What can you do in 1 minute? Class hour "price of a minute." How to fall asleep in minutes

Time is important and too precious to be wasted or neglected. He is wise who pays attention to his time and does not treat it as a container to be filled with trinkets and aimless conversations. On the contrary, he directs him to worthy works and pious deeds that are pleasing to Allah and useful to people. Every minute in a person’s life carries the potential for improvement and prosperity for people, step by step.
If you want to achieve a high position and bring great joy to people, then forget about relaxation and stay away from empty fun.
In one minute you can do a lot of good and earn a lot of rewards. In just one minute of giving, learning, remembering or striving for good deeds, you can make sure that this minute of your life is not in vain. One minute can be written in the book of your good deeds if you know how best to spend it and take care of it.
Try the best way spend every minute.
Below is a list of what you can do in one minute, if Allah wills.
1. In one minute you can read Surah al-Fatihah 7 times. As some scholars have calculated, reciting the first sura of the Book of Allah is equivalent to performing more than 1,400 “hasan” (good deeds). Therefore, whoever reads al-Fatiha 7 times, with the permission of Allah Almighty, will receive more than 9,800 hassan. And all this in one minute.
2. In one minute you can recite Surah al-Ikhlyas 20 times, and this is equal to reading the Koran 7 times. Anyone who reads al-Ikhlas every day 20 times will receive the reward equal to reading the complete Quran 2,400 times in a year.
3. In one minute you can read one page of a familiar Quran, or part of a sura.
4. In one minute you can memorize one of the short verses Koran.
5. In one minute, you can say 20 times: “La illaha illa Allah, Wahdahu la sharika Allah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamd, wa huwa ala kulli shayin Qadir” and the reward for this will be like when 8 people were freed from slavery for the sake of Allah.
6. In one minute you can say “Subhana Allah wa bihamdihi” 100 times. For anyone who does this during the day, Allah will forgive minor sins, even if they are (“numerous”) like foam on the sea.
7. In one minute you can say: “Subhana Llahi wa bihamdihi. Subhana Llahil Azim" 50 times, and as it is said in the hadith (narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim), "These two expressions are light on the tongue, heavy on the scales, and loved by the Merciful Allah."
8. The Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The utterance of the words Subhan Allah wal-hamdu li Allah wa la illaha illa Allahu wa Allahu Akbar” is dearer to me than everything on which the sun rises” (i.e., than everything in the world. - author) (Narrated by Muslim). And in one minute you can say these words more than 18 times. These are the most dear and beloved words to Allah Almighty. They are very significant on the Day of Judgment, as stated in authentic hadiths.
9. In one minute you can say “La hawla wa la quwwata illa bi Llah” 40 times. These words are the treasures of Paradise, as stated in the hadiths narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim. They will help you overcome difficulties and start big things.
10. In one minute you can say “La illaha illa Allah” 50 times. These are great words, evidence of Monotheism, and the one who has them last spoken in this life will enter Paradise.
11. In one minute you can say “Subhana Llahi wa bihamdihi, adada halkihi, wa rizaa nafsihi, wazinata arshihi wa midada kalimatihi” more than 15 times. These words are equal to the multiplied reward for reading tasbih (praising Allah) and dhikr (remembering Allah), as reliably stated in the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
12. In one minute you can say “Astagfirullah” more than 100 times. We all know the virtue of Istighfar, which is the reason for the forgiveness of our sins. He is also the cause of many earthly blessings such as worthy life, strengthening strength, protection from troubles and adversity, sending rain, receiving rizq (means of subsistence).
13. In one minute, you can say short, seemingly insignificant words for us (for example, a prayer) and Allah Almighty can reveal to us so much goodness that we could not even dream of.
14. In one minute you can say salawat (blessing) to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) 50 times, and Allah Almighty will bless you 500 times, since one salawat to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is rewarded tenfold.
15. In one minute, you can think about the creation of the earth and the heavens by Allah Almighty, and we will be among the sane (ulil albab), whom Allah Almighty praised in His Book, the Holy Quran.
16. In one minute, you can mentally, with your heart, thank Allah Almighty, express your love for Him, fear of Him, hope in Him. Thus, we will go through several stages of worship of Allah Almighty. And this can be done while walking down the street, sitting on the couch or lying in bed.
17. In one minute you can read more than one page of a book that is useful to us.
18. In one minute you can call your loved ones on the phone and thereby strengthen the ties of kinship.
19. In one minute, you can raise your hands up and turn to the Almighty with a dua (prayer).
20. In one minute you can address several of your brothers with an Islamic greeting (salaam) and shake their hands.
21. In one minute you can keep someone from doing unwanted things.
22. In one minute you can set someone on the right path.
23. In one minute it is fashionable to give a good instruction to your brother (nasiha).
24. In one minute you can help in a good deed.
25. In one minute you can comfort your brother who is worried about something.
26. In one minute you can remove an obstacle from the road that is blocking people.

