13th constellation of the zodiac. Thirteenth sign of the zodiac. Everything you wanted to know. Anatomical connections of the zodiac signs

In pre-revolutionary Russia:

Until 1874, military service was carried out by recruits (peasants and townspeople). At first, military service was indefinite; from 1793, the service period was reduced to 25 years. It gradually decreased - and by the time of the military reform of 1874 it was already 7 years.

After the reform, conscription was replaced by universal conscription. The total service life in the ground forces was 15 years (directly in service - 6 years, and the rest of the time in the reserve), the total service period in the navy was 10 years (direct service - 7 years).

In 1906, the period of active military service was reduced to 3 years. Then, in August-December 1914, general mobilization took place in connection with the outbreak of the First World War.

After the revolution of 1917 and the civil war, a new army began to form in the new state.

In the USSR:

Based on various decrees and resolutions of the Central Executive Committee, the length of service was changed several times until the law on compulsory military service was adopted in 1925.

In the ground forces until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War it was 2 years. In aviation: from 1925 to 1928 - 3 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 2 years, from 1939 to 1941 - again 3 years. It also varied in the navy. So, from 1924 to 1928 you had to serve for 4 years, from 1928 to 1939 - 3 years, from 1939 - 5 years.

After the Great Patriotic War (with the beginning of which mobilization was carried out again) new law on universal conscription was adopted already in 1949. In accordance with it, men were drafted into the ground forces and aviation for 3 years, and into the navy for 4 years.

In 1967, a new law on universal conscription was adopted, the service life was shortened and was 2 years for those sent to the ground forces and aviation, and 3 years for the navy.

In modern Russia:

In 1993, the normative act that existed in the USSR was repealed - the Russian Federation Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” came into force. Initially, the document reduced the service life to 18 months (i.e. 1.5 years), and in the fleet - to 2 years.

In 1996, in connection with the beginning of the Chechen campaign, a new law came into force, according to which the duration of service in the army and navy was equal - and amounted to 2 years.

In the early 2000s, preparations began in Russia for the division of military service by conscription and contract - and at the same time to reduce the period of conscription service from 2 years to 1 year. For the first time, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the Russian leadership plans to reduce the length of conscription military service back in 2002.

The transition took place in stages: for example, young people who joined the army in the fall of 2007 had to serve for 1.5 years. And since January 2008, the service life has been 12 months - 1 year.

In November 2012, the media, following a statement by the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, reported that the service life in Russian army will be reviewed again. Thus, according to the chairman of the committee, Vladimir Komoyedov, the optimal length of service is one and a half years, and the reduction of service to 1 year was a “political decision” and in fact has a bad effect on the combat readiness of the army.

A source in the Kremlin almost immediately refuted this, recalling the president’s implemented initiative to reduce deadlines.

There are special people who serve in the Navy with good health, well-being and mental stability. In Soviet times, a soldier entering the military registration and enlistment office had to serve at least 36 months - this period was increased by 12 months compared to other units.

Some conscripts today consider it an honor to serve in the Navy. Others are still warily interested in whether they will have to repay their debt to the Motherland by sacrificing one year of their life; not every recruit agrees to this.

Three years of good service in the Navy during the Soviet era made it possible to well prepare conscripts and contract soldiers; at the end of the period of service, they clearly knew what work on a naval vessel consisted of. In 1996, the period of service was sharply reduced by 1 year. At the same time, the sailors still receive ranks, the already issued ranks also remained valid, and the subtleties of watchkeeping have not changed.

In 2007, the Russian Government began to carry out a global reform, inviting Russians to serve in the Navy under a contract. How does this happen?

The army is a contract army, and conscripts become full-fledged fighters after just a year of intensive training.

How to join the Navy by conscription

If a contract soldier wishes to serve in the navy, he must meet several mandatory requirements:

  • the results of psychological testing indicate the second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • the fitness category, determined by health status, is fixed in category A3 or more;
  • height up to 180 cm inclusive.

However, in some parts of the Navy, on the contrary, they select tall, tall guys - such soldiers are in great demand for the coast guard and the honor guard located at the headquarters. Nationality is also important here - only tall Slavs can compete for a “warm” place in the fleet.

Most often, contract soldiers end up serving in the Navy on the Baltic Sea - here it is required larger number soldiers than, for example, the Black Sea Fleet. In 2017, a minimum set of recruits was announced, because a qualified core team consisting of young but already experienced guys has been formed. The reform in the army should be completed in a few years, then it will become clear whether soldiers will be conscripted on a free basis or not.

How to join the Navy

If you are serious about joining the Navy, you can increase your chances of serving by mastering the following skills:

  • already have a diploma from the naval school and are familiar with the skills of working on ships;
  • mastered one of the specialties that can be useful in the navy - welder, motor mechanic, radio technician, mechanic. The Navy values ​​the ability to work with hands and repair;
  • if you are applying to serve as a sailor on a ship, it is enough to have fitness category A or at least B4, the latter option involves coastal troops.

