The legend of the appearance of the Milky Way. Presentation on the topic "legends of the Milky Way." Legend of the Sun and Moon

A luminous white stream stretched softly across the entire night sky among the stars - the Milky Way. The flow is uneven, in some places it is thicker, in others it breaks up into branches, separate parts, swirls and stretches across the entire sky silently and majestic. It is also called the Path of the Gods, the Heavenly Road, and the Iroquois do not even want to hear anything other than that the Milky Way is actually the heavenly White River.

But still, the Milky Way got its name from ancient greek myths. According to one of them, an angry Zeus took a nursing baby from the breast of his wife Hera, and milk from Hera’s breast poured into the sky. Another myth tells that the speedy god Hermes placed a hungry baby, Hercules, born of a mortal woman from Zeus, to Hera’s chest. Offended by this, Hera herself pushed the baby away, and her milk gushed into the sky. Indeed, the whitish stripe of the Milky Way resembles spilled milk or fog. But just look at the Milky Way through ordinary prism binoculars, and faint stars appear quite clearly against the background of a whitish stripe, and through a telescope, even with a slight magnification of 30-40 times, you can see that the Milky Way consists of a colossal number of very faint stars. The total brilliance of these stars creates the impression of a bright stripe of the Milky Way to the naked eye.

So, the Milky Way consists of billions of stars and stretches in a strip across both hemispheres of the sky, closing into a ring of stars inclined to the celestial equator at an angle of about 63°. In the northern hemisphere of the sky it passes through bright constellations Orion, Gemini, Taurus, Auriga, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Swan and Eagle, passes into the southern celestial hemisphere and then goes through the constellations Scutum, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Inaccessible to observations in the northern part of the sky. In the southern celestial hemisphere, the Milky Way extends through the constellations Altar, Square, Compass, Centaur, Southern Cross, Fly, Carina and Velaris. The northern part of the constellation Velae is already visible above the southern part of the horizon (northern hemisphere), and from here the Milky Way follows the constellations Puppis, Canis Major and Unicorn, again passes into the northern celestial hemisphere and closes on the border of the constellations Orion and Gemini.

ABOUT mythological origin There are many legends about the Milky Way, since it is impossible not to notice such a bright phenomenon in the earth’s sky. This is what the old Indian legend tells.

At the beginning of time, long before the arrival of the pale-faced ones, two sisters lived on earth. One was called the “turquoise maiden”, the other was called the “shell maiden”. Both of them were, of course, divine origin, but just like mortals, they took care of the house and were not even averse to getting married. But the land was almost completely empty, so it was practically impossible to find a decent Indian warrior, and the sisters had to postpone the wedding. And so, in order to do something, and not just sit around, the eldest of the sisters - the “turquoise maiden” - came up with the idea of ​​​​teaching people, small in number and not at all educated, how to make fire, how to build houses, how to hunt bison and so on. useful things. The second sister, the “maiden of the white shell,” remained at home. And the sisters lived not just anywhere, but on the very edge of the earth, although it is possible that this was only the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. And so, while the “turquoise maiden” wandered the prairies, doing missionary work, the “white shell maiden” patiently kept house and waited for her enterprising sister at the hearth with a hot dinner and warm slippers. But the Iroquois had a lot of land, and it became more and more difficult to get home every evening. That’s when the “turquoise maiden” came up with the idea of ​​returning not on foot, but simply sailing in a shuttle straight across the sky. And since the sky itself is quite dry, the supreme deity organized a river there especially for the “turquoise maiden”. And so the White River appeared. At the beginning of the night, the “turquoise maiden” returned home along the White River, and at the end she went to work again.

Alas, nothing lasts forever, and the “turquoise maiden” had an unhappy love with the most dramatic consequences, with the rivalry of her sister, the “white shell maiden,” with intrigues and disappointments, with broken vows and fatal accidents. As a result, the “turquoise maiden” decided to completely retire from our imperfect world and appeared to people for the last time in the form of a drop of turquoise on the top of the highest of the Rocky Mountains. As a reminder of herself, the disappointed, kind-hearted beauty left us warm Summer rain. When the Iroquois fall under the gentle, quiet drops, they always certainly remember the “turquoise maiden.” And also when they look at the sky on a clear night. Because the White River remained there.
If you point any telescope or even binoculars at the White River, or, otherwise, at the Milky Way, you will immediately see that this is not fog. The entire White River, all its branches and individual parts separated from the general flow consist entirely of huge amount small stars located close to each other. That is, it is possible that the stars themselves are of different sizes, but even with a telescope in this endless swarm it is difficult to make out who is big, who is smaller, who is next to whom, and who is on their own. It is only clear that the number of stars in that direction is infinitely greater than in any other place in the night sky. This is explained by the asteroid ring located between Earth and Mars.