Ash-Shafa'i (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
When people go to sleep, I give vent to my tears
And I immerse myself in reading the most heartfelt poems
Isn't it wasteful that the nights pass
But your knowledge is not increasing
Although this time will go to the treasury of our lives
Finally, the more sincere you are to Allah and the more you know Him, the greater will be your reward and the greater your hasanat. Note that most of these actions will not cost you anything; they do not require taharat (cleanliness), they will not be tiring for you and will not require much effort. On the contrary, you can do them while walking, or in your car, or lying down, or standing, or sitting, or while waiting for someone.
These actions are among greatest paths achieving happiness, expanding the chest (bringing satisfaction and joy), removing stress and anxiety. May Allah help us and you to do what He loves and what He is pleased with. And may Allah bless our prophet Muhammad.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When I say “Subhan Allahi wal hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illa Allahu wa Allahu Akbar"(Glory to Allah, praise to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is Great), these words are more beloved to me than the sunrise."

These words more than 18 times. These words are the most beloved words of Allah, the best of the words that weigh heavily on the scales of good deeds, as has been transmitted by authentic hadiths.

In one minute you can say "Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi"(Glory and praise be to Allah) 100 times. Whoever says these words during the day will have the burden of his sins lifted, even if they are like the foam of the sea.

In one minute you can say “La hawla wa la quwwata illya billah” more than 40 times. This is one of the treasures of Paradise, as reported in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim.

In one minute you can tell "La ilaha illa Allah" about 50 times. This greatest words, for these are words of monotheism and mercy. If these words turn out to be the last words of a person, then he will enter Paradise.

In one minute you can say “Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdih “adada khalkihi wa rida nafsihi vazinata arshini wa midaada kalimaatihi” more than 15 times. These words bring much more reward for other forms of tasbih and dhikr, as stated in authentic hadiths from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

In one minute you can seek forgiveness from Allah more than 100 times by saying "Astagfirullah"(I seek forgiveness from Allah). Seeking forgiveness is a means of achieving forgiveness and entry into Paradise, ensuring a good life, strengthening strength and iman, and a means of repelling disasters.

In one minute you can express blessings to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 50 times by saying "Sallallahu alayhi wassalaam"(may Allah bless him and grant him peace). In return, Allah will bless you 500 times, because one blessing brings ten.

In one minute you can read the surah " Al-Ikhlas" 20 times. Reading this Surah is equivalent to reading one third of the Quran. If you recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 20 times every day, you will recite it 600 times in one month, and 7200 times in a year.

In one minute you can thank Allah, express your love, hope, longing for Him. You can remember Him at any moment of your life, when you are lying on your bed, walking down the street or just riding in public transport.

How do you spend a precious minute of your life?

Don't waste your time, value it, because... Every minute of your life can become the key that opens the gates of Heaven.

