The eye of the Masons. The all-seeing eye is the true meaning of the symbol. The influence of Masonic symbols on humans

This form of buildings is found on all continents and has existed at all times, and it still attracts a lot of tourists.

But not only travelers are interested in the mysterious form - the Taoists also attached no less importance to it: according to Feng Shui, the pyramid with an eye has the most powerful meaning. The symbol of Freemasonry is the radiant delta, posing as all-seeing eye, drawn in a triangle, has now gained unprecedented popularity.

Pyramid: feng shui meaning

According to Feng Shui, the pyramid has a very strong meaning; it is considered a powerful amulet, and also a fulfiller of human desires. It is enough to simply write your cherished desire on a piece of paper, fold it and put it under the pyramid - and it will certainly come true.

Throughout the centuries, pyramids have attracted people with their mystery and mysticism. Scientists note that famous buildings have such a shape for a reason: the pyramidal shape is capable of capturing energy at its tip, as if concentrating it at a single point, at its peak, and then as if collecting and accumulating it inside, between its edges.

Many travelers who visited the pyramids in distant lands noted that after this they began to feel much better physically, and their minds seemed to clear up.

After the healing and positive properties of the pyramids were revealed to humanity, miniature projections of them began to be created from stone, glass and crystals to be used as a talisman. Surprisingly, such a miniature pyramid can not only improve the energetic atmosphere in the home, but also relieve some diseases, illnesses and adversities.

A pyramid placed in the right place in an apartment can increase productivity, relieve melancholy or apathy, stimulate career and spiritual growth, and give strength. Just as the tip of a pyramid helps to capture the energy flow, collecting it between the internal edges, so a miniature projection of a pyramid can become a powerful source of a positive energy field.

A correct feng shui pyramid should be heavy, weighty, and definitely solid. Hollow pyramids do not have the ability to accumulate and concentrate energy, and therefore they are useless. Also pay attention to the edges of the pyramid - they should be perfectly smooth and polished, and its top (the peak of the pyramid, or its tip) should not be knocked down, sharp.

The “golden ratio rule” also plays an important role here. A high-quality feng shui pyramid follows this geometric law.

The pyramid is capable of neutralizing any negative energy or negative vibrations, it brings the necessary balance and balance into a person’s home, thereby even improving overall physical well-being. That is why the pyramids are famous as figures capable of healing.

What color and what material should I buy a feng shui pyramid from?

Feng Shui pyramids are made from a wide variety of materials, but those made of crystals or natural stone are most valued.

  • You should know that transparent glass pyramids have a positive effect on career and finance. Pyramids of pink or lilac shades are responsible for the sphere of love and relationships.
  • Pyramids of shades of the elements of Water (blue and cyan) control human mind, give improvement in thought processes, increase intelligence.
  • But the green hue of the pyramids helps you improve your skills and derive material benefits from them.

The notorious pyramid with an eye is a powerful amulet against all earthly troubles and misfortunes; it sharpens the intellect, helps to reach unprecedented heights, and achieve your goals. Its symbol is interpreted as a sign of the Great Architect - a being who created all things and endowed the earth with secret knowledge. The power of this pyramid is great and should be handled with care. It is not recommended to place the pyramid in the sleeping area, in close proximity to the bed.

First, it would be a good idea to decide for what purpose you needed the pyramid in order to choose the optimal solution. For careerists, it is best to choose a transparent pyramid of bluish shades; for those thirsting for love, it is best to choose a pyramid of stones in a purple-pink color palette.

It is better that your Feng Shui pyramid is made of natural material. For example, made of stone. But such pyramids also cost an order of magnitude higher, because even a small pyramid requires quite a lot of material. Pyramids made of crystals are somewhat cheaper, and miniatures made of glass are the most affordable. The classic transparent and colorless pyramid made of ordinary glass is very popular in offices and on desktops, because it helps to concentrate on business and climb the career ladder faster.

Onyx pyramid according to Feng Shui is very strong amulet, because onyx itself has powerful properties, and when concentrated in the faces of the pyramid, they become even more powerful. Such a pyramid will cost a lot, but it will also bring a much more noticeable charge of energy into the house than an ordinary glass pyramid.

Feng Shui pyramid: where to place it?

After you have made your choice and decided what color and what material to purchase the pyramid from, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of its placement in the living space. There are special sectors, or, more simply put, directions of parts of the world in which certain properties of the pyramid are most clearly manifested.

