Mysterious cases that defy scientific explanation. Something inexplicable... Something inexplicable

Humanity has always been attracted to inexplicable phenomena. Scientists have established the following: this comes from the fact that such riddles can stimulate the human imagination. This article will introduce you to cases that defy explanation or logic.

Disappeared Lake

On the territory of Chile, in Patagonia, in May 2007, the inexplicable happened - a lake disappeared. In its place there was only a dry pit of thirty meters and icy mountains. It is worth noting that the lake was not small: its length was 5 miles. The most interesting thing is that geologists conducted an inspection at this site two months before the disappearance, in March of the same year. Nothing unusual was found. During this short time, not only did the large lake disappear, but also the river that flowed from it turned into a small stream. Geologists are completely confused: what could have caused the disappearance? A variety of theories have been put forward. One of them seems quite acceptable: the lake disappeared as a result of an earthquake. But no tremors were recorded in this area. To this day, no scientific explanation has been found for this phenomenon.

Ice girl

Jean Hiliard, nineteen years old, a resident of Minnesota, was discovered early in the morning in the snow. A neighbor found her. The girl's body was completely frozen. Medics immediately took the victim to the hospital. What the doctors discovered is beyond comprehension: Jean's body seemed to be made of ice. The doctors were confused: they didn’t even know whether such a degree of frostbite was possible. The limbs did not bend at all. Despite all the efforts of doctors, the situation remained critical. If the girl had regained consciousness, most likely, her brain would have been seriously damaged. And the legs would have to be amputated altogether. But two hours passed and the girl began to have severe convulsions, after which she came to her senses. The most interesting thing is that the patient did not complain about her health, neither physical nor psychological. Imagine the surprise of the doctors when the frostbite “released” very slowly from her limbs. The girl stayed in the hospital for 49 days, and then went home safe and sound.

Belmes faces

In the Pereira family's home for 20 years, these individuals appear for a very short time. The most remarkable thing is that they belong to both men and women. It is interesting that the expressions of these faces are constantly different. Experts became interested in this effect. They were interested in one important question: what exactly causes such a phenomenon. It didn’t take long before researchers discovered human remains under the foundation of the house. However, faces continued to appear. Scientists have not yet explained the reason for the appearance of these faces.

Rain of jelly

In Washington, in the city of Oakville, on August 7, 1994, residents witnessed a real nightmare. Not the expected rain, but a jelly-like mass began to fall from the sky. After such a strange phenomenon, almost all the residents fell ill: the symptoms were very similar to the flu. And they lasted quite a long time: from 7 weeks to 3 months. One of the residents sent a “piece of jelly” to the laboratory for research. Scientists were shocked: the “drops” included human white blood cells. Another laboratory found that the mass also contained two types of bacteria. But the most incredible thing is that one of the species is present in the human digestive system. Until now, questions remain unanswered: what kind of substance was it and how is it related to the spread of the disease?

Mysteries of nature and various kinds of inexplicable phenomena are a topic that has attracted, is attracting and will attract the attention of mankind at all times. For history shows that scientific and technological progress, although it proudly marches across the planet, does not reduce the number of mysteries in our world.

Mysteries of nature

On the pages of this site we decided to cover everything that one way or another falls under the category of the unknown and inexplicable. And we are talking here not only about theories observed in various worldviews, philosophies and religions, which we have already told you about many times and continue to tell you. We will consider inexplicable phenomena more broadly, touching on their incredible manifestations both in the nature of our world and the planet as a whole, and in the deeply hidden characteristics and capabilities of humans.

Of course, it is impossible to list everything we want to tell you about on one page of printed text. Therefore, we will begin by presenting here only some examples of the most inexplicable phenomena that hide the amazing secrets and mysteries of nature and man.

The rumble of the earth

This strange sound phenomenon was first recorded in the seventies of the last century, when in many cities around the world people noticed some strange sounds coming as if straight from underground...

This phenomenon was noticed in the mid-nineties, and since 2011, it can be said to have acquired a total character everywhere, and the noise of the earth, or rather, the hum monotonously emitted from its depths, people could hear in different places at the same time almost everywhere. In 2016 and beyond, the situation repeated itself. Let us note just some of the versions and attempts to explain the origin of these chilling sounds:

  • Trumpets of the Apocalypse (as many religions say, such a groan of the earth, in its different variations, will be accompanied by the inevitable end of the world);
  • The result of the activities of HAARP (an installation with the help of which Americans study the possibilities of using natural disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. However, our scientists are not lagging behind them in this matter);
  • Solar activity (Professor E. Khalilov believes that the nature of strange sounds is cataclysms occurring in the sun, generating acoustic waves);
  • Geophysical phenomena (the result of quite ordinary natural processes of our relatively young planet);
  • And, finally, a shift in the magnetic poles, which, in fact, may be one of the scenarios for a possible apocalypse: a number of reputable scientists adhere to this version).

Bright flashes during earthquakes

Unusual phenomena of atmospheric flashes on the eve of and during earthquakes, or, as these unusual phenomena are also called, “earthquake lights,” also cannot but strike our imagination.

In appearance, these glows of light resemble the aurora: such a bright glow - from white to blue and brighter - appears in the sky during these periods. The nature of this phenomenon is also unknown.

Nazca Drawings

Inexplicable finds - Nazca lines, or rather, figured ones - were noticed in the late thirties of the last century by the American archaeologist Paul Kosok, flying in an airplane over the Nazca plateau, located in southern Peru. These geoglyphs consisted of many lines and stripes, almost seven hundred different geometric figures and about thirty well-preserved drawings depicting plants, birds and animals due to the arid climate of these places.

