Osho zen tarot card meaning nothing. Sa osho zen tarot. What questions is the deck suitable for?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs.

What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest? The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck is the sixth major Arcana of the deck, number V. This is without a doubt one of the most difficult and most interesting maps

in Osho Zen Tarot, if not the most difficult.

Other cards are filled with images, on each there are some people, objects, various colors, details, figures - space for imagination and interpretation.. But on the card Nothing there is simply nothing! Only darkness, emptiness.. And for many people this card can simply just to scare, not to please. In fact, it reflects death, the unknown, that frightening NOTHING in the mind of any person. If you ask many ordinary (not interested in spiritual topics) people, what is death? What will happen to us after death - a person will avert his eyes somewhat with obvious reluctance, answering - yes, nothing, nothing will happen, after death - nothing! And he would simply prefer not to talk about it. The topic of death is generally under an unspoken ban in modern Western society. It is unacceptable and unpleasant to talk about this.

But what is the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot and how to interpret it? You can read a detailed description from the manual for the deck and Osho’s own vision on this issue at the link: . Osho tells us that Nothing can be positive or negative. And I believe that in interpreting this card we should rely on the definition of whether this card has a negative or positive meaning in the layout. This can be determined primarily with the help of your own intuition, as well as relying on the adjacent cards in the layout.
Nothingness in a positive sense is what all seekers strive for and where they find Enlightenment - in silence and deep self-contemplation.
Nothing in a negative sense is emptiness, darkness, immersion in fears and depression.
If we talk about the additional meanings of this card, then this can also be a simple answer “Nothing” to the question “Why...?”
For example, a person asks, what should I do to resolve this situation? this moment? and the answer - Nothing - may well be interpreted precisely as an indication of the need at the moment to simply allow events to happen their own way and not interfere in trying to change them. Those. the case when our intervention in the situation will not bring anything useful.
Alternatively, the card may say that there will be no answer to this situation, it’s a secret, or it’s not the time to find out. Especially if you get the chance to “ask again” even after trying.

I will highlight the main, in my opinion, key words that describe the essence of the arcana of Nothing in the Osho Zen Tarot: God, enlightenment and closeness to it, stopping the internal dialogue, freedom, completeness, silence (in the positive aspect) and emptiness, darkness, death, depression, depersonalization, fear, despair, evil.

These are the concepts that should be relied upon when understanding it. Now let's take a closer look at examples and situations, different types of layouts.

Description of personality through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot in a positive aspect can represent the personality of a spiritual, wise, calm, peaceful, deep-thinking... and even close to Enlightenment or an Enlightened person who has learned the essence of Nothing.

In a negative sense, this could be a depressed, angry person, mired in the darkness of his own vices. This card can especially strongly show a state of depersonalization and similar ones, when a person is filled with fear and neurosis, despair, but this is a normal stage of formation on the spiritual path - we simply dive deeper and closer to ourselves. Therefore, if you got just such a client, this card is not a harbinger of trouble with his condition, but on the contrary, a hint and help in his understanding and correct perception.

Description of profession, career through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Who am I by profession? Nobody! =)
Well, seriously, we may well be talking about a person who has left the world, or who is in the world but has left its system - for example, he lives as a monk, an ascetic. This is an extreme example, but in a positive sense, the card will most likely indicate professions that are perceived by ordinary people as “he’s a nobody.” In the usual understanding, a person should be a lawyer, an economist, a doctor... But here, for example, a person engages in spiritual practices and shares this with others. This is incomprehensible to society.
This is one of the possible interpretations.
If we take the negative aspect, then this card can speak very clearly about the “marginal”, a person who cannot find a job, cannot find his place and the opportunity to prove himself.

Description of personal life through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In personal life, in a positive aspect, we will most likely be talking about relationships of a very high level, full of real, genuine Love.
There may also be a characteristic of the partner’s spiritual perception, when there is no layering of one’s own thoughts and images, but he is perceived precisely in his true essence, purely.
If we talk about the negative aspect, then of course the following examples are suitable: there is no partner and is not planned, the relationship has reached a dead end, low-level relationships, dark thoughts and actions of the partner(s).

Description of business, money issue through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In a positive aspect: rather, we will be talking about detachment from money, a person’s emphasis on internal wealth, rather than on external ones.
There may also be a loss of money, its absence, but in the sense that through this the experience of independence from material things should come.
In the negative aspect: poverty, loss of money, but precisely as a consequence of negative karma, dark influence.

Description of health through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Health in a positive aspect is excellent.
In the negative aspect - bad, on the verge of an advanced stage. Just don’t scare your client under any circumstances! Do not make terrible diagnoses, even if you intuitively feel the bad aspect of the meaning. Carefully ask and find out if he has any serious problems, and if so, then it’s time to seriously work on them.
Health tips in general - calm your nerves and mind. An indication that the root cause of the problem is a mental disorder, and by clearing the mind and working with relaxation, a person will improve his health.

Description of the issue of residence through the Osho Zen Tarot Nothing card

On the positive side: again, non-attachment to material things; it doesn’t matter where a person lives, he feels “at home” everywhere.
The house is nice, cozy, and most importantly with a very good aura.
In the negative, there is no housing, or it is temporary, loss of housing.
Worries and fears about your home (a warning that you need to get rid of them),

Description of the issue of self-development and spirituality through the Osho Zen Tarot Nothing card

A card with very spiritual and deep meaning.
The clearest connection here is with Zen Buddhism and meditation. Practices to stop internal dialogue.
A state close to enlightenment (or enlightenment itself), experiencing beautiful, deep experiences of inner silence.
In the negative aspect - darkness, confusion, a person is far from spirituality and light, the influence of witchcraft and black magic.

This is how my analysis and reflections came out on the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot system. I would be glad if this article helps you to better experience this map or to comprehend and perceive it in your own way.

The meaning of Osho's Zen Tarot cards is based on the teachings of the legendary spiritual leader, the founder of his own religious movement. His followers and comrades tried to express the main thoughts of the Teacher through the interpretation of the cards.

The Osho Tarot deck is divided into several parts:

  1. Major Arcana
  2. Suit of Fire
  3. Suit of Water
  4. Cloud suit
  5. Rainbow Suit

Each card has its own unique name. In fortune telling, the deck helps to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, understand the emotional component of situations, and analyze a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Meaning of the Rainbow Suit Zen Osho Tarot

Let's consider the meanings of the arcana, which are considered the main ones in the layouts of the Osho deck.

Rainbow suit:

  • The Ace of the Rainbow is a symbol of a lonely person, vigilant and silent. Harmony reigns inside him, success accompanies him in all matters. He is filled with energy, which he happily shares with others.
  • Two of the Rainbow is a person for whom balance is very important. He knows when to stop everything and always makes decisions based on reason.
  • Three of the Rainbow - a human leader, teacher, guide. He is able to guide others the right way to the cherished goal
  • The Rainbow Four is a symbol of a woman who lacks self-confidence, and therefore clings to insignificant things and surrounds herself with a wall of mistrust of others.
  • The Rainbow Five is a symbol of a child for whom everything that happens around is new. He learns about the world, makes mistakes, but moves on
  • Six is ​​a symbol of compromise that needs to be achieved in a questionable situation.
  • Seven - patience so deep that it allows you to remain dispassionate even in difficult situations
  • Eight is everything ordinary, everyday, standard. Can be a symbol of familiar things that exist as if by themselves
  • Nine is the personification of maturity. It says that a person is filled with knowledge and is ready to make decisions carefully and wisely.
  • Ten - the expression of the whole world in a person
  • The page is adventures, exciting events, vivid emotions, rash actions
  • The queen is a symbol of sexuality and attractiveness to the opposite sex
  • The king is a whole person, a developed personality

The meaning of the Cloud Arcana in the Osho Tarot

The next suit is Clouds with the following values:

  • Ace - a reflection of the consciousness of a particular person in the world around him
  • Two - reflects a person’s mental state, can tell about mental disorders
  • Three symbolizes isolation from others. Talks about the need to abstract from the world and be alone with yourself
  • Four is a habit of constantly putting off important things, being distracted by empty little things. Symbol of disorganization
  • Five indicates that a person is accustomed to comparing people from the past with those he encounters in the present.
  • Six is ​​a certain burden that a person is forced to carry throughout life.
  • Seven is the personification of a politician who strives to change the world for the better.
  • Eight - guilt and remorse
  • Nine is a symbol of sadness and deep sadness, perhaps disappointment
  • Page - mental capacity, which are superior to standard
  • A knight is a symbol of struggle: with life’s difficulties, other people, circumstances
  • The Queen is the personification of moral principles and principles
  • The king is a man accustomed to controlling everything around him

The meaning of cards in the Water suit

“Water” cards have the following meanings:

