St. Nicholas and Nativity churches. Cherkutino. Bell tower of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God. Church of St. Nicholas of Myra

The bell tower at the Nativity Church in the village of Cherkutino was built at the expense of Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov and was his special pride. The Saltykov family has been known since the 13th century, the branches of its dynasty enjoyed the favors of all the monarchs ruling in Russia, and the land ownership of the Saltykovs in the Vladimir region (Cherkutino, Snegirevo, Babaevo, etc.) has been known for two centuries. Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov (1736-1816) a prominent military and statesman, field marshal general, prince, landowner, educator of the Grand Dukes Konstantin Pavlovich and Alexander Pavlovich (from 1773), president of the Military Collegium (1802).

Based on materials from the book. Vladimir Encyclopedia. Biobibliographical dictionary. Vladimir, 2002. Pp. 378-380

The village of Cherkutino is 40 versts from Vladimir. In the XVII century. the village of Cherkutino was a palace estate; in the XVIII-XIX centuries. belonged to the family of the Saltykov princes. In the books of the patriarchal state order under 1628 and the scribe books of Vladimir “scribe Prince Grigory Shekhovsky” 1645-46. recorded church of St. miracle Cosmas and Damian; this church is mentioned in the Vladimir census books of 1703.

The Kozma-Damianskaya wooden church in the village of Cherkutin existed until 1727; this year, through the diligence of the village owner and parishioners, a stone church was built and consecrated in honor of Christmas Holy Mother of God, with a chapel in the name of St. unmercenary Cosmas and Damian.

The current stone church in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1801 by the owner of the village, Prince Nik. Iv. Saltykov. There are three thrones in it: in the cold one - in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the warm aisles - in the name of the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian and St. ap. Peter and Paul. Copies of registry books from 1802, and confessional paintings from 1829, are kept intact; an inventory of church property was compiled in 1869 and is kept in the church. There is a stone bell tower next to the church.

In addition, there are two more churches in the village: the cemetery Assumption and the assigned Nikolaevskaya; stone chapel; two wooden chapels in the villages of Zakharyin and Goryamin. In the chapel at the village. In Goryamin there is a wonderful icon of St. Boris and Gleb. There is church land: about 2 dessiatines of manor land, 3 dessiatines of hay land. and arable 46 des. There is not a plan for the whole earth. In addition, the church owns trading shops, mills and a forest.

The staff of the clergy: two priests, a deacon and two psalm-readers. The maintenance of the clergy receives up to 2,650 rubles annually. The clergy has its own houses on church land. The parish consists of a village and 25 hamlets. There are 596 of all households in the parish, husband's shower. gender 2020. female 2242. In the village of Cherkutin there are two schools: zemstvo and parish, opened in 1885; the latter is located in a separate house built by Prince Saltykov.

V.G. Dobronravov, V.D. Berezin “Historical and statistical description of churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese” issue 1. Gub. mountains Vladimir, Typo-Lithography V.A. Parkova, 1893

The Vladimir land is the homeland of many outstanding people who faithfully served Russia and did a lot for its greatness. In the village of Cherkutino, Sobinsky district, the house of His Serene Highness Prince Nikolai Saltykov, a prominent military and statesman, field marshal general, educator of the sons of Emperor Paul I, has been preserved to this day.

Military and statesman
Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov was born on October 31, 1736. His family has been known since the 13th century, the dynasty enjoyed the favors of all the monarchs ruling in Russia, the land ownership of the Saltykovs in the Vladimir region (Cherkutino, Snegirevo, Babaevo, etc.) has been known for two centuries. Nikolai Saltykov's father, Chief General Ivan Alekseevich, was the son of the great-nephew of Empress Anna Ioannovna. Mother - Countess Anastasia Petrovna Tolstaya.
Saltykov began serving at court as a private in the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment and participated in many military campaigns. Emperor Peter III promoted him to major general. Russian troops under the command of Saltykov entered Poland several times, where, thanks to tact and gentleness of treatment, he managed to earn general love and favor. Saltykov took part in the Russian-Turkish war. A handwritten letter from Empress Catherine the Great dated September 20, 1769, in which the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, indicates an excellent review of his service as commander-in-chief. After the capture of Khotin, Saltykov left the army due to poor health and went abroad. There he spent three years, visiting Berlin and Paris.
Returning to Russia, he received from Catherine the rank of general-in-chief and the post of vice-president of the Military Collegium. In the same year, Saltykov was appointed chamberlain at the court of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich, and performed these duties until 1783. In a letter to her son, in which the Empress notifies him of Saltykov’s appointment, she writes: “You will have a significant person with you, and not only to give importance to your appearances, but also to keep the people assigned to you in order.” court... Through him, foreigners and other persons will be introduced to you, he will manage your table and servants, oversee the order and the necessary appearance of your court...". Despite the distrust with which the Grand Duke met Saltykov, he soon managed to earn his complete favor and trust. Together with Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich, Saltykov visited Berlin in 1776, where the prince was betrothed to the niece of the Prussian king, Princess of Württemberg, and in 1781 and 1782 he accompanied the grand ducal family on a trip to Europe. In 1782, Catherine II awarded Saltykov the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, appointed him adjutant general and promoted him to lieutenant colonel of the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment, and appointed him a senator and member of the Council at the Imperial Court.
Educator and official
The following year, the Empress entrusted Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov with the upbringing of her grandchildren: Alexander and Konstantin. In 1788, Saltykov received the Order of St. Vladimir Grand Cross, First Class, and then he was appointed to “correct the post” of the President of the Military Collegium. In 1790, during the celebration of peace with Sweden, Nikolai Ivanovich received the title of count Russian Empire, and then 5 thousand peasant souls in the Polish territories annexed to Russia. For raising the Grand Dukes, he was given a house in St. Petersburg, 100 thousand rubles and a 25 thousand ruble annual pension. The French King Louis XVIII granted him the Commander's Cross of the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.
Having ascended the throne, Emperor Paul I promoted Count Saltykov to the rank of Field Marshal with the appointment of President of the Military Collegium. On the day of his coronation, Alexander I honored the count with his portrait, decorated with diamonds. With the beginning of the Napoleonic wars, Saltykov was entrusted with managing the committee of the established Zemsky Army. In the year when the Patriotic War began, he was appointed chairman of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers, these positions remained with him until the end of his life. During the foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814, when Alexander I was with the army, Saltykov practically served as regent Russian state. After the Tsar's return to St. Petersburg, he was elevated to the princely dignity of the Russian Empire with the title of lordship.
royal family
In 1685, the palace village of Cherkutino, which belonged to the royal family of the Romanovs, was donated to the Saltykov family, who were with royal family related. It is interesting that in 1772 in Cherkutin, Mikhailo Speransky was born into the family of the rector of the church, who became an outstanding statesman, one of the most influential people in Russia. At the beginning of his career, Speransky received considerable patronage and support from his famous fellow countryman Nikolai Saltykov. Despite being extremely busy, Saltykov did a lot for Cherkutino. The Saltykov estate was built by one of the descendants of the family - Ivan Alekseevich - in the 1730s. It is one of the most striking noble estates of the Vladimir region during the 18th century. This was the first estate created in the European style with elements of the “Anninsky” and “Petrine” baroque; it was with its construction that the active penetration of fashionable metropolitan European styles into the Vladimir province began. The estate as a whole had a representative character. The estate complex itself was located on a small hill, offering beautiful views of the natural landscape. The road (now the Vladimir - Alexandrov road) played the role of a dividing line between the southern residential part of the estate and the northern part, in which the outbuildings were located. The Tungora River flowed through the village. The dividing line - the road also served as a kind of dam, which partially blocked the flow of the river, as a result of which a pond was formed. There were three similar dams; they, in turn, formed a whole cascade of ponds in the form of a staircase, starting from the road and ending at the borders of the manor church.
count's estate
The center of the estate was located perpendicular to the road, but was parallel to two large ponds on the border of the village. This layout was designed to ensure that the beauty and harmony of the estate were perceived by those passing from the village. The center of the estate was, of course, the manor house. It was originally a simple stone one-story building white, but then the building is “upset” according to European taste - to a two-story building, the upper part of which is built of wood. The facade of the building was quite restrained, “dissected by blades and window openings, framed by platbands with ears.” To the east, behind the front door, there was a regular park in the form of a regular rectangle, symmetrically lined with alleys (mostly linden and partly birch). In front of the front door there was a small summer gazebo. The gazebo has not survived to this day, but a park with centuries-old linden trees remains. The manor house was rebuilt in the mid-20th century, the wooden second floor was dismantled and the stone floor was added. The modern building is painted gray. Now it is a fairly simple building, without any architectural pretentiousness, although the interior of the house partially retains the same structural elements: staircase, stair railings, floor, tiles.
Along the driveway there was an outbuilding - a rectangular one-story building made of red brick. The walls of the building were whitewashed, there were several rooms in the room. In one of these rooms there was a kitchen where food was prepared for the owners of the estate. The outbuilding had ten windows on one side and ten on the other. The outbuilding has survived to this day in its original form. Its central part is marked by a modest four-pilaster portico, and the corners are decorated with pilasters.
Behind the outbuilding was large building, where all the servants of the manor's house lived. The house is a small one-story building, built in the traditional character of Russian huts and consists of a living part, a vestibule and outbuildings. The living part is made of brick and is a single room with three windows and a stove. The decor of the building, eclectic in nature, largely replicates the wooden carvings of peasant huts. The walls, like those of the outbuilding, are whitewashed. It can be assumed that there were about eight rooms, and quite spacious. Unfortunately, the building has not survived to this day in its original form. All that was left of it were the walls, arches of windows and doors.
Outbuildings and residential buildings were not only located near ponds and rivers, they occupied a huge landscape space. It should be noted that Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov was a good business executive who respected the work of his serfs. There was also a trade fair area on the territory of the estate. It was located almost in the center of the estate ensemble; barns, sheds, and also stables for the horses of passing people and traders were built here. The fairs themselves were rich (weekly trades - from 500 to 3000 people). As for the location of these buildings, together with the manor house and the manor park, they formed a certain circle, in the center of which in 1801, with Saltykov’s money, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built with a high bell tower, which in height was one of the five tallest bell towers in the Vladimir province. This church was considered the special pride of Nikolai Saltykov. The temple, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. In 1967 it was severely destroyed, only the bell tower and chapel remained. Today the bell tower plays a role active temple, are committed here religious ceremonies, services are taking place.
There was no special building for the school in the 18th century. There are versions that the education of the children of servants and some residents took place at the priest’s home. TO mid-19th century, a parochial school appeared in the village.
miracle worker
The priest's house was located perpendicular to the manor house, on the opposite side of the ponds. It was rectangular in shape, built of red brick with several windows. The priest Mikhail, the father of Mikhail Speransky, lived in this house. At the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, he conducted services in the estate St. Nicholas Church. The church was a kind of artistic culmination of the estate - it completed the “movement” along the driveway.
In 1736, the landowner, adjutant of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, Prince Ivan Alekseevich Saltykov, wrote in the synodal government order: “In the Vladimir tithe, in the Ilmekhot camp, in the village of Cherkutin there is a wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was built in ancient times and from many years past. it is very dilapidated and due to its dilapidation it is impossible to serve in it, and now I wish instead of the dilapidated wooden church build again stone church in the name of the same throne and I ask for the building... to give a decree.” The decree was issued and the church was built the same year. It was an octagonal, two-colored brick temple, with a three-tiered bell tower, placed on the high bank of a pond, 50 meters from the manor’s house. The decorative decoration is made in the style of classicism. The building of St. Nicholas Church has survived to this day, but requires significant restoration. Miraculously, the temple was not destroyed during Soviet times. What was in the temple premises: a bathhouse, warehouses, and even a pigsty. Now, thanks to the efforts of the Vladimir-Suzdal diocese and the public, the temple is being restored. The walls (their outer side) and the dome have been partially restored. The head and cross are prepared for installation.
The Saltykov estate, built according to all the rules and regulations of estate ensembles of the 18th-19th centuries, in addition to its external beauty and harmony, was a worthy residence for Nikolai Saltykov, a convenient place for rest and work. It not only played a significant role in the development of the architectural culture of the Vladimir region, but also contributed to the development of the local economy and trade.

