The best dream book online. Dream book (sonnik) online, if you dream. Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

The meaning of dreams (interpretation of dreams) is here! The most complete dream book online on the X-Archive website. It is compiled on the basis of the most famous and popular online dream books, therefore it is the most accurate. It included: Miller's dream book, Vanga's dream book, large dream book, Juno's dream book, Freud's dream book, Christian dream book, Muslim dream book, Vedic dream book and others. Since ancient times, the meaning of dreams and their interpretation have interested sages, astrologers and ordinary people. Dream interpretation and predictions are still one of the most pressing requests! Find out the meaning of your dreams, what dream symbols mean, and how they relate to your subconscious (your secret desires)! Learn to determine the meaning of dreams without a dream book and see prophetic dreams at will. The lunar dream calendar will tell you when dreams come true, and special techniques will allow you to get rid of bad dreams and nightmares! Get dream interpretation for free!

At night, when a person falls asleep, all organs and systems continue their autonomous work, and the brain also continues to work, as a result of which a person “sees” various pictures and scenes in a dream. This does not happen throughout the night, but usually towards the end of the sleep period, more precisely at its fifth stage. According to scientific information, the sleep of a healthy person is divided into five phases, the first four of which are the slow-wave sleep phases, and the fifth is the so-called REM sleep phase.

The Science of Dreams

The science that studies dreams is called oneirology. According to research in this area, each stage during sleep is very important for the restoration of neuro-physical and mental processes in the body. Their violation, due to insomnia or lack of sleep, can lead, with a single action, to a broken state and decreased performance, and in a systematic manner to disorders of a mental, physiological and psychological nature.

Sleep phases

Each phase of sleep has a specific function for restoring the area of ​​the brain “assigned” to it. Normally, each phase should follow one after another, and the full cycle lasts about two hours, and is repeated several times during the night.

  • The first stage is a state of half-asleep - the eyes close, thoughts become incoherent, the person plunges into a slight semi-oblivion. The phase lasts from five to ten minutes.
  • The second stage is the longest (up to half of the entire cycle) - falling into sleep. It is characterized by a slowdown in physiological and psychomotor processes in the body, the person switches off and completely falls asleep.
  • The third stage is falling into deep sleep. Complete relaxation occurs, body temperature decreases, pulse slows down, and all five senses are switched off.
  • The fourth stage is deep sleep. A person is fast asleep, and it is very difficult to wake him up at this stage of sleep. This phase lasts about half an hour, after which a sharp change occurs in the body, the heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes shallow - the fifth phase begins.
  • The fifth stage is REM sleep. A person sees images called dreams. This phase is short, from 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of the night, and up to 30 by the end. If a person wakes up during this period, he, in most cases, will remember what he dreamed. Scientists believe that this phase of sleep is a necessary protection for the body, providing psychological relief to a tired brain.
Encrypted messages

If during the first four phases of slow-wave sleep the body relaxes and the brain is completely rebooted, then during REM sleep there is a certain relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds of a person to rethink the moments experienced. With such a close connection, the subconscious can send messages to a person in the form of vivid dreams, as a warning, or vice versa, so that a person, having seen a favorable dream, calms down and stops worrying.

Lift the veil of secrecy

A person, upon waking up, remembers certain significant events seen in a dream; a certain guess arises inside - what could this mean?

Many millennia ago, humanity sought to interpret dreams. This was available only to people with a certain gift, as well as to those who had a connection with the other world - priests, soothsayers, shamans. A well-known biblical parable from the Old Testament tells of Joseph, who, having interpreted Pharaoh’s dream about thin and fat cows, predicted three fertile years for the kingdom, after which seven years of famine would come. Thanks to this, the pharaoh ordered large reserves to be made, and his kingdom survived the lean years without any problems. This is the most famous story in which a dream saved an entire kingdom from starvation.

Dream books of our site

Over the centuries, humanity has accumulated extensive experience in interpreting dreams. Different directions in this area make it possible to interpret even strange and sometimes incomprehensible dreams. On our website we have collected the most popular dream books known today. All of them are based on different theories: Miller, a famous businessman, thanks to his innate gift, interpreted dreams based on a deep analysis of images and objects that arise in a person’s subconscious during sleep. Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytic school - a therapeutic direction in psychology, took as a basis the psychological processes occurring in the human mind, which were interpreted subconsciously into dream images. He determined why a person dreamed of this or that picture, what could influence it and what it could lead to. The famous soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams, unraveling the messages encrypted in symbols and signs. The esoteric dream book interprets the deep mystical plans of fate in the same symbols. The intimate world, the world of love and family, is reflected in the closest and most understandable dream books of the corresponding title, where terms relating to the personal spheres of a person’s life are collected.

