Is tarot reading dangerous? What are the benefits and harms of fortune telling, are they dangerous? Love fortune telling and pitfalls: human stories

9 reasons for and 1 against

A Preface You Shouldn't Miss Reading

There are many versions of what fortune telling is. Perhaps what is written below will be somewhat dry for your perception, but I ask you to see, hear and feel between the lines so that you still realize something important about fortune telling. If you want to immediately know the reasons why you can and cannot guess, then they are given below, and you can immediately go find out. Here's a little prelude.

You are ready? Imagine that, through inspired and inanimate objects, signs and natural phenomena, you determine the origin of some process of reality, more often than not a consequence, using not cause-and-effect relationships and logic, but your own or others’, internal or external images, sounds, sensations - the nature of which is difficult to explain; it seems chaotic. We also call this method prediction, premonition, clairvoyance, intuition, knowledge-outside-the-mind. We call the source or field from which images, sounds and sensations come the collective unconscious, free ether, astral plane, Akashic chronicles.

We are completely unable to explain with our minds how we receive special information and why this particular information and not another. Therefore, there are many hypotheses: psychological, philosophical, esoteric, physical and various... ical about a person’s ability to know non-rationally, bypassing reason, about what happened, is happening or can happen in his destiny and in the life of another person. I am not a supporter of any of the hypotheses, because I consider them to be parts of one truth, the truth of which is hidden under a thick veil.

Fortune telling is not the same as psychology, although it is also the science of the soul through its direct perception. A psychologist may have excellent professional intuition, but it is not a fact that he will be able to read cards or tell fortunes on coffee grounds, as does a real fortune teller on the outskirts of the city, who received this skill from her great-grandmother. Yes, a psychologist can use, for example, tarot cards in his work, but he will interpret them through the prism of the knowledge and skills acquired at the university, indirectly, while a mantic (soothsayer) does this directly. I use psychological things, but this is more part of my etiquette for dealing with a client (questor) than the fortune telling process itself.

Fortune telling is often confused with magic, whereas this is a rather passive process of perceiving reality - it is reading, observation, when you do not try to change, influence and manipulate what you perceive. A soothsayer can use magic things with cards, runes and other predictive tools - what is now commonly called corrections, the formation of events, or, perhaps, do without them, receiving information directly from the source.

Fortune telling is an independent discipline, which the ancients also called divination - the art, the gift of fortune telling, based on the fact that the fortuneteller was inspired by a higher divine essence, and comprehended revelations that were not available in the ordinary state of consciousness.

Imagine two lovers on a picnic, kissing two hundred kilometers from a huge black vortex. They don’t yet realize that they could get caught in a hurricane, and they enjoy each other. But...having recognized a certain premonition within themselves, if they took a closer look at the behavior of animals or insects, listening to the singing of birds, they could detect changes in the environment and avoid danger in time - very logical, isn’t it? Now imagine that you are at a point where you can observe both the lovers and the approaching storm - you see much more widely... this is what fortune telling is... and what is available to the diviner.

Just a little more, and you will learn 9 reasons to guess, and the only reason to avoid it...

The man has been guessing, guessing, and will continue to guess. This is an axiom. Our whole life is a guessing about what our and other people's future will be like. They guess everywhere where they need to make a forecast and calculate the consequences of their actions or even intentions: economics, politics, ecology, medicine, psychology!!! But the forecast cannot be based only on logical, mathematical, technical calculation - there is also our instinct (ask any businessman, surgeon, politician - how do they make a decision in the event of a choice?..), this instinct, feeling pushes us, contrary to logical arguments , go in a completely irrational way to achieve a better result! And everyone has this feeling. In fact, the soothsayer differs from the questioner in that he more easily notices the connections between all events and phenomena.

We predict every day the day before, having conscious, but more often unconscious, expectations of what it might be like - and they come true. It makes sense that the fortuneteller simply reads your subconscious attitudes - and announces them to you. Bringing to the surface your expectations about your future. But there is also a sense in the fact that he will see more widely (as in the case of lovers and a hurricane) - and this is the miracle that we are all trying to explain - but there are not enough concepts :).

We know that we will wake up in the same place, go to the same job, call the same friend, until... something happens, some external circumstance that changes our lives - then we begin to believe in fate. Although...before that, there were dreams or signs, premonitions that we pushed aside and completely ignored. After all, being fed up with the same thing could be the cause of change, but how do you tie it all together?

