Analytics analytical reviews. Analytics analytical reviews The Russian Ministry of Energy is switching to a risk-based model for assessing the readiness of power industry entities to work during the heating season

Government resolution signed Russian Federation No. 244 “On improving the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities and introducing amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

The specified resolution empowers the Ministry of Energy of Russia to approve mandatory requirements for ensuring the reliability of electric power systems, the reliability and safety of electric power facilities, including requirements for the modes and parameters of operation of electric power facilities and power receiving installations, relay protection and automation, stability and reliability of electric power systems and their planning development, training of workers in the electric power industry to work at electric power facilities and power receiving installations.

The resolution is aimed at eliminating the gaps that have arisen in recent years in the regulatory regulation of technological activities in the electric power industry, and the creation of prerequisites for building a workable industry system of normative and technical regulation, will improve the safety of operation of electric power facilities and the reliability of power supply to consumers, ensure the introduction of advanced technologies in the electric power industry, will give the industry the necessary impetus for development and modernization, and will allow updating norms and rules that have not been revised for more than 10 years.

The resolution defines the basic principles of formation, subject area and features of the procedures for coordination and approval of mandatory requirements.

The draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was prepared by the Department of Operational Control and Management in the Electric Power Industry in development of the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 No. 196 FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” in terms of improving the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities."

It should be noted that the Russian Ministry of Energy is already developing draft regulatory legal acts regulating issues of reliability and safety in the electric power industry. A working group has been created and is functioning to prepare proposals for draft regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power facilities, ensuring the reliable functioning of electric power systems and uninterrupted power supply to consumers. A list of priority regulatory legal acts to be developed and updated has been approved, which includes about 25 documents:

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules of the organization maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the volumes and standards of testing of electrical equipment”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Guidelines for the sustainability of energy systems”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for designing the development of energy systems”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On amendments to the Rules for the development and application of emergency limitation schedules for the consumption of electrical energy (power) and the use of emergency automation”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Instructions for switching in electrical installations”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents in the electrical part of power systems”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for the technological design of hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage power plants”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Guidelines for the technological design of thermal power plants”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for conducting emergency training in electrical power organizations of the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Methodological Instructions for melting ice on wires and lightning protection cables of power transmission lines”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for conducting technical inspection of equipment, power lines, buildings and structures”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for the technological design of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35 – 750 kV”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for the technological design of cable power transmission lines with a voltage of 35 – 750 kV”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Guidelines for the technological design of alternating current substations with a higher voltage of 35 – 750 kV”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Standards for the emergency supply of materials and equipment for the restoration of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35 kV and above”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Standard Instructions for the operation of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35 kV and above”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Standard Instructions for the organization and performance of work in relay protection devices and electrical automation of power plants and substations”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of Methodological Instructions for Thermal Tests of Steam Turbines”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Safety Rules for power receiving installations. Features of electrical wiring in buildings with conductive copper conductors or conductors made of aluminum alloys";

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for the design, construction and operation of fiber-optic communication lines on overhead power lines with a voltage of 0.4-35 kV”;

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia “On approval of the Rules for the design, construction and operation of fiber-optic communication lines on overhead power lines with a voltage of 110 kV and higher.”

Reliability of power supply in Kuzbass is under constant monitoring

Specialists of PJSC IDGC of Siberia (part of the Rosseti group of companies) continue to implement a program of additional measures to improve the reliability of power supply to their consumers in the Kemerovo region. The head of the operational headquarters of Rosseti PJSC, which coordinates the work, Deputy General Director of Rosseti PJSC for technical policy, Valery Mikhailovich Gordienko, summed up the interim results of the work of power engineers in Kuzbass.

Let us remind you that from October 21, in the area of ​​responsibility of the branch of PJSC IDGC of Siberia - Kuzbassenergo - RES, Siberian power engineers have been carrying out additional activities in addition to those approved by the production programs for 2016. The goal is to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply to residents, industrial, socially significant enterprises of the region and, first of all, consumers of a special group - miners.

In addition to specialists from Kuzbassenergo-RES, more than 400 highly qualified specialists from other branches of IDGC of Siberia and the Technical Supervision Center of PJSC Rosseti are involved in the work. The organization of the implementation of large-scale plans in an extremely short time is entrusted to the operational headquarters, created on October 27, 2016 by Order of the General Director of PJSC Rosseti O.M. Budargina. Representatives of the administration of the Kemerovo region, as well as the Kuzbass enterprise MES of Siberia, are directly involved in the work of the operational headquarters.

As of November 1, teams of power engineers conducted additional inspections of 113 power lines with a length of 2.4 thousand km. In parallel with this, dangerous trees are being cut down, which in unfavorable weather can damage wires and lead to a limitation of power supply. Energy workers have already removed 2,400 of these trees, thereby preventing possible blackouts. In addition, 76 hectares of power transmission line clearings were cleared, defective insulators and fittings were replaced. All this will definitely lead to an increase in the quality and reliability of power supply, and a more successful passage of maximum loads during winter cold, - noted the head of the operational headquarters Valery Gordienko.

One of the significant projects to improve reliability is the reconstruction of a 110 kV power transmission line in the south of Kuzbass, in Myski. As of today, network workers have replaced 101.1 km of wires (92.7% of the plan). The reconstruction will be completely completed by November 5th.

The system operator increases the reliability of operational dispatch control of the energy system of the Irkutsk region

On March 16, the branch of SO UES JSC “Regional Dispatch Management of the Energy System of the Irkutsk Region” (Irkutsk RDU) successfully transferred the operational dispatch control of the electrical power regime of the UES of Russia in its operating area to a new dispatch center. The commissioning of the new building of the dispatch center of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office took place on the eve of March 15.

