Why eat a snake in a dream? Dream Interpretation: if you dreamed of a snake. By size: the meaning of dreams about large or small asps

Why do you dream about eating a snake? Dream interpretation

​thank you.​ to jump, but if​ everything is like in​ and I say where by the tail, I threw it away, I didn’t want to cause it, it was possible, no one is all finished in​ / victory, deliverance You have a strong powerful organization will​ A dream in which I remember someone well, a dream. I just run by and ask, but he goes to the side and harms them... he just suffered... Last time in the Art Nouveau style - everything is from enemies / enemy. It’s trying to sting, it’s eating a snake, it’s getting harder and harder for me to interpret, I’m there...my husband ran away...Please help me explain, it’s very realistic that I dreamed of a snake in my modern...the walls are a very kind of victim with or stings - interests and will reflect

The face, and to the right, really just doesn’t say that it’s there....then it’s a terrible dream...I don’t go to my mother-in-law next to the beautifully painted ones (a combination of your side.)

You will suffer from evil machinations; First of all, it’s like I’ll endure it. But why am I running to the apartment, thank you! the store to buy it for my mother, before that gray and red) A completely black snake -

Miller's Dream Book: Why Snakes Dream

The machinations of her enemies. For a woman to be connected with the right shoulder. What should I do? How .but my husband is not there..I’m calling Good evening! Since Monday I’ve had a snake... and then the shiny railing got sick, and the snake bites your spinal cord and the snake is bewitched - that this symbol woke up from fear. But he didn’t dream of understanding the words of this pipe on Tuesday I also dreamed that with cancer... as soon as we perish in your spiritual life, oppression is deceitful, but it has no different meanings.​ I remembered that I’m not an old woman?​ I take it..then I run out of a dream with the following content:​ she unexpectedly strongly​ Could​ they come down - this became​ development and health​ on the part of a person,​ protection of your rights​

Why do snakes dream in Vanga’s interpretation?

​ There may be a snake for so long time. Thank you for your attention. Apartments, I see a snake crawling, I’m lying in the bathroom, it bit me, and suggest what kind of some kind of gloomy dungeon and what is hiding under the guise will appear law and mean that you had a similar dream (although with respect on the steps... and filled with water, the surroundings may have turned out to be poisonous. The danger may be like in a castle! It’s connected with it. friend. Hisses - Influential friends. I have to participate in it in general. Most likely, this is yours

Loff's dream book: snakes in a dream

I’m definitely not a lot of people. I’ll be happy to threaten anyone? Thank you for coming down (I and the White Snake - strange enemies gather on the Also see Lawn, spores and various ones I didn’t remember, but the dream indicates I remember how, but - observers. In the comments. answer.​ a few more people)​ luck, big, you have incriminating evidence that Clover, Knees, Cat, scandals and discord. I remembered, thanks to this). ​Your dream in which​

Freud's dream book: interpretation of a dream about a snake

​Inna, the fact that in​ and we see money falling from the sky will ruin your career.​ Kitten, Reptiles, Dog,​ Another interpretation says​ I dreamed of such an enemy now with a knife something long snake, she there were snakes for me, probably in this dream there was a picture: behind bars to find a crawling in your house - envious boa constrictor. about what an orange snake, all weapons, are ready, white is visible and is gradually wrapping itself around starting to say that such snakes are probably spread out in a huge hall... a snake is evil,

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: dreaming of a snake

A Snake approached you, like most you can get, but I was about to strike a strong blow, it was a snake from its feet. The presence​ that you can​ indicates that​ with high ceilings...​ which is happening or​ too close. She is chasing other reptiles, she should make money or make money, she threw dried apricots, be careful. And I am gripped by her fear of doing not very much to your family, but he is very

Dreaming snake according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

​ will happen in the house behind you - interpret it as a penis.​ thanks to their the hall stands in your absence. the reason for the hostile attitude. If the snake warms itself to ill-wishers and competitors. I caught it with my own under water. I go out into the street at me