These activities are also one of the greatest means of achieving happiness, making life easier and removing anxiety. May Allah help us to do what He loves and what pleases Him.



Class teacher: E.V. Yakovleva

Grades: 2,3

Venue: office No. 10

"Price of a minute"

The purpose of the class hour :

Teach a sense of time, the ability to use it wisely, usefully for work and study;

Development of cognitive interest, attention, activity, work culture.


    teach to be punctual;

    develop healthy lifestyle skills;

    show the importance of following a daily routine;

    instill responsibility and commitment;


Proverbs and sayings about time;

Daily regime;

Projector, interactive board;



Gifts for children “Magic watch”;

Tasks for children;

Museum exhibition of clocks from a rural museum.

Progress of the class hour

    Organizing time

    Motivation (relaxation)

Children, I suggest you go to the river bank to sunbathe. Do you mind?

Place your head in your hands, close your eyes, Enjoy the warm sun; We listen to the bees buzzing and the grasshoppers chirping. A butterfly landed on your palm. Look at it.

Then her wings fluttered to help her fly, blow on her. The butterfly flew off about its business and we return to our class, where we also have work to do.

3. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Guys, I’ll read you several riddles about the same thing, and you try to guess what it is?

What cannot be returned?

What is faster than thought?

What goes on without moving?

Yesterday it was, today it is and tomorrow it will be.

Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch it.

(this time)

What helps us know time? (watch)

Can you tell time?

What do you think is the right way to ask a question to find out the time? ("Could you tell me what time it is, please?")

And now my question for you: Tell me, please, what time is it now?

Is it possible to do without measuring time?

4. Defining a theme and purpose

Have you guessed what we will talk about today? (about the time)

(open on the board)


Do you think I chose this topic of conversation by chance? (no, we often don’t have enough time in class, which means somewhere we lose precious minutes due to disorganization, excessive fuss, and inability to use it rationally).

What is our goal for the lesson? (On the desk)


5. Work on the topic

- IN modern world time is very precious to a person. It is also expensive for you, the students.

Why do you think? (children’s answers) (The most important task of a modern schoolchild islearn to learn!)

We said that a watch helps a person determine time. What are they like? (answers)

I invite you to watch the presentation. Your task is to look and listen carefully, and name those hours that you did not know about or did not remember.


So, who can tell me what watch we didn't talk about?

What time periods do you know? (Second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century)

AND ALSO, GUYS, THERE ARE A MOMENT AND AN INSTANT......, which are many times faster than a second.

The clock speaks about time and you cannot stop time, just as you cannot “kill” it, that is, spend it uselessly.

Our task: develop a sense of time, learn to use every hour, every minute wisely.

A working minute is a small period of time, but a minute adds up to hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, etc.

Listen to the ticking of the clock. (Sound of clock running, alarm clock). The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flows continuously. Place your palms on your chest. You feel your heart beating and working. It works all our lives without stopping, it works and drives the blood so that each of us is ready to do something useful every minute. Let's sit silently for a minute. See how long a minute is! Do you know what can be done in one minute in our country?

The teacher asks riddles and comments Interesting Facts:

It looks like an ordinary box

But the wizard is real,

The whole universe lives in it,

Even though it's an ordinary thing,

He will tell you a hundred stories,

He will invite you to the circus for an hour,

He will show you movies -

Each of you has. (TV)

In one minute, factories produce 13 televisions.

Admire, look!

North Pole inside,

snow and ice sparkle there,

winter itself lives there.

Forever this winter for us

brought from the store. (Fridge)

The refrigerator is a human assistant. He saves food and medicine.

Every minute, 11 refrigerators are produced in the country.

Do you want to sail the oceans?

descend into the depths

visit many countries

and fly to the moon,

be a brave explorer

in the thickets of centuries -

all edges

revealed to you

on the pages of books.

The book is printed so quickly that you have to count by seconds.Every second comes out in our country45 copies of books, and 7-8 of them are for you guys.

