Prepare a message about a constellation of stars. Interesting facts about constellations (15 photos). What is a star? What kind of stars are there?

The theme of revolution in A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”

This is the first major post-October poem in Russian literature. It reflected not only revolutionary modernity, but also the thoughts of an entire generation of intellectuals, including Alexander Blok. In “The Twelve,” the poet rose to grandiose social generalizations.

A characteristic feature of the work is the organic fusion of the realistic and the romantic. Its very name suggests a connection with the legend of the twelve apostles, disciples of Christ, who followed him. But the image of the twelve also has an extremely realistic source in the poem: the Red Guard patrols on the streets of Petrograd really consisted of twelve people.

There are quite a lot of different symbolic images in the poem. Symbolic images of a blizzard, a blizzard, a blizzard, wind, snow run through all of Blok’s poetry: “a snowy whirlwind has risen,” “a blizzard is singing in the distance,” “a snowy wind is blowing.” These expressions embody the motives of mental turmoil, the universal crisis reflected in the poet’s mind. The constant image-symbol of a snow storm in “The Twelve” finds its most detailed embodiment in his work.

The action of the poem develops against the backdrop of wind, blizzard, snow: “the wind whistles,” “snow flutters,” etc. But natural phenomena not only create the background, they become, as it were, the protagonists of the work. Images of wind and snow storm are symbols of the cleansing element.

The two-dimensionality of the figurative structure of “The Twelve” is clearly manifested already in the first stanza of the poem:

Black evening

White snow,

Wind, wind!

The work is based on a revolutionary conflict, the struggle between old and new. The clash cannot end in reconciliation - the contending forces are so contrasting. Their irreconcilability in the poem is emphasized by the sharp contrast of “black” and “white”. The author specifies the content of the “black evening”: “bourgeois at the crossroads”, “the priest is cheerful these days”, “the lady in karakul”. The images are socially defined, each of them in one way or another expresses their rejection of revolutionary changes: the priest - “on the side of the snowdrift”, the lady - “turned up to the other: “We cried, we cried...”. Blok’s longtime enemy, the liberal talker, is especially irreconcilable with the new. He is described briefly and devastatingly: “ Long hair and speaks in a low voice... He must be a writer...".

The old world is historically doomed. Its representatives are portrayed ironically by the author. In their depiction, he uses comparisons - catchy and succinct:

A bourgeois stands at a crossroads

And he hid his nose in his collar.

And next to him he cuddles with coarse fur,

The mangy dog ​​has his tail between his legs.

But the “dog”, like many images in the poem, has two plans:

The bourgeois stands there like a hungry dog,

It stands silent, like a question.

AND old world like a rootless dog,

Stands behind him with his tail between his legs.

The plot in the chapters of the poem develops sequentially. It is not so much plot-based as psychological. The Twelve are enemies of the old world, but they themselves emerged from its depths. The poet symbolically conveys this with the image of the old world - a “rootless dog” that does not lag behind, but hobbles behind. Dark passions also rage within them. They are overcome by a heady feeling of permissiveness: “Freedom, freedom, eh, eh, without a cross!”

The poet unconditionally welcomes what is happening. He blesses the cleansing power of the fire of the revolution and the activity of its achievements: “We will fan the world fire on the mountain of all bourgeois.” But the significance of the socialist revolution lay in the fact that from the first steps it not only destroyed the old world, but also built a new one.

The creative power of the revolution was not directly embodied in the poem. However, the poet shows that the struggle inspires the heroes, a sense of class consciousness and revolutionary duty awakens in them. The historical mission cleanses the images of the twelve from everything random, petty, superficial. They find the meaning of life thanks to the revolution.

The poem “The Twelve” for the first time in Russian literature emphasized the universal scope of the revolution. Essential The work was that Blok showed in it how the revolution awakened all the brightest in people. He exalted love common man, depicted the hero of the revolution as a person with living and strong feelings. In this the poem was innovative.

In the poem “The Twelve,” Blok managed to convey the intensity of social struggle, capturing it in dramatic and contrasting images.

The poem “The Twelve” belongs to the pinnacle of Russian literature, standing on a par with such great poems as “The Bronze Horseman” by A. S. Pushkin, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by N. A. Nekrasov.

Blok’s famous poem “The Twelve” testifies that Blok accepted the revolution, but did not understand much about it. Blok's acceptance of the revolution lies, first of all, in the fact that, perceiving the revolution as a struggle between two worlds, most embodied in two warring classes - the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, Blok expressed his negative attitude towards the first and his ardent sympathy for the second.

Representatives of the old world are depicted in surprisingly bright colors: here is the “vitia writer”, hysterically calling out to the Bolsheviks: “Traitors!”; here is the despondent “comrade priest”, who will no longer have to “go forward on his belly, as before,” “shining his cross at the people”; here is a “lady in karakul” mourning something or someone, who cannot learn to walk through the snowdrifts without falling. These isolated images set off the main image of the old world - the image of a bourgeois standing at a crossroads with his nose hidden in his collar, next to whom “huddles... a mangy dog.”

The bourgeois stands at the crossroads because he is confused, because he is stunned by the sudden rise of revolutionary waves, but he organically cannot come to terms with what happened. Blok knows that the bourgeois’s confusion will not last long, he will leave his crossroads and rush into battle; The lousy dog ​​(old world), who recognized the bourgeoisie as his master, only temporarily “tucked his tail between his legs”; soon he would begin to “grind his teeth” and turn into a terrible hungry wolf, which would not be easy to overcome. That is why Blok never tires of warning the fighters of the new world...

What does Blok talk about in the central part of the poem? About how a Red Guard, while walking around the city with his comrades, with the help of these same comrades, out of jealousy, kills his former lover Katya and attempts to kill her new lover, a soldier.

These pictures of revolutionary reality, although they do not raise any doubts about their possibility, are by no means characteristic of the revolution as such. It is difficult to admit that Blok did not realize that the main thing, the most important thing in the revolution, is not the murder of Katek or the destruction of the cellars. Why then did he pay the greatest attention to these phenomena in his poem? He was under the influence of the same mood that, a little earlier, had forced his poem, dedicated to the depiction of the most disgusting bigot, hypocrite, predatory exploiter, to end with an unexpected exclamation:

Yes, and so, my Russia,
You are dearer to me from all over the world.

