"angels". Lesson plan “Making a Christmas angel Angelic order lesson in an Orthodox school

Ekaterina Ivacheva

Lesson outline


Target: teach technology manufacturing gift souvenir « Christmas angel» made of fabric.



1. Introduce students to folk traditions related to technology making Christmas angels.


1. Education of artistic and aesthetic taste, creative perception of the world around us.

2. Creating conditions for the development of spiritual qualities of students.

3. Cultivating accuracy and patience


1. Development of imagination, fantasy, creative thinking.

2. Development of communication abilities of pupils.

Form classes: group, individual.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

Methodological support: instruction cards on the topic « Making a Christmas Angel» .

Tools and accessories: needle, brush, scissors

Materials: textile (lining on padding polyester) 10 x 20, white threads, 15 cm braid, foil.

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, demonstration, practical, visual.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Greeting the teacher, checking readiness.

2. Theoretical part.

I will read you a poem, and you will think and answer what we will do today on class


Baby- angel on Christmas Eve

God sent to earth:

“How will you go through the spruce forest,

He said with a smile,

You cut down the Christmas tree and the little one

The kindest on earth,

The most affectionate and sensitive

Give as a memory of Me.”

And I was embarrassed angel baby:

“But who should I give it to?

How to find out which baby is wearing

Will there be God's grace?

“You will see for yourself,” God answered.

And the heavenly guest went.

The month had already risen, the path was bright

And it led to a huge city.

Festive speeches are everywhere,

Happiness awaits children everywhere...

Throwing the Christmas tree over your shoulders,

The angel goes with joy...

Look through the windows yourself -

There's a big celebration there!

The Christmas trees glow with lights,

As happens in Christmas.

And from house to house hastily

The angel began to cross,

To find out who he owes

Give God's Christmas tree.

Both beautiful and obedient

He saw a lot of children. –

All at the sight of God's Christmas tree,

Forgetting everything, they reached out to her.

Who's screaming: “I’m standing up for a Christmas tree!”

Who reproaches him for this:

“You can’t compare to me,

I’m kinder than you!”

“No, I deserve a Christmas tree

And more worthy than others!”

The angel listens calmly,

Looking around them with sadness.

Everyone is proud of each other,

Everyone praises himself

At your opponent with fear

Or looking with envy.

And out into the street, drooping,

The angel came out... “Oh my God!

Teach who I could

Give away Your priceless gift!”

And meets you on the street

Angel baby, - he stands,

He looks around at God's Christmas tree, -

And the gaze lights up with delight.

Christmas tree! Christmas tree! – clapped

He's clapping. - It's a pity that I

I don't deserve this tree

And she's not for me...

But take it to your sister,

What lies with us is sick.

Make her so happy, -

She's worth a Christmas tree!

Let us not cry in vain!”

Boy whispered to an angel.

And with a smile clear angel

He handed the Christmas tree to the baby.

And then by some miracle

The stars fell from the sky

And, sparkling with emerald,

The branches of the Christmas tree are stuck.

The tree sparkles and shines, -

A heavenly symbol was given to her;

And trembles with delight

Amazed little boy...

And, having recognized such love,

Angel, moved to tears,

Good news to God,

He brought it like a priceless gift.

F. M. Dostoevsky

Christmas angel- this is a symbol of the approaching holiday. The topic of our classes« Making a Christmas angel doll» . In a religious view angel- a supernatural creature, depicted as a beautiful winged youth, considered the messenger of God. Angel- this is a messenger to people, one who protects, protects someone, or this is a saint whose name a person bears.

Questions:1. How do you imagine angel? How might it look in your mind? (Answers)

2. Please tell me what it is angel above the head is yellow or gold? (Answers) The radiance in the form of a light circle around the head is a symbol of holiness called a halo.

No one has ever seen angels, so in people's minds they look like differently: some people imagine angels in the form of rosy-cheeked babies, others in the form of a woman in a white robe, many represent angels in the form of a girl or girl. There is information in the literature that angels They come with and without wings. They can take on a human-like appearance. Angels in people's minds it is something good and bright; people also believe that every person has his own guardian angel. So that this pure, bright and good thing is always nearby, people, using their imagination, try to make angels in the form of toys, dolls

Angela bringing good news to all the people of the earth about The birth of Jesus is called the Nativity. Holiday Christmas– one of the most beautiful winter Christian holidays.