Experienced servicemen give advice on how to get into the Navy by conscription:

  1. When you undergo a routine medical examination, ask the military commissariat employee to enroll you in the ranks of the team that is serving in the Navy.
  2. If you like a particular part, visit the relevant HR department. If there is a vacancy that matches your skills and specialty, you will receive a written invitation, which should be handed over to the accountable person at the military registration and enlistment office.

Features of service in the Navy under contract

The following Russian citizens can become contract soldiers in the Navy in 2017:

  • if you are familiar with shipping firsthand;
  • own a related profession that has an analogue in military specialties;
  • stress-resistant, reliable, responsible, not prone to suspiciousness and decadent moods, efficient and strong-willed soldiers.

Contractors who express a desire to serve in the Navy are often sent to submarines. Recruits are trying in every possible way to end up on those that run on diesel fuel. But they definitely won’t take anyone whose height is higher than 180 cm - they won’t be able to move around inside such a vessel. tall people extremely inconvenient and difficult, especially when an emergency occurs. Nuclear submarines are much larger in scale and are not limited in square meters.

In 2017, you are allowed to serve under a contract from 24 to 36 months. Having an officer rank or being listed as a midshipman, the contract can realistically be extended to 5 years. If you wish to draw up a repeat contract, this can be done, but during your first service you must prove yourself as a responsible servant. You are allowed to stay in the Navy for 1 year or for life - it all depends on whether you want to build a military career and advance further in your career or whether the Navy is only a temporary refuge.


Navy(Navy) today is one of the branches of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Its main purpose is the armed defense of the country's interests and the conduct of military operations in the sea and ocean.

Historically, the territory of the Russian state is in contact with several seas and oceans. This inevitably forced in the past and forces today to pay close attention to the development of the state fleet, whose tasks include creating conditions for the safety of navigation in the coastal seas and oceans, the interaction of Russian fleets with maritime formations and ships of foreign states in the framework of joint operations and military exercises meets the interests of our country beyond its maritime borders.

Flagship of the Russian Navy

The Navy of the Russian Federation is currently undergoing a stage of intensive rearmament to increase its power, efficiency, secrecy in delivering weapons to destroy potential enemy targets, and to curb the aggressive aspirations of NATO countries led by the United States in the vast oceans and seas.

Navy Day

This year's celebration Navy Day will take place for the 80th time.

On July 24, 1939, for the first time, at the insistence of Soviet Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, sailors of the Soviet Union celebrated their professional holiday, established by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the country.

The fleet attracted young forces into its ranks; the holiday promoted the historical maritime traditions of the state; aroused interest in service on warships and new submarines; in coastal defense and naval aviation units.

In modern times, Navy Day is celebrated on the final Sunday of July. Almost the entire country loves sailors, is proud of them, and celebrates their worthy contribution to ensuring the security of our borders. On this summer holiday, officers and sailors are given titles, awards are presented and incentives are announced for success in mastering difficult maritime specialties.

Structure and composition of the Navy

The standard modern structure of our fleet includes:

  • formations of surface ships;
  • underwater connections of ships;
  • aviation units on shore and carrier-based aviation;
  • Marine Corps units;
  • coastal defense complexes;
  • special units;
  • rear units and bases;
  • hydrographic service.

The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla:

  • Northern Fleet
  • Baltic Fleet
  • Pacific Fleet
  • Black Sea Fleet
  • Caspian flotilla

The command of the country's Navy is carried out in several strategic areas:

  • west - as part of the Western Military District of the Baltic Fleet (headquarters in Kaliningrad);
  • north - Northern Fleet (Severomorsk);
  • south - as part of the Southern Military District by the Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol) and the Caspian Flotilla (Astrakhan);
  • east - as part of the Eastern Military District Pacific Fleet (Vladivostok).
  • Included Navy includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units and units.

A bit of history: The founder of the Russian fleet was none other than Peter I. Having become interested in ships, he created a small semblance of a shipyard. It was called the "Amusement Fleet".

Soon Peter I planned the construction of a navy. Subsequently, development continued in the White Sea. He had the idea that with the help of the fleet it would be easier to capture new territories, which he actually did very well in the future. But at a certain period of time, during the blockade of Azov, the fleet of Peter I was defeated. And only in 1695 new and better ships and vessels were built. It was these events that became the foundation for the construction of a regular Navy.

  • For transportation and protection of amphibious assault
  • To lay mines and destroy enemy mines
  • To ensure free exit, deployment and arrival of submarine forces
  • To protect communications (maritime)

Navy submarine forces used for sudden applications powerful blows for reconnaissance and naval purposes. The basis of the submarine force is nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Naval aviation The Navy is used for:

  • Repelling air attacks
  • Instructions for ships to destroy enemy submarines
  • To inflict significant damage to enemy coastal targets
  • Conducting a naval battle with enemy ships

Coastal troops The Navy uses:

  • for the defense of coastal facilities, ports (ensuring coastal protection)
  • for conducting combat operations using air, air-sea and sea landings

Commander-in-Chief of the Navy

Since 2016, the Russian Navy has been commanded by Admiral Korolev Vladimir Ivanovich.

