It means I dreamed about it. Why does a person need sleep and why do dreams arise? To be a bride in a dream

What does it mean, dream books tell. Different sources interpret this dream differently.

American dream book

If a person sees himself sleeping in a dream, then most likely this means that he is traveling in the subtle worlds and sees his body from the outside. This dream can also be deciphered as a strong reluctance and resistance to change. It can lead to stagnation. What does this mean? This gives the right to say that a person has lucid dreams.

Idiomatic dream book

If he went to bed in a dream, then in reality he wants to step away from business. Waking up in a dream is an awakening to a new life. Sleeping soundly means unconsciousness.

Italian dream book: what do dreams in a dream mean?

If a person dreams that he is sleeping, this indicates that he needs a pause, respite or respite in making some important decisions or in overcoming difficulties. Such dreams are not so rare.

Small dream book of Veles

Is a bad sign. The sleeper may go crazy. Sleeping in a dream means various obstacles in business, illness and laziness. Doing this while standing means immediate disaster. Sleeping on the grass means a joyful and carefree life.

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As a rule, when a person sees himself sleeping, this is a harbinger of a protracted illness, which can even result in disability or a serious complication.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A dream in which a person sees himself sleeping, or he has a dream, may foreshadow his death. It can also mean that the dreamer must awaken some positive aspects of his personality (faith, conscience, etc.).

Dream Interpretation of Winter: dream in a dream - what does it mean?

When a person sees a dream in which he is sleeping or about to go to bed, this is a sign of his inattention and inaction. If in a dream the atmosphere is heavy and bad, then in reality you should expect troubles. However, if a person is going to bed in a great mood, real life he needs to forget about some painful problems and troubles. Most likely, they will resolve themselves, or in the future the sleeper himself will find a way to do this.

Modern dream book

When a person in a dream sees that he is sleeping and at the same time he has a dream, this means that in reality he is two-faced in relation to very to a good person and doubts the correctness of his actions. If someone tells a dreamer about his dream, his relatives will have troubles and will ask for help. Seeing a nightmare means a happy resolution to a very difficult situation. Colorful and good sleep- to disappointment.

Dream interpreter from A to Z

A dream in which a person, after a hard day, dozed off in a cozy soft chair, is a harbinger of a loved one’s betrayal at the very moment when the sleeper’s trust in him is almost limitless.

Esoteric dream book: dream in a dream - what does it mean?

If a person realizes that he is seeing another dream in a dream, he needs to try to fix this state. In the future, he may learn to order dreams for himself. Such dreams mean that a person is inclined to work with dreams and receive information from the subtle world in this way.

Dreams about people can predict a lot for the dreamer. They serve as a warning of danger, or foreshadow future happiness. If you dream of a person, you need to determine who he is and whether you know him. This will help to correctly interpret the dream.

Dreams about people are considered relevant for the sleeper, because in life he encounters a society where there are enemies.

Based on this, fairly well-known esotericists offered their own interpretations of such visions:

  1. Vanga in her dream book paid great attention to the plot of the dream. She believed that if the same person is constantly seen, this signals the need to change the situation in life. Also, the sleeper should act quickly, otherwise business will stagnate. When you see in a dream the individual you are talking about lately If you think very often, this means that the dream is based on obsessive thoughts. In this case, the dream does not foretell anything. She also wrote about why a loved one dreams of wearing black clothes. This vision warns of the need to be on alert due to impending danger.
  2. Nostradamus believed that a vision of a person was a good omen. He believed that the dream of a man sitting on a rock foreshadows an amazing event. At the same time, it will be able to completely change ideas about life. If in a dream he turned out to be a stranger with a bestial look, then the sleeper will have to meet the Antichrist in the future. When a person in a dream was angry and aggressive, this means that a despotic tyrant will soon find himself in the role of ruler of the state. If you dreamed of a wounded person, then enormous trials await you in the future. Also in a dream, material wealth plays a big role. If you dreamed of a beggar, wait minor troubles which may lead to loss of property. When he was rich, this is considered a prosperous sign. In this case, the dream promises a comfortable life and prosperity in the family.
  3. IN family dream book it is indicated that if you have a dream in which the dreamer is unable to understand the gender of a person, this means the need to change your position or place of work. In addition, if he was on a hill, the dream foreshadows drastic changes in the dreamer’s life. Dreams with evil people they predict grief from current events.