Several families from Cherkutino may lose their living space by court decision. The houses belong to the SEC Cherkutino, where they supposedly welcome new specialists. The management of the farm has been trying to evict the current residents for several years, but the villagers have no alternative for living. Elena Emelyanova attended the hearing of the civil case.

The Gizatullin family was denied a residence agreement back in 2012. Before that, they lived in a three-room apartment with three children for about 20 years and worked for a collective farm for some time. There was an opportunity to privatize the apartment, but for some reason they did not take advantage of it, and now the three ruble ruble has become the private property of the SEC.


This is probably our omission. We were not able to properly decorate this apartment at that time. There was an oral agreement with the then chairman that if we worked on the farm for 5 years, this apartment would be assigned to us.


This premises is private property. It belongs to SEC Cherkutino. And so SEC "Cherkutino" in currently there is a very urgent need for housing, because it is intended to attract new personnel. Almost no one goes to the village, so there is a need to provide housing for other people who must work in this agricultural cooperative.

The SEC gave the Gizatullins a deadline to move out in August last year. Since the mother and children never moved out, the owner filed a lawsuit. The court's decision was not heard today - due to the replacement of a third party. The administration of the rural settlement did not participate in the case. The plaintiffs argue that soon new personnel will come to the village, who need to be settled somewhere. The SPK, according to its representatives, is not able to build another housing unit, and the management is not going to support those who no longer work in the fields. At the same time, a similar trial is taking place over another family, the Sokolovs, with an identical situation.


Sokolov was warned. He worked as a machine operator. Warned since 2008. But no effort. Someone owes them something. For some reason people work in Moscow. When it was hard on the farm, no one left. Everyone earned the same amount. The amounts were the same. But they didn't leave. And these were chasing a long ruble, and now provide housing! This doesn't happen!

The SPK says that eviction is a forced measure. They want to provide departmental housing specifically to those who will actually work on the collective farm. Presumably, the judge will be able to make a decision at the end of the month - the next hearing is scheduled for June 29.

Elena Emelyanova, Vladimir Larin. Vladimir today.

Cherkutino village

Cherkutino is a village in the Vladimir region of Russia, the center of a rural settlement. The village is located 60 km northwest of the regional center of Vladimir on the P75 Vladimir - Kolchugino highway and 27 km from the regional center of Sobinka.

The very name of the village, as local residents explain, comes from the word “church,” which in the old days was pronounced “cherkva.”

In the 17th century With. Cherkutino was a palace estate and belonged to the same ancient princely, and then royal, family of the Romanovs, which ruled the Russian State for several hundred years.
The church in the books of the Patriarchal Treasury Order under 1628 is written as follows: “the church of the holy miracle workers Cosmas and Demian in the sovereign Tsarev and Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich of All Rus' in the palace village in Cherkutin, tribute one ruble fourteen altyn two money.”
It was part of the Old Vladimir district of the Zamoskovsky region.
In the scribe books of Vladimir “scribe Prince Grigory Shekhovsky 153 and 154 (1645-1646)” at the said church it is shown: “3 courtyards of the priests, 1 courtyard of the prospiritsyns, in the parish there are 205 courtyards, arable land 22 quarters in the field, and in two because , 1 tithe of arable forest, about 60 kopecks of hay”; and in the Vladimir census books of 703, at the same church it is written: “Priest Mikhail, priest Fyodor, deacon Vasily, sexton Nikita Kozmin, in the parish there are 266 households, arable land 24 in the field, and in two therefore, hay 50 kopecks.”
In 1684, Ivan Alekseevich Romanov, the elder brother of the future Emperor Peter 1, married Praskovya, the daughter of Fyodor Petrovich Saltykov. The sovereign family granted the Matreninskaya and Cherkutinskaya volosts with all the villages and peasant people to the new relatives, steward Peter and Ivan Samuilovich Saltykov.
In the 18th and 19th centuries. the village belonged to .
Kosmodamianskaya wooden church in the village. Cherkutine existed until 1727; This year, through the zeal of the village owner and parishioners, a stone church was built and consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with a chapel in the name of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian.
One of the descendants of Pyotr Saltykov, namely the great-grandson of General-Chief Ivan Alekseevich, built an estate in Cherkutino in the Art Nouveau style, the like of which did not yet exist in the Vladimir Province at that time. An incomparable cascade of ponds was built next to the estate. In the same 1736, his son Nikolai (1736-1816) was born. In the future, he will become a mentor and teacher to the sons of Emperor Paul 1, Alexander (the future sovereign) and Constantine.

Saltykov, Nikolai Ivanovich - (1736-1816), military and statesman, field marshal general.

The church was replaced by a new stone Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1801 by the owner of the village, Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov (1736 -1816). Alas, only the bell tower has survived to this day.