For a long time he served on submarines of the Northern Fleet, went through many command levels and studied at the academy, commanded the Northern Fleet and took an active part in the development of the Arctic region by army formations. The only submarine admiral in the history of the Russian Navy.

Navy training

Barracks accommodation, a common dining room and bathhouse, educational buildings, a parade ground and sports facilities make up the strict infrastructure of the training center.

The training program for sailors and specialists for coastal defense is the same and is designed for a period of up to 4 months. Young fighter course, physical, combat, special and rescue training are the main areas of training.

Upon completion, the cadets are examined and left for naval units.

Accommodation in the barracks, common dining room and bathhouse, classrooms and workshops. At the end of the training there are exams and assignment to ships of all Russian fleets.

The cadets are trained by experienced teachers in 40 specialties, most of which are in demand on naval submarines. The annual turnover of trainees is up to 2 thousand people. In addition to general military training, cadets are taught to survive in various extreme conditions that arise in closed compartments of warships.

Accommodation and conditions do not differ from the previously described centers, but the training base is specialized and equipped with modern technology and simulators.

Flag of the Navy

Another name is St. Andrew's flag Historically, it appeared by decree of Peter I in 1699 on the ships of the young Russian fleet under construction. It existed in the navy until 1918. It was reintroduced on the country's ships in 1992. According to legend, the cross on the flag belonged to St. Andrew the First-Called, who visited Rus' and is considered its naval patron.

Navy ships

According to their intended purpose, Navy ships perform various tasks:

  • heavy nuclear cruisers provide cover for naval groups, convoys and coastal troops from air strikes and cruise missiles, countering enemy naval forces and landing forces;
  • destroyers support landing forces, suppressing targets on the shore, on the water and in the air; participate in patrolling;
  • anti-submarine ships search for and destroy enemy submarines, carry out anti-submarine and air defense of fleet forces;
  • corvettes provide combat protection for convoys and fleet forces in roadsteads;
  • minesweepers install and sweep minefields and participate in the defense of coastal areas from landing forces;
  • landing ships deliver military equipment and troops to the shore;
  • strategic submarines carry out attacks on enemy territory using ballistic missiles;
  • multi-purpose submarines cover strategic submarines, conduct reconnaissance of launch areas, counter enemy submarines and surface forces, and strike with cruise missiles at various targets;
  • specialized submarines participate in sabotage and reconnaissance operations, design tests and scientific research.

A quick glance at the presented table of Navy ships shows a wide variety of designs and types, which during operation leads to significant costs during repairs and modernization due to the poor unification of components, assemblies and weapons.

Another difficulty is training ship specialists to support the diverse ships in the fleet, many of which were built during the Soviet years and are now outdated and in need of modernization or decommissioning.

Navy uniform

The daily uniform of Navy sailors on ships includes:

  • a blue shirt with a sailor collar;
  • blue trousers with belt;
  • vest;
  • boots (low boots);
  • cap (cap).

Sailors of coastal units wear general army uniforms.

The daily uniform of midshipmen and naval officers includes:

  • cream-colored shirt;
  • tie (black);
  • trousers (black) with a waist belt;
  • jacket (black);
  • cap in the color of outerwear;
  • muffler (white) and gloves (black);
  • boots.

It is allowed to wear a cap, hat, sweater, raincoat, coat or jacket.

Women in the navy wear:

  • cream blouses;
  • black ties;
  • skirts (black) with a waist belt;
  • caps;
  • shoes (boots);
  • nude tights;
  • jackets;
  • in winter - berets or hats with earflaps,
  • sweaters,
  • coat,
  • boots,
  • muffler and gloves.

Navy dirk

Daggers are worn by midshipmen and naval officers on a belt belt when participating in ceremonial events. The history of the naval dirk begins in the 16th century, when it was used for its intended purpose as a melee weapon in close combat.

Nowadays, it is awarded to officers upon graduation from college along with a diploma and receipt of their first rank. Symbolizes the historical connection with generations of legendary Russian sailors who won many victories in battles at sea.

Navy parade in St. Petersburg

A colorful parade in honor of Russian Navy Day took place on July 29, 2018 in St. Petersburg.

40 modern ships and boats represented the country's 4 fleets and the Caspian Flotilla (artillery-class boats with historical flags of the defenders of the country's borders during the Great Patriotic War).

After the salvo of the Peter and Paul Fortress, a boat with Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. receiving the parade. Putin, Minister of Defense General of the Army S.K. Shoigu and Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral V.I. Korolev, walked along the line of ships. The personnel were congratulated on the holiday, V.V. Putin made a speech.