I dreamed of a familiar person

To interpret a dream, it is very important to know who you dreamed about. If the dreamer was familiar with the person, then this is considered a sign that serious events may occur. In this case, the interpretation becomes special meaning, if the dream is repeated daily. When a familiar person appears in night dreams for a long time and often, this indicates the presence of an internal astral connection with him. In addition, the dream indicates that she is strong enough, the relationship with the dreamed person is strong and reliable.


When I dreamed stranger, which does not bring any emotions, this may mean that he is the personification of a missed chance to change his life.

According to Miller's theory, unknown man considered a good predictor of financial success. In addition, if he was handsome and rich, then expect great life changes. Dreams in which there was an unkempt and ugly person have the opposite meaning.

For unmarried girls, this vision is considered a warning about unwanted pregnancy, which will be a consequence of a dissolute life.

Why do you dream about the person you like?

Dreams about objects of sympathy have another meaning. When you dream about a person you like, the dream often does not carry any sacred meaning. Most likely, the dreamer in real life thinks a lot about his object of desire, which is why thoughts about his lover do not leave even during sleep. On the other hand, a dream in which the dreamer saw a beloved face foretells him a romantic date. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the night when the beloved was dreamed, since the day of the week is of great importance for the interpretation of dreams.

A lot of people, a crowd

When many people dream at the same time, then it’s worth thinking about your internal state. Often a crowd in a dream signals the emergence of conflict situations that make the sleeper nervous.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the behavior of the crowd. When the crowd is noisy, then the dream has no interpretative value. If people are silent in a dream, this means that the dreamer in real life will soon have a hard time enduring trials. In order not to explode from an overabundance of emotions, you should take a vacation for a while. In addition, when the society consisted of strangers, this is considered an omen that huge conflicts and quarrels await the sleeper.

In some cases, the vision indicates the dreamer’s loneliness in reality. In this case, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and also make friends.

The gender of society in a dream has a huge influence on the interpretation:

  1. If it was not possible to find out the gender, it is interpreted that the dreamer has big chance get into the elite.
  2. When you dreamed about women who were aggressively opposed to the dreamer, this is a warning that the fair sex in the future may deceive and cheat on the dreamer. Young and unmarried girls dream on the eve of a confrontation with failures.
  3. If there were only men in the crowd, the dream recommends being wary, because it portends both trouble and self-interest. Therefore, in the days following the dreams, you should think through every step.

Why do I dream about the same person?

To find out why the same person dreams, it is necessary to approach the interpretation of the dream from a psychological point of view. Perhaps the dreamer is fixated on the same routine things. This usually indicates that the sleeper is constantly walking in circles. Based on this, you need to change something in your life so that everyday worries do not lead to a mental disorder.

Reasons why you dream about a person you don’t think about

The most common reason for these dreams is that the person in the dream is at the moment misses the dreamer. It also means that he is constantly thinking about him.

On the other hand, a dream signals a need for help. Usually, some time after the visions seen, a meeting with the object of the dream will occur. Based on this, the sleeper is recommended to call the person to make sure that everything is fine with him.

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember the sensations from the dream. If the vision was disturbing, then expect troubles at work, which old friends will help solve. If during the dream the sleeper felt happy, then the dream indicates that in reality it is difficult for the sleeper to obtain happiness, which is why the vision is a signal from the subconscious about its need.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the day of the week

Depending on the specific day of the week when the dream was seen, the interpretation of the dream will have different meanings:

  1. I dreamed of a man on Monday, the reason for the dreams was emotional experiences the dreamer, since the Moon is considered the patroness of dreams on this day.
  2. Since Tuesday is considered the day of Mars, dreams on this day foreshadow great results in work. Visions on Tuesday symbolize the dreamer's aspirations to move towards his intended goal.
  3. On Wednesday, dreams about people often have little significance as a foreshadowing. Usually the vision is associated with thoughts about the person in the dream.
  4. On Thursday, the dream is the most significant for interpretation. On this day, almost all dreams come true. Such dreams promise activity in the professional field, as well as excellent results of the work done.
  5. On the night from Thursday to Friday they come prophetic dreams. If you dreamed of a person on this day, the dream should be interpreted in the love sphere. Usually the vision reflects the dreamer's desires, and it is also able to foresee future relationships.
  6. On Saturday, such visions warn the sleeper about making a mistake.
  7. On Sunday dreams have positive interpretation. In any case, the dream is considered an omen of success and prosperity.