The ancient Egyptians connected the Nile with the “star river”, the Milky Way. Since the time of Homer, the Nile has been associated with a mythical river in the sky called both Oceanus and Eridanus. The Greek historian A.B. Cook was of the opinion that Eridanus (today the name of the constellation consisting of a chain of pale stars connecting Rigel with Achernar) was considered “nothing more than the Milky Way,” and in pre-Greek times the Ocean “was simply called the whole Galaxy", that is, the same Milky Way. Cook also drew attention to Higin's statement that the river Eridanus was identified with the Nile; it was also called Ocean ("Eridanus: hunc alii Nilum, complures etiam Oceanum esse dixerunt"). It is not difficult to understand why people who lived along the banks of the Nile and had a stellar religion began to connect their river with the Milky Way. Just as the Nile divides the country into two halves, so the Milky Way divides the night sky. Perhaps it was the Milky Way that gave the ancients the idea that among the stars there existed a cosmic Egypt, the abode of souls after earthly life.

A luminous white stream stretched softly across the entire night sky among the stars - the Milky Way. The flow is uneven, in some places it is thicker, in others it breaks up into branches, separate parts, swirls and stretches across the entire sky silently and majestic. It is also called the Path of the Gods, the Heavenly Road, and the Iroquois do not even want to hear anything other than that the Milky Way is actually the heavenly White River.

But still, the Milky Way got its name from ancient Greek myths. According to one of them, an angry Zeus took a nursing baby from the breast of his wife Hera, and milk from Hera’s breast poured into the sky. Another myth tells that the speedy god Hermes placed a hungry baby, Hercules, born of a mortal woman from Zeus, to Hera’s chest. Offended by this, Hera herself pushed the baby away, and her milk gushed into the sky. Indeed, the whitish stripe of the Milky Way resembles spilled milk or fog. But just look at the Milky Way through ordinary prism binoculars, and faint stars appear quite clearly against the background of a whitish stripe, and through a telescope, even with a slight magnification of 30-40 times, you can see that the Milky Way consists of a colossal number of very faint stars. The total brilliance of these stars creates the impression of a bright stripe of the Milky Way to the naked eye.

So, the Milky Way consists of billions of stars and stretches in a strip across both hemispheres of the sky, closing into a ring of stars inclined to the celestial equator at an angle of about 63°. In the northern hemisphere of the sky, it passes through the bright constellations of Orion, Gemini, Taurus, Auriga, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Cygnus and Aquila, passes into the southern celestial hemisphere and then goes through the constellations Scutum, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Inaccessible to observations in the northern part of the sky. In the southern celestial hemisphere, the Milky Way extends through the constellations Altar, Square, Compass, Centaur, Southern Cross, Fly, Carina and Velaris. The northern part of the constellation Velas is already visible above the southern part of the horizon (northern hemisphere), and from here the Milky Way goes along the constellations Puppis, Canis Major and Monoceros, again passes into the northern celestial hemisphere and closes on the border of the constellations Orion and Gemini.

At the beginning of time, long before the arrival of the pale-faced ones, two sisters lived on earth. One was called the “turquoise maiden,” the other, the “shell maiden.” Both of them were, of course, of divine origin, but just like mortals, they were engaged in housekeeping and were not even averse to getting married. But the land was almost completely empty, so it was practically impossible to find a decent Indian warrior, and the sisters had to postpone the wedding. And so, in order to do something, and not just sit around, the eldest of the sisters - the “turquoise maiden” - came up with the idea of ​​​​teaching people, small in number and not at all educated, how to make fire, how to build houses, how to hunt bison and other useful things . The second sister, the “maiden of the white shell,” remained at home. And the sisters lived not just anywhere, but on the very edge of the earth, although it is possible that this was only the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. And while the “turquoise maiden” wandered the prairies, doing missionary work, the “white shell maiden” patiently kept house and waited for her enterprising sister at the hearth with a hot dinner and warm slippers. But the Iroquois had a lot of land, and it became more and more difficult to get home every evening. That’s when the “turquoise maiden” came up with the idea of ​​returning not on foot, but simply sailing in a shuttle straight across the sky. And since the sky itself is quite dry, the supreme deity organized a river there especially for the “turquoise maiden”. And so the White River appeared. At the beginning of the night, the “turquoise maiden” returned home along the White River, and at the end she went to work again.