The transfer of control over the power system mode was carried out in accordance with the program developed by the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office together with the Branch of SO UES JSC “United Dispatch Management of the Siberian Power System” (UDS of Siberia). The transfer was carried out taking into account the continuity of operational dispatch control of electric power facilities. First of all, all reserve dispatch channels and channels for receiving and transmitting teleinformation from power facilities of the operating zone of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office were transferred to the new building of the dispatch center. After this, with the permission of the dispatcher of the dispatch center of Siberia, the dispatch control of the energy system of the Irkutsk region was transferred from the duty shift of dispatchers of the Irkutsk regional dispatch center in the old building of the dispatch center to the duty shift in the new building. At the final stage of the procedure, all main communication channels and transmission of television information were translated.

The transfer of operational dispatch control to a new dispatch center became the final stage of the territorial investment project of SO UES JSC to create infrastructure and technological re-equipment of the dispatch center of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office. As part of the project, a new building was constructed and equipped with modern engineering, information and telecommunication systems that correspond to the current world level of development of dispatch control technologies.

Managing the operating modes of the energy system of the Irkutsk region from the new dispatch center will expand the observability of the current state of dispatch objects, speed up the adoption of operational decisions by dispatchers, and achieve greater efficiency in planning and managing modes. The commissioning of a new high-tech dispatch center provided the specialists of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office with modern tools for maintaining the stable functioning of the territorial energy system and routine support for the commissioning of new generating and power grid facilities. The branch now has opportunities for further development of the technological infrastructure of operational dispatch control.

The new building has a control panel based on 21 video projection cubes. Modern equipment makes it possible to display a diagram of the operating area of ​​the Irkutsk RDU on a scale that is optimal for dispatchers to perceive, and its ergonomic characteristics provide dispatch personnel with comfortable work with the displayed information at any time of the day.

The new dispatch center is equipped with an integrated security system and a monitoring system for the functioning of engineering equipment. Reliability of dispatch communications and data transmission is ensured by fiber-optic communication lines. For continuous and reliable dispatch control of the regional energy system, an uninterrupted guaranteed power supply from an autonomous power source is provided for all equipment of dispatch and process control facilities and an automated dispatch control system. The building of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office was built taking into account the specifics of the branch’s 24-hour activities.

To train and improve the qualifications of specialists, a personnel training center combined with a classroom is equipped. Its capabilities make it possible to conduct training for specialists of the technological block and the information technology block, as well as emergency training for dispatchers of the System Operator branch and system-wide training with the participation of operational personnel of the electric power industry entities of the operating zone of the Irkutsk Regional Dispatch Office.

Tests of the modification of mobile gas turbine power plants initiated by the System Operator have been completed, increasing the reliability of the Crimean energy system

At the mobile gas turbine power plants (MGTPPs) installed in the Crimean energy system, a technical solution developed at the initiative of the System Operator was implemented and tested to increase the reliability of the energy system and energy supply to consumers.

MGTPPs located in the Crimean energy system make it possible to reduce the volume of restrictions on power supply to consumers during peak load hours and avoid emergency situations that can cause cascading events in the energy system. To put MGTPPs into operation and maintain their operation, a preliminary voltage supply is required to supply power to their auxiliary automatic control systems, fuel supply, lubrication, water supply, cooling and fire extinguishing - the MGTPP’s own needs.

In a normal scheme, the power supply for the MGTPP’s own needs to put it into operation is carried out from an external network, and in the absence of such a possibility, from a backup source - a diesel generator set (DGS). Until January 2018, in order to switch from power supply to the MGTPP’s own needs from diesel generators to power supply from the external network, the MGTPP required stopping, which could aggravate emergency situations and lead to additional disconnection of consumers.

To solve the problem of ensuring the transfer of MGTPP's own needs from a backup source to the main source without dead-current pauses, a working group was created in September 2017 consisting of representatives of SO UES JSC, FGC UES PJSC and Mobile GTES JSC. It was headed by the director of the Representative Office of SO UES JSC in the Kaluga region, Alexey Koreshkov.

During the work, members of the working group collected initial information about the schemes of auxiliary needs and technical characteristics of diesel generator sets for MGTPP's own needs, analyzed existing technical solutions and proposed the most effective and optimal one for implementation.

The technical solution involved the installation of additional equipment at the MGTPP for short-term synchronization of the diesel generator set with an external network using the existing standard diesel generator set control controller. This allows us to avoid restrictions on consumers when transferring the power supply to the automatic control system of the MGTPP (power supply for our own needs) from a backup source to the main one and from the main source to a backup one, and also reduces the time for eliminating accidents in the Crimean energy system.

The working group reviewed and agreed upon the working documentation for the design of a voltage synchronization circuit for 0.4 kV diesel generator sets and auxiliary transformers for gas turbine plants. Comprehensive programs for testing a new technical solution at the Simferopol, Sevastopol and Western Crimean MSHTPPs were reviewed and agreed upon.

From December 25 to December 29, 2017, installation, adjustment and comprehensive testing were carried out. During the tests, the functionality of the system for automatic synchronization of voltages for the auxiliary needs of MGTPP of the peninsula was checked when transferring the power supply for auxiliary needs from a backup source to the main one and from the main one to the backup one. Tests confirmed the functionality of the created system.

The implemented technical solution using a precise automatic synchronization device made it possible to ensure continuity of operation of the MGTPP during the transition to different sources power supply for their own needs.

Work on the project was carried out as part of the execution of the order of the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak following the meeting on July 29, 2017 “On ensuring the safety of power supply to consumers of the Crimean Peninsula.” When developing a technical solution, developments used in organizing backup power supply to control centers of SO UES JSC were used.

