The letter a is the name of modern ones. Beautiful Russian female names. Russian names for girls starting with the letter A

Female names with the letter A means that its bearer will be a bright, sparkling, extraordinary person who will attract the views of people around her. As a rule, they are creative individuals who are open to everything new.

Finding your calling in life is the main task for girls with a name starting with A.

General characteristics

Girls with names starting with A are excellent workers who will put their whole soul into it. But only on one condition, that it will be their favorite thing.

It is difficult for them to fully reveal their talents. For this reason, girls often for a long time cannot find an activity that they like.

They can achieve their goals very quickly.

However, in the absence of perseverance and self-confidence, girls with beautiful female names starting with the letter A will constantly fail. Because of this, their beautiful crystal castles will collapse.

Beautiful Orthodox names

Russian Orthodox Women's names starting with the letter A were very popular in ancient times, especially such as:

  • Avageya;
  • Avdokia;
  • Avdotya;
  • Agatya, etc.

Some of the most popular names starting with the letter A include the names from the following list.

Avdotyagood will, good will
Aglayashining, beautiful, eye-catching
Agafyakind soul
Agnespure, immaculate, like a lamb
Agrafenauntamed mare
Agripinabearer of grief
Aksinyawanderer, stranger, from another country
Alexandraprotector, intercessor
Alexandrinaprotecting humanity
Alenabright, bringing light
Alinabeautiful, bringing beauty
Alicelady of noble birth
Alladifferent, not like everyone else
Albinawhite, pure
Almaaccepting, understanding
Anastasiathe one who was raised from the dead
Angelasent by angels, angelic
Annanoble, merciful
Antoniacolorless, transparent
Anfisaflowers, blooming
Apollinariabelonging to the god Apollo
Afanasiapossessing immortality
Areseniamature, courageous, strong-willed
Anitasweet, tender

An interesting feature is that during the Middle Ages there was an axiom - the longer a woman’s name, the more beautiful it is.

Long medieval names starting with the letter A:

Alessandraprotecting, protecting, full of courage
Allegrialively, optimistic
Amerentathe one that doesn't disappear
Annanzietamessage bearer
Antonnetaprecious, invaluable
Apollonariadedicated to the god of arts Apollo
Apolloniashining, bringing sunlight
Annabellabeloved, invaluable
Angiolettasent down by the angels
Anasztasiarestored, resurrected
Aoibhinnbeautiful, bringing justice to this world
Annelisagraceful, sophisticated
Alastrayonaprotecting the people

Names starting with A in different countries

Each country has its own beautiful names for girls starting with the letter A. It is also worth noting that each country has its own criteria for the beauty of a name. The name creates associations.

It is thanks to its sound and the meaning inherent in the name that we have some ideas about its bearer.

Since ancient times, representatives of every race and nation have invested their own sacred meaning in a woman’s name.

Indian names

English options

In England, names beginning with the letter A are very common. There are about 300 of them in total. The names presented in the list are considered the most popular and famous.

Aarensteep mountain, rock
Abagailjoy for father
Abellaherding sheep
Avaliving, mobile
Avalinegraceful bird
Avalonapple island
Agathabeautiful, good
Adelinenoble birth
Adelfaprecious sister
Azaleadry, unemotional
Azerablue sky, azure
Alannisbeautiful, eye-catching
Alvenaelf friend
Aleamajestic, great
Aliviaelven army
Allissaalyssum flower
Almiraregal, princess
Amaryllisglowing, spark
Anabelgraceful beauty
Annamariagraceful, beautiful sweetheart

Arabic variations

It is worth noting that beautiful female names starting with the letter A were chosen by people depending on the time of birth of the girl, namely the season.

It is believed that if you call a child born in the winter month soft girl's name, which has a warm value, then equilibrium will be restored.

The names of those born in the warm and hot months of the year should, on the contrary, bring coolness and peace. This is especially true for eastern, Arab countries.