  • Ace - a person’s intention to go with the flow, obeying circumstances
  • Two is a symbol of friendliness, making useful contacts
  • Troika is a symbol of celebration, celebration, fun
  • Four indicates that you need to stop thinking superficially, you need to pay attention to truly significant things
  • Five - a deep connection with the past that haunts the present
  • Six is ​​a dream, the fulfillment of which depends on circumstances
  • Seven - projecting your own thoughts onto others
  • Eight - a person does not accept and does not love himself
  • Nine is a symbol of laziness, which prevents you from achieving success and moving on.
  • Ten is the personification of harmony and balance in all areas of life
  • Page - deep understanding of people's feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions
  • Knight - deep trust, almost unshakable
  • Queen - strong sensitivity and receptivity to the actions of other people
  • King - a person is endowed with the gift of healing, able to positively influence the well-being of other people

Watch a video about Osho's Zen Tarot cards:

The meaning of the suit of Fire

The Arcana of Fire have the following meanings:

  • Ace is a symbol of a source of knowledge that is available to anyone
  • Two is a symbol of the opportunities that are needed to achieve the goal
  • Three - strong emotional experiences that limit
  • Four - participation in the affairs of a loved one
  • Five is a symbol of an integral nature that does not give in to difficulties
  • Six is ​​a symbol of success, achievement and self-confidence
  • Seven - indicates that a person is experiencing serious stress
  • Eight is a symbol of travel and exciting adventures
  • Nine - indicates that a person is extremely exhausted and experiences a lack of happiness
  • Ten - a person is under pressure from society
  • The page is a symbol of playfulness and flirtatiousness, relationships with the opposite sex
  • Knight - intensity, activity, achievement
  • The Queen is a symbol of generosity and deep feminine wisdom
  • The king is a creative person with developed talent

Brief meanings of the deck cards will help you interpret the layout. But listen to the feelings of your own soul, do not trust the cards blindly. Be sure to look at the surroundings of which arcana each specific card appears. This will help you make the most accurate interpretation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

0 Fool

Straight position:
The card shows that if you trust your intuition right now, you feel that things are “right,” you cannot be mistaken. Your actions may seem stupid to others or even to yourself if you try to analyze them from a rational point of view. But the “zero place” occupied by the Fool is a place without a number, where the adviser is not skepticism and past experience, but trust and innocence.

Description of the lasso:
Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries a white rose in his hand, which symbolizes his purity, innocence and gullibility. The design of his vest contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, showing that he is in harmony with the world around him. His intuition had reached its peak. At this moment, he finds support in the universe to take a leap into the unknown. Adventure awaits him on the river of life.

Meaning of the card:
A fool is one who always trusts; a fool is one who continues to trust despite his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; you deceive him again, and he trusts you again; you deceive him again, and he trusts you again. Then you will say that he is a fool, that he does not study. His trust is amazing, his trust is so pure that no one can destroy it. Be a fool in the sense of Tao, in the sense of Zen. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around yourself. Whatever experience comes to you, let it happen and then go on throwing it away. Keep constantly clearing your mind, keep dying to the past so that you remain in the present, here-now, as if you were just born, as if you were a baby. In the beginning it is very difficult. People will start deceiving you...let them. They are unhappy. Even if you are fooled, deceived and robbed, let it happen, because no one can steal from you what is truly yours, no one can take away from you what is truly yours. And every time you do not allow the situation to overwhelm you, that opportunity will become an internal integration. Your soul will become more crystallized.

© Original values cards that come with the deck.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Uranus/Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and a bit of crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of guidance from above.

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous start of something new, impartiality, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, which we usually come to only at the end of a long and difficult journey. A jester can also be a cunning, mischievous person. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is it good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn reluctance to become an adult or, on the contrary, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns about something completely new that is ready to burst into our lives, which causes chaos in it, and we ourselves may get a few bumps, but there is actually nothing dangerous about it.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

0 - Fool
The zero card FOOL (another name is Jester) is likened to the material Universe. But she, like the mortal human body, is nothing more than a robe, a motley suit, suitable for a jester, under whose clothing, however, there is a divine substance, for which buffoonery is just a shadow. Tarot cards were given by enlightened priests to be kept by the stupid ignorant people who made them playing cards, in many ways even an instrument of vice. Man's diabolical habits, therefore, became the unconscious guardian of his philosophical precepts.
If the FOOL is placed in the first place in the deck, and the other cards are laid out in a row from left to right, then you can find that the FOOL goes to other characters, as if passing through all the cards. He, like a neophyte spiritually blind because of a blindfold, is ready to embark on the most difficult journey leading through the gates of Divine Wisdom.

Uranus - embodies the principle of primordial movement. In the TAROT this principle is compared with the concept of “wildlife” and the picture of the Jester, symbolizing divine power before manifestation. This is a divine genius, capable of creating the Universe and destroying it, but... The Universe does not yet exist, and therefore the FOOL is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness, which can become anything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: in this there is nothing, in potential contains everything.
The planet Uranus says that God creates the Universe easily, accidentally and not on purpose - and such is the spontaneous Nature of human genius. Most often, the Jester is depicted holding a bundle on a stick over his shoulders and balancing with it (the bundle) on the edge of an abyss. In this bundle there is that “everything” and “nothing” that forced the Jester to set off on his journey.
In a narrow practical perspective on human life this card is interpreted as a warning against dangers and everything unexpected, fundamentally new and unknown. But behind this unknown there is more broad meaning the highest creativity is creation from scratch, from the fullness of one’s being.
And even though creation is a violation of the original order of being - and therefore there is an abyss before the Fool - but still it is dictated by the highest moral laws and therefore simply cannot be a creation if it does not carry the original principle.

IN upright position the position of the Jester card can mean the beginning of a new life cycle, any new things. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The map shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the current state of affairs upside down. It also indicates the need to make important decisions: - you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

In an inverted position, the Jester’s position speaks of restless, impulsive activity, rash actions. Symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. The problem is not being solved. You are very careless about something important. Your choice may turn out to be bad, your decision fatal. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who is tirelessly looking for a change in environment and activities, starting a lot of things, but not finishing anything. In addition, the card can mean thoughtlessness, whims and caprices, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, exaltation, defenselessness, inability to calculate consequences, and in extreme cases, frenzy.

"A symbol of a blind man who has turned himself into the slavery of matter. His knapsack is overflowing with his delusions and senseless actions. A broken obelisk is the death of his deeds. The crocodile (in Papus's cards a crocodile is depicted instead of a dog) is an emblem of inexorable fatality and... inevitable atonement and retribution for what he has done , since nothing in life is done “just like that” - and you have to pay for everything.”

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

Among the variety of types of Tarot cards, Osho Zen deck. At the origins of its creation are the followers of the movement of the Indian preacher named Chandra Mohan Jain.

But in the magical world of Tarot he bore the pseudonym Osho Zen. He was quite a controversial person. Despite this, Osho managed to spread more than a hundred methods of meditation, many of which are still used today.

The history of Osho Zen cards

Osho Zen tarot cards were made in the early 20th century. The initiator of their creation was a girl named Osho Ma Zhivan. She knew her mentor personally and her idea of ​​​​creating Tarot cards was approved by him. The artist Ma Deva Padma completed the work. For some time she lived in the mentor’s commune, consulting with him on some issues.

The cards were only fully produced after Osho's death. They have become quite widespread, despite the fact that Osho's life was not recognized everywhere. Some countries even refused to let him in, calling him a sectarian. It is known that the deck has been translated into 12 different languages.

The main idea of ​​the deck What distinguishes it from other Tarot cards is a person’s ability to know himself. Osho believed that one should not look into the future or the past. A person can find all the answers in the process of self-knowledge.

The general structure of the deck has been completely preserved; it does not differ from classic Tarot cards in its number. It contains both Elders and Minor Arcana . Each card has a corresponding image and a caption to it, into which Osho invested a certain meaning.

The meaning of the Arcana

Differences between a deck of cards Osho from the classic Tarot cards are still available. First of all, they consist in formulating the meaning or name of some of them. For example, Osho’s “Empress” card was reincarnated as “Creativity”. The Emperor card has also disappeared. In its place was a card called “Rebel”.

And these are not all the changes that were discovered in this deck. However, the interpretation of Osho Zen cards is quite easy. It happens on an intuitive level, since the meaning of each card can be understood if you just look at the picture .

In the classic version of cards Tarot representatives of the Minor Arcana were conventionally divided into 4 parts, which included wands, cups, swords and denarii. For Osho this division has changed somewhat. He decided to classify the Minor Arcana according to the elements:

  • Water;
  • Cloud;
  • Fire;
  • Rainbow;

Water in this case symbolizes active actions . The cloud represents human thought processes. Fire is responsible for human emotions and control over them. And the rainbow is considered the personification of vital energy. Osho believed that theoretical knowledge there is too little in the interpretation of cards to use them correctly.

The main key to success lies in the skillful use of the basics of meditation at the time of interpretation. According to Osho's flow, they are inextricably linked with his deck of cards.


The card called “Creativity” refers to representatives of the Major Arcana. She epitomizes a person's approach to carry out any activity. Osho believed that it does not matter what a person does.

Not everyone is destined to become great artists. There is no need to strive to be like someone else. The main thing is to start doing what you love with joyful thoughts.

The image on the map emphasizes Osho's main idea. On it you can see a woman who is surrounded by many colorful colors. She stretches her hands towards the sun and smiles at him.