Solving dreams

Vivid, memorable dreams most likely carry some meaning, by interpreting which a person can find out what to prepare for in the future. Thus, there are often stories that in a dream, people, using certain meanings, learned about an imminent addition to the family, a wedding, or, conversely, about sad moments: an impending illness or even the death of loved ones. Therefore, the most important thing is to correctly interpret the dream, because most often the correct prediction comes true.

Majority method

In order to see the most complete picture of interpretations, it is better to use the majority method, i.e. find out the meaning of sleep in different dream books. Our website contains the most popular and, according to popular opinion, the most accurate dream books. You can also find out here whether a dream will come true or not, depending on the day of the month or day of the week on which it falls.

Dream book rules
  • It is necessary to establish the meaning of the entire dream in order to understand its “mood”, whether it will warn of danger or talk about upcoming happiness; for this you need to determine the name of the dream in one word and find out the interpretation.
  • The full meaning of a dream can only be unraveled by identifying all its important points. Here it is worth remembering the surrounding objects, animals, people, finding out the meaning of these symbols in order to understand the hidden opportunity to realize what you want, avoid trouble, turn the situation to your advantage, and much more.

It’s a sunny day and there is a hearse in the White House, on which is visible the corpse of a man with his face covered, dressed in black mourning attire. The American honor guard stands around the deceased. Seeing all this, I asked one of the soldiers: “Did someone die in the White House?” And in response I heard: “Yes, the President of the United States died. He died tragically from an assassin's bullet."

US President Abraham Lincoln had this terrible dream on the eve of his death. Unfortunately, the dream turned out to be prophetic. Just six weeks later, President Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater. He was shot in the head.

This creepy and in turn instructive story actually happened, and perfectly shows how important it is to know the meaning of what you dreamed about. A dream is not just a meaningless collection of fantasies and illusions. In most cases, dreams carry a lot of important, and sometimes prophetic, information.

The main tool of an expert is the ability to consider the core of a dream among the abundance of secondary symbols. Such skills only come with experience in the field of dreams. That is why independent interpretation of dreams using free dream books is as if you entrusted the responsible repair of your expensive car to a washing machine repairman.

Free online dream interpretation from an experienced expert that costs you nothing!

Today on the Internet you can see many resources offering free interpretation of dreams online and dream books of many famous authors. But let's try to figure out what their main drawback is? The first thing that comes to mind is the lack of human understanding of your dream.

Think for yourself, you can read the interpretation of dreams alphabetically for free from all the most popular dream books, but this will not help you understand the main plot of the dream. In this way, you will only learn the meaning of individual symbols, but not the dream as a whole.

That is why if you really want to find out the true meaning of what you dreamed, you should not rely on the dream book, the right solution is. On our website you can order an accurate interpretation of dreams for free and without registration, which is carried out by our permanent expert Lyubov Razumovskaya.

Professional analysis and interpretation of dreams for free by one of the most experienced experts in RuNet

Lyubov Razumovskaya has been interpreting dreams for more than 7 years and has extensive experience in this field. Over the years, she has been able to unravel the mysteries of many dreams and today helps people understand what exactly their dreams mean.

Very famous personalities approached her, including Natalya Vetlitskaya, singer Valeria, Irina Allegrova, Lika Star, Marina Khlebnikova and many others, whose names, at their request, we do not disclose.

Having several thousand interpreted dreams to her credit, Lyubov has developed one of the most accurate dream books, which was created taking into account modern realities based on her many years of experience and analysis of all the most popular dream books, including Miller’s Dream Book, Vanga’s Dream Book, Freud’s Dream Book "and many others.

Free dream interpretation for women and men who want to know what awaits them in the future

“The Dream Book of Amedea” is the embodiment of all the most popular literary works in the field of dreams in one book. Lyubov Razumovskaya is absolutely sure that every person has the right to know what his dreams portend.

That is why on our website you have the attractive opportunity to order a professional dream interpretation – free of charge. A dream book with a search will help you find the necessary symbols from your dream so that you can see their meanings according to the most popular and reliable dream books.

