon, and the removal of the Ark by the prince of Ethiopia.
One of the most important Islamic shrines, the Dome of the Rock mosque, was built on the same site where Solomon's first temple is believed to have stood. The Bible says that during the construction of the temple, a special platform was installed for the Ark of the Covenant, which was lowered into the underground tunnels if the temple was attacked. Perhaps this is the real location of the shrine.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Riddle: Were these real cities, and if so, where were they located?
Because of the sins of the inhabitants of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adm, Zeboim, were destroyed, “the Lord began to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, sending fire and burning brimstone from heaven.” In Christianity and Islam, the names of these cities became synonymous with inveterate sins and their fall from the wrath of God.
The historical existence of Sodom and Gomorrah is still disputed by archaeologists. The Bible indicates that they were located near the Dead Sea. Possible contenders for the title of Sodom and Gomorrah are sites discovered in 1973, including structures excavated back in 1965 by archaeologist Paul Lapp. After all, they were all located near the Dead Sea, and also on many stones, traces of combustion and sulfur were found there.

Riddle: Where were the Gardens of Eden?
While most theologians believe that the story of Eden is most likely fictional, there are people who think that it really existed. In addition, the Bible mentions its specific location. This led to numerous attempts to find the gardens. Among the possible options, rivers such as the Araks, Ganges, Kerhe, Karun, Diyala, Wadi ar-Rumah and even the Nile are mentioned. There are hypotheses that place Eden at the source of the Tigris and Euphrates (northern Mesopotamia), in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Africa and the Persian Gulf.
While the true location remains a mystery, there is one exciting twist to the tale. In the Bible, Ethiopia is mentioned as an area near the gardens. Since 1974, paleontologists have studied six million years of life and concluded that Ethiopia is the scientific location of the birth of man, which means that, scientifically speaking, this is where the true Eden was located.

Riddle: There are coded messages in the Bible, is this a coincidence?
The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is a sequence of letters purportedly existing in the text of the Bible that, when decoded, reveals foresight and prophecy. The research and results of this code were popularized in the book The Bible Code. The main decryption method was the equidistant alphabetic sequence. To reveal the encrypted code, select the starting point (any letter) and the number of gaps, as desired. Then, starting from a starting point, select letters at equal intervals and highlight the ones you want. The use and publication of "predictions" based on Bible codes succeeded in causing a popularization of code understanding, primarily based on the work of journalist Michael Drosnin. Drosnin's most famous biblical prediction, made in 1994, was the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

Riddle: What happened to the lost tribes?
The Ten Lost Tribes are tribes of the descendants of Israel who, after the destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, fell into Assyrian captivity. Many Jewish groups have doctrines regarding the long hidden existence or future public return of these tribes, which is partly based on certified and recorded historical fact, partly on written religious tradition, and partly on speculation. There were also bizarre theories about who might have descended from the Lost Tribes. Some views include Irish, Native American, British and Japanese. The Jews of Kaifeng, according to the Chinese, could have descended from one of the lost tribes.

Riddle: Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?
The Pharaoh of the Exodus is the pharaoh (king) who ruled Ancient Egypt during the Exodus of the Jews. The chapters of the Book of Exodus describe how the children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt, how the Lord sent a plague to Egypt in order to rescue the people, the subsequent escape of the Israelites, persecution by the army and the crossing of the Red Sea. The name of the Pharaoh in this story is unknown, he is referred to simply as "Pharaoh" and the question of his identity is a burning question for all who believe the Book of Exodus to be true.
IN popular culture, there is an opinion that he was Ramesses II the Great, but there is no documentary or archaeological evidence that there were epidemics during his reign, or that he persecuted Jewish slaves fleeing Egypt.

Riddle: Where is Noah's Ark?
Since 200 AD, searching for physical remains Noah's Ark inspired enthusiasm and admiration among Christians, Jews and Muslims from all over the world. Despite rumors, sightings and expeditions, no scientific proof of the ark's existence has ever been found. Archaeologists call the search for the ark a “ghost chase.” The only thing that led archaeologists from all over the world was the mention of Mount Ararat.
TO mid-19th century, archaeologists identified the location of the peak, presumably in the mountains of modern Armenia and eastern Turkey. Until the 19th century, these areas were not significantly developed, and Western expeditions were virtually impossible. TO beginning of XXI century, two main candidates for study have emerged: the so-called Ararat anomaly, located near the main peak of Ararat (“the anomaly” is visible on aerial and satellite images and is a dark spot on the snow of the peak), as well as the area near Dogubayazit, 29 kilometers south of the Great peaks of Ararat.