The Harmony card belongs to the Minor Arcana. She is considered a representative of the water element. The card shows a man with eyes closed and a blissful expression on his face. It bursts from his heart energy flow, which Osho depicted as a pair of dolphins.

The picture is made in calm blue shades. It is filled with calm and regularity. The meaning of this card can be interpreted in the following statements:

  • To be in harmony with yourself means to have a simple heart. People are used to being difficult, and this is wrong.
  • It is necessary to remain alone with your soul during meditation. But this process should not be violent.
  • You need to allow yourself to be soft and open in relation to others. If there is joy inside, then it will definitely find a response outside.


The card called “Struggle” is the Minor Arcana. It is classified as a card air element. The inner spread depicts a valiant warrior in armor, his hands clenched into fists. In his gaze one can read the desire and will to win.

In the background you can see two people fighting for the castle. Their image is made of clouds. In fact, this is the picture that is currently present in a person’s head. He has prepared himself and is waiting for the moment. It seems that a little more and he will rush into battle, destroying everything in his path.

In many layouts, this card indicates that it is necessary calm down your ardor and lay down your weapons. Maybe, the main objective not as good as it seems.


This card is classified as a Major Arcana. The map shows an image of a person in the form of a mosaic. However, one fragment is missing, which is in the hand depicted nearby. It seems that now the puzzle will fall into place and the picture will become whole.

It is noteworthy that the missing fragment will be located in the place where the third eye is designated in India. He is the personification of a person’s inner perception.

The main meaning of the card is that sooner or later everything will come to a process of completion. Therefore, there is no need to rush time. Nothing lasts forever. The most important thing is inside a person. And it is this filling creates the surrounding world.


The meaning of Osho Zen tarot cards allows you to objectively assess the current situation in a person’s life. Using the deck, they predict the future and analyze the current state of affairs. Carefully study the description of each lasso in order to correctly decipher the combinations that fall out.

First time original Osho cards Zen appeared in 1995, thanks to the American printing house St Martins Press. The system was developed by the talented Indian philosopher Ch. Jain. The mystic did not have time to implement his own project during his lifetime. His student S. Morgan continued the work. In particular, the artist created illustrated material for the arcana and their meanings.

The Osho Zen philosophical system is based on the deep teachings of the famous mystic. The cards have an original design. The deck is designed to identify the root causes of problems. Tarot is suitable for meditation and expanding the capabilities of consciousness. In 2003, the cards were reissued by the Swiss "AGM" and Italian "Games Systems" companies. The first Russian version was born 11 years ago.

Zen Tarot cards characterize the state of the soul. The meaning of events allows you to find answers to any questions. The deck is not a classic version. An additional card has been added to it in the form of the Master’s lasso with the image of Osho.

The meaning of an empty card is that a person is able to find the answers himself. The traditional structure of the lassos is not observed. The suits are named after certain elements and atmospheric phenomena. The Osho Zen deck is filled with a large number of esoteric symbols and elements of Indian mysticism.

In Tarot readings you can find many astronomical symbols. The meaning of the combinations is revealed through a system of illustrations.

All the images on the cards in the Osho Zen deck have a depth of thought. Working with the deck is easy; attention is not distracted by various elements. Just look at the images and listen to your inner voice. It is best to conduct Tarot fortune telling at night and in a quiet environment. The presence of strangers in the room is prohibited.

Interpretation of Osho Zen cards and their description

The Osho Zen Tarot deck includes 22 major arcana, a Master card and 56 minor arcana. The main suits are fire, water, cloud and rainbow. Each sign has a unique name. Before performing the sacrament, be sure to study the meaning of all combinations. Using a special deck, you can find answers to your questions.

The basis of Osho Zen philosophy is the statement that events in a person’s life are the result of various feelings and thoughts. The meaning of each Tarot card allows you to understand in detail the state and vices of consciousness.

You can understand the layouts only after studying all the symbols.

Major Arcana

The major arcana in the Osho Zen Tarot deck are represented by stages spiritual development person. All cards are numbered. The Master sign symbolizes information inaccessible to human consciousness. If there is no symbol in the layout, the life situation will resolve itself.

The meaning of the dropped Osho Zen cards in solitaire:

  • Fool. Clear your own mind. From the outside, your actions and actions seem stupid to some people. Don't pay attention to the opinions of others;
  • cards Existence. Your identity is important element for the Universe. Don't see yourself provocatively. Purity and clarity of mind affects making the right decisions;
  • The inner voice in the Tarot. Meditate often to fill your body with health and strength;
  • Creativity in Osho Zen. Do any work with love and joy. By generating creativity within yourself, you automatically draw closer to God;
  • meaning of the Rebel card. Be bold in your actions. Take responsibility to achieve your goals. Extra concentration won't hurt. Silence is gold;
  • Nothing in Zen. Relax and don't be depressed. Appreciate any experience;
  • Lovers. Your significant other acts in a way that mirrors your actions. Analyze your own actions;
  • Mindfulness in the Osho Zen Tarot. Get rid of unpleasant memories of the past. Live in the moment. A difficult situation can be solved without problems;
  • Bravery. You should not fight the challenges of fate. Just avoid negative situations and sources;
  • Loneliness. Develop the ability to lead the way. Give preference to privacy;
  • card Change. The meaning states that situations will be repeated until the fortuneteller becomes attentive;
  • Breakthrough. Destroy the old system. Patience on the way to your goal will help you;
  • New vision in Osho Zen. Fate will give you new opportunities. You will be able to look deep into the problem without magic;
  • Integration into Tarot. Conflict flares up within a person. The eagle represents power and unity, the swan - the purity of the elements;
  • Lightning card meaning. After solving the problem, you will become stronger. Accept what is happening and walk your path with dignity. Listen to advice;
  • Past lives. Follow the sequence of actions. Find reliable allies;
  • symbol Beyond Illusions in Osho Zen. Only reality exists. It is best to relax after solving the issue;
  • Master. Treat people with trust, love and an open heart.


The element of fire in the Tarot represents mastery of actions. The minor arcana in Osho Zen supplement life circumstances with information. Value of the drawn card:

  1. Creator. Get rid of the idea of ​​becoming a different person. Use your energy to create.
  2. Intensity. Don't be a cookie-cutter performer. Be effective and original.
  3. Possibilities. Enjoy life. Appreciate freedom of choice and any joy. Don't ignore your family's recommendations.
  4. Osho Zen Card Participation. To achieve results you need to team up with people.
  5. Success in Tarot. Enjoy the ups and downs. The meaning of the symbol carries a warning: do not give in to temptation.
  6. Journey. Life is an endless process. Take advantage of new opportunities.
  7. Suppression. There is a possibility of high voltage development.


Water in the Osho Zen deck is a symbol of emotions. Card meaning:

  • Healing in the Tarot. At the moment you are vulnerable to any touch with loving feelings;
  • Confidence. Don't waste your life on incomprehensible events. Trust the people around you to discover amazing things;
  • Friendliness card. Meditation will lead to bliss. This approach will bring you closer to the great feeling of love;
  • Appeal in the Osho Zen deck. Get rid of bad habits. Do your best;
  • Dream. The meaning of the symbol recommends developing the internal wealth and maturity of the soul. This is the only way you can improve;
  • Letting go. Ambitious goals lie ahead. You have passed the stage of personality formation. Free yourself from problems and start implementing new projects.

Osho Zen is actively used to predict various life situations. Fortune telling with Tarot cards encourages a person to develop consciousness.


The meaning of Osho Tarot cards plays a key role in deciphering the resulting combinations. The suit of clouds is closely related to the mind, thoughts and knowledge of a person. These feelings live in the head and serve as a platform for the emergence of true reason. Mind cards in Zen look like this:

  1. Control. Don't be nervous and control your own mind. When things get tough, take a deep breath and take things lightly.
  2. Struggle. Behind people's short tempers lies a deep sense of pain. It's time to stop resisting. Start by forgiving yourself.
  3. Map of Osho Schizophrenia. The meaning carries advice: follow the dictates of your heart. An effective solution is to forgive the perpetrators.
  4. Postponement in Tarot. Once you solve a problem, you will feel free. Take action immediately.
  5. Burden in a Zen deck. The truth of life lies in liberation from the lies that people impose.
  6. Wine card in Osho layout. Develop and learn so as not to make mistakes in the future. Repent for your sins in church.
  7. Rebirth. This is a time of growth and major change.


A detailed description of the Osho Zen Tarot cards allows you to clearly identify a number of problems. Having penetrated into the depth of a question, a person can learn new facets of existence. Don't follow standard thinking. People tend to desire to own physical goods. Meaning of special cards:

  • Abundance. For women it means reliable support from your significant other. For men, there is a need to eliminate stereotypes;
  • Slowdown in Osho Zen Tarot. Meditation is great medicine;
  • From moment to moment. In a situation, the person who lives in the present will be right. The card requires special vigilance from the performer;
  • Meaning of the Miser symbol. Stinginess makes a person closed off from the outside world. Release your own grip and feel free;
  • Compromise. Do not enter into dialogue with conspirators. There may be slippery situations ahead. Stick to your truth;
  • Ordinariness. The beauty of life can be found in simple things. Take a look around. Get happiness from every little thing.