How many books do you publish per minute?Let's count:

7x60=420 books just for you, and in total: 45x60=2700.

2700 books – that’s a whole library! – and all this in 1 minute!

Previously, many years ago, there were only 2 pairs of shoes for every 5 people. Two of them wear shoes, and the rest walk around barefoot or in homemade bast shoes. Now there are 3 pairs of shoes for each person. Choose and wear for your health.Every minute, 1,560 pairs of shoes roll off the assembly lines. What a moment!

What about hours? Funny alarm clocks, important wall clocks, small hand clocks and all the others?Factories make 77 pieces every minute.

If you add up all the minutes, you get a lot of new machines and machines, oil and ore, light and houses, fabrics and toys.

And if suddenly for one minute all the plants and factories in the country stopped working,then the state would have lost 50 million rubles. That's how much a minute costs.

6. Physical education minute

The clock strikes on the old tower:

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

And the wall ones faster:

Tiki - taki, tiki - taki.

And the pocket ones are knocking:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

7.Practical part

What can we do in a minute?

Now we will hold a small competition in which your parents will also take part.

Each participant must complete their task in 1 minute.

-And after the time has passed, everyone will tell you what kind of work they did: “In 1 minute I...”


1.reading (words per minute),

2. solving examples (write down only the answers),

3. changing from school uniform to sports uniform,

4. get acquainted with proverbs about time, try to remember them,

6. solve problems,


8.remember and write down vocabulary words,

9.make a sentence about spring and write it down beautifully,

10.draw a picture…


8. Work on the topic

YES! But how many wasted minutes are sometimes wasted in our lessons! There are so few of them, only 40 minutes. You'll get distracted, talk to your neighbor, and then the minute will run away. I didn’t prepare for the lesson on time - the minute was gone.

-Reading a poem: Egor Ovchinnikov

poem by S. Baruzdin

The clock is running seconds counting,

They are counting the minutes.

The watch won't let you down

Who saves time?

Hour by hour, year by year

The clock is always moving forward.

Everything must be done on time,

Then you will be satisfied yourself.

With a clock friendship is good,

Work, rest,

Do your homework slowly

And don't forget the books!

So that in the evening, when you go to bed,

When the time comes,

You could confidently say:

It was a good day!

There is a procedure that helps you correctly distribute your time and not be late for anything and manage everything. What is this? (Daily regime).

Why do we need a daily routine? (do everything on time: sleep, do homework, rest...)

Do you guys keep a daily routine?

Tell me, when you soon become adults, will you still need to live according to the regime? And for what? (It turns out that strict adherence to a daily routine allows adults to achieve good results at work, and most importantly, this, of course, is necessary for health (Compliance with a daily routine is especially important for astronauts, athletes, military personnel and schoolchildren).

When does a person become the master of time? (If a person learns to follow a daily routine, then time will become subject to the person).

But what happens when guys waste time:


Time has fled.

Time has flown by today.

Maybe the glass got a hole

At the antique room clock?

Nothing is visible in the dark darkness.

Time has fled. Do not have the time.

Before I had time to wrap the notebook,

Clean the room with mom,

Sharpen your pencils sharply

Watch "Good night, kids"

I didn’t put all the books in my briefcase

And I didn’t sew up the hole in my pocket...

What should I do now, what should I do?

Where can I find some time?

I’ll sit down and prop my temple with my hand:

Time, come back at least for an hour!

I won't lose you again

I'll get up early, early tomorrow morning,

I use every second

I will only spend my time usefully.

9. Consolidation

At all times, people have always valued time. This is evidenced by the fact that they made up proverbs, riddles, and composed fairy tales about time. Probably everyone read wise words about this at the exhibition, and I want you to remember them. I have also prepared a small book exhibition for you on the topic of class time, I hope that books about time will also interest you guys, and you will enjoy reading them.


What conclusion did you draw for yourself today?




People need time. It cannot be returned, so it must be appreciated.