Independent interpretation of a dream requires a person to know the basic principles and techniques that experts use. Unfortunately, not every person understands this.

Most people try to find out the meaning of a dream by simply looking at popular dream books. If you want to get a reliable professional online interpretation of a dream for free and ask a question to an expert in this field, you just need to describe it in the comments.

“Online magazine Amedea” – free interpretation of dreams without registration and online dream book

Dreaming is one of the most mysterious phenomena that even modern scientists cannot explain. Knowledge about dream books and the interpretation of dreams for women and men has been passed down from generation to generation for many hundreds of years. But if previously, in order to find out the meaning of your dream, you had to look for an expert and sometimes travel to him across the whole country, today this can be easily done via the Internet.

Watch Miller's dream book for free with search, interpret dreams without registering on the site, ask a question to an expert in the field of dreams, watch Vanga's famous dream book and read a lot of interesting information about dreams and much more - you can do all this on just one site and absolutely free! So what are you waiting for?

Lyubov Razumovskaya

(Dream expert, psychologist)

Hello, I have been professionally interpreting dreams for more than 8 years and during this time I have accumulated vast experience in the field of deciphering the meanings of dreams. I provide both paid and free consultations.

  • If your dream has a simple plot and did not leave any special emotions after waking up, then you can take advantage of a free interpretation.
  • If the dream had a complex plot, there were close people in it, it was frightening in nature, and you think that it contains important symbols, then it is best to use.

Free dream interpretation

To get a free dream interpretation, just write it in the comments to this page. Remember all the details and try to describe your dream in as much detail as possible.

If there is important information, which will help me figure out the interpretation, then be sure to indicate it when describing the dream. This is the only way I can formulate the most accurate conclusion for you!

Personal interpretation of sleep

If the dream is important and you want to know its full meaning, then order personal interpretation of dreams by an expert.

During a personal interpretation, I will study in detail all the symbols of your dream, tell you what such a plot means, what important information is hidden in it, and whether your dream will come true.

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The Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a collection of the most popular dream books. Interpretation of dreams according to dream books is carried out online using a rubricator and a search form. A convenient search for a description of an image or symbol of a dream is presented in all dream books at once. The Dream Book of the House of the Sun presents free dream books of famous psychologists - Freud, Miller, Meneghetti, dream books of seers - Nostradamus, Vanga, as well as Muslim, Assyrian, Slavic and other online dream books.

Today is the Twenty-second lunar day

On a 22-moon day, such dreams will come true only after a few days. You can dream about the future... >>

Do you always remember what you dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is the most popular of all known dream books, containing about two thousand interpretations. Miller's dream book is considered one of the most accurate and complete. This dream book was first published at the end of the 19th century, but even today it has not lost its relevance and is gaining more and more fans.

American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller believed that the set of symbols that we see in dreams is not accidental. It is an encrypted code, which, if solved, can predict certain future events. Having analyzed individual combinations of objects, phenomena and events in the dreams of different people, Miller compiled a unified interpretation scheme, which formed the basis of Miller’s Dream Book.

Miller's dream book contains 2125 dream interpretations.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's Dream Book in the House of the Sun - the dream book of the famous Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud; one of the most interesting and unusual dream books. Having become a bestseller of the 20th century, Freud's Dream Book is still very popular these days.
By examining his own dreams and comparing the content of dreams with free associations, Sigmund Freud discovered their unconscious content and described a number of mental techniques that correlated dream images with their hidden meaning.

Freud's dream book contains 472 dream interpretations.

From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (up to three years).

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a dream book of the well-known fortune teller, the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. The soothsayer Vanga believed that dreams occupy an important place in the fate of people. Dreams are connected not only with the lives of individual people, but also with the destinies of entire countries. Vanga's dream book contains both interpretations concerning the personal fate of the dreamer, and interpretations predicting the future of states and even the planet.

Vanga's dream book will help you find out more information about your inner world.

Before using the interpretation of dreams from Vanga’s Dream Book, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with her biography outlined below.

Vanga's dream book contains 79 dream interpretations.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Book of Nostradamus in the House of the Sun - a dream book of the famous astrologer, doctor, alchemist and soothsayer Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century in France. One of the main features of the interpretations contained in the Dream Book of Nostradamus is that forecasts are made for the very distant future. According to Nostradamus, every person sees dreams that concern not only his personal feelings, desires, thoughts, but also social, natural phenomena, the fate of the country and the planet.