Currently, MGTPPs with a total installed capacity of more than 390 MW are operating on the peninsula, covering up to 27% of power consumption in the energy system.

State of the Industry | Department of Energy

The electric power industry is a basic sector of the Russian economy, providing electric and thermal energy to the internal needs of the national economy and population, as well as exporting electricity to the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Sustainable development and reliable functioning of the industry largely determine the country’s energy security and are important factors for its success. economic development.

In recent years, radical changes have taken place in the Russian electric power industry: the system of state regulation of the industry has changed, a competitive electricity market has been formed, and new companies have been created. The structure of the industry also changed: a separation was made between naturally monopolistic (electricity transmission, operational dispatch control) and potentially competitive (electricity production and sales, repair and service) functions; Instead of the previous vertically integrated companies that performed all these functions, structures specializing in certain types of activities have been created.

Thus, conditions were created to solve the key task of the reform - the creation of a competitive electricity (capacity) market, the prices of which are not regulated by the state, but are formed on the basis of supply and demand, and its participants compete by reducing their costs.

The foundation of Russia's electric power industry potential was laid in the 20-30s of the 20th century as part of the implementation of the GOELRO plan, which provided for large-scale construction of regional thermal and hydroelectric power plants, as well as network infrastructure in the central part of the country. In the 50s, the industry received an additional boost thanks to scientific developments in the field of atomic energy and the construction of nuclear power plants. In subsequent years, large-scale development of the hydropower potential of Siberia took place.

Historically, the territorial distribution of generation types has developed as follows: the European part of Russia is characterized by a balanced distribution of various types of generation (thermal, hydraulic and nuclear); in Siberia, a significant part of the energy capacity (about 50%) is represented by hydroelectric power plants; in the isolated energy system of the Far East, thermal generation predominates, In the Kaliningrad region, the basis of energy supply is nuclear power plants.

The main energy capacities and electric power facilities in Russia were built during the Soviet period. However, already at the end of the 80s, signs of a slowdown in the pace of industry development began to appear: the renewal of production capacity began to lag behind the growth in electricity consumption. In the 90s, the volume of electricity consumption decreased significantly, while at the same time the process of capacity renewal practically stopped. In terms of technological indicators, Russian energy companies seriously lagged behind their counterparts in developed countries; the system lacked incentives to increase efficiency, rational planning of electricity production and consumption modes, and energy saving; due to reduced control over compliance with safety rules and significant deterioration of assets, there was a high probability of major accidents .

In addition, due to the difficulties of restructuring the economic and political systems of Russia, there was no payment discipline in the industry (the so-called “crisis of non-payments”), enterprises were informationally and financially “opaque,” ​​and access to the market was denied to new, independent players.

The electric power industry required urgent large-scale reforms that would contribute to the renewal of basic capacities, increasing the efficiency of the industry, and the reliability and security of energy supply to consumers.

To this end, the Government of the Russian Federation in the early 2000s set a course for liberalizing the electricity market, reforming the industry and creating conditions for attracting large-scale investments in the electricity sector. (see section “Reform”)


The government's plan for reforms in the electric power industry, which would create incentives to improve the efficiency of energy companies, significantly increase the volume of investment in the industry and ensure further reliable uninterrupted power supply to consumers, included changes to the system of state regulation of the industry, the creation of a competitive electricity market and restructuring of the industry as a whole. The goals and objectives of the reform were determined by Government Decree No. 526 of July 11, 2001 “On reforming the electric power industry of the Russian Federation” (taking into account subsequent changes in the regulatory framework, the goals and objectives of the reform were specified in the “Concept of the Strategy of RAO UES of Russia” at 2005-2008 "5+5").

The required transformations were successfully carried out during the period from 2001 to 2008. Currently, wholesale and retail electricity markets operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, the prices of which are not regulated by the state, but are formed on the basis of supply and demand.

The structure of the industry also changed: a separation was made between naturally monopolistic (electricity transmission, operational dispatch control) and potentially competitive (electricity production and sales, repair and service) functions; Instead of the previous vertically integrated companies that performed all these functions, structures specializing in certain types of activities have been created.

Trunk networks came under the control of the Federal Grid Company, distribution networks were integrated into interregional distribution network companies (IDGC), the functions and assets of regional dispatch departments were transferred to the all-Russian System Operator (SO UES).

During the reform process, generation assets were united into interregional companies of two types: wholesale market generating companies (OGKs) and territorial generating companies (TGKs). WGCs united power plants specialized in the production of almost exclusively electrical energy. TGCs include mainly combined heat and power plants (CHPs), which produce both electrical and thermal energy. Six of the seven WGCs were formed on the basis of thermal power plants, and one (RusHydro) was formed on the basis of hydro-generating assets.

The companies formed during the reform are enterprises specialized in certain types of activities and controlling the corresponding core assets (or combining core enterprises) of several regions, therefore, in terms of the scale of activity, the new companies exceed the previous monopolies at the regional level.

One of the most important goals of the reform was to create favorable conditions for attracting private investment into the industry. During the implementation of IPO programs and the sale of stakes in generating, sales and repair companies owned by RAO UES of Russia, this task was successfully solved. In naturally monopoly spheres, on the contrary, there has been an increase state control.

Thus, in the Russian electric power industry, the key tasks of the reform were solved - through the creation of an electricity (capacity) market, in which its participants compete by reducing their costs, and the restructuring of the industry, conditions were created for increasing the efficiency of energy companies, ensuring their financial “transparency” and investment attractiveness, as well as modernization of the industry as a whole.