The ships on the Neva demonstrated the coherence of following in the wake formation, festive ranks of sailors on the decks. Ocean-going warships (missile cruiser and nuclear-powered missile submarine) and the latest frigates and submarines were demonstrated in the waters of Kronstadt. 38 aircraft and helicopters of the fleet aviation flew in the sky in various formations:

  • Il-38N search aircraft;
  • Su-30SM fighters;
  • Su-33 multirole fighters;
  • Ka-27M anti-ship search helicopters;
  • anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142.

Officers, midshipmen and sailors of the fleet marched solemnly through the squares and embankments of the northern capital (in total, about 4 thousand military personnel took part in the parade).
Exhibitions of weapons of coastal defense units were a constant success among children and guests of the holiday.

Concept for the development of the Russian Navy in modern world The Russian Federation has a defensive orientation to the strategic concept of the development of the Armed Forces. Without planning an attack on neighboring countries, Russia is making proportionate efforts to maintain its defense capabilities at a sufficient level.

The main potential enemy, the United States, adheres to the concept of dominance in the vast seas and oceans. The emphasis is on large naval formations consisting of aircraft carriers and accompanying ships, nuclear submarines, which are capable of delivering preventive nuclear strikes on enemy territory with ballistic and cruise missiles, suppressing air defense systems and coastal defense units, and capturing port facilities and bases.

To effectively counter such formations, our country has created the latest types of weapons capable of hitting aircraft carriers and strategic submarines (cruise missiles "Zircon", "Caliber", "Onyx", high-speed deep-sea torpedoes), enemy coastal infrastructure (autonomous complex "Poseidon") .

Planned modernization of ships and their re-equipment are being carried out. Modern underwater missile strategic cruisers with the latest ballistic missiles, which are capable of undetectedly entering launch areas and delivering retaliatory strikes on strategic targets on enemy territory, are being actively built. Much attention is paid to the project of creating specialized complexes and robotic systems at the bottom that will act in the event of critical situations, being in “sleep” mode in peacetime.

The Navy's aviation is replenished with unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes, modern helicopters (Ka-62) and aircraft (MiG-29K for ships and Su-30SM for coastal aviation).

IN recent years The military infrastructure is developing in the northern regions of our country: military camps in the Arctic design are being built, equipped with the latest detection and destruction technology, exercises are being conducted for the marines and ship crews in the harsh conditions of the Far North, and the icebreaker fleet is being modernized.

Additional research is being carried out in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, which is being used more and more intensively by both our country and other countries. They are actively developing mineral deposits on the ocean shelf. Ensuring the protection of our northern borders and economic facilities is one of the tasks of the Russian Northern Fleet.

With the reunification of the Crimean peninsula, the defense task of the country's Black Sea Fleet has become more complicated. The turbulent situation on the borders with Ukraine and in the Black Sea, the provocative actions of NATO ships force sailors to maintain high combat effectiveness and quickly master the latest equipment and weapons of ships and coastal units.

Naval aviation demonstrates skill and forces potential provocateurs on the water to abandon their nefarious plans. Plans are being comprehensively developed to create two groups led by aircraft-carrying ships in the north and east, which will be able to withstand similar formations of a potential enemy and carry out the strategic tasks of the command.

A separate area of ​​training in the fleet is improving the skills and methods of conducting diving and sabotage work of special units of saboteurs. They currently have at their disposal submarines specially converted to deliver mini-submarines, special equipment, weapons and ammunition, and advanced training and education methods. Taking part in specialized exercises of sabotage units, our soldiers invariably take first place there.

To summarize, it is necessary to emphasize that in Russia, for development Navy Commensurate efforts are being made to re-equip the fleet and units covering the coastal and coastal zones with modern systems and weapons capable of ensuring the defense of the Motherland’s maritime borders.

Service in Navy was, is and will be difficult and honorable at all times.

“The army teaches that initiative is punishable”: a soldier about serving in the Navy

On Tuesday, November 15, Russia celebrates Conscript Day. On this occasion, the 360 ​​TV channel asked a recent conscript and native of the Ramensky district about his service. The young man told us what you should take with you to the military registration and enlistment office, what the army teaches, and how you can get to the Northern Sea Fleet from the Moscow region. For obvious reasons, the name and surname of the interlocutor are not indicated.

How I ended up in the army

I joined the army at 22: I had to get a job, but without a military ID (military ID - note “360”) they didn’t take me where I wanted. And I decided that it was enough to run away from the army and went myself. Moreover, at the local military registration and enlistment office they tearfully promised me that I would serve close to home and would be able to go home on leave.

They took us to the distribution center (distributor - approx. “360”) - I don’t really remember where it was - and there they asked where I wanted, to the Airborne Forces or the Navy. Since I am afraid of heights and the Airborne Forces are not for me, I chose the marine fleet. Based on health and all other parameters, I passed there. In the end they told me - Severomorsk (the city is located on the Kola Peninsula, 25 km northeast of Murmansk - note “360”). At first I tried to find such a city in the Moscow region, remembering the promises of military commissars about service close to home, but, of course, no settlement There is no such name near the capital. Which, in general, is logical. After two days on the train, it became obvious that I was definitely not going to go home for the weekend.