Abalwild blooming rose
Abirbeautifully fragrant
Ablaowner of beautiful, unusual forms
Abrarole model
Adawiyasummer flower
Adilahonest, bringing justice
Azrawandering in the night
Azizaprecious, valuable
Azzafleet-footed gazelle
Aidarewarding, elevating
Aineyes, look
Ainispring flower, freshness
Aishaalive, thriving
Akilawise, gifted
Alhenastar, ring
Diamondprecious, shining stone
Hamansecurity, peaceful
Anmarpredatory cat, leopard
Ahlamwise, gifted by God, dreaming
Ashwaqaffection, passion

Names of the African continent

The inhabitants of hot Africa are considered to be the most susceptible to magical superstitions. It is for this reason that they believe that the future fate of the child will depend on what name is given to the child at birth.

So, the most popular are the names of former leaders, rulers and famous people.

Abangugirl from the woods
Aboyowasting time
Agotrock, mighty
Adaezeroyal daughter
Adannafather's daughter
Advargreat huntress, assassin
Adebowalthe queen who found her home, homeland
Adedgreen grasshopper
Adeolahonor of the crown
Ajamboborn in the evening, at sunset
Ajuogahealing, healing wounds
Aduorborn in the dawn rays
Akinyborn in the morning light
Akokonoisy, loud
Amadijoyful, cheerful
Amakabeautiful face
Ambalascar, mark
Ananfourth of children
Anyangcrocodile, predator
Apandastubborn as a donkey
Ataroworking woman
Atinoappeared in the light of the stars
Achingborn in the sunshine

Names from Greece

All the names of this wonderful ancient power contain its cultural heritage and are a real diamond of European civilization.

Mythology has given us many unusual and exciting names that are still popular today.

Agazangelosbeautiful like an angel
Agathakind-hearted, good
Aglayashining with beauty
Agleaeye-catching shine
Agoglorious, famous
Adelfaprecious sister
Adoniacommands me
Adrasteiacourageous, brave like a lion
Iolantapurple flower
Acanthasharp thorn
Alalawar cry
Alcestegiving comfort to the home
Alkmenamoon, moonlight
Altheahealing wounds
Amalzeiagiving peace
Ambrosiabestowing immortality
Andromachefighting like a warrior
Andromedathinking like war
Ariadnepure in spirit
Artemisgiving security

Traditional Indian options

Names for girls, according to ancient Indian beliefs, should be given only by her parents or a respected head of the clan. This is done so that the child grows up to be just as important and wise.

It is especially worth noting that these wonderful names not much different from the ancient options, which are also actively used.

Spanish names for girls

The Spaniards are the most religious nation in the whole world. They are practicing Catholics, and it is for this reason that the Spaniards attach great importance to the church and God in their lives.

In this regard, most of the names have ancient church roots and are dedicated to Catholic saints and martyrs. U of this people the female name is long, simple. After all, most of them do not like unusual, pretentious and newfangled names and do not accept them at all.

Japanese girl names

The history of the origin of Japanese names begins with the formation of the linguistic characteristics of this nation. This happened 300 years before the beginning of our era. e. During that time period, the stratification of society began into ruling clans and the strata serving them, such as artisans, merchants, etc. Slaves were recognized as the lowest stratum in society. In order to make it easier to determine which social group a particular person belongs to, it was decided to use certain distinctive features in the names of each group. For example, the particle “uji” could only be used by representatives of the upper classes and predominantly by the male gender.

Thus, a huge number of different genera with specific names were formed. They were united by the same distinctive components. Later, with the development of society and the state, the social status of the clan may undergo changes. Then the names changed too. Currently, particles that indicate belonging to a certain social stratum only indicate to what genus a person belongs by roots.

Home distinctive feature female names is their clearer and simpler meaning compared to male options. Parents and relatives approach the choice of a name with special care. After all, the name should not only sound beautiful, but also be in harmony with the family name. What they have in common with male names is that all Japanese names consist of two components. The first hieroglyph reflects general meaning name, the second is responsible for addition and specification common name. For example, Akiko is an autumn child or a child of autumn.

An interesting feature is that a significant part of all Japanese female names have an abstract meaning, for example, Ai - love. The next group denotes nature and flora. For example, Nana is an apple.

There are more than 2 thousand hieroglyphs in the Japanese language, which allow parents to create a wide variety of unusual names for their child. There is no such thing as a namesake among them.

