Feng Shui zone assistants what to put. Feng Shui assistants zone: secrets of harmonizing space. There's always a green light on my way

Greetings, friends!

Today we continue the conversation started in the last article. And we will talk about Feng Shui talismans that activate this zone.

Feng Shui talismans of the northwestern sector of the house

Portraits of people whom you consider to be your earthly or heavenly helpers or teachers are considered a very powerful talisman of the Helpers and Travels zone. For example, this could be a portrait of a person who is an authority for you, from whom you learn something. By the way, male portraits will work best in this sector, because this sector is enhanced by yang energy.

You can also post portraits of your own here - after all, they are also your helpers in this life. It is very good to place icons and images of saints you especially reverence here.

Figurines or images of angels would also be an excellent talisman for this zone. After all, angels are our best helpers, ready to come to our call at any time. I have 6 (remember - sector number 6) small silver angels pasted on the north-west wall. I don’t remember where I got them from, but when I have any difficulties, I ask them for help, and difficult situation resolves very quickly.

Don't forget about colors and materials from the northwest sector! Use them in talismans, this will enhance their effect. For example, choose frames for portraits in silver or golden colors, take figurines made of metal or from materials of the Earth sector (remember, the Earth nourishes Metal) - ceramics, crystal, stone, etc.

By the way, stones and crystals also perfectly enhance this zone, so you can safely use them as talismans.

An excellent talisman for the Helpers and Travel zone are images or
dolphin figurines! Dolphins have always been considered helpers for people in difficult situations. Therefore, place dolphin figurines in the northwestern sector, hang images, and use the energy of these cute and friendly creatures!

There is another very funny, but extremely effective talisman for this zone. This is an image... of a hand! Yes, yes, a helping hand! You can simply draw a hand silhouette on paper and place this piece of paper in this area.

And there is also one very strong assistant, although he mostly “specializes” in business issues, so he will best help businessmen and business people. This is god Ganesha. His figurine should also be placed in northwestern sector. Ganesha is a deity with the body of a man and the head of an elephant. He helps tremendously in matters related to work, business, and controversial business issues.

For Ganesha to help you, you need to treat him correctly. Firstly, always keep the figurine clean (in principle, this applies to all Feng Shui talismans). Secondly, it will be good if you lay out a special golden or silver rug for Ganesha. Third, always speak to Ganesha respectfully. For Ganesha to help you in your matter, tell him about your situation and ask for help.

For those who think that all this is nonsense, I will say the following: if you think that it does not work, do not resort to such means “just for fun” - nothing good will definitely come of it. And if you decide to use this tool, follow the rules. This will allow you to get results and avoid negative consequences.

If we do not see, hear or feel something, this does not mean at all that it does not exist. It’s just that our senses are not able to perceive it. This happens with the work of energy on subtle plans– we cannot perceive all this, however, with proper work with energies, we can get very specific and tangible results in our physical world!

We perform certain actions or pronounce words and phrases, and this triggers work on other levels invisible to us. Therefore, it is not always necessary to be guided by specific earthly logic, which says that everything needs to be touched and explained how it works and only then used. There are things that you just need to use. But this is so, a lyrical digression for skeptics.

Oh, yes, Ganesha also loves it when his trunk is stroked (he has the head of an elephant, after all). Therefore, when you ask him to help you, stroke his trunk, he will be pleased.

"Magic" box

You can make yourself one very effective talisman for the Assistants zone and
Travel. It is done as follows. You need to take a metal-colored box (can be silver). In this box you put:

  • business cards of influential people or those on whom important issues in your life depend;
  • notes in which you write your desires (I wrote about how to formulate them correctly in the article).

Naturally, you should periodically review the contents of the box, because as your wishes come true, you will need to remove the notes with them from your box. In this case, it is imperative that your wish comes true. You can write directly on the note in red pencil “Done! Thank you!".

By the way, I advise you to keep these evidence of the fulfillment of your desires. It’s useful to look at them when you feel like you’re not succeeding. At such moments it is very good to remember how much has already come true for you. Perfectly lifts your spirits and inspires you to new achievements!

Garland of bells

Remember, in the last article I promised to tell you about extremely powerful talisman for the Helpers and Travel zone? I keep my promise.

This talisman is a garland of bells. To make it, you need to take 6 metal bells and tie them into a vertical garland. That is, the bells should be located one above the other. You hang this garland in the northwestern sector of the room.