A long-standing holiday tradition Christmas– decorate your home and Christmas tree with angel figures. Doll « Christmas angel» given as a gift for Easter or Christmas. They were different in that they made red, white and green for Easter angels, and on Christmas - white and blue. It was used as a Christmas tree decoration, and was also hung above the crib, protecting the child's sleep. In any case, I believe in it!

The people's doll is always was made with love, special care and according to the rules. At manufacturing The dolls did not use scissors, needles, and did not have their faces decorated.

make little angels can be made from various materials. I suggest you look and compare angels who were made by different people.

Slides with images are shown angels.

Our the angel is made of fabric. This is a lining fabric on padding polyester. Important when working on little angel, think about good things, imagine what joy we will bring to those to whom we give our toy.

Let's take a closer look at our crafts:

How many parts does it consist of? (head, wings, torso, halo).

Please look at the slides, the technological sequence is presented here making an angel(teacher's comment on each slide).

3. Practical part.

Getting started, let's repeat the rules of T/B when working with scissors, T/B when working with a needle.

The teacher demonstrates techniques making an angel.

We cut out two parts from fabric on padding polyester (circles with diameters of 7-8 cm);

We put a little cotton wool in the center of one circle and tie it with thread, forming a head angel;

Spread the wings;

Fold the second circle in half, form a cone and glue it around the toothpick;

Then glue the wings to the cone

Now please repeat the sequence making an angel using the instruction card.

Now, I suggest we start doing the work. Follow the technological sequence making an angel, use instruction cards.

Practical work of students. When the task is completed, an exhibition of student work is organized.

4. Final part.

Teacher: Today, you learned make a Christmas angel. The knowledge gained is for you will come in handy: you can teach how to do angels of their relatives, sister, brother, mom and dad, grandparents or your friends. Let's remember what traditions existed in Russia during making folk dolls(At manufacturing dolls did not use scissors, needles, and did not decorate the face)

I would like to note that you worked quickly, amicably, successfully and accurately dealt with all the points of the technological map.

I thank you all for your work. You worked hard and saw the results of your labor.

I wish you that what you do angels have always protected you, protected, gave advice. This is our class is over.

But before we start our conversation, let's figure out who the archangels are? In one of the articles we already talked about angels, and now we will look specifically at the archangels. And as close as possible.

Archangel (ancient Greek Ἀρχάγγελος from ancient Greek ἀρχι- - “chief, senior” + ancient Greek ἄγγελος - “messenger, messenger, angel”) - in Christian doctrine one of the highest categories (ranks) of angels . In the system of the angelic hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, this is the eighth of the nine ranks of angels. In the canonical books of the Bible, only Michael is directly named as an archangel, but according to the traditions of the church, there are several archangels.

In the Orthodox Church there is mention of eight archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selathiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel. Sihail, Zadkiel, Samuel, Jophiel and many others are also known.

According to the book “On the Heavenly Hierarchy” by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (5th - early 6th centuries), archangel is the name of the second rank in the third, lowest rank of the angelic hierarchy (1st rank - angels, 2nd - archangels, 3rd - start). Seven archangels according to the apocrypha “Book of Enoch” (2nd century BC):

Michael is the main archangel,

Gabriel is the messenger of divine revelations and the leader of the spirits who help people,

Raphael is the ruler of man's thoughts and his healer,

Uriel - ruler of the heavenly bodies, guardian of Paradise,

Raguel is the archangel of justice and legality,

Jeremiel - watcher of the resurrection of the dead,

Sariel is the ruler over the souls of the sons of men, and also oversees sinners.

If you believe solely in the words of the Bible, then Michael is an archangel, Gabriel is an angel (according to Orthodox hymnography, he is an archangel), Raphael is an angel. According to the Third Book of Ezra, Uriel is an angel (not an archangel or cherub or seraphim), and Jeremiel is an archangel.

Kabbalah reveals the correspondence between the hierarchy of angels, forefathers and sephiroth:

Michael - Abraham - chesed, Gabriel - Isaac - gevurah, Raphael - Jacob - tipharet.

