Names of modern famous young male sorcerers. The names of great magicians are the ancient names of magicians. Where Wizards Dwell

Witches and sorcery have fascinated the minds of everyone, from angry villagers wondering why their women have gained a sense of independence, to the average layman wondering if the herbal tea they drank last night was a potion or just a really bad tea. For generations, witches have been seen in folklore as objects of wisdom and evil.

10. Kikimora

Kikimora, whose name is very funny to pronounce, is a domestic spirit, which, above all, must be respected. She is the female equivalent and wife of a male brownie or family spirit, and her presence always manifests as wet footprints. So what makes a kikimoru a witch you don't want to date? Usually, she is quite harmless, but if she is not respected, she will whistle, break dishes and throw things. If you don't want all your things to be broken - respect this witch.

9. Kirk or Circe (Circe)

A famous character in Homer's Odyssey, Circe, was a witch who lived on an island called Aeaea. She had a rather peculiar hobby - she turned passing sailors into wolves, lions and all sorts of other animals after drugging them. Well, some people like to collect stamps, others like to turn people into animals. It's not for us to judge her.

When Odysseus visited Aea, Circe turned his people into pigs, but the gods gave Odysseus a magical plant that prevented Circe from drugging him. After he made Circe swear that she would not betray him, Odysseus and his men lived for a year under Circe's protection before attempting to sail back to Ithaca.

8 Morgan Le Fay

Most people are vaguely familiar with the legend of King Arthur and his companion the sorcerer Merlin, but few of us remember the heroine of the legend named Morgan the Fairy. In the myths, she works tirelessly with her magic to destroy the good Queen Guinevere, who drove her from court when she was younger. She tries to betray Guinevere's lover, Sir Lancelot, and thwart the plans of King Arthur's knights. The final fate of Fairy Morgana is unknown, but she eventually makes peace with King Arthur and brings him to Avalon after his final battle.

7 Witch of Endor

The sorceress of Endor was not necessarily evil, but the fate she spoke of could not be ignored. According to legend, King Saul went to the sorceress of Endor to get an answer to questions about how to defeat the Philistines. The sorceress of Endor summoned the ghost of the prophet Samuel, who did not tell him how to defeat the Philistines, but predicted that they would defeat him, and he would go to the next world to his three dead sons. Saul, who was wounded in battle the next day, killed himself out of fear. And while the sorceress didn't technically cause Saul to kill himself, she was no doubt involved in his death.

6. Jenny Greenteeth

Depending on which part of England you hear from, you may know about this cruel witch known as Ginny (Ginny, Jinny, Jeannie), or Wicked Jenny. Jenny Grinties was a witch who deliberately drowned young and old people just for fun. In some legends, she devours children and the elderly. In other legends, she is simply a sadist who enjoys the pain her victims experience. She is often described as having a green complexion and razor-sharp teeth. As with many other creepy characters from folklore, it was probably used to scare children into behaving and staying close to the water's edge while swimming in pools in the afternoon. But the main moral of the story is this: stay away from green river witches.

5. Chedipe

Ah, Chadip. Who are you: a witch, a vampire or something else? Either way it's not a lovely lady under moonlight. A chedip is a woman who died in childbirth or committed suicide and is the Indian equivalent of a succubus. She rides a tiger in the moonlight, and when she enters the house, not a single soul wakes up and notices her. She then sucks the life out of each person through their toes - yes, through their toes - and disappears without a trace.

4. "Prophetic Sisters" or Three Witches (Weird Sisters)

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's most outstanding plays, full of amazing characters and filled with magic, betrayal and fear. But the very first characters in history are those who set everything in motion - the Prophetic Sisters. And yes, they are certainly more than strange, but in this case, "strange" means "fateful", so they are more like "Sisters of Destiny". They act like a destructive force and don't just send Macbeth into a spiral of corruption and paranoia, they send all of Scotland to war just to topple one man from power. And this is the real evil.

3. Bell Witch

The witch of the Bell family is the most famous witch in American folklore, and her story is exactly the kind of story that is told around the campfire. The Bell Witch was allegedly a poltergeist who appeared at the home of John Bell, Sr. in 1817. The Bell Family witch attacked family members and often cursed at the family. She ended up poisoning John Bell Sr., leaving behind a bottle of poison disguised as medicine. We must remember to burn some sage today.

2. Hecate

Hekate was Greek goddess sorcery. She was also the goddess of witches, witchcraft, poisonous plants, as well as many other witchcraft paraphernalia. Hecate was the daughter of the titan Perses and is still worshiped by some Greek polytheists. It is said that the very concept of the evil eye came from her, and shrines in her honor were erected to moderate the wrath of evil demons and spirits in Greek myths. One of her names "Chthonia" (Chthonia) in translation means "from the underworld."

So what makes her so intimidating? Well, first of all, she is the goddess of sorcery. If it existed, it probably wouldn't have been too fond of Europe's (or Salem, Massachusetts) ancient habit of hating and burning/killing "witches" (who were most likely just miserable innocents). The fact that we've turned witches from scary, wise women who can hurt and heal people into beautiful women on TV who use magic to pass exams would most likely annoy her.

1. Graeae / Morai

So which witches will take the top spot on this list? Of course, the spinners of fate themselves. Grayi and Morai are a trinity of witches different types who understand the vagaries of fate, and based on the fact that they are often confused, we will talk about both trinities. Morai weave the fabric of fate, and the fate of every person is tied to their fabric, even the fate of immortals.

The Grays, on the other hand, were three evil sisters, related to the Gorgons (Medusa and her two lesser-known sisters). The Grays were not the most friendly creatures, but they had one eye on everyone, which they passed on to each other. The Grays also had knowledge of the unknown and fate, but they had no control over it. So which ones are worse? Sisters of Medusa, or those who could cut your thread of life? Probably, dear reader, it is better to stay away from both trinity after all.

In time immemorial, when the Earth was not yet in sight, great magicians and sorcerers lived in their magical world. Those who are now called the Ancient Mages, and in ancient times they were called the Great Mages. And among them were the six most powerful. And then one day they decided to check which of them is the most powerful magician.

First, by name rikas He created fire, and from fire he created the sun and stars.

Second, named Garad, created the Earth - a giant ball, on which he scattered mountains and valleys, deserts and gorges. And at the same time he created the Moon, so that it would not be very dark on Earth even at night.

Third, by name Armun, created water, and from the water he created oceans, seas and rivers, which flowed over a giant ball.