To accurately interpret the resulting layout using the Osho Zen Tarot, it is important to study all the meanings of the cards and their combinations.

The Hierophant personifies the world of faith and deepest trust, based on the steadfastness of chosen values. In ancient times, he was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to any matter. This has a deep meaning, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves in particular serve as the basis for faith in life, in the future. In addition, this card symbolizes the path of ethics and virtue, that is, those moral principles, which determine our life plans.


This card means that we are concerned about the meaning of all our activities as a whole, starting from the very subject of our activities and ending with issues of life support, success, reward and recognition. The Hierophant is a search for deep meaning, a “super task”, a true calling. Along with this, the card can also indicate specific situations in which our moral character, our morality, are subjected to all sorts of tests, which until now have not allowed us to participate in any dark machinations.


The search for the meaning of life, a “strength test” of our spiritual principles and our value system. At the same time, the objective side of life is almost of no interest to us in this case. On the contrary, the Hierophant personifies our purely subjective experience, our own symbol of faith, which cannot be verified “objectively” in any way, and yet it does not lose any of its value for us. In addition, this card symbolizes a significant increase in our ability of moral judgment, the very one that allows us to distinguish good from evil, as well as any deep experiences, including religious ones, that have an impact on big influence for the rest of my life

Personal relationships and love

A period of ever-increasing growth in trust and attraction of partners to each other, when the partner’s ideal becomes more and more exalted, and they themselves partnerships change for the better under the influence of the system moral values and the personal virtues of each. At the event level, this card can mean the intention or desire to get married.

Inner meaning

This card represents a person who has the power to advance or destroy you. You must decide whether further advancement is worth worshiping this person. Perhaps you seek to decide vital issues for others in order to strengthen your own power over people. You risk exchanging real authority for faith in your own infallibility.

Whatever your supreme deity is, it is obvious that he does not come down from heaven often enough to speak to his people. Most religions have individuals whose job it is to convey the divine will to the believers. The more organized a religion is, the higher the authority of its Priest.

The Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot can also symbolize any organized philosophical or educational organization, religious or secular, that has similar power over the minds of its followers. In all such organized philosophies there is a person or group of persons who claim that only they know the truth and you either obey their word or be damned.

This is where you have to make a decision. It is at this stage of your spiritual development that you are given the opportunity to learn the ultimate mystery - to know the Will of God in relation to you. And again the Priest (Hierophant) - Guardian of the gate; to pass them, you need to become one. Will you decide for yourself what your path to salvation is, or will you allow another authority - even the authority of the Tarot - to think for you? What you decide now will affect the rest of your spiritual development.

Please note that the Priest (Hierophant) of the Tarot is not always auspicious card. Unlike the Nun (Priestess, Pope), who uses her wisdom and understanding to allow others to find the true path, the Priest (Hierophant) uses her power to increase her own influence over others. This card gives you the choice to explore the needs of your own soul or to adjust your self to the needs of others.

Combinations with other cards


Lovers: Personal Beliefs

7 of Swords: Lone Wolf

Mad (Jester, Fool): unorthodoxy

2 of Wands: falling out of the crowd, first ascent


Emperor: following the rules

8 of Pentacles: Study, Research

3 of Cups: Commitment to the Crowd

3 of Pentacles: Teamwork


Calf. Expansion of living space, materialism, i.e. manifestation of the highest essence in material forms. Storage function, internal potency.

Letter Wow. Hieroglyph Nail. Thought. Right kidney. The color is red-orange. Shine. Sixth angelic rank Malachim (Power). Through their service God produces metals and everything that exists in the mineral kingdom. Attribute of Tiphareth - Sun, shine. Number 6.

Ask for the virgin knowledge and experience of your holy Guardian Angel. Everything else leads to insanity. Become an athlete of the eight stages of Yoga: because without this you will not be ready (armed) for the fight.

Unyielding willpower, work (diligence), endurance (perseverance), gentleness (meekness, forbearance), openness (obviousness), teaching, kindness, help from a superior, patience, organization (arrangement), peace (peace). Patronage of higher powers. Divine wisdom. Manifestation. Ritualism. Education. Explanation. Kindness.

Reversed: False direction, false knowledge. Excessive kindness. Orthodoxy. Weakness. Vulnerability.


Hayo Bantzhava and Brigitte Theler “Aleister Crowley's Tarot of Thoth. Keywords".

Description of the lasso

Being in the gap can be disorienting and even frightening. There is nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what lies ahead. But this is a state of pure potential that existed before the creation of the universe.

Straight position

All you can do now is relax in this nothingness... fall into this silence between the words... Observe this gap between the incoming and outgoing breath. And appreciate every empty moment of experience. Now something sacred is being born.

Meaning of the card

Buddha chose one of the truly most precise words - shunyata. The English equivalent of "nothingness", nothing, is not so beautiful. That's why I would like to make it "no-thingness", because nothing is not just nothing, it is everything. It is the vibration of all possibilities. This is potential, absolute potential. It is not yet manifested, but it contains everything. Nature is in the beginning, nature is at the end, so why in the middle do you create such a fuss? Why in the middle do you become so restless, anxious, ambitious - why create such despair? Nothing at the beginning, nothing at the end - that's the whole journey. (Osho)

An elderly man with a thick beard and mustache wearing a ceremonial miter on his head clutches right hand triple cross, symbolizing the creative power received from the divine, intellectual and physical world. Behind him stand two columns, symbolizing, on the one hand, the law, and on the other, the right to obey or disobey, which is the essence of the existence of the individual, who decides for himself whether he will live within the law or outside it. This is a theme of duality, giving a person the ability to choose mercy or severity and obedience freely or through coercion. The crown represents the material, creative and creative worlds, duplicating the symbolism of his staff. The High Priest represents everything that is orthodox and traditional to the point of futility. Heritage and past symbols are often more important than practicality and the need for change in the present.

Meaning in fortune telling

Rituals. Ceremonies. Mercy. Humble actions. Kindness. Generosity. The ability to forgive. Inspiration. Union. Compassion. Enslavement. Inaction. Lack of faith. Timidity. Open coldness. Being a prisoner of your own ideas. The person to whom people turn for help. Adequacy. Religious or spiritual leader. At times this person is not able to adapt to new circumstances and changing conditions. The tendency to adhere to old views and principles, even if they are outdated. A person with a deep sense of historical significance and a sincere appreciation for the heritage of the past.

Reversed meaning

Excessive kindness. Unreasonable displays of generosity. Sensitivity. Impotence. Vulnerability. Moral instability. Flexibility. Renunciation. Unusuality.

High Priest, also Priest or High Priest, Pope or Hierophant (Greek: “high priest”). In the Egyptian Tarot - Lord of the Arcana.
A man in priestly robes sits on a throne. His gaze is soft and kind. His power is not the power of brute force, but the power of faith: his kingdom is not of this world. Unlike the Master, he demands submission not to himself, but to another, higher power. His hands are extended in a blessing gesture: he reunites opposites and personifies the sacrament of marriage. Images of red roses and white lilies remind us of the Magician’s card, where they were living flowers: if the Magician operates with things, intuitively feeling their course, then the High Priest operates with the symbols of things, penetrating their cause and exploring possible options for their development.

Meaning of the card:
First of all, find yourself on it. Often on this card, in addition to the High Priest, two kneeling disciple monks are depicted. If you feel like one of these monks, it means that you are looking for a teacher who would show you the path to the truth, and are ready to accept his help. If you perceive yourself as a central figure, it means that you yourself are able to teach others what you have learned yourself, to help them. But still ask yourself: is it not vanity that has elevated you to the throne, is your knowledge really great?
In practical scenarios, the High Priest points mainly to two things: the process of teaching, learning, and marriage. It gives a positive answer to the question about the possibility or need to study or teach (“Will my son go to college? - Yes, he will,” - “Should I speak at a conference?” - “Yes, I should”), and also foreshadows marriage , official or mystical. Mystical marriage is understood as the union of a person not only with another person, but also of a person with some higher power - with God, as it was with Moses (“old union”, i.e. Old Testament) and Jesus ( New Testament), or with this or that art, when a person devotes himself, for example, to music, poetry or astrology, it is not for nothing that the latter was in charge of a special muse among the Greeks.

It means that the person now has no opportunity to learn, that marriage will not take place, including a mystical one (the teacher will turn out to be a false teacher, the teaching will be a false teaching, or the person himself is simply not ready); or at this time a person will not be able to devote himself to art.

For businessmen:
No advice. If the High Priest was pulled out by a businessman, then the question arises: why did he get involved in this business in the first place?

The Hierophant strengthens your morality, your trust in life and your faith in yourself.

This card symbolizes the search for meaning in life through religion, philosophy and the development of spirituality.

Spiritual goals. Self-knowledge. Inner wisdom.

The Hierophant, or Pope as he is sometimes called, is often depicted in papal robes standing between two columns, symbolizing his ability to reconcile opposing forces. If the Emperor personifies the earthly masculine principle, then the Hierophant is the embodiment of his spiritual essence.