By controlling and redirecting the flow of Qi energy, a pyramid installed in the desired area of ​​your home can provide truly strong support and assistance, and it would be extremely stupid to neglect this. Select the area in the house you need to adjust your life, and then boldly place a pyramid in the center of this sector.

Direction Sphere of influence of the pyramid
Southwest Love sector. An ideal place to place a pyramid to restore the passion and ardent feelings of spouses and improve relationships.
West Harmony and balance in relationships with the world, increased communication skills, the ability to protect your children and household members.
East Family and health sector. It will help improve family relationships, improve physical health, protect and preserve the family hearth.
Responsible for financial well-being. The south is the sector of fame, helps to achieve great heights, achieve success in your career, and brings prosperity.
North Increases efficiency, positively affects career, improves financial well-being, stimulates the growth of material well-being.

It is important to remember that the range of action of a miniature pyramid is not infinite. Thus, an ordinary pyramid made of glass or crystals has the greatest power within 0.5-1.5 meters around its axis. Some greater strength have pyramids made of stone, as well as having additional symbols - for example, according to Feng Shui, a pyramid with an eye has a radius of at least three meters.

The Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg is one of the most interesting architectural structures of the northern capital. On its pediment is the Masonic symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Guests of the city and people who have little knowledge of the history of Orthodoxy and architecture often have a question: what is this symbol doing there? The answer is much closer than it seems. Let's figure out together how Masonic influences are combined with classical architecture and Orthodoxy.

Masonic trend in Russia

The Masonic movement came to the Russian Empire somewhat later than it originated in France - in the mid-18th century. According to some legends, one of the founders of this movement in our country was Emperor Peter I, but such theories have no factual evidence. Initially, the influence of the Freemasons on Russian lands was carried out mainly by foreign members of society: diplomats, politicians who served in Russia. But already in the fifties of the 18th century, the first “Russian” lodge appeared under the leadership of Count Roman Vorontsov.

Initially a secret society for representatives of the upper classes, it quickly spread its indoctrination even to members ruling family. It is known that Emperors Peter III and Alexander I were in close contact with the Freemasons, and were among the participants in the movement. Although initially the motives of Freemasonry seem quite peaceful (they preached morals, principles brotherly friendship and love), subsequently many members of society used their position to influence government processes.

Alexander I banned the activities of the “secret society” in the Russian Empire. This was no coincidence, since all of his circle (advisers and people who made decisions about the fate of the state) were Freemasons. In 1822, 11 years after the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, the emperor issued his decree prohibiting secret societies work within the country.

The meaning of the Eye in Orthodoxy

Before talking about architectural solutions for the construction of the Kazan Cathedral, let's look at the symbol itself. It is a mistake to believe that the famous eye in the triangle is the brainchild of Masonic fantasy. It is known that the Masons actively borrowed their symbolism from many sources. Christianity was no exception.

An equilateral triangle surrounded by rays of radiance is actually an image, a symbol of Divine Omniscience. Speaking after the Bible, we can call it the Eye of the Lord over those who fear, which is spread over the people who trust in Him. Initially, the tradition of this symbolism appeared in the Middle Ages in Byzantine iconography, and from the 17th century it more actively spread to Orthodoxy. The roots of the All-Seeing Eye go to Holy Bible, accordingly, are natural to the Christian faith.

What does it mean for Christianity? Firstly, the shape itself (triangle) refers us to one of the central Symbols of Faith - the Holy Trinity. Three sides, three angles - these are three hypostases of God. The Eye itself contains the following meaning: God, united in His three persons, monitors not only our earthly affairs. He sees much deeper, looking at our spiritual aspirations, plans and desires.

As we mentioned above, Freemasons actively borrowed symbolism from other religious and philosophical movements. According to a popular theory, the All-Seeing Eye came to them through the Templar Order and Western tradition iconography. Among the Freemasons, it means the Supreme Architect of the Universe - and in no case should one identify him with God. This is how they designate the essence that the members of the brotherhood believe in, and it is different for everyone. Many believe that for Freemasons this architect is the Devil. Thus, having taken the original Christian image, they distorted its meaning.

Kazan Cathedral and the All-Seeing Eye

Of course, if you know about the Christian roots of this symbolism, the question will no longer arise that Masonic sign makes on the building of such a large temple as the Kazan Cathedral. In this particular case, no Masonic conspiracies took place, and the shining triangle on the side is not a symbol of world domination. At the same time, less interesting story The Kazan Cathedral is no longer standing, and theories still surround this building. Lovers of mysterious meanings do not calm down to this day, trying to see in the construction of the temple confirmation of the active influence of Freemasonry on Russia.