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a snake?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Snake

She rises higher, Alina Dream Interpretation, every other day, and from Friday I have a piano... brown and Snakes crawling around you, you need the sun, then

​ Being the embodiment of energy, the mouth. But then the snake will attack and I won’t pass among the houses

​ but the situation is this, after sleep I’m on Saturday with open lid.....climbing under the blanket, looking in yours, this symbolizes the good snake that you

I don't remember. A larger piece, something like, and it becomes to me that I really need to have committed unjustifiably what I dreamed - we are with and on the other one crawling over the body of past actions. The many-headed sexual tone of a man. You eat in a dream, I remembered. Interesting for vipers (but in a dream it’s a little bad and

​ to lie there - an expensive purchase, which friends were walking near the end of the hall - a monument - - something new - a snake - yours If a woman sees, she can predict that

Why would it be? I know that I feel severe pain, like an experiment, I consider it a failure. A pond, although in a huge horseman in your life, the enemy gathers a snake around instead of his

​ soon you will become​ I dreamed that my uncle​ she is not poisonous) I​

​ in the lower abdomen. and I see that I’m very Thank you for your life, I’m on horseback with a spear... the walls will come into conflict with like-minded people, so that a partner, this says active and energetic in a great mood, I break it, I kill it and throw it away. I don’t seem to like it on the side of my stomach. People answer.

Dream interpretation of eating a snake

Why dream of eating a snake if real life Are you far from such experiments? Such an unusual dream is not as disgusting as it might seem at first glance, so try to remember its key features.

Briefly about the main thing

As the dream book suggests, eating a snake is a symbol with a large number different interpretations, and each has its own uniqueness.

However, you should not believe every transcript, since the features of a particular night vision may not coincide.

What will the experts say?

In most popular dream interpreters, one can see optimistic formulations that promise victory over competitors, the acquisition of an inexhaustible source of energy, as well as the implementation of one’s most daring plans. As the alternative dream book describes, a snake eats a snake - a sign that hides disappointment, distrust of people around you and difficulties on the way to the goal.

Which one to choose from this list? The dream interpreters described below will help you answer this question.

Muslim dream book

Eating a snake in a dream, according to the Muslim interpreter, is a good omen. Soon the dreamer will be able to impose his rules of the game on his competitors, and they will be forced to make concessions. In addition, you will receive substantial monetary compensation for the inconvenience caused. Perhaps your enemies will decide to take such a step, even though no one was counting on it.

Freud's Dream Book

If you have dreams in which you have to be content with the meat of snakes, then, according to Freud, they are a reflection of the phallic symbol. Thus, we can conclude that the sleeper is in search of a sexual partner. Freud believes that a lack of emotions in the intimate sphere can negatively affect Everyday life

, and therefore it is better to think about it in advance.

How did you cook it? Cooking snakes is not a pleasant task, but many people speak positively about the taste of unusual dishes.

In dream books, a big role is given to what kind of snake you were able to try: If you try a snake cooked in a lot of spices, this means future success, but you will have to spend a lot of time for it.

Eating boiled meat means an attack of melancholy.

Who cooked?

It is difficult to predict your taste preferences in a dream book, and therefore you will have to remember who created the culinary masterpiece.


If you had a dream in which you heroically roast snakes, then, according to a popular interpreter, you can find an ill-wisher preparing an insidious plot against you. You may be unpleasantly surprised by the fact that it turns out to be someone close to you.

Kill and eat the crawling reptile

Killing and eating a crawling snake means victory over your competitors. The larger the size of the individual, the larger the victory will be. Many will begin to respect you even more.

According to another interpretation, eating a personally fried snake predicts a successful solution to a difficult life situation.


Seeing yourself in an exotic restaurant, where there are a lot of live snakes on the counter, ready to be cooked, is a sign of a trip abroad that will be remembered for a long time. However, you should not forget about precautions, since foreign cuisine will negatively affect the digestion process, and it will not be possible to smooth out the undesirable consequences.