The Hierophant is associated with the number "5", denoting spiritual strength, inner wisdom and creative inspiration, as well as the ability to synthesize information. He offers us guidance in the spiritual realm and points out the need to seek spiritual meaning our life.


The Hierophant acts as the spiritual leader within each of us who connects our earthly personality with its higher spiritual essence. In this way, it helps us establish a dialogue between our conscious mind and its spiritual origins. In ancient times, the priest was called pontifex, which means “bridge builder.” His role was to establish connections between people and deities. The Hierophant reflects our inner desire to comprehend the meaning of all things and phenomena and to raise our consciousness to a level at which we will not feel the split between the conscious and unconscious within ourselves. A passionate desire to rise to higher spheres spiritual life is the essence of what Carl Jung called the “religious function.” He described this intuitive feeling, which contains much more genuine life than our simple earthly existence. The Hierophant personifies the driving force of our spiritual beliefs and philosophical values ​​that each of us develops within ourselves. Sooner or later they will be tested for strength by life, and then it will become clear whether they can continue to serve as a support for us. Ultimately, the Hierophant symbolizes our inner desire to achieve harmony between the earthly and spiritual sides of our lives so that we can become truly whole people.


The appearance of this card means that you are ready for a different perception of life. It's time to pay attention to spiritual values ​​and realize the true meaning and purpose of your life, determining your place in the overall scheme of the universe. You can connect with a spiritual director - a priest or psychotherapist who can offer guidance and speed up your initiation process. On the other hand, you can take a special course of religious or philosophical training to gain deeper knowledge about yourself. This will be the beginning of your spiritual development, which will provide you with further progress in this area and at the same time bring peace to your soul.

O blind soul! Arm yourself with the torch of the mysteries! and in the earthly night you will discover your shining Double,
your Heavenly Soul.
Follow this Divine Guide
and may He be your Genius!
For He holds the key to your existences, past and future.

Book of the Dead

Description of the map and its inner meaning
At an hour when the soul is heavy, when the heart shrinks from sadness and sadness, in moments of grief and inner devastation, you want to hide from everyone, run away from everyday worries, hide from the annoying care of loved ones and the hypocritical words of false friends. At such moments it is better to be alone with yourself or with nature, and maybe even talk with absolutely stranger. The role of such a listener can be the High Priest - a wise adviser and teacher, and you go in search of him.

You find yourself in a big city, where you encounter people who, like you, have come to hear advice and, perhaps, get help. And so, carried away by the crowd of people, you find yourself in the central square and find yourself in front of the temple. There on a dais stands a beautiful throne on which sits the one you have been looking for for so long

He looks no more than 25 years old, and you are slightly disappointed with the Priest’s youth. But soon you will see that this does not prevent him from being wise.

The priest, leaning forward, blesses the Two standing in front of him with their heads submissively bowed. These are two lucky ones who managed, ahead of everyone else, to appear before the Pope. They wait with trepidation for the holy hand to overshadow them with the cross.

The High Priest is a religious authority, and it does not matter what faith he represents. Another thing is clear: this is a person who has the Power given by believers. He decides what exactly people must do to be saved. Unlike the mission of the Priestess, who passively carries out the will of God, the role of the Priest is to actively introduce the Higher Will into this world. He is the creator of a new life path.

The Fifth Arcanum is the doctrine of the emergence of a human being, resulting in the world of the Spirit - into a spiritual individual, and in the world of Being - into the appearance of a person and his capabilities. As you know, each of us is like God, therefore, according to the Law of Balance, the doctrine of personality is a modified doctrine of Him. The High Priest card is an analogue of the Second Arcana. But if the High Priestess affirms Absolute Wisdom, which lies beyond any individuality, then the Priest speaks of truth, wisdom and knowledge, relative in general, but absolute for the individual. Roughly speaking, we are talking about infinity in the light of the existence of one a certain person. Taking into account all of the above and the concepts of Macrocosm and Microcosm, we can conclude what the fifth Arcanum is. This is the doctrine of Consciousness in two aspects: Divine - macrocosmic and individual - microcosmic.

Note that the High Priest card is not always favorable. Unlike the second Arcana, where the High Priestess, using all her wisdom, gently helps others find their path, the High Priest uses power to strengthen her own influence over others.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
The High Priest card, according to the mystical teachings of Kabbalah, corresponds to the letter Ge of the Hebrew alphabet. Its translation below accurately describes the inner meaning of the fifth Arcana. The connection with the rest of the magical sciences will look like this:

(ge) - Only he can be adored, since he is the only master,
Letter - D, number - 5,
Controlled zodiac sign- Calf,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 18th hexagram ("Correction"),
Correspondence to runes - rune Othila (Otila),
Time of day - evening,
Weather conditions - unexpected changes in weather,
The corresponding color is turquoise,
The corresponding chakra is the thymus chakra,
According to Kabbalah, it connects the Sephira Chokmah with the Sephira Hesed.

Card meaning
Straight position
The fifth Arcanum describes a person who can become (or has already become) a spiritual mentor to the Questioner. You should turn to him for advice, and you can safely count on his help. This is a wise teacher and a reasonable adviser.

If the card describes not a person, but a situation, then it has the following meanings: generosity, mercy, kindness, searching and finding the truth, a favorable outcome of a matter, finding like-minded people, spiritual peace, religious path, courage, creative efforts, the ability to go your own way.

Inverted position
In this position, the card describes a hypocrite, a flatterer and a cunning person who can fraudulently extract valuable information from the Questioner and then use it for his own selfish purposes. This is the traitor, Judas.

When describing the situation, the fifth Arcanum warns of extreme conservatism, excessive kindness, abuse of freedom, the desire to agree with others contrary to one’s own beliefs, and the need for public recognition. In addition, the High Priest card has the following interpretations: spiritual slavery, weakness, loss of authority and individuality.

Look carefully at the map. In addition to the main figure, it depicts the Genius of Good (with right side) and the Genius of Evil (left). If you feel like one of these two, then you need a teacher who would show you the path to the truth. If you perceive yourself as a universal figure, then you yourself are capable of teaching others. The advice will sound like this: “You are able to solve your life issues, you know the right answer, you can even give advice to another person. But you must be confident in the correctness of your actions, because you often make decisions too hastily, but you help (in most cases ) only to establish your authority in the eyes of others."

Note: The High Priest card has one more important- all the situations she describes are under a lucky star. Any questions regarding romantic relationships, will successfully end in marriage, which will be sanctified in heaven. And all undertakings and plans under the auspices of the fifth Arcanum will bring guaranteed success to the Questioner.


Thought form: Inspiration.
Number: five.
Hebrew letter: Heth.
Color: purple.
Stone: amethyst.
Astrological analogy: Aries, Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Other names: "Papa", "High Priest", "High Priest", "Lord of the Arcana".


The one who appears before you on this card, like the fifth Arcanum, has many names: “Heart of Ra”, “Language of Ptah”, “Silver Aten”, “He who knows, who understands, who saves”.

Mythological dossier

The god of wisdom Thoth is one of the most interesting gods of Ancient Egypt. In the pantheon he played the role of vizier and was depicted behind the Pa-sun. He is the only one who knew how to pacify the gods and whose advice they certainly followed, since he knew them secret names. He acted as the protector of Osiris. It was he who stopped the fight between Seth and Horus. Together with his wife, the goddess of truth, Maat Thoth observed order throughout the Universe. As a deity, the astral was identified with the moon and was considered the creator of the calendar. As the "Lord of Time", Thoth recorded the dates of births and deaths. He was also called Psychopomp ("leader of the soul"), since he guarded each deceased and led him to Kingdom of the Dead. He wrote down the results of the weighing of the heart at the trial of Osiris. Thoth's sacred animals were the ibis and the baboon. Therefore, he was always depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, because the ibis always accurately predicted the flood of the Nile and ate the eggs of the hated crocodiles.

As a matter of fact, Thoth was associated with the emergence of the entire intellectual life of Egypt. He invented hieroglyphics, created holy books and Books of Breathing. As already mentioned, he is also credited with creating the Tarot. In the religious and mystical literature of the ancient Greeks, he appeared under the name Trismegistus (“thrice very great”) and was identified with Hermes.

Therefore, it is Thoth who personifies the essence of the fifth Arcanum. The hierophant is a teacher of sacred secrets - the highest spiritual authority, the measure of reason and conscience. Thoth is accompanied by his assistants, the sacred animals ibis and baboon, and behind him is his faithful wife, the goddess of truth and order Maat.

The deep purple color of the card is incredibly complex and multi-meaning. As you know, it is obtained from the fusion of red (action) and blue (understanding) colors. No wonder in Ancient Egypt purple was the color of warriors. He says that the Hierophant is always ready to fight for his beliefs, to fight ignorance and lack of spirituality.

In addition, violet is the color of shadow (it is the different shades of violet, according to the observations of artists, that can most accurately convey the shadow cast by objects). The shadow is often perceived as a double. In Ancient Egypt there was an idea of ​​Ka - reflection, the soul of every object. This was in charge of none other than Thoth. On the map, this color confirms that the wise man never boasts of his merits, does not strive for external power and recognition, but tries to remain in the shadows.