The dream book of Nostradamus contains 68 interpretations of dreams.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a dream book by the famous psychologist David Loff. According to David Loff, each person has his own symbols and dream scenarios, which are determined by the character of the dreamer, his life experience, and the events that happen to him. And therefore, a similar dream seen by different people can be interpreted differently. The basis of David Loff's Dream Book is not symbolic, but individual interpretation of dreams.

Loff's dream book contains 273 dream interpretations.

Assyrian dream book

The Assyrian dream book in the House of the Sun is a translation of the publication of the Assyrian dream book made by A. Oppenheim, an Assyriologist at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Chicago, USA. The original text of the Assyrian dream book, written in cuneiform on clay tablets around the 1st millennium BC, is in the British Museum, London. The inhabitants of ancient Assyria believed that through dreams people could communicate with the gods and receive messages from them. In order to systematize the meanings of dream symbols, special collections of interpretations were created, which formed the basis of the Assyrian dream book.

The Assyrian dream book contains 53 interpretations of dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hasse's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a dream book compiled by the medium Miss Hasse. Hasse's dream book is based on various knowledge - folk observations, modern and ancient esoteric works. According to Miss Hasse, the likelihood of dreams coming true varies and is determined depending on the day of the month and the phase of the moon.

Hasse's dream book contains 1948 dream interpretations.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tsvetkov's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a dream book of writer, artist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, occultist and astrologer Evgeniy Petrovich Tsvetkov, who has been professionally researching dreams for more than 25 years. Tsvetkov's dream book is based on the associativity inherent in people of Slavic origin. And therefore this dream book is perhaps most understandable and close in spirit to the Slavic peoples.

Tsvetkov's dream book contains 818 dream interpretations.

Electronic dream book

Electronic dream book of the House of the Sun - a dream book in electronic version, available online. Interpretations of dreams in the Electronic Dream Book online.

The electronic dream book contains 1120 dream interpretations.

Muslim dream book

Muslim dream book in the House of the Sun - a dream book containing interpretations of dreams from the Muslim encyclopedia Body of Knowledge, translated from Persian. The Muslim Dream Book touches on phenomena of external nature and the internal, psychological world of a Muslim. In the original book they are divided into sections and arranged according to their dignity (from a Muslim point of view). Most of the interpretations of the Muslim dream book reflect the inner world and mentality of Muslims, but many interpretations go back to universal, universal concepts.

The Muslim dream book contains 149 interpretations of dreams.

Slavic dream book

Slavic dream book in the House of the Sun - a dream book of a group of Slavic peoples in Europe: eastern, western and southern Slavs. The Slavs include: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Serbs, Czechs and many others. The Slavic dream book is based on the knowledge and traditions of the Slavs.

The Slavic dream book contains 236 interpretations of dreams.

English dream book

The English dream book in the House of the Sun is a dream book compiled by the outstanding 18th century astrologer Zadkiel (Morrison). This collection of dream interpretations has gone through many editions and is one of the greatest works of the astrological art of dream reading. The English dream book is very valuable from an astrological point of view and will be useful to anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of supernatural phenomena. England has always been known for its independence from the church, freedom of speech and R.D. Morrison devoted his entire life to the study of astrology. His merit, first of all, is that he brought this science to the people. The first edition of the English Dream Book was sold out in less than one day. Today, the English dream book is considered the most accurate both from the point of view of astrologers and ordinary people who dream of learning all the secrets of sleep.

The English dream book contains 497 dream interpretations.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor), but you should definitely make your bed across the boards.

French dream book

The French dream book in the House of the Sun is a dream book compiled by an unknown author. The age of its creation is approximately dated back to the Middle Ages. The French dream book - a collection of dream interpretations - is the source of many later dream books. For example, it is known that the French dream book was used as a source in the compilation of one of the most popular dream books in our time - Miller's dream book.

The French dream book contains 418 dream interpretations.

Esoteric dream book

Esoteric dream book in the House of the Sun - a dream book compiled by Elena Anopova. An esoteric dream book will help you penetrate your own inner world, discover the secrets of the subconscious and develop hidden potential. Based on the interpretations proposed in the Esoteric Dream Book, it is recommended to develop your own sensitivity and learn to determine the meaning of a dream, relying on intuitive knowledge. Undoubtedly, the Esoteric Dream Book will help you with this.