In his passionate admiration for the revolution, Blok concentrates in his poem the most negative phenomena caused by it, in order to sharply emphasize that even in this form the revolution must be accepted and blessed. But at the same time, he forgets that the reader is presented with a picture not of the revolution itself, but of the phenomena accompanying it. Maximalism was more pronounced here

Blok. If we accept and bless, then that’s it. The desire to elevate the revolution as much as possible explains the comparison of the twelve Red Guards with Christ’s twelve apostles, and the appearance in the final stanzas of the poem of Christ himself with a bloody flag. Blok knows that the revolution renounced Christ and his poem emphasizes this:

Freedom, freedom,
Eh, eh, without a cross!

What did I save you from?
Golden iconostasis?

The Red Guards did not recognize him, they shoot at him, but still they follow the path indicated to them.

"Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"

Stars and constellations are one

Completed by: 1st year student,

Groups: SRs-103, Khakimova E.S.

Checked by: teacher of the Department of BJD

Makhneva S.G.



1.1 Structure of stars

1.2 Location of stars



Project on the theme "Stars and constellations are one"

Problem:disinterest society in the exploration or study of the starry sky.

The goal of my project is

· discuss topics about the world of stars and constellations;

· draw your attention to this world


· to interest others in the beauty of the starry sky;

· consider the type of stars;

· study the problem;

· analyze questionnaires;

· compare and identify the number of people interested in studying the stars.

Place of Providence: audience.

Number of respondents: 16 students, guys in grades 10-11 and several adults.

Research methods:

· Theoretical: analysis, comparison, generalization;

· Empirical: literature study, observation, questioning.

My project plan includes:

· Stars and constellations are one, characteristic;

· The movement of stars in constellations, as well as interesting facts;

· The benefits or harm of stars/constellations for our planet.


The night sky is so beautiful when many different stars light up, and with them the constellations that depict a large number of animals. But many people have forgotten that the starry sky is full of mysteries and mystery, because some do not pay attention to it, everyone has their own worries and problems, but it’s worth looking, and at the same hour your thoughts disappear, you will drown in the beauty and radiance of the bright multitude constellations. I think it’s worth thinking about our planet, especially what surrounds it, because that colorful dress may not be friendly stars and constellations, but something unusual, strange and incomprehensible. It is not in vain that people since ancient times have invested a lot of effort in studying the stars and constellations, but over time, subsequent generations began to move away from all this, roughly speaking, they were “killed” and only a small number of people, namely scientists, put their souls into the study of the night and day sky. So, what’s so mysterious about it that astronomers sit night and day in their observatories and study their significance. Maybe it’s just their hobby or passion, great interest or nothing to do and have dedicated their whole life to the Universe. I am coming to the conclusion that people around us should observe at night, because it is not just beauty, but also benefit for us. And the benefits can be both for health or knowledge, and for inspiration or calm.

In order to start telling you information. I drew attention to question 12, “What interests you in the study of stars and constellations? What new things do you want to learn?” for this purpose, I included your interests in my project, so that in the future you will know for the future, therefore, listen carefully to what interests you!

Chapter 1. Stars and legends about constellations

This section talks about what stars are, what they are, and how in ancient times people made up legends about constellations.

The first to compile a star catalog was Hipparchus. Hipparchus - ancient Greek astronomer, geographer, as well as mechanic and mathematician (c. 180 or 190-125 BC), lived on the island of Rhodes. He compiled the catalog so that future astronomers could monitor the appearance of new stars and the disappearance of old ones. The catalog contains the positions of 1022 stars determined for that time very accurately. Currently in the galaxy Milky Way There are more than 100 billion stars; with the naked eye we see about 6,000 thousand stars.

Stars - These are the most common objects in the Universe; they are a huge ball of hot gases, similar to the Sun. To the 14th question, “Stars, what are they,” 13 people answered correctly that stars are hot gaseous bodies.

And who built the first telescope in the world was Galileo - an Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician, who had a significant influence on the science of his time. To this question "Who built the world's first telescope?" 10 people answered correctly, since Copernicus laid the foundation for the modern idea of ​​the world system and was the first to draw attention to the pattern known as Copernicus’ Law. Ptolemy outlined a collection of astronomical knowledge Ancient Greece and Babylon, formulating (if not passing on the one developed by Hipparchus) a very complex geocentric model of the world. an idea of ​​the structure of the universe, according to which the central position in the Universe is occupied by the stationary Earth around which the sun, moon, planets and stars revolve.

Not long ago, astronomers believed that it took millions of years to form a star from interstellar gas and dust. But in last years Astonishing photographs have been taken of an area of ​​the sky that is part of the Great Orion Nebula, where a small cluster of stars has appeared over the course of several years. In photographs taken in 1947, a group of three star-like objects was visible at this location. By 1954, some of them became oblong, and by 1959, these oblong formations broke up into individual stars - for the first time in the history of mankind, people observed the birth of stars literally before our eyes; this unprecedented event showed astronomers that stars can be born in a short interval of time, and the previously seemingly strange reasoning that stars usually appear in groups, or star clusters, turned out to be correct.

Of these, dwarfs are distinguished - these are small stars (the Sun is one of them); giants - stars tens of times larger than the Sun; and supergiants - the largest stars (we will not go deeper into their study, since we discussed their classification in that pair). The closest star to us is a yellow dwarf, the Sun, which is similar to many other stars, but is much closer to us and has a distance of 147 to 152 million km, so it appears huge to us compared to other stars.

The temperature of the star is determined by color and how high it can be.

· The hottest and less hot stars in the Universe are blue; their temperatures range from 28,000 thousand to 50,000 thousand kelvins; blue from 10,000 to 28,000 thousand kelvins; light blue from 7500 thousand to 10000 thousand kelvins; white stars from 6000 to 7500 thousand kelvins.

· Stars like the sun are yellow stars with temperatures ranging from 5000 thousand to 6000 thousand kelvins.

· Stars cooler than the Sun are orange with temperatures of 3500 thousand to 5000 thousand kelvins.

·And the coldest stars are red ones with temperatures from 2500 thousand to 3500 thousand kelvins.

The 16th question “What color are the hottest stars” was answered by 8 people - correct, indeed, the hottest are blue, blue, white with temperatures up to 50,000 thousand K. Whoever chose the red ones, they are the coldest stars.