And when you have some very difficult situation that you don’t know how to cope with, you ring these bells (you shake the whole garland) and ask for help (either out loud or mentally). Usually help comes very quickly, literally within a few days your situation is successfully resolved. Moreover, more often than not, help comes from where you would never have thought to expect it. This is how this powerful talisman works.

A long time ago I read a story about such a garland. One elderly man had a very difficult situation - he urgently needed large amount money, but there was nowhere to take it from at all. He was a pensioner and simply could not imagine how he could get such a sum. And money was vital to him. And now, in despair, not knowing what to do, he began to ring the bells and shout loudly: “Angels! Well, help me!!!”

Literally within a couple of days he received the required amount of money. In some completely unrealistic way, through dozens of people, through some banks, they suddenly either returned some old, old debt to him, or something else (I don’t remember now), but the exact amount he needed came! To say that the man was shocked is to say nothing! He literally thanked his angels for their help with tears! He was saved!

Feng Shui talismans for travelers

No, no, I haven’t forgotten that this zone is responsible not only for our assistants and the help we receive in life, but also for travel! If you love to travel or just dream of going to some country, you simply need to activate this zone in a very specific way.

Place colorful photographs of the places you want to visit in the northwestern sector of your house. These can be photographs of specific hotels, beaches, cities, architectural monuments, etc. Or just typical photos from the countries you are heading to.

The most important thing is that these images inspire you! When you look at these photographs, you should feel a burning desire to be there. If such feelings awaken in you, then rest assured that your wish will definitely come true and you will go to the country of your dreams!

Well, what should those avid travelers who dream of traveling around the world do? There is nothing simpler - hang a world map on the northwestern wall of the room!

Well, my friends, now you know about the talismans of this important area. Take action and good luck to you!

Your Ekaterina

Want more knowledge on Feng Shui? Then you need my book

Today we will talk about the assistant and travel sector. So, what does this zone do, and how is it activated? The sector of assistants and travel is responsible for your patrons, mentors, intercessors, and friends. Figuratively speaking, your “guardian angels” in this life.

It can help you make important decisions, accomplish important things, or simply help you resolve difficult life situations and problems.

Thanks to the activation of this sector in the apartment, you will learn to hear your inner voice and notice important clues from above. This sector also allows you to carry out your desired travels and trips. Will ensure their successful and easy progress.

How to determine the travel sector in a home?

In Feng Shui, the northwest zone is responsible for the sector of helpers and travel. A compass and the already mentioned Bagua grid will help you most accurately in your calculations. Read more in our article “Feng Shui Bagua Grid: Creating Complete Harmony in Life” .

Zone elements and colors

As always, there is a rule for designing the assistants' area.

  • the main element of the sector is Metal
  • generative - Earth

Accordingly, the colors you should use are terracotta, peach, brown, white, gray, silver and gold. Metal and wooden furniture, as well as ceramic, porcelain, crystal, and clay products are appropriate.

  • the weakening element is Water
  • destructive – Fire

Therefore, no black, blue, light blue, red or orange shades. Well, accordingly, candles and aquariums have no place in this area either. As well as various water-fire images.

Activation of the zone of assistants and travel according to Feng Shui

As you already understand, the activation of the zone occurs due to wooden and metal products. It wouldn't hurt to hang wind chimes and metal bells .

Call them every time you need help. Just don’t call at night, otherwise you’ll call the spirit of your neighbors instead of the spirit of help.

Zone symbols

Successful symbols of activating the assistant zone are photographs of people you respect and friends. Well-known personalities that appeal to you personally won’t hurt either. You can even write down quotes and affirmations that motivate you and place them in a prominent place in the zone.

In the assistants sector, you can also place a box with valid business cards of important people, specialists from different fields, or those who can help you in any situations. Images of handshakes are also relevant.

Zone mascots

The mascots of the helper zone are crystal dolphins - smart animals that intuitively guess human needs. By the way, a horseshoe will also work. Just remember that it should be with its horns up, as if “accumulating” happiness in itself. Crystal lotus also works to concentrate help from outside. Just like any other crystal.

By the way, having studied a good half of the recommendations, we came to the conclusion that this information is worth highlighting a couple of lines in our article. Some sources claim that it is imperative to place objects of the religion you profess in the assistants’ area. So, most religions do not accept dual beliefs. That is, if you are a deeply religious Orthodox Christian, then you absolutely should not place icons in this area, and even moreover, get carried away with the science of Feng Shui. Any priest in the Orthodox Church will confirm this to you.

By the way, you can consult with him about what to do if you have nevertheless lost your way from the true path (Christian, that is) and have read a lot of worldly literature and teachings (Feng Shui also applies here). Therefore, Orthodox icons (like any other religions, except Chinese) should be given their own special place in the house, not associated with any teachings other than the religion you profess. So, of course, it’s up to you to decide.