Key events of the reform:

July 11, 2001 - Government Decree of July 11, 2001 No. 526 “On reforming the electric power industry of the Russian Federation.”

2001 – The Trading System Administrator was established. This marks the start of the creation of a wholesale electricity trade infrastructure.

2002 – JSC FGC UES and JSC SO-CDU UES were created.

2003 – the process of reforming JSC energos began with the implementation of several pilot projects. By April 2004, the reorganization procedure of the first regional energy company, JSC Kalugaenergo, was completed.

2004 - the creation of new interregional companies began: distribution grid companies (IDGCs), wholesale generating companies (OGKs) and territorial generating companies (TGKs). The state registration of JSC HydroOGK took place.

2005 – the Commission for the reorganization of RAO UES of Russia was created.

2006 – the main volume of transformations of the companies of the holding company RAO UES of Russia was completed. On September 1, 2006, new rules for the operation of the wholesale and retail electricity markets came into force. In the wholesale electricity (capacity) market, as a result of the introduction of new operating rules on September 1, a transition to regulated contracts between buyers and generating companies was carried out, the free trade sector (FTS) was eliminated, and a spot market was launched - the “day ahead market” (DAM).

During 2007, almost half of the country's power plants and 22 sales companies passed into private hands. Proceeds from privatization through additional share issues amounted to about $25 billion.

In December 2007 - January 2008, the formation of the target structure of all thermal WGCs and TGCs was completed, the first stage of consolidation of JSC HydroOGK (JSC RusHydro) was completed.

In 2009, nine distribution companies (Belgorodenergo, Lipetskenergo, Tverenergo, Permenergo, Tulaenergo, Ryazanenergo, Astrakhanenergo, Kurgaenergo and Orenburgenergo) switched to test mode new system tariff setting (RAB regulation), which provides for a direct dependence of the company’s income on the reliability of energy supply and the level of customer service.

2010 - in the Russian Federation, for the first time, competitive capacity selection (CPO) was carried out for 2011 in accordance with the new rules of the long-term capacity market. 388 power plants with 974 generating units took part in the competitive selection.

Based on the price parameters of the application for the sale of capacity, 288 power plants were selected. The total volume of selected capacity was 161,908 MW. (in the first price zone – 136,797 MW, in the second price zone – 25,111 MW). Prices based on the results of the commercial flow in the free flow zones (FZZ) of the Center and the Urals amounted to 123,000 rubles/MW per month, in the remaining FZPs of the first price zone - 118,125 rubles/MW per month, in all FZPs of the second price zone - 126,368 rubles/ MW per month

From January 1, 2011, the electricity and capacity market was to be completely liberalized.

Andrey Tcherezov held a meeting on the issue of increasing the reliability of the Chechen energy system

Moscow, December 19. - Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Government Commission for Ensuring the Security of Electricity Supply (federal headquarters) Andrei Tcherezov held a joint meeting with the regional headquarters of the Chechen Republic on the issue of increasing the reliability of the functioning of the energy system of the Chechen Republic.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Chechen Republic, PJSC Rosseti, JSC SO UES, PJSC FGC UES, PJSC IDGC North Caucasus, JSC "Chechenenergo".

At the meeting, the causes of the accident that occurred in the Chechen energy system on December 3, 2017 were analyzed. Due to a short circuit and failure of relay protection devices at the 110 kV Tsemzavod substation, long-range backup protections were used regularly, in accordance with the existing emergency mode and the specified settings and operating algorithms, the power grid was turned off equipment at adjacent substations.

As a result of the blackouts, household consumers in the cities of Grozny and Argun were left without power supply; in the Vedeno, Grozny, Itum-Kalinsky, Sharoi and Shalinsky districts of the republic (about 878,800 people). The power of disconnected consumers is 199 MW.

In their reports, representatives of Rosseti PJSC informed about the results of the investigation into the causes of the accident and the measures taken aimed at preventing failures of relay protection devices at the electrical grid facilities of Chechenenergo JSC. The report also identified problems associated with the operation of relay protection devices and the level of qualifications of the relevant personnel.

Andrei Tcherezov gave instructions to speed up the preparation and submit to the Russian Ministry of Energy programs for increasing the reliability of the electrical grid complex of the Chechen Republic, as well as organize retraining of relay protection device operating personnel and operational personnel in 2018.

The implementation of these measures will ensure the sustainable functioning of the Chechen energy system and reliable power supply to the republic's consumers, the Deputy Minister noted in conclusion.

The instructions issued at the meeting will be under the control of the Russian Ministry of Energy.

The Russian Ministry of Energy is switching to a risk-based model for assessing the readiness of power industry entities to work during the heating season

February 13, Moscow. – The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 27, 2017 No. 1233 “On approval of the methodology for assessing the readiness of electric power industry entities to work during the heating season” with the assignment of registration No. 50026.

The methodology approved within the framework of the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 27, 2017 No. 1233 was developed in pursuance of clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2017 No. 543 “On the procedure for assessing the readiness of electric power industry entities to work during the heating season.”

In accordance with this resolution, the Ministry of Energy of Russia is switching to a risk-based model for assessing the readiness of power industry entities to work during the heating season, which will allow assessing readiness based on the reporting data of the electricity industry entities themselves using developed criteria, ensuring constant automated monitoring of the condition of facilities and their readiness to provide reliable energy supply to consumers.

Based on incoming data, the monitoring system will make it possible to obtain actual quantitative assessments of the readiness of an electric power industry entity to work during the heating season, rating categories by which the regulator records the readiness or unreadiness to work under conditions of increased load and determines the need to carry out special measures in relation to it as part of on-site visits. checks.