Beginning of the 20th century. View from the bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, of which only the bell tower remains

Simultaneously with the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Cherkutin, another wooden church has long existed - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1736, the landowner adjutant of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, Prince Ivan Alekseev Saltykov, instead of the dilapidated wooden St. Nicholas Church, built a stone one in honor of the same Saint.
In 1736, on February 23, the said landowner wrote in the synodal state order: “In the Vladimir tithe, in the Ilmekhot camp, in the village of Cherkutin, there is a wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was built in ancient times and has become very dilapidated from the many years that have passed, and due to its dilapidation one can serve in it. It’s impossible and now I want to build a stone church in the name of the same throne instead of a dilapidated wooden church and I ask for the building... to give a decree.” The decree was issued, and the church was built in the same year and consecrated by Archimandrite Pavel of the Vladimir Nativity Monastery.
In 1849 Nicholas Church was assigned to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is only one throne in it. The church is supplied in sufficient quantities with utensils, a sacristy, holy icons and liturgical books. Copies of metric books from 1803-1849, and confessional paintings from 1829-1849. were kept intact. An inventory of church property was compiled in 1829 and was kept in the church

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Beginning of the 20th century.

From left to right - servants' house, manor house, Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Beginning of the 20th century.

Near the St. Nicholas Church there were buildings of the Saltykov estate; a house and an outbuilding from the 18th century have been preserved. After the Saltykovs built a new estate in the beginning. XIX century, the house in Cherkutino was transferred to the church clergy.
In the house of the priest of the Nicholas Church, Fr. Mikhail Vasiliev, on January 1, 1772, his son Mikhail was born, the future statesman of the Russian Empire, Count (1772-1839).
The environment of the Cherkutinsky parish clergy characterizes the childhood environment in which Speransky received his initial upbringing. Father M.M. Speransky Mikhail Vasiliev “Omet” († 1801) was a priest at the St. Nicholas Church. He received this nickname (omet - straw folded in a heap, stack) from parishioners for his portliness and tall stature. Like many others from the clergy of that time, he did not have his own surname.
Having received no education, nevertheless, he was a dean for a long time and enjoyed general respect and love for his complacent attitude towards his subordinates and parishioners. Speransky’s mother, Praskovya Fedorovna Nikitina († 1824), daughter of the deacon of the village of Skomorokhova, was a lively, active, energetic woman, who, with her character and especially piety, earned the general respect of all who knew her. Due to her special religiosity, Speransky’s mother, at his birth, promised to venerate the relics of St. Demetrius of Rostov, which she fulfilled as soon as the opportunity presented itself. After Fr. Mikhail Vasiliev's priest in Cherkutin was his son-in-law Fr. Mikhail Feodorovich Tretyakov, married to the daughter of Fr. Mikhail Vasilievich Marfe.
Speransky's parents did not have a significant influence on inner life boy. In this regard outstanding role played by the grandfather and grandmother of Mikhail Mikhailovich. The blind grandfather, priest Vasily Mikhailov, was very religious - he constantly went to church services and took his little grandson with him to church. Here he forced the boy to read the hours and the apostle, corrected him if the little reader made mistakes, and introduced him to the procedures of church liturgical actions. As a strict person, he carefully - as much as he could, of course, given his blindness - watched his grandson, stopped his childish pranks, read him instructions, and, according to Speransky himself, brought him significant benefit with his attention and severity.
Speransky's grandmother, by her example, further strengthened her grandson's religious disposition. A deeply religious person who devoted herself entirely to prayerful conversations with God, a stern faster who ate only prosphora, she was a striking example for her receptive grandson. Many years later, Speransky said about his grandmother that he still sees her as if she were alive - the image of this truly ascetic was so strongly imprinted in his soul. Having learned to read early, the boy became addicted to reading and, with remarkable diligence for his age, read all kinds of books. “Misha,” his mother said about him, “won’t go out into the street: he sits in the attic, but he’s always reading or writing something...” Comrades, games attracted him little. His best companions were books, his best pastime was reading. These properties - curiosity and self-absorption - were of great importance for Speransky...
In 1783, Nikita Alekseevich Nikitin was born in Cherkutino into the family of a serf peasant. Andrei Nikitich Nikitin was born in the village of Borisovo, Cherkutinsky volost, Vladimir province. (11/3/1823 - 10/31/1867) - the eldest son of Andrei Nikitich, born on November 3, 1823 (old style) in the village. Cherkutino. In 1840, Nikita Alekseevich was redeemed from serfdom by his son, Andrei, who from the age of 13 worked in a Moscow artel of carpenters, and by the age of 16 was the senior foreman of the artel. Nikita Alekseevich and Andrei Nikitich Nikitin were the founders of the Vladimir merchant family.
His Serene Highness Prince N.I. Saltykov died on May 16, 1816.
Its last owner, a serfdom, Prince Alexei Ivanovich (1805-1859), was at the embassy in Constantinople in 1828, traveled throughout Europe, part of Asia, and wrote “Travel to Persia” and “Description of India.”

All R. XIX - early XX centuries, the village was the center of the Cherkutinsky volost of the Vladimir district.
« Cherkutinsky Volost Board(Post. address. Cherkutino village). Volost foreman - kr. Alexey Dmitrievich Soloukhin. Clerk - Nikolai Vasilievich Vvedensky. Volost Court. Chairman - kr. Grigory Ivanovich Voronin. Judges: kr. Nikolai Ivanovich Zotov; Ivan Pavlovich Zotov; Timofey Gerasimov. Police officer of the 2nd camp: 4th station. - Mikhail Mironovich Mironov (in the village of Cherkutin)” (List of employees of all departments of the Vladimir province. 1891).
Everyone in Cherkutino knows the Zotov surname. In 1885, Mikhail Mikhailovich Zotov built a brick octagonal chapel with a hipped roof.

Chapel in Cherkutino. Ph. Balashov Vasily Vasilievich, 2016

One of the worthy representatives of this family, Dmitry Ivanovich Zotov, at his own expense, built a stone fence around the cemetery at the exit from the village in Alepino. In 1890, he built a zemstvo school with about 100 students. A hospital with a luxurious garden, he constantly allocated funds for its maintenance and the maintenance of the Cherkutinsky school.

In 1864 in the village. Cherkutina was opened almshouse for 13 places in the institution of the Cherkutinsky volost foreman. It was supported by the volost and private donors.
The head of the Cherkutinsky military horse section for three years since 1884 is a peasant from the village of Cherkutino, Dmitry Yakovlevich Kalilov.


Public school education, which has long existed in the Cherkutinsky parish, was at first entirely in the hands of the clergy. In the 1840s, 1850s and early 1860s. The school in Cherkutin was a parish school, the teachers were local priests, their appointment to teaching positions depended on the diocesan authorities. Thus, in the clergy registers for 1843 we read: “Priest A.D. Pokhvalynsky.... in 1842, June 3 days.... by resolution of His Eminence Parthenius, Archbishop of Vladimir, by decree of the Spiritual Consistory, he was made a teacher of the Cherkutinsky parish school.” Alexander Dimitrievich Pokhvalynsky graduated from the Vladimir Theological Seminary in 1826. In 1827 he was ordained a priest at the Church of the Resurrection Sloboda, Suzdal district, in 1832 he was transferred to the Varvarinsky Church in Suzdal and in 1837 in Cherkutino, died on September 21, 1861 G.
In 1855, on October 15, priest Pavel Kirzhachsky was appointed bishop of Vladimir, by decree of the Vladimir Theological Consistory, teacher of the same school, who after priest Pokhvalynsky held the designated position until 1869. Pavel Nikolaevich Kirzhachsky graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1852 and was ordained as a priest to the temples of the village. Cherkutin in 1853, served here all his life, and died here. Monitoring school success was also the responsibility of the diocesan authorities, who declared their approval of active teacher-priests and rewarded them.
In 1858, December 23, by decree of the Vladimir Theological Consistory, priest Pavel Nikolaevich Kirzhachsky (graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1852, from 1853 - priest of the village of Cherkutina) was “expressed Archpastoral approval” for his work as a teacher, and in 1862 On May 18, the same priest “was awarded a legguard for teaching literacy to peasant children free of charge.” In teaching parishioners to read and write, the clergy and clergy helped somewhat, teaching the parish children in their homes using the primer and Church Slavonic books.
Cherkutinsky school founded by the company in 1862
In 1869, on September 15, “following the death of priest P. Kirzhachsky, the Vladimir district school council appointed priest Nikolai Smirnov as a teacher at the Cherkutinsky rural school, who in 1872, at the request, was dismissed from the post of teacher by the Vladimir district school council and invited to teach the Law of God.”