Riddle: Who was Jesus' beloved disciple?
One of the biggest mysteries in the Bible is the identity of the “beloved disciple of Jesus.” According to the Gospel of John, he was one of the 12 disciples who “reclined at the breast of Jesus” during the Last Supper. However, there is an opinion that the Gospel of John was written from the memories of this same disciple. The strangest thing is that his name is not mentioned anywhere.
The lack of mentions only adds to the mystery of this story. Many scholars claim that the “Beloved Disciple” was Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The reason for this opinion is the fact that when the sisters called Jesus to help Lazarus, they said: “Lord, the one you love is sick.”

Riddle: Who wrote the gospel?
The Gospel is probably the most an important part New Testament and until the 18th century, their authorship was not usually considered a mystery. But since modern theologians have studied history four books, they began to question the fact that the Gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. There is a lot of speculation (mostly based on the writing style of the books) that holy books were written by people who knew the apostles, but not by the apostles themselves.
This is a mystery that is unlikely to ever be revealed unless the "master" source for all the gospels is discovered. Since only he can explain all the anomalies that are spoken of in support of non-apostolic theories of authorship.

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On this page you will find biblical riddles for children and adults, both simple and complex. bible questions, as well as interesting bible puzzles to logic. Play Bible games, riddle and solve the proposed puzzles with your friends.

Answers to complex biblical questions and biblical riddles with answers are added either in the comments or hidden under the riddle, try highlighting the line immediately under the riddle, there may be a hint or answer hidden there. When you send your answer in the comments, please put the number of the riddle and your answer.

Many answers to the riddles of the Bible have already been given in the comments; to quickly find the answer, you can use the shortcut keys “Ctrl + F”, enter the number of the riddle in the search bar and the answer, if there is one, will be displayed in the comments.

The list of riddles will be updated regularly.

Christian Bible riddles with answers - Bible riddles:

1. Which bird made the stone cry?
Let's the book of Matthew.

2. Who was 3 years older than God?
2. Guessing... in Exodus

3. Who was not born, but died?
Let's Genesis

4. On which shelf in the ark was the Bible placed? (biblical tricky riddles)
4. Guess... re-read...

5. Who and to whom could say in heaven in 1914: “What are you doing here?” One walks across the sky, meets another and says: “How did you get here?”
5. Guessing... in Acts
6. Whom does man always see, the king sometimes, God never?
6. Guessing...

7. Young, modest, lived, did not sin, was not baptized, served Jesus, died, but will not be resurrected?
7. Matthew 21

8. What cannot Almighty God do?
8. Guessing... in Numbers

9. How did Abel kill Cain?
9. Guess... read carefully

10. What does God give to a person twice in life, and the third time we buy it ourselves?
10. Let's guess...

11. There was a letter, but there was no address. Nothing was written in the letter, but the person who received it knew what was happening in the world.
The reasonable one sent the unreasonable one, the unreasonable one (the postman) brought the sheet, but the reasonable one understood everything.
11. Guessing...Genesis 8

12. What kind of symbol, what kind of sign did God show to the nations? He said and it became so in the air and waters. My first syllable is a count without a letter, the other two are bent into an arc, it lives with the clouds before God’s eyes.
12. Guessing...Genesis 9

13. When, where and which hero flew upside down?
13. Let's guess...

14. Who has the biggest or longest legs in the biblical story?
14. Guessing...

15. Who is the grandmother of death?
15. Guessing...James 1ch

16. They carried him, but when was he in power, did he eat his own kind, and he himself remained unharmed and whole?
Or, he was not born, but he lived, he did not die, but he was no more.
Answer: Guessing... (Exodus 7)

17. “Living pit, living coffin, living dead man?”
Answer: Let's guess... in the book of Jonah

18. A quality that we need to develop, but Jehovah God does not have?
Answer: Modesty.

19. “Six were walking. The first knew everything, the second guessed, the three guessed nothing, and the last couldn’t guess?”
Answer: Genesis

29. “She killed, but did not kill, she destroyed herself.”
Answer: Guessing... (Acts 28)

30. “Which wife fed her husband to death?”
Answer: Genesis

31. “The man was covered, but not veiled. It was removed from sadness, it did not belong to him, the lesson showed, it disappeared that same night. What was it?"
Answer: Guessing... (Jonah 4ch)

32. “When he lied, Jehovah kept him, was with him, and when he told the truth, Jehovah left him?”
Answer: Guessing... in the Judges...