Even if the minute is short.

Let it run very fast!

A big bold dream can fit in it.

11. VIDEO ("Fixies")

Thank you all for your work.

At home, I invite you to think about the question: “Imagine that all the clocks on Earth disappeared. What will happen then?

And as a gift for today’s class hour, your parents have prepared for you guys a magic watch with tips. (watches are distributed to all students + 1 watch in the classroom corner)

12. Reflection

Are you guys satisfied with your work in class? Light up the mood beacons on the clock shown on the board.

13. Excursion to the clock museum

And now, my dear children, I invite you to take a short interesting excursion to the museum of watches, the collection of which is housed in our classroom. The guide is the head of the rural library-museum, Lyubov Alekseevna Sazonova.


Nights without sleep are great when it comes to romance or a weekend with friends, but absolutely painful in everyday life. The ineffective counting of sheep when getting up for work the next day, multiplied by the feeling of creeping despair, gives the opposite result to the desired one: a person. Moreover, such situations happen to everyone sooner or later.

Is there really no way to get rid of insomnia? As experts note, there is more than one. ELLE spoke with an expert and found out how to go to Morpheus in one minute.

“The main reason you can’t sleep for a long time is internal dialogue. It often occurs due to emotional experience past events or intense preparation for the coming day.”

You can learn to fall asleep in one minute with the help of breathing techniques and a little practice. When all the stages are brought to automaticity, already when immersed in the exercise you will begin to fall asleep.

These techniques cannot be performed in the presence of chronic lung diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. In addition, I do not recommend using these practices during acute respiratory infections and pneumonia. People over 60 years of age should first consult a physician. Before doing this, make sure the area is well ventilated.

Method "4-7-8"

To learn to fall asleep quickly, you need to practice this method twice a day for about two months. First, with the tip of the tongue we reach the palate behind the upper teeth, then with closed mouth we do inhale for four counts. After that hold your breath for seven seconds, loud, long exhale for a count of eight. Repeat as many times as necessary to feel drowsy. Each time you need fewer and fewer repetitions, and with practice the effect of relaxation and peace will increase. Even if your emotions are seething, this technique...

Sleep Breathing Method

With most “falling asleep” techniques, it is recommended to lengthen the duration of exhalation or, at least, make the exhalation equal to the inhalation, since it is during exhalation that the body calms down and relaxes. During inhalation, completely opposite processes occur.

Each phase of breathing - inhalation, stop and exhalation - must be done within five seconds. Slow inhale - five seconds, break - five and exhale - five. If this is not difficult for the body, gradually increase the duration of each phase to six to eight seconds, but no more than ten. The main emphasis should be exhalation - this is what you need to enjoy. With this kind of breathing you will soon feel drowsy and fall asleep.

A famous doctor gave advice for people who suffer from insomnia and cannot sleep for a long time. There is a method by which you can fall asleep in just one minute.

The method has been proven for a long time and works. Many people are satisfied and now fall asleep only using this method. This method can be compared to a magic trick.

How to fall asleep in minutes

The secret lies in breathing yoga. To be clear, Dr. Weiss has created breathing exercises that help you sleep when used correctly. This kind of exercise can be used anywhere and is done quite easily. In order for the technique to work, you don’t need anything other than the mood.

How to do breathing exercises correctly

You should start by exhaling completely through your mouth. Yawn deeply and create the sound “A-h-h-h”. Next, close your mouth and inhale through your nose, counting to four. Hold for seven seconds. Exhale again, making the sound "Ahhhhhh" for a count of eight. This is only one cycle, you should repeat all four times in a row.

This breathing procedure helps lower your heart rate and calm your mind. The main thing when doing gymnastics is to completely focus on your breathing. So that your inhalations and exhalations are deep. Also, do not forget to keep count, this allows you to free up your thoughts.

At first glance, breathing exercises seem simple and perhaps not effective, but after the first time the result will be noticeable.

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