Fourth, by name Toron created air around the earth.

Fifth, by name Nakan, created plants, animals, birds and fish. And he peopled the earth, water and air with them.

Sixth, named Orair, thought for a long time and finally created people - in the image and likeness of magicians. And he settled them in the most beautiful and fertile place on earth - in the valley between two rivers.

And people lived there in peace and kindness.

And then the magicians began to find out which of them is still the best? Each claimed that the work of his hands - the most outstanding. And they began to argue and quarrel.

And none of them immediately noticed that the seventh magician appeared among them. His name was Bael. He was the oldest of all magicians. Nobody took him seriously anymore. All the other magicians and sorcerers of the magical world, and there were quite a lot of them, were sure that Bael, from incredible old age - all the magicians remembered him only as a deep old man - had long forgotten all the spells. In addition, none of the magicians liked him. He was always snide, arrogant, ungrateful and malicious. Therefore, the rest of the magicians had not invited him to any meetings for a long time. So that he does not spoil the mood of anyone.

The old man began to taunt the six most powerful magicians. He claimed that he was not only the oldest, but also the most powerful of them. He even stated that he was the one who created all the other magicians. And they are only a pathetic and stupid copy of himself.
Sergey and Elina Boltenko - magicians or charlatans?
The magicians were offended and, in turn, began to mock his old age and infirmity. And then the old man announced that in an instant he would sow discord and destruction in that beautiful world that they had created.

The rest of the magicians began to laugh sincerely and loudly. The old man grinned evilly, muttered a spell that none of the other magicians knew, took aim and spat at the Earth with pleasure.

The spray of his saliva scattered in the wind in all directions and hit all the people - then there were still very few of them. And each person decided that this was a neighbor or a neighbor, in order to humiliate him, they spat at him. And offended and angry.

And hatred broke out between people. And quarrels and scandals began between people. And soon not only individual people, but entire nations hated each other. Quarrels escalated into skirmishes, fights with the dead and wounded, into cruel and destructive wars. The reasons for this were very different. And the reason unknown to people is always the same. The reason was the very poisonous spit of the old magician Bael.

In addition, people inflamed with hatred not only for each other, but for everything living and inanimate, and began to cut down forests, destroy rocks, pour sewage into rivers, set fires, kill animals on hunts - not for food, but simply for pleasure and entertainment.

In response, the Earth, as if creature began to take revenge on them. Earthquakes, floods and floods, volcanic eruptions, storms and hurricanes killed many people, demolished cities, sank ships.

And then the magicians were horrified and descended to Earth in order to quietly, without betraying themselves, calm people down, eradicate evil, in order to save the beautiful world they created from destruction. They no longer argued about who was the best. They acted together.
The magicians settled on a beautiful peninsula, among mountains and valleys. They brought with them magical knowledge, magic items and many different incredible creatures - their servants, helpers and friends.

But it must have been that when they descended to Earth, the spray from the spit of the old mage Bael was still flying in the air. They probably had an effect on the magicians themselves, because a long time later the Ancient Magicians also quarreled. And in a cruel witch war, they destroyed each other and almost destroyed the entire earthly world, which they once created with such love.

And only the ruins of palaces on the tops of the most impregnable cliffs of Crimea remained from the Ancient Mages. Until now, on these rocks, if you look carefully, you can see the remains of steps, walls, cellars and doorways.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Occult names and surnames

List of occult names and surnames for practicing the occult

occult names are names that have occult energy. occult name choose in order to engage in any occult activity - magic, astrology, numerology, healing, divination, herbs, or others. An occult name is necessary both for protection and for correcting one's energy.

The occult name may be explicit(alias) or secret(unknown to other people).

Below we provide a list of occult names and surnames that will suit any character, for any occult profession.

Among the usual, common names(Russian, Slavic, Western, Arabic, etc.) there are also names that have occult energy. Such names push a person to read certain books, to acquire certain knowledge, and even to a certain profession. Since the name is one of the important factors that shape the character and preferences of a person.

If you want to engage in any occult activity, we can personally select an occult name for you (diagnose names) and an occult profession - diagnose and identify in which occult professions you have spiritual developments (abilities), and in what professions you will achieve success faster.

Male occult names


Abaddon- angel of the abyss, symbol of Scorpio

Avalon (Avalon)

Avidja- spiritual healer, psychologist



Adamasto(Greek adamas - indestructible). The spirit that gives strength and energy to any undertaking controls conflicts and wars.

Admet(Greek Admetos - indomitable), Uranian planet. AT ancient Greek mythology king of the Thessalian city of Thera.

Azazel- according to legend, the blessed demon (angel) Azazel wanted to become a deity (as described in the apocryphal book of Enoch). Azazel taught men how to make swords, knives, shields, and women how to make mirrors and bracelets. The Greeks became Dionysus-Bacchus. The zodiac constellation is Capricorn.

Azrael- Angel of Death

Ayer (Ayer)

Akrab (Acrab)- star (Beta Scorpio, 300 "Sagittarius). Influence of Saturn and Mars.

Akruks (Acrux)- star (Alpha of the Southern Cross, 11 45 "Scorpio)


Alastor ( Greek Alastor- spirit of vengeance



Albedo(albus - light), a number showing how much of the radiant energy a given surface reflects.


Algorab- star (Delta Raven. 13 45 "Libra). Character of Mars and Saturn.

Alphard- Arab. "Lonely" - a star (Alpha Hydra, 27 07 "Leo)

Algenib (Algenib)- (Arabic "going aside, separated") - a star (Gamma Pegasus, 9 30 "Aries)


amon- the deity of the Sun in Egypt, the lord of heat and light, the change of day and night, the seasons, the patron of royal power.


Angel(aggelos) - messenger, messenger, messenger of God

Antares(gr. Anti Ares) - a star (Alpha Scorpio, "Heart of Scorpio", 9 04 "Sagittarius). The ancients considered this red star sinister. Its influence is equated with Mars and Jupiter.

Antis(antis) - countershade

Anubis (Anubis)- a mystical planet of the highest order. egyptian god, keeper of the sarcophagi and guide of the dead on the way to the court of Osiris.

Ares, Arey Greek god of war.


Arcana(lat. arcanum - "mystery", Arabic - the basis of faith), a secret set of instructions associated with a deep knowledge of physical and mental laws, which was allowed to be used only by initiates.

Arcturus(Greek arktouros), star (Alpha Bootes, 24 05 "Libra). The influence of Mars and Jupiter, gives honor and glory.