Psychologists believe that this color speaks of a complex spiritual organization. So the purple background of this Arcana warns: when trying to penetrate the secrets of the beyond, you must follow the rules and not break away from reality.

And it's also the deep color of the night sky that illuminates full moon(Silver Aten). This light dispels the darkness outside and within you, shows the way and gives hope.

The fifth Arcana is a symbol of morality, intelligence, wisdom and respect for tradition.

Value in the layout

A hierophant is a philosopher, priest, wise advisor or mentor. A person who shows the authority of a spiritual leader or simply a master of his craft. He is merciful and always calm.

In a straight position

The Hierophant card promises you the protection of higher powers. It means good advice, sometimes training, the desire for knowledge. It is also good intentions and social harmony, good attitude to religion. It may mean some external force that makes you think about your soul. Depending on other cards, it may foreshadow a marriage relationship, strong friendship, or a return to family traditions.

In the psychological sphere, it is a symbol of tolerance and forbearance, the transfer of one’s knowledge to others and the active use of other people’s experience and knowledge.

Advice. This card gives you a choice: will you seek your own path to spiritual development or allow another authority to think for you.

Inverted position

The "Hierophant" is a fanatical dogmatist who stubbornly clings to his delusions.

The card says that spiritual protection is in currently absent. The questioner can only rely on his own strength. Means dubious advice and false information. False direction and false knowledge.

In the psychological sphere, it can mean gullibility, unnecessary kindness towards unworthy people, lack of insight. Or, on the contrary, the desire to decide important issues for others in order to strengthen one’s power over them.

The High Priest in Tara symbolizes religious authority - the authority of the seeker of truth, the interpreter of the sacraments, the one who shows the path to salvation or to the spiritual goal that you are striving for.

The High Priest (High Priest) (Hierophant, The High Priest) in some decks is depicted as Jupiter (or Zeus), in some - as the Pope. Corresponds to the number five and the Hebrew letter het.


Divine will; the interpretation of God's law in terms of a personal or social code of conduct.


A male figure sitting on a throne. Dressed in the robe of a clergyman; on the head there is a crown, in the left hand he usually holds a scepter. The High Priest's attire varies from deck to deck. His scepter represents the symbol of the faith that the deck compiler professes; the crown and robe are also identified as the vestments of a priest of a particular religion. The free hand of the High Priest is raised in blessing. Two (or three) lesser priests stand or sit at his feet, paying him respects or petitioning him. In some decks on the card, the High Priest has a very young, even somewhat feminine face, in others he is old and has a thick beard.

In almost all decks, this figure, like the High Priestess (Second Arcana), is located between two columns.

Inner meaning

Whatever your supreme deity is, it is obvious that he does not come down from heaven often enough to speak to his people. Most religions have individuals whose job it is to convey the divine will to the believers. The more “organized” a religion is, the higher the authority of its High Priest.

But this figure can symbolize any organized philosophical or educational organization, religious or secular, which has similar power over the minds of its followers. In all such organized philosophies there is a person or group of persons who claim that only they know the truth and you either obey their word or be damned.

In the Fifth Arcana you must make a decision. It is at this stage of your spiritual development that you are given the opportunity to learn the ultimate mystery of knowing the Will of God in relation to you. And again the High Priest is the Guardian of the gate; to pass them, you need to become one. Do you decide for yourself what your path to salvation is, or allow another authority - even the authority of the Tarot! - think for you? What you decide now will affect the rest of your spiritual development.

Note that this is not always a favorable card. Unlike the High Priestess, who uses her wisdom and understanding to enable others to find the true path, the High Priest uses her power to increase her own influence over others. This card gives you the choice to explore the needs of your own soul or to adjust your self to the demands of others.

Value in the layout

Direct or positive: mercy, generosity, kindness, community (including possible marriage). Creative efforts. Search for truth. Understanding and inspiration. Tendency towards religion. Moral courage; the ability to follow your own path if you believe it is the right one.

Reversed or negative: extreme conservatism; excessive kindness and conciliation. Enslavement, surrender, weakness. The need for social recognition and approval. The need to agree. Loss of personal authority (or recognition of authority only for curses if something is wrong).

This card represents a person who has the power to advance or destroy you. You must decide whether further advancement is worth worshiping this person. If this card represents the Questioner, then you strive to solve vital issues for others in order to strengthen your own power over people. You risk exchanging real authority for faith in your own infallibility.

This card relates to teaching, discipleship and mentoring. The Hierophant represents all the "shoulds" and "shoulds" of your life that bind a person to traditional values ​​and ideas about the world. The Hierophant awakens our conscience, for it symbolizes the laws established by God, society and government. This is intended to ensure - at least in theory - compliance with prohibitions and obedience to commandments. In the context of the current situation, you can study or teach yourself, in either case dealing with matters and methods whose effectiveness and significance have been tested by time. You can focus on solving certain problems through the practical application of spiritual truths. You may be looking for keys that will open the door to a privileged club, a different way of life, or a new stage of spiritual evolution. Perhaps you want to achieve all this with the help of a guru, religion, or attending fancy personal growth seminars, or act as a mentor yourself.

As with the High Priestess, you can seek or give advice, but this time it will be based on generally accepted sources of wisdom. You may have to deal with large organizations or institutions, from your local mayor's office to the "system at large." For some, this may be a government building inspector, armed with a book of regulations and a plethora of instructions on how to comply with standards. I use this lasso when assessments are made at a level that you can understand. Some see the figure depicted on this card as a kind and helpful mentor or psychologist, while others - especially young tarot readers of the 1970s - perceive him as a tough, unquestioning dogmatist, closed to everything new.

The very word “hierophant” means one who reveals the sacred to people, transforming it into a form accessible to comprehension. In terms of your personality, this could be the realization of a spiritual gift or some innate quality. You can seek guidance from a church or temple, or engage in meditation or other practices. Blessings, prayer, and forgiveness of sins can have a tremendous healing effect. Or maybe you simply believe in a higher power or have made a vow that obliges you to follow a certain path.

Traditional meanings: inspiration. Union, accession, unification, marriage. Captivity, captivity, enslavement, dependence, coercion. Mercy, kindness, generosity, forbearance. Duty, morality, conscience, compliance. Respectability, restraint. Forgiveness. Teaching. Good advice.

Reversed Hierophant

The inverted Hierophant can speak of doubt about established values, disobedience to rules, neglect of moral principles or, on the contrary, flaunting them, denial of one’s religious roots. This is outsiderism and iconoclasm. Perhaps it is time to question traditional authority. You can decide to live by your own standards rather than those imposed on you by those in power. Confrontation with the establishment is possible - on a religious, corporate, government or educational level. You may want to take part in an act of civil disobedience or even open rebellion. Perhaps your conscience is uneasy. You get tired of the endless “shoulds” and “shoulds.” Or you are thinking about something immoral, unethical or unprincipled. On a day-to-day level, this card may simply indicate inappropriate behavior, minor “sins,” or something that you are ashamed of.

On the other hand, this card may be evidence of excessive rigidity or dogmatism. Perhaps you adhere to some outdated ideas or unacceptable principles. You may judge yourself too harshly or allow someone else to play Grand Inquisitor, accepting their criticism and negative evaluation. There is a possibility that you are afraid of "excommunication" - in other words, you are afraid of being rejected by the community. Or the path you have chosen for yourself suddenly turns out to be too narrow and limiting.

You or someone else may act overly confident, pompous, or arrogant. Perhaps blindly enthusiastic adherence to some unproven or unproven doctrines. The reversed Hierophant directly indicates that your thought system has become rusty. At the other end of the spectrum of this card is a lack of confidence in yourself and your faith.

Perhaps you have lost your bearings, are confused about what is good and what is bad, or cannot choose between two “good” or two “bad”. If there is other evidence of this, the card may indicate divorce, a break with tradition, or leaving school.

When projecting the inverted Hierophant onto another person, you perceive him as a living embodiment of the path to truth or as a being more sublime or pure than other mortals. Or do you think that he sets standards that cannot be followed, hypocritically hiding behind the letter of the law rather than the spirit, or that he is simply a hypocrite. The reversed Hierophant may be a compromised teacher or guru, leaving you feeling betrayed by your admirers or the system itself.

In terms of health, these may include ear, nose and throat diseases, infections, muscle pain and tension, and joint stiffness.

In the field of shamanic magic, this card represents the shaman as a mediator or bridge builder between worlds. These are the rituals themselves, as well as the high priest who conducts official formal ceremonies and explains to the uninitiated the meaning of sacred symbols and mysteries.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: society, institutions. Excessive kindness, stupid generosity, weakness. Familiarity, unacceptable and inappropriate intimacy. Receptivity, sensitivity. Impure combinations, combinations. Unconventionality. Moralism, rigid morality, inflexibility. Self-denial.

Astrological meaning:
Sun in Sagittarius: preacher, teacher, religious leader.
The priest personifies the world of faith and deepest trust, based on the steadfastness of chosen values. In ancient times, he was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to any matter. This has a deep meaning, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves in particular serve as the basis for faith in life, in the future. In addition, this card symbolizes the path of ethics and virtue, that is, those moral principles that determine our life plans.

