See what awaits you. Love horoscope for March for every zodiac sign! See what awaits you Exact horoscope for March Capricorn

You don’t have the slightest chance of being in the shadows, since Capricorn can safely consider March 2017 a time of maximum luck and even its finest hour.

The time has come to activate all your strength and throw it at solving the most important matters. Luck will not be present in every case a little. Find the most basic, the most important and prioritize that. You will definitely succeed.

You are now supported by the stars, and you must take on what is most important. If it's health, don't be distracted by finances and relationships. Don't waste time on unimportant tasks.

Communicate with new people - they will definitely give you a lot of useful and important information, thanks to which you will master new materials needed for work.

In relationships with the opposite sex, you should be careful and attentive. Most likely, those who prove their affection to you with special zeal are not really trying to make you happy. Most likely, they pursue other goals. Be careful about your words and actions. Those who want the best for you will not show off their deeds done for the sake of your well-being; they simply rejoice at your success and well-being.

Do not refuse if you are offered a change, do not be afraid of travel, responsible business trips, and you will see life in a completely new color.

Be with your children and parents more often, your current state will be passed on to them, and they really need a feeling of security and confidence in the future. Don’t stand your ground, sometimes agree to suggestions, admit when you’re wrong – this is a strong act.

Health and sports

Sport should enter your life as a necessary condition that ensures its quality. You will become a completely new person, you will feel strength and creative energy.

Have you decided to change your physical form, your diet, have you decided to follow a diet? Now is the time, you can now easily lose weight not only through exercise and sports, but also through changes in eating habits.

Choose a vegetable and fruit table, replace sweets with dried fruits and nuts. Your digestive tract will thank you.

By the end of March, you will feel that you are changing not only externally, but also your condition, your inner sense of self-confidence is growing every day.

Don’t give up walking, jogging, or active recreation. Try spending a weekend in a sports camp, where you need to actively train all day, participate in difficult sports competitions, and in the evening you can relax with friends over pleasant conversations near the night fire.

Clean up your closet where you keep your secrets and thoughts. Most likely, some of your experiences are no longer relevant at all, and you still cannot forgive yourself for this or that action.

Until you achieve harmony with yourself, your everyday affairs and relationships with loved ones will not go well.

Finance and shopping

Thrifty and thrifty Capricorn can consider the horoscope for March 2017 a benefit and time to restore his position. You can easily go through all the stages of making purchases such as real estate, a car, or paying for treatment, but if you decide to take out a loan and mortgage, difficulties may arise. Streams aimed at increasing funds rather than spending them are now open to you. You can exchange your home for a more comfortable one, but you should not have any debts.

Do not refuse to help a friend who asks you for a loan to buy something serious. He will definitely return the money, and you will find support in his face in any matter of life. Feel free to formalize the transfer of money, and do not assume that your friend will think that you do not trust him. He will just take this issue more seriously.

Save on small things. The Year of the Rooster should pass under the sign of saving; the Rooster does not like small expenses that add up to large sums. It will hit hard those who waste money where it is not necessary. Learn to count change, and you will have a chance to count large bills.

Career and business

You have reached the maximum in what you are doing now, and you feel that you can do more. This means that the time has come to put all your efforts in this direction - to change your profession, but first you need to try to rise where you are working now. Most likely, there are vacancies in your company, you just weren’t interested.

Collect all your projects, proposals, and prove that you are capable of leading a new project or the work of an entire department.

If you have your own business, take a closer look at your employees; most likely, among them there will be people who take their place not entirely because they have experience and desire. Test staff for knowledge of their business, test personnel responsible for such things as safety precautions. All areas that are responsible for life safety must be under the most incorruptible control.

Don't be at a loss if your partners propose a new business. Calculate the risks, offer your terms and get started. You will easily get up to speed and be able to fully meet all expectations.

Love and new relationships

Brave and decisive in winning hearts, Capricorn internally considers the love horoscope for March 2017 to be correct only because there have never been so many changes and opportunities in his life. He does not need to look for a mate if he is alone, since there are so many people around him who want to give their hearts that he is somewhat confused himself.

Take advantage of the fact that your luck extends to the sphere of relationships and love like nothing else, and start improving your personal life. If you are not married yet, take a closer look at those with whom you enjoy being with for a long time, from whom you do not get tired, even if you spend several days together in a row. You yourself understand that you only miss someone who is sincerely dear to you.

Family Capricorns literally melt from the tenderness that their other half gives them. They deserve it, but do not forget that everything should be mutual. Even if your spouse has patience and nerves coupled with boundless and holy love for you, they may have a desire to receive mutual tenderness from you.

New acquaintances can quickly take a place in your heart, and you yourself will not be able to catch the moment when this happened, this may turn out to be for the best, but if you are married, do not rush to lose what is really dear to you, do not chase for novelty.