Aten- the deity of the Sun among the ancient Jews in the era of Moses, the lord of heat and light, the change of day and night, the seasons, the patron of royal power.


Balsamo (Balsamo)- middle name of Count Cagliostro

Beroz (Berossos)- Babylonian priest, about 300 AD, who opened a school of astrology in Greece. Compiled a horoscope of the world.

Waltematt, Waltematt


Varuna- the most ancient Indo-Iranian deity, the lord of earthly and heavenly waters, the judge and punisher of demons. Later, in other cultures, it was transformed into a deity of water (Aruna among the Hittites), sky (Uranus among the Greeks), light (Ur, then the archangel Uriel among the Jews).


Willard- strong magical name


Crow- constellation, name for magic and divination

Volcano (Vulcanus, Vulcan, Vulkan)- among the ancient Romans, the god of fire and blacksmithing, a symbol of "hidden power", the Uranian planet, personifying the masculine principle. In astrology, Super Jupiter.

Gavar- to be strong

Hades (Nades)- the god of the underworld among the ancient Greeks (the Romans called him Pluto), in astrology the Uranian planet.

Halifax- city under the sign of Scorpio

Gamal (Hamal)- a star (Alpha Aries, 7 35 "Taurus). It has the character of Mars and Saturn.

Ganymede- satellite of Jupiter

Hesperus- Greek. hesperos - "evening", the name of the planet Venus as an evening star. It means loyalty to traditions, conservatism, high emotionality without pronounced external manifestations.




Daath- Heb. "knowledge", in modern Kabbalistics, is the highest point that a person can reach on the path of knowledge.

Dabih- star (Beta Capricorn, 4 0 "Aquarius). Character of Venus and Jupiter.





Dioscurus- the Dioscuri brothers were the Roman patron gods of sailors, their images were carved on the prow of the ships.

Dragon (Draconis)- constellation

Evdem- the name of a student of Aristotle

Evnem- this name is suitable for spiritual development(for esoteric, not occult)

Idris- Arab. "knowing"

ingredior(ingredior) - to enter, entry

Caduceus, Caduceus(Latin caduceus) - the rod of the god Hermes (Mercury), a cane with two snakes wrapped around it. Symbol of Strength.


Caus Medius- star


Kite- name for magic

Kronos, Kronos (Kronos, Cronus)- the god of time among the ancient Greeks, identified with Chronos-Saturn. Uranian planet. Means power, leadership, leadership.









Lucifer (Luciferus)- lat. "luminiferous"





Makrab (Markab)- star (Alpha Pegasus, 23 25 "Pisces)


Manticore- a mythical Indian beast with the body of a lion, the face of a man and the tail of a scorpion.

Mavor- one of the oldest Roman deities, the god of war

menkar- star (Alpha Cetus, 14 10 "Taurus), character of Saturn



Merlin- a sorcerer from Wells, who lived in the 6th century, who is mentioned in ancient sources of the 9th-13th centuries, including in the cycle of legends about King Arthur. He became famous for his ability to predict the future. According to legend, he was born from a woman and an incubus.



Morion- one of the types of rock crystal, contributing to the connection with the world of spirits.



Nergal Babylonian god of war

Octant (Octans)- constellation

Origen, Origan

Orion (Orion)- constellation


Ostanes- court soothsayer of Xerxes (Persian king 486-465 BC). Wrote an extensive essay on magic. From him, according to Pliny, the spread of magic began in Greece and the word itself came into use.

Perigeon(Other Greek perihelion)

Porphyrius (Porphyrios)

Procyon (Procyon)- star (Alpha Canis Minor, 25 43 "Cancer). The nature of Mercury and Mars: activity, reaching the use of violence.

Ravi (Ravi, Skt.) - one of the names of the Sun in Vedic mythology



Savitar- the deity of the Sun in India, the lord of heat and light, the change of day and night, the seasons, the patron of royal power.

sidus- (lat. Sidus) - star

Sizamoro, Sesamoro (Sesamoro)- in Kabbalistics, the designation of an infinitely good principle, one of the two most important world principles. Depicted in the form of a radiant triangle.


Smagard is the ancient name for emerald.

Sol(lat. Sol) - Sun



Toucan (Tucana)- constellation



Phoenix- constellation




Chiron- the ancient Greeks had the name of a wise centaur, teacher and healer, mentor of heroes - Theseus, Jason, Achilles. He was the son of Kron (Saturn), and therefore possessed immortality. The gods turned it into the constellation Sagittarius. In astrology, this name is given to an asteroid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus. The symbol is the key. It is considered an indicator of the ability to teach and heal, as well as the willingness to sacrifice one's interests for the sake of others.

move- Heb. "reflection of light and sound", "echo", glory, the eighth of 10 Sefirot, Manifested in the desire to thank God, to recognize truths that are beyond human understanding. Number - 9.


Cepheus- constellation

Shamash (Hamman)- the god of the Sun among the Semitic peoples

Sheratan- star (Beta Aries, 3 17 "Taurus). Character of Mars and Saturn.


Eclipse(ekleipsis) - eclipse

Eridanus (Eridanus)- constellation



Women's occult names

Agena (Agena)- the star of success and good luck (Beta Centauri, 23 40 Scorpio)

Agla- one of the names of God used in the rituals of the small Pentagram. A Kabbalistic magical formula used to exorcise evil spirits.



Alcina- this name is suitable for practicing magic, makes a woman psychologically and magically insidious

Alcyone (Alcyone)- star (030 "Taurus). The brightest star of the Pleiades cluster. It has the character of the Moon and Mars.

Anga(Skt. "part of the body") - the name of each of the eight steps of yoga.



Ardra– Sanskrit "soft, meek", the name of the star Alpha Orion (Betelgeuse)



Aruna- water deity of the Hittites


Apheta- set free, dedicated to the gods

Bina- other Hebrew. "comprehension", number 8.




Varga(varga) - Skt. "harmony"

Vega (Vega, Wega)- the star of Alpha Lyra, 15 10 "Capricorn. The character of Venus and Mercury (wealth, honor, success).


Vesta- the ancient goddess of the hearth and family life. One of the largest asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. In astrology, it symbolizes a priestess who transforms power, energy. The Greeks have Hestia.



Geburah (Gebura)- Heb. "power, strength" One of the ten Sefirot. Expresses the principle of measure, law, severity.