1.1 Structure of stars

It depends on the mass. If a star is several times more massive than the Sun, then intense mixing a substance (convention), like boiling water. This region is called the convective core of the star. The larger the star, the larger part of it is the convective core. The rest of the star remains in balance. The energy source is located in the convective core. As hydrogen is converted into helium, the molecular mass of the core material increases, and its volume decreases. Photosphere of the Sun begins 200-300 km deeper than the visible edge of the solar disk. These deepest layers of the atmosphere are called the photosphere. Since their thickness is no more than one three-thousandth of the solar radius, the photosphere is sometimes conventionally called the surface of the Sun. The density of gases in the photosphere is approximately the same as in the Earth's stratosphere, and hundreds of times less than at the Earth's surface. The temperature of the photosphere decreases from 8000 K at a depth of 300 km to 4000 K in the uppermost layers. The temperature of the middle layer, the radiation from which we perceive, is about 6000 K. Chromosphere (from Greek "sphere of color" ) so named for its reddish-purple color. It is visible during total solar eclipses as a ragged, bright ring around the black disk of the Moon, which has just eclipsed the Sun. The chromosphere is very heterogeneous and consists mainly of elongated elongated tongues (spicules), giving it the appearance of burning grass. The temperature of these chromospheric jets is two to three times higher than in the photosphere, and the density is hundreds of thousands of times less. The total length of the chromosphere is 10 - 15 thousand kilometers. Crown Unlike the photosphere and chromosphere, the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere - the corona - has a huge extent: it extends over millions of kilometers, which corresponds to several solar radii, and its weak extension goes even further. The density of matter in the solar corona decreases with height much more slowly than the density of air in the earth's atmosphere. The decrease in air density as it rises is determined by the gravity of the Earth. On the surface of the Sun, the force of gravity is much greater, and it would seem that its atmosphere should not be high. In reality it is extraordinarily extensive. Consequently, there are some forces acting against the attraction of the Sun. These forces are associated with the enormous speeds of movement of atoms and electrons in the corona, heated to a temperature of 1 - 2 million degrees! Often during eclipses (and with the help of special spectral instruments - and without waiting for eclipses) above the surface of the Sun one can observe bizarrely shaped “fountains”, “clouds”, “funnels”, “bushes”, “arches” and other brightly luminous formations from the chromospheric substances. They can be stationary or slowly changing, surrounded by smooth curved jets that flow into or out of the chromosphere, rising tens and hundreds of thousands of kilometers. These are the most ambitious formations of the solar atmosphere - prominences. When observed in the red spectral line emitted by hydrogen atoms, they appear against the background of the solar disk as dark, long and curved filaments. Prominences have approximately the same density and temperature as the chromosphere. But they are above it and surrounded by higher, highly rarefied upper layers of the solar atmosphere. Prominences fall into the chromosphere because their matter is supported by the magnetic fields of active regions of the Sun.

1.2 Location of stars

On the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, logarithms of luminosities or absolute magnitudes M are plotted along the ordinate axis, and spectral classes, or the corresponding logarithms of temperatures, or a value characterizing color, are plotted along the abscissa axis. Points corresponding to stars with known characteristics, are not located randomly on the diagram, but along some lines - sequences. Most stars are located along an inclined line running from top left to bottom right. In this direction, the luminosities, radii and temperatures of stars simultaneously decrease. This is the main sequence. On it, a cross marks the position of the Sun as a star - a yellow dwarf. Parallel to the main sequence there is a sequence of subdwarfs, which are one magnitude fainter than main sequence stars with the same temperature. At the top, parallel to the x-axis, are the brightest stars - a sequence of supergiants. They have color and the temperatures are different, and the luminosity is almost the same. From the middle of the main sequence, a sequence of red giants extends upward to the right. Finally, at the bottom there are white dwarfs with different temperatures, the blue-white sequence consists of stars that flare up as novae, and other types of hot stars, closing in on the diagram. color - luminosity" with white dwarfs.

1.3 Constellations, where they come from, legends

Next we will look at you in more detail constellation class. A constellation is a section of the starry sky with all the stars on it. How many constellations are there? Someone chose 86, 98 constellations, these answers are incorrect, there are 88 constellations in total. To this question “How many constellations are there?” Only 4 out of 16 people responded. In 1922 in Rome, by decision of the First General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, a list of 88 constellations into which the starry sky was divided was finally approved, and in 1928 clear and unambiguous boundaries between these constellations were adopted.

When astrologers in ancient times observed the starry sky, they paid attention to individual groups of bright stars. They called these groups constellations. After imagining a little about the location of the stars in the constellations, they saw some outlines of fairy-tale characters and animals. This is where the names of many constellations come from. For example, Hercules, Centaurus, Taurus, Andromeda, Pegasus and others. Almost every constellation is associated with some kind of ancient legend or myth, which makes them even more interesting.

Of the 88 modern constellations, many are very ancient. They were known long before the beginning of our era, and mentions of them can be found in the Bible, in the works of Homer, Hesiod, Thales, Eudoxus, Hipparchus and other ancient authors. It is believed that Thales "discovered" the constellation Ursa Minor for the Greeks as a guiding tool; Previously, this constellation was used by the Phoenicians. So let's go back thousands of years and go back to how astronomers explored the constellations. Here are the names of the oldest constellations:

Ursa Major, Orion, Taurus, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Bootes, Ursa Minor, Dragon, Hercules, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Arrow, Dolphin, Hare, Eridanus, Whale, Southern Fish, Lesser Horse, Centaurus, Wolf, Hydra, Chalice, Raven, Libra, Hair of Veronica, Southern Cross, Northern Crown, Ophiuchus, Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Auriga, Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Pegasus, Aries, Triangle, Pisces, Perseus, Lyra, Swan, Eagle. Most of these 46 constellations have mythological origin- they depict characters ancient greek myths and legends.

For example, here is what the ancient Egyptians saw in the constellation surrounding Ladle Ursa Major . They saw a bull, a man was lying next to him, the man was being dragged along the ground by a hippopotamus, who walked on two legs and carried a crocodile on his back.