You see love as a complete immersion in the life of your passion, but you shouldn’t pour yourself into it so grandiosely, because you should remain yourself and have your own habits, your own outlook on life, on the situation. Remember that you are a separate “I” that needs to express yourself.

Man – Capricorn

You are the head of the family, a good son and a caring father, and also an excellent friend who can be trusted. This is what you must remember and cultivate most strongly in yourself.

Capricorn - a man in March 2017 can live as a bright flash of emotions, joys and gifts of fate, or take advantage of luck and open roads, and strengthen his position, make it as stable as possible. Choose the second - this is the act of an adult, wise person who is responsible for himself and his loved ones.

If you now take the financial issue seriously, set things up so that you can control all processes in one move. And everything will fall into place.

Don’t trust people from your past, don’t rush to look for a replacement for your love, remember that when you make a decision, you change not only your life, but also the life of your other half, who trusts and believes in you.

Capricorn Woman

She is more attractive than ever to men and arouses the envy of women. All eyes are on you in March, and not taking advantage of this is a sin.

The love horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn - a woman can consider it a reference book that says “Act.” You can achieve the best of everything available to you. Just don’t procrastinate and don’t be afraid to take a step.

It is possible that married ladies will decide to have an affair, but always remember that if this is revealed, you will never regain the status that you had.

Take your time, do everything thoughtfully - from going to the stylist to agreeing to marriage, think about the little things.

It is better if during this period you carefully examine your career, your business, or solve problems at work. Make peace with your best friends whom you have offended or neglected. Your parents and children are waiting for your attention, your care. Call and put things aside and meet your family for dinner. Discuss plans. This could be the perfect start to that trusting relationship you've been dreaming of. Now you will complete each point in the chain that you have planned.

Great things await you in March, but this will require a lot of mental and physical strength. Therefore, you should not waste your internal reserve on empty conversations and unnecessary meetings. It is better to protect your potential from the first days, which will still be useful to you this month.

The beginning of the month will be extremely favorable. A calm environment will be established around Capricorn, which will only contribute to the right decisions and the right actions. You will be able to immediately begin to implement all your plans and ideas that have not been realized up to this point, even if they previously seemed unrealistic.

In order not to go astray and still achieve your goal, the stars advise you to become more disciplined and organized. But determination will already prevail in your character this spring.

But not everything is as simple and easy as it might seem at first glance. Capricorn will have to do some work on himself. You will need to begin to control your emotions and try to remain absolutely calm in any situation. And if at the same time you do not lose your temper and do not release this destructive force, then Capricorn will definitely be able to change life for the better.

And then at the end of the month you can arrange some pleasant leisure time for yourself by reading your favorite book or going to the premiere of a movie.

Capricorn Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

For many Capricorn women, from March the general situation around them will begin to become clearer. They will be able to find answers to many exciting questions, and this will become a kind of impetus for further movement forward.

Perhaps from a close friend you will receive valuable information that you need to skillfully manage. The main thing is not to rush, but to think everything over carefully. Now you have all the cards in your hands to gain inner independence and feel a little happier than before.

Significant changes will begin from the middle of the month. The Capricorn woman must steadfastly go through this difficult period, which will be too ornate and exciting. And in order not to be overloaded with a large flow of new information and to have time to process it in time, every weekend you should give yourself a rest for your soul and body.

You can go to the pool, spend time in the bathhouse with friends, or visit a beauty salon. And then, with new strength, you will again be ready to conquer new heights in all areas of your life. The main thing is to perceive all changes with gratitude. And then the period of unrest will soon end.

Capricorn Man: Horoscope for March 2019

From the first days of March, you have to collect your thoughts and get serious. A frivolous attitude towards life and occasional frivolous behavior can only lead you to disappointing disappointment.

This month, Capricorn men will have a chance not only to take a fresh look at themselves from the outside, but also to acquire new values. And this will allow you to start building your life in a completely different direction.

In the middle of the month, you risk falling into the blues. An interesting activity will help you protect yourself from this destructive feeling. This could be creative work or professional sports. The main thing is to plunge into the hobby headlong, so that there is not even a free second left for negative and overwhelming thoughts.

At the end of March, you will definitely need to spend several days with your family. This will help you get closer and understand each other better. And then the newfound cohesion will help the Capricorn man find the right direction and begin to overcome all his inner fears, which until this moment prevented him from finding complete happiness.

In March 2019, Mercury will continue its tests on Capricorns who are in the workplace - says the March 2019 horoscope. Capricorn will be tested in relationships with colleagues and subordinates, so much so that this may cause the poor health of the representatives of the sign.