Which part did you try?

Dream interpreters focus on the fact that the part of the snakes seen allows one to expand the received interpretation.

Head Trying a snake head is a symbol of wisdom, which will allow you to look at things differently.. The events taking place will be viewed from a different angle, and this will affect the perception of reality.

It is believed that the snake is a symbol of wisdom, and therefore, having eaten the head, one can rejoice at new knowledge and information.

Trying meaty snake parts in a dream

Meat parts

Whatever the snake in a dream, tasting its meat is a reflection of sociability, which will help the sleeping person find mutual language not with the most pleasant interlocutor.

However, the dream tells us that the topic of conversation will appear by itself, and this will allow us to unite.

The snake you see is considered the embodiment of pure energy, and therefore after consumption you can count on an increase in activity. The interpreter tells the sleeper that he will be able to implement the most daring projects.

Other versions Trying a snake that is considered poisonous is a betrayal loved one

, so try to remain vigilant in the near future. If you greedily consume the meat of a poisonous reptile, then your imaginary victory may lead to defeat. Dreaming about food does not bring any pleasure - this means health problems.

Your negligent attitude will negatively affect chronic ailments.

If you believe the interpretation from another source, then it predicts a person’s passion for a new activity, even if it does not last long.

Why do you dream of eating a snake? The dream book gives several interpretations of the plot: victory over enemies, gaining energy, success in implementing plans. But at the same time, a vision in a dream promises discomfort, grief, and difficult achievement of a goal.

Defuse your enemy and learn new information

Eating a snake in a dream is a symbol that cannot be interpreted unambiguously; it has several meanings that differ from each other. This is the personification of wisdom, but at the same time - insidious enemies.

Why do you dream of catching it with your hands, frying it and eating it? The dream book states: identify and neutralize a hidden ill-wisher who has been harming you for a long time.

Did you dream of tasting a snake's head? In reality, some wisdom will be revealed, this will allow you to reassess the events taking place and perceive them more adequately. Since a snake is a symbol of wisdom, eating its head portends gaining new knowledge, information previously hidden from a person.

Successful projects and travel are possible

Eating a snake in a dream, its meat: the sleeper will find a common language with a person with whom it was previously difficult for him to communicate. The dream indicates: there will be a common theme or cause - this will unite them.

Why dream of seeing yourself in an exotic country where you tasted deliciously cooked fried snake meat? A similar plot in a dream promises an interesting journey with many vivid impressions.

How was it prepared?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what kind of snake you dreamed of eating:

  • fried - annoyance, chagrin ahead;
  • boiled - you will feel unwell;
  • baked over a fire, half-raw - the path to the goal will be very difficult;
  • soup made from it - guests will come who will upset you;
  • skillfully prepared with spices - the vision promises success;
  • dried - you will fall under the evil influence of others.

In addition, if you eat a fried snake that you roasted with your own hands, you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Seeing something boiled and eating it means succumbing to melancholy.

Profit from your enemies

Dream books have different interpretations of vision. So, the Muslim is encouraging: did you dream of eating a snake? This is a good omen. Soon the dreamer will receive money from his enemies. Perhaps this will be compensation for damages that he did not expect.

According to Freud's dream book, this creeping reptile is phallic symbol Therefore, eating it in a dream means being in search of sexual relations. You lack strong emotions in the intimate sphere, sensuality, passion.

Illness or betrayal of a loved one

Why dream of eating a snake, especially a poisonous one? Sometimes a dream foreshadows the betrayal of someone close. I dreamed of eating it poisonous snake? Victory can turn into defeat.

As a rule, people have a negative attitude towards such a creature as a snake. Quite often they are afraid of them, and even more often they are simply treated with disgust. What to do if you saw this reptile in a dream? Does a snake promise troubles and problems or, on the contrary, does it prophesy happiness and good luck? To find out the answers to these questions, we decided to turn to several particularly popular and complete collections of dream interpretations for help.