Also included in these objects was myth about the beautiful Callisto . She was the lover of the almighty Zeus himself. This event greatly upset the legal wife of Zeus - she turned the nymph Callisto into a Ursa. The saddened Bear was on the verge of death at the hands of her own son Arcas (also the son of Zeus), whom she encountered while hunting. Zeus himself saved from murder. He gave her eternal life as a constellation in the sky (Ursa Major). Her son Arkas and his dog were also sent to heaven. Arkas accepted the role of his mother's eternal guardian. Zeus turned him into the constellation Bootes (the bear guard or shepherd), and his dog - to the constellation Ursa Minor .

There is another version about this legend and the origin of the names of the constellations. The Indians of South America, in the silhouette of “our” Ursa Minor, saw a monkey that grabbed the star with its tail and spun around it. The ancient Kazakhs connected the Small and Big Kovsh into a single whole, seeing a horse there connected with an “iron nail”, i.e. with the brightest polar star. It is located at the very end of the handle of the Ursa Minor dipper. Since the Earth rotates on its axis, it appears that all the stars are circling above it. But not all. In the survey, the question “Which star serves as a guide to the north?” 14 people answered that this star always points north. This is important for sailors and travelers to avoid getting lost. They gave the name "Temir-Kazyk".

The name is associated with the name of the queen of Ethiopia constellation Cassiopeia . Cassiopeia's husband Cepheus is also not forgotten; between Ursa Minor and Cassiopeia there is a group of stars named in his honor. The constellations Cygnus, Lyra and Eagle, which include the brightest stars such as Deneb, Vega, Altair, create a summer-autumn triangle in our sky, which does not fit in with any legend or myth. The singer Orpheus is depicted in the Swan, whose singing touched the hearts of not only people, but also animals. wildlife.

The eagle depicts the bird that fulfilled Zeus’s order to peck the liver of Prometheus, who betrayed all the gods and gave fire to people. Hercules (Hercules) freed Prometheus from torment by killing the Eagle. Other things remind us of the achievements of Hercules constellation - Dragon . This Dragon guarded the garden where beautiful golden apples grew. Hercules fought the Dragon and won.

The names of many other groups of celestial bodies also have in common with the names of brave men and heroes of various myths. This is a giant hunter Orion . Close to Orion are his dogs - Canis Minor and Canis Major. The constellations Auriga, Taurus and Gemini are located adjacently. In one of the myths, Taurus is a bull, with whom Orion, well equipped with weapons, fights. According to other myths, Taurus is chasing the Pleiades, daughters of the titan Atlas.

From one legend constellation Charioteer associated with the mythical charioteer. According to other versions, this is the chariot of the son of the Sun god - Photon. In honor of the goat that fed Zeus with its milk, the star of Auriga was named Capella. Gemini is the personification brotherly love between the glorious and courageous sons of Zeus.

Veronica's hair. A very interesting legend, which tells that the wife Egyptian pharaoh Berenice (Veronica) offered her luxurious hair as a gift to the goddess Venus. But the hair was stolen from the palace of Venus and ended up in the sky as a constellation. In summer, the constellation Coma Berenices can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere below the handle of the Ursa Major Dipper.

Another group of constellations was first mentioned by the astronomer Johann Bayer, who published a beautifully designed atlas of the starry sky in 1603. It includes Peacock, Toucan, Crane, Phoenix, Flying Fish, Southern Hydra, Dorado, Chameleon, Bird of Paradise, Southern Triangle, Indian. Probably, the reader caught in the names of these constellations the aroma of that time - the era of great geographical discoveries, when exotic landscapes of unfamiliar southern countries appeared before the eyes of Europeans. There are almost no mythological names here, but there are such actual characters of the era as the Indian, Peacock or Bird of Paradise. The true appearance of the globe is gradually revealed and at the same time the unfamiliar southern starry sky begins to be populated with new constellations. However, at the same time the white spots in the northern starry sky are also filling up.

By the end of the 17th century. In the list of constellations compiled by the famous Gdańsk astronomer Hevelius, one can find a number of new constellations that have appeared over the course of the century. These are the Giraffe, the Fly, the Unicorn, the Dove, the Hounds, the Fox, the Lizard, the Sextant, the Lesser Lion, the Lynx, the Shield, and the Southern Crown.

In 1752, the famous explorer of the southern starry sky, French astronomer Lacaille, added 14 more constellations to the list. Here they are: Sculptor, Kiln, Clock, Reticle, Chisel, Painter, Altar, Compass, Pump, Octant, Compass, Telescope, Microscope, Table Mountain. All these constellations are located in the southern hemisphere of the starry sky. We only have five constellations left to add to the list. Three of them - Keel, Stern and Sails - in ancient times formed the main part of the constellation of the Ship - the same mythical ship on which, according to ancient Greek legends, the Argonaut heroes traveled to Colchis. The fourth constellation, the Snake, is remarkable in that it star maps it occupies two separate areas of the sky. You might even think that there are two constellations of Serpens close to each other in the sky. In fact, this is one constellation, separated by the constellation Ophiuchus. Ancient star maps depict a man holding a snake. On modern maps this is ancient constellation divided into two - Ophiuchus and Snake. The last, 88th constellation, the Angle, is located in the southern starry sky, and its origin is as arbitrary as the Southern Triangle.

Chapter 2. Movement of stars in constellations

Here we will look at the movement of constellations and stars, the distance from each other, at what time they can disappear and interesting, but not reliable facts, but only assumptions.

Stars are like people, they are born and die. They are in constant motion. Therefore, over time, the outlines of the constellations change. A million years ago, the current Big Dipper looked not like a ladle, but like a long spear. Perhaps in a million years people will have to come up with new names for the constellations, because their shape will undoubtedly change. One final note. Maybe, somewhere, there is a planetary system from which our Sun looks like a small star, part of some constellation, in the outlines of which the inhabitants of a distant planet see the silhouette of their native exotic animal.

Many people have the impression that the stars in the constellations are close to each other, this is an illusion. The stars of the constellations are separated from each other by trillions of kilometers. But more distant stars can be brighter and look the same as closer, less bright stars. From Earth we see constellations as flat.

Disappear from the Universe over time, first starting out as white dwarfs, being pulled into the matter around them, reaching critical mass and exploding. In other cases, they are the result of a collision between two such stars (double stars).