Alas, nothing lasts forever, and the “turquoise maiden” had an unhappy love with the most dramatic consequences, with the rivalry of her sister, the “white shell maiden,” with intrigues and disappointments, with broken vows and fatal accidents. As a result, the “turquoise maiden” decided to completely retire from our imperfect world and appeared to people for the last time in the form of a drop of turquoise on the top of the highest of the Rocky Mountains. As a reminder of herself, the disappointed, kind-hearted beauty left us warm Summer rain. When the Iroquois fall under the gentle, quiet drops, they always certainly remember the “turquoise maiden.” And also when they look at the sky on a clear night. Because the White River remained there.

If you point any telescope or even binoculars at the White River, or, otherwise, at the Milky Way, you will immediately see that this is not fog. The entire White River, all its branches and individual parts separated from the general flow, consist entirely of a huge number of small stars located close to each other. That is, it is possible that the stars themselves are of different sizes, but even with a telescope in this endless swarm it is difficult to make out who is big, who is smaller, who is next to whom, and who is on their own. It is only clear that the number of stars in that direction is infinitely greater than in any other place in the night sky. This is explained by the asteroid ring located between Earth and Mars.

The ancient Egyptians connected the Nile with the “star river”, the Milky Way.

Since the time of Homer, the Nile has been associated with a mythical river in the sky called both Oceanus and Eridanus. The Greek historian A.B. Cook was of the opinion that Eridanus (today the name of the constellation consisting of a chain of pale stars connecting Rigel with Achernar) was considered “nothing more than the Milky Way,” and in pre-Greek times the Ocean “was simply called the whole Galaxy", that is, the same Milky Way. Cook also drew attention to Higin's statement that the river Eridanus was identified with the Nile; it was also called Ocean ("Eridanus: hunc alii Nilum, complures etiam Oceanum esse dixerunt"). It is not difficult to understand why people who lived along the banks of the Nile and had a stellar religion began to connect their river with the Milky Way. Just as the Nile divides the country into two halves, so the Milky Way divides the night sky. Perhaps it was the Milky Way that gave the ancients the idea that among the stars there existed a cosmic Egypt, the abode of souls after earthly life. The Ob Ugrians believed that celestial origin was attributed to the elk and other cosmic objects: once the elk had six legs and rushed across the sky so fast that no one could catch up with it. Then a certain Son of God or man Mos, the first ancestor of the Ob Ugrians, went hunting on skis made of sacred wood. The hunter managed to drive the deer from the sky to the ground and cut off its extra two legs, but the traces of the heavenly hunt were forever imprinted on the sky. The Milky Way is the hunter's track, the Pleiades are the women from his house, Big Dipper

- the elk itself. The heavenly hunter has since settled on earth, where there was an abundance of game.
Teacher: Educational Institution "Gymnasium-College" FEFU

Demenin L.N.
Across the entire night sky, a luminous white light stretched softly among the stars.
stream - Milky Way. The flow is uneven, in some places it is thicker, in others
breaks up into sleeves, separate parts, swirls and stretches across the entire sky
silent and majestic. It is also called the Path of the Gods, the Heavenly Road,
and the Iroquois do not even want to hear anything other than the Milky Way on
in fact, the heavenly White River.
But still, the Milky Way got its name from ancient Greek myths.
According to one of them, an angry Zeus weaned his wife Hera
feeding baby, and milk from Hera's breast poured into the sky. Another myth
tells that the speedy god Hermes put a hungry man to Hera’s chest
baby Hercules, born of a mortal woman from Zeus. Offended
with this, Hera herself pushed the baby away, and her milk poured into the sky.
Indeed, the whitish stripe of the Milky Way resembles spilled milk or
fog. But just look at the Milky Way in an ordinary prism
binoculars, how, against the background of a whitish stripe, faint
stars, and in a telescope, even with a slight magnification of 30-40 times, it is clear that
The Milky Way is made up of a colossal number of very faint stars.
The total brilliance of these stars creates the impression for the naked eye
bright stripe of the Milky Way.