What to take with you to service

I only took a razor with me, a disposable one at that, because they told me that everything was taken away there first. And I took a cheap phone so that it wouldn’t hurt if it was stolen or taken away. Well, documents, toothpaste, a brush and underpants with socks, just in case. And I didn’t take anything else. For those who brought a lot of things with them, everything was sorted out at the “distribution” (distributor - approx. “360”).


We didn’t have “training” as such. Although this is strange: when you are sent to serve on a ship, you have to undergo some kind of training for the first six months. We had a young fighter course for a month - it was more like physical training. But in fact, we joined the process of subordination, there was a “fit,” we constantly ran and marched. Then there’s the service itself. Like on a podium, we all stood together in front of the ship commanders, and we were chosen, “bought,” in general. I got on the large landing ship "George the Victorious", which at that time was in the dock. There we began to “plow” from the very first days.

Where does the service begin?

It was when they changed us from green soldier uniforms to sailors, into naval uniforms, that I ended up at the dock. There we initially repaired the ship, for about two weeks. Then we had our first trip to sea - we went to Severomorsk, where there was a brigade of landing ships. At first there were test exits to see how everything was repaired.

It is worth noting that it was a polar day there, and before the army I led an active lifestyle mainly at night. And it was quite stressful for two months without seeing the night at all. Because they were in the barracks. But on a ship it’s more comfortable - inside the ship, of course, it’s dark. Then we were sent to Baltiysk for the Zapad-2013 exercises with the Belarusians. Our task was to land BMPs (infantry fighting vehicles - approx. “360”) from the water, so that they would parachute, reach the ground, and there they would already have their own strategic tasks. We worked on everything for a very long time. And then we were sent to other places - for example, to Novorossiysk. On the way there we stopped in Portugal for a couple of days. This was the first time in the history of Russian landing ships that a Portuguese port received us. There we stocked up on water and fuel.

Responsibilities of sailors

In fact, when I went to the ship, I did not understand at all what could be done there. I thought: the sea, everything on deck, the sun, everything is festive, great. But nothing like that: when a ship is at sea, everyone has their own responsibilities. For example, I had the position of a miner. The landing corral performs several functions. The first is the transportation of infantry fighting vehicles or tanks during combat, the second is the dropping of mines into the water to locally control the approaches to the shore. But since we didn’t carry out any military operations, I didn’t even have any material. And so I did everything. They signed me up as a clerk there, since I am good with a computer.

At sea itself, alarms were constantly being worked out. We practiced the task of sinking a ship and causing fire. The alarm sounds (usually this was during a break in the shift), everyone takes their combat positions and everyone performs a specific function. Every sailor has all this written down in his “Combat Number” book.

Life on the ship and food

The ship has its own diet, everything is prescribed according to GOST. But it often happened that something ran out: just when we were going to Baltiysk, we practically ran out of provisions and we ate buckwheat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And, unlike ground forces, sailors eat four times a day. There is also evening tea, roughly speaking. When we went to sea, we baked our own bread. This is logical: bread will not last more than three days. There was even a watch position - a baker who baked bread all night for the entire staff of 140 people.

Relationships within the team

Everything is simple here. We, like everywhere else, have a so-called vertical of power. That is, the brigade commander receives an order from the Supreme Commander - he ordered all ship commanders. They convey the order to their officers, the officers - to the midshipmen, the midshipmen - to the contract soldiers, and the contract soldiers - to us. And we have no one to blame this on, because we are unfortunate conscripts. In principle, there was no hazing as such - that we came, that someone else came six months earlier. We are conscripts, and it’s not that they wipe their feet on us, but we no longer have anyone to delegate any task to. This forced us to unite and act together.

The army is a school of life. Or not?

This is a double-edged sword. If I had not served all this time, but worked, then, of course, I would have won more in terms of finances and everything else. But in the army there is no mom and dad, no relatives, there you rely on yourself and learn to live in a team. The army, at a minimum, taught me that initiative is punishable. That's all. The only thing that was slightly annoying was that, in principle, there was nothing to do on a large scale in the army. Due to this, the principle works there: it is not the result that is important, it is the process that is important. We need to kill time. Sometimes it reached the point of absurdity, when we painted the ship’s hull one color, then another. These are tasks that are not rational and illogical.

How to get into service in the Navy or Navy?

How to get into the Marine Corps? - many conscripts dream about this, but in reality not everyone succeeds. There are quite strict selection criteria, and first of all, the candidate must have impeccable health. If you have good physical data, you can try to enter an elite unit.

Having decided to become a Marine, young man you need to contact your military registration and enlistment office and find out what the chances are and when the deadline for conscription into the Marine Corps comes. Naturally, the first thing the commission will look at is the applicant’s medical record. To enlist in the Marines, perfect health is required, with an A-1 form, or, in extreme cases, an A-2.

If you are signed up for a Navy command, you need to show yourself at the transfer - where the Marines select suitable recruits for their ranks. Don’t be shy about approaching officers to tell them about your dream of serving in the Marine Corps.