Relationships about. Nicholas to his parishioners are determined by his personal character - he is a kind and simple person, meek and compliant, friendly and courteous, benevolent and helpful, responsive to the joys and sorrows of everyone, and what is most valuable - he knows how to live in peace with everyone, even those who hate peace,” as stated in one of the addresses presented by Fr. Nicholas at the anniversary celebration. At the same time, Fr. Nikolai is distinguished by both remarkable hard work and non-covetousness; he seeks the flock, and not the benefits from them, and for the salvation of those entrusted to his pastoral leadership, he spares neither time nor health. He belongs entirely to the parish and constantly moves among the parishioners.
More than once he himself said to one of his fellow priests: “my house for me is nothing more than a night shelter; Most often, I enter it in the evening and leave in the morning. I spend my day at services - in church, at school and in the parish.” For this reason, the flock, as before, in the Stavrovsky parish, had a sincere affection and deep respect for Fr. Nicholas, and now, in Cherkutinsky, they treat him with the same sincere feelings of love and respect, which was clearly revealed during the anniversary celebration.
The fact that the clergy of an entire deanery district chose him as their spiritual father, obviously finding him more experienced than others in spiritual life and capable of being moral leader the shepherds themselves. Elected confessor of the deanery while he was serving in the Stavrovsky parish, Fr. Nicholas has been holding this position for the 29th year without a break, enjoying deep respect and the most sincere affection among the departmental clergy, as clearly evidenced by the solemnity in celebrating the anniversary, and the speeches delivered at the anniversary celebration, and the diligent offering to the hero of the day from the clergy of the district. Here are the most outstanding aspects of Fr.'s pastoral ministry. Nicholas and character traits his social activities, which explains the universal sympathy for the hero of the day, which gathered a mass of his admirers on the day of the anniversary.
As for private family life venerable hero of the day, then just a simple list of the sad events in it will show the reader how much was required on the part of Fr. Nicholas courage and patience to endure those family troubles, which tormented his heart and fell with all their weight onto his shoulders. After 20 years of married life, Fr. Nikolai lost his wife. Of his five daughters, two were arranged for marriage while their mother was still alive, and three were raised and arranged for by their widowed father. The eldest daughter, Maria, is married to a priest in the Kamenets-Podolsk province. The second, Margarita, was behind the priest in the village. Malygin, Troitsky, who died in 1883, leaving a widow with nine children (6 daughters and 3 sons). The eldest daughter in the Troitsky family was married to a priest, who took the place of her father in the same village. Malygina, but after two years of marriage she became a widow. Of the 6 daughters of the widow Troitskaya, two live with Fr. Nikolai, one is a teacher at the Malyginskaya school, the other three are with their mother. Third daughter Fr. Nicholas, Claudia, entered into marriage with a priest in Postnikov; but after two years of marriage, priest Postnikov died, leaving a widow and son, who came to live and be supported by Fr. Nikolai.
After 15 years, this widow died, and her son N. Postnikov, thanks to the care of his grandfather, completed a course at a theological seminary and is a teacher at the Cherkutinsk parochial school. The fourth daughter of Fr. Nikolai, Paraskeva, was married to the official Lirin, who died in the first year of marriage, leaving behind a widow and son. This widow, a few years after the death of her husband, Fr. Nikolai sent her son to obstetric courses, and, after home training, to one of the Moscow shelters. Last daughter O. Nicholas, Olga, married to a deacon of the St. George Church in the city. Vladimir, A.E. Protopopov, who is also a teacher at the beekeeping school at the Brotherhood of St. Alexander Nevsky. Thus, most of the life of Fr. Nicholas presents the sad story of widowhood and orphanhood in his numerous offspring - and the care of all these unfortunates lay and lies mainly with their compassionate ancestor, now a venerable hero of the day. Such is the public and private life of O Nicholas, presented here in the very short essay on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his service in the priesthood and the jubilee celebration that took place.
The clergy of the deanery district had already prepared in advance for the celebration of the anniversary, as well as the parishioners of the village. Cherkutin was taken care of in advance in a dignified manner honor a special day in your life spiritual father. On the eve of the anniversary day, the apartment of Fr. Nicholas was filled with his numerous relatives who had gathered from different directions to greet him on such a solemn day in his life. By this day and on the very day in the morning we arrived in the village. Cherkutino: local dean, Archpriest G. Lebedev; deputy of the deanery, priest I. Serebryakov and other priests of the local department. As soon as the ringing for the liturgy began, two of the priests appeared in the temple, one to perform the proskomedia, the other to bless the water and to consecrate the prepared offerings to the hero of the day. During the solemn ringing “to the fullest”, the elder-celebrant, accompanied by the dean, the deputy, as well as his relatives and admirers, approached the temple among the people gathered in the church square, in front of which were groups of students and female students of two Cherkutinsky schools, the parish and the zemstvo.
At the entrance to the temple, the hero of the day was greeted by the very harmonious singing of the Cherkutinsky singers. At the same time, the vast church of the large Cherkutinsky parish was overflowing with worshippers, but could not accommodate everyone who wanted to pray in it on this significant day. Divine Liturgy performed by the dean, co-served by the hero of the day, a departmental deputy and three other priests. During the liturgy (after the Gospel) the second priest s. Cherkutin, Nikolai Troitsky uttered a word in which, applying to church holiday(Week of the Cross), he explained to the audience the importance, responsibility and difficulty pastoral ministry, - the cross of shepherding, which the honored hero of the day carried for fifty years. After the sacramental verse, Archpriest S., who arrived during the liturgy, spoke a word. Snegireva Alexey Lebedev. In this word, the preacher, by the way, pointed to the personality of the hero of the day as a true crusader in pastoral and family life.
At the end of the liturgy, the clergy who served it, the archpriest and two other priests who arrived during the liturgy, went out for a prayer service. But before the prayer service began, the dean, Archpriest Lebedev, came out in front of the hero of the day and made a welcoming speech.
Following the dean, a deputy of the deanery, a priest from the village, spoke. Estuary I. Serebryakov. In his wonderful speech, the speaker, welcoming the hero of the occasion, on behalf of the entire district clergy, described in detail and very aptly the personality, activities and life of the hero of the day. Speech about. The deputy ended by presenting the hero of the day, from the departmental clergy, with an icon of the Savior in a silver-gilded robe. After the deputy, one of the parishioners spoke. Cherkutin, Lovachev, and read on behalf of the parishioners a printed address, which expressed the parishioners’ grateful feelings for the vigilant pastoral vigilance of the hero of the day, for his non-covetousness and for his educational activities in the parish. At the same time, parishioners with their grateful feelings. Cherkutin was witnessed by presenting the hero of the day with a gold and decorated pectoral cross. After this, a similar address was read personally from the head of the Assumption Cemetery village. Cherkutin Church D.I. Zotova.
Here is approximately the content of this address: “Your High Blessing, Dear Fr. Nikolai Kozmich! I joyfully greet you on this anniversary day and with all my heart I thank God, who has honored you with such mercy, which rarely befalls your lot. This is your reward for your peaceful feelings, in which you are always at peace with those who hate the world. Throughout your 23-year pastoral service that fell on our parish, you were an exemplary shepherd of the church - in word, life, faith and the simplicity of your good character. You unapologetically and without the slightest delay satisfied all the diverse spiritual needs of your parishioners, who troubled you in timely and untimely ways. For this reason, you have gained sincere gratitude, heartfelt love and deep respect from all parishioners by your meek and loving treatment of them. With your diligent performance of pastoral duties, you have earned the attention and gratitude of your spiritual superiors, who awarded you a pectoral cross. But during your 50-year pastoral service, you performed and continue to perform other public services, the performance of which testifies to everyone of your honesty, experience, sincerity and kindness. Thus, from the very beginning of your ministry, you dedicated best years of their life to the cause of public education, for the benefit of which they worked continuously for exactly thirty (30) years, from 1842 to 1872, including the last three years that fell to the lot of our Cherkutinsky parish. Despite other official duties, you tirelessly and zealously, with fatherly love, devoted a considerable part of your time to the education of parish children and, in addition to teaching them literacy, at the same time taught them the Law of God - the main foundation of our entire life.
For your work, you enjoyed the attention of your superiors: as a reward for your 25 years of hard work with the title of teacher in public schools, according to the testimony of your superiors, you were most mercifully numbered on the 3rd day of February 1872 to the Order of St. Anne, 3rd degree. Reviewing in my thoughts your activity, which is beneficial for us, which attracted our hearts to you, I considered it a sacred duty, with the permission of our Archpastor, to express my feelings to you; At the same time, offered by me, as a testimony to your diligent and useful service, St. May the icon depicting St. Nicholas the Wonderworker be a reminder to you of the deep respect and affection that I have for you, and of our heartfelt unity with you, which we will preserve forever in warm prayer. Please accept these feelings from me as a tribute of gratitude for the love that I enjoyed from you during my 8-year service as a church warden. Do not leave me in the future with your wise, experienced guidance and advice. May the Lord God prolong your life for many more years, to the joy of all of us and everyone who is close to you.” DI. Zotov presented the hero of the day with an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a silver-gilded robe. Touched by the expressions of love and gratitude, the elder-celebrant reverently kissed St. cross and holy icons, thanked the congregation in warm, heartfelt terms. After the speech of the hero of the day, a prayer service began. From the temple, the hero of the day, accompanied by the clergy, relatives and admirers, returned to his apartment, where a choir of singers greeted him with a concert singing. All those present sang many years to him.”
The teaching activity of the Cherkutinsky clergy passed into the hands of teachers, most of whom were still clergymen who had completed a course of science at a theological seminary, such as: Dimitri Grigorievich Sushchevsky, Dimitri Ivanovich Krylov, Nikolai Nikanorovich Stavrovsky, Vasily Nikanorovich Giatsintov, Dimitri Gavriilovich Chizhov. But even with the appointment of individual teachers, the Cherkutinsky clergy did not remain indifferent to the matter of schooling their parishioners: teaching in their school the Law of God, the first subject of the school course and the main basis of educational education, was recognized by the clergy of the village. Cherkutin is his indispensable duty.
After priest Nikolai Smirnov, the teachers of the law of the Cherkutinsky public school, with the approval of the Vladimir archpastors, were local clergy: since 1876, Deacon Vladimir Novsky, as having completed a full course of seminary sciences.