During the past winter, Capricorns more than once felt that this was a period of life when they had to work hard and even fight in order to successfully overcome all the obstacles that seemed to only continue to grow in their way. But even now there is no reason to rejoice. In March, Capricorns are destined to feel the same. The beginning of spring will bring the feeling that representatives of the sign are limited in everything that concerns their work process, relationships with colleagues and management. But every cloud has a silver lining; March can help most Capricorns become more serious and responsible within the work team, learn to more realistically assess business prospects, and build their future without forcing events.

By April 2019, Capricorns need to be even more attentive to the rules in order to do everything right, no matter how difficult it may be. Representatives of the sign need to find reserves and do their work even better, putting at the forefront the idea of ​​how to help others more and how to more effectively use their energy and theirs in optimizing the work process.

The financial horoscope of Capricorns is relatively stable, but no breakthroughs will happen in this area. This is not bad, considering that most representatives of the sign will be able to avoid financial pitfalls and unplanned waste.


The horoscope foretells that for many Capricorns in March 2019, relationships with spouses, relatives and even neighbors may significantly improve. Capricorns give kindness and warmth to those around them, in return receiving returns a hundredfold. Improving relationships with loved ones will definitely bring good luck to Capricorns.

In March 2019, unexpected journeys may arise in the life of Capricorns. The trip is sure to be pleasant, without any problems. Capricorns now absorb beauty even with their skin, they enjoy beauty, thereby charging themselves with energy for many months to come.

In the Capricorn family circle there is complete mutual understanding and comfort. This situation will not last long, and by the end of spring many Capricorns may be overwhelmed by storms of conflicts and family troubles. Therefore, take advantage of the moment and give happiness to your loved ones.

Many representatives of the sign can make a slightly larger contribution to the family budget than usual. An old hobby can bring in additional income, and this will become a pleasant and stimulating event for new achievements.

Capricorn Woman

In March 2019, Capricorn women should take care of the maintenance of their wardrobe. The desire to save money has led many representatives of the sign to the fact that their wardrobe is somewhat dilapidated. Go to the store, but before you start shopping, clearly formulate for yourself what you need to buy. Then your purchases will be successful, and you will easily create a new, more attractive image. When buying clothes, give preference to bright colors and rich shades; summer is coming and you need to prepare very well for it.

In addition, the figure of many representatives of the sign needs adjustment. The extra pounds that have settled around the waist over the winter do not make the Capricorn woman look good. Capricorns are restrained in food, but their body lacks physical activity, especially since most Capricorn women earn money through mental labor. The doors of the fitness room are open, and those who want to lose excess weight will be able to do so without difficulty.

Capricorn Man

Capricorn men will experience a rather pleasant month in all respects. They are comfortable at home, and there are no special problems at work. This will provoke them into slight relaxation. They will be absorbed in the contemplation of beauty. Exhibitions, concerts, literature and music are exactly what the doctor ordered. With their help, Capricorns harmonize relationships not only with others, but also with themselves.

Rare luck can await Capricorn men who are passionate about collecting. Mars, namely its influence intensifies towards the end of the month, can give you the chance to acquire a rare item for your collection. The stars warn against buying with borrowed funds. Such a purchase will make a hole in your budget for many months to come.

Capricorn child

Many little Capricorns will delight their parents with their first words, steps or other achievements. . But, at the same time, growing up representatives of the sign will have to give up their belief in miracles in March 2019. Capricorns are naturally endowed with analytical skills and healthy skepticism. Parents' answers to all questions posed by little Capricorns should contain only facts and nothing but facts. Only in this case will your child have one hundred percent confidence in the information you provide.


Nothing serious will threaten Capricorns in terms of health in March. The worst thing that can happen to representatives of the sign at the beginning of spring is a mild stomach upset.

But the psycho-emotional sphere of Capricorn in March is quite vulnerable. Stress at work, a tight schedule and the rhythm of life will unravel the nervous system of many Capricorns. The stars advise the use of spiritual practices and meditation. This will not only help balance the nervous system, but will also make the psyche less labile for the rest of your life. In addition, by getting to know oneself, Capricorn will be able to understand a lot in arranging life.

Sports activities started in March 2019 can become a habit and become an integral part of Capricorn’s life for many years. In March, you should not get involved in sports related to weight lifting. Such activities can provoke diseases of the spine or large joints of the legs. Give preference to running or swimming. From such training you will receive not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Horoscope for March 2019, Capricorn will improve relationships with your spouse, relatives and friends.
The hobby will become profitable.
Capricorns will have unexpected but pleasant journeys ahead.
Horoscope for April 2019, Capricorn.

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In the first month of spring, taking care of your loved one is very important for Capricorns; this is what becomes your priority. The connection with your lover becomes much more intimate, there is a desire to talk about your feelings, to experience moments of deep emotional intimacy. The planet of love, Venus, is located in the Capricorn family sector, so you are not drawn to being in noisy companies, you will be happy to spend time at home.

