Competitions for the Christian holiday of the harvest. Parable of the Gardener (scene for the Harvest). Song: "Everything in this world"

Topics: forgiveness, service, repentance.

Decorations: axe, Bible, plates, spoons.

After suffering and shameful death
The Savior of people was laid in the coffin.
On the third day Jesus the Victor
He rose in glory with the radiance of rays!

But not thinking about God that night,
A man was walking from a den of thieves.
That night he was carrying out an errand -
Raid one of the houses!

Here he is at his destination. He approaches silently.
I pressed the button, called and stood there.
The landlady comes to the door,
He hid, trembling a little.

Thinking that our people have returned,
The hostess opens the door, but...
He sees in front of her unknown man.
Mentally calling God for help!

God answered her, the villain was confused,
He didn’t raise his hand, but followed her in.
Her joyful gaze met the guest:

God sent you to visit us today!
You know, today is a great day,
After all, Jesus, our Savior has risen!
Deliverance, salvation to all sinners,
He brought it to us from the radiant heavens!
Take off your clothes and come here.
Our people should be coming soon too.
Here I am, preparing a treat for the table, -

What's wrong with me, why can't I
Raise your hand to hit her
From behind, as before, am I making my sacrifice?

Don't be shy, we are simple people,
We believe in the Lord, we love Him!
This is great happiness for sinners!
This wealth is the most valuable!

What to do? To kill or not?
This woman surprises me:
What a welcome, and words, and hello!

Tell me, do you believe in God? -


It’s very sad, but He loves you,
And will save you amidst sorrow and troubles!

Yes, maybe it's true that He loves me,
But I’m not worthy of love!
I am very low and sinful before God,
Only He knows, but you don’t know!

What did you say? Are you not worthy of love? -

He was forgiven for his crimes
The doors of heaven opened before him.
So now God forgives the dead,
If we give our hearts to Him.

God sent us a guest today.

Well, now sit down with us and eat:
The Great Holiday is everywhere today!

Oh, if only I were like them -

Read more from that Book,
As it is written there, everything is fine.
Maybe reading this will help me?
How tired of wandering in the dark!

We finished eating and put away the dishes.
The owner himself took the Bible to read,
And explained the precious Word,
So that the unfortunate sinner can also understand.
The children and wife have been asleep for a long time,
There are only two left,
And about salvation for all the oppressed
They read for a long time in midnight silence.
In the morning we went to a meeting with a guest.
The choir sang how the Savior was risen,
And preachers in the Word of the Lord
People were read about the glories of heaven.
The preacher said:
Those who wander far from God!
Who else does not have peace, love,
Reveal your iniquities to God.
Jesus himself now calls everyone,
He gives forgiveness freely to everyone!
Who is ready for repentance today?
Who will bring his heart to Him?
Let's pray!

God have mercy! God have mercy! -

So with an exclamation he cried out to God.
For a long time he cried about all the crimes,
What his enemy directed him to do.
The heart was yearning for freedom from captivity,
The Day of Atonement gives grace!
Now he has risen, no longer a criminal, -
God-forgiven wanderer of the earth,
Accepted forever among the redeemed,
With joy, with peace in a tired chest.
There was rejoicing in heaven that day:
The sinner found peace in reconciliation!
And Jesus was glorified on earth
Joyful, pure and friendly praise!

We want to congratulate you
On this winter holiday.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Our dear brothers.

What would we do without you?
And your attention?
It would be boring on earth
Without your participation.

And we want with all our hearts
Give gifts
You, the most beautiful men
And say glory to you.

(We invite someone to the stage)

Tension is not uncommon
Occurs between people
So that it doesn't hurt you,
May our Lord protect you.
(Indicator screwdriver)

God tells us in His Word:
You can cut with your tongue.
We wish you with love
Cut tracing paper and cardboard.
(Paper cutter)

If you find a break in the wire,
If the insulation is suddenly damaged,
If there is a short circuit between parishioners,
Here you of course need electrical tape.
(Insulating tape)

To make relationships stronger
Were with your wife
We give you superglue “Moment”;
There will be peace and tranquility in the house.
(Super glue)

We know that while you have
No wife-wife
We give you the “Seamstress” set,
Darn holes to...
(Sewing needles)

If we gave needles as a gift,
To sew up socks, darn holes in pants.
We are giving you an awl for another matter:
Make holes in belts, darn our boots.