This is how the picture turns out. According to one hierarchy, an archangel is the highest angelic rank. According to another, one of the lowest... Well, to some extent this is not particularly important. After all, Mikhail is quite an important person in the DxD universe. So now let's switch to it.

Archangel Michael, Archangel Michael (Heb. מיכאל‎, Hebrew ‏מִיכָאֵל‎‏‎‎, Michael - “Who is like God?”; Old Greek χαήλ) - an angel mentioned by name in a number of biblical books. Saint Archangel Michael is the main archangel and is one of the most revered Archangels in religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In Orthodoxy he is called the Archangel, which means the head of the Holy Host of Angels and Archangels.

The expression “Archangel Michael” consists of five words: “arch angel mi ka el”, where “angel” is the Greek translation of ancient Hebrew. מלאך‎ “malakh” means “messenger”, and with the addition of “arkh” - “senior messenger”. “Mi ka el” (Heb. מיכאל‎) literally means interrogative “Who is like God?” meaning “no one is equal to God.”

However, the option “which is like el” is also acceptable. “El”, or “El”, in Russian translations traditionally means “God”, however, this word is not at all unambiguous and its meaning has historically undergone many changes. Thus, the expression “Archangel Michael” can mean: “Senior messenger endowed with the powers of El,” or “Senior plenipotentiary envoy of El.” In the context of the Old Testament, Michael is the senior messenger of the Most High, and the protector of the people of Israel. According to Jewish tradition, Michael is one of the four angels (Michael, Gabriel, Oriel and Raphael) standing before the throne of God and guarding the four cardinal directions. Among the seven angels of Jewish mythology, only two are named in the Old Testament

Testament: Michael and Gabriel. Raphael is mentioned by name in the Book of Tobit, which is not in the Hebrew Bible (TaNaKh), but is present in the Septuagint.

It is also worth noting that Michael is also mentioned among Muslims. In the Koran, the archangel is called Mikael and has emerald green wings. He is in the seventh heaven, on the edge of the sea, crowded with countless angels.

Mikail is one of the four angels of the highest category (Makribun) in Islam. He is referred to as an angel who distributes food to Allah's creations. Also known as the Angel of Mercy. In addition to the prophetic missions that he performs as a makriboon, he controls the winds and clouds.

In Christianity, it is generally accepted that the cherub armed with a sword at the gates of heaven was the Archangel Michael. In particular, this plot is included in his hagiographic stamps in Orthodox icons. On a number of icons, the halo of the Archangel Michael consists of a floral ornament, which symbolically indicates that he is a heavenly guardian standing at the gates of heaven. This is evidenced by the medieval collection of miracles of the Archangel Michael, “Pandoleon the Deacon and Chartophylak to the Great Church, the Legend of the Miracles of the Great and Glorious Michael, the Archangel”:

“And such and the divine Archangel Michael...give us from then on to our chosen Christians a great representative and Savior.”

The origin of this tradition is not very clear. In the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, Michael is mentioned as the one who appeared at the gates of heaven to Seth, but it is not written that he is the guardian of the gates of heaven. The appearance of Michael Sifu is also mentioned in the “Golden Legend”.

And in the war of demons (then still fallen angels) and the heavenly army, Michael played no small role. The Revelation of John the Theologian tells of the heavenly battle of the Archangel Michael and his angels with a seven-headed and ten-horned dragon, pursuing a Woman clothed with the sun and her baby:

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought [against them], but they did not stand, and there was no longer room for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:7-9)

I think it’s worth saying a few words about the archangel’s appearance. In icon painting, Archangel Michael is often depicted with a spear-cane in one hand and a special mirror sphere (a symbol of foresight given to the Archangel by God) in the other. On later icons, Michael can be depicted trampling the devil with his feet, in his left hand as a winner holding a green date branch, in his right hand a spear with a white banner on which a scarlet cross is inscribed (symbolizing the victory of the Life-giving Cross over the devil) or holding a flaming sword and shield in his hands . Since the 12th century, images of the Archangel Michael appear in the composition of the Last Judgment; he is depicted as a formidable warrior with scales, one of which the devil is trying to outweigh. Sometimes Mikhail was portrayed as a psychopomp -
escort of the souls of the dead to the Last Judgment, weighing the sinful and righteous deeds of people.