The esoteric dream book contains 1277 dream interpretations.

Love dream book

Love dream book in the House of the Sun - a collection of interpretations of dreams about relationships between men and women, romantic love relationships. The love dream book was created in the second half of the twentieth century. All interpretations in the Love Dream Book are dedicated to the beautiful theme of love. A love dream book will help you understand your feelings.
A love dream book allows you not only to interpret a particular image seen in a dream, but also helps to clarify personal relationships between lovers or spouses. With the help of the Love Dream Book, you can not only realize the mistakes you may have made in the past, but also avoid various troubles in love and be able to make plans for the future.

The love dream book contains 735 dream interpretations.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream Book of Longo in the House of the Sun - dream book of the master of white practical magic, folk healer Yuri Andreevich Longo. Parapsychologist Yuri Longo is the author of many books on magic, traditional medicine, as well as the popular Dream Book of Longo.
A distinctive feature of Longo’s Dream Interpretation is that the interpretation is based on both an esoteric basis and knowledge of psychology. In his dream book, Longo was able to combine parapsychology and traditional science, thereby creating a unique system of dream interpretation.

Longo's dream book contains 454 dream interpretations.

Azar's Dream Book

Azar's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is one of the oldest dream books and collections of dream interpretations on Earth. Azar's dream book was created by the Jewish people in ancient times and is still relevant. According to legend, Azar's Dream Book began to be created when Joseph interpreted a prophetic dream about cows and ears of corn to the Egyptian pharaoh. This event became historical for the entire Jewish people; it was included in both the Torah and the Bible. Azar's dream book still helps people find out the meaning of dreams and their significance for their future life.

Azar's dream book contains 241 interpretations of dreams.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

The Canonite's Dream Book in the House of the Sun is a modern version of the interpretation of the famous ancient Greek "Book of Dreams", the original of which was used for prophecy and divine revelations by the Christian great martyr Simon the Canonite.
To interpret dreams using the Kananite Dream Book, dreams must be written down in detail immediately after waking up. In this case, the interpretation of the dream will be the most accurate. All interpretations of dreams in Kananita’s Dream Book are distinguished by the fact that they are very positive, without fatalism, with faith in the future.

Kananita's dream book contains 1747 dream interpretations.

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book in the House of the Sun is one of the popular modern dream books. Many folk beliefs of Little Russia were embodied in the Ukrainian dream book. The Ukrainian dream book was compiled by the famous Ukrainian writer-folklorist Nikolai Konstantinovich Dmitrienko. For many years, Nikolai Dmitrienko studied the culture and original folklore of Ukraine. It was this information that served as the basis for the creation of a book of dream interpretations.
All interpretations of the Ukrainian dream book are built on a special principle, which was revealed by the author himself. This principle was called "linguistic" by Dmitrienko. The meaning of this principle is that all interpretations in the Ukrainian dream book are the result of linguistic analysis.

The Ukrainian dream book contains 743 dream interpretations.

Little dream book

A small dream book in the House of the Sun is a dream book compiled by Vladislav Kopalinsky (real name - Jan Stefczyk) - the famous Polish encyclopedist, author of several monumental works. Kopalinsky’s little dream book is, in fact, a unique synthesis of all the information about dreams that humanity has accumulated over many years of studying this aspect of existence.
Kopalinsky’s little dream book is a selected part from the “Dictionary of Symbols”, in which various facets of human existence are multifacetedly intertwined: folklore, astrology, mysticism, literature, alchemy. The main difference between Kopalinsky’s Little Dream Book and other popular dream books is that it is based on a principle derived by the author himself. Kopalinsky’s interpretations of dreams are akin to associations; they are selected intuitively and very harmoniously.

The little dream book contains 54 dream interpretations.

Russian dream book

The Russian dream book in the House of the Sun is a dream book based on a description of the ancient language of dream symbols of the Russian people. This language contains wisdom and observation, passed down from century to century, from generation to generation.
The Russian dream book is a universal dream book for people of any age. With the help of the Russian Dream Book, any person has the opportunity to decipher his dream. The Russian dream book will help you explain secret symbols and images, unravel the confusing phenomena and events occurring in your dreams.

The Russian dream book contains 192 dream interpretations.