Who loves hiking?
Through the forests and mountains,
Our gift will come in handy
No doubt you are there.
(Folding scissors)

We want to give you
The necessary thing.
We know for sure that she
It will be useful in life

God speaks with love: Abide in the Word
And be transformed into My glorious image!
We give you markers so that you remember
His eternal lessons, giving peace.

Here we have gifted you all
Necessary gifts.
May the Lord bless you!
Be happy, brothers!

Harvest Festival
Riddles about spiritual gifts

1. This fruit comes in different sizes. At the same time, it can increase and decrease. It cannot be bought with any wealth of this world and is acquired from the words heard. If this fruit is good, then after you try it, you want to do good deeds. This fruit gives us life. (faith)

2. This fruit comes in two types. The first is quite small, but very attractive, the other is huge in size, but cannot be described in words. The first one is found everywhere on earthly roads, and the other one needs to be looked for. Sometimes it is found where you don’t expect to find it: for example, in sadness or trial. This fruit grows in the gardens of peacemakers and philanthropists. It is called the waiting of the righteous. This fruit was brought to people by the birth of Jesus Christ. (joy)

3. This fruit is the largest, most delicious and most desirable for man, which is why it is called the totality of perfection. It is so huge that even all the waters of our planet cannot cover it.

If we share it with others, it becomes even greater.

Having tasted this fruit, we forget all our fears and our soul blossoms.

6. They say about this fruit that it is the largest on the whole earth, although it grows from the smallest, almost invisible, seed. It is the most poisonous of all fruits and vegetables. They also say that there are more people eating this fruit than there are hairs on our heads. In such people, the heart and brain are primarily affected, they become blind and no longer see anything around them. People begin to do the most disgusting evil to others that can only exist on earth. And the worst thing is that this fruit brings death with its juices. (hatred)

Scene “I’m standing at the door and knocking...”

Participants: presenter, Jesus, 8 hearts

The Lord Jesus knocks on everyone's door human soul on the ground. Whether we accept Him or not depends only on the state of our heart.
Unbeliever heart:
What kind of Jesus is this? I don't believe in any religion, neither in God nor in Satan. I only believe in myself. There is no God. Go where you are going...
Heart of a Rich Man:
What kind of Jesus? What can you give me? I have everything my soul desires: big house, a car of the latest brand, a country house... I don’t need anything. Get out!
A stingy (greedy) heart:
I don't have time for you. There is no desire to do all this. I won't give you anything. I'm fine as it is.
Proud heart:
Who else is Jesus Christ? The one who is God? Ha ha! I am my own God! And I do not sin in this world. I don't need you, loser!
Evil heart:
Who else is knocking there? Who else did you bring? Who disturbed my peace? Now I’ll open the door, don’t be excited! Leave now! Find time to knock!
Closed heart:
Sorry, please, but I don't open it to anyone. I trust no one. And I won’t open it for you!
Depressed heart:
Sorry, I feel so bad. No body understands me. But I am so and so... And no one can help me, not even God Himself!
Humble heart:(on his knees praying)
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner before You. Come to me. I'm sorry. The door of my heart is open for You! Enter and rule it!
Yes, I hear your call. I see your sincerity. and I give you forgiveness and salvation. For all eternity I will keep your heart pure. You are Mine forever! I love you!

God created flowers
Grass, trees,
Berries, mushrooms,
A river on its banks.
Arranged everything wonderfully
With his Hand he:
The sky is blue, the month is golden,
Freckle stars
Scattered around.
I see them from the pillow
At night before bed.
And He also created
So many fruits:
And a scarlet watermelon,
Carrot with a tail,
Apples and pears
Melon and garlic.
So that we can eat.
God gave us!
Let Him rush
Glory and Praise
For His concerns
For His works!

What lies on this arch?
These are God's gifts!
Do you see how many fruits there are here?
The result of human labor.
How much strength and will do you need?
To grow beans.
It is very difficult to grow bread,
So that they could buy it.
Often until I sweat
Work is moving in the field.
Even fish without difficulty
You'll never catch it!
God sent strength to all people,
And their work was blessed.
“There are fruits from all over.”
God loves his chicks.
We love Jesus too
And He is dearer to us than all of us!