Michael can also be presented as the archangel of the Heavenly Forces, dressed in military armor, or riding on a horse. Archangel Michael is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis, in the deesis rank of the iconostasis and as part of the so-called “angelic deesis”.

And a few more interesting facts:

It is believed that Michael was known to the Chaldeans and was even revered by them as a god. In Persian legends he appears as Beshter or "one who supports a person." They point out that “Christianity has accepted the guardian angel of the Jewish people as a saint of the militant church in general. The roots of this interpretation seem to lie in the religion of ancient Persia, whose pantheon was divided in half: into light and darkness, or good and evil. The gods of light, with whom Michael is associated, were in constant conflict with the gods of darkness."

This New Testament character, the conqueror of Satan, is considered the patron saint of the German state. In accordance with popular beliefs, it appears mainly on mountain peaks, that is, in those places where the supreme god of the Germans, Odin (Wotan), lived during the years of paganism.

In some mystical and occult texts, Michael was associated with the Holy Spirit, Logos and Metatron. For example, in the Apocalypse of Baruch, Michael holds the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, which in the orthodox Christian tradition is the responsibility of Peter.

Well, I think it's time to finish. Because if you continue to talk about Archangel Michael and how he is revered in the Christian church, the conversation may drag on for a long time. So, having tried to highlight the most important, in my opinion, points, I hasten to finish the article. Take a break and continue collecting materials for something interesting. So, see you soon, dear readers!

Lesson topic: Lecture No. 2. Fallen angels. Sources of knowledge about angels

Greetings. I would like to devote today’s lesson to sources of knowledge about angels, and also talk about fallen angels. Write the topic from the board.

Many religious texts state that angels were created on the second day of the creation of the world and were endowed with perfection, immortality and free will (Talmud). Some theologians argue that angels were created before the creation of the earth or together with the creation of the heavens and earth. There is no unity on this issue, so let’s return to the angels themselves. Most of them immediately chose to give up free will and began to serve their Creator. But some desired their own power and glory - they began to be called “fallen” angels. Those. not everyone wanted to become a part of the light and the Creator, but we should not judge them for this choice to have free will, because we do not condemn humanity, which is also gifted with free will. Angels who refuse the gift serve God and are believed to protect humanity from the fallen. But no one undertakes to say for sure that the fallen harmed someone. It's just a religious tradition.

It is more convenient for a person to divide the world into good and bad, Light and Darkness, he has the right to choose, but who gave him the right to judge? And how did man initially differ from the fallen? Only because angels are spiritual entities, and man, here he is, is material. The fallen are free in their choice of actions and words. Yes, they can go against the will of God, but more often they simply shock people, revealing to them a different view of the world. And they could live on earth, among us.

There are also so-called demons, or demons (in the Christian understanding), which are believed to harm a person, seduce his soul, and live in Hell. I will not consider the detailed meaning of the word “demon”, not in angelology; I will only say that initially demons or daimons were considered akin to guardian angels. By the way, demons relatively recently, before the baptism of Rus', were considered just small dirty spirits, even earlier elemental spirits who loved to joke, but initially. Christianization gave Rus' a lot, but also caused considerable damage. But let's not talk about that now. The legend about the fallen is that they did not give up the gift of free will and were cast out of heaven. Everything else is history, its mistakes, gaps, inventions, etc. Because of a copyist's mistake, the guardian spirit daimon turns into an evil demon. And fallen angels, due to thousands of years of history, are equated to the same demons or demons. I told you this so that you would not equate fallen angels with demons or demons.

I will tell you one of the versions of the confrontation between Lucifer and God. “Initially, Lucifer (“light-bringer”) was “an elder of the 10th rank” of the angels of the Lord, which later did not prevent him from receiving the name Satan and becoming his most implacable opponent. However, these events were never seriously reflected on the pages of the Bible: isolated mentions of the event in the Old Testament and a brief description in the Revelation of John the Theologian. "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them. But they could not stand, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, thrown to the ground and his angels were cast out with him."