Many psychologists explain why people dream about people who often think about them. From the esoteric side, such visions signal both trouble and well-being. In any case, the interpretation of dreams must be approached consciously, taking into account the plot of the visions.

Did you have a new mysterious dream last night and want to understand its meaning? Convenient service: dream book - interpretation of dreams, which contains 100 of the best author's dream books and more than 250,000 interpretations. Using our dream books every day, you will be able to analyze your present and future, understand your internal psychological state, and find the answer to your question.

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Our dream book is intended for those who believe that every dreamed symbol means something, and for those who want to know their future. Don't brush off your dreams! They are your inner psychoanalyst; follow the plots and moods of your dreams. Read between the lines and everything will become clear. In this section of the site dedicated to dreams, a convenient system for searching for the meaning of a dreamed action, object or symbol has been implemented, making it quite simple to interpret dreams using a dream book. You can solve the dream in three ways: 1) in the alphabetical dictionary, 2) through the search form, 3) on the topic of the dream.

The interpretation of dreams is not unambiguous: the same circumstance can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, in order for the meaning of the dream to be plausible, remember not only the general meaning of the dream, but the smallest nuances you saw. This will help you understand the secret of your night dreams. In addition, based on consideration different dream books– interpreters, you can add touches to the resulting picture. The online dream book from different authors on includes a very large collection of interpretations - more than 75 dream books, many of which are published only by us. Our dream interpreter is offered to all inquisitive readers free of charge.

Dream books in the online database

  • Author's dream books Interpretation of dreams by Miller, Vanga, Freud, Yuri Longo, Phoebe, Azar, Kopalinsky, Loff, Catherine the Great, Simon Canaanite, Jung, Miss Hasse, Tsvetkov, Smirnov.
  • Dream Interpretations of the Peoples of the World(Russian, French, Jewish, English, Islamic, Italian, Muslim).
  • Ancient dream books(Assyrian, numerical Pythagoras, Egyptian, Chinese Zhou Gong, Persian Taflisi, Greek fabulist Aesop, the sorceress Medea, Vedic Sivananda).
  • Folk dream books - interpreters(Velesov, Russian folk, healer Akulina, healer Maria Fedorovskaya, grandmother 1918, Ukrainian folk).
  • Thematic dream books(stellar, astrological, home, magical, children's, feminine, idiomatic, psychoanalytic, culinary, lunar, love, mythological, psychological, symbolic, modern, 21st century, for the whole family, birthday people from January to December, yogis, health, subconscious, Tarot, Black magic, esoteric, erotic, etc.).

Popular authors

The existing dream books are very numerous, the classic among them is the American dream interpreter according to Gustav Miller. Miller's interpretation of dreams has shortcomings - many objects and phenomena that arose in the twenty-first century do not have his interpretations at all. Therefore, we recommend using this interpreter for those who are looking for a classic interpretation.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangelia saw dreams that spoke of unpleasant and good events, which later came true. Free interpretation She produced dreams of both her own and those of people turning to her, using her ability to see the future. The fortuneteller's dream book allows an ordinary person to learn to understand prophetic symbols in their dreams.

The clairvoyant astrologer Michel de Notredame was so brilliant that his interpretation of dreams has not lost its relevance to this day. The main work of Nostradamus is considered to be his famous book of prophecies - Lespropheties - which describes the destinies of peoples and states. The online dream book of the fortuneteller will be of interest to those who have intuition and often see prophetic dreams.

The scientist Sigmund Freud believed that objects and phenomena in dreams are sexual symbols. Freud based his interpretation of dreams on the theory of studying a person’s intimate life. In order to learn to interpret dreams using a psychoanalytic dream book, you need to have not only broad views, but also some courage, since its interpretations often reveal the dark side of nature, and sometimes they simply make you laugh.

The outstanding Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung compiled own interpreter dreams with psychological explanation. According to Jung's theory, we all express ourselves through our dreams, which our unconscious mind fills with symbols, sending us information about everyday affairs in real life.

Some Jews made spectacular careers in the courts of the pharaohs. For example, the famous Joseph, about whom the king said: “There is no one as intelligent and wise as you.” Joseph achieved the privileges and favor of Pharaoh by creating a dream book to record the interpretation of his lord's dreams. The epic of Joseph is a legend in which it is now difficult to separate truth from fiction.