Parochial school. It was located next to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Beginning of the 20th century.
In the building of the former parochial school, it was officially opened on November 20, 2019 Museum and Exhibition Hall named after Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky.
The Speransky Hall is a division of the local House of Culture. It opened according to the decision of the head of the Sobinsky district administration, Alexander Razov. Funds for the creation of this facility were allocated by Sobinsky entrepreneur, head of Stavrovo Pavel Pavlov.

Bust of Speransky by Igor Chernoglazov

Since 1886, the teacher of the law was priest Vasily Gavrilovich Albitsky. Since 1890, the teacher of the law is Father Nikolai Troitsky, since 1901 the teacher is Vladimir Fateev; the second teacher was Nikolai Naumov (since 1901), in 1905 the composition of teachers was changed - Alexandra Dudorova and Maria Malkina.
Since 1893 - priest Nikolai Postnikov (Nikolai Aleksandrovich Postnikov graduated from the Vladimir Theological Seminary in 1890, since 1893 - priest in the village of Cherkutino). The teaching staff of the said school consists of persons of clergy rank; of them, those who completed the full seminar course: Pavel Krylov, Ivan Milovidov, Pavel Neapolitansky, Nikolai Postnikov, Alexander Aktsipetrov, Alexey Arkhangelsky, Lidia Zvereva, who completed the course at the Vladimir Diocesan Women’s School, and Mikhail Vzorov, who completed the incomplete seminary course of sciences.
Mikhail Ivanovich Vzorov was born in 1870. He graduated from the Vladimir Theological Seminary, from 1895 to 1897 he worked as a psalmist-regent in the village. Dubokino, Kovrov district. From 1897 to 1901 - teacher-regent at the Cherkutinsk parochial school. In 1901 he became a teacher at the Chulkovsky parochial school in the Vladimir district. From 1903 to 1911 he was a teacher at the Ilyinsky exemplary teacher's school in Vladimir district. Since 1911 - priest of the St. Nicholas Church of the Stogovo churchyard, Aleksandrovsky district (now in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region). In 1930 - arrested on charges of “anti-Soviet work in the countryside, aimed at disrupting the work of the Soviets. authorities and parties in the village." He was sentenced to 3 years in a concentration camp, with a change to deportation to the Northern Territory (Ust-Tsylma). Upon returning from exile in 1933, he served as a priest in the church of the village. Marchugi, Voskresensky district, Moscow region. Arrested again on October 7, 1937, executed.
Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War A boy from the neighboring village of Alepino studied at the Cherkutinskaya school for three years. In the future, he became a famous Russian writer, who glorified his small homeland with his works. Nowadays one of the streets and the school bear his name.
MBOU Cherkutinskaya secondary school named after. V.A. Soloukhina effective February 15, 2001
Director - Busurina Victoria Sergeevna.
Address: village Cherkutino, street Im V.A. Soloukhina, 22.


In 1876, there were 8 points for underwater conscription in the Vladimir district: Vladimirsky with 12 horses, Kolokshansky with 6, Stavrovsky with 6, Borisovsky with 4, Starodvorsky with 6, Khokhlovsky with 4 me, Barakovsky with 3 and Cherkutinsky with 3. In addition, at each point there was also a special contract for the supply of carts for passing military teams. Punishment duty - at the Vladimir station for 140 rubles. per horse per year, Kolokshansky 80 rub., Stavrovsky 118 rub., Borisovsky 129 rub., Starodvorsky 119 rub., Khokhlovsky 99 rub., Barakovsky 136 rub., Cherkutinsky 49 rub. Underwater - at the Vladimir point for 1 rub. 39 kopecks for a cart, Kolokshansky 1 rub. 23 kopecks, Stavrovsky 2 rubles, Cherkutinsky 2 rubles, Starodvorsky 2 rubles, Borisovsky 1 rubles. 95 kopecks, Khokhlovsky 1 rub. 40 kopecks and Barakovsky 1 rub. 49 kopecks Thus, punctual duty costs 5,049 rubles per year.

1881-82 “The main place for the sale of agricultural products of the Yuryev Opolshchina is the village. Cherkutino, Vladimir district, located from the village. Spassky, 8 versts, from the village. Snegirev is 13 versts, and from the city of Yuryev 30 versts. S. Cherkutino is the oldest market place in Opolshchyna. About twenty years ago it was the main, one might say, the only commercial and industrial center for this entire huge region. At that time, a primitive, subsistence economy still existed here in full force. Cherkutinsky traders rode everywhere on their own horses: for cereals - to Ranenburg in Ryazan province, for pears - to Kharkov, for fish - to Astrakhan, Saratov, etc. The goods brought were dispersed from the village. Cherkutin is already throughout the district: in Pokrov, Yuryev, Alexandrov and friend, places. There were no bazaars in the surrounding volosts at that time, and petty trade did not exist in the villages either.
With the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway, the importance of Cherkutin begins to decline rapidly. Even before the liberation of the peasants, some of the Cherkutin traders became exclusively timber merchants, since, due to the increased supply of timber from the landowners, the latter’s trade seemed very profitable. And indeed, many of the local timber merchants made substantial capital at that time. With the liberation of the peasants, rural petty trade begins to develop here little by little. The capital accumulated during serfdom by various kinds of bailiffs, elders and trustees was put into commercial circulation. One after another, shops appear in the villages, becoming small shopping centers for the local population and thereby undermining the economic importance of Cherkutin. This trade has developed especially in the last 10-12 years. At the same time, weekly bazaars open in the village. Zinoviev, Pokrovsky district, and in the village. Undol, Vladimir district (Bazaars were also announced in the villages of Korovaev and Esiplev, but soon they broke up on their own. “The bazaars are held by the average person; the average person has no money - well, the bazaars collapsed,” the peasants reasoned).
The statements of local traders that the village is not without interest. Cherkutino will again rise somewhat in trade terms in the near future. This opinion is based on the following considerations. In the last five years, the local peasantry has especially “increased,” as a result of which they have formed a strong debt to their rural merchants. Unable to pay their debt, the peasants often began to go to Cherkutin bazaars to buy goods. According to local traders, such a gravitation of peasants towards Cherkutin should gradually intensify. Many of the traders are no longer lending goods to the peasants: “the money is in debt, well, there’s no way to pay it off,” they complain.
Although Cherkutino does not now play such a role in the economic life of the Opole region as before, nevertheless, it is currently the main commercial and industrial center for the area in question. The bazaars in Cherkutin, according to the peasants, are good because “no matter how much goods you bring, everyone will buy it.” There is no need to take it back... In extreme cases, they will take it with a 20% discount. That’s why he’s a man in the street with money.”
Particularly favorable conditions are presented by the village. Cherkutino for the sale of oats, the price of which is usually higher here by a ruble per quarter than in the city of Yuryev. Thus, this summer, a quarter of 9 measures of oats was sold in Yuryev for 3 rubles, and in the village. For Cherkutin, a quarter of 8 measures cost 4 rubles. This fact is explained by the enormous demand for oats on the part of the wax workers of the Pokrovsky district, working for numerous factories in this area. Therefore, many of the small traders (lighthouses) find plans to buy oats in Yuryev and then resell them in the village. Cherkutin. In one and a half days, having gone to the city of Yuryev and selling oats in Cherkutin, they earn 1 ½ -2 rubles for the cart” (Prugavin V.S. Moscow. 1884).
In 1891 in the village. In Cherkutino, 46 ​​houses burned down twice for the amount of 3,542 rubles 32 kopecks.
In 1895, the tea shop of Ivan Ivanovich Razuvaev ceased its activities; tavern establishment and cellar of Zharikov Nikolai Alexandrovich.
In 1896, the tea shop of Vasily Alfeevich Zateev ceased to exist; creamery of Vasily Ivanovich Valyastov; tea shop of Talalaev Ivan Fedorovich; windmill Mikhail Fedorov.
In 1897, the tavern establishment of Alexey Petrovich Petrov ceased to exist.
The head of the Cherkutinsky military horse section for three years since 1897 is Alexander Stepanovich Kozin, a peasant of the village of Cherkutino; his candidate is Pyotr Ivanovich Sergeev, a peasant from the village of Ostanikha.
The occupation of the population is agriculture, the waste trade is carpentry.
The centers of the volosts also held their own trade fairs, to which residents of the entire area went with their goods for sale and purchase. These are summer fairs in Cherkutin, Stavrov, Pokrov, Aleksandrov, Yuryev, Ilyinsky-Stromilov, Frolshchev, Dubki. At the fair in Pokrov they purchased silk products, in Aleksandrov - blacksmith's hardware, in Yuryev - bread, chintz, in Cherkutin and Stavrov, livestock, animal products, meat, etc.
Kolchuginsky flat sheet metal and finished goods - copper basins, cauldrons, large saucepans and even the first samovars were sold at fairs in Yuryev, Dubki, Cherkutino, and Moscow.
“Cat people” (see) travel 50 miles or more, and attend fairs in the village. Cherkutin, Vladimir district, in the city of Kirzhach, Pokrovsky district, and other places. “It’s a disgusting business, but the capital is respecting it,” local peasants say about these cat owners-intermediaries.

