October horoscope for Libra woman. October horoscope for Libra woman Horoscope of work and money

In October 2017, the stars are favorable to representatives of your sign. The Sun and Mercury are in Libra, so memorable events will happen in your personal life. Romantic adventures, bright emotions await you, you will be charming and attractive.

If you are looking for love, pay attention to this autumn month. It is possible to meet a special person and the beginning of an amazing love story.

October 14, 2017 Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves into Libra. This is the best guarantee of success in love! Venus gives you style, grace, attractiveness - exactly what makes you desirable and sweet, pleasant and charming in the eyes of the opposite sex. If you already have a significant other, there will be more tenderness and harmony in the relationship.

There are, of course, some questions, some inconvenient responsibilities or financial problems. But if the couple has mutual understanding, everything can be easily resolved.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for October 2017

Interest in the topic of finance is growing. On October 10, 2017, Jupiter enters the Libra house of money, where it will remain until November next year. Jupiter is the planet of luck, its energy contributes to the emergence of favorable opportunities in the financial sector. You can hope for an improvement in your financial situation and an increase in income.

Being in your sign, the Sun and Mercury stimulate the growth of business activity and lead you to career achievements. The support of Venus will help with negotiations, networking, establishing constructive professional connections, as well as in money matters.

It is best to determine from the very beginning of the month what you want to achieve, prepare an action plan and set yourself up for victory. The influence of the planets will help you move towards success, but only if you clearly know how to use these correctly space force. Be proactive, but take your time and act thoughtfully.


With the Sun in Libra, you feel more confident and stronger, you have a lot vital energy. However, the planetary aspects are contradictory, which can result in restlessness, anxiety and irritability. You should be especially attentive to your health in the second ten days of the month. This is a potentially risky period that can bring unwanted incidents. Avoid conflicts and dubious situations.

Think twice before you decide to do anything or express your opinion on an important issue!

Completely new opportunities and professional prospects may open up for Libra. You may again find yourself in the center of events, but for some representatives of the sign the attention will be focused on their personal life or relationships with colleagues. Try to comply golden mean between affairs and love relationships.

In October, new prospects and business may open up on the path of Libra. It looks like your life will change direction and you will be preparing for new and unexpected experiences. Luck may give you what you have been looking for for so long, but not all representatives of this sign will be ready for such a turn of events. To avoid missing out on a lucky break, act slowly and calmly. This will allow you to maintain the required distance and present yourself from the best side.

In the personal life of many representatives of the sign, surprises may occur. They may not be associated with external changes in events, but with the fact that you yourself will change your view of many things. A clue as to whether you are acting correctly or not can be an overheard conversation or a repetition of a similar situation in the life of an acquaintance or friend. Try to act gently, decisively, but calmly: this will allow you to maintain your leadership position and better understand your own environment.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for October 2020

A period of change will await you both in your work and in your personal life. You will learn something new that will open your eyes and make you see the positive side even in a negative situation. Finally, you will find a foothold that will allow you to easily cope with all difficulties and get out of the most unpleasant situation with dignity.

Remember that your intuition works very accurately, but without sufficient information about the situation, you will not be able to find the right solution. Very soon the truth will be revealed to you, which will allow you to act bolder and more straightforward. So try to listen to inner voice and act as you see fit, without informing anyone.

Your craving for beauty may become more intense. Visiting a theater, exhibition, or festive event will allow you to fill your life with new colors. Libra will also want an internal transformation, so unexpectedly for everyone they can change their usual image. For example, dye your hair or choose an outfit that doesn’t match what you wore before. However, some friends will appreciate these changes, and this will increase your self-confidence. The main thing is to choose what pleases you.

Don't be afraid to experiment boldly or try your hand at art. This will help you find yourself in completely unexpected activities that will bring you together with friends or family.

Libra Man: Horoscope for October 2020

For you, October will be a month of discovery and change. You can not only expand your knowledge about the world around you or study the intricacies of psychology, but also easily understand an intrigue or a difficult family situation. Life in October will require you to have the skills of a psychologist, analyst and actor at the same time, so do not rush to act until the current situation is clear to you. Then your actions will not only be effective, but also useful for everyone around you. After all, life sometimes requires not only physical strength, but also logical calculation even in everyday things.

This month, many Libra men will feel drawn to home and family matters. You may have to intervene in a conflict situation and prove that you are right. For many representatives of this sign, relationships with children, especially teenagers, may become strained. Try to develop a point of view that does not demean the child's dignity, even if you think that he is acting unreasonably and could get himself into big trouble. This will bring you closer and will promote trust and mutual sympathy, as well as strengthening warm and friendly relations in the house.