As is above, so below, but as is within, so without. The result of fortune telling is not something unchangeable, it is not rock or fate. This is just the most suitable option for the development of your future, made on the basis of observation of what was and is now. And at the same time, you are as independent and free as you allow yourself. Once the fortune-telling has come true, you are not free yet, believe me. Miracles happen when fortune telling stops coming true, because you have chosen other paths. This is a symbol that you are on the path of deep personal change. And then you simply stop guessing: great freedom comes with great responsibility, unfortunately, not everyone is ready for this yet.

9 reasons to guess!

1. Lack of change and change.

Often stability and monotony stimulate people to turn to fortune telling to find out what will happen new in life. If you applied for this reason, and stability can also be such when there is no positive stability, then ask for advice: what will renew and refresh your life.

2. Search for truth and truth.

The presence of deep internal conflict. No comments here, but if you are lost in what is real and what is fake in your life, what is true, what is a mask - this is your reason to turn to fortune telling. Then find out the hidden sides of the situation and everything that is not obvious - the truth is somewhere there.

3. Doubts about something or someone.

Your lack of self-confidence is one of the most important reasons for fortune telling. Moreover, it often disguises itself as uncertainty in another person. There are a lot of layouts that help you find a resourceful state and approach to yourself, the same “Mission” layout.

4. Preparedness or unpreparedness for the event.

The reason is the fear of change and everything new and incomprehensible. She is the opposite of reason #1. The important thing here is to pay attention to the internal and external influences on you and your life and what the future holds.

5. Clarification of details or whole perception.

The reason is a special filter for the perception of reality. For example, you see 150 pine trees: is it a forest or trees? Peculiarities of perception lead a person to fortune telling, which either specifies the circumstances, answering your questions: who, what, when, how, where; or generalizes the picture: why, why, where, making it more complete.

6. Understanding and understanding the situation.

The reason is ignorance and uncertainty, lack of skills or competence in some matter. By expanding your perception of life through fortune telling, especially those points that symbolize your opportunities, as well as obstacles, you can know more and have a large arsenal of tools.

7. Internal lack of freedom.

The reason is addiction and irresponsibility. Freedom is the courage to remain yourself under any circumstances. Often a person expects direct guidance to action from fortune telling, but this is the wrong approach; it indicates a removal of responsibility for one’s life. Here it is important to perceive fortune telling as a way to get advice that you may or may not use - you are the master of the situation.

8. Personal safety.

The reason is fear, but this time it is not associated with the expectation of something new, but is a reaction to past experience, most likely to mental and physical trauma. To avoid repetition, a person turns to fortune telling. Then the causes and roots of the problem are sought.

9. Situation of choice.

The reason usually lies in an imbalance between reason and emotions. Or the habit of constantly following a logical path or, on the contrary, an overly emotional approach. Fortune telling then involves looking at alternatives and future options.

1 reason not to guess!

So, we come to the most important thing - the result of this article. The first and only reason why a person is unlikely to guess when He is truly happy. At such moments, the desire to know the truth about yourself or others, experiences and anxieties, fears and suspicions about your future - dissolve in the endless joy of your being, and there is no point in guessing, for the reason that there is none either.

These stories about the consequences of fortune telling were sent to us by readers.

I won’t hide the fact that I used to tell fortunes about love... Until 1992, when I learned that even the most “harmless” fortune-telling can keep hiccups for the rest of my life. One of the most dangerous entertainments. IMHO - it’s only safer to jump from the 9th floor.

My wife went to tell her fortune, it was about 5 years ago, the fortune teller told her that she would divorce me, and now we have big house, good cars, wealth, Good work, to live and be happy, that’s how it got into her head, and so she began to carry out this program herself. I’m shocked, I’m trying to explain to her that it was the fortune teller who put the destruction program in her, my wife doesn’t believe me...

Alexander, 41 years old

I advise everyone to stop guessing. I quit this case a month ago. For six years I collected a variety of fortune-telling, learned to tell fortunes using cards, oracles, tarot, runes, coins, stones, tea, coffee, love, and in general to any problem, I always found the right answer, which literally came true every other day. I used to tell fortunes about love mainly for myself and my friends, until one thing happened to me. I recently surfed the Internet and added to my collection of fortune telling. I typed information on 200 pages of font 10. And this can be written as a book. Only now I brought this case home, laid it out on the bed and began to lovingly sort through the treasured pages.