2.1 Interesting Facts about the life of stars and constellations

In interesting facts I want to tell you that I could not justify the answers to your questions on that pair, which interested me, and I delved into the study of these meanings! So, what does “Falling Star” mean, “Star Rain”, “Why do stars disappear during the daytime?”, “Are stars alive? What are they capable of?”, “What should we be afraid of?”, “Is there life on oxygen stars? and the most interesting things about space!

They say that when you see shooting star , you need to make a wish, and it will definitely come true. But what we think of as shooting stars are just small rocks flying from outer space. Approaching our planet, such a stone collides with the air shell and at the same time becomes so hot that it begins to glow like a star. Soon the “star”, before reaching the Earth, burns out and goes out. These space aliens are called meteors. If part of the meteor reaches the surface, it is called a meteorite. Very bright meteors are called fireballs. Hundreds of millions of meteors appear in the Earth's atmosphere every day. Their mass is estimated at thousands of tons per day. But, in addition to this, about 100 tons of dust particles, too small to cause the appearance of visible meteors, also fall to the Earth per day.

What does " star Rain "? Star rain - This meteor shower, a phenomenon in which we see the moment of combustion of meteoroids, asteroids or comet fragments in the Earth's atmosphere. That is, meteor showers are observed when the Earth crosses the trajectory of a swarm of particles formed during the destruction of a comet. After all, when a comet approaches the Sun, it is heated by its rays and loses matter. Over several centuries, under the influence of the gravitational force of the planets, these particles form an elongated swarm along the comet’s orbit. If the Earth crosses this stream, we experience a shower of stars every year.

"Why do stars disappear during the daytime?", "Are stars alive? What are they capable of?"

The fact is that stars, like the Sun, illuminate everything around them, warm nearby planets and give life to their inhabitants. And they glow not only at night, but also during the day. We just don’t see them during the daytime, because the Sun illuminates our entire planet with its bright rays, and space with the stars is hidden from our sight. In the evening, when the sun sets, the curtain opens, and we can admire the starry glow until the morning, until the sun rises again. However, during the day you can also see the stars. This is possible when a solar eclipse occurs. During solar eclipse the sun hides behind the moon, and its light does not illuminate our planet. And at these moments stars appear in the sky. But this a natural phenomenon lasts only a few minutes, and with the appearance of the sun, the stars disappear again from behind the moon.

Many people wonder whether stars are alive. I am inclined to believe that the stars are alive and they are capable of more! Quite recently, a huge asteroid was heading towards our planet, clearly following a given trajectory, from the impact of which little would have survived. But a miracle happened and this asteroid attracted Jupiter to itself, thereby deflecting the blow from the Earth. Moreover, in the media the emphasis was placed on the fact that the trajectory along which he walked did not coincide with this wonderful attraction. Now they think what it was and how it was possible. Well, in order to understand whether celestial bodies are alive or not, you need to understand what our Earth is? This question still remains a mystery to everyone around us, as well as scientists. But about the astronauts who flew far from the Earth and began to slowly go crazy, it has not been proven and is not clear. This means that there is something mysterious in the world of stars.

What should we be afraid of?

It gives us no peace great amount questions related to our universe, such as whether aliens really exist. In fact, there are things that are truly worth fearing, and they are everywhere, virtually hidden from our sight. The truth will not leave anyone indifferent, and perhaps it will strike someone to the core and make them think seriously.

Fast moving black holes

Black holes are invisible space killers. Ask anyone what people consider the most frightening cosmic phenomenon. Many, if not most, will call black holes, because this expression is so widely circulated in the media that we have absolutely no doubt about their existence, while having a very vague idea of ​​what these black holes actually are. For many, black holes are something like cosmic Koloboks, no matter how comical and primitive it may sound.

First of all, black holes are classified by size. The smallest and largest, huge and insignificantly small, phenomena of unknown origin. Micro black holes exist only in theoretical calculations; medium-sized holes owe their appearance to the destruction or merger of star clusters; it is this scenario for the formation of black holes that looks the most traditional to most people. A black hole cannot absorb everything that surrounds it, since its gravitational field is quite limited.

Traditionally, it was believed that only supermassive black holes could roam through space, rushing at incredible speeds of nine million miles per hour. It’s just an unrealistic number; in life, most often small children operate with such numbers, proving to their friends who and how many times is cooler.

However, this phenomenon does not pose a real threat to us. Objects rushing at great speed are not particularly dangerous; their collision with other celestial bodies is dangerous, while the direction of movement changes, and we have hundreds of invisible cosmic bodies circling in outer space. The real threat is the possibility of the hole colliding with something in its path, causing that “something” to rush towards our planet at a speed of nine hundred million miles per hour.

Supermassive black holes

star constellation black hole

Supermassive black holes do exist and are potentially the most dangerous phenomena in the Universe. By definition, the density of black holes is so high that everything within the hole itself inevitably falls into its gravitational field. Based on the name of these black holes, it is easy to assume that the mass of these celestial giants is enormous, no less than the mass of four million Suns. Today we are only able to determine the presence of black holes by observing the movements of celestial bodies in a certain place. Depending on the speed and direction of travel, we can quite confidently assume that at some point the black hole will overtake them and sweep them away like a hurricane.

At the center of any galaxy are stars and gas clusters rotating at high speed. According to scientists, this position of celestial objects implies the presence in the center of any galaxy, including ours, of a supermassive black hole. In principle, we have nothing special to fear, because our planet is located at a fairly large distance from the “danger zone”. However, the danger lies elsewhere: the problem is that black holes are fueled by gas and eventually stop moving. Getting into the gas zone creates an increase in the volume of the hole itself, then scientists say that the hole becomes more active and turns into an “active galactic nucleus.” During this period, these “galactic nuclei” turn into powerful sources of radioactive radiation, devouring all the gas in their galaxy that forms stars. As a rule, this process stops when the hole no longer has anything to “feed” and, in the end, it closes. However, during the active galactic nucleus phase, the process of star formation sharply intensifies, this is what is called a starburst. Such stars are quite large and massive, many of them turn into supernovae, destroying everything that might get in their way. In essence, it turns out that supermassive black holes litter their own galaxy with tons of explosives.