In 1904 they opened nursery shelter in the village of Cherkutino, under the direct management of the Cherkutinsky nursery V.A. Tyurina (the doctor’s wife). The organizers of the nursery are doctors D.A. Tyurin and M.N. Nedkov. The age of the admitted children ranged from 4 months to 7 years. They were open during the harvesting of winter crops (from August 7 to August 20). The nursery was located on the lower floor of the zemstvo school. The children were accommodated quite freely. A total of 75 children attended the nursery. Attendance on one day is from 16 to 35 people. Fed: at 6 o'clock in the morning tea with white bread; at 11 o'clock in the afternoon: for the first course - soup with potatoes or cereals, for the second - wheat or buckwheat porridge; at 3 pm – tea; at 6 pm - porridge, or cottage cheese, or soup. Except for infants, who were fed exclusively with boiled milk from horns, and sometimes semolina. Black and white bread was baked especially for the manger; This work was undertaken free of charge by the peasant Ya.I. Lovachev. Firewood was delivered from the zemstvo hospital. In addition, donated: N.D. Troitsky - two towels, O.E. Troitskaya - two towels, A.I. Evstigneev - a bucket of cottage cheese.
« Shelter-nursery in the village. Cherkutino. The nursery shelter in the village of Cherkutin functioned from July 9 to August 9, 1914, a total of 21 days excluding holidays and rainy days. The nursery was located in the parochial school. Firewood was provided from the hospital. Boiling water was provided free of charge by the innkeeper Belygin. The manger was headed by the widow of the village priest Alepina N.P. Tikhomirova. Two servants were hired to care for the children and prepare food for them. All children attending the nursery were 60, i.e. twice as many as last year. Thus, interest in the nursery on the part of Cherkut residents has increased significantly.
The children were distributed by age as follows: up to 1 year - 3, up to 2 years - 6, up to 3 - 10, from 3 to 5 - 15, from 5 to 7 - 20, from 7 to 8 - 6. There were 720 total visits, of which 42 were to servants.
73 rubles spent. 73 kopecks, of which 15 rubles were given for the salary of the manager, 12 rubles for the servants. and 46 rub. 73 kopecks for equipment and food allowances for children and servants.
Each visit cost 9 kopecks: 6 kopecks. in nutritional terms and 3 kopecks. in relation to the maintenance and salary of the manager and nannies.
The nursery protects children from illness, and allows parents to work in the field in peace.”

« Cherkutinskaya outpatient clinic with hospital(report of doctor D.A. Tiryutin. 1904).
The Cherkutinsky inter-county area consists of 135 villages with a population of 25,000, including: 14,000 - Vladimirsky district (Stopinskaya, Cherkutinskaya volosts and 3 villages each of Kochukovsky and Stavrovsky volosts), 6,000 - Yuryevsky (Spasskaya volost and 3 villages of Seminsky volost) and 5,000 - Pokrovsky district (Dubkovskaya volost and 3 villages each of Vorontsovskaya and Korovayevskaya volosts).
Outpatient clinic.
During the reporting year, a total of 7,860 patients were admitted, making 12,101 visits, of which 1,268 visits were made at the outreach point in the village. Old Fetinyne. A visit to this point used to be carried out by one doctor, and he had to see patients, dispense medications, bandage and even do some menial work like washing dishes himself, and, moreover, under conditions that left much to be desired. The outpatient clinic is located in an old wooden building, which previously housed, obviously, something like a shop: the room is dirty, low, extremely uncomfortable, lit by 4 small windows, there is no ventilation; when there are 15-20 sick people, especially in winter, when you can’t open the doors, it’s very difficult to breathe. Currently, I always travel with a paramedic 1-2 times a month; the rest of the time one paramedic is on duty. In general, this exit point is some kind of strange anachronism...
Obstetrics continues to progress quite noticeably in the area. The total number of obstetric benefits reached 123 during the reporting year. Of total number obstetric care was provided in Vladimirsky district - 102 times, Yuryevsky 15 and Pokrovsky 6. Obstetric surgical aids were performed as follows: forceps operation - 2 times, internal rotation on the leg - 1 time, external rotation - 1 time, fetal extraction - 2 times, squeezing the placenta but Crede - 3 times, manually removing the placenta - 1 time and removing the remains of the abortion - 7 times. A total of 17 surgical procedures were performed, including 3 times by a midwife (squeezing out the placenta) and 14 times by a doctor. In 20 cases, obstetric care was provided in a hospital.
Our staff carried out smallpox vaccinations for 638 children (in the Vladimir district), of which 143 were revaccinations and 495 vaccinations, unsuccessful vaccinations - 79 (1 0.8%). The detritus was obtained from the calf stock of the provincial zemstvo hospital. Vaccinations in the villages of Yuryevsky district are carried out uncontrollably by their own smallpox vaccinators; I cannot even tell you the number of vaccinations, since the administration did not want to tell me them, despite my request. In the villages of Pokrovsky district, smallpox vaccination is carried out by the nearest district paramedics of the same district, over whom I am unable to control.
Hospital. In the reporting year, only 104 patients were admitted to the hospital for bed use, 3 remained from the previous year. 102 people dropped out during the year, 5 patients remained in the hospital by September 1, 1905.
All inpatients spent 1785 days in the hospital during the year; on average, it takes almost 16.5 days per patient. Food for a patient per day costs 17 ½ kopecks.
Out-of-hospital activities.
1. Following the example of last year, I took part in conducting public readings in the village. Cherkutin, mainly in the department of medicine and hygiene. The readings were conducted according to brochures approved by the Pirogov Commission.
2. In the summer, during field work, I again organized a nursery for children, with funds (50 rubles) allocated by the Vladimir district zemstvo with the participation of some donors from the peasants. The nursery, like last year, was a well-deserved success.
3. The following of the numerous schools in the area were inspected and examined from a sanitary point of view: zemstvo schools in the village of Rozhdestvina, Vladimir district, and in the village. Taneev, Pokrovsky district, and parochial schools in the village. Alepino and the Old Fetinyne estate, Vladimir district. Only the Taneyev Zemstvo School can be considered more or less adequate for its purpose. Rozhdestvenskaya and especially Alepinskaya schools are extremely bad...” (Reports of inter-district outpatient clinics and hospitals of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo for 1904-1905).
Cherkutinskaya hospital rebuilt again in 1913.