At first my heart pounded, so it became difficult to breathe. I drank Carvalol and sat down. And suddenly they pinched my leg like that! This is true. I even had a bruise! I was alone in the apartment! It's horrible. On the same day, my husband’s new tires were punctured, my grandmother was taken to the hospital, my friend’s husband was killed, and at night I was shaking with fear, because someone was walking around in the apartment until the morning, sloshing in the bathroom and howling. I chalked it all up to the brownie.

In general, the result is this - after typing information about fortune telling on the Internet, I called upon the dark forces. The next day I threw all the fortune telling out of the house. Recently I went to church, and as soon as I approached the gate, I burst into tears (tears flowed involuntarily, and such warmth spread throughout my body). I was later told that this is how the soul is cleansed. My husband barely calmed me down, but in church, still crying, I asked God for forgiveness and promised that I would never engage in fortune telling.


I don’t know why fortune telling is so addictive. It tied me down so much that I didn’t feel good for a long time. Or it was, but for a short time, and then... I am now deeply convinced that the attachment is coming from evil forces... I decided to do EVERYTHING so as not to guess about a specific person, or about anyone in general who I like...

But I couldn’t immediately get out of the habit of fortune telling for love... And since this was so, I conducted a kind of experiment: Without trying to tell fortunes about a specific person, I tried to find out about him by telling fortunes about some mutual acquaintances, thank God, who do not have much value for me . And what’s interesting is that with all these people, fortunately not very significant to me, with whom I had quite loyal relationships for a long time, communication began to deteriorate sharply. WHY? There are no objective reasons. Either believe it or not. NOW I am 100% convinced that it is IMPOSSIBLE to guess at ANYONE who is important and dear to you!!! It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, a girlfriend, or a loved one. You can't do that!!!


It’s not worth fortune-telling the love of the Lordship of your soul!..

They told me fortunes for the near future, but at that moment I felt so bad that the light faded before my eyes. Well, they told me that they had jinxed our couple, which is why the groom left me. And that I will continue to be obsessed with him, and they will fire me from work, and nothing will work out, and there will be problems with my health, and there will be trouble with my relatives. “But,” said the fortune teller, “everything can be helped!”

And then my eyes opened. What am I doing?! After all, the Gospel strictly says that it is a sin to turn to fortune tellers!

She repented, went to the monastery to Blessed Matronushka, asked for forgiveness and help. And everything is fine, everything is fine.

Sunny, 24 years old

I started getting into fortune tellers and all sorts of predictions when I was about 20. It all started after a failure in a relationship with a guy I really liked. I went to a fortune teller, then to another one, and off we went... How all this attracted me... I asked for the love of a prince and eternal happiness! By the way, one clairvoyant told me about my husband Apollo and my beautiful daughter, but so far neither Apollo nor my daughter. In short, I guessed right, nothing worked out with anyone, now I’m alone! I went to church with the priest, talked, and asked for forgiveness!

I advise everyone: do not go to fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, psychics, or astrologers. All this is evil, we must live like God and believe only in him, in God, even when we give up!

Olga, 25 years old

Seven years ago, I started a relationship with one of my peers, I am a bachelor, and her husband left her, leaving her alone with a child. The relationship seemed to be going well, but it felt like something was getting in the way. I couldn’t understand what... Time passed before she told me what they told her. When her husband left, she went to some soothsayer to find out if her husband would return. He prophesied to her that he would not return, but that she would have someone else, and apparently gave a description. She understood that I did not fit this description, which meant that I was not exactly the one she needed. Or rather, not the same one at all.

I didn’t pay attention to it at all, I thought that wherever she went, she would marry me, you never know what was prophesied. But no, the prophecy began to come true. Apparently, her “betrothed” was already looming on the horizon, and she began to break off her relationship with me. Moreover, I saw that something seemed to force her to do such things towards me that I would turn away from her. And she did all this in front of people. And indeed, after one of her pranks in the presence of my friends, something broke inside me. From that moment on, I ended our relationship. And she rushed towards her “betrothed.” By the way, already being with the “betrothed”, she continued to finish off everything that was good between us...