Gem the star Alpha Sev. Crowns

Genhelia- lat. Genius - "genius" and Greek. Helios - "Sun". Means solar mind. Governs birth, growth, health, all good inclinations. The symbol is the sign of the Sun without a dot.






Hyada- Greek. Hyades - "rainy"). In Greek mythology - nymphs, daughters of Atlanta and oceanids Pleione, turned by Zeus into stars. Star cluster in the constellation Taurus. Means increased sensuality.

Hydra- constellation




gontia- Greek. goeteia - "witchcraft". The ancient Greeks - magic, shamanism, in Byzantium - black magic, in Russia - the evocation of the spirits of the dead.

Jubba- star (Delta Scorpio, 0 00 "Sagittarius). Means wealth, influence, good looks, long journeys.




Divina(lat. Divinatio) - divination, divination


Isis(Greek, Lat. Isis) - among the ancient Egyptians, the goddess of fertility, water and wind, the sister and wife of Osiris, the mother of Horus and the goddess Bubastis, originally identified with the star Sothis (Sirius), then with the Moon and Venus (among the Romans). It is considered the guardian of the Zodiac, the patroness of the entire sky. Transplutonian planet (mystical planet of higher order). Meaning: Higher intuitive mind, transcendental experience.


Iris- stress on the first syllable



Kama- (Skt.) - love, sensual desires, passions.

Kanya- (Sanskrit "girl") - the constellation Virgo in Indian astrology. Gives people who are prone to mental and creative work - writers, artists, mathematicians, astrologers, fortunetellers.

Chapel (Сapella)- star Alpha Aurigae, "Goat" (21 40 "Gemini). Character of Mars and Mercury: energy, honors, luck.


kendra(Skt.) - center


Cybele (lat. Сybele)- the goddess of fertility, the daughter of Saturn and the Earth, to whom the orgiastic cult was dedicated.

Kundalia, Skt. "snake") - circle, ring zodiac constellations in Indian astrology.

Lagna(Skt.) - Ascendant in Indian astrology.



Larva(lat. Larva) - ghost, mask, disguise. In occultism, a malicious desire that has acquired an astral form.



Lilith- night, Black Moon

Lyra- constellation


Lulu (Lulu)- one of two hypothetical planetoids in the Earth-Moon system.

Moon(lat. Luna) - in the occult name, the emphasis is on y. The planet-satellite of the Earth, the luminary, always faces the Earth with the same side. For the ancients, the Moon served as the basis of the calendar and chronology. Many peoples worshiped the Moon as a deity (not only female, but also male).

Mair- the name of the star Sirius among the ancient Greeks. The largest visible star in the northern sky (Alpha Big Dog). Has the character of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It means honor and respect of others.



Mangala- the planet Mars in Vedic mythology, identified with the god of war.



Marion- stress on the first syllable.



Mina– Sanskrit "fish", constellation and zodiac sign Pisces in Indian astrology. Occupation associated with the river, sea, water.

Mirandela (Mirandela)







Nemesis(Greek Nemesis) - other Greek. the goddess of vengeance, depicted with a sword, scales, wings and a chariot drawn by griffins. In astronomy, it is an invisible twin star of the Sun, which has the properties of a "black hole".

Neomenia(Greek) - the first visible appearance of the Moon in the evening sky after the new moon, the birth of a new moon.



Olga- the name is suitable for black magic (this name carries such vibrations).

Pallas (Pallas)- Greek. "stunning with a spear", goddess of sciences, arts and crafts. One of the large asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. In astrology symbolizes the feminine

type of "Amazon", an active feminine principle, the ability to learn and, having learned, to act. The ability to use tactics instead of force.
palmistria(English palmistry, from lat. palma - "palm") - the ancient name of palmistry, a science dedicated to the study of lines and signs in the palm of your hand.

Proserpina(lat. Proserpina) - in ancient mythology daughter of the goddess Ceres, in astronomy an asteroid. In astrology, a fictitious planet personifies the development of the feminine (Supersaturn).

Psygelia (Psygelia, from Greek. psyche - "soul" and helios - "Sun"). In the esoteric tradition, a light spirit that sows the seeds of happiness in all areas human activity, enhances the influence of favorable energies, correcting the action of harmful ones. It elevates good feelings and helps a person to improve himself.

radda- part of the esoteric name of E. Blavatsky (Radda-Bai).



Santi, Santia- emphasis on and


Selena, from Greek. selas - "light, radiance") - the goddess of the moon among the ancient Greeks. In astrology - a fictitious planet (White Moon), symbolizes the "test by gifts", the guardian angel.

Senamira (Senamirha)- in Kabbalistics, the designation of one of the two most important world principles, absolute evil. Depicted as a pentagram with a flaming tail, surrounded by lightning.


Sibyl- (lat. sibylle, from the Greek "God's will"). In ancient times, the Romans - a soothsayer.

sylph- English, German, French sylph, from lat. silva - "forest".

Sirius- the largest of the visible stars in the northern earthly sky (Alpha Canis Major). Has the character of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It means honor and respect of others.


Smagardina(smaragdina) - emerald

catfish- in Indian astrology the name of the moon, in Vedic and Hindu mythology- a divine drink that causes a state of ecstasy.






Uccha– Sanskrit "elevation"

Fevronia (Fevronia)



Hasta (Hasta)– Sanskrit "arm, elbow", the Indian name for the star Delta Crow. It represents worthy, educated people who achieve wealth and prosperity in the second half of their lives.

Ceres- Goddess of fertility and agriculture. It personifies maternal love, warmth, reliability. The largest of the asteroids.

Chandra- (Skt.) - The moon and the god of the moon in Vedic mythology.

Shams- the goddess of the Sun among the Semitic peoples

Shani Indian name for the planet Saturn

Shukra Indian planet Venus





erosion- Spirit of Venus



In the list of ancient European names you will find real witch names and names of powerful magicians. As well as names that activate clairvoyant ability. These names are great for a middle name for a practicing occultist:

Ancient names of Europe. European ancient male names

Ancient names of Europe. European ancient female names

Energy-informational diagnostics of occult names


Agena- All human energy is concentrated along the spine, that is, there is a concentration of energy along the spine. This makes a person assertive, concentrated, capable of any decisive action.

This name is suitable for a woman who has decided to make a career, earn money and accumulate material wealth.

One can not dream of a personal happy life with this name, although if a person has good spiritual developments and is able to withstand the pressure of the hard energy of this name, then personal life can develop.