In October, most of Libra's attention will be directed to the sphere of work and business. At this time, you will want even more independence and power in this area.

In October, you need to pay important attention to your health. Excessive exhaustion can lead to illness. Therefore, do not forget about time to rest and do not test your body’s strength.

In the sphere of personal relationships, the horoscope predicts pleasant events. Friendship and love will literally follow you around.

The influence of Mars in this area may force you to take active action. You are ready to do great things for the sake of love. However, all that is really required is to show a little love to those close to you.

In October, your desire for justice will be intensified several times; try not to judge harshly those you love.

In the financial sector, the most active will be the end of the month. 26 and 27 there is a possibility significant events in money.

Throughout October 2017, the beliefs and views of the Libra man and woman will change dramatically. You will be able to look at life from a new angle, and these views will definitely help you in the future. This auspicious month to become better and kinder.

Career horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

The career field promises unforeseen and unpredictable events. This field will require hard work and effort from you and you should not expect instant rewards. There will be rewards, but closer to the end of the month.

This month there is a possibility of business trips and travel for work. The most successful direction is north.

If you are an employee, there is a possibility of conflicts with co-workers and management. Therefore, do not interfere in controversial situations. Your job is to focus on your work.

In October, you should rely only on yourself and your abilities. Don't expect someone to come along who will solve all your problems.

Financial horoscope. The influence of Jupiter promises to make Libra's life carefree. There is a possibility of large influxes of money. We can say that this will be one of the most profitable months of the year.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

In the area of ​​personal relationships there is a possibility of some difficulties. This is a time when you will have to go through some changes in your relationships with your friends.

In love, the horoscope promises respect and romance. This area will bring deep emotions and experiences. But some of you won't need this.

If you already have a loved one, a larger event may occur. For example: pregnancy, marriage or divorce.

In October, couples united by the power of love will continue to enjoy their happiness, and weak unions may fall apart.

If you are single, you can meet your loved one in the professional field or study.

Health horoscope for October 2017

Until the 20th, your health will be fragile and weak, so you need to observe the principle of moderation in everything. Try to save your energy and not live at a dizzying pace.

(October 2017)


We can talk a lot about what the representatives of the sign will be lucky with and what they should be wary of. But, despite all possible setbacks, October 2017 will turn out to be one of the happiest periods of this year for representatives of the sign. You shouldn’t try to radically change anything in your life; soon everything will fall into place on its own.

This month, Libra may be irritated by everything inharmonious. There is a high probability that they will bring themselves to stressful situations, while practically nothing will change around them. Astrologers recommend not to worry too much about things that do not in any way affect the life and happiness of the representatives of the sign. You may have to spend a lot of time resolving some matters that were put off for the future in the past.

In addition, at this time Libra will consider themselves the most fair, therefore they can often teach everyone around them, constantly talk about retribution, and give advice to everyone. At the same time, they themselves will not always adhere to the principle of justice, often showing their selfishness in relation to others.

There is a high probability that not all the affairs of the representatives of the sign will be successful this month. Quite big problems are expected in material terms. You shouldn't be so fixated on money and high position in society.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for October 2017

Representatives of this sign have a subtle artistic taste, which is why they often choose creative professions. They also harmonize well with children; the profession of a teacher or educator is suitable for them. On the other hand, this month relationships with others will be quite tense.

In the past, representatives of the sign had quite a lot of friends. But at this time something has changed in their lives and it seems that everyone around them is running away from them. In fact, it's all your fault. Due to excessive pride, and often selfishness, you are unable to understand others and admit your guilt in something.

Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign pay more attention to their inner world, and only then deal with issues of beauty. Due to the fact that you spend too much time and effort on creating an attractive image, you can often forget that most people do not like hypocrisy, pretense, the desire to get everything and always be a leader. By nature, such people are not leaders, but they always desperately want to achieve this, which is why they often provoke conflict situations themselves.

Libra Man: Horoscope for October 2017

Not every friend who comes into your life. It's worth remembering forever. It is often said that friendship stands the test of time. Perhaps this is so, but unexpected turns are possible in the life of representatives of the sign. You will have to be careful, since there is a high probability that one of your long-time friends will try to betray or deceive you in major financial matters.

Don't worry too much about your life. At this time, you will not be able to change anything in her. You will have to be careful, but at the same time act according to a long-planned plan.