Azumia safe, protected place to live
Akemibright, dazzling beauty
Akikosmart child or autumn child
Azemithistle flower
Ayanosilk color
Akibright, attractive
Akanered, lovely, beautiful
Akiradawn, bright
Amayarain in the evening
Amaterezubright across the skies
Asukaaroma, wonderful smell
Atsukowarm child
Ayakoacademy kid
Ayacolorful, colored
Ayakabright flower, fragrant
Asemibeauty of the morning

In the world there are a huge number of unusual, interesting, beautiful and amazing female names starting with the letter A. In total there are more than 7 hundred of them, and the choice of name for the unborn child depends only on imagination and preferences. Of course, there are female names without the letter A, but they are no less beautiful. In any case, the choice depends only on the preferences and taste of the person. Any name is beautiful - remember this!

Attention, TODAY only!

On this page: Augusta, Augustina, Avdotya, Aurora, Agapia, Agapa, Agatha, Agathia, Agafya, Aglaya, Agnia, Agnessa, Agrafena, Agrippina, Ada, Adelaide, Adeline, Adelia, Adele, Adriana, Aza, Azalea, Aida, Akilina, Aksinya, Akulina, Alevtina, Alexa, Alexandra, Alexandrina, Alena, Alesya, Alina, Alisa, Alla, Albina, Amalia, Amelia, Anastasia, Anatolia, Angelina, Aneta, Angelica, Anisya, Anisiya, Anita, Anna, Antonina, Antonia, Antonida, Anfisa, Apollinaria, Apraxia, Ariadne, Arianna (Ariana), Arina, Arsenia, Artemia, Artemis, Assol, Asta, Astrid, Astra, Asya, Aurelia (Aurelia), Athanasia, Athena, Aelita

Abbreviations used: English. (English), Bulgarian (Bulgarian), Arabic (Arabic), Hung. (Hungarian), German. (Germanic), Greek(Greek), ancient Greek (ancient Greek), ancient Hebrew (Hebrew), Heb. (Jewish), Spanish(Spanish), IT., Italian. (Italian), Celtic (Celtic), lat. (Latin), Latvian(Latvian), German (German), Persian (Persian), French, French (French), Czech. (Czech)

A vgusta, Augusta hundred, Augusti na

Godfather Orthodox name: And in August

: “Divine” (lat.). Augustus (augustus - “sacred”, “divine”, “majestic”, “great”) is the title of the Roman emperors, the first of whom was Octavian Augustus (Octavianus Augustus). Augusta - an honorary title for the emperor's wife, as well as his mother and daughters

Conversational options: Augusya, Goose, Gusenka, Gutya, Gutenka, Gusta, Gustya, Ustya, Ustenka,

Ustinka, Augustinka, Tina, Avonka, Agonka, Avgunya, Agunya

: Augusta

: Augusta, Augustina, colloquial options - Ag, Aggy,

Aggie, Augie, Gus, Gusta, Gustie, Gussie, Gusie, Ina, Tina, Tine, Oggy, Agostina, Agustina, Austina, Austine, Asta

: Augusta and Augustine are rare names, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

Avd oh thya(see Evdoki I)

Avr oh ra

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Aurora - “dawn, morning dawn” (lat.), Aurora - goddess of the morningdawn in Roman mythology and Latin poetry

Conversational options: Avrosha, Avroshka, Avrosya, Avrosik, Avroska, Aurorka, Avrunka,

Avrunchik, Avrusechka

Modern English analogues: Aurora, Aurore // Aura, Aury/Aurie, Ro, Rory/Rori, Rora,

Au-au, Roar-Roar, Ratz, Arrie, Rors, Rorsie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Ag a piya, aga pa

Godfather Orthodox name: Yeah piya

Meaning, origin of the name: “Love”, “beloved” (from the Greek agape - “love”,

agapios - “beloved”). This name is special: it was borne by one of the three famous sisters -

martyrs (Faith / Pistis, Hope / Elpis, Love / Agape)

Conversational options: Agapa, Gapa, Agapka, Agapushka, Agapochka, Agasha, Agashka,Agashenka, Gasha, Gashenka, Gashka, Aganya, Ganya, Ganechka, Ganusya, Ganyusha, Ganyusya,Ganka, Agasya, Gasya