There is no specific story of the overthrow of Satan on the pages of the Bible, which made it possible for the priests to interpret it in different ways. If we consider the theologians’ interpretations to be true, then history looked like this, or almost like this:

“On the fourth day of creation, God “winded up” the sky and placed his throne on it. Then Satan thought: “I will put my throne on the clouds and I will be like the Most High,” and so he did, only he placed the sky higher than what God had built. God saw this and built a new heaven, higher than Satan’s. So they built the heavens until they erected all five (seven - nine - twelve) levels. After which God accused Satan of ineptitude, since no matter what the latter puts his hands to, God has to redo everything, and the Angel-Satan refused to obey the Almighty and called on the rest of the angels. “to fall away” from God. “Those who fell away” were kicked out of the divine heavens, but did not rest.

In general, they resemble two brothers who are always arguing about who is cooler.

What happened next, I think you can guess. There was a battle. The Fallen lost and were thrown from heaven to earth. Or, as some sources say, to hell. But this is one of the interpretations of theologians. It is, of course, difficult to find out what actually happened there. But definitely fallen angels have free will and the right to choose, unlike their heavenly brothers.

We have one more issue to consider. It is associated with sources of knowledge about angels. No one knows exactly where on Earth the tradition of venerating angels originated. Winged creatures - messengers of the gods - are spoken of in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian and Indian texts. I note that all these civilizations are considered more ancient than European ones. And on one of the steles that have come down to us from Ancient Sumer, the world’s first civilization, according to historians, a heavenly winged creature is depicted who fills the cup of an earthly ruler with “water of life.”

In Ancient Greece, philosophers such as Aristotle and Socrates also believed in angels. Aristotle called them “intelligentsia” (more often this term can be heard among medieval scientists), otherwise “first matter” or “pure reason”. The first matter itself represented a single aggregate of angels, a sea of ​​divine grace, and Aristotle did not single out individual angels. The first matter was one, only sometimes it twisted into vortexes around the human soul, thereby influencing him. Socrates had his own daimon - a guardian spirit that guided him throughout his life, i.e. it stood out as a certain essence within a person, was difficult to separate from consciousness and soul, but at the same time did not merge with world matter, however, it manifested itself spontaneously. Remember your dialogues with your inner voice - this was the daimon, according to Socrates. It’s hard for you to say that it exists outside of you, comes from outside. I gave you two examples of other names, even perceptions, that are familiar to you for angels in general (in Aristotle) ​​or only for guardians (in Socrates). I hope that this will once again help you realize that the Christian good spirits-messengers, the angels and daimons of Socrates, and the Gandharvas of Hinduism are very similar, if not the same. But let's get back to the lecture.

Comprehension of angels is dealt with by a special science - angelology, which we will study. Angelology is considered a branch of the sciences that study various aspects of religions and more, but this does not mean that I will preach sermons in my classes. The purpose of the lessons is to present you with the most diverse points of view on angels existing in the world from ancient times to the present day, as well as to introduce you to the spiritual world, giving the necessary skills and preparing your consciousness to perceive this world. Angelology is mainly studied by theologians (in particular, Christian ones), as well as mystics and philosophers.

Over the centuries, many works have been written about angels and their hierarchies, parascientific, religious, mystical traditions of their study have been created, often based on rewriting or translation of earlier manuscripts.

The authors of most of these texts were mystics, prophets, legislators - creators of religious rituals and moral norms, poets and authors of chronicles. The numerous sources of knowledge about angels that existed in early Christianity had the same weight of authority as the canonical books of the Bible today. However, after these texts were removed from the Old Testament, the information they contained was forgotten. I make a slight bias towards Christianity, assuming that most of the believing students are Christians.

Although there are many references to angels in the Bible, no details are given about them except in two or three cases. Gabriel and Michael are named in the Old Testament, and the Book of Tobit (included in the Old Testament of the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, but not part of the Jewish Bible; included as apocrypha in the Protestant version of the Bible) includes Raphael. Some angels in the Old Testament are described as “men in white” because they were prophets dressed in white linen (in ancient times linen was considered a symbol of immortality).