Dream Interpretation "Food"

Dream Interpretation "Food" in the House of the Sun is a collection of interpretations of dreams, the symbols or images of which are food, all kinds of food products. Uncover the secrets of your culinary dreams with the help of interpretations of the Dream Book "Food"! The culinary dream book “Food” will help reveal the secrets of dreams in which food and everything connected with them appear. The Dream Book "Food" is able to interpret the most exquisite and delicious dreams!

The Dream Book "Food" contains 282 dream interpretations.

Chinese dream book

Chinese dream book in the House of the Sun - a dream book compiled by Zhou-Gong - the son of Zhou Wen-Wang, one of the founders of the Zhou dynasty (11th century BC). The author of the Chinese dream book Zhou-Gong is a great authority in the field of traditional fortune-telling systems, one of the four authors of “Cyclic Transformations”, “Zhou-Yi”, the main fortune-telling and philosophical book of Chinese culture.
Interpretations of the Chinese dream book are psychophysiological in nature and proceed from the fact that dreams, with the help of images and symbols, report what is happening in a person’s life. The Chinese dream book is usually published in calendar almanacs and is very popular in Southeast Asia.

The Chinese dream book contains 1377 dream interpretations.

Before going to bed, fluff your pillow, saying: “Kicking out is not a fight, but a nightmare from a dream.”

Dream book of flowers

Dream Book of Flowers in the House of the Sun - a dream book containing interpretations of the symbols of flowers and plants seen in a dream. Flowers are usually considered a wonderful sign of beauty and flourishing, and with the help of the Dream Book of Flowers you can find out what exactly the symbols of flowers tell the dreamer about the future.

The Dream Book of Flowers contains 65 dream interpretations.

Wedding dream book

Wedding dream book of the House of the Sun is a collection of interpretations of dream symbols related to marriage and wedding themes. If you dreamed of a wedding dress, a wedding bouquet, a wedding feast, the Wedding Dream Book will help you interpret the dream symbols.

The wedding dream book contains 27 dream interpretations.

Children's dream book

The children's dream book in the House of the Sun is a surprisingly touching and kind dream book intended for the most important little people - boys and girls.

The children's dream book contains 448 dream interpretations.

Family dream book

Family dream book in the House of the Sun is a universal dream book for every family member. The family dream book contains detailed interpretations of dream symbols, especially symbols associated with family life, symbols that foretell success or failure in life.

The family dream book contains 2476 dream interpretations.

Intimate dream book

The intimate dream book in the House of the Sun is a full-fledged interpreter of dreams on an intimate topic. The intimate dream book contains interpretations of dreams in which the themes of intimate relationships and intimate symbols appear.

The intimate dream book contains 524 dream interpretations.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Veles in the House of the Sun is the Small Veles Dream Interpretation, which is based on information contained in ancient treatises, on the works of famous mediums of past centuries, on the works of modern mediums.

The Veles dream book contains 1230 dream interpretations.

Dream book by numbers

Dream book by numbers - numerological dream book in the House of the Sun. The dream book on numbers gives interpretations of numbers and numerical combinations found in dream symbols.

The dream book by numbers contains 241 interpretations of dreams.

Dream book for women

Dream Interpretation for Women in the House of the Sun is a collection of dream interpretations, especially intended for women. The dream book presents dream symbols, taking into account the fact that a woman had a dream.

The dream book for women contains 291 interpretations of dreams.

Dream book of men

Dream Interpretation of Men in the House of the Sun - interpretations of the symbols of dreams that a man had. The dream book of men contains many specific symbols that are characteristic of men's dreams.

The Dream Book of Men contains 318 dream interpretations.

Ancient dream book

The ancient dream book in the House of the Sun is a unique allegorical dream book of Aesop. Aesop's ancient dream book is based on the interpretation of individual emotions that are associated with childhood, as well as some postulates of folk wisdom, quotes from the speeches of significant historical figures, symbolism of literature and folklore.

The ancient dream book contains 246 dream interpretations.

Big dream book

A large online dream book that contains interpretations of dreams and interprets a wide variety of symbols. The interpretations of the Big Dream Book are supported by the author’s many years of experience in the field of dream interpretation, therefore the Big Dream Book is undoubtedly one of the most accurate dream books of our time, because contains a large number of interpretations of images characteristic of our time. Although, it should be noted that it also contains symbols from earlier periods of history.