33. “Black, but not a black man without hands, but not a cripple‚ but fed a person ”
Answer: Guessing... (1 Kings 17)

34. “Where little grows, soon much will bloom.”
Answer: Let's guess... (Isaiah 35ch)

35. “Can a soul fly over a cemetery?”
Answer: Yes, why do we guess... in Genesis

36. “Who died between heaven and earth?”
Answer: Guessing...(2 Samuel 18)

37. “He walks confidently along a very unsteady road, he is not a ghost, he is alive, and he will get there, does he know that?”
Answer: Let's guess...Matthew 14:25-28

38. “A bus was driving through Israeli land, there were Jehovah’s Witnesses and lay people, the announcer says: “We are now approaching the ruins of the hotel where the Good Samaritan left the wounded Jew. Let’s go and have a look.” Everyone got up and ran to look. And one Witness remained sitting in place and laughed. Question: why did you stay and laugh?” (biblical tricky riddles)
Answer: Let's guess...

39. “Round, large, on 48 legs, with 24 horns, 12 heads, whoever climbs up cleans himself”
Answer: (2 Chronicles 4ch)

40. “What word appears once in the Bible and will happen once in history?”
Answer: Guessing... (Revelation 16)

41. “Who came down from the mountain without going up?”
Answer: Guessing... in Genesis

42. “He lived, grieved, when he received, got into trouble”
Answer: Guessing...(Genesis 2:22–25)

43. “She is written about in the Bible, but her name is not mentioned there, every Christian should remember her, and her ashes are in every home.”
Or a biblical character whose name is not mentioned in the Bible‚ but you can buy burial clothes at the grocery store.
Answer: Guessing...(Genesis 19)

44. “What insect destroyed a world power?” (For those who know biblical history well, Daniel 8:8)
Answer: Let’s guess... it’s in the comments

45. “On what site are all the houses, but no one opens the door?”
Answer: Let's guess...

46. ​​“Who was the first surgeon?”
Answer: (Genesis 2) is in the comments

47. “Which type of product is currently unavailable but was available in the past?”
Answer: (Exodus 16:ch); Gen. 2.3 ch.

48. “How many animals of each type did Moses bring into the ARK?”
Answer: Guess...reread carefully

49. “Two from the sea, five from the field, one from heaven, all together they performed many miracles?”
Answer: in the Gospel Guessing...

50. “Which chapter has three ‘chapters’?”
Answer: Guess..1 cor..

51. “Because of these six, the Israelites almost returned to Egypt.”
Answer: Guessing...(Numbers 11)

52. “Slept - carried‚ fell - left‚ touched - woke up‚ enemies
Answer: Let's guess... (2 Kings 13:20‚21)

53. “Which woman’s second husband’s name means “beloved” and her first husband’s name means “mad”?”
Answer: Let's guess...

54. “What miracle did the worms eat?”
Answer: Guessing...(Exodus 16 chapters) (Jonah 4 chapters)

55. “Seven played, thousands were silent; stopped playing, thousands started screaming"
Answer: Guessing...(Joshua 6:8‚9)

56. “Who was born once and died twice?”
Let's guess...

57. “Who spoke once in their life?” What animals spoke human language?
Answer: The serpent and the donkey. (Genesis 3:1, Numbers 22:28)

58. “It’s not a rose, but it blooms, it’s not a key, but it opens, it’s not a stone, but it breaks?”
Answer: (Numbers 17:8‚ Exodus 14:16‚ Exodus 17:5‚6)

59. “What fell almost disappeared, but the prophet saved it by throwing a piece of wood?”
Answer: (2 Kings 6:6)

60. “What does Adam have in front and Eve behind?”
Answer: (look at the text of the riddle again)

61. “Who said: “Do not be afraid, because I am afraid”?”
Answer: (Genesis 50:12, 42:18)

62. “There were only two of them, just she and he, she was earthly, and he was created. The only mysterious thing is this: the two of them did not get along, she reigned at night, and he only reigned during the day.
Let's guess...