Red planets

Depending on the scientific theory, common in your school years, our solar system had eight or nine planets. However, it is noteworthy that this number only includes planets whose behavior can be brought to some standard. The red planets are rebels and “bad guys” of outer space, for whom the concept of “orbit” is not a law and they simply don’t care about the rules of behavior of the other planets. The red planets do not rotate around their axis, they wander around the galaxy until they encounter some other cosmic body on their way, which either stops the movement of the Red planet or stops itself under its influence. According to the most common theory of the origin of the red planets, they were displaced from their orbits due to their uncontrollable behavior.

The red planets are quite a frightening phenomenon, but something about them is simply terrifying. For example, their number. There are twice as many of these planets in our galaxy as there are stars. Impressive, isn't it? The second is their size, which is not inferior to the size of Jupiter. Now imagine two hundred billion Jupiters, not tied to a strict orbit, moving chaotically throughout our Universe. God either has a very strange sense of humor or is a big fan of pinball. A collision of the red planet with a foreign object does not always have dire consequences, but sometimes it can cause a real disaster. It is believed that the red planet is capable of displacing another celestial body from its orbit, sending it wandering erratically in outer space.

Hypernova star

As the name suggests, a hypernova is something like a supernova, but with a much larger diameter. Hypernovae occur when the core of a supermassive star collapses directly into a black hole. The released energy reaches simply incredible speed, creating with its movement two jet streams of plasma moving at the speed of light, while releasing powerful gamma radiation. This can only be compared to a shot from a cannon, but on a completely different scale.

However, there is good news: this can only happen in the largest stars in the galaxy, giants hundreds of times the mass of the Sun. Such huge celestial bodies are extremely rare and the formation of a hypernova is possible once every two hundred million years. The bad news is that for Earth, the date of the fatal collision is inexorably approaching.

It is quite possible that Eta Carinae, the closest object capable of colliding with a hypernova, will simply explode and collapse. However, for us these events are unlikely to have serious consequences due to the enormous distance of seventy-five hundred light years. If this happened in the neighborhood of our planet, all living things would be wiped out from the face of the Earth by a plasma explosion. Fortunately, our solar system is somewhat like a guarded residence, and the terrible giants keep a fairly safe distance from our planet. Perhaps it was the hypernova that at a certain moment became the cause of the destruction of all life on earth, which was later called the Ordovician-Silurian extinction.

Is there life on “oxygen” stars?

Astronomers have discovered two cosmic bodies the size of Earth, the surrounding atmosphere of which is abundantly saturated with oxygen. This find could be an excellent place to search for alien life, if not for one annoying circumstance - both bodies belong to the “white dwarf” class. Now scientists are trying to determine the initial weight of “oxygen” stars. It is assumed that they were huge and were the progenitors of many luminaries in the Universe.

The stars SDSS 0922+2928 and SDSS 1102+2054 are located at a distance of 400 and 220 light years from Earth. Previously, it was believed that these were ordinary white dwarfs, that is, very dense, hot, small stars made of degenerate gas. They are in the last stage of stellar evolution. Nuclear reactions no longer take place inside them. The glow occurs due to slow cooling. And since SDSS 0922+2928 and SDSS 1102+2054 are not visible to the human eye, they have not even earned the right to receive proper names.

However, scientists from the English University of Warwick and the German University of Kehl discovered that these are not quite ordinary white dwarfs, but the cores of once huge stars. In addition, they have an unusual chemical composition. Theoretical model showed that such massive celestial bodies, whose initial mass is 7-10 times greater than the mass of the Sun, have only one ending - collapse and transformation into a neutron star. However, the discovered dwarfs demonstrate an alternative development option.

As their constituent elements are destroyed, oxygen begins to predominate in their core. A similar model of development was proposed a quarter of a century ago, and the latest discovery confirmed its correctness. Most often, white dwarfs are surrounded by an atmosphere of residual hydrogen or helium, which makes them difficult to find against the background of large stars with the same chemical composition. 0922+2928 and SDSS 1102+2054 have completely lost substances for the thermonuclear reaction and therefore stand out in the field of view of the spectral telescope as pure oxygen . “The fact that we were able to detect such large masses of oxygen suggests that the cores of white dwarfs are already completely exposed,” says Boris Gaansik from the University of Warwick. “The preservation of the entire core may be a sign that these two stars were among the most massive in the Universe."

It was previously thought that the oxygen or neon cores of dwarfs are enveloped in a gas layer with a high carbon content, which prevents the evaporation of oxygen. This isolation causes the star to explode in the final stages of its life. However, new calculations have shown that the greater the initial mass of a star, the thinner the layer surrounding it and the less likely it is that it will turn into a neutron star. The discovery of astronomers clearly demonstrates that these oldest stars in the Universe were very massive. And this is what saved them from death.

Now scientists are trying to determine the initial weight of “oxygen” stars, but there are already suggestions that they were colossal and were the progenitors of many other stars in the Universe.

2.2 The most interesting things about space

From what we know, some facts are still unpredictable and surprising to us, for example:

Lightness, if you put Saturn in water, it will float on the surface. The average density of Saturn's substance is almost 2 times less than the density of water.

Constant movement. All of us - people, houses, rivers and mountains - are constantly moving in space at a speed of 530 kilometers per second. Inside our galaxy, we move at a speed of 225 km/sec, and the Galaxy itself rushes through space at a speed of 305 km/sec. Thus, while you are reading this sentence, the Earth has transported you to a distance of 3 thousand kilometers.

Goodbye old friend. The Moon is moving away from the Earth. Every year, the Moon moves away from the Earth at a distance of almost 4 cm. There are many reasons for this, one of them is the slowdown in the Earth’s rotation period by 2 milliseconds per day. Scientists do not know how the Moon was formed; they suggest that it is a fragment of the Earth, “beaten off” by a large cosmic body, which hit the surface of the Earth many billions of years ago.

Light from the past. The light from the Sun that you see is 30 thousand years old. The energy that we receive from the Sun was formed in its core 30,000 years ago - this is exactly the time it takes for photons (particles of light) to “break through” from the center of the star to its surface. After that, they reach Earth in just 8 minutes. The temperature of the solar core is more than 13 million degrees, and all the energy it produces must first pass through numerous layers to the surface in the form of light from other radiations.