The large dream book contains several thousand interpretations; it will help you get the most accurate idea of ​​the symbols of your dream, because contains the most complete information on the interpretation and explanation of dreams.

Using the Big Dream Book is easy. Enter the name of your dream symbol into the search or use the alphabetical index. The author of the Big Dream Book is the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova.

The large dream book contains 3682 dream interpretations.

Dream interpretation dream interpretation

Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book is the most convenient way to decipher the meaning of your dreams. The Dream Interpreter, a dream interpreter, can help you with this. People have always wanted to look into their future, and one of the ways to fulfill this desire is the interpretation of dreams. And all because it is believed that dreams contain information about the future; you just need to decipher it.

In ancient times, priests interpreted dreams; in our time, this can be done by dream interpreters - people who devoted most of their lives to studying dreams. They noticed that most of the images in our dreams are similar to each other, therefore, for convenience, dream images and their interpretations began to be combined into separate collections of texts - dream interpreters, which are now called dream books.

Of course, no one is stopping you from thinking that dream books do not deserve one hundred percent trust, but out of curiosity, no one is stopping you from inquiring about the interpretation. Perhaps, having learned what your dream means, you will look at your life with different eyes.

The dream interpretation book contains 4078 dream interpretations.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Humanity began to study the meanings of dreams and their interpretations several thousand years ago. As a rule, dreams were interpreted by shamans, soothsayers, priests or sorcerers - i.e. those who had mystical powers. Nowadays, even scientists - psychologists, doctors, psychoanalysts and other human researchers - undertake to interpret dreams. For example, many well-known dream books were compiled by people who devoted themselves to science, and it should be noted that their interpretation of dreams often corresponds to reality.

Thanks to them, it became known that the correct interpretation of dreams depends on the dreamer himself. For example, it is very important to have a dream about a woman or a man, an old man or a child. The time at which the dream occurred is also important.

This dream book gives a generalized interpretation of dreams, which is most often mentioned in other dream books. The interpretation of dreams from a dream book is never specific. The same symbol can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, in order for the interpretation of a dream to be the most truthful, pay attention not only to the general meaning of the dream, but also to its details. This will help you unravel the mysteries of your dreams. The dream book, and the interpretation of dreams in it, is provided free of charge online, so to get the most accurate interpretation of a dream, use the interpretation of interpretations from several dream books, comparing several images.

The dream interpretation book contains 3705 dream interpretations.

Dream book alphabetically

Dream book alphabetically - a dream book from A to Z. A person does not have abilities that he does not need, so if people see dreams, it means it is necessary for something.

The alphabetical dream book is not limited to the interpretation of the symbols that you see in your dreams. It helps to interpret feelings, sensations, and understand the connection between what is happening in a dream and real future events. This is how the dream book is alphabetized and differs from dream books that give brief interpretations of dreams.

So how can you most accurately interpret your dream?
The main thing, when interpreting dreams, always remember that the key to deciphering our dreams always lies within ourselves.
Author of the dream book alphabetically Melnikov I.

The alphabetical dream book contains 2240 dream interpretations.

Modern dream book

We bring to your attention a Modern Dream Book. It is known that the progress of mankind completely changes the worldview and thinking of an individual. For this reason, dream books from earlier periods of time cannot take into account the objects, concepts and phenomena that a person of the twenty-first century uses. This deficiency has been corrected in the modern dream book, the interpretation of dreams in which corresponds to the current time.

The interpretation of dreams in many dream books are often opposite in meaning. Some dream books suggest interpreting dreams directly, as you dreamed. Others interpret dreams the other way around. And the modern dream book is no exception. However, as always, the correct meaning of the dream lies somewhere in the middle. Therefore, if you want to understand your dream, you need to not only understand the meaning of the symbols, but also try to penetrate the deeper layers of the dream, where there is no division into good and bad.

The symbols of a modern dream book are often similar in meaning to ancient dream books, but all the same, today the interpretation of dreams has a greater psychological meaning and is accompanied by recommendations characteristic of the current time. And so... a modern dream book to help you!

The modern dream book contains 1187 dream interpretations.

Islamic dream book

The tree is huge - symbolizes the Family (in this case), and there are figs - symbolizes in reality the fulfillment of the Desire associated with the continuation of the family. My garden is the dreamer's spiritual sphere. Feeding Puppies - symbolizes Offspring and readiness for it...