The introduction of risk-based management is one of essential elements digital transformation of the industry. “We have taken another step towards the digital future of the electric power industry,” said Evgeny Grabchak, Director of the Department of Operational Control and Management in the Electric Power Industry, adding that the Methodology makes it possible to digitize the assessment of quality parameters. According to the Director of the Department, it is especially important that the positive effects from the use of this technique will be visible in the near future. “Firstly, the objectivity of the assessment is significantly increased; the readiness index is calculated according to a single principle for all subjects. Secondly, monitoring of the activities of energy companies is carried out throughout the year, and not only the status at the time of inspection is recorded. Thirdly, we are reducing the administrative burden on companies that are systematically carrying out activities to prepare for the heating season; for them, verification will be carried out remotely. And finally, this allows the regulator to reduce costs, both financial and time, for conducting inspections. Digitalization of the industry requires, first of all, a revision of management methods and principles, and as we see, does not always require significant investments,” emphasized Evgeniy Grabchak.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, in order to economically stimulate energy saving and increase energy efficiency in the implementation of regulated activities (except for transportation, gas supplies), price regulation (tariffs) for goods and services of organizations carrying out regulated types of activities must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of prices (tariffs) mainly in the form of establishing long-term tariffs based on long-term parameters for regulating the activities of organizations carrying out regulated types of activities, in including on the basis of the method of ensuring the return on invested capital, in particular using the comparison method. At the same time, prices (tariffs) for goods and services of organizations engaged in regulated activities can be set both in numerical terms and in the form of formulas and depend on the performance by such organizations of indicators of reliability and quality of goods supplied and services provided, which are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry”, state regulation of prices (tariffs) for electric energy transmission services provided by the organization for managing the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid and territorial grid companies is carried out only in the form of establishing long-term tariffs based on long-term parameters for regulating the activities of such organizations, including using the method of ensuring the return on invested capital. Such organizations are obliged to ensure the achievement of reliability and quality indicators of the goods supplied and services provided, determined in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body authorized by it.

A comprehensive system for collecting, transmitting, processing and checking the reliability of initial data used to determine the actual indicators of the level of reliability of the services provided by network organizations.

Unified technical policy – ​​reliability of power supply

Reliability of energy supply is the most important component of the life support of the modern human environment and the effective functioning of social production. In terms of the scale of damage, power outages can be considered one of the most dangerous types of disasters, affecting the national economy and the well-being of people. Therefore, ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities requires special attention in any form of economic relations in society.

According to the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the electric power industry is faced with the task of reducing economic, man-made and natural threats through the formation of a unified system of legal, regulatory and technical regulation of issues of reliability and safety of the electric power industry.

Currently, due to the significant deterioration of production assets associated with their natural aging, the state policy of limiting the growth of electricity tariffs and limited financial resources to maintain the required level of technical condition of electric power systems and electricity facilities, the question has arisen of increasing the efficiency of state fuel management -energy complex, as well as the concentration of limited operational and investment resources of electric power industry entities at the point of maximum return.

As an efficiency tool, we will consider the introduction of risk-based management, including assessment, planning and implementation of technical impacts on electric power systems and electric power facilities at the required level of reliability, taking into account funding limits - the formation of a technical re-equipment and reconstruction program and a maintenance and repair program.

Risk-based management consists of assessing the current technical condition of production assets, calculating the risk of an emergency, possible consequences of the occurrence of risks of failure, determining the necessary impact and prioritizing the list of impacts on equipment in order to ensure the required reliability of power systems in the optimal way.

In order to assess the efficiency of using operating and investment costs and ensure the required level of reliability of power supply to consumers, electric power industry entities must use uniform guidelines (approaches) to calculating indicators of the current technical condition, risk assessment and new approaches to managing production assets.

A decision-making system on the priority, as well as the necessary and sufficient type of impacts on equipment, based on data on the real technical condition and risks (taking into account the probability of failure of a functional unit and a unit of main technological equipment and the consequences of such failure), will allow concentrating limited operational and investment resources at the point of maximum return. In the medium and long term, the effective distribution of financial resources for the operation, as well as for the modernization of fixed production assets that are in critical and unsatisfactory condition and in order to improve reliability will become the central task of ensuring national energy security of electric power systems and electric power facilities.

An important role in the implementation of risk-based management is played by the balance of regulatory and technical regulations in the electric power industry.

Currently, a significant number of existing regulatory requirements in the field of ensuring the reliability and safety of power systems and the facilities included in them do not contribute to or limit the implementation of the principles of risk-based management, some of them are outdated and need to be canceled or revised.

As part of the project, it is planned to create a balanced system of legal and regulatory technical regulation in the electric power industry in accordance with risk-based management and the proposed approach to managing production assets of the Russian energy system. This will create conditions by removing restrictions and stimulating the use of new approaches to managing production assets of power industry entities.

The Federal Law on Improving Reliability and Safety Requirements in the Electric Power Industry entered into force

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry” in terms of improving the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities”, previously adopted on June 7, 2016 by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and approved June 15, 2016 by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The law is aimed at vesting the Government of the Russian Federation and the federal executive bodies authorized by it with powers aimed at establishing mandatory requirements for reliability and safety in the electric power industry.

In contrast to the rules of the energy market, the technical basis for the functioning of electric power systems, electric power facilities and energy receiving installations were not enshrined in legislation until recently. At the regulatory level, there are no criteria for making technical and investment decisions on key system-forming issues of the electric power industry; long-term and short-term system parameters for the functioning and development of the Russian electric power industry have not been determined.

A whole complex of industry relations related to ensuring reliable and safe operation of the energy system remained unregulated and fell out of the scope of regulation of legislation on the electric power industry. At the same time, the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” is focused only on ensuring product safety, and the electric power industry is excluded from the scope of legislation on technical regulation.