There are many legends about the mythological origin of the Milky Way,
since it is impossible not to notice such a bright phenomenon on the earth’s horizon. Here
what the old Indian legend tells.
At the beginning of time, long before the arrival of the pale-faced ones, two sisters lived on earth. One
was called the “turquoise maiden”, the other was called the “shell maiden”. Both of them were, of course,
of divine origin, but in the same way as mortals, they were engaged
farm and were not even averse to getting married. But the land was almost completely empty,
so it was practically impossible to find a decent Indian warrior, and I had to
Sisters should postpone their wedding. And so, to do something, and not just sit
So, the eldest of the sisters, the “turquoise maiden,” came up with the idea of ​​teaching people
small in number and not at all educated how to make fire, how to build houses,
how to hunt bison and other useful things. The second sister, “white maiden”
sinks,” stayed at home. And the sisters lived not just anywhere, but on the very edge of the earth,
although it is possible that this was only the Atlantic coast. And so
while the “turquoise maiden” wandered the prairies, doing missionary work, the “maiden
white shell" patiently kept house and waited for her enterprising sister at
hearth with a hot dinner. But the Iroquois had a large land, and
It became increasingly difficult to make it home every evening. Then "turquoise"
maiden" and came up with the idea of ​​returning not on foot, but simply sailing in a shuttle straight along
sky. And since the sky itself is quite dry, the supreme deity
specially for the “turquoise maiden” they organized a river there. And so it appeared
White River. At the beginning of the night, the “turquoise maiden” was returning home along the White River.

The ancient Egyptians linked the Nile with the "star river", the Milky
By. Since the time of Homer, the Nile has been associated with a mythical river
in the sky, called both Oceanus and Eridanus. Greek
historian A.B. Cook, was of the opinion that Eridanus (today
this is the name of a constellation consisting of a chain of pale stars,
connecting Rigel with Achernar) was considered “nothing more than
Milky Way" and in pre-Greek times the Ocean "simply
called the entire Galaxy," that is, the same Milky Way. Cook also
drew attention to Khigin’s statement that the Eridanus River
identified with the Nile; it was also called Ocean ("Eridanus:
hunc alii Nilum, complures etiam Oceanum esse dixerunt"). Not difficult
understand why people who lived along the banks of the Nile and had
star religion, began to connect their river with the Milky Way.
Just as the Nile divides the country into two halves, so does the Milky Way
divides the night sky. Maybe it was the Milky Way that gave
ancient idea that among the stars there is a cosmic
Egypt, the abode of souls after earthly life.

Ob Ugrians believed that heavenly origin
attributed to moose and other space objects: once
the moose had six legs and rushed across the sky so fast that no one
could catch up with him. Then a certain Son of God went hunting
or the man Mos - the first ancestor of the Ob Ugrians - on skis from
sacred tree. The hunter managed to drive the deer from the sky to
earth and cut off his extra two legs, but traces of the heavenly
hunts are forever etched in the sky. The Milky Way is
hunter's track, Pleiades - women from his house, Bolshaya
The bear is the elk himself. The sky hunter has been since then
settled on land where there was an abundance of game.

This happened in time immemorial. Then there was no
stars or the Milky Way.
They flew to the Urals, to the valleys of Sakmara and Agidel for the summer
Cranes come from somewhere in the south every year. In the old days it was believed that
they come from Hindustan.
Once, when in the cold autumn the cranes flew to warm
edge, a strong hurricane arose. The cranes began to wander and
beat in the sky, and some fell to the ground from fatigue.
Then the adult cranes, to show the way to those lagging behind,
began to scatter their feathers across the sky. These feathers immediately
turned into stars.
This is how stars were formed. Straggler Cranes
returned along this starry road. Then this road people
called Milky Way, or Dear Birds.

Many different
interpretations of the appearance
The Milky Way exists
northern and Siberian peoples. IN
Buryat mythology is a “seam
sky", sewn up after
stars poured out of it and
they walk on it like on a bridge
heavenly gods Tengri. Nenets,
Khanty, Yakut, Evenk, Amur
Nanai, as well as Eskimos of the south-
western Alaska seen in it
ski trail Tungus-
Manchu peoples believed
followed by the hero Manga,
who was skiing
moose with elk calf.