But her fairy tale did not last long - 8 months, and then her betrothed simply discarded her as unnecessary thing. He had a whole herd of people like her, but my fool thought that since he was promised to her, it meant that out of the whole herd he would choose her... She cruelly miscalculated. She rushed to restore relations with me. She hovered around me for six months, this way and that... And I was just waiting that maybe she would be smart enough to apologize for everything? No, she was smart enough for a lot of things, but she just wasn’t smart enough to simply ask for forgiveness for spitting on her soul... But my soul didn’t accept her anymore. She’s been living alone for 5 years now, sometimes trying to restore the relationship, but I don’t need her anymore. I have a different life, another woman who doesn’t give a damn about my soul, and that’s okay.

Evgeny Ts

I'm very glad I came across this site. I had no idea that fortune telling for love on cards leads to such consequences. I started guessing on cards myself back in school years, I wondered a lot with my friends too. I could never understand why the boy from the parallel class, who couldn’t even take his eyes off me, did not dare to approach me. And I kept guessing and wondering, and I probably got it wrong. Don't know. I really didn’t succeed with the guys, although many paid attention to me, but somehow everything didn’t work out.

When I turned 22 (and I kept guessing), at that time I had a young man, but I had neither feelings nor a spark for this man, I finally decided, I just took all my cards and put them all together burned it. After that, things started to get better for me little by little. I met a nice guy, we fell in love with each other very much within a couple of days, and so I accompanied him to the army for six months (he still had time to serve).

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, as they say, I met another young man 3 months later. Very serious, interesting, and what’s most interesting is that I really liked him too. Not knowing what to do, I decided to go to a fortune teller (in vain, of course, I did it). What did they not tell me? First I went to one, she flatly said that I would break up with the soldier and be with another. I'll get married at 23.

It didn't turn out that way, of course. I waited for my soldier, I talked to him and explained everything to him that I was waiting for a guy from the army and couldn’t help but wait, although I felt sympathy for both, he left. Until now, almost a year has passed, my soldier and I are together. At first I doubted it, I shouldn’t have abandoned him, because the fortune teller said that we would part with the soldier anyway. The soldier arrived, I treated him coolly. Over time, my heart began to warm to him, as before, and I am glad that I am with him. I don’t know, of course, whether we will be together in the future or not, but for now we love each other very much. Another fortune teller said that I would be healed by the soldier in a month, this did not happen (and there was no contact, because of this I was even afraid to let him near me, I think he will get pregnant, what should I do then). At work, the fortune teller said there was no progress. So I sit here and get nervous every day at work...

This is how their words sink into your heart, and you wait and wait for all this to happen. Now only after reading the above letters I understand that if you really want something in life, ask God, he will hear your prayers if they are pure. Let everything go with the flow, and at this time, no matter what, strive to achieve more. This is how you need to live, and not believe everyone you come across.

Brown haired, 23 years old

This story began for me four years ago, when I helped one guy (my job is to help). If I helped, I helped, and he began to look after me, offer me a relationship, and gave me a gold ring. I knew that at that time he had a girlfriend. And I ask him: “What about your girlfriend?” And he told me: “And our relationship with her is already ending, there are things that I will never forgive her.” Some time passed, and one day he came to me (and we lived in different cities) and said: “That’s it, now I’m free.” Well, we began to live together.

We lived for a year and things weren’t going well for him at work, but I make good money myself, so I didn’t focus on it. I bought him an expensive car and started driving his ten. And I began to notice strange things in his behavior - he arrived late, sometimes he didn’t come at all, he referred to his parents, supposedly they asked for help with something. Suspicions crept in. My friends supported my suspicions. One - Tanya - took me to fortune tellers.

I've seen all sorts of them, but everyone kept saying - everything will be fine, he's destined for you. So another six months passed - jealousy, tears, partings and returns. I got pregnant. My parents didn't accept him. I started living with my parents and renting out my apartment. He supposedly began to live with his parents, but he couldn’t live with me - it was hard for him. I gave birth to a son. All this time we maintained a relationship, made plans, as if I was waiting for something - I told him that I would live with my parents a little longer, that a child under one year old should not change the environment, stress. He kept asking: “Well, when we are together, this is not normal - you are there, and I am here.”