Cathedral erected in honor of the miraculous Icon of Kazan Mother of God, very atypical for Orthodox architecture. Andrei Voronikhin, the author of the project according to which the temple was erected, was inspired by the architecture of classicism. In particular, he wanted to replicate the Roman Council of St. Peter. The elongated cruciform shape of the building, an abundance of columns, antique motifs in the external and interior decoration- all this is familiar to Catholic architecture, but not to Orthodoxy. For conspiracy theorists, such decisions by the architect are further confirmation that they are right. In addition to the usual icons, the temple has a lot of statues with images of saints. This is also natural for the Italian Renaissance, but in the tradition of the Orthodox Slavs there was never any worship of statues.

Another argument in favor of the “Masonic” roots of the Kazan Cathedral is that Count Alexander Stroganov, who initiated the construction of the temple and supervised this process, belongs to the Grand Orient of France. This is one of the largest Masonic organizations in the world, and the count himself was directly involved in its founding.

No documentary evidence of the “mysterious plans” of the Freemasons has been preserved. It will no longer be possible to find out whether conspiracy theorists are right after many years. The Kazan Cathedral remains one of the beautiful churches in Russia and the central residence of the St. Petersburg diocese.

The All-Seeing Eye in iconography

The most ancient images of a triangle with the Eye of God inscribed in it, known to us today, date back to the 6th century AD. This symbol was not very common in the Byzantine tradition of iconography, but still managed to pass into Orthodoxy. Initially, the image was present in the temple painting, and was one of the elements of the space under the dome. Over time, the symbolism was transferred to icon painting boards.

The most famous icon with this element is called “The All-Seeing Eye”. In Orthodoxy, the attitude towards the icon is very ambiguous. Some theologians criticized it, questioning the icon's compliance with Christian canons. Another famous icon in which you can find elements identical to the “All-Seeing Eye” is the “Burning Bush”. Compositionally, they are very similar, based on the motifs of a circle with four rays emanating from it.

Although allegorically the Eye contains deep christian meaning, it did not gain wide popularity in Orthodox architecture and icon painting. This is due to the ambiguous motives connecting him with Freemasonry. When the activities of the Freemasons were banned in Imperial Russia, the tradition of including this element in the decoration of temples gradually disappeared.

Where else is the All-Seeing Eye found in Russia?

Seekers of interesting details that connect history Russian Empire with Masonic lodges, should pay close attention to the architecture of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. During this period, the activities of Freemasons in Russian state acquired a wide scope, and accordingly, similar motifs, along with elements of classicism and the Italian Renaissance, were often found in the external design of buildings of that era.

In search of the Eye, be sure to visit St. Isaac's Cathedral in the northern capital. Here, a triangle with rays is one of the elements of the richly decorated frame of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God.

Moscow also could not do without the Eye. It meets us in the St. Andrew's Hall of the Moscow Kremlin. The symbol covered with gold leaf is located directly above the throne, looking from its height not only at ordinary people, but also on the rulers of the Russian state.

Interesting Facts:

  • Architectural structures erected in honor of the victory of Russian troops over Napoleon in 1812, and medals, have hidden symbolism of the Eye. This is not only the mentioned Kazan Cathedral, which is a temple military glory Russia, but also the Alexander Column. On the front side of the pedestal under the column, the Eye is inscribed in a wreath of oak leaves.
  • The coat of arms of the city of Kushva, Sverdlovsk region, depicts the Eye against the background of a blue triangle. It is believed that this element was the mark of the workers of the Kushvinsky plant, and was placed on all steel products that came out of its workshops.

While walking around St. Petersburg, pay more attention to ancient buildings erected in the spirit of classicism. Many of them (including the Stroganov Palace) hide the ambiguous symbolism of God's Eye.