There is so much fruit lying here.
They are beautiful to look at.
And probably tasty too?
How great and glorious you are, God!
We see so many fruits here.
God created them for people to eat.
The fragrant bread, and here are the carrots.
Let's glorify God's love!
Be a fruitful tree
After all, you are well-groomed by the Creator.
He loves you and waters you
And it nourishes with grace.
What fruit do you bear to the Creator?
'Cause time is coming to an end
With an empty or full basket
Will you appear before the Son of God?
Today is a wonderful harvest festival,
And we compose hymns to God.
He gave us all the fruits of the earth,
Give thanks so that we can.
Praise and honor to the Creator.
Hurry up, my friend, bring it!
Today is Sunday for us.
And the holiday is Thanksgiving.
I see a lot of fruit here.
There are not enough words to name them!
Give praise to the Creator
For this wonderful harvest.
Our congregation is so crowded
We celebrate the holiday here, we are wonderful
Today we gather again
Celebrate God's love.
Our Creator, the strong Lord,
He sent a bountiful harvest
Here are vegetables and fruits, honey,
The Lord gives us a lot.
And there are spiritual gifts,
For all growing children
How many children's books He gave,
The Lord is great in His love.
He is our Shepherd, a wondrous Giver
Sent us a Bible with a picture
Sent Bible stories,
I read them all at once.
For all the immeasurable deeds
To him be glory and praise.
We celebrate the festival of the harvest
We want to glorify God
There are pears and grapes lying here
And there was a row of apples,
Garlic, potatoes and beets
How wonderful are the works of the Lord!
And here are the ears of corn still standing
Autumn is rich in harvest.
We will bake delicious bread from them.
He'll be there for people's lunch.
I am the smallest spikelet
And I love the Lord very much.
The Savior watered me
And He gathered it into His granary.
Go to the vineyard of God!
I'll go with you too.
There's a lot of work left
Let's collect at least a little fruit!
The owner comes forward
Hurry, friend, the evening is near!

We came here today
Praise the mercies of the Lord.
He gave fruit to all people,
To make you happy.
For a wonderful harvest
Give Him praise!
Thank you for the rain
The rye was sprouting so wonderfully,
Thanks for the sunshine too.
How you love creation, O God.
You haven't forgotten your creation
You give him food
I also bear fruit for You,
I praise you with my poem.

Why did you come to the meeting?
Praise God for food?
It was empty here recently -
Cabbage grew overnight.
I really love watermelon
It tastes good!
I also love honey.
The bee brings it to us.
I see you love to eat,
Well, what about listening to the Word of God?
There are different gifts here.
Thank you for everything!
He is a caring father
He loves us, his sheep!

Golden autumn, a wonderful time.
Praise God for His works!
Here lies a beautiful loaf of bread,
Apparently the harvest was bountiful today!
Maybe somewhere the drought was burning the wheat and rye.
Without heavy rain, can you harvest much?
Somewhere there are hungry children, old people,
But no one will give them a hand with bread!
And in our prayers, everyone should say:
“God, feed them with bread too!”

Who brought people here
In this bright, warm room?
Invited from all directions?
Only God did this!
At this noon hour
It's a joyful holiday for us.
We give praise to God,
Thanks for the fruits!

On the holiday of gratitude
We send you greetings.
They wish you joy
All hearts are children's.
So that with all the soul of the Lord
With us you glorified
And pure aspirations
Sent to heaven.

For Your wondrous harvest
I sing glory and honor to you,
A year of hard work
You did not leave without fruit.
You sent the sun, sent the rain,
My spirit only rejoiced in You,
I planted, and You raised
And he gave me a wonderful fruit.

Which year in a row
We celebrate the festival of the harvest.
And today God gave again
For us, the glow of the holiday.
Praise be to Him for this day -
Solemn and joyful!
We will pray and sing
In holy, festive communion.
Thank Him for everything
We wish in the congregation.
We so want to serve Christ,
As Scripture teaches us.
Our Lord is worthy of glory
From everyone without exception.
He served us all year round
Your blessings.
All Christians - old and young -
We were all protected.
The Lord sent for life
We have everything we need.
Gave us the strength to bear the cross
In your longsuffering,
And along the thorny path
He got us through without falling!