And when my son was nine months old, he called me ex-girlfriend(found my message on his phone while he was sleeping) and said that she gave birth to a daughter from him, she is now five months old, and he comes periodically, he’s already tired, why can’t I take him away, because she gave him to me, that her their parents gave them an apartment, but he doesn’t live in it. At that moment he was next to her and told her that I had with him business relationship, and from whom I have a child, he does not know. I was shocked. Of course, I couldn’t forgive him for this betrayal and sent him... to the caller.

Six months passed, and he began to show signs of “life”: text messages about “we don’t keep what we have - we cry when we lose it,” “forgive me for everything,” etc. Then he grew bolder and called. He told me that everything that the girl who called me said was true, that their life was not going well, there were constant scandals, she could not forget about the story with me, somehow they even got to the point of a stabbing, and she wounded him in the stomach, and he broke her jaw... All this in front of the child, etc.

And for two months now I have been with him as an earpiece psychologist, listening. He seems to want to start a relationship with me, but something doesn’t give him, and something is holding me back... His betrayal, probably. This is such a strange situation. And the girl Tanya, who took me to fortune tellers, is now practically drunk, she was fired from her job, in two years she lost her mother, grandmother, ex-husband, she was deprived of parental rights... And I can’t help her, because there is no one to leave the child with, and I live in another city, and I myself am not in the best situation...

Karina, 30 years old

Leave a review Read reviews
Readers' stories about the consequences of fortune telling on a guy's love (Part 2)
Stories from readers about the consequences of online fortune telling on love. (Part 3)
Stories from readers about the consequences of fortune telling for love. (Part 4)
And I kept wondering, wondering, wondering ( Dura, 30 years old)
Stories from readers about the consequences of fortune telling for love. The cards speak (Part 5)
The Evil Virus of Fortune Telling Or Why You Shouldn’t Fortune Tell Your Love ( )
“I was ruining my life with fortune telling” ( Thoughtful, 24 years old)
Stories from readers about the consequences of fortune telling for love. I laid out the cards - do they love me? (Part 6)
A scary story about Christmas fortune telling ( Scandi)
Didn't lie down, didn't sit. At the mirror you wanted to ask everything about fate. ( Alexander Feoktistov)

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R religion has recorded fortune telling as a sin. The reasons for this are quite obvious to anyone who thinks for themselves, but that’s not what this topic is about. The topic is that in a post-religious society people are guessing, but they are still afraid: but they say, “you will miss the future”...
T is this true? Is fortune telling harmful? How often can you guess? Or maybe fortune telling can even be beneficial?... ;)

WITHLet's start by deciding what moves a person who turns to the Tarot or card oracle (Lenormand, Gypsy cards, Simbolon, etc.).

E There is a category of people who, excuse me, have nothing to do and are simply curious what they will tell him. These people, as a rule, are infantile and tend to shift responsibility for their lives to mom/dad/fortune teller/husband/Volodya Putin... (the list goes on). They crave an answer like: Oh! I see that you will be rich / you will get married and give birth to a couple of children / world fame awaits you... etc., so that, having heard such a forecast, you can sit down on your butt and wait for the arrival of a happy future. Or they want to receive confirmation that the “ass” (well, on which they sit, waiting for a happy future) in their life is solely due to damage / karma / magic of malicious enemies and ill-wishers.

AND Of course, the most important question of the infantile: WHEN?

“When will I get married?/When will I get rich?/When will I leave the hated city?/When will I meet my soulmate (a masterpiece in general! Not only can the meeting not wait in principle, it’s also not clear that this is what a soul mate is like)..."

IN there is no need to guess from someone so infantile and suffering from idle curiosity. And instead of going to a fortune teller, I recommend that they master the energy of the Magician’s arcana. It’s not that fortune telling is harmful for them, it’s just that there is no benefit from their attempt to look into the future.