The close connection of the all-seeing eye with the sun and the divine knowledge (mind) permeating the Universe is confirmed at least 5-6 thousand years of history this symbol, which was especially popular in Ancient Egypt. He existed there in two forms - the Eye of Horus and the Eye of Ra, which were sometimes called “wadget” (although this is not entirely true, since Wadget was a serpentine goddess and was much more often depicted as a uraeus - a cobra).
Eye of Ra , or the Solar Eye, personified power and authority, fire and light, vigilance and speed of reaction and was capable of burning any enemy. It was most often depicted as a uraeus-cobra, quite often winged, sometimes with a solar disk and an eye, and was identified with Wadjet, Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Tefnut, Sokhmet, Mehit and other goddesses. In the book "The Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves“I showed that all of them, with the exception of Wadget, apparently were apsaras and were among the solar gods.
Uraeus was a symbol of royal greatness, the power of life and death, the ability to rule and destroy (burn) the enemies of Ra (the Sun). Related to the latter circumstance is another possible interpretation of this symbol (Eye of Ra), which I proposed in the work “
Eye of Ra - celestial war chariot in ancient Egypt».
Eye or Eye of Horus , also called Atshet or the All-Seeing, as well as the Eye of Healing, personified the hidden wisdom and vision of the soul (clairvoyance), performed the function of protection and symbolized healing and resurrection after death. As the Book of the Dead says,"The Eye of Horus rewards eternal life; and it protects me even when it is closed.”
The Eye of Horus was depicted as an eye with an eyebrow and a spiral under it, which is interpreted by some researchers as a symbol of energy and perpetual motion. Many Egyptians wore amulets that ward off evil in the form of the Eye of Horus - from pharaohs to ordinary people. They were placed in the burial shrouds of the mummy - and the deceased was supposedly resurrected in the Afterlife.
According to some researchers, the Eye of Horus was identified as the left hawk eye The mountain is the Moon, which “resurrects” in the sky every month, and with its right eye - the Sun, which, having “died” in the evening in the west, is invariably “born” in the east in the morning (Sometimes it was also identified with the Polar Star).
According to others, it corresponded only to the left eye of Horus - the Moon, while the right eye - the Eye of Ra - represented the Sun. In this case, their images were the same (in the form of an eye).There is also an opinion that the Eye of Horus (one or two) is the Eye of Ra (one or two), passed on to his son by Isis. Moreover, it was somehow connected with secret name Ra, plucked from him by the goddess.

Throughout the Dynastic Period, the “two eyes” of Wadjet (Ra and Horus) were painted or carved into tombs, sarcophagi and other burial paraphernalia. They were also depicted on the bows of boats to prevent them from going astray.

Quite often, the Eye of Horus was combined with one or two Uraeus-cobras, the moon and the solar disk, or depicted (one or two - the right and left eyes of Horus) between the goddesses Wadget (snake) and Nekhbet (kite), who held it with their claws, tail or wings.

The all-seeing eye in ancient Chinese, Japanese, Iranian and other symbolism

Images of the all-seeing eye are also found among many other peoples.
In ancient Chinese and Japanese symbolism The left eye symbolizes the sun, the right eye symbolizes the moon.Among the ancient Indians Shiva's third eye (in the middle of his forehead) represented spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom, and the Eye of Varuna represented the sun. The same interpretation of the Eye (third eye of the Buddha) existsamong Buddhists . In ancient Iran The Good Shepherd Yima the Shining (ruler of the Iranians during the “golden age”) possessed the eye of the sun and the secret of immortality.In Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire the eye symbolized Apollo, the sun, which was also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).Among the American Indians it was the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.In Islam The eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

The All-Seeing Eye symbol is one of the most ancient signs. In one form or another it was used in the religions of many peoples. The eye in the triangle shown in various subjects for sacred rites, archaeologists still find them in different parts of the planet. What significance did the Eye of God amulet have in ancient times, why it is called the “Masonic sign” and how it is used now, we suggest you find out below.

There is a theory that the Eye of God sign appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. Symbol in different religions depicted in two versions:

  1. Drawing of the divine eye inside an equilateral triangle. The rays diverge from the triangle itself. This option belongs to the Egyptian culture, called the “Eye of Horus”.
  2. The eye is depicted not inside the figure, but at the top of the triangle.

The symbol is found on various objects that have come down to us from antiquity.

According to some sources, ancient symbol an eye in a triangle protects a person from evil in the form of mental and physical illnesses. He also has the power of healing.

Other sources claim that the amulet promotes the development of the art of clairvoyance, helps reveal lies, and attracts positive energy. The sign also helps you to understand your inner world, determine your purpose, be firm and not deviate from your decisions.

In Egyptian culture

Eye of Horus with eyebrow.