Solar diet. The sun loses more than a billion kilograms of mass per second. This happens through the solar wind - a stream of particles moving from the surface of the Sun in different directions. Its nature and causes have not yet been fully studied. By the way, one tiny particle of solar wind (the size of a poppy seed) is enough to kill a person at a distance of up to 160 km.

Big Dipper-constellation. One of the most noticeable formations in the sky is Ursa Major. In fact, this is not just a constellation, but a so-called ASTERISM. This word is used to describe a visible cluster of stars, which are actually located very far from each other, in different galaxies. We see such forms only due to the special location of the Earth relative to the asterism. Ursa Major is part of another constellation, the so-called. Ursa Major (Ursa Great).

Uranus was originally called "George's Star". When scientist William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus in 1781, he received the right to name his discovery. He chose the name Georgium Sidus (Star of George), in honor of King George III. Here's what the scientist said about this: "In past times, planets were named by their names famous gods- Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. In modern philosophical times, I want to do things differently. If descendants ask when the last planet was discovered solar system? The answer will be very honorable - During the reign of King George III." Uranus was also the first planet discovered using a telescope.

The Earth has 4 moons. This is not entirely true, but very close. In 1896, Duncan Waldron discovered an asteroid with a diameter of 5 km, orbiting the Sun with a frequency equal to the frequency of the Earth's revolution. Because of this, it turned out that this celestial body was constantly moving next to the Earth. The asteroid was named Cruithne in honor of the ancient Scottish people. Because of its constant connection with the Earth, it was called the second satellite of the Earth. This satellite can only be seen through a sufficiently powerful telescope. After this, 3 more similar celestial bodies associated with the Earth were discovered. In the figure above, the trajectory of one satellite is indicated in blue, the Earth's in yellow.

9. Cold welding. If two pieces of metal touch in space, they will weld to each other. It sounds incredible, but it's true. If there are no oxides on their surface, this will happen. This does not happen on Earth, because oxides immediately form on the surface in the atmosphere. This may seem like a big problem, but it really isn't. All instruments involuntarily oxidize on Earth before flying into space. A similar phenomenon of cold welding was specially studied in space and was confirmed by experiments.

Chapter 3. Benefits or harms of stars/constellations for our planet

In this section, we will look at how stars/constellations can both harm and help, and what we should expect from the Universe.

In the 12th question, “Can the stars harm or help?” many noted that the stars can both harm and help, and some do not know at all.

Someone answered that the stars are simply beautiful, they cannot harm, but they can help with their appearance. Someone explained their point of view in such a way that the stars cannot harm, since they seem to “live a separate life and do not interfere with the Earth”, a very interesting statement, or as another answered, it all depends on us. Some also noted that they could cause harm; our life and the life of the planet depend on the stars. Indeed, if it weren’t for the Sun, we would have a hard time and soon the world would turn into a gloomy house.

Now we will look specifically at the significance of the star Sun and the constellation Chanterelle for us.

The sun is the source of life and light on Earth and provides thermoregulation on our planet. The age of the Sun is 5 billion years. Since the cradle of human civilization, the Sun has attracted Special attention people, he was credited with miraculous properties, he was worshiped, he was deified. Today, humanity knows a lot about the nature of the Sun and its radiation. It is determined by its main components reaching the Earth. They are: visible light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Briefly, I will say that visible light provides visual perception of objects; infrared radiation causes a thermal effect, and ultraviolet radiation is the biologically most active part of the solar spectrum.

The constellation Chanterelle poses a great threat to our planet. One of the planets in the constellation Chanterelle is experiencing an apocalypse. The temperature of its atmosphere reached tens of thousands of degrees and literally boiled away due to a flare that occurred on a neighboring star. American scientists noticed all this with the help of the Hubble telescope and tried to draw analogies. The distant planet is similar to the Earth, and its star is similar to the Sun. Theoretically, a repeat scenario of such a catastrophe is possible.

Astronomers claim that after the flare, planetary air escaped at a rate of one thousand tons per second. The same processes, however, less intense, also occur in the earth’s atmosphere. The constellation in which the deflation of the atmosphere was recorded was discovered back in the 17th century and its full name is Little Fox with Goose. However, due to the fact that Goose was rarely singled out as a separate constellation, the name was shortened. Now Chanterelle is under close supervision of scientists. The Chinese claim that the axis of evil extends through it. There is no mysticism here, everything has scientific explanation: the name denotes an extended region along which the orientation of the entire structure of the Universe is established. Here there are new ideas for film scripts, and the general principles of the theory of relativity, and the theory of the Big Bang.

Thus, we still do not know anything specifically about the starry sky, which is full of secrets and mysteries. And we don’t yet know what to expect from it, it is predictable and can either harm or help our planet at any time.

Results of the survey

I conducted a survey among young people and adults and identified the number of people interested in studying the stars. It turned out that stars have little meaning in the lives of young people, namely for students in our group and schoolchildren in the 10th and 11th grades, or even for adults. The problem is that many kids didn't study astronomy or anything related to the stars at school. To summarize, I present to you a diagram that will show what percentage of students are interested in studying stars and constellations.

The diagram shows that at this time students devote little time to studying the stars, this is due to the fact that many children did not take an elective course at school, or simply did not have the subject, or simply were not interested. Just for fun, I interviewed my relatives, and it turned out that their knowledge score exceeded 80 and even ninety points. So, from 60 to 80 points, 38% of the guys fall - that's 6 people who are interested and spend time with the stars from time to time, some of them, or rather just three people, studied astronomy at school, the rest for themselves, on their own. From 40 to 60 56% belong, which is 9 people who are less interested. They, of course, love to watch the stars, but they have no desire to study. From 20 to 60 there are 6%, that is, one person who has a negative attitude towards this, is practically not interested in anything, there is no curiosity to learn something new, to observe the objects of our Universe and just get pleasure from it. The survey was also carried out among high school students, but the result was the same as among students. We differ in knowledge about the world of the starry sky only from adults, who know more than we do.


In conclusion, I would like to say that our modern and future society is deteriorating from the knowledge and study of the starry sky, so sometimes it is worth relaxing in your free time and observing the objects of our Universe or brightly burning “fireflies”. Knowledge of the starry sky is an integral part of world culture, affecting many, sometimes completely diverse areas. human activity- from astronomy itself to art history.