The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck is the sixth major Arcana of the deck, number V. This is without a doubt one of the most complex and most interesting cards in the Osho Zen Tarot, if not the most complex.

in Osho Zen Tarot, if not the most difficult.

Other cards are filled with images, on each there are some people, objects, various colors, details, figures - space for imagination and interpretation.. But on the card Nothing there is simply nothing! Only darkness, emptiness.. And for many people this card can simply just to scare, not to please. In fact, it reflects death, the unknown, that frightening NOTHING in the mind of any person. If you ask many ordinary (not interested in spiritual topics) people, what is death? What will happen to us after death - a person will avert his eyes somewhat with obvious reluctance, answering - yes, nothing, nothing will happen, after death - nothing! And he would simply prefer not to talk about it. The topic of death is generally under an unspoken ban in modern Western society. It is unacceptable and unpleasant to talk about this.

But what is the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot and how to interpret it? You can read a detailed description from the manual for the deck and Osho’s own vision on this issue at the link: . Osho tells us that Nothing can be positive or negative. And I believe that in interpreting this card we should rely on the definition of whether this card has a negative or positive meaning in the layout. This can be determined primarily with the help of your own intuition, as well as relying on the adjacent cards in the layout.
Nothingness in a positive sense is what all seekers strive for and where they find Enlightenment - in silence and deep self-contemplation.
Nothing in a negative sense is emptiness, darkness, immersion in fears and depression.
If we talk about the additional meanings of this card, then this can also be a simple answer “Nothing” to the question “Why...?”
For example, a person asks, what do I need to do to resolve this situation at the moment? and the answer - Nothing - may well be interpreted precisely as an indication of the need at the moment to simply allow events to happen their own way and not interfere in trying to change them. Those. the case when our intervention in the situation will not bring anything useful.
Alternatively, the card may say that there will be no answer to this situation, it’s a secret, or it’s not the time to find out. Especially if you get the chance to “ask again” even after trying.

I will highlight the main, in my opinion, key words that describe the essence of the arcana of Nothing in the Osho Zen Tarot: God, enlightenment and closeness to it, stopping the internal dialogue, freedom, completeness, silence (in the positive aspect) and emptiness, darkness, death, depression, depersonalization, fear, despair, evil.

These are the concepts that should be relied upon when understanding it. Now let's take a closer look at examples and situations, different types of layouts.

Description of personality through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot in a positive aspect can represent the personality of a spiritual, wise, calm, peaceful, deep-thinking... and even close to Enlightenment or an Enlightened person who has learned the essence of Nothing.

In a negative sense, this could be a depressed, angry person, mired in the darkness of his own vices. This card can especially strongly show a state of depersonalization and similar ones, when a person is filled with fear and neurosis, despair, but this is a normal stage of formation on the spiritual path - we simply dive deeper and closer to ourselves. Therefore, if you got just such a client, this card is not a harbinger of trouble with his condition, but on the contrary, a hint and help in his understanding and correct perception.

Description of profession, career through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Who am I by profession? Nobody! =)
Well, seriously, we may well be talking about a person who has left the world, or who is in the world but has left its system - for example, he lives as a monk, an ascetic. This is an extreme example, but in a positive sense, the card will most likely indicate professions that are perceived by ordinary people as “he’s a nobody.” In the usual understanding, a person should be a lawyer, an economist, a doctor... But here, for example, a person engages in spiritual practices and shares this with others. This is incomprehensible to society.
This is one of the possible interpretations.
If we take the negative aspect, then this card can speak very clearly about the “marginal”, a person who cannot find a job, cannot find his place and the opportunity to prove himself.

Description of personal life through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In personal life, in a positive aspect, we will most likely be talking about relationships of a very high level, full of real, genuine Love.
There may also be a characteristic of the partner’s spiritual perception, when there is no layering of one’s own thoughts and images, but he is perceived precisely in his true essence, purely.
If we talk about the negative aspect, then of course the following examples are suitable: there is no partner and is not planned, the relationship has reached a dead end, low-level relationships, dark thoughts and actions of the partner(s).

Description of business, money issue through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In a positive aspect: rather, we will be talking about detachment from money, a person’s emphasis on internal wealth, rather than on external ones.
There may also be a loss of money, its absence, but in the sense that through this the experience of independence from material things should come.
In the negative aspect: poverty, loss of money, but precisely as a consequence of negative karma, dark influence.

Description of health through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Health in a positive aspect is excellent.
In the negative aspect - bad, on the verge of an advanced stage. Just don’t scare your client under any circumstances! Do not make terrible diagnoses, even if you intuitively feel the bad aspect of the meaning. Carefully ask and find out if he has any serious problems, and if so, then it’s time to seriously work on them.
Health tips in general - calm your nerves and mind. An indication that the root cause of the problem is a mental disorder, and by clearing the mind and working with relaxation, a person will improve his health.

Description of the issue of residence through the Osho Zen Tarot Nothing card

On the positive side: again, non-attachment to material things; it doesn’t matter where a person lives, he feels “at home” everywhere.
The house is nice, cozy, and most importantly with a very good aura.
In the negative, there is no housing, or it is temporary, loss of housing.
Worries and fears about your home (a warning that you need to get rid of them),

Description of the issue of self-development and spirituality through the Osho Zen Tarot Nothing card

A card with very spiritual and deep meaning.
The clearest connection here is with Zen Buddhism and meditation. Practices to stop internal dialogue.
A state close to enlightenment (or enlightenment itself), experiencing beautiful, deep experiences of inner silence.
In the negative aspect - darkness, confusion, a person is far from spirituality and light, the influence of witchcraft and black magic.

This is how my analysis and reflections came out on the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot system. I would be glad if this article helps you to better experience this map or to comprehend and perceive it in your own way.


One of the most popular decks today, after the Rider-Waite and Thoth Tarot, is the Osho Zen Tarot. These are very unusual cards, primarily associated with the work of the subconscious. The deck does not have a familiar structure, and with classical meaning Only a few Arcana intersect. And yet, the deck won the hearts of many tarot readers who were able to find with it " mutual language" Let's talk in more detail about who created these cards, when the deck first saw the light, and how to work with it correctly.

History of the deck

These incredible, mesmerizing maps first saw the light back in 1995 - they were published by St Martins Press (USA). The development of his own Tarot system came to the mind of the greatest Indian mystic and philosopher named Chandra Mohan Jein, better known as Osho. However, during the Master’s lifetime it was never possible to realize it, so this work was continued by one of his students - Susan Morgan - Ma Deva Padwa, as she is called in spiritual circles. She herself worked on creating illustrations of the Arcana of Osho Zen Tarot. What we got in the end can be called a real masterpiece. This is not just Tarot, it is a whole philosophical system, based on the teachings of the great mystic. The cards are very different from all existing Tarot decks today. Bright, colorful illustrations draw in, immerse a person in the world of his subconscious, where in fact there are already answers to all questions. Osho Zen cards are ideal not only for solving pressing problems, but also for meditation and self-knowledge.

After the release of the first version of the cards in the United States of America, the deck was reprinted several more times: in 2003 by AGM (Switzerland) and U.S. publishing houses. Games Systems, and in 2010 by the famous Italians Lo Scarabeo. The Russian version was published in 2006 (IG “Ves” publishing house), in 2008 (AST) and in 2012 (Veligor).

Key features of the deck

If working with traditional decks allows us to look into the future, then Osho Zen Tarot cards encourage us to pay attention to what is happening in our soul here and now. Only by realizing the true meaning of current events and working with your own subconscious can you get deep, philosophical answers to all questions. Osho called to perceive life as a game and be aware of every action and phenomenon - only with this approach can one comprehend the true meaning of existence. That is why the deck can in no way be classified as classic.

The deck contains not 78, but 79 cards - the Master Arcanum has been added, which depicts Osho himself. We can say that this is a kind of empty card, indicating that the person himself knows the answers to questions asked. The names of the Arcana are also far from classic. If, for example, the Priestess is called the Inner Voice, the Lovers - Lovers, the Hermit - Loneliness, then the fifth Arcanum called Nothing and the eleventh - Breakthrough, still make you understand that there is no need to talk about the traditional structure.

The suits are also named differently: instead of Wands we see Fire, instead of Cups - Water, instead of Swords - Clouds, and instead of Pentacles - Rainbow. The suits themselves are not written on the cards - the Minor Arcana can be distinguished from each other only by the color of the diamond crystal located in the center of the lower part. For Fire these diamonds are red, for Water they are blue, for Clouds they are gray, and for Rainbow they are rainbow-colored. All Minor Arcana and figured cards of the Osho Zen Tarot are drawn.

Deck symbolism

Unlike other decks filled with many different esoteric symbols, the Indian mystic cards seem much simpler. You will not find any Kabbalistic, astrological or numerological references, hidden clues or confusing details on them. The meaning and interpretation of Osho Zen Tarot cards is revealed exclusively through the illustration itself and your personal perception of it. The images are so deep and interesting that the subconscious begins to work actively even with a quick glance at the Arcana. All this makes working with the deck simple and intuitive. Absolutely nothing superfluous or distracting - just look at the drawing and listen to your inner voice!