In Egyptian culture, the sign was a designation of the powerful god Horus. The legends said that Horus had extraordinary eyes: the left eye was the Moon, and the right eye was the Sun. He watched around the clock what was happening between people all over the earth, and nothing could escape his piercing gaze.

In Buddhism

In Buddhism there was also a hieroglyph similar to the Egyptian sign of the Eye of Horus. The meaning of this image came down to wisdom and true knowledge. The person who wore an amulet with the image of a sign could open the way to the truth.

There is also a legend in Buddhism that says: “Whoever owns the Eye amulet can look into the future.”

The phrase "Third Eye" comes from Buddhism. Its meaning“Open the opportunity to see the truth».

In the countries of the East

Among the eastern peoples, the designation of the Eye of Horus symbol is similar to the Egyptian one: the image of the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. The solar star watched people in the light of day, and the Moon watched at night.

In ancient Greece

The ancient Greeks also used the symbol All Seeing Eye. In their religion, it acquired the meaning of the union of Zeus and Apollo. An amulet with an image similar to the Eye of Horus gave its owner the ability to true knowledge and opened his soul to divine insight. In addition to this, the amulet was believed to ward off evil spirits with its light.

Among the peoples of North America

Among the Indians, in old times living on the lands of America, there was also a magical hieroglyph similar to the Egyptian Eye of Horus. In their culture, the sign embodied the Eye of the Great Spirit. They sincerely believed that the Spirit was watching them through the image of the eye.

According to some theories, the Americans liked the meaning of the ancient symbol so much that they began to depict it on the dollar bill in order to attract the patronage of Gore and receive his blessing for the development of the country.

Image magic sign and is now printed on the dollar. It is interesting that this idea was later adopted by the Ukrainians - the design of an eye in a triangle, outlined by a circle, is found on the 500 hryvnia banknote.

Americans believe that the sign came from the Freemasons, has magical powers, and denotes wisdom.

Historical reference. The Masonic movement was organized by ordinary construction workers. Their drawing looked like this: a triangle with an eye inside, next to it was an image of a construction trowel, and in the corners at the top of the sign were the sun and the moon. The symbol was surrounded by a circular circle. For Freemasons, a triangle with an eye signifies intelligence and divine insight.

Amulet of the Eye of Horus in modern times

The Eye of Horus amulet will protect its owner from evil.

Nowadays, the amulet is used as a talisman to protect against evil. Psychics and magicians also use it for rituals. Basically, these rituals are associated with communication with the other world.

To use the talisman you need to activate it:

  • when there is no one at home, prepare a suitable atmosphere: turn off the lights, light candles, place the amulet in front of you;
  • Next you need to prepare yourself: relax, focus on the amulet and mentally imagine the area in which you need help ancient deity– for example, work or family harmony;
  • Charge the amulet with your thoughts for a few minutes, without being distracted by extraneous topics.

The Eye of Horus amulet must be carried with you at all times, preferably invisibly to others. Most often, the talisman is worn in the form of a pendant on a cord behind the collar of a shirt.

How to use the All-Seeing Eye amulet

The amulet in the form of the All-Seeing Eye gives a good effect for personal use in the form of an amulet, embroidery on clothes or a tattoo on the body. Most often it is worn as decoration - in the form of a pendant or pendant.

Some people purchase interior items (paintings, figurines) with images magic symbol to protect your home from evil forces. But in this case, the mark has less force than in conditions of individual use.

Meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle

A tattoo depicting an eye inside a regular triangle carries the meaning of wisdom, enormous mental and physical strength, and the desire to study the truth. Suitable for everyone without exception. Most often, tattoos with the Eye of Horus are done by magicians to strengthen their energy and open the entrance to the other world.

Those wishing to get such a tattoo need to know some of the nuances of the location of the design on the body:

  • women put the symbol on their shoulders or back;
  • if a girl gets a tattoo of the All-Seeing Eye on her wrist, this may mean she is gay;
  • men also wear tattoos on their shoulders and back, and can easily be tattooed on their wrists.

For different genders, the meaning of a tattoo in the form of the All-Seeing Eye is slightly different:

  1. Girls use this drawing to express their mystery and mystique. Also, the eye helps the owners of such a tattoo to strengthen their intuition.
  2. Men who wear tattoos declare their strength, both physical and spiritual.

An eye tattoo in a triangle should be done with great care. Intertwined with the energy of an individual person, the ancient symbol manifests itself in different ways. It gives each tattoo owner individual abilities and enhances different character traits.