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Agapia of Aquileia, April 16/29

Godname in foreign countries Orthodox churches : Agape

Modern English analogues: Agapi, colloquial options - Ag, Aggy, Aggie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.: Agapia - rare name, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls, the name Agape is even rarer

Ag a fiya, aga fya, aga tha

Godfather Orthodox name: Yeah fiya

Meaning, origin of the name: “Kind”, “good” (from the Greek agathe, agathos). Agathia,

Agafya - Russian forms of the name, Agata is a Western European variant

Conversational options: Agasha, Agashka, Agashenka, Gasha, Gashenka, Gashka, Aganya, Ganya,

Ganechka, Ganusya, Ganyusha, Ganyusya, Ganka, Agasya, Gasya, Gapa, Agafa, Gafa, Gafeika,Gafushka, Agata, Gata, Gatya, Gatochka, Gatushka, Agafushka, Agafushka, Agafitsa, Aghaha,Agonka, Agenka, Agatka, Agatenka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Agathia of Sicily, Palermo, February 5/18

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Agatha

Modern English analogues: Agatha, colloquial options - Ag, Aggy, Aggie, Aggs,

Addy, Atha, Hatty, Hattie, Hatsy

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.: Agata and Agafya are not the most popular names today, in the popularity rankingfemale names together they occupy 84th place (approximately 7 out of 10,000), with 5-6Agate accounts for only 1-2 Agafya; Agathia is an even rarer name (less than 1 in 10,000newborn girls)

Agl and I

Godfather Orthodox name: Hari ta

Meaning, origin of the name:

Charites are the Greek goddesses of beauty, grace,fun and joy. Their names are Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia, in Roman mythology theycalled the "three graces". The word Charita comes from the Greek charis (charis) -“beauty, grace”, Aglaya from aglaia - “brilliance, splendor”, Euphrosyne from euphrosyne -“fun, joy”, Thalia from thalia - “abundance, wealth”. See also the name Kharitina

Conversational options: Aglasha, Glasha, Aglanya, Glanya, Agasha, Agulya, Gulya, Tinochka,

Harita, Harisa, Rita, Tina

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Charita of Rome, June 1/14

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Charita

Modern English analogues: Aglaia // Ag, Aggy, Aggie

Note 1:

In Greek - Aglaia (Αγλαιη), Euphrosyne (Ευφροσυνη), Thalia (Θαλεια). Harita

(Χαρις, plural Χάριτες)

Note 2:

The word charm (charm), meaning “charm, enchantment, attractiveness, charm”

comes from the same Greek word χαρις - charis (charis)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Aglaya is a rare name, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls

And rotting, Agnes ssa, Ine ssa

Godfather Orthodox name: And rotting

Meaning, origin of the name:

The name Agnes is of Latin origin, but the rootsits Greek are Hagne, Hagnos. The literal meaning of the name is “lamb” (Russian “lamb”,“lamb”), in a figurative sense “pure, immaculate, chaste.” Inessa isSpanish version of the name

Conversational options: Agniechka, Agniechka, Agneika, Agnesha, Agnieszka, Agnyusha, Agnyushka,

Agnyushka, Agnya, Aganya, Agusya, Asya, Ganya, Agnesya, Nesya, Inesa, Ineska, Inna, Ina, Inya,Inusya, Inechka, Inka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Agnes, Ines

Modern English analogues: Agnes, Inez, Ines // Ag, Aggy, Aggie, Nancy, Nan, Ness,

Nessa, Nessie, Nesta, Agnija, Anice, Annice

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Agnia, Agnessa, Inessa are rare names, from 2 to 6 per 10,000 newborn girls

Agrippus and on, Agrafa on

Godfather Orthodox name: Agrippi on

Meaning, origin of the name: The female name Agrippina is derived from the Roman masculine genericnamed Agrippa, it was worn by many Roman women, includingmother of Emperor Nero. The literal meaning of the name is explained as follows: Agrippa, founder of the dynasty, commander andassociate of Emperor Augustus during hiswas born somewhat unusually - he “walked” not with his head, but with his legs, sothe name is based on the words agreuo - “grasp” and pous - “leg” (Greek); in Latin: aegrepartus - “born with difficulty”, “difficult birth”