If you want to go on a trip, but all opportunities seem to elude you, then you need to treat this zone as a travel sector. Post photos of distant countries: those you have already visited and those you are just planning to visit. You can put a crystal globe, or even hang a world map in a metal frame.

Well, it’s both useful and exciting! The masters assure that if you wake up every morning and run to the map to mark the places you want to visit, then soon you will actually go on a journey. True, they don’t specify whether it’s real or whether you’re just dreaming it. And you will definitely dream about it if you constantly dream about it *wink*

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Guardian Angel

Good day everyone!

We continue the topic of Feng Shui zones. Today I would like to tell you about the zone of Feng Shui helpers and patrons. It is located in the northwest. It is sometimes called the friend zone.

What is the assistant sector responsible for?

As we can understand from the name, this is a zone in the house that is responsible for the presence of good friends, patrons in your life, as well as the opportunity to travel. It is also believed that this zone is responsible not only for earthly helpers, but also for the “heavenly patrons” who support a person (guardian angels, so to speak).

By saying “helpers,” in Feng Shui we mean the help that a person receives when he needs it. And this help can be different.

For example, you decided to rent an apartment (and you are counting on a certain amount of money), but the price of housing has risen significantly. You understand that this is a bit expensive for you, and suddenly you accidentally find out that one of your friends is leaving abroad and she urgently needs to rent out an apartment. And at a price that is acceptable to you. And it is just as beneficial for her to take a person she knows rather than a complete stranger.

help from friends

The feng shui helper zone has such power that it instills confidence in us, which in turn helps us overcome difficulties. It makes us think that there is still someone from above who favors us.

This zone also includes the emergence of opportunities to travel to desired cities and countries. It is also believed that the zone of Feng Shui assistants is responsible for the possibility of spiritual growth and personal development. Thanks to the correct activation of this zone, you can learn to listen to your inner voice, which will help you move through life with confidence.

Activation of the Feng Shui assistant zone

In order to properly activate the zone of mentors and travel, we need to take into account some of its features.

Firstly, the side of the world that is responsible for it is northwest.

Secondly, the ruling element here is Metal (feeding Wood).

Thirdly, the number of patrons zone is 6.

Fourthly, which must be used to design this sector. This - white, grey, silver, yellow, gold.

Fifthly, favorable shapes: round, oval, square.

Sixth, suitable


Seventh, affirmations. There is an opinion that when you repeat favorable words, they give your thoughts the right direction to carry out your plans. A person’s consciousness can only hold one thought per unit of time. When you repeat an affirmation several times a day, your subconscious is filled with the necessary thoughts, and subsequently begins to hold them in consciousness. Thus, negative thoughts in the head are replaced with positive thoughts. Prayers work on the same principle.

Examples of affirmations for attracting useful people and travel

The world is filled with wonderful people and I always meet them.

Travel is wonderful, I love the road and trust it.

There will always be only green light on my way. Traveling brings me only joy

I have the right to receive help and support from other people. I deserve it.

According to Feng Shui practice, each house has special parts of space that are responsible for certain zones. Space zoning is the basics of Feng Shui. The entire space should be divided into special zones, and each of them will mean something different. Everyone understands that each person has his own home, and in order for all the zones in it to be correct, a compass is needed, and, of course, a person who understands this practice will be able to correctly divide and designate the zones. In addition, each person has his own zoning space, which can only be calculated by an experienced Feng Shui master.

Each zone is activated differently, it all depends on what capabilities you have in the desired zone. You can put a figurine in it, or paint it in the desired color... it all depends on you! It is known that the northwestern part of the house is responsible for the fulfillment of your desires, even the most cherished ones. In order for this zone to work for you, you must activate it, for this you need to paint it in a light color, and then it will become favorable for you, do not neglect red and black tones.

It is known that the Feng Shui travel zone is a very strong zone, compared to others, it is very easy to activate and difficult to spoil, unless you put a trash can in this zone, or if it is located in the toilet. In order to take the path of truth, you must hang up an image of a teacher, spiritual mentor, or just a family photo of your parents. And in order to activate good luck in terms of travel, you need to find an image of the place where you would like to go and hang it in the travel zone, or write the name of the country.