The wealth of information about angels is contained in the extra-canonical books of Enoch. The 1st Book of Enoch has been completely preserved only in the Ethiopic language, the 2nd Book of Enoch, or the Testament of Levi, has survived to this day in Old Church Slavonic, and the 3rd Book of Enoch in Hebrew. All of them were excluded from the Bible, but centuries later they continue to be quoted by church leaders and are often mentioned in the New Testament.

Recently, several more fragments of the 1st Book of Enoch in Aramaic were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is believed that they contain the most ancient list of names of angels.

In the Western religious tradition, the classic work on angels is considered to be the treatise "On the Heavenly Hierarchy", one of the texts of Dionysius the Areopagite, an anonymous theologian and philosopher of the 5th century. (The authorship of the Areopagitica was erroneously attributed to Dionysius, mentioned in the Bible - Acts 17:34.) St. Thomas Aquinas made this treatise the basis of the doctrine of angels in the work "Summa Theologica", which to this day remains one of the cornerstones of Catholicism.

Islam has always had a strong tradition of venerating angels. Islamic texts mention a huge variety of angels. Apparently, their authors were inspired by Zoroastrian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Chaldean books.

One of the richest sources of knowledge about angels is the Jewish mystical teaching known as Kabbalah. It is not contained in any one book, but rather is a collection of oral traditions. However, there are two important texts within the Kabbalah: the Zohar, or Book of Radiance, and the Sephira Yetzirah, or Book of Creation.

I've gone a little off topic. All previously mentioned sources were created in the past. Today, an interesting religious movement “New Age” (New Era) has arisen. It led to a revival of faith in angels. People who follow the path of spiritual enlightenment testify that they feel contact with angels every day. And although in the past (especially in the Middle Ages) excessive curiosity about angels was not encouraged among Christian church authorities (tricky theological questions that arose due to discord between early Christian sects were associated with them), and the Apostle Paul generally warned against communicating with them , it should be noted that the Roman Catholic Church has always encouraged its flock to turn to their guardian angels. The teachings of Jesus Christ contain no warnings about the dangers of contact with angels. Of course, there are many religious movements and directions these days, the New Age movement is given only as an example, since it is based on direct contact with or evidence of angels. However, this current was revealed the problem of angelism, i.e. faith in faceless messengers without faith in God himself, without certain knowledge of the content of the message (because this Divine message is not needed), you can learn more from the article of the same name by M. Epstein.

Here you briefly learned about well-known and less common sources of knowledge about angels. As you can see, it was not only the clergy who were interested in these spiritual entities. Back in the distant past bygone civilizations left us works on the basis of which mystical teachings, religious and philosophical treatises were created. And throughout the history of mankind, various inquisitive minds wanted to know more about good spirits. There were different approaches for this: religion explained angels as inhabitants of the Kingdom of Heaven and messengers of God, esotericists talked about angels as spiritual beings, good by nature, who can be used for good or as helpers to achieve goals, philosophers turned their gaze to these spiritual entities as an ideal, the embodiment of thought.

Write down your homework. Thank you for your attention.


1) Who are fallen angels in your opinion? (Mini-essay)
2) Name the types of main sources of knowledge about angels and briefly describe them.
3) Find and read M. Epstein’s article “The Return of the Angels.” How did you understand what angelism is?

God is love (1 John 4, 8).

Life in love is great joy, the highest bliss. And God wanted other creatures to receive this joy.

For this purpose He created the world.

First, God created Angels and installed them in the heavenly abodes. Heaven is a spiritual, invisible world. Then He created our earthly world.

The word “angel” itself means “messenger” in Russian. God sends holy Angels into the world to proclaim His will to people.

To do this, Angels take on a visible, human image. Many times Angels appeared to people in the form of beautiful young men in snow-white, shiny robes, girded with golden belts.

Angels are depicted as beautiful young men - as a sign of their spiritual beauty and winged - as a sign of their stay in the Kingdom of Heaven.

God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel at baptism. Our Heavenly Father commanded His Angels to guard us in all our ways and protect us from all evil (Ps. 90:10-11).

God gave me an angel at baptism.
I may never have seen him,
I know and believe that day after day
He protects me from enemies!