According to historians, people first began to interpret dreams approximately 5,500 years ago. In ancient Sumer, people first began to allocate for sleep separate room. It is worth noting that only the king was supposed to do it - everyone else slept wherever they could. Among other things, to Ancient Egypt also includes the art of decoding dreams. During one period, special temples were even built in Egyptian settlements, in which selected priests interpreted the dreams of the aristocracy.

Dreams in ancient times were considered a natural window into other world. However, unlike an ordinary person, the shaman mastered the art of navigating the world of dreams and knew “where everything is.” The shaman studied this area and knew how to interpret dreams. Modern dream interpreters, with all their volume and quality, cannot outstrip the magical capabilities of the shaman in this skill.

The ancient Egyptians, like all people, saw dreams and sought to interpret them, but unlike their contemporaries, they gave their dreams important, from their dreams they drew practical conclusions. Dreams predetermined the actions of the ancient Egyptians, including the pharaohs. It was in dreams, as they already believed, that the destined future could be revealed to both the commoner and the pharaoh.

In the East, from time immemorial, the interpretation of night visions was trusted only to astrologers. Why? As it turned out, wisest people They believed that the interpretation of dreams directly depends on what zodiac sign a person was born under. After all, the same dream dreamed by Aries or Sagittarius is interpreted completely differently. For some, a river seen in a dream means a quick addition to the family, while others should be prepared for a long business trip. Only online dream book can help solve the dream.

Such dreams can be repeated and occur to people in moments of extreme fatigue, grief, illness and anxiety. Usually a person begins to sleep and sees that he is falling asleep in a dream.

At the same time, the night pictures become bright, the person falsely “wakes up”, but continues to be in the dream world at this time.

Usually such moments show fatigue and unwillingness to perceive reality. However, some books advise listening to what you saw or heard before such a “false awakening.” This is what a dream within a dream most often means.

Perception of the psyche

If you saw yourself sleeping while immersed in the world of night dreams, then this shows that you are not yet able to perceive reality. Some books write that seeing a dream in a dream without bright pictures, just dozing, but in completely unusual places, shows that the tension has reached its extreme, and you should rest well before taking on any business or undertakings.

It is possible that you are not yet ready for some events, and therefore you need time to realize what is happening. So don’t rush to conclusions and try to have a good rest to come to your senses and not worry about anything.

Such dreams should be given significance only if during sleep you see some scenes and pictures, wake up, but again during sleep, and only the next morning you realize that you dreamed all this. Such pictures can bring you information about the distant future and what is important to you.

Sleeping and seeing that you woke up in an unexpected or unfamiliar place that simply does not exist in reality means escaping reality and unwillingness to solve any problems or matters. Some books indicate that you will not be happy because you do not want to notice something obvious. A dream in which you sleep may be a harbinger of illness.

Try to take care of yourself to preserve your strength. Very often, already sick people see that they are sleeping in a dream or falling asleep again during a night's rest and see vivid scenes, often fantastic, but they understand that this simply cannot happen in reality.

When do you often have such dreams?

What does it mean to have a dream in which you are just sleeping and don’t see anything around, and then you wake up in the wrong place? You are running from something, afraid of some terrible truth, or afraid of trouble. It seems that the negativity is so great that it is really very difficult for you, so even in your dreams you are afraid to see or hear something. Sometimes appearance similar dreams means physical fatigue and the desire to get enough sleep in order to gain strength again.

Seeing yourself sleeping from the outside means passivity. Some books indicate that your body no longer perceives anyone or anything, and you simply do not want to show any activity in life.

Sometimes, before falling asleep, a person sees himself from the side in bed, but not in his own, but, for example, somewhere at a resort, in a hammock on the beach under the trees or somewhere else. Such night pictures indicate a great desire for rest, joy and pleasure, as well as tenderness and happiness, which for some reason is unavailable.

In some situations, this is simply a psychological defense against overstrain, when your psyche is protected from strong experiences. Such visions can also be seen before recovery from a serious illness, when the body needs to gain strength.

The dream book does not interpret such stories.

Features of interpretation

If you remember what appeared in such a dream, this is a sign from above. The seer can find out not only the real picture of the future, but also what will happen in the present. But more often than not, such fantasies mean amazing events - both good and bad. Euphoria, happiness, joy can turn into tears, disappointments and losses in reality, and a dream in which you cry, attend a funeral or suffer, on the contrary, turn into an unexpected lucky coincidence of circumstances.