Amazing artifacts are considered the property of human culture, ranked among World Heritage UNESCO (object No. 700), however, their true origin and purpose, in fact, have not yet been established.

Crop circles

It's about unexplained origin geometric shapes or, as they are also called, - agroglyphs, which were formed in the fields as a result of plants that lay down for some reason in this way... The most interesting thing is that this phenomenon was noticed back in 1678, as evidenced by one of the English brochures on this topic called Mowing Devil :

And further, already in our time, or rather, in the nineties of the last century, these same agroglyphs have also become more and more recognizable: their number is already more than several thousand... What is this? It’s also still unclear.

Stone balls of Costa Rica

These mysterious stones, ranging in size from very small stone peas to sixteen-ton giants, also appear to be scattered throughout different parts Sveta. There are, as happens in such cases, many versions of their origin:

We won't be in this now brief overview give examples of all such phenomena: there are really very, very many of them.

As for the unique human capabilities...

No wonder many people jokingly complain that the entire flower of European female beauty was destroyed in the fires of the Inquisition: “They burned you in the square for your eyes alone...”

Well, but seriously, people fear and hate what they cannot understand...

And we will also talk about this, because knowledge, no matter how banal it may sound, is light. And the ability to use them correctly is the key to solving many, many, as they say today, problems in our lives...

Even after carefully re-reading the publications presented in the “” or ““ sections, you can see how unique abilities possessed by the characters described in them.

Unexplained Artifacts

Kyshtym dwarf;

Sealand skull;


Ghost ship "Mary Celeste"

And much, much more...

In any case, analyzing the multitude of ancient and modern evidence of the existence of unique, unusual and inexplicable things on our planet, we can state, to put it mildly, ambiguity huge amount one or another explanation for everything listed and what else will be listed here.

For now, one thing can be said.

It all happened when I graduated from the 11th grade of secondary school. It so happened that at that time my parents had been divorced for two and a half years, and I had to live on two fronts: mom and dad. While I was at school, I lived with my dad, I went to my mom in another city only during the holidays, I entered college: everything changed exactly the opposite.
In the summer, when this story happened, I was just living with my dad, and literally in a few days I had to leave.
That day I returned home after meeting with a friend and almost immediately went to bed. Our house was private, my room was a walk-through room.
I was already half asleep, you know, that state when you seem to be sleeping, but you hear everything around you. I clearly felt how dad walked through my room into the kitchen, how he turned off the light there, and walked back to his room. After lying there for another minute, I suddenly realized that I was tired of lying in the same position, and decided to roll over to the other side.
I open my eyes and see the following: right in front of my face is a silhouette: head and shoulders. It felt like a man was squatting in front of the sofa where I was sleeping and peering into my face, and his face was not there at all, faceless, just a white, clear outline. The first thought that came to my mind was that I thought it was dad, that something had happened, but then I realized that the silhouette was transparent... To say that I was scared is to say nothing... It seemed to me that my heart just stopped beating . I closed my eyes and for another five minutes I was simply afraid to open them... When I finally decided: naturally, nothing happened anymore. That night I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I was afraid to move.
Several days passed. It’s night again, the same room, I sleep in the same place. I slept soundly, but unexpectedly, literally in a second I woke up, opened my eyes, and realized that in the middle of the room I again saw a white silhouette, but this time in full, human height. You know, there was a complete feeling that it was more frightened than me, because as soon as my gaze fell on this “something”, in a split second it rushed towards the door like the wind, and I heard its deafening knock on the frame...
It can’t be that I dreamed this, I remember everything clearly and clearly. By the way, after these incidents, I began to believe that there really is something inexplicable, unknown to us.
Why did I first say that perhaps this was some kind of sign?
Literally a year and a half later, our house, where this story actually took place, burned down, and five months later my dad died...
What happened to me then, maybe it was the spirit of some of our deceased relatives?... I don’t know. But still remembering this, I understand that he came for a reason.

Perhaps it seems to you that life has become too predictable, that the world has lost its former colors? Do home, family and children, as well as work, take up all your free time? Meanwhile, remember how much unknown and inexplicable surrounded you in childhood! The surrounding reality has not become different, only your perception has changed. Do you want to immerse yourself again in a mysterious and fantastic world in which witches and werewolves exist, in which any fantasies can become reality? The unknown and inexplicable awaits you, get ready for a pleasant journey!

This section contains the most interesting information about unusual natural phenomena, for which there is still no explanation. In addition, you can get acquainted with the biographies of the greatest occultists, magicians and mystics of various times. Do you want to know what demonic possession leads to? Or are you wondering what the priests did? ancient egypt? Curious why Atlantis sank? In the history of the world, unknown and inexplicable events have often occurred.

Many people have had to deal with such a phenomenon as poltergeists (although not everyone will dare to admit it, so as not to look stupid in the eyes of others). But in most cases, these were isolated contacts without further consequences. Now imagine that a poltergeist (or whatever else they call this unknown and unexplained phenomenon"noisy spirit") began to haunt you day after day. What could this lead to? Read in the section “Mysticism, riddles, secrets.”

What is hidden in the depths of the sea? Did Atlantis ever exist and is it possible today to meet the giant octopus - the kraken? Read articles about the unknown and inexplicable - expand your horizons!