TO In addition to curious and infantile querents (askers), there are quite active, active people, but who find themselves faced with the need to make a decision, take an important step, choose the most effective line of behavior in a situation, etc. At the same time, the conscious information is not enough, the person is gnawed by doubts, and the movement towards his goal is slowed down. The answer from the cards can be the impetus for understanding what is happening and how to proceed. They help with this diagnostic layouts that reveal the reasons for inhibition or failure, suggesting the best course of action to achieve what you want. But also from prognostic The querent can benefit from layouts that simply show the most likely outcome of the situation. Moreover You can make predictive layouts as often as the querent feels the need for it. Yes, the latter contradicts the generally accepted opinion among tarot readers and fortune tellers that you need to guess the same question once or, in extreme cases, only after serious changes have emerged in the situation. And I'll argue :)
D The point is that the future is variable (within certain limits), and which option is realized depends not so much on a person’s actions, but, first of all, on his thoughts and mood. Accordingly, what does a forecast on Tarot or a card oracle give: one of the future options for the requested situation, the most probable according to present the mood and way of thinking of the querent. The prognostic alignment allows the querent to see how correctly he thinks and where his real attitude leads. If the forecast of the cards is not favorable, it means that “you are thinking in the wrong way, comrade,” you must urgently deal with the state of uncertainty and doubts, fears, and select statements leading to the desired goal. After such an analysis (with the help of the Tarot/oracle or even without them) and work on finding the necessary affirmations, you can again decompose the situation on the Tarot or oracle in order to compare the outcome of the forecast with the goal. If, this time, the response of the cards is favorable, then this confirms the correctness of the analysis done and the statements created - great, keep up the good work;)

T So the usual forecast for an active (taking responsibility for his life), thinking person is one of the stages of adjusting his future. And guessing in this way is not only harmful, but very useful :)

ABOUT However, in the case of telling fortunes to yourself, you must remember that this process takes energy. Of course, obtaining information is an important stage in moving towards the goal, but everything is not limited to this, and energy is needed in the future to actually achieve this very goal. Too frequent fortune-telling (the limit is individual for everyone, depending on the energy reserve of a particular predictor) leads to fatigue and a situation of temporary blackout. Therefore, it is important for a tarot reader to maintain a balance between the Priestess and the Magician, in other words, to devote just enough time and energy to the Priestess in your life so that it contributes to the achievement of life goals, and does not interfere.

Fortune telling has always been very popular. People have always believed that cards can predict their fate and can be guided by them. But it turns out that fortune telling with cards is not as safe as it might seem at first glance.

In order to understand why fortune telling is dangerous, you need to remember that fortune telling is not recognized Orthodox Church. The clergy consider fortune telling a terrible sin, which is quite difficult to atone for. A fortune teller can ruin her life when she picks up cards too often.

People have been telling fortunes with cards at all times. Previously, only a few fortune tellers were familiar with this.

They passed on their gift from generation to generation. Nowadays, fortune telling has become accessible. There is a lot of literature in stores that you can use to learn how to do this. But everything is not as simple as it seems. Experts assure that fortune telling cannot be learned from a book. You need to have a certain gift and certain knowledge to be able to correctly interpret all combinations of cards that appear.

With a formal approach to fortune telling, the result can be quite unpredictable. Few people know that fortune telling on cards poses a serious danger both for the fortuneteller himself and for the one to whom he is telling fortunes. This action carries very powerful destructive energy, which can cause very unpleasant consequences. Fortune telling on cards symbolizes connection with evil spirits. The person who lays the deck does not even assume that he is not just predicting the future, but is carrying out a certain program that he is imposing devilry. It is the intervention of dark forces that contributes to the fact that the alignment turns out to be unfavorable. In this way, one can prophesy illness, death, or misfortune to a person. And both the one who decided to fortune tell and the one who lays out the deck of cards will be to blame for this, and the fortuneteller, in the opinion of most clergy, commits a more serious sin.

The Orthodox Church refers to fortune telling as a phenomenon associated with evil spirits. It is believed that fortune tellers, when deciding to predict the destinies of others, forever give their soul to the devil.

They seem to become his assistants in predicting troubles and misfortunes for people and programming them for failure.

Fortune telling on cards is unacceptable for a believer. Besides, it's quite dangerous. People who are keen on fortune telling have said more than once that they often feel unhappy. They have power over them dark forces and don't want to let them go. Everything in their life seems to be going wrong. Often they cannot accomplish their plans and seem to go in circles.

In addition to the danger posed by exposure mystical powers a person often experiences condemnation from those to whom he has prophesied misfortune and misfortune. When faced with troubles in his life, a person begins to remember that a fortune teller told him about them. He blames her for his troubles. Some even begin to take revenge on the one who predicted misfortune, believing that the person programmed failure and deprivation. In order to avoid all the consequences of fortune telling with cards, it is better to never pick them up in order to predict a person’s fate. Those who do not have certain knowledge, but really want to tell fortunes to people on cards, need to be especially careful. Misinterpretation card layouts can also lead to very unpleasant consequences. This is dangerous both for the one who is telling fortunes and for the one who is being told fortunes.