What else does a dream in a dream mean? Expect a surprise or emotional release, depending on your mental state.

In some situations, the dream book interprets a dream in a dream to clarify a question, resolve a difficult situation, some problem or misfortune. But for those who are currently happy, these night scenes dream of grief or severe disappointment in life.

Some books write what dreams in a dream mean in such situations: soon you will have to be active and intervene in matters that you have refused to do. It is possible that passivity will not lead to anything good, and the troubles will drag on for a long time.

Suddenly waking up after such a vision is an epiphany. For sick people, this predicts recovery, for a tired person, that his strength will be restored and he will return to his usual activities.

When a person sleeps, his subconscious systematizes the information received during the day. Based on it, it generates dreams, which are sometimes striking in their unreality. So, for example, it is quite difficult to understand what a dream means in which the dreamer sees himself sleeping. However, such a dream is not uncommon, and you can find the answer to the question of what it promises in various dream books.

What does a dream within a dream mean according to Denise Lynn's dream book?

According to the dream book of the famous self-development coach Denise Lynn, when a person sees himself sleeping in a dream, he will soon have a journey. On a subconscious level, such a dream speaks of a desire for change due to stagnation in business. The dreamer is oppressed by this situation and tries to find a way out of it, but in vain.

There is also an assumption that a person’s soul leaves his body during sleep, and he sees himself from the outside. Alternatively, it could just be a lucid dream. In this case, there is no need to interpret it, since it does not foreshadow anything.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

According to the Mayan dream book, which was compiled by sages many thousands of years ago, a dream within a dream promises a meeting with a person who will fall in love with the dreamer. However, if he wants the new love to be mutual, he must eat the chicken heart raw. If the dreamer had a dream that someone was preventing him from sleeping, then soon he will suffer from insomnia and nightmares. But you can avoid this negative situation; it will be enough to place a pot near the bed and plant a coffee bean in it

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

According to the dream book of psychologist N. Grishina, which was compiled over 35 years based on the records of her ancestors, such a dream means that a person will soon be deceived, so you should not trust even close people. In this case, you will be able to avoid negative consequences and disappointment. If the dreamer saw himself sleeping in a dream, then he will soon be surprised. When a person sees not only himself, but also others sleeping in a dream, his subconscious calls him to be vigilant, since not all the people around him are friends; some are waiting for an opportunity to harm him.

Esoteric dream book

If you believe esoteric dream book, then a dream within a dream - good sign. A person will need to remember this state, since in the future it will allow him to find the answer to any question. He will be able to receive answers in images that he understands, as a result he will learn to foresee the future and do the right thing. However, you should not tell anyone about your ability, as people may be jealous and the gift will be lost.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

According to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphima, when a person sees himself sleeping, at that time he is in contact with the most intimate and deepest corners of the soul. He needs to remember the entire plot of the dream, then he will be able to understand himself. However, it can be very difficult to understand the images, so you need to write them down and analyze them: this way you will be able to find the answer. Third-party dream books will not help in this case, since each person is individual. Also, such a dream helps you look inside yourself and find answers to your questions, so you shouldn’t dismiss it as empty.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you turn to the help of a psychoanalytic dream book, then a dream within a dream promises death. However, do not be upset, as this is only one of the interpretations. Most often, such a dream speaks of sleeping aspects of the personality that need awakening. If a person dreams that not only he, but also everyone around him was sleeping in a dream, then he will experience personal growth and emotional uplift.

Miller's Dream Book

If you interpret a dream within a dream according to the dream book of the famous American psychologist Miller, who lived in the 19th century, then it will have several meanings that depend on the plot of the dream. So, if a person dreamed that he slept on a clean, snow-white bed, then he will achieve complete understanding with his family. This whole situation will bring peace and tranquility into his life.

If he dreamed that he fell asleep in the wrong place, then illness awaited him. Sleeping next to a small child is a sign of pleasant changes. Soon the dreamer will meet his true love, which will be mutual. In the future he will create a wonderful family.

If a person dreams that not only he, but also many other people are sleeping, then he will have to win the trust and favor of one important person. When the dreamer dreams that he is sleeping next to a person who is unpleasant to him, he will soon be disappointed in his loved one.

If a girl dreams that she is sleeping with her lover, then she should not give in to him, since passion can cover her headlong, and she will not see anything around her. But when emotions subside, reality will be too cruel.