In addition, the problems of the legitimacy of the regulatory and technical framework inherited from the pre-reform period and its inconsistency with the modern level of development of technology and technology remain extremely relevant for the electric power industry.

The industry restructuring carried out in recent years has made it difficult to implement a unified technical policy in the electric power industry aimed at increasing efficiency, reliability and ensuring technological compatibility of all its parts. As an analysis of the situation in the electric power industry shows, the acquisition of organizational independence by generating and network companies has significantly complicated traditional technological connections.

As a result, the number of accidents of systemic importance does not decrease, but their negative consequences for consumers increase.

The absence of generally binding technological rules in the electric power industry in the market conditions of the industry’s functioning leads to uncoordinated, scattered actions on the part of large number owners, who, among other things, own adjacent electric power facilities operating in a single mode, which significantly reduces the reliability of the electric power mode of the entire energy system.

All this indicates the relevance of regulation in this area.

The law signed by the President of the Russian Federation is aimed at solving this problem. In accordance with it, the Government of the Russian Federation or federal executive bodies authorized by it are given the authority to establish mandatory requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of electric power systems and electric power facilities, including requirements for modes and parameters of operation of electric power facilities and power receiving installations, relay protection and automation , stability and reliability of electric power systems and planning their development, training workers in the electric power industry to work at electric power facilities and power receiving installations.

The bill also provides for clarification of the subject of federal state energy supervision and limiting it only to issues of safety of electric power facilities.

Thus, a basis has been created for solving the long-term problem of optimizing the technical regulation system in the electric power industry, which will ultimately improve the safety of operation of electric power facilities and the reliability of power supply to consumers, and ensure the introduction of advanced technologies in the industry.

A new generation centralized emergency automation system will increase the reliability of the United Energy System of the North-West

In the Branch of SO UES JSC "United Dispatch Office of the North-West Energy System" (ODU of the North-West), the Centralized Emergency Automation System (CPSA) of the United Energy System of the North-West has been put into commercial operation. The development of functioning algorithms and software for the CSPA hardware and software complex installed in the ODU was carried out by JSC "STC UES".

Centralized emergency control systems automatically ensure the stability of the power system in the event of emergency situations. CSPA in real time calculates and changes settings (tuning parameters) in terms of volumes of control actions corresponding to the current electric power mode of operation of the power system. The use of DSPA makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the control actions of emergency automation, expand the range of permissible operating modes of the power system, and thereby increase the reliability of power supply to consumers.

CSPA is a unique development of domestic power engineers, carried out since the appearance of the first computers in the industry in the 1960s. The ideologist of the creation and development of the CSPA was the Central Dispatch Directorate of the Unified Energy System. Now the UES of Russia, under the leadership of the System Operator, is being equipped with third-generation centralized systems. Since 2014, such a CSPA has been operating in the IPS of the East; systems in the IPS of the Middle Volga, South, Urals and in the Tyumen energy system are currently in trial operation. The United Energy System of the North-West was not previously equipped with centralized emergency control systems of previous generations.

CSPA have a two-level structure, which provides for the installation of upper-level software and hardware systems in the dispatch centers of SO UES JSC branches of the joint dispatch departments, and lower-level devices - at electric power facilities. In the CSPA UES of the North-West, the 750 kV substation Leningradskaya and Leningradskaya NPP were selected for the installation of downstream devices. The project for the downstream device at the Leningradskaya substation has already been implemented; it will appear at the Leningradskaya NPP in 2021.

The top-level CSPA software and hardware complex installed in the dispatch center of the ODU of the North-West is based on a multi-server system and provides increased speed and reliability of its operation. At the upper level of the DSPA, cyclic collection of information, calculation of control actions and selection of settings for lower-level devices occur in real time. The exchange of information between the upper and lower levels of the DSPA is carried out via mutually redundant digital data transmission channels. In the event of an emergency in the power system, microprocessor systems at power facilities ensure the implementation of control actions in accordance with the settings accepted from the upper level.

The new generation DSPA has expanded functionality, including a more advanced algorithm for calculating the static stability of the power system, as well as an algorithm for selecting control actions according to the conditions for ensuring dynamic stability (stability of the power system during emergency disturbances) and a new algorithm for assessing the state of the electric power regime of the power system.

The basis of the algorithm is to calculate control actions using a detailed mathematical model of the backbone network. The model takes into account the current balance of the power system and the actual state of power lines and equipment. In the calculation process, emergency disturbances are modeled one by one for the existing electrical network circuit and, if necessary, the most effective and at the same time minimally necessary available control actions are selected for each of them. This ensures the adaptability of the automation – self-tuning to any network repair scheme.

Modernization of the centralized emergency automation system increases the reliability of the UES of the East

At the Branch of SO UES OJSC "United Dispatch Management of Energy Systems of the East" (UDE of the East), a new version of the centralized emergency control system (CSAS) of the United Energy System of the East was put into commercial operation with the connection of the emergency control system of the Bureyskaya HPP to it.

Modernization of the CSPA and the connection of the local automatic stability prevention system (LAPNU) of the Bureyskaya HPP as its downstream device will make it possible to minimize the amount of control influences in the power system to disconnect consumers in the event of emergencies at electric power facilities.

CSPA UES of the East was put into commercial operation in 2014. Initially, the LAPNU of the Zeya Hydroelectric Power Station and the LAPNU of the Primorskaya State District Power Plant were used as downstream devices for it. After the modernization of the hardware and software base of the LAPNU, carried out by the branch of PJSC RusHydro - Bureyskaya HPP, its connection to the CSPA also became possible.