Conversational options: Grunya, Granya, Agrafenka, Fena, Fenya, Fenechka, Fenyushka,Fenka, Agrasha, Grasha, Agasha, Gasha, Agranya, Granka, Grunyasha, Grunyashka, Nyasha,Grunyatka, Grunka, Grunek, Pear, Grushka, Grushanya, Grushenka, Grushechka, Gunya, Gunka,Agripinka, Agripochka, Agripushka, Gripochka, Gorpina, Pina, Pinya, Grapa, Gapa, Ina, Innochka, Inyusha

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Agripina

Modern English analogues: Agrippina // Ag, Aggy, Aggie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.: Agrippina is a rare name, 1-2 per 10,000 newborn girls; Agrafena refers toeven rarer names (less than 1 in 10,000)

Oh yes(see Adele on, see Aria dna)

Adele and na, Adelia, Adel, Adelai yes

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of names:

The listed names are variants of the French name Adelaide, in turn derived from the ancient Germanic female name Adelheid (Adalheidis, Adelheid), consisting of two elements: adal, edel (noble) and heid, heit (appearance, image)

Conversational options: Ada, Adela, Adela, Adelka, Adelka, Adelinochka, Adya, Adenka,Adochka, Adulya, Dela, Delya, Delka, Alina, Lina

Modern English analogues: Adeline, Adelyn, Adalyn, Adelaide // Ada, Addy, Adie, Addie,Adele, Aline, Della, Delle, Dell, Linney, Heidi

Note 1:The passport name Ada can be considered as a short form of the names listed above, or it can also be considered as a derivative of the name Ariadne

Note 2:There is a similar sounding Muslim name Adela (Adilya),meaning “equal, similar” (Arabic)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.: The name Adeline is in 69th place in the popularity ranking (about 13 per 10,0000newborn girls); the names Adelaide, Adelia and Adele occur significantlyless often - each no more than 1-3 per 10,000

Adri and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name:

This is the female version male name Hadrianuslat.). Means: “resident of Adria” (the state of the Veneti, who inhabited the northerncoast of the Adriatic Sea between Greece and Italy), or - “from Adria”, “from the shores Adriatic"

Conversational options: Adrichka, Adryusha, Adryushka, Adryushka, Adrusha, Adrushka, Adria, HellRya, Adryunya, Ada, Adriyasha, Adriyanka

Modern English analogues: Adriana, Adrianne, Adrienne // Ada, Adi, Addi, Addie,

Addy, Adri, Ari, Dri, Anne, Annie, Nanna, Andy, Audri

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, rare in Russia

And for

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name:

Short and beautiful name, reliable versionsthere is no origin, but, apparently, it appeared among the Russians from the Tatars (whoArabic names starting with “Az-” are widespread: Aziza, Aiza, Azza,Azal, Aizada, Aizilya and others, for example, Aziza - “dear, valuable, rare”)

Conversational options: Azochka, Azulya, Azulka, Azya, Azka, Azka, Azik, Aizik, Azunya

Modern English analogues: Aza // Azzy, Azzie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed eastern name, is rare in Russia

Az and Leah

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name:

Azalea - the name of the flower (beautifully bloomingshrub), lat. Azalea, from Greek αζαλεος (azaleos)

Conversational options:

Azalya, Azal, Azalka, Azalechka, Azalchik, Azalik, Azalek,Azalenka, Azalichka, Azulya, Zalya, Zalka, Zaza, Zazulya, Azya, Aza, Azka, Azka, Azik,Aizik, Azayka, Bunny, Alya, Liya

Modern English analogues: Azalea, Azalia // Zaylea, Zaylee, Lea, Zal, Sal, Azzy, Azzie,

Aza, Ezzel

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, rare in Russia

A and yes

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: That was the name of the daughter of the Ethiopian king, the heroine of the operaGiuseppe Verdi "Aida". The name is of Arabic origin (Ayda), meaning “guest,returning"