March 5, 2017 Venus begins a period of retrograde (reverse) movement, which introduces special nuances into personal life. When a planet moves backwards, it often means going back and revisiting the past. Maybe you'll take a fresh look at an old friend of the opposite sex. Most importantly, this will not be a momentary impulse, but real interest, an understanding that this person deserves your close attention.

During Venus retrograde, you once again have a chance to correct old mistakes. If you have had an unpleasant incident with your significant other in the recent past, you can find the right words to improve the situation.

Married couples will focus on household chores. Perhaps you will take part in the affairs of relatives and organize a family celebration. In March 2017, many Capricorns will be engaged in repairs, interior renovation or home improvement, and will purchase something for their home. Interaction with parents will intensify, they will take part in your personal affairs. If you are single, your relatives can introduce you to someone.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for March 2017

In March 2017, Capricorns have good potential for achieving success in work and business. With Jupiter in the house of career, you will have enough strength to cope with the most difficult tasks. Working in collaboration with others will give you an advantage.

In the sector of the Capricorn family there is a concentration of planets - Venus, Mercury, Mars and Uranus are located here in March 2017. This means that relatives may interfere in professional affairs. The home environment will affect the performance of work responsibilities; in some cases, it will not be easy to choose priorities - family or work.

For finances, the month is quite controversial. On the one hand, you will have the opportunity to attract additional income; this can be either income, financial assistance from someone close to you, or even a valuable gift. On the other hand, there is the possibility of losses. Excessive optimism in your approach to money issues will play a negative role. The stars advise you to be more careful when making financial transactions.


You are in better physical shape than in the previous month, but you still need to pay enough attention to your health. There are many planets that make intense aspects to the sign of Capricorn, so there is a risk of overload, stress and even accidents. To minimize the undesirable effects of this period, you need to plan your activities correctly, maintain an optimistic attitude and not force yourself to work excessively. If you have elderly parents, take care of their health, because this month is not easy.

Be careful when traveling and when handling potentially dangerous objects and mechanisms!

The beginning of spring this year will be a time for Capricorns to make decisions regarding matters of the heart. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will think about long-term relationships and their role in them in March. Will Capricorns' decisions lead to improvements in their love relationships? Will Capricorns be happier in March? The accurate love horoscope for March has answers to these and other questions.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for March 2017

Single Capricorn men and girls will have the opportunity to make new acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex and have a pleasant time with new acquaintances. However, the love horoscope in March does not advise Capricorns to perceive every new meeting as fateful. There is a high probability that this communication will not become a long-awaited event, but will end only with light flirting and pleasant memories.

During this period, married Capricorns are prone to thinking about their own role in marriage. The stars recommend listening to the desires and needs of your spouses in order to strengthen your relationship. This period for Capricorns will be characterized primarily by work on themselves. Everyday life and worries take a lot of energy, but this is not a reason to refuse attention and love for your soulmate. All the efforts made in March will not go unnoticed by your partner.

Love horoscope for Capricorn woman for March 2017

Free girls born under the sign of Capricorn will notice a need to feel weak and defenseless during this period of time. The love horoscope prepares Capricorn girls in March the opportunity to experience love feelings and enjoy increased attention. New acquaintances for representatives of this sign in March may not develop into a passionate romance, but this is not a reason for concern. Most likely, in the social circle of Capricorn girls there is already that person who is happy to surround you with his tenderness and give pleasant emotions.

Married Capricorn women will be able to temporarily forget about everyday problems in March and experience pleasant emotions from gifts and attention from their spouse. For some of them, the first spring month of this year will open a second wind in family relationships and will be remembered for a long time by the rekindled fire of passion and tenderness. March will make other representatives of this sign think about breaking up their current relationship. In any case, the natural wisdom of the Capricorn woman will help you set priorities correctly and avoid rash decisions in the first month of spring.

Love horoscope for Capricorn man for March 2017

In March, single Capricorn men have the opportunity to fully enjoy communication and flirting with representatives of the fairer sex, which can slightly turn their heads and fill their lives with vivid feelings. This period prepares for Capricorns a greater chance of meeting their soulmate. However, Capricorns should not be too attentive to new acquaintances; this may scare off some girls. For Capricorn men who are already in a relationship but are in no hurry to legitimize it, March will help them decide to take a step towards marriage.

The first month of spring this year for married men born under the sign of Capricorn may be marked by minor misunderstandings with their spouse. But these troubles can be quickly resolved with the help of small surprises and expressions of care. In March, men should think about opening their souls more to their soulmate. A good way to improve family life for Capricorn is to spend time together. Whether it's a romantic getaway for two or a weekend spent just the two of you doesn't really matter. The main thing is to let your chosen one feel your sincere feelings.