Quite big problems with the implementation of old ideas and plans. There will be quite a lot of opportunities for this, but you are unlikely to want to take advantage of them, considering them to be a scam. Astrologers recommend not to get too hung up on these issues; now it is best to resolve matters on the personal front.

Also, you should not show your feelings to everyone around you. Surely at some point you will be greatly hurt emotionally by those around you. Surely, you will act only with good intentions, but at this time almost no one will understand the true meaning of your actions.

Love horoscope for Libra for October 2017

No one will ever love as much as you do. If you really need and important someone, then you will do everything to be close to this person. One can only envy your perseverance. But those representatives of the sign who are not confident in their feelings are not recommended to take serious steps; perhaps in the future they will greatly regret what they have done.

Astrologers claim that October is a rather unlucky month for short-term romances. Representatives of the sign will often have a desire to start a relationship with someone without pursuing serious goals. In the future, the situation may turn against you and you may be deceived by your partner.

Lonely representatives of the sign towards the end of October may meet interesting person, but it is unlikely that from the very first days they will be interested in it. It will take a lot of time to put things in order in your feelings and relationships. Only after some time will they be able to open their hearts to a new partner. You should be careful, deception on the part of suitors is possible during this period.

The stars say that if Libra wants to get married during this period, then they should think very carefully about it. Perhaps the representatives of the sign are still not ready for such decisive steps. In the future it will be very difficult to return everything to its place.

Financial (money) horoscope for Libra for October 2017

Quite a difficult period in financial matters. Representatives of the sign can enter into unsuccessful transactions, which not only will not bring any income, but will also affect the decrease in finances of the representatives of the sign.

You should be extremely careful with banking issues. Astrologers do not recommend trusting them with your funds at this time, placing money on deposits or taking out loans. Especially in the second half of October. There may be some problems in organizing the work of the bank itself, so funds may be blocked for an indefinite time.

It is unlikely that during this period you will experience a salary increase or other profit. At the same time, astrologers insist that any financial fraud during this period will turn against you in the future. Not only problems with the law are likely, but also the loss of your fortune.

Work and business horoscope for Libra for October 2017

Quite a successful period in the life of representatives of the sign. During this period, no important problems are expected in the workplace. Despite possible problems with the authorities, which have been dragging on for months, representatives of the sign should not worry; problematic situations will bypass them. Under no circumstances should you give up; quitting during this period is not the best option.

At the beginning of the month there may be a heavy workload. You shouldn’t put things off until the next day; you can ask your colleagues for help with your business. At the same time, if you have a rather tense relationship with them, then you should not aggravate it.

Perhaps work will become a second home for you this month. You will spend too much time at work, and it will not always depend on you.

Business-wise, things will be more volatile than last month. For those who want to open a new business, astrologers recommend not to rush into decisions and postpone them until next month.

There may be complications in relationships with business partners or competitors. It is advisable to get out of conflict situations wisely and not start quarrels, even when there is no particular reason for it.

Health horoscope for Libra for October 2017

The health of the representatives of the sign this month can only be envied. But astrologers recommend not to stop there; to maintain it you will need to go in for sports and do not forget about taking vitamins.

Towards the end of October there will be a rather difficult period in the life of representatives of the sign. There is a high probability of complications with the gastrointestinal tract, possible poisoning. It is advisable to monitor your diet very diligently and under no circumstances consume rare exotic foods.

It is very important to monitor the health of your skin and nails. You may have problems with a lack of vitamins, so you will have to strengthen your body not only with the help of seasonal vegetables, but also with vitamin complexes.

During this period, the likelihood of contracting seasonal diseases is extremely low. Viruses are not dangerous for you throughout the month. But at the same time, you should carefully monitor your hair; you may need to use masks and nutrients. Due to a sudden change in weather conditions, representatives of the sign may feel weak and apathetic, but soon everything will fall into place.

Libra horoscope for October 2017.

The main word for Libra in October 2017 is “it will cost.” Like in a situation when a man walks into a store and asks: “How much does this fur coat cost for my wife?” - It will cost you 15,000 euros... - Wait, somehow everything is wrong. You speak too fast, speak slowly... Let's do it again! - She'll get by... - Oh, that's right - she'll get by." This is what you need to tell Libra in October 2017 and “it will cost you.” Moreover, for both Libra men and Libra women. And it’s not even a matter of the fact that next month you will “roll out your lip” a lot, and therefore the word “will cost” will be like medicine for you. In October 2017, you will often need to repeat to yourself: “everything will work out”... and it will pass, somehow settle down, and form.