“The successful commissioning of the LAPNU of the Bureyskaya HPP as part of the CSPA UES of the East made it possible to bring automatic emergency control in the energy interconnection to a qualitatively new level. The number of starting elements has increased from 16 to 81, the CSPA has covered two-thirds of the controlled sections in the UPS of the East, the volume of control influences on disconnecting consumers in the event of accidents in the power system has been significantly minimized,” noted Natalya Kuznetsova, Director for Mode Control - Chief Dispatcher of the UPS of the East.

In order to connect the emergency control system of the Bureyskaya HPP, specialists from ODU Vostok carried out a set of measures in 2017–2018, which included preparing and setting up the CSPA test site, setting up its network interaction with the LAPNU of the Bureyskaya HPP. According to the program developed by ODU of the East and agreed with the Branch of PJSC RusHydro - Bureyskaya HPP, the operation of the LAPNU as a downstream device of the CSPA was tested, as well as monitoring and analysis of calculation models, monitoring of communication channels and information exchange between the CSPA and the LAPNU, setting up network interaction and software.

CSPA UES of the East belongs to the family of centralized emergency control systems of the third generation. Compared to previous generations, they have expanded functionality, including a more advanced algorithm for calculating the static stability of the power system and an algorithm for selecting control actions according to the conditions for ensuring not only static, but also dynamic stability - the stability of the power system during emergency disturbances. Also, the new CSPAs operate on the basis of a new algorithm for assessing the state of the electrical power regime of the power system. Each CSPA has a two-level structure: upper-level hardware and software systems are installed in dispatch centers of ODU, and lower-level devices are installed at dispatch facilities.

In addition to the UES of the East, third-generation CSPAs successfully operate in the UES of the North-West and the UES of the South. Systems are in trial operation in the IPS of the Middle Volga, the Urals and in the Tyumen energy system.

Alexander Novak: “The commissioning of new capacities should create the necessary level of system reliability”

July 30, Republic of Crimea. – Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak held a meeting on the implementation of the project for the construction of the Balaklava CCGT-TPP and the Tavricheskaya PGU-TPP and the construction of external infrastructure facilities for power plants, implemented within the framework of the federal target program “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to 2020."

The minister recalled that this year it is planned to commission 940 MW of new capacity in the region (Balaklava CCGT-CHP and Tavricheskaya CCGT-CHP), as well as 120 MW as part of the reconstruction of the Saki CHPP.

“The commissioning of new capacities should create the necessary level of system reliability, which will contribute to the development of the region, the passage of an accident-free sanatorium-resort season and the autumn-winter period,” said Alexander Novak.

The head of the Russian energy department noted that schedules for completing the construction of external infrastructure facilities have been updated, including measures to obtain the necessary permits for putting these facilities into operation.

As you know, the need for changes in the Russian electrical grid complex has been discussed at the state level for more than one year in a row. In pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 1567, the Development Strategy of the Electric Grid Complex of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Development Strategy) was developed, which provides for limiting the activities of unqualified territorial grid organizations (hereinafter referred to as TGOs) through consolidation and introduction of criteria for recognizing a legal entity as an electric grid organization .

In accordance with the Development Strategy, a large number of TSOs increases risks in relation to the operation of the electrical network and predetermines the non-optimal distribution of resources associated with its operation, maintenance and development. To solve this problem, it is necessary to take measures aimed at reducing the number of TSOs by creating economic and legislative conditions under which ultra-small or unreliable network organizations will be forced to leave the market or join larger network companies. In this regard, the relevant authorities, including the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Energy of Russia), were instructed to prepare the necessary regulations by December 2013.

Thus, the Ministry of Energy of Russia prepared a draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “ On approval of criteria and regulations for classifying owners of electric grid facilities as territorial grid organizations ».

At the beginning of 2014, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, in an interview with Echo of Moscow, announced that the state would pursue a policy aimed at reducing TCO by defining criteria. The minister added that, in fact, certification will be carried out, but not in a formal sense, but from the point of view of receiving a tariff from the Regional Energy Commission (REC). Those TCOs that do not meet the criteria will not receive a tariff and will be forced to either merge or reduce their business. It should be noted that the Development Strategy also provides for the exclusion for the period 2013-2014. costs of monogrids based on the “boiler” tariff.

According to Alexander Novak, it is planned that, in accordance with the approved strategy, by 2017 the number of TSOs, which has currently grown to 4.5 thousand, should become half as much, and by 2022 – even half as much.

In June 2014, the Ministry of Energy of Russia presented a revised text of the draft Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of criteria for classifying owners of electric grid facilities as territorial grid organizations and on amendments to the Rules of state regulation (revision, application) of prices (tariffs) in the electric power industry, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 1178” (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Resolution).

The draft resolution, which is planned to be adopted in III quarter of 2014, aimed at reducing the total number of TSOs, reducing risks in relation to the operation of electrical networks and more optimally allocating resources associated with its operation, maintenance and development of electrical network assets.

According to the planned changes, compliance of a legal entity that owns electric grid facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) with the criteria for classifying the owners of electric grid facilities as TSO (hereinafter referred to as the Criteria) will be the basis for establishing a price (tariff) for electric energy transmission services in relation to such Applicant .

It should be noted that in the latest edition of the Draft Resolution there is no mention of individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs). It is logical to assume that this is due to the requirements of the Federal Law “On Electric Power Industry”, according to which TSOs are primarily commercial organizations, individual entrepreneurs are not, and therefore the path to carrying out regulated activities in the transmission of electricity is closed for them. The same applies to those individual entrepreneurs who currently own electrical networks. In the next billing period after the adoption of the innovations, such individual entrepreneurs will not be able to receive a tariff for carrying out regulated activities for the transmission of electrical energy.