Conversational options: Ada, Adya, Aya, Aya, Adyusha, Ayusha, Aidyusha, Aidunya, Ida, Idusya, Aidka

Modern English analogues: Aida, Aide // Aid, Ada

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

European name of Arabic origin, rare in Russia

Aks and Nya(see ks e nia)

Sharks and na, Akili na, Ali na

Godfather Orthodox name: Akili on

Meaning, origin of the name: “Eagle”, “eagle” (Latin Aquilina from Greekakyline - “eagle”). Akulina is a traditional Russian form of the name Akilina. Alina- diminutive (shortened) form of Aquilina, which has become documented,passport However, the name may well serve as a godname for Alina Angelina

Conversational options: Akulinka, Akulushka, Akulechka, Akulenka, Shark, Akulka,Akulsha, Kulina, Kulya, Kulinka, Kulenka, Kulechka, Kulushka, Kulka, Alina, Alinka,Ala, Alya, Lina, Linusya, Ulya, Ulenka, Ulechka, Kilya, Kilina, Kilinka, Kalina, Kalinka,Kalinushka, Ina, Inna

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Aquilina the Younger, April 7/20

Holy Martyr Aquilina the Elder, June 13/26

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Aquilina

Modern English analogues: Aquilina, Alina, Aline // Al, Ally, Allie, Lina, Lini, Line(pronounced: Lean)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Akulina and Akilina are very rare names; Alina is one of thethe most popular names in Russia, takes 17th place in the popularity ranking(approximately 190 per 10,000 female births)

Alevtus and on

Godfather Orthodox name: Alevti na

Meaning, origin of the name: Alevtina is an independent variant of the female name Valentina and means the same: “good health, strong” (lat.)

Conversational options: Ala, Alya, Alenka, Alechka, Alyunya, Alka, Alevtinka, Alevtinushka, Valya, Tina

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, July 16/29 (also known as Valentina of Palestine)

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Alevtina, Aleutina

Modern English analogues: Alevtina // Al, Ally, Allie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Alevtina is a rare name, no more than 3-4 per 10,000 newborn girls

Al e xa

Godfather Orthodox name: Alexa Ndra

Meaning, origin of the name:

Alexa is a popular independent female name in English-speaking countries. Formed as a shortening of the name Alexander. Since the meaning of the name Alexandra (Αλεξάνδρα) translated from Greek is “protector of people”: Alex (Αλεξ) - “protector”, andra (άνδρα, άνήρ) - “people”, then the meaning of the name Alex can be considered simply “protector”. In Russia, this name belongs to the category of borrowed Western European

Conversational options: Alexa, Alexya, Lexa, Lexya, Lexi, Lexana, Lexanya, Lexasha, Lesya, Leska, Alya, Alechka, Alka, Alek, Alesya, Alexasha, Aleksyusha, Alexana, Alexanya, Ksanya, Ksana, Sanya, Sanyusha, Sanechka, Sanka , Sasha, Ellie

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Alexandra

Modern English analogues: Alexa // Al, Alley, Ally, Allie, Alla, Alex, Alexa, Alix, Alyx, Lexi, Lexie, Lexa, Xan, Ellie, Elic, Alexina

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

In the US, Alexa was ranked 60th nationally in 2013, while Alexandra was only 82nd. In Russia, the name Alexa is rare; no more than 1-2 girls per 10,000 births receive it.

Alex andra, Alexandrina, and also Alisa, A sya, Olesya, Alesya

Godfather Orthodox name: Alexa Ndra

Meaning, origin of the name:

Alexandra - “protector of people” (Greek): Alex (Αλεξ, “protector”) + andra (άνδρα, άνήρ, “people”). Alexandrina, Alisa, Asya, Olesya, Alesya, Alexa are derivative forms of the name Alexander, which have become independent personal names. Olesya is more of a Ukrainian name, while the name Alesya has a more Russian (and Belarusian) character.