Another task for Libra in October 2017 is not to get confused in their own illusions. Be realistic, at least for one month. Otherwise, throughout October 2017 you will be looking for answers, not because you won’t know them, but because you won’t like most of the answers, and you will be floating in the illusion that this can be changed. That is why the horoscope for October 2017 for Libra advises not to delve too much into the past and ask persistent questions to Life, friends, relatives or colleagues. Wise people, they warned us a long time ago - never ask if you don’t know what to do with the answer. Likewise, the horoscope for October advises Libra not to ask questions to which you do not like the answers in advance. Especially if these are questions about the past. In other words, don't delve into the past, look to the future. Anyway - time will pass(October 2017), and life will show that everything was only for the better.

The main thing for Libra in October 2017 is to remain themselves. Libra, like Gemini, is special sign Zodiac, with a very strong “inner core”, only Gemini is also a little inadequate, and Libra is hot-tempered. Therefore, try not to say about you in October 2017 - she (she) has an inner core, it’s just that now it’s in the ass... Don’t forget about your ideals and principles. Otherwise, you will try to realize your irresistible desire to shove your strong inner core into someone’s… oops. And this can already lead to serious conflicts. This is especially true for Libra women born in September.

As the horoscope shows, next month you need to try to avoid risks and risky decisions, both in your personal life and at work. The calmer you spend October 2017, the better. The main thing is that the autumn that will be outside, and in your actions, does not remain inside. A cold mind does not mean a cold heart, your loved ones and your love are just waiting to be warmed, or at least covered, with something warm.

Libras born in October need to imagine a situation: when a girl sprays her lover with her perfume, and he yells: “Why are you doing this? and all the time,” and her friend answers for her: “that’s right, I spray mine too. This is not for you, this is for the girls, so they know it’s busy here.” This is how Libras born in October need to invite to their birthday only those who will not “smell like other people’s perfume.” For example, if in a couple of your friends you don’t like someone and “smells like someone else’s perfume,” think about whether you need such a pair for your birthday.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra favorable days– 1, 3,7,11,16, 20, 23 and 30,

Horoscope for October 2017 Libraunfavorable days- in fact, in most cases these are unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who simply need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra work, career and business. The most important question for Libra at work in October 2017 is where to put their nerves. At work they ask you to leave your nerves at home... At home they ask you to leave your nerves at work... And where then should Libra put their nerves...? This issue will be especially stimulated by bosses and some envious work colleagues or competitors. And if you eventually end up sorting things out with your colleagues or competitors, and even possibly punishing them, then you will have to somehow put up with the management. This will especially apply to financial issues and paperwork issues. As a result, in October 2017, Libra may find themselves in serious time trouble, correcting old mistakes and, as a result of lack of time, making new ones. Maybe that’s why, in October 2017, we will be able to hear from you - do you know how I manage to rest, work and get enough sleep? No way, damn it. So just more seriousness, less sarcasm, and life and work for Libra in October 2017 will be simpler and easier.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra finance. In October 2017, Libra's relationship with money will be like that of an old married couple. There is no love, there is respect, but respect does not attract.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Libra. Horoscope for October 2017 Libra love. In his personal life in October 2017, Libra can safely say - hello, rake. Yes, it's me again. And all because in October 2017 you will again and again want to prove something or someone. And naturally, the more you want to prove something, the less chance you have of being heard and understood. That is why the horoscope for October 2017 advises family Libras to restrain themselves as much as possible in attempts to sort things out. Not only flowers or sweets can be given for no reason, it is best to give Love and attention to your loved one for no reason. In October 2017, it is best for Libra to pretend to be a warm blanket that softly wraps your relationship. Of course it won't be easy. Therefore, you will need to try very hard so that the “blanket of your relationship” does not turn out to be “prickly”.

As the horoscope shows, lonely Libra next month can safely say hello to all those who are “fed up.” You can safely say - guys, I'm with you! In October 2017, you simply will not have the desire to build new relationships or adapt to someone. But this doesn't mean that you won't flirt or look for sex without commitment. Even in the middle of Autumn, Libra will be able to feel happy. Remember Carlson's advice - “How to make people happy? “We need to give them joy, love and some jam!”

At the end, the horoscope once again reminds Libra that next month you should pay more attention to obvious facts, rather than looking for some unrealistic explanations. After all, judging by the fact that Kung Fu Panda only realized in the second part that the goose was not his father, he was clearly a Libra...