There is an opinion that all fortune tellers are unhappy in their own way. With their unfortunate fate, they to some extent atone for their guilt for interfering in someone else’s life. Very often they die in illness and all alone. Such punishment befalls them as a grave sin.

When asked about the dangers of fortune telling on cards, experts give a very clear answer. It turns out that fortune telling can only bring misfortune to those who pick up cards and try to predict someone else's fate. It can also be harmful for the one being told fortunes.

It's no secret that many girls have a lot of affairs. Often they are confused about their relationship and want to get their ex back. Or they simply want to raise their self-esteem by awakening the fire of love passion in a person’s heart...

Fortune telling on cards as a method of prediction future fate man appeared quite a long time ago. Many people look for solutions to everyday problems in cards, but few people think about the safety of this activity.

It is no secret that fortune telling by cards is considered unacceptable in religion. This is probably the first sign that all is not well with this method of fortune telling. Why is fortune telling not accepted in the spiritual community? The thing is that the physical laws of our world do not allow people to know their future, therefore, fortune telling is an appeal to something supernatural.

But our future is known only to God, who can change a person’s fate at any moment, looking at his faith, deeds and actions. Sometimes spiritual people who have spent their entire lives in prayer receive the gift of prediction, but it is worth noting once again that these are truly spiritual people who can give advice precisely in this moment, but they firmly know that everything can change according to the will of God.

Fortune telling on cards is not accepted by religion, which means it is not from God. And from whom? What other supernatural being can a person call upon? The answer is simple and obvious - to the devil. Therefore, if you want to find out your fate by turning to the cards, you should give yourself a sober account of who is standing on the other side of the screen and what payment he will ask for the information provided.

He will get a person who, having heard false information, will go through life, step by step following his script. This is precisely why fortune telling on playing cards or other cards, as well as other methods of fortune telling, is dangerous.

Having once learned his fate, a person, as it were, mechanically adheres to the predicted scenario, not allowing other developments in his life. And everything comes true only because he subconsciously goes for it and strives for it. Because of this, life often becomes not happy, but a person seems to be bound by an expected fate.

In fact, all this is very dangerous. After all, if there is no block in the brain to life according to the predicted plot, fate can change with each subsequent action and choice in one direction or another. Perhaps atheists will say that there is no God, but how can you believe in the devil and not believe in God? This doesn't happen.

As already mentioned, God sends revelations to some true believers. The destroyer of souls does not need devotion and prayers; he takes away the spiritual health of his fans, gradually turning them into possessed people.

A person engaged in fortune telling did not work to acquire a destructive gift, he simply sacrificed his soul in order to devastate other souls. All this is very scary, but many people do not understand how dangerous fortune telling by cards is, the forum about which is often filled with comments and reviews.

In addition, fortune telling takes a person away from sober thinking. He puts his fate on the cards and accepts the decision that demonic forces offer him. Surely, from what was written above, one can understand that fortune telling does not inform a person of the will of God, but only the other way around.

And one more thing, most often fortune tellers tell the client that he is damaged. It is unlikely that this phrase passed by any of the visitors. But it is worth remembering that the main thing in the world is God, he created everything, and even the devil, who later separated to build his dark kingdom. Therefore, no damage will come to a person if he is under the protection of God, and even a hair from his head will not fall if it is not his will.

If a difficult moment has come or there is an unsolvable task, it is better to ask God for help in resolving it. The Lord will not tell you the answer instantly, but at any time he can turn life in a good direction. Anything is possible if you sincerely believe!

The Lord says that if a person had faith even the size of a mustard seed, he would be able to overthrow mountains. Therefore, if there are any problems, you don’t need to go to a fortune teller, but to church. A sincere request will always be heard, this is confirmed by the many miracles that the Lord has performed for believers.

This article is for those who need help in solving difficult life problems. Even though not everyone will be able to understand it completely and completely agree, but perhaps it will open their eyes to some important aspects of our lives.

Sober House – recovery with addiction treatment programs.