63. Without arms, without legs, stood in the forest, reeled, caught?
(2 Samuel 18:9)

64. Which king first died and then began to reign?
(Jesus, Matthew 27:37)

65. What threefold question was asked by the apostles to Jesus?
(Matthew 24:3)

66. What tree was not in the Garden of Eden?
(Genesis 2:9, trees of death).

67. What in heaven is made by human hands?
Let's guess...John 20)

68. Who didn’t say a word, yet lied?
(Acts 5ch)

69. A man made a thing and sold it. It was bought by someone who doesn’t need it, but is forced to buy it. The one who needs her does not realize that he needs her. Or whoever makes it sells, whoever buys doesn’t need it, and whoever needs it doesn’t care.
(Let’s guess... Eccl. 9 ch.

70. Everyone needs this thing every day, but not much. We remain unhappy without her. All those who love the truth should be like this. You have to talk to her constantly.
(Let's guess...Matthew 5ch)

71. I would never have thought what man came up with. He didn’t want to give it away, but he couldn’t refuse.
(Let's guess... in Matthew 14)

72. Who saw how the one who will be talked with those who are not?
(Let's guess... Mark 9ch)

73. Seven played, thousands were silent; stopped playing, thousands began to scream.
(Let's guess... in Joshua 6)

74. There could have been 10, there could have been 6, there would have been 4, but there were 3 left. Who are these 3, 4, 6 and 10?

Another option: Six left, two remained, four climbed, only three reached the goal. What is this event?
Let's guess... in Genesis...
75. Who lived before Adam with a beard.
Animals were created before man. The goat has a beard.

76. When did all the inhabitants of the Earth hear the crowing of a rooster?
Let's guess... in Genesis

77. Abode of resentment?
Let's guess... Ecclesiastes 7ch

78. Write the six-digit telephone number of our Father.
Let's guess...
79. What dust is harmful to the heart?
Let's guess...

80. Which biblical character was lying on the asphalt?
Let's guess... in Genesis

81. Which king likened himself to three birds?
Let's guess...

82. The first beauty pageant in the Bible?
[Esther 2]

83. Who paid the tax from a live wallet?
Matt. Chapter 17 The answer is in the comments

84. Which ship sailed from bottom to top?

85. Bible of the same name girl's name and the brand name of Alpine chocolate? 🙂

86. The name of the prophet is read the same from left to right and from right to left...
the answer is given in the comments

87. Which biblical character can rightfully say:. “Before I became king, he was under my command. Now I am a king, but I am subordinate to him.

89. They got there through death and left there through death. Whoever came out of there not through death was death.
90. 1+1=1 - this is possible! Biblical riddle.
the answer is given in the comments

91. Where does the Sermon on the Mount begin?
What options do not sound “from the 3rd verse, from climbing the mountain, from the review of your students, from the word “happy”.” These answers are not correct.

92. What miracle did Jesus do not out of love?
the answer is given in the comments

93. I have two mothers. But I’m not sure that the second mother is mine.
Although I saw how she gave birth to me. Who was that? Hint in the Hebrew Scriptures.

94. Sixteen are coming, carrying four, these four carry four more. The last THREE of the four are one worse than the other.

95. Who was the first circuit overseer described in the Hebrew Scriptures?

96. One flew, didn’t want to, flew and survived. Others flew, didn’t want to, didn’t make it and didn’t survive. What episode?

97. An ancient and very good Armenian riddle. You need to think about it a little outside the box. Thieves came, stole the owners, and the house ran out the window. What are we talking about?

98. This is the king. His name is read both from the beginning and from the end the same way. To get to his kingdom, you need to move from Israel to the north. The name of his kingdom is included in his name.

99. Who took away 280 from others, for which he had to give four and considered this as fair retribution from God? Hint, the answer can be found in verses of Judges 1-4 chapters.

100. God could, but did not want, Jesus wanted, but could not, man did not want, but did. What is this?
Carry a pillar of torment. (Matt. 27:32)

101. I was dead for a very long time. In just one night he came to life. God indicated the choice and for that he ended up in the casket.
the answer is given in the comments

102. How many chapters and verses are there in the Bible? (throughout the Bible)

103. It was. It went. Taught. Counted. The law of God was repeated.

104. Which woman was a widow, only for 3 hours?
(the answer is given in the comments. book of Acts

105. Two saw, five took, thirty-two ate.
Let's guess...

106..First communal apartment
(the ark)

107. Why did Noah build the ark upside down? A riddle from the series when Noah walked upside down?

108. Who, according to the Bible, killed a quarter of the world's population.

109. What technology did Jesus use to get more people to listen to him? Luke 5:1-3 response in God's Kingdom Rules! Air, water, wood, speech, hearing, heart!