“On October 26, 1917, in the village of Cherkutin, a blasphemy was committed against the chapel. The icon of St. Nicholas was thrown onto the road, all the glass was broken and the chapel itself was partly destroyed” (newspaper “Vladimirskaya Zhizn”, 1917).
On May 21, 1918, an uprising against the Bolsheviks began in Cherkutino. The Bolsheviks a few months ago issued a decree on peace and demobilized the tsarist army. And so, instead of a voluntary Red Army, as promised in the decrees, they announced a forced recruitment of several ages. The entire Vladimir province rose up, the city of Yuryev-Polskoy was captured by the rebels, but they acted separately, without a common plan, and only in the mid-1920s. the last peasant protests were suppressed.
« Chief behind the plow. Our boss is the Vladimir provincial police. Her patronage took the form of helping needy farms to plow their spring fields. Help could not have come at a better time. To organize this matter in the volost, the chief of the provincial police visited her. The poor will never forget such fraternal help from their boss” (Newspaper “Prazyv”, May 17, 1923).
"Comes to rural hospital woman. Accepts "fershal".
- What, auntie?
- Yes, something got into my eye, father! Let me out!..
- What did you get? Log or log?!. Ha ha ha!..
- I don’t know... Look, you know better!..
The paramedic gives a prescription: -
Go home and get a chicken or chicken, or even better - a rooster! Point it right at the eye and it will pull out whatever you got!
Governor of Health, pay attention to this.
Cherkutinsky peasant” (Newspaper “Prazyv”, July 10, 1923).
In the village of Cherkutino on November 7, 1924, during a demonstration of thousands, which brought together peasants from nearby villages, a monument to V.I. was unveiled. Lenin. The peasants at the monument promised to fulfill Ilyich’s behests and declared: “We are with the workers always and in everything!”
“The Presidium of the Executive Committee approved an agreement with the Cherkutinsk electrification partnership for the latter’s construction in the village. Cherkutin power plant with a capacity of 16 kilowatts.
This agreement was concluded for 25 years, after which the power station and all its structures are transferred to the state” (“Call,” October 25, 1925).
Since 1929, the village has been the center of the Cherkutinsky village council of the Stavrovsky district, from 1965 until 2005 - the Sobinsky district.
Population: in 1859 – 1066 people, in 1897 – 952 people, in 1905 – 844 people, in 1926 – 851 people, in 2002 – 1095 people, in 2010 city ​​– 1002 people. (457 men and 545 women).
MBDOU Kindergarten No. 8 "Firefly" valid since January 24, 2000. Head Garishina Zhanna Vladimirovna. Address: village Cherkutino, street Im V.A. Soloukhina, 24.
LLP "Dom Byta" s. Cherkutino has been in effect since December 29, 1993. Address: Tolpukhovo village, Molodezhnaya street, 6, 11. The organization LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP "HOUSE OF LIABILITY" S. CHERKUTINO was liquidated on September 10, 2009.
MBUK "Cherkutinsky SDK" registered on December 6, 2004. Director Lyubov Vladimirovna Klimova. Address: Cherkutino village, Pervomaiskaya street, 30. The main activity is “Activities of libraries and archives.”
"Cherkutinskaya Outpatient Clinic" registered on April 26, 2004. Head Abakova Irina Aleksandrovna. Address: village Cherkutino, street Im V.A. Soloukhina, 12. The main activity is “Medical practice”. The organization MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSTITUTION "CHERKUTINSKAYA MEDICAL OUTPATIENT" OF THE SOBINSKY DISTRICT OF THE VLADIMIR REGION was liquidated on September 10, 2007. Assignee: GBUZ VO "Sobinskaya RB".

Cherkutinskoe rural settlement

Cherkutinskoe rural settlement was formed on May 6, 2005 in accordance with the Law of the Vladimir Region dated May 6, 2005 No. 38-OZ. It included the territory of the former Cherkutinsky village council.
The Cherkutinskoe administration has been in force since January 31, 2000. The head of the administration is Svetlana Valerievna Razumova. Address: Cherkutino village, Pervomaiskaya street, 30.
Website: http://xn--e1aaihbrilmhk8b.xn--p1ai/
The settlement includes 8 settlements:
1. Village Volkovo, 2. Village. Goryamino, 3. Village. Zakharino, 4. Village. Nekrasikha, 5. Village. Nikolutino, 6. Der Pasynkovo, 7. Der. Yurino.

Cherkutinsky parish

The cemetery Assumption Church was built in 1795 through the zeal of Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov; It is wooden on a stone foundation, with a wooden bell tower. There is only one throne in it. There were enough utensils and liturgical books were available in full. In 1843, the church was made warm, covered with planks on the outside, plastered and painted on the inside. In 1885, the churchwarden, a peasant from the village. Cherkutino Dmitry Zotov surrounded the entire cemetery with a stone fence with iron bars. He also built a stone chapel with a gilded iconostasis near the church. In 1900 the church was repaired and painted.

In 1821 in the village. The priest Roman Evgenievich Milovzorov, who graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1820, was appointed Cherkutino. He died in Cherkutino in the 1830s.
In 1827, priest Andrei Ilyich Troitsky was appointed to Cherkutino. He graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1826. In 1835 he was transferred to the army clergy.
In 1827 to the temples of the village. Cherkutino was ordained a deacon, graduating from Vladimir Seminary in 1826, by Ivan Ivanovich Arkhangelsky.
The priests of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God kept the parish chronicle. In the margins of the church's Followed Psalter, under August 19, a note was made: “In 1834, the village burned down and the bell tower burned down.”
Ioann Ioannovich Rozov graduated from the Vladimir Theological Seminary in 1838 and in 1841 was ordained a priest at the church of the village. Cherkutino.
From 1843 he became a deacon in the village. Cherkutino was Vladimir Alekseevich Fedorovsky, who graduated from the Vladimir Theological Seminary in 1842.
In 1863 to the temple of the village. Alexey Grigorievich Baskakov, ordained priest, was appointed Cherkutino. He graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1862. He died in 1896.

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Cherkutino was cold at first, but over time they began to install heating in it. In 1841, the aisle was turned from a cold one into a warm one, and a stove was installed in it.
In the chapel in the name of the Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian, the painting inside was renewed, and a half-light partition was made separating it from the meal and the Peter and Paul chapel. In 1845, this partition was removed further - the entire refectory church became warm. In 1847, the chapel in the name of the Holy Chief Apostles was made warm.

On May 8, 1866, during a strong storm, a large dome of the church was blown off. The dome was restored and in 1870, in both aisles of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God and in the refectory between the aisles, stone vaults were installed instead of wooden ramps thanks to the diligence of the church warden Nikolai Zotov. In 1871, the stone vaults were painted at the expense of the merchant Vasily Sergeevich Zotov, in the amount of over 900 rubles. In the church chronicle for 1872, the following entry was made: “On June 20, the bell tower of a common store was damaged by a fire that arose from an unknown cause; Moreover, a large bell fell on the lower vault of the bell tower without much damage, and the spire with a cross also fell, and the other church buildings were all preserved.”

State of the Mother of God Church of the Nativity in different time consisted of two or three priests.
Father Speransky's son-in-law, priest Tretyakov, rose to the rank of archpriest.
Priest Artemy Velikoselsky (Artemy Ivanovich Velikoselsky after graduating from the Vladimir Seminary, from 1803 - priest in Cherkutin) was the dean.
Priest Alexander Pokhvalynsky (Alexander Dmitrievich Pokhvalynsky graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1826, from 1827 - priest of the village of Voskresenskaya Sloboda, Suzdal district, in 1832 transferred to the Varvarinsky Church in Suzdal, from 1837 - in Cherkutin, died 21 September 1861) as a deputy, then as a departmental confessor.
Alexander Pokhvalynsky's son-in-law, priest Vasily Albitsky (Vasily Gavrilovich Albitsky graduated from the Vladimir Seminary in 1850, in the same year he was appointed teacher at the Shuya Theological School, in 1853 he was transferred as a teacher to the Vladimir Theological School, from 1854 he was a priest in the village. Cherkutino, left the state in 1890), - from 1864 to 1890 he was a departmental confessor and for a long time authorized for diocesan and district ecclesiastical school congresses.
Priest Nikolai Smirnov from 1863 to 1893 held the position of departmental confessor and for some time - a member of the deanery council; priest Nikolai Troitsky held the same position as a member of the council of the local deanery district.
Church service in the village. Cherkutino was performed daily; on holidays, the liturgy was even held in two churches: the Nativity of the Virgin Mary parish, and the Assumption Cemetery; with a three-member clergy, everyday services were performed daily in two churches, and on holidays - liturgy in all three churches; Divine services were always performed earnestly and were distinguished by their duration.