In addition, you can hang a picture, or write the name of what you dream of, this is very important, since this is a zone of fulfillment of desires, and even the most daring ones can be fulfilled. To activate, the following talismans will also help you:
. metal bells
. objects that identify your beliefs
. quotes and thoughts that can help you achieve what you want or travel
. miniatures of ships, yachts

Thanks to the activation of the travel zone, you can help yourself achieve what you want, and also attract good luck in travel, trips, and so on. This is a very strong zone, and if you have a strong desire, you will have an excellent opportunity to fulfill everything you want in a short time. Traveling in the life of every person is very important part, since only through travel does a person broaden his horizons, fill himself with new strength, emotions and knowledge, getting to know other people, their culture, morals and customs. According to Feng Shui, traveling also means a lot; you can gain new experiences and improve your Qi energy. New countries give you new opportunities and add energy from all sources. Your location is also very important. You can draw energy from fire, water, air, trees, metal, and earth. To do this, you need to find out what kind of energy you need, and after that, choose a place to travel.

You must follow your path not only in travel, but also in ordinary life, listen to your inner self, your spiritual guide, and do not deviate from this path. That is why the travel zone is also responsible for the cultural and spiritual life of a person, which is why to activate it you need images of your spiritual mentors, and if you are a Christian, then you can hang icons in this zone, so it will be well activated and will help you.

Today we will talk about the assistant and travel sector. So, what does this zone do, and how is it activated? The sector of assistants and travel is responsible for your patrons, mentors, intercessors, and friends. Figuratively speaking, your “guardian angels” in this life.

It can help you make important decisions, accomplish important things, or simply help you resolve difficult life situations and problems.

Thanks to the activation of this sector in the apartment, you will learn to hear your inner voice and notice important clues from above. This sector also allows you to carry out your desired travels and trips. Will ensure their successful and easy progress.

How to determine the travel sector in a home?

In Feng Shui, the northwest zone is responsible for the sector of helpers and travel. A compass and the already mentioned Bagua grid will help you most accurately in your calculations. Read more in our article.

Zone elements and colors

As always, there is a rule for designing the assistants' area.

  • the main element of the sector is Metal
  • generative - Earth

Accordingly, the colors you should use are terracotta, peach, brown, white, gray, silver and gold. Metal and wooden furniture, as well as ceramic, porcelain, crystal, and clay products are appropriate.

  • the weakening element is Water
  • destructive – Fire

Therefore, no black, blue, light blue, red or orange shades. Well, accordingly, candles and aquariums have no place in this area either. As well as various water-fire images.
Activation of the zone of assistants and travel according to Feng Shui

As you already understand, the activation of the zone occurs due to wooden and metal products. It wouldn't hurt to hang it up.

Call them every time you need help. Just don’t call at night, otherwise you’ll call the spirit of your neighbors instead of the spirit of help.

Zone symbols

Successful symbols of activating the assistant zone are photographs of people you respect and friends. Well-known personalities that appeal to you personally won’t hurt either. You can even write down quotes and affirmations that motivate you and place them in a prominent place in the zone.

In the assistants sector, you can also place a box with valid business cards of important people, specialists from different fields, or those who can help you in any situations. Images of handshakes are also relevant.

Zone mascots

The mascots of the helper zone are crystal dolphins - smart animals that intuitively guess human needs. By the way, a horseshoe will also work. Just remember that it should be with its horns up, as if “accumulating” happiness in itself. Crystal lotus also works to concentrate help from outside. Just like any other crystal.

By the way, having studied a good half of the recommendations, we came to the conclusion that this information is worth highlighting a couple of lines in our article. Some sources claim that it is imperative to place objects of the religion you profess in the assistants’ area. So, most religions do not accept dual beliefs. That is, if you are a deeply religious Orthodox Christian, then you absolutely should not place icons in this area, and even moreover, get carried away with the science of Feng Shui. Any priest in the Orthodox Church will confirm this to you.

By the way, you can consult with him about what to do if you have nevertheless lost your way from the true path (Christian, that is) and have read a lot of worldly literature and teachings (Feng Shui also applies here). That's why Orthodox icons(like any other religions, except Chinese) should be given their own special place in the house, not associated with any teachings other than the religion you profess. So, of course, it’s up to you to decide.

If you want to go on a trip, but all opportunities seem to elude you, then you need to treat this zone as a travel sector. Post photos of distant countries: those you have already visited and those you are just planning to visit. You can put a crystal globe, or even hang a world map in a metal frame.

Well, it’s both useful and exciting! The masters assure that if you wake up every morning and run to the map to mark the places you want to visit, then soon you will actually go on a journey. True, they don’t specify whether it’s real or whether you’re just dreaming it. And you will definitely dream about it if you constantly dream about it *wink*