Major Arcana

As I mentioned earlier, there are not 22, but 23 Major Arcana in the deck, however, many perceive the card called Master simply as an additional one - as an analogue of either a white / black card. The meanings of the cards in the Osho Zen Tarot deck, in particular the Major Arcana, do not repeat the traditional ones, although some of them remain quite recognizable. Let's see what the Trumps of the deck of the great Indian mystic are called.

The almost classic Fool opens the deck, and already starting from the first Arcana we see obvious changes. Instead of the Magician - Existence, instead of the High Priestess - Inner voice. The meaning of the card Creativity Osho Zen Tarot (3 Arcana) is somewhat reminiscent of the Empress - most likely with the idea of ​​​​the birth of something new, however, the words of the Master himself in the book guide to the deck will make you take a different look at the creative process and its essence.

Now let's look at the sequence of the following Arcana: Rebel (Emperor), Nothing (Hierophant), Lovers (Lovers), Awareness (Chariot), Courage (Strength). The Osho Zen Tarot Loneliness card resembles the traditional Hermit, but its meaning is much deeper - here, it seems to me, it’s worth inserting a quote from the Master: “There are several things that are possible only in solitude. Love, prayer, life, death, aesthetic experience, blissful moments - these all happen when you are alone." Wonderful words, aren't they?

We continue our journey through the Major Arcana: Loneliness is followed by Change (Wheel of Fortune), Breakthrough (Justice), New Vision (Hanged Man), Transformation (Death), Integration (Moderation), Conditioning (Devil), Lightning (Tower), Silence or Silence ( Star), Past Lives (Moon), Innocence (Sun), Beyond Illusion (Judgment), Completeness (World). Next comes the same twenty-third Master card, but it is not numbered.

Personally, of the Major Arcana, I really like Completeness, Silence and Conditionality. Completeness is illustrated by an almost completed puzzle depicting a person - just one small piece remains to be put in place, and the picture will be complete. Amazing metaphor! Looking at the image of Silence, you really immediately want to stop the internal dialogue - this card is so beautiful. Conditioning refers us to the ancient parable of how a lion, while still very small, fell into a flock of sheep. The sheep raised him in their own image, but one day he met a real lion, and he showed him his reflection in the water - at that moment a transformation took place. The card encourages us to turn to our true inner self, which is often hidden under masks and stereotypes imposed on us by others.

As you can see, the meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot cards cannot be compared with classics like Waite. This is a completely different slice of understanding that will open to you as you work with the deck.

Minor Arcana

As I said above, the Minor Arcana are represented by four non-classical suits: Fire, Water, Clouds and Rainbow. Fire cards are made in orange-red-yellow tones, Water cards are in blue-blue, Cloud cards are in gray-brown, and Rainbow cards, as you might guess, are represented by all the colors of the rainbow.

Let's take a closer look at several numerical Arcana from the Osho Zen Tarot gallery. Let's start with the element of Fire. Fire is associated with energy and action. The Ten of Fire is called Suppression. In her image we see a human figure that is oppressed from all sides: ropes, a heavy load pressing from above, blackness squeezing from all sides. It’s not very pleasant, is it? Arkan encourages us to think about the suppressed emotions that pollute our soul and make it “heavy.”

Another “fiery” example is the Five of Fire - Integrity or Totality. It reminds us that a person is free to do whatever he wants, but at the same time you need to devote yourself to what you are doing completely and completely, otherwise the action has no meaning.

Now let's move on to the Water Arcana. The suit of Water is associated with feelings, emotions, and what is in a person’s heart. I personally really like the image of the Water Five - Clinging to the Past. The meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot card Clinging to the Past lies in the fact that we need to be able to leave the past in the past: we cannot change what has already happened, and while we stick our hearts out in what is already “dead,” the present passes by.

Let's look at the Ten of Water. The meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot Harmony card can be expressed by a quote from the Master himself: “You are right in the middle between death and life - you are neither one nor the other. Therefore, do not cling to life and do not fear death.” The key essence of the Arcana is that you don’t need to choose one thing - just stay in harmony with both.

Each numerical card of Water literally “sings” about our emotions and feelings. The quintessence of the suit is, perhaps, Ace. The meaning of the card Movement with the Flow in the Osho Zen Tarot is complete trust in our life, the emotions that we experience, this is the need to float along the river of earthly existence without struggle and resistance.

The suit of Clouds is associated with thoughts, intelligence, knowledge. Take a look, for example, at the Arcana of Wine (8 Clouds) and Comparison (5 Clouds) - and you will see that these two feelings actually live inside our mind. These are not feelings, these are precisely the creations of our mind!

The rainbow is the suit of reality in all its manifestations. She shows us some ordinary earthly things and phenomena that are not associated with internal energy, manifestations of the soul or mind. Look how clearly and clearly the meaning of the card can be seen in the illustrations of the Arcana Ripeness (9 Rainbows), Patience (7 Rainbows), From Moment to Moment (2 Rainbows).

In a word, all the Minor Arcana of the Osho Zen Tarot are intuitive - and at the same time, very deep. Each of them can be looked at for hours, as if I were immersed in the map itself.

Court cards

Court cards also reflect the key qualities and manifestations of their suits. For Fire, these are Creator (King), Playfulness (Page), Generosity (Queen) and Intensity (Knight).

For Water - Healing (King), Understanding (Page), Receptivity (Queen), Trust (Knight).

Clouds' court cards are Control (King), Intelligence (Page), Morale (Queen), Fight (Knight).

Someone may not understand the meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot Struggle card - in fact, it is more likely associated with internal struggle, the struggle of the mind, reason, and not with physical confrontation.

Features of card interpretation

You probably noticed that there are actually no cards in the deck that describe any physical events - each Arcana is based precisely on internal, spiritual phenomena, from which the tarot reader can, if desired, derive more “earthly” mantic interpretations. You need to carry out fortune telling using Osho Zen Tarot cards in a free style - that is, relying solely on your intuition. By the way, this is exactly what is mentioned in the accompanying book. If when working with classic Tarot decks we can name at least a few keywords that will correspond to the same Arcana from different authors, then with Osho Zen such practice is simply impossible. Only your personal feelings should work here.

It is best to start practical work with these cards with Osho layout Zen Tarot "Instant". Just pull out one single Arcana - it will most accurately describe the situation you are in at the moment, or the prevailing energy of the day. Not all layouts, especially multi-card ones, are applicable to this deck. Some tarot readers generally do not advise getting attached to certain patterns and suggest pulling out as many cards for each question as your intuition tells you, and then reading them in any order - in the way that seems right to you right now.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

On the one hand, the deck is universal, but on the other hand, it is important to understand that we cannot consider it exclusively the eventual plane of reality, since all the phenomena described by the cards occur at the subconscious level. So, for example, if we want to know whether Petya will date Masha, and we get the Arcana Isolation and Clinging to the Past, we can say that now in his thoughts is the desire to be alone and rethink his past experiences. Can this be considered a direct answer to the question? I think yes. If we ask what awaits a person at work in the next month, and Exhaustion, Intensity and Burden come up, we can assume that he will have to work very hard and at an active pace, which will lead to severe fatigue and loss of vitality. In a word, fortune telling with Osho Zen Tarot cards is an activity for thinking people who are ready to analyze, feel, understand, and delve into the depth of the illustration.

Who are the cards suitable for?

You can buy Osho Zen Tarot for tarot readers of any level - both beginners and professionals. In order to work with these wonderful cards, you don’t even need to have any experience at all. Many people choose this deck as their very first and after just a few weeks of practice they become completely familiar with it.

  • For those who want to learn a fundamentally new, non-classical Tarot system
  • For those who don’t want to understand a bunch of different symbolism and are looking for a simple, understandable deck to work with
  • For those involved in spiritual practices and meditation
  • For everyone who prefers to get acquainted with the meaning of cards not from books, but from their own feelings
  • For lovers of Osho books

If you decide to buy Osho Zen Tarot cards, try to purchase them at the same time as the accompanying book, “Tarot in the Spirit of Zen,” which contains excerpts from Osho’s texts about each Arcana. This is perhaps the most valuable literature on the deck to date.

I also saw Anna Novikova’s book “Interpretation of Osho Zen Tarot” on sale, and out of curiosity I found it in electronic form. However, the book seemed to me not a very necessary acquisition. On the one hand, the author tried to derive rather brief but informative meanings of each card in different areas of life, but on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, you need to look for your own individual approach to the deck, and not use other people’s interpretations. For example, Novikova interprets the Lovers card in the professional sphere as inspiration and respect for work responsibilities, superiors, and colleagues. I see a completely different meaning in it - it seems to me that Arkan can talk about the need to gain self-confidence, because we allow another person into the intimate area only when we are sure that we are worthy of what is offered to us. Although many of the interpretations in the book, in principle, somewhat agree with my personal ones.

In general, I strongly recommend everyone who is interested in this deck to read it at their leisure complete books Osho himself - then a lot will become clear and you will definitely no longer need additional literature. On this note, I end my review of Osho Zen Tarot. Thank you for your attention!