Man cannot penetrate into the essence of things. His gaze is directed to the external side of objects and circumstances. The causes and meaning of most phenomena are hidden from him. In an effort to understand the secrets of the universe, he turns to science, religion or esoteric teachings, seeks answers in ancient prophecies.

What does the All-Seeing Eye mean?

Thanks to vision, a person receives information about the world around him. Open eyes- a symbol of life, light and knowledge. It is no wonder that the image of an eye in an equilateral triangle is called the “All-Seeing Eye.” In Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, in Buddhism and Christianity - in many cults and religions this ancient sign has a general sacred meaning. The all-seeing eye is a symbol of comprehension of truth, divine vision, knowledge of the essence of Being and the Universe.

The all-seeing eye in Orthodoxy

The history of this symbol in Russia is divided into several periods:

  1. In the times of Peter the Great (late 17th century), Russian culture came under strong influence from the West. The Baroque style began to dominate in the architecture of temples and churches. The symbol “All-Seeing Eye” was borrowed from Catholic Christianity.
  2. In the 18th century All seeing eye in Orthodox churches was depicted on the portal, under the dome and above the altar, as a reminder to every mortal that all his thoughts and deeds, secret and open, are known to God.
  3. At the end of the 18th century. Catherine II, wanting to limit the penetration of foreign signs into the architecture, ordered to replace the image of the Eye with the inscription BGЪ (God Yahweh). However, after her death, the All-Seeing Eye regained its former power.
  4. During the reign of Nicholas I (1825 – 1855), when the ideology of the “official nationality” was established in the Russian Empire, the alien symbol was naturally supplanted and remained in churches only as an architectural and pictorial decoration. A few icons depicting the Eye were declared non-canonical.

The All Seeing Eye in the Bible

To find out what the All-Seeing Eye in a triangle means, you need to consider the meaning of each sign that makes up this symbol:

  1. The eye is the waking and omniscient Providence.
  2. The triangle is the divine Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

Thus, the All-Seeing Eye in Christianity is God. The ideological basis for this image was Psalm 32:18 from Old Testament, which speaks of the eye of the Lord, equally observing those who pray and those who fear. However, there has never been a tradition of worshiping this symbol in Christianity, and Orthodox icon painters depicted it extremely rarely.

All-seeing eye in Buddhism

Unlike Christianity, where the Eye symbolizes a higher power and means observation from the outside, in Buddhism the sign of the All-Seeing Eye is interpreted differently. It marks an inward focus, self-knowledge, a person’s turning to his inner world. Buddhist philosophical and religious teaching preaches that deliverance from life's suffering is possible only by achieving inner enlightenment and spiritual wisdom (nirvana). Every person can open the so-called “third eye”, penetrate into the essence of things and events and gain.

All Seeing Eye - Illuminati

One of the world's political mysteries is the mysterious society of the Illuminati. For those who crave power over the world, there is no need for recognition and fame. It is more important for them to gain real power. They create secret organizations, the existence of which is confirmed by the presence of certain symbols. The All-Seeing Eye is a Masonic symbol, otherwise called the “Radiant Delta”, often located above a truncated pyramid and has a specific meaning:

  1. The eye is a creator, but not God, but the Great Architect of the Universe.
  2. The triangle is the number 3, the number of the spirit, rising above the feelings and reason.
  3. A pyramid is a hierarchy that exists in a world where the top means the center of power. The truncated pyramid with the Radiant Delta symbolizes society as a one world government.
  4. Halo and rays - power and world influence.

What does the All-Seeing Eye on a dollar mean?

Some researchers believe that the American one-dollar bill is filled with Masonic and diabolical symbols:

  1. The eye in the triangle is not the All-Seeing Eye of God, but the Radiant Delta.
  2. 13 rows in the pyramid are not 13 states, but 13 steps of the rite of initiation into Freemasons or the devil's dozen.
  3. The inscription around the Eye "Annuit Cœptis" means "blesses the deeds", although it means "patronizes the conspiracy."
  4. The inscription at the base of the pyramid “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, which translates as “a new order for centuries”, can be interpreted to suit any version.

The all-seeing eye on the dollar appeared in 1935. The world order can only be changed by changing the consciousness of people. Influencing a person’s subconscious is an effective method of transforming attitudes and internal beliefs. That is why the All-Seeing Eye is depicted openly on the dollar. World currency and banknotes of the most affordable denomination are the best way to simultaneously influence citizens completely different countries and continents.