Parable of the Gardener




Sick woman

young man

Mother of many children


Gardener: -Oh, Lord! How great you are! How wonderful is everything you have created! You took care of each of us and gave us everything we needed. And for this wonderful vine I thank you! But I won't eat it. I really want to take it to our pastor! After all, he is so kind a wise man. His words touch me to the core and heal my heart. He's always so caring. How I would like to thank him! ( picks a bunch of grapes).

(the gardener goes to the pastor and knocks on his door)

Pastor: Who-who is knocking on my house?

Gardener: It's me, the gardener, please open the door.

(Pastor opens the door)

Pastor: Good morning, you are a good man. What brings you to me?

Gardener: - Pastor! Look, this wonderful branch with ripe fragrant grapes has grown in my garden. I want to give it to you, because you do so much good!

Pastor: But I cannot accept such a generous gift!

Gardener: Don't offend me! I have nothing to give you and I will be happy if you take this vine!

Pastor: Thank you, gardener. Thank God for your kind heart.

(the gardener goes to his home)

Pastor (holding grapes in hands): What a beautiful vine and what a wonderful aroma! But I can't eat these grapes! I will take it to a woman who is in extreme pain. Perhaps she has little left in this world, and the wonderful grapes will lift her spirits and make her feel better!

(Pastor goes to a sick woman and knocks on her door)

Sick woman : Oh, who's knocking on my door?

Pastor: It's me, your mentor.

Sick woman : (opens the door) How glad I am to see you, my shepherd!

Pastor: Today I do not come to you empty-handed! God sent a wonderful grapevine into my hands! Accept it as a gift from me, even if it’s not for long, but it will reduce your suffering.

Sick woman : Thank you, our good pastor. I'm very pleased.

(Pastor leaves)

Sick woman : What wonderful grapes! But my days are numbered. I will take it to the young man who recently believed in the Lord! This vine will be a testimony to him of the greatness of the Lord. Through her he will see how perfect God is!

(A sick woman knocks on a young man's door)

young man : - Who's come?

Sick woman: - It's me, Maria.

Young man: - Hello! Why did you come? You're so sick, aren't you? Just the day before, the whole church was praying for you!

Sick woman: - Thank you, son, for your prayers. I brought you a wonderful vine! Look how perfect our God is, how beautiful He has created this world!

Young man: - Thank you, Dear sister, for such a wonderful gift. I will continue to pray for you!

(Sick woman leaves)

Young man: How good are these grapes! But it will be better if I take it to one woman with many children from our church. Children will enjoy such wonderful berries!

(A young man knocks on the door of a mother with many children)

Mother of many children :Who's there?

Young man: - It's me, Alexey. I brought a gift for your children. ( holds out grapes) Let these grapes please you and your children. Eat for your health!

Mother of many children : Thank you, good young man! May the Lord bless you!

(The young man leaves)

(Children start asking for grapes.)

Mother: (explaining to children) Yes, these grapes are wonderful! But look, kids. We have apples, pears and plums on the table. And next door to us lives one very poor man. He has nothing. And he himself is lonely. The Lord teaches us to share. Let's take these grapes to him and make him happy.

Children : Come on, mom.

(A mother with many children brings grapes to the gardener. Knocking on the door)

(The gardener opens the door)

Mother and children: And we brought you grapes! Look how handsome he is! You must be lonely? But God cares about you!

(Mother and children leave)

Gardener (takes grapes in his hands, looks at them for a long time, smiling) Apparently, God really grew these grapes for me! ( starts eating grapes)

Once abandoned, he will be abandoned.
Maybe not right away, maybe much later.
But the deed will be returned...
Those who have not forgiven will not be forgiven.
He who deceives himself will be deceived,
The deeds will not go anywhere.
The one who made the low agreement -
He himself will receive the same sentence.
He who harbors evil will be rewarded with it...
The future boomerangs
He gives everything that’s yours to you.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap:
8 He who sows to his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, and he who sows to the Spirit from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 idolatry, sorcery, enmity, quarrels, envy, anger, strife, disagreements, (temptations), heresies,
21 hatred, murder, drunkenness, disorderly conduct and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do this will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering , goodness, mercy, faith,
23 meekness, self-control. There is no law against them."

Scenes for the holidays: Harvest

Theme of the scene: Gratitude


There are trees on the stage: OAK, BIRCH AND PEACH. Some have green branches in their hands, others have elements of a costume, BIRCH has a wreath on his head. You can choose your own music for each character. Most likely, it should be sad, only for VIOLETCHKA it should be fast and cheerful.