Guardian Angel is with me day and night,
Wherever I am, he is in a hurry to help me!
I don't know the best doctor in the world,
But I often upset him...

Am I lying, being lazy, or quarreling with someone?
The angel moves away and then cries.
Demons approach me then.
Angel, forgive me, without you I’m in trouble!

When you were just learning to walk, your mom or dad would take you by the hand, protecting you from danger. But they cannot always be with us, and dangers await us everywhere. We are so often left alone. Who will help us when they are not around? Our Guardian Angel. He is always and everywhere with us, although we do not see him.

God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Angel is my good guardian,
Quiet bright patron,
I always pray to the angel
I'm not afraid of anything with him.

Guardian Angel protects you
He knows your secret thoughts too,
Luck is having fun with you,
If you sin, he suffers and cries.

Poems by the monk Barnabas, and Evgeniy Sanin.

And here is the coloring book.

I read two stories to them about the Guardian Angel, they listened with bated breath, here is one of them:

In 1885, the assistant to the head of the Moscow Oktyabrsky railway station, F.I. Sokolov, reported such a case. He had a friend from the railroad
employee - a switchman who served at one of the stations of the Oktyabrskaya Railway closest to Moscow. One day while fulfilling his
During his official duties on the line he had to endure terrible moments. There was a courier train from Petrograd to Moscow. The switchman came out to him
towards him in order to move the arrow and direct him to a clear path. He looks, far ahead he can already see smoke and hear the whistle of a steam locomotive.
Looking back, he sees his three-year-old son running along the track towards the train and holding something in his hands. It was already too late to throw the arrow and run towards my son to take him away from the canvas. What to do?
Meanwhile, the train was approaching, and in about two minutes, if it had not moved the switch, the train would have rushed along another occupied track and crashed, which would have led to hundreds of casualties. Then with all his heart he cried out to God: “Thy holy will be done,” he crossed himself, closed his eyes and turned the arrow. A moment - and the train rushed along the track along which his little son had just run. When the train was out of sight and the dust had settled a little, the switchman ran to the place where his son was, thinking to find at least
the remains of a corpse, and what does he see: a boy, with his arms folded on his chest, lies prostrate on the ground. The father shouted to him: “My son, are you alive?” “I’m alive, I’m alive,” he answered cheerfully, rose to his feet, continuing to press him to his chest.
little crow. There was no trace of fear in his eyes. His father asked him: “How did you think of lying on the ground?” And the boy replied: “Some bright, handsome, kind young man with wings bent over me and bent me to the ground.” The switchman realized that when he cried out to the Lord, God's Angel miraculously saved his child. (Trinity leaves from the spiritual meadow. P. 84).

Name day is a special holiday. This is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor a person was baptized. And this holiday is special, it can be called the day of spiritual birth - after all, it is associated primarily with the sacrament of Baptism and with our heavenly patrons of the same name. In the past, name days were considered a more important holiday than the day of “physical” birth. Moreover, in many cases they were practically identical.

It is not for nothing that we designate everything pure, bright, beautiful, and perfect with the name of an angel. They say about sweet children, with trusting eyes and a kind smile: “like angels”, “angel eyes”, “angel smile”. Seeing extraordinary beauty, a person exclaims: “Angelic beauty!” Hearing the extraordinary, ringing, gentle singing - “Angel singing!”

The angel gets very upset when you move away or, even worse, give up on God, on Love, on the bright, the good, on him. He is upset by all your bad actions. For all your sins, the angel will be reproached for not being able to educate and protect you, to reach you. But the angel will happily read all your good deeds from the book of life. It’s good if there are more good deeds and prayers in your piggy bank than bad deeds, words, views...

Andrew (in honor of Andrew the First-Called) - disciple of Jesus Christ. He was a simple man, dressed in simple clothes, ate simple food. Andrew was the first person called to ministry by the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the first to follow the Lord and became one of the 12 apostles. St. Andrew the First-Called together with St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron of the Russian fleet.

Guardian Angel is our constant friend. Guardian Angel is our invisible, quiet interlocutor, comforter. He wants only one thing for a person - the salvation of the soul, and this is all he cares about. He sees us doing good - he rejoices; He sees us doing evil - he grieves.