110. Gold enslaved, silver liberated, copper was greater than all, and iron was stronger than all.
Based on Holy Scripture.

111. The clock has one, the books of the Bible have two, the imperfection or Satan has three...

112. What an achievement ancient Rome the length of two equators of the Earth helped the first Christians to carry the good news? w15 15/2 3:9

113. Which publication from a faithful servant has not been read from beginning to end by any Jehovah's Witnesses? This post is literal.

114. What is the difference between a pioneer and an egg?
(the pioneer is always ready, and the egg only after 5 minutes)

115. Who was saved from trouble in a basket without water at night?
Greek Scriptures

116. What 4 suicides are mentioned in the Bible?
Hint: three in the Hebrew Scriptures, one in the Greek

117. I was looking for a tree and lost my life.

118. He entered into them and came out with them.

119. The living, from Jehovah, and killed; and the inanimate, from humans, and protected?
(Numbers 21 ch.)
120. Four names of Christ?

121. All women dream of hearing this, but when one king heard this, died that same night?)
(in the book of Daniel)
122. I was the last one, very strict, I lived without working but was rich.
(Deuteronomy 5ch)

123. There could have been 10. There should have been 6. There would have been 4. But there were only 3 left. What was it?
Could have been 10. Should have been 6. Would have been 4. But was only 3. What was it?

124.My father, aka my grandfather, and my brother, aka my cousin, who is this?
My father is my grandfather, and my brother is also my cousin, who is it?

125. Everyone needs this thing, but not much. Without it, we remain dissatisfied. Those who love the truth should always speak to it.
The Answer in the Gospels
126. I lay for centuries, I was chosen from five, I prevented the enslavement of an entire people.

127. Did he enter them and leave with them?

128. I lived in a damp lowland and I was friends with the water,
But then they took me and sent me to the bad.
I greeted him and kissed his forehead.
He didn’t become friends with me, for some reason he fell down.

129. “I am a servant of Jehovah, I will punish even without an enemy,
I have condemned Israel and been to Samaria.
My black horse is galloping and my scales are with me
Only my death will come soon and I won’t be in heaven.”

130. How to decipher: lurami dododo vekrosa (riddle only works in Russian)

131. What stronger than God, worse and more evil than Satan, the poor have it, but the rich don’t have it, and if people eat it, they will die.
What is greater than Jehovah, more evil than Satan - the poor have it - the rich need it - and if you eat it, you’ll die?

132. The riddle only works in English:
Can you find thirty (30) books of the Bible in this paragraph? Actually, there are 31 if you can find the variant of one Old Testament prophet’s name.
There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That's a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “The books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus; there really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found.

133. Enough complex riddle. What are the five types of COWS found in the Hebrew Scriptures?

134. What threefold question was asked by the apostles to Jesus?
Matthew 24

Questions: 1. Where in the Bible does it say that time will pass very quickly and unnoticed before the Lord comes?

2. Why can the earth move from its place?

3. Which country in the Bible is called “the hammer of all the earth”?

4. Which son was supposed to wear it after the death of his father...

50 Bible Riddles (Part 8)

Questions: 1. Who cursed his grandson for his son’s act?

2. How can you prove your wisdom?

3. What can separate us from the love of God?

4. Who made a covenant with the eyes, so as not to think about the maiden?

5. End correctly: Beloved! Believe not every spirit, but test the spirits... 6. When...

50 Bible Riddles (Part 9)

Questions: 1. When did the two Belshazzars meet together?

2. Two human traffickers, both had the same name, both sold people close to them; but one repented, and the other did not. Who are they? 3. Which Jewish child convinced a noble Gentile to travel to a distant land?

4. Two animals...

50 Bible Riddles (Part 10) Questions: 1. The city about whose inhabitants Ezekiel says: “...your father was an Amorite, and your mother a Hittite”? in a desert? 3. Who wore the same shoes for forty years?