Of course, the decisive factor in selection is the physical ability test. It is worth taking this test at home in advance and practicing. This includes full parallel bars, push-ups, pull-ups, and standing jumps. The future Marine must perform these exercises with no less than intermediate training, but not with basic training.

Military service and a further military career are becoming increasingly prestigious and attractive for young people thinking about their future. But it is considered a special honor to join the ranks of the navy, which protects the security of our state on the waters. For ordinary conscripts, this opportunity is becoming increasingly difficult to access, since the majority of employees in the Marine Fleet today are contract soldiers.

What is the Russian Navy

The Navy (VMF) is one of the three branches of the armed forces in the Russian Federation.

The main task of the Navy is to protect the security of the country and its citizens through combat operations in sea and ocean territories.

The Russian Navy is the successor to the USSR Navy, created on the basis of the Russian Imperial Fleet.

The birth of the Russian fleet is considered to be 1696, and its history goes back more than three centuries.During all this time, opponents from different states lowered their flags in front of Russian ships 75 times.

Today, naval forces can ensure the delivery of nuclear strikes against enemy ground targets, the destruction of its fleet, ocean and sea communications.

In addition, the Russian Navy monitors the safety of Russian maritime transport and assists ground forces in military operations, as well as performing other tasks.

Conscripts and contract servicemen can join the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific Fleet or Baltic Flotilla.

How to get to Morflot?

Service in the Navy is considered prestigious. Many conscripts and contract soldiers strive to join the navy. But not everyone can achieve their desire.

Conscription service

You can get into the Navy by conscription only within the framework of the general distribution carried out by the military registration and enlistment office. Conscripts are selected primarily based on physical parameters. Preference is also given to candidates:

  • graduated from the naval school;
  • having a working civilian specialty that can be useful to a sailor while serving on a ship (for example, a mechanic, a radio technician, a welder).

IMPORTANT!A conscript must declare his desire to enlist in the Navy during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

If the desire to serve in the navy is very strong, the young man can contact the personnel department of the selected military unit of the naval unit and find out whether it is planned to recruit sailors for this conscription.

If the answer is positive, the conscript may receive an invitation to serve in this unit, which will need to be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Contract service

The bulk of Russian sailors are recruited from contract soldiers. All requirements for physical and psychological health indicators for contract soldiers remain the same as for conscripts.

To get into service in a specific military unit, a future contract soldier should also contact the personnel department of this Marine Fleet unit in advance and receive an invitation.

  1. appear at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of registration and write a statement of desire to serve in the troops of the Russian Federation on a contract basis;
  2. undergo a medical examination, which must confirm suitability for military service;
  3. undergo psychological professional selection of candidates and receive an appropriate recommendation;
  4. provide all the documents required by the military registration and enlistment office and sign the contract.

IMPORTANT! Citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted for contract service:

  • those who have completed military service;
  • in stock;
  • have served in the armed forces for at least one year;
  • other persons in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

The age of a candidate applying for contract service for the first time must be at least 18 years old and no more than 40 years old.

How long do they serve in the Navy?

Until 1996, sailors who joined the navy served for three years.

Then the service life was reduced to two years. After the start of the military reform in 2007, conscription service time in the navy (as in other branches of the armed forces) became equal to one year.

With citizens entering the service for the first time on a commercial basis, a contract is concluded for a period of two to three years, with officers and midshipmen - for 60 months. When re-entering the service, you can choose any term (but not less than one year).

What parameters must be met to serve in the Morflot?

The Navy has always had strict requirements for candidates to join the Navy. A conscript or contract soldier must have good health and good psychological preparation. Today the requirements are as follows:

  1. height – no more than 180 cm;
  2. suitability category – A1, A2 and A3;
  3. the second group of psychological stability, confirmed by appropriate testing.

If the conscript meets all the above parameters, but his height exceeds 180 centimeters, he will not be able to get directly onto a ship or submarine, but there remains a chance to be enlisted in the Coast Guard or in the honor guard company at headquarters. Tall applicants of Slavic appearance are selected there.

Features of service in the Navy

For many young men, serving in the navy is associated with romance. However, in the future, this idea changes, since in the Navy, military personnel face not only beautiful uniforms and the endless expanses of the sea, but also more mundane daily duties.

Emergency service

A conscript cannot choose which naval unit he will be sent to.. The only exceptions can be those young men who have provided invitations from a specific military unit to the military registration and enlistment office.

Living conditions on a ship or submarine are much harsher than on land, which employees sometimes don't see for weeks. An individual seafarer is usually assigned his own responsibilities. And when everyone is busy with their own business, the sailors have practically no reason to sort things out among themselves.

Thanks to this system of distribution of responsibilities, such phenomena as hazing and regulations practically do not occur on military ships and submarines.

While the ship is on shore, sailors live in coastal barracks and perform simple ship maintenance work. Since each ship's departure to sea requires certain costs from the state, rest periods can be quite long-term.