A wonderful garden in front of me!
Take a closer look at it.
Everything here is done with a caring hand
Well maintained and everything here breathes
The breath of eternal beauty.
In shady and cool crowns
Birds build nests here. Flowers
In its most beautiful buds
They bring us a wonderful aroma.
There is no place for them to live
They're better off. This garden is asking
Love. The gardener had to
There's a lot of work involved here!
My friends, has it happened to you
To shelter from the wind and rain?
You probably went to such oak trees,
Like this! Proud, mighty, strong.
He is a forest hero. From the heat
With it the traveler can be saved.
Always solemnly calm,
He is not subject to all winds.
But why is there such sadness?
Oh, dear oak, tell us!

Oh, I'm miserable! Understanding
That I was ugly, I had to live.
What about the branches? The branches are so similar
To the roots that always penetrate right through
They pierce the ground clumsily.
My trunk is like a decrepit log
Pitted with large hollows.
Oh, what a body I have been given!
And I admire my neighbors.
Marvelous birch!
Beautiful snow-white figure,
Like the embodiment of frost,
Luckily for her, it was probably given.
She is a delight for all eyes!
The trunk is tender, flexible and resilient...
I wish I had been born a birch tree!
I'm unhappy, I'm unhappy, friend.

How strange! beauty
Yours in your mighty power!
They always admire you!

ABOUT, a kind person, have mercy!
I really want to become a birch tree.
But I'm ugly, I'm terrible!

Sadly. He's used to grumbling.
But what about the one whose figure is beautiful?
Perhaps she is happy?
In the emerald-fresh streams
She stands slender in foliage!
The gentle appearance is pleasing to the eye.
But I see that she is sad.
Oh, what's wrong with you, beauty?

Fate tells you to be beautiful.
I have no peace from this.
I want to be completely different!
What a pity that this was not given to me.

But everyone admires you!

Oh yeah! I am a muse for a poet!
Nature Russian symbol I.
Everyone says I'm beautiful.
But have mercy, friends,
How terrible is it to understand,
That I have no fruit!

But you have more advantages!

What do I get from admiring words?
Here's a peach, maybe he has
There is happiness, because he loves
They bear wonderful fruits!
People are waiting impatiently for them.
Everyone will ask you to try them!
I'm the only one growing
All branches are thin and empty.
Why do you love me?
Why do you need trees like this?
One dream! I want to be
That sweet beautiful peach,
A fruit desired by people.

It became completely unclear to me
What's going on here? And to her
It’s also very difficult in the world.
But what will we hear about
How is the wonderful peach doing?
There are lovely things on it in the spring
Flowers bloom to turn
Then into the magical fruits!
It's nice to enjoy them.
But is he not happy with something?

Yes! That's right, I'm good-looking!
But I am deprived of health.
And sometimes a light breeze
It can give me a cold.
I'm weak! And this is so dangerous!
Winter, when it comes
I'm shaking all over, I feel so terrible
It can be cold in winter.

Your fruit is beautiful, tender, juicy.
Anyone can enjoy it!

Everyone envy me! But very
It's sad that
That I am in poor health, and I see
The neighbor oak is strong,
He is stronger than me and head taller than me!
I'm sure he's happy.
And I'm unhappy forever.

It seemed like they could be happy
The trees are all in such gardens.
But here everyone is grumbling, crying, moaning,
Everyone wants to become different.
Their life is shrouded in sadness.

VIOLETCHKA runs joyfully onto the stage. She smiles.

I'm a violet! Life has been given to me!
I'm happy and blossoming
I'm happy with my fate!

Wonderful peach, oak, birch!
But why is the flower simple?
So happy?

Could the gardener rose
Plant here. But I'm growing!
I am grateful with all my heart
To him! I'm happy, friends!
The gardener's love is with me
And a warm ray of sunshine,
That life-giving moisture,
What rains down on me!
And nightingales sometimes in the spring
Wonderful song! Hot day
Cool breeze is salvation
It will be sent to me! About him
Everything here reminds me a lot!
Oh, how kind he is to me!
It allows you to grow in the garden
Very simple colors! And no
He is wiser, kinder in the world!

Do you recognize yourself, my friend?
In plants? We are all God's children!
For life, the work of the Lord
Even the simplest song
We must sing to Him, rejoicing!