The analysis of the Applicant’s compliance with the required Criteria will be carried out by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs (hereinafter referred to as the Tariff Regulatory Authorities), as part of the examination of proposals for setting prices (tariffs) and (or) their maximum levels, based on the results of which an appropriate expert report is issued conclusion.

According to the Draft Resolution, if an Applicant does not meet the necessary Criteria, the Tariff Regulatory Authority sends such an Applicant a notice that there are no grounds for establishing a price (tariff) for electricity transmission services, indicating the criteria that the Applicant does not meet.

Criteria established for the Applicant:

1) Possession by right of ownership or otherwise legally for a period not less than the upcoming period of regulation of the following electric grid facilities used to carry out regulated activities:

(a) power transformers, the total installed capacity of which is at least 10 MVA;

(b) overhead and (or) cable power lines at least two of the voltage levels indicated below:

(i) high voltage (HV) – 110 kV and above;

(ii) average first voltage (CH1) – 35 kV;

(iii) average second voltage (CH2) – 1 – 20 kV;

(iv) low voltage (LV) – below 1 kV.

NB! : The criteria mentioned in this paragraph do not apply to Applicants carrying out the transmission of electrical energy in technologically isolated territorial electrical power systems.

2) Over the past 3 years, there have been no more than 2 facts of application by tariff regulation authorities of:

(a) reduction factors to ensure compliance of the level of tariffs established for the owner of electric grid facilities with the level of reliability and quality of the goods supplied and services provided;

(b) adjustments of tariffs (prices) established for a long-term period of regulation, if the Applicant provided unreliable reporting data to calculate the actual values ​​of reliability and quality indicators of the goods supplied and services provided, or did not provide such data.

3) Availability of registered phone number for requests from consumers of services for the transmission of electrical energy and (or) technological connection;

4) Availability of an official website on the Internet.

It should be noted that the availability of the corresponding telephone number and official website will be confirmed by a certificate signed by the head or other authorized person of the Applicant and certified by the seal of the Applicant. According to the planned innovations, this certificate, along with other supporting materials, must be attached toapplication for the establishment of tariffs and (or) their maximum levels, sent by the Applicant to the Tariff Regulation Authority.

Thus, an analysis of the Draft Resolution allows us to say that today the number of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activities of network organizations that Applicants must meet in order to be classified as TGOs has been minimized. Despite this, the document focuses on the basic requirements to limit the implementation of regulated electricity transmission activities by small or unscrupulous network organizations.

Thus, the legislator gives rise to a state policy for the consolidation of electric networks, implying a significant reduction in the number of TSOs while simultaneously tightening requirements and control in relation to the mentioned companies.

The draft resolution considers the approval of the status of a TSO not as a separate procedure, but as a component of the process of obtaining a price (tariff) for carrying out regulated activities. This greatly simplifies the procedure for identifying “inappropriate” Applicants, who will simply be refused to set a price (tariff), which will not allow such Applicants to provide electricity transmission services and receive the corresponding profit.

Let us remind you that the owners of electrical networks do not have the right to prevent the flow of electrical energy through their energy facilities. The need to comply with this rule in the absence of an appropriate tariff means that TCOs will incur losses associated primarily with the maintenance of electrical networks. Thus, the refusal of TSO to receive a tariff will lead to consequences as a result of which many of today's players will be forced to leave the market for electric energy transmission services.

In addition to the already mentioned individual entrepreneurs, innovations may affect (those that have their own networks on their balance sheet or have separated them into affiliated organizations) large enterprises that receive additional income through the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy, as well as services for technological connection to electrical networks. Small last-mile TCOs, which often own only a small section of networks, will also face difficulties.

It is obvious that the Government of the Russian Federation is aimed at a significant reduction in the number of TSOs in the near future. It can also be assumed (there are examples of this) that, in order to be more efficient, the resolution will be adopted shortly before the expiration of the deadline for setting tariffs by tariff regulatory authorities. In this case, many owners of electrical networks, starting in 2015, will find themselves “out of work.”

It should be noted that in accordance with the norms of current legislation, regulated organizations have the opportunity to protect their interests. Thus, the FTS of Russia is authorized to pre-trially consider disputes related to the establishment and (or) application of regulated prices (tariffs) in the areas of activity of natural monopoly entities and interested parties (territorial organizations, their consumers),if there is evidence,has the right to apply to the FTS of Russia with a corresponding application to consider a dispute regarding the establishment of a price (tariff). A decision on such a dispute is made by the FTS of Russia within 90 days.

The refusal of the tariff regulatory body to establish the appropriate tariff (notification of the absence of grounds for establishing a tariff) can also be challenged in an arbitration court and declared illegal in the procedure for challenging non-normative legal acts.

However, it would be most correct to recommend that those TSOs that do not fall under the Criteria now take active measures aimed at meeting the requirements provided for by the Draft Resolution. Among them, we can highlight the consolidation of the assets of several TSOs into one, larger organization. Such consolidation would allow the newly created TSO to meet the Criteria necessary to carry out electricity transmission activities.

However, this is only one of the methods lying on the surface, and there are also concessions, joint ventures, management, that is, models, the implementation of which is possible when carrying out activities based on the developed project of step-by-step actions for an organization interested in preserving the business even after the release of the resolution in question.

Monogrids are TCOs that provide services for the transmission of electrical energy primarily to one consumer or consumers who are members of the same group of persons and (or) own, by right of ownership or other legal basis, power receiving devices that they use as part of a single technological process.

Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry" dated March 26, 2003 No. 35-FZ, hereinafter referred to as Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry"