As a godname for Alesya and Olesya, we can also recommend the name Olga

Conversational options: Alexa, Alexya, Lexa, Lexya, Lexi, Lexana, Lexanya, Aleksyusha, Aleksanechka, Alexana, Aleksanya, Ksanya, Ksana, Sanya, Sanyusha, Sanyushka, Sanechka, Sanyutka, Sanka, Sanchik, Alya, Alechka, Alka, Alek, Alesya . , Shusha, Lesya, Leska

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Alexandra (Alexandrina)

Modern English analogues: Alexandra (Alexandra), Alexandrina (Alexandrina), Alexandria (Alexandria), Alexia (Alexia, Aleksina), Alexis (Alexis), Alexa (Alex) // Al, Alley, Ally, Allie, Alla, Alex, Alexa, Alix, Sasha, Sandra, Saundra, Sandy, Sally, Andra, Lexi, Lexie, Lexa, Xan, Andrina, Drina, Ellie, Elic

Modern English analogues: Alice, Alyssa (Alice), Alicia (Alicia), Allie (Ellie) // Al, Alley, Ally, Allie, Alla, Elsie, Alcy, Lisa, Lissia

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Alexandra is one of the most popular names in Russia, she ranks 13th in the popularity ranking (approximately 245 per 10,000 newborn girls); Alice is in 16th place (approximately 205 per 10,000); the names Olesya and Alesya are jointly in 42nd place in the ranking (about 53 per 10,000, but at the same time Alesya is significantly inferior to Olesya in popularity: for every 5-10 Olesya there is one Alesya); the name Alexandrina is rare, no more than 2-4 girls per 10,000 births receive it; Alexa is even rarer - 1-2 per 10,000

Al e xia(see Alexandra, see O lga)

Alena (see Barely on)

Al and on(see sharks, see angels)

Al and sa(see Alexandra)

A Allah

Godfather Orthodox name: Ah Allah

Meaning, origin of the name: “Second” or “other, next” (Greek alle), apparently in order of appearance of children in the family

Conversational options: Ala, Alya, Alka, Alka, Alenka, Allonka, Allochka, Allusya, Alusya, Alusya, Alyunya, Alunya, Alina, Alek, Alchik, Lyalya

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Alla (Alas)

Modern English analogues: Alla // Al, Alley, Ally, Allie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Alb and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: “White” (from the Latin word albus - “white”). Albina's name Orthodox calendar absent. As a godname, we can recommend the name Alla or Alevtina (according to consonance)

Conversational options: Alya, Alechka, Alichka, Alka, Alchik, Albik, Albi, Alba, Albinka, Albinochka, Albinushka, Albisha, Albishka, Albusya, Albusha, Albus, Aba, Alba, Albisha, Albishka, Albishok, Albukha, Abina, Bina, Binusya , Binchik, Bishka, Busik, Alina, Alisha, Alyusya, Alik, Albino, Albino, Albatross, Alpen Gold, Albena, BiBi, Biba, Bela, White

Modern English analogues: Albina // Alba, Alby, Albie, Al, Ali

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Am and lia, Amelia(see Amy Lia)

Anastas and me, Nastasya

Godfather Orthodox name: Anastasia

Meaning, origin of the name: “Reborn”, “returned to life”, “resurrected” (anastasis, Greek). The meaning of the name can also be conveyed by the noun “resurrection” (from the verb “to resurrect”)

Conversational options: Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastyushka, Nastyushka, Nastasyushka, Nastechka, Nastyukha, Nastek, Nastyokha, Nastyona, Nastyonushka, Nastenka, Tena, Tenya, Tenka, Tenechka, Nastasya, Nastaska, Stasya, Tasya, Taska, Tasik, Tasenka, Tasechka, Tasyuta , Tasyutka, Asya, Asta, Asyusha, Susha, Asyuta, Syuta, Nastya, Nasta, Nastik, Nastya, Nastusya, Natusya, Tusya, Nata, Natka, Nastulya, Nastyulya, Nastyura, Nastyurka, Nastyukha, Nasya, Nasenka, Notch, Naska , Taya, Stasha, Tyunya, Tyunchik, Nyusya, Nyusechka, Nyuska, Nyusik, Anastasia, Anastaska

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Venerable Anastasia Patricia (Constantinople, Alexandria), March 10/23

Holy Martyr Anastasia of Rome (III century AD), October 29 / November 11

Holy Martyr