The color of the name is black and red. This is the color of the planet Pluto.

This name is perfect for a woman who does practical magic, that is, which conducts specific magical actions.

Agena is a material, magical person, can be dangerous.

This name helps a woman to become self-confident, self-sufficient, to succeed in society. But the name is somewhat aggressive.


Anga- the energy of this name transforms the character of a person into a cunning, serpentine, insidious type. On the energy-information plane, this name is similar to a large snake, such as an anaconda, only mobile and dangerous, capable of swallowing a lot.

A person with this name is dangerous. A good mind combined with a strong intuition and sufficient willpower are all a set of a good mage.

A man is unlikely to stay close to a woman named Anga for a long time. After a sexual relationship with her, a man will feel sucked like a lemon. He will lose a lot of energy.

The only place where a woman with this name can realize herself is magic.

Neither personal life, nor career, nor doing business - nothing from this list can be achieved by a person with this name.


Armina- this name suggests that a woman deals with herbs, poisons, love spells, prepares love potions. Knows how to read cards.

But best of all, she sees events by looking into the water (peering into a cup of water lit by a candle in the dark). Although with the same success he can look into a spring, a lake, a river and see what was and what will be.

A woman with this name real witch. And she will not stop, even if she is threatened with death. Her nature is like a snake - cunning, insidious, deadly. Her bite is deadly. Woe to him who becomes her enemy. The enemy she will pursue and destroy relentlessly, as long as her enemy is still breathing.

If Armina falls in love, then this person must completely belong to her. She will not share her man with anyone. First, she will destroy her mistresses. And if her man is so stupid that he does not pay attention to it, then his life will end quickly enough. Armina has a very strong egoism, a sense of ownership. But not in the sense of wealth, money, things, but in the sense of relationships. Wealth is nothing to her. Above all, she values ​​​​relationships, and people for her are divided into only two groups: friends and enemies. There is no third. Very colorful strong nature, with a deep soul, the bottom of which is not visible.


Augur- the name of a serious person. Uncommunicative, speaks little, tries to choose words. Therefore, everything he says is treated with great respect.

The problem with the 5th energy center is lack of sociability.

In history, Augur (from Latin avis - "bird" and Celtic gur - "husband") is a Roman priest who made predictions by the flight and cry of birds.


Lagardère- a beautiful wrapper, fanfaron. The tail is fluffy, the red jacket, but there is no strength. Likes attributes of power, attributes of magic. Everything is arranged mysteriously, he hides his true essence behind magical and pseudo-magical things. Can speak beautifully, mist deception. And when he receives a serious order and they begin to demand execution or money from him, he will say: "Sorry, the Moon is in the wrong sign, Scorpio is in Taurus, the time has not come." Good name for a pseudomage.


Abracas(lat. Abraxas) - a swindler, the nature of a snake, rotten in terms of morality and ethics. The man is extremely dangerous, for the sake of money he is ready for anything. He does not need fame and fame, he only needs money and to remain in the shadows.

He will use poisons, the power of other magicians, he will not conjure himself, he has no power.


Jubba- in this name there are both yang and yin energies. A woman with this name is able to bear any burden of responsibility - for the family, for the whole family. She may be strong witch, strong magician, healer. In healing, she will use not only the knowledge of herbs, but also spells, and even the magic of sacrifice. The secret of the ancient magicians is hidden in this name.

If a man is named Jubba, he can achieve the abilities of a medium-strength mage. It is unlikely that he will become a strong magician. For a man who wants to become a magician, this is too mild a name. He can work with conspiracies, with energy that he can radiate through his hands. After each energy or magical session, he will need to recover within a few days.

A male mage named Jubba might be capable of a little lie. And a woman with that name would never go for it.


Marion- this name is suitable for fortune telling on cards, fortune telling along the lines of the hand. Gives an impulsive nature.

Occult surnames




Golden eagle

Biner(French binaire) - duality, dyad, for example, yin and yang, good and evil.

Binoville- an aspect in astrology, a double nonagon, indicating the role of fate in a person's relationship with other people.



Gamon (Hamon)


Gore- the deity of the Sun in Egypt, the lord of heat and light, the change of day and night, the seasons, the patron of royal power. Transplutonian planet.


Guru– Sanskrit "teacher", "mentor", the Indian name for the planet Jupiter.

Ghati– Sanskrit "jug", Indian measure of time in astrology.

Derabol- fr. professor of palmistry (1810 - 1885). He brought palmistry out of the world of quackery and won her a strong position among other occult sciences.

Duprel- German occult writer of French origin (1839-1899). Conducted experiments with mediums. He considered magic as the natural science of modernity, as an occult science.



Cairo- a famous chirologist, astrologer and occultist who lived in England (1886 - 1936). Real name - Count Louis Gamon (Louis Hamon). He predicted the violent death of Mata Hari, predicted the death of the Titanic along the lines of the hands of the captain of the ship, and the fate of the writer Oscar Wilde. Author of many books.

Kobold(German Kobold) - in German-Scandinavian mythology, an underground spirit that guarded treasures in the bowels of the earth and mountains, a dwarf, the spirit of a hearth. It was believed that the kobold is red and generally likes the color red.


Khunrath- the great German sealant, alchemist and occultist (1560-1601).

Lavater (lavater)- Swiss humanist, writer and physiognomist (1741-1801). He played an important role in the development of physiognomy in Europe.

Letoforo- (ancient Greek letophoros "bringing oblivion"). It carries Saturnian energy, develops aspirations aimed at the destruction of the social order. At the same time, he is methodical, systematic, inclined to study the sciences.

Libra pseudonym for a Dutch astrologer.


Mair- the name of the star Sirius among the ancient Greeks. The largest of the visible stars in the northern earthly sky (Alpha Canis Major). Has the character of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It means honor and respect of others.

Messagala (Messahalla)- An ancient Jewish astronomer and astrologer. Lived and worked in Baghdad.





Rigel- the star of Beta Orion (16 40 "Gemini). The character of Jupiter and Mars: wealth, glory.

sidus(lat. Sidus) is a star

Sirius- the largest of the visible stars in the northern earthly sky (Alpha Canis Major). Has the character of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It means honor and respect of others.

Sothis- the name of the star Sirius among the Egyptians.

Turner(French ternaire) - a triad, a set of three concepts that form a unity: three forms of time - past, present and future, three worlds - physical, mental and spiritual, etc.


Cheiro (Cheiro)


Falguni (Phalgoony)- from Sanskrit. "reddish"





Flambard- French astrologer and occultist (1867-1930). Wrote over 30 books.

Flambart (flamebart)

Fomalhaut (Fomalhaut- a star (Alpha of the Southern Pisces, 3 29 "Pisces). The character of Venus and Mercury. Means honor and glory.

Heiro- Greek. cheiri - "hand", palmistry.

Chesed- Heb. "to strive for goodness, to be generous", mercy, the fourth of the ten Sefirot, manifests itself in a person in love for God and people. The number is 4.


Huber- the surname of the Swiss spouses-astrologers Bruno and Louise, the founders of the Astropsychological Institute, adhered to the direction of psychological astrology.

Sheratan- star Beta Aries (3 17 "Taurus). Character of Mars and Saturn.

Jupiter- the head of the Roman pantheon of gods, the Indo-European god of magical royal power. Defender of the Law against the forces of Chaos. In astrology, a symbol of "great luck."

Energy-informational diagnostics of one name costs 500 rubles.

Choosing a name for occult activities costs 3,000 rubles.

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What is a magical name and who needs it? We will try to find out the importance of this issue in this article.

To know the magical world woven from new opportunities is the dream of anyone (beginner or professional).

Throughout the entire time of practice, they tirelessly work on this issue: they look behind the mysterious veil, try to knock on secret doors, unravel the clues of the Universe.

But none of the above would be possible without one important detail- without a magical name. Before embarking on an unknown, but very attractive path, magicians choose a pseudonym for themselves. All names from magical energy have special power.

It doesn't matter if your alias is from the list of available ones or if you come up with it yourself. Often disciples receive it from their spiritual mentor. The main thing is that this combination of sounds clearly reflects your future plans.

Who needs a magical name?

Each name is a powerful energy weapon - it is hidden from prying eyes until no one knows it. The names contain all the information about a person - about his strengths, about his shortcomings, about his character traits.

No wonder experts have determined that people who have the same name have a lot in common with each other. Sometimes even external similarity is manifested, not to mention the internal content.

Almost everyone has two names. The first is the official version, which is registered in the passport. But the second is what friends and relatives call us. Over time, the consciousness of a person expands - after all, he perceives both the first option and the second as his own name.

People who have a permanent name have a more serious mindset, they are thoughtful. Often they adhere to a single opinion that does not change all their lives.

Remember: when you tell someone what your name is, you open the door to your soul.

First of all, a pseudonym is necessary for magicians and sorcerers. He is also needed by witches and witches. We can say that in the magical world, a witch's name is a kind of calling card. Upon receiving it, the mage goes through a renewal process and starts from scratch. In these sounds (at first glance, quite ordinary) lies personal power.

Some are of the opinion that it is not necessary to acquire a pseudonym. But believe me, when the sacred ceremony takes place and at a mysterious moment the real name of the magician sounds - all energy goes into the material world. All information about you, about your character, about fears, about doubts goes into the ritual - this reduces its effect.

To achieve the desired goal, in the rite it is necessary to pronounce the witch's name.

At the moment of initiation, the magician must choose a new name - this is a symbol of the beginning of another path, a symbol of growth and development. Usually only the magician himself knows about it, often he is told to his spiritual teacher, rarely to allies (only to those whom you really trust).

The pseudonym personifies your true face, the inner Self, which will always be with you.

Receiving a magical name, a person is reborn. But at the same time, he becomes much more vulnerable - available for witchcraft attacks.

The process of adopting a new renewed name is a sacred rite. During it, a person gets rid of all the influence of the outside world, from the negative. He receives a set of new skills and abilities that will be useful in the future. It is important to learn how to use all this without harming anyone.

Before making a final decision, study all the details and details. Some prefer to choose names associated with mythology or religion. Some people like those that are connected with nature. There are even such magicians that they themselves come up with a pseudonym for themselves, which has not been used by anyone before. Each option has a right to exist.

Numerology and occult names

In numerology, you can find a lot of tips (especially for beginners) that help with choosing a future pseudonym.

Numerologists offer to pick up a magical name using the magic of numbers. As you know, our whole life is connected with numbers. In order for the result to be at the highest level, it is worth taking this issue seriously:

  • Listen to your intuition. Following the internal prompts, decide what name you would like to have. Perhaps it will be simple and easy to remember, or maybe you will want to associate your pseudonym with mythology. The main thing is that you are comfortable. Feel each sound - and watch the reaction of your heart.
  • Then determine the date of birth. Everyone can handle this - you should convert the day, month and year of your birth into a prime number. For example, you were born on 12/05/1985. Add up all the numbers: 5+1+2+1+9+8+5=31. Now: 3+1=4. You got what you wanted. Your number is four.
  • With the help of a special plate, you can determine the number of the name you like. If it matches your personal number by date of birth, this is ideal. Differences can be by one. Also, the nine and six have identical characteristics.

If you are unable to make a choice on your own, contact your mentor.

There is another method for determining your witch name - it is very effective and is called meditative. During practice, all unnecessary emotions are turned off, and intuition will tell you the right decision. In the images before the meditator comes his real name - the personification of all his personal characteristics.

Women's magical names and their meanings

Among the most famous magical female names are the following:

  • Agena- Lucky individuals who are able to succeed under any circumstances. They will pass through all sorts of obstacles on the way just to grab the dream by the tail.
  • Agla- a witch name, often used in ritual formulas. Casts out demons and evil spirits. Around themselves, such natures create a special atmosphere, full of harmony and peace.
  • Alcina- gives a woman deceit and cunning. Alcina is able to take over other people's thoughts, and then the body of another person.
  • Alcyone- the bearers of the name are patronized by the Moon. The magical radiance of the satellite has a special effect on the state of mind of a woman.
  • Anga- knows about all the secrets of his body and mind. Complete control over yourself.
  • Ardra- a symbol of softness, compliance. The nature of such a woman is meek. These traits are especially evident in family life.
  • Aruna- rules over the water element.
  • Apheta- the one that became free. No matter what, Apheta will throw off the shackles and spread her wings.
  • Bina- desire for knowledge.
  • Vagra- has inner harmony, all its features are attractive.
  • Vega- symbolizes success. This magical name attracts monetary energy.
  • Vesta- calmness and tranquility. Such a woman was created for the family - she will turn any corner into a real miracle. Her house is always cozy and warm. It transforms energy into positive.
  • Geburah- strictness and order. Geburah does not recognize chaos - she will not be able to work productively while disorder reigns around.
  • Genhelia- has inner light. Able to control all natural processes.
  • Hyada- a symbol of sensuality, fine mental organization. Sometimes emotionally unstable individuals. Able to show sympathy even to unfamiliar people.
  • gontia- connection with the world of spirits. They can turn to a long-dead person for help and get the necessary answer.
  • Jubba- leadership. Possessing external and internal attractiveness, they bind other people to themselves. They love to travel and learn new things.
  • Divina- able to predict the future from the cards.
  • Isis- the owner of the name gradually discovers supernatural abilities in herself. If you start developing them in time, you can achieve amazing results. Isis controls the elements.
  • Kama- love attraction, sensuality, romanticism. Easy to find mutual language with other people.
  • Kanya- a symbol of creativity. Often they show their abilities in various arts - art, literature, sculpture. They also easily solve the secrets of the stars, they can make true horoscopes.
  • Chapel- energetic persons who want to achieve honor and respect everywhere. They are easy to exercise.
  • kendra- egocentrism. Sometimes self-centered. For some, this is beneficial, as it pushes them to constant internal growth. But for some, this feature prevents them from correctly assessing the situation.
  • Cybele- symbolizes the continuation of the family.
  • Kundalia- continuity, cyclical overall development. It means "snake" in Sanskrit.
  • Lagna - rising star.
  • Larva Behind the ordinary appearance lies a mysterious personality. Prone to deceit for their own benefit.
  • Lilith Associated with night and darkness.
  • Moon- a faithful companion of our planet. The owner of such a magical name is prone to accuracy, to chronology. She will never leave the intended path. The main thing for the Moon is to strictly follow the developed plan. Any force majeure can confuse her - this is a disadvantage.
  • Mair- is popular with other people. Her opinion is considered very important and often determines the opinion of the majority.
  • Mangala- militancy, craving for struggle. For the sake of herself and her loved ones, Mangala will overcome all difficulties and come out as a real winner.
  • Mine- connection with nature. Feels all natural processes on an intuitive level.
  • Nemesis- in the legends of ancient Greece, that was the name of the goddess of vengeance. She is always armed and ready to strike back.
  • Neomenia- the moment of ascension to the sky of a new, renewed moon.
  • Olga- special spiritual vibrations allow you to feel all magical events. They are good at performing rituals.
  • Pallas- the one that shakes the spear. Pallas has the ability to all crafts, to all sciences. Her strong character shows how strong-willed a woman can be. She not only learns, she puts all the new knowledge into practice - and she does it professionally. But before using force, Pallas will try to solve all problems with the help of strategy and tactics.
  • palmistria - palmistry. Every line on the hand matters - even the smallest, most inconspicuous. The owner of this name can read the palm like an open book.
  • Proserpina- very feminine nature. Their facial features surprise with their tenderness.
  • Psihelia is a symbol of light. It spreads warmth around itself and helps others to show sensuality, not to bury their emotions deep inside. Constantly self-improving.
  • Selena is a constant test. Even when everything is calm, she will find an adventure for herself that requires return.
  • Senamira- a symbol of evil, surrounded by lightning and flames.
  • Sibyl- soothsayer. This is a real fortune teller that will dispel all secrets.
  • sylph- the patroness of the forest world.
  • Sirius- is respected by the people around him.
  • catfish- able to achieve true bliss.
  • Uccha- sublime nature. It has a special sensuality, capable of empathy.
  • Hasta- happy people, but understanding of their uniqueness comes to them only in old age.
  • Ceres are excellent mothers. They cover everything around with their love.

It is important that you like your choice - listen to the inner voice and everything will work out.

Male magical names and their meanings

Men usually use the following list:

  • Abaddon- symbolizes the greatness of Scorpio. Possessing this pseudonym, a person forever associates himself with the angel of the abyss. Active, sometimes aggressive.
  • Avidja- they heal souls, become very good psychologists and are able to unravel all the personal secrets of other people.
  • Adamasto- in Greek denotes indestructibility, invincibility. Each business started will be successful, because Adamasto controls all energy flows.
  • Admet- symbolizes independence. Such people cannot be lured to the other side, if they themselves do not wish it.
  • Azazel- A reincarnated demon. In mythology, there is a story about how Azazel decided to change his essence and become one of the gods. He helped ordinary people and tried his best to support them. He taught men how to make weapons, and showed women how to sew clothes.
  • Azrael- an angel who brings death.
  • Alastor- a spirit seeking retribution.
  • Albedo- brings light and warmth. Being in the company of such a person, you will feel real care. Great friends who are ready to help at any moment of the day or night.
  • Alfrad- a symbol of loneliness and isolation. They prefer to achieve everything on their own - without outside help.
  • amon- in the Egyptian religion, that was the name of the god who commanded the luminaries. He made sure that the Sun and Moon rose in time to the sky. The pharaohs also trusted him and very often offered up prayers to Amon.
  • Angel- carries messages from our Creator. Most often, the news is welcome. Angels also warn of dangers.
  • Antares- star. In ancient times, many legends were associated with it. Antares personified an ominous celestial body of red color.
  • Antis- the one that opposes the shadow. The demons bypass him.
  • Arcana- a mentor with deep knowledge in various sciences.
  • Beroz- lord of the stars That was the name of the great Greek astrologer who devoted his whole life to science. He was the first who made a horoscope.
  • Varuna- Airbender.
  • Volcano- a symbol of male power. These are real warriors, defenders and conquerors.
  • Gavar- everyone who calls themselves that can boast of energetic inner strength.
  • Hades- associated with other worlds.
  • Hesperus- a great conservative, paying tribute to traditions. Often such people are prone to emotional swings - sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are sad.
  • Daath- a person who is able to climb any peak.
  • Jubba- wealth, prosperity. These are born leaders, purposeful individuals. Compassionate, merciful.
  • Evnem- the highest spirituality. These are creative people who are not always understood by the environment.
  • Idris- Passion for knowledge and travel.
  • Caduceus- personifies both physical and spiritual strength.
  • Kronos- According to legends, it is known that times in ancient Greece called God so. Bearers of the name show the ability to power and leadership. They are good at oratory.
  • Lucifer- possessing inner radiance.
  • Mair- inspires sincere respect among his surroundings. Mayr's opinion is always listened to.
  • Mavor the Romans called it warlike god. Name holders show courage and disobedience.
  • Merlin- a soothsayer, broadcasts about future events.
  • Morion- feels its inextricable connection with the world of spirits.
  • stop These people are able to see the future.
  • Procyon- These are very active people, sometimes it does not play in their favor. They try to break into what is happening at any cost and leave their mark everywhere.
  • Sizamoro is a symbol of boundless kindness and peace.
  • Sirius- individuals who are highly respected among their environment. They are ruled by the most powerful planets - Mars and Jupiter.
  • Sol- sunlight. These are very kind people.
  • Chiron- in ancient Greek myth referred to as a centaur. He was very wise and taught others. The bearers of this name easily master any science. Often they make talented healers. Able to sacrifice themselves for the happiness of a loved one.
  • move- Servants of God. They have access to truths that are hidden from ordinary eyes.