1.Very interesting facts about space http://clubs. xml? item_no=4984

Is there life on “oxygen” stars/science and technology/

Where did the modern names of the constellations come from?

Science articles life of stars http://www.starballs. files/3n. htm

Consideration of the nature and composition of stars/Astronomy

Wikipedia/Hipparchus http://ru.

Wikipedia/Galileo http://ru.,_%C3%E0%EB%E8%EB%E5%EE

Starfleet Academy

Journey through our Universe http://nashavselenaya.

Variety of stellar characteristics and their patterns/ http://edu. php? id=25

The star tree of our ancestors

Stars and constellations

Why do stars glow during the day but are not visible at night?

Why do stars fall? php

Four of the most frightening space objects

Science and Technology/Discoveries

Apocalypse of the constellation Chanterelle

Tags: The stars and constellations are one Report Aviation and astronautics

Even ancient people united the stars in our sky into constellations. IN old times When the true nature of the celestial bodies was unknown, residents assigned the characteristic “patterns” of stars to the outlines of some animals or objects. Subsequently, the stars and constellations became overgrown with legends and myths.

Star maps

Today there are 88 constellations. Many of them are quite remarkable (Orion, Cassiopeia, Ursa Ursa) and contain many interesting objects that are accessible not only to professional and amateur astronomers, but also to ordinary people. On the pages of this section we will tell you about the most interesting objects in the constellations, their location, and provide many photographs and entertaining video recordings.

List of sky constellations in alphabetical order

Russian nameLatin nameReductionSquare
(square degrees)
Number of stars brighter
AndromedaAnd722 100
GeminiGem514 70
Ursa MajorUMa1280 125
Canis MajorCMa380 80
LibraLib538 50
AquariusAqr980 90
AurigaAur657 90
LupusLup334 70
BootsBoo907 90
Coma BerenicesCom386 50
CorvusCrv184 15
HerculesHer1225 140
HydraHya1303 130
ColumbaCol270 40
Canes VenaticiCVn465 30
VirgoVir1294 95
DelphinusDel189 30
DracoDra1083 80
MonocerosMon482 85
AraAra237 30
PictorPic247 30
CamelopardalisCam757 50
GrusGru366 30
LepusLep290 40
OphiuchusOph948 100
SerpensSer637 60
DoradoDor179 20
IndusInd294 20
CassiopeiaCas598 90
CarinaCar494 110
CetusSet1231 100
CapricornusCap414 50
PyxisPyx221 25
PuppisPup673 140
CygnusCyg804 150
LeoLeo947 70
VolansVol141 20
LyraLyr286 45
VulpeculaVul268 45
Ursa MinorUMi256 20
EquuleusEqu72 10
Leo MinorLMi232 20
Canis MinorCMi183 20
MicroscopiumMic210 20
MuscaMus138 30
AntliaAnt239 20
NormaNor165 20
AriesAri441 50
OctansOct291 35
AquilaAql652 70
OrionOri594 120
PavoPav378 45
VelaVel500 110
PegasusPeg1121 100
PerseusPer615 90
FornaxFor398 35
ApusAps206 20
CancerCnc506 60
CaelumCae125 10
PiscesPsc889 75
LynxLyn545 60
Corona BorealisCrB179 20
SextansSex314 25
ReticulumRet114 15
ScorpiusSco497 100
SculptorScl475 30
MensaMen153 15
SagittaSge80 20
SagittariusSgr867 115
TelescopiumTel252 30
TaurusTau797 125
TriangulumTri132 15
TucanaTuc295 25
PhoenixPhe469 40
ChamaeleonCha132 20
CentaurusCen1060 150
CepheusCep588 60
CircinusCir93 20
HorologiumHor249 20
CraterCrt282 20
ScutumSct109 20
EridanusEri1138 100
Thanks to observations by astronomers, it turned out that the location of stars gradually changes over time. Accurate measurements of these changes require many hundreds and thousands of years. The night sky creates the appearance of a countless number of celestial bodies, randomly located in relation to each other, which often outline constellations in the sky. More than 3 thousand stars are visible in the visible part of the sky, and 6000 in the entire sky.

Visible location

Constellation Cygnus from Johann Bayer's atlas "Uranometria" 1603

The location of dim stars can be determined by finding bright ones, and thus, the necessary constellation can be found. Since ancient times, in order to make it easier to find constellations, bright stars have been grouped together. These constellations received the names of animals (Scorpio, Ursa Major, etc.), were named after the heroes of Greek myths (Perseus, Andromeda, etc.), or simple names of objects (Libra, Arrow, Northern Crown, etc.). Since the 18th century, some of the bright stars of each constellation began to be named by letters of the Greek alphabet. In addition, about 130 brightly shining stars were named after them. After some time, astronomers designated them with the numbers that are used today for stars of low brightness. Since 1922, some large constellations were divided into small ones, and instead of groups of constellations, they began to be considered sections of the starry sky. On this moment There are 88 separate areas in the sky called constellations.


Over the course of several hours of observing the night sky, you can see how the celestial sphere, which includes the luminaries, as one whole, smoothly rotates around an invisible axis. This movement was called diurnal. The movement of the luminaries occurs from left to right.

The Moon and Sun, as well as the stars, rise in the east, rise to their maximum height in the southern part, and set on the western horizon. Watching the rising and setting of these luminaries, it is discovered that, unlike stars, corresponding different days year, they rise at different points in the east and set at different points in the west. In December, the Sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest. Over time, the points of west and sunrise shift towards the northern horizon. Accordingly, the Sun rises higher above the horizon at noon every day, the length of the day becomes longer, and the length of the night decreases.

Movement of celestial objects along the constellations

From the observations made, it is clear that the Moon is not always in the same constellation, but moves from one to another, moving from west to east by 13 degrees per day. The moon makes a full circle in the sky in 27.32 days, passing through 12 constellations. The Sun makes a similar path as the Moon, however, the speed of the Sun's movement is 1 degree per day and the entire path travels in a year.

Zodiac constellations

The names of the constellations through which the Sun and Moon pass were given the names of the zodiacs (Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries). The Sun passes through the first three constellations in the spring, the next three in the summer, and the subsequent ones in the same way. Only six months later those constellations in which the Sun is now located become visible.

Popular science film "Secrets of the Universe - Constellations"