In the 1880s Major repairs of the temple were carried out at the expense of the former Cherkutinsky parishioner, Bronnitsy merchant Simeon Glebovich Chelyshov and the support of the church warden, merchant V. Zotov. The entire church was restored inside and out; inside the cold church the iconostasis is painted and gilded; 8 newly painted icons were added to it; the walls at the top are again painted with paintings, and from the base to the cornice they are decorated with marble; New frames and blocks were installed in the windows of the entire church; all windows are marbled; Some items of church utensils were purchased: chandeliers, candlesticks, etc.; heating is provided by oven; The outside walls of the church and the bell tower are plastered, the roof is painted, etc. In 1885, on September 1, the Archbishop of Vladimir consecrated the restored church. In the second half of the 1890s. The Church of the Virgin Mary was again repaired; Moreover, the internal amendment mainly concerned warm temple: its walls are again painted with paintings, ornaments with gilding, and painted with oil paints; the iconostasis was corrected, the external plaster, which had fallen off in many places, was restored; The walls and roof of the temple and bell tower are whitewashed and painted.
In 1899, at the expense of the Hereditary Honorary Citizen, a former parishioner of the village. Cherkutin Simeon Glebovich Chelyshov, all the chapters of the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God were gilded.

In 1900, “on the night of August 24, a burglary was committed in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary; but the church watchman, a local peasant Vasily Guryanov, noticed thieves in the church, and when the alarm sounded, the thieves rushed to run from the church, went out the side door and began shooting with revolvers at the watchmen. One of the attackers was detained and turned out to be Pavel Balantsov, a peasant from the village who had fled from Siberia. Chekov, Vladimir district, exiled in 1899 to Siberia for settlement by the verdict of the Vladimir District Court for a number of church thefts he committed. The church watchman Guryanov was given an Archpastoral blessing from His Eminence Sergius, Archbishop of Vladimir, and the gratitude of the civil authorities was declared through publication in the Vladimir Provincial News.
There are three thrones in it: in the cold one - in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the warm aisles: in the name of the holy unmercenary Cosmas and Damian and the holy apostles Peter and Paul.
Copies of metric books since 1802, and confessional paintings since 1829, were kept intact. An inventory of church property was compiled in 1869 and was kept in the church.
At the church there is a stone bell tower; in addition, there were two more churches in the village - the Assumption cemetery and the assigned Nikolaevskaya stone chapel; two wooden chapels were located in the villages of Zakharyin and Goryamin (In the chapel near the village of Goryamone there was an icon of Saints Boris and Gleb, remarkable in antiquity.).
There was church land: about 2 dessiatines of manor land, 3 dessiatines of hay land. 26 sq. sazhen and arable 45 dessiatinas. 866 sq. soot In addition, the church owned: trading shops, mills and forests.
The staff of the clergy: two priests, a deacon and two psalm-readers. The maintenance of the clergy received up to 2,650 rubles annually. The clergy had his own houses, on church land.
Parish: village (136 households) and villages: Goryamino (In Goryamino there was also a wooden church, a wooden chapel was built on the site of the burnt church, and the parish was transferred to Cherkutino.), Demikhovo, Kudelino, Emilino, Olino, Strelka, Selyutino, Black Mountain , Eliseevo, Treusovo, Zakharyino (Village of Zakharyino, Melekhotsky camp, mentioned in the “letter of Ivan the Terrible to Metropolitan Simon in 1504” about the non-jurisdiction of metropolitan peasants to the Vladimir governors, volostels and their tiuns.), Milkovo, Nekrasikha, Korotygino, Volkovo, Pasynkovo, Golkino , Klemetevo, Khmelevo, Vishenki, Yurino, Lutino, Isakovo, Burdachevo and Pugovitsyno. All households in the parish are 596; male showers 2020, and female showers 2242.
By decree of His Holiness Rule. Synod of May 30, 1913, supernumerary priest. With. Cherkutin, Nikolai Troitsky, was appointed to the position of rector of the Murom Annunciation Monastery. Nikolai Troitsky was tonsured a monk on June 7, 1913 with the name “Nikon”, and on June 9 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. The rector of the Murom Annunciation Monastery, Archimandrite Nikon, died on June 14, 1913.

The stone Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was blown up in 1967, but the bell tower has been preserved. The St. Nicholas Church (new) was built in this bell tower in the 1990s.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 1960-1970s.

After the closure of St. Nicholas Church in the 30s of the twentieth century, the building was given over to a boiler house. In our time, St. Nicholas Church. Cherkutino is in disrepair, its condition is deplorable. Repairs have begun.
Services in the cemetery's Assumption Church were discontinued in 1927. The church has been dismantled. The chapel next to it, built by Zotov, has been preserved. Her condition is bad.

Local Religious Organization Orthodox Parish Church in Honor of the Saints of Christ Spyridon and Nicholas the Wonderworkers in the village of Cherkutino, Sobinsky district, Vladimir region, Vladimir Russian Diocese Orthodox Church(Moscow Patriarchate) has been operating since December 27, 1999. Head of the organization: rector, chairman of the parish council Alexey Vitalievich Kuzminykh.

SEC "Cherkutino"

Revolution, collectivization and the formation of the Iskra collective farm. The Pervomaisky state farm was founded on March 2, 1964. Located in the northwestern part of the Sobinsky district of the Vladimir region. SEC "Cherkutino" effective June 1, 1998
The total land area is 5050 hectares, of which 4479 hectares are agricultural land, incl. arable land 3748 hectares. SEC "Cherkutino" specializes in milk production and raising black-and-white breeding stock. Related industries are the cultivation of grain crops, feed production and the production of elite perennial grass seeds. Since 2008, the cooperative received the status of a breeding plant for raising black-and-white pedigree cattle.
The average annual number of workers on the state farm in 1964 was 345 people, in the SEC “Cherkutino” - 76 people. Gross milk yield in 1964 was 1102 tons. The milk yield per forage cow is 2257 kg. The number of forage cows was 488 heads.
SEC "Cherkutino" has a total livestock population of 2,131 heads, of which 770 are forage cows, the milk yield per forage cow is 6,038 kg. Gross milk production is 4565 tons. The grain yield in 1964 was 11.1 centners/ha, in the SEC Cherkutino - 23.3 centners/ha.
In 2012, SEC Cherkutino built and put into operation a new livestock complex for 800 animals. Modern agricultural equipment was purchased. Currently, SEC "Cherkutino" is a profitable enterprise.
Chairman - Elena Nikolaevna Pekhotova. Address: village Cherkutino, street Im V.A. Soloukhina, 24. The main activity is “Breeding dairy cattle cattle, production of raw milk."
Peasant farm Klinyshkova V.V. valid since April 17, 1995 Address: Cherkutino village, Vororshilov street. Organization PEASANT (FARMER) ECONOMY KLINYSHKOVA V.V. liquidated on February 5, 2010

Following the established tradition, I am reviewing the next task of the MCTF Information Security Olympiad. This time we will write an exploit for a server application written in Python in an organized manner.

It is well known that an exploit is a computer program, a piece of program code or a sequence of commands that exploits vulnerabilities in software and is used to carry out an attack on a computer system. The goal of the attack is to seize control of the system or disrupt its correct operation (from) the wiki.
The server code in Python with a somewhat strange protocol implementation is offered as a test subject. You can familiarize yourself with the application code, then I will comment on its most striking fragments. But first of all, we need to install it on the local machine for thoughtful dissection. So

Running file on Ubuntu

In general, there are no special pitfalls here, Python is included in all distributions everywhere, but here SUDDENLY the little-known mmh3 library is used (about the trick that it puts).
Unfortunately, the ubuntu distribution does not have it, so we install it from the source code
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo python -m pip install mmh3
As a result, the sources of this module are downloaded and compiled, after which the server can be started with the command
In addition, for error-free operation of the server, you need to put the flag.txt file in its working directory and the plug-in module ../ in the directory above.

In general, the goal of the tasks in this Olympiad is to find certain “flags”. Thus, the purpose of hacking is to read the contents of the flag.txt file, which is located in the same directory as the server executable file.