All names with magical energy can work to the benefit of their bearer. If you believe in your inner life-giving force, you will definitely show what you are capable of.

Why the magic name must be kept secret

Surely each of us watched films about exorcism. At the moment when the demonic essence is expelled from the body of the victim, the priest (or other person) tries to find out exactly the name of the enemy.

As soon as it becomes known - the fight against evil spirit almost completed. Indeed, after receiving such information, a number of other details become known - the method of destroying the demon, its weaknesses and strengths.

The same is the case with the names of witches - until her true name is revealed, nothing will harm her. And as soon as the letters merge into the right word, her power instantly disappears. And it is not necessary to put the villain in a special charmed cage.

Professional magicians never talk about their name - often they use pseudonyms and nicknames. Competitors or envious people can not only take away magical powers sorcerer, but also bring a curse on him.

Only those people who can be completely trusted can be privy to your secret - these are your allies.

All magical names are chosen not for a year or even for ten years. Keep in mind that you are picking him up for the rest of your life. Take this very seriously.

And one more thing - never write witch names (your own or an ally) on paper. The only place where there is no access is your mind. Keep this secret in your mind, and no one can harm you!

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author


Merlin (Middle Ages, dates unknown) is the most famous wizard of all time. He is sometimes referred to as the king of magicians. A wizard in the court of King Arthur.

Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535) - famous magician imprisoned by Muggles for his books.

Elfriede Clagg (1612-1687) - Chairman of the Council of Sorcerers.

Grogan Stump (1770-1884) - popular Minister for Magic, appointed to office in 1811.

Gulliver Pokeby (1750-1839) - expert on magical birds. He was the first to guess the meaning of the augur's song.

Glenmore Peaks (1677-1761) famous sea serpent killer from Cronver.

Hespera Starkey (1881-1973) - a witch who explored the use of the phases of the moon in the manufacture of potions.

Gunhilde of Gonsmoor (1556-1639) was a one-eyed, hunchbacked witch who became famous for inventing a cure for dragon pox.

Bardock Muldoon (1429-1490) - Chairman of the Council of Magi in 1448-1450s.

Herpo the Disgusting ( Ancient Greece) is the first known creator of basilisks.

Mervyn the Evil (Middle Ages, dates unknown) - invented many unpleasant gizmos and devices.

Andros the Invulnerable (Ancient Greece) - Claimed to be the only magician known to have created a giant-sized Patronus.

Fulbert the Shy (1014-1097) - was so cowardly that he never left his house. Died when a protection spell backfired and the roof collapsed.

Paracelsus (1493-1541) - a contemporary of Copernicus and Leonardo da Vinci, genius doctor whose theories challenged medieval science. It is believed that he could talk to snakes.

Kliodna (Middle Ages, dates unknown) - Irish druid girl who discovered the properties of lunar dew.

Morgana le Fay (Middle Ages, dates unknown) is King Arthur's half-sister. Dark sorceress. Merlin's enemy.

Urik the Strange (Middle Ages, dates unknown) - a very eccentric magician, among other things, he is known for wearing a jellyfish instead of a hat.

Newton Scamander (1897-present) - famous author of the book " magical creatures and where to find them.

Wendelina the Strange (Middle Ages, dates unknown) - they say that she liked burning at the stake so much that she was specially caught by the inquisitors under different guises fourteen times.

Lord Stoddart Withers (1672-1769) - Thestral breeder.

Cerca (Ancient Greece) - lived on one of the islands mediterranean sea. An expert at turning shipwrecked sailors into pigs.

Glenda Chittock (1964-present) popular TV presenter on Magic Broadcast Television.

Adalbert Waffling (1899-1981) - famous theoretic magician.

Perpetua Fancourt (1900-1991) - Witch who invented the Lunaroscope.

Almeric Soubridge - this river troll was considered one of the largest in Britain - it weighed a ton

Mirabella Plunkett (1839-unknown) - famous for falling in love with the water lake Loch Lomond during a holiday. When her parents forbade her to marry him, she turned herself into a haddock and hasn't been seen since.

Tilly Tock (1903-1991) - Received the Order of Merlin, First Class for saving Muggle lives during the 1932 incident at Ilfracombe, when a dragon attacked a crowded sunbathing beach.

Archibald Alderton (1568-1623) - famous for blowing up the village of Little Dropping in Hampshire when he tried to knead the dough for a birthday cake with the help of magic.

Artemisia Lufkin (1754-1825) was the first witch to become Minister for Magic.

Balfour Blaine (1556-1629) - founded the Committee for Experimental Spells.

Bridget Wenlock (1202-1285) - famous numerologist. Prevoy installed magical properties number seven.

Bowman Wright (1492-1560) - famous for creating the Golden Snitch.

Bamont Marjoribanks (1742-1845) - pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rare and magical plants. Opened the Slimeworm.

Albus Dumbledore (1841 - 2002) Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Harry Potter (1980-present) - The Boy Who Lived.

Dymphna Furmag (1612-1698) - was kidnapped by pixies while at a party in Cornwall, after which she was mortally afraid of them. Failed to convince the Ministry of Magic of the need to destroy all pixies in a humane way.

Heathcote Barbary (1974-present - plays rhythm guitar in the popular magic band The Wild Sisters.

Alberta Tooshill (1391-1483) - winner of the 1430 All England Dueling Competition. She became famous for defeating the favorite, Samson Wiblin, with the help of the Shattering Curse.

Blenheim Stolk (1920-present) - Muggle expert, author of many books, including We're Not Magicians, But We Notice Everything, a study of evidence collected by Muggles about the manifestation of magic.

Gaspard Shingleton (1959-present) - Inventor of the self-stirring boiler.

Bertie Bott (1935-present) - Inventor of the Bertie Botts multi-flavored bean.