Contract service

The possibility of choosing vacancies for service in the Navy under a contract varies somewhat depending on the location of the units of the Russian Fleet.

  • In the Northern Fleet you can go serve on a submarine or surface ships. Recruitment for coastal troops is also always open.
  • Among the vacanciesBaltic Fleet The positions of the floating crew of surface ships predominate; it also includes the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade in the city of Baltiysk.
  • Black Sea Fleet provides vacancies for sailing personnel (surface ships and submarines) and coastal troops.
  • Pacific Fleet includes brigades of anti-submarine ships, landing ships, submarines, marines, and anti-aircraft missile forces.
  • Caspian flotilla offers vacancies for surface ship and marine crew.

The contractor himself can choose which fleet he wants to serve in. It should be noted that in the Northern and Pacific Fleets, sailors are paid higher salaries, since special coefficients are applied when calculating them. In addition, sailors serving in harsh climatic conditions receive numerous benefits.

If a contract soldier wants to serve in more pleasant conditions, he should choose the Black Sea or Caspian Fleet, based in places with a warm and mild climate.

Finally, in the Baltic Fleet, military personnel will have the most developed infrastructure and good social conditions.

IMPORTANT! The highest salaries in the Navy are paid to sailors on submarines. The lowest salaries are provided for coastal units. The average salary in the navy is 20-40 thousand.

Preparation for service in the navy

The leadership of naval units today faces a rather difficult task - to prepare a good fighter in an extremely short time.

If conscript soldiers serve for only one year, then only three months are allotted for their training Therefore, this time has to be used as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Sailors spend most of their time during these three months in classrooms and at computers, and only after that they go to sea.

Service in the Navy is not available to every conscript or contract soldier who wishes to do so. In order to join the ranks of the Russian Navy, you must have good health, physical and psychological preparation. In addition, the Navy is increasingly giving preference to contract servicemen.

Service in the Navy - what is it like? I am sure that many of you, just like me, asked similar questions at one time. Before I met Dmitry Pimkin, I thought that serving in the navy meant traveling around the world and romance at its finest (jokes aside, of course).

But Dima was able to bring me back from my fantasies to real life. As it turns out, serving in the Navy is far from the easiest.

A sailor serving in the navy right now, Dmitry Pimkin, will tell you about all the intricacies, pros and cons of serving “on the water.”

- Dima, hello! Tell about yourself. Who is Dmitry Pimkin?
- Hello! Dmitry Pimkin is a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Although, to be more precise, a sailor.

Dmitry Pimkin

I ended up serving in the navy. To a surface ship. People like me are called shipbuilders. We weren't taught anything. We didn’t end up in training units or buildings like you did. We learn everything right away on the spot.
I won't say it's bad. This has its pros and cons.

- And what are they?
- I'll tell you now.


  • You remember and learn only what you need.
  • You only master your combat post and have complete information about your command.
  • To put it simply, you are your own boss.
  • Friendly team. We are the foremen on a first name basis. All together. You can contact any officer, and he will not refuse you.

I see two disadvantages:

  • Once on the ship you don’t know anything, but they already demand it from you. Although this minus is not very big, it spoils the whole raspberry.
  • Everything around is made of iron, there are small closed spaces everywhere.

-I understand you. Did you yourself want to join the navy?
- No. I wanted to join the Marine Corps. Well, run and shoot. Romance! But unfortunately, there was no recruitment there. I was sent to .

-Are you upset? And what feelings have been haunting you since the very beginning of your service?
- No. I wasn't very upset. The main thing is that the food is good. :)

Feelings? It's hard to say... Sometimes homesickness hits.

- Homesickness unites us all. Tell us about your service.
- In general, everything is the same as yours. Rise at 6 am. Then breakfast. After breakfast - a little tidying up. After this - an emergency inspection. Then a divorce for work. Then lunch, but before that there’s more cleaning.
After lunch it’s admiral’s hour, where we sleep until 3 o’clock. Then construction and departure to work. And again work, work, work...

At 17.30 tidying up again, then dinner. Formation at 7 and free time. Or time for self-care. Then at 9:00 formation, reading of the regulations and the order to start a new watch. That's it. Lights out at 10. And again. A vicious circle.

-Yes, very similar to the typical daily routine on land. Where have you been already? Where did you go on the ship?
- Nowhere. I'm having no luck. I'm only on stationary ships for now. The first ship was under repair, the second was not going anywhere. I’m thinking about transferring to a corvette on a business trip and sailing around the Baltic. Time will show.

-Is it easy for you with these translations? Can I just transfer like that?
- Yes. Approach the deputy commander of the ship for work with personnel and talk to him. Well, like everywhere else... Until you start spinning and spinning, no one will take on you.

-You can't argue with that! Fine. If you say that you are “like everyone else,” then tell us what subjects you are taught.
- We have no classes at all. We learn everything as we work. It’s not like we sit and someone explains something to us. A question arose - I went up to the commander or senior and asked. That's it. Sometimes they give you a lot of documentation for you to look for necessary information on her.