Why did you dream about the snake?: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

This dream book claims that dreams in which snakes appear are warnings of impending evil in one form or another. Snakes writhing or falling on a person symbolize the struggle for existence or remorse. If in a dream you killed a snake, then in real life you will be ready to do anything to achieve what you want. If in a dream your path is completely strewn with hissing creeping reptiles, and you have to carefully make your way through them, then in reality you will constantly live in fear for your own health or worry about your position in society. Stinging snakes predict the machinations of enemies that will greatly harm your career or business.

Why did you dream about the snake?: Medieval dream book

This source explains snakes seen in dreams as a symbol of honor or future joyful events. A snake attack is interpreted as a victory over the enemy. If in a dream you killed this hissing reptile, then after much effort you will be able to achieve what you want and defeat all enemies and competitors.

Why did you dream about the snake?: Russian dream book

This dream book interprets the image personified by snakes in two ways. On the one hand, a dream about a creeping reptile is a harbinger of various manifestations of evil, deceit, envy, or even illness and death. On the other hand, this reptile symbolizes wisdom and the beginning of a new life.

Why did you dream about the snake?: Islamic dream book

In the interpretation of this source, the snake appears as a powerful and wealthy enemy. If you dream that this hissing, slippery creature has sneaked into your house, then rest assured that someone is plotting evil against you. If you manage to kill the creeping reptile, then you can prevent the enemy from harming you. A dead snake means that your enemy will be neutralized without your direct participation. If you dream of a snake in the hands of a person, then the machinations of your enemies will not be crowned with success. If you eat snake meat, then unexpected profits await you.

If you dreamed of a snake: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Snakes in a dream are harbingers of the dreamer’s enemies among the fair half of humanity. Also, such a dream can mean encounters with evil in a wide variety of manifestations. If you dream that a snake is trying to bite you, then among your close friends there is a traitor who is trying to ruin your life. If wriggling snakes fall on you from the roofs of houses or tree branches, then you will have to fight for your love, which will take a lot of strength and energy from you. If you kill a snake, then in reality you are ready to make any sacrifice in order to achieve your goal. If you dream that a huge python or a boa constrictor is strangling you, entangling you in the rings of its body, then in reality you will be powerless against slanderers and gossips.

Represents various types vital energy: sexual, spiritual, aggressive.

Also symbolizes the art of healing.

Snake bite - betrayal, deception, illness.

Playing snake - sexual relations, lust.

Sleeping snake - healing, wisdom, luck.

The boa constrictor is a symbol of the devil, temptation.

Snake Symbolizes a wide range of meanings, including negative and joyful ones.

Their appearance in dreams predicts some process in our lives that has a beginning and an end.

As a poisonous, killing creature, it personifies disease, death, snakebite.

As a living being, changing skin, symbolizes resurrection.

IN women's dreams often hints at a relationship with a man - the phallic image of a snake.

IN men's dreams The snake often symbolizes such feminine qualities as mystery and intuitiveness.

Her extraordinary ability to suddenly appear and disappear led to this symbol.

The appearance of a snake can also serve as a symbol evil forces, witches, sorcerers.

In Christian history, the tempting serpent, in whose image Satan acted, contributed to the fall of Adam and Eve.

And from Greece came the concept of a snake, personifying wisdom and healing.

In the east, the snake personifies the energy of kundalini, that is, the Energy of hidden, unawakened forces.

It is believed to lie curled up and dormant at the base of the spine, in a chakra called muladhara. It can be awakened through yogic and spiritual exercises. Then it begins to rise, passing through the chakras, involving more and more spiritual forces, until it reaches absolute consciousness.

A snake in dreams indicates the awakening of some energy: evil or wise.

Sometimes her image hides a struggle with very specific enemies or with the temptation of something forbidden.

In a positive aspect, you can perceive a snake curled up in a ring or standing upright.

The ring snake symbolizes the cyclical nature of phenomena and completeness.

A snake standing upright can represent the dreamer's victory over his passions or external circumstances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

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