-Oh, so you have no steam at all? What about specialties? Are there any VUSs?
- Yes, you heard that right. There are no pairs. At the end of my service I will not have any diploma. There will only be knowledge that I myself received. And skills. And, accordingly, we don’t have higher education institutions either.

-It's clear. It turns out that you don’t have distribution either. You serve on ships all year, right?
Yes. All year on ships. What distribution are you talking about?

-With us. We are leaving for military units throughout the country. Do you have something similar? With ships, of course.
- Well... If you got into “training” and study by profession, then yes, there is a distribution. But I’m a shipwright, and we don’t have training as such. I immediately got on the ship.

-What is a ship?
- These are military personnel who, after taking the oath, go straight to the ship and learn everything on the spot.

-What did you do before the oath?
- We learned the regulations. Drill classes. History of Russia. Great victories.

-On ships, weren’t there at all?
- Were. We were called and dressed. After that, they brought us to the ship "Restless", which is a distributor. We were there before the oath. After taking the oath, we were already scattered onto ships.

- Why? I think this is normal.)

-Okay, Dim. Last request. Give 5 pieces of advice to those who are being drafted into the Navy on ships in this and future drafts.
- OK then. I will try.

  1. Don't be afraid of the ship. Yes. Everything around is made of iron, there is not enough space. It’s not good with water and ordinary everyday things. But, as the charter says, “a military man must cope with the hardships of military service.” So you can do it. If you are not comfortable, then immediately tell the commander about it. You will be transferred. No one will forcefully hold you. There have been such cases in my practice...
  2. Make friends with everyone you can. Especially with cooks. You will always be full and satisfied.
  3. Try not to give up your hobbies. There is a lot of free time on ships, so you can continue doing what you love.
  4. Stay human. Always help if asked, even if you get nothing for it. The elders will see this and will help you in every possible way in return. The service will become easier.
  5. Be the best person, whom you know. This is my motto in life. And I think there is no need to explain anything here. :)

-Cool! And now the last question: who are the “cocas”?
- These are the cooks. The ground forces are fed by the Slavyanka company, and in the navy the sailors cook for themselves. And those who cook are called “coca”.

-Dim, thank you very much for this interview! I assure you that even for me it turned out to be incredibly useful. I wish you a happy and easy service!
- Mutually! I wish the same for all those who are yet to serve. And if any of the readers have questions about the Fleet, then let them ask them in the comments to the article. I am a frequent visitor to your blog. I will answer each one with pleasure!

-Agreed. Let's do so! See you in touch!
- Happily!

P.S. Dima is one of the first people I met thanks to the blog. He himself initiated our acquaintance, adding

The sea is a separate element, limitless and multifaceted, with its own charms and whims. Everyone knows the sea in their own way, and nevertheless, it is one thing if you are a tourist or a fisherman, and a completely different question if you are serving in the army or navy. This hard work is the lot of real men, strong in body and spirit. Today we will consider such a topic as conscript service in the Navy. What is the duration of its completion, how to get into the sailor ranks, and whether every young man who dreams of a vest and the sea can fulfill his desire.

How long to serve

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that compulsory service in the Navy has always been longer than in the ground forces. In the USSR there really was an increase, it was 36 months. During this time, young sailors turned into hardened sailors, knowing all the intricacies of shipbuilding, having experienced in practice all the peculiarities of sea behavior and the hardships of serving on a ship far from land.

However, in 1996, the Russian Navy joined the other branches of the military in terms of orders and instructions regarding the army as a whole, and the period of service was reduced to a combined arms 24 months. It is a well-known fact that through military reform in 2008, the Russian Armed Forces began to call up recruits for 12 months.

This order also affected the navy, so that in 2017, sailors will scrub the deck and not only for a total of 365 days, which is 3 times less than, for example, the young sailor’s grandfather served.

Who is accepted and selection criteria

To the question “How to get into the ranks of the Navy by conscription?” The answer is quite simple - according to the general distribution from the military registration and enlistment office, nothing supernatural will be required from the young man. Theoretically, this is indeed exactly the case, but some nuances still exist. First, there are selection criteria for service in the Navy related to biological data and health:

  • the height of a sailor candidate should not exceed 180 cm;
  • Only 3 fitness categories of citizens are allowed to undergo “urgent duty” in the fleet - A1, A2, and A3, which is a guarantee of good health of the future sailor;
  • also, to enroll in the naval fleet, it is necessary to successfully pass psychological testing, and the second group of mental stability must be identified.

Find out: What financial liability is provided for military personnel?

This fact is explained no less logically than the strict selection criteria. The fact is that each member of the ship is assigned certain responsibilities for the entire period of service. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of performance of the tasks assigned to the ship’s crew, it is completely unprofitable for sailors and officers to sort things out, and sometimes there is simply no time. Also, do not forget about the notorious moment when the entire crew is “under the same wavelength,” which in itself leads to a rapprochement between the sailors and the commanding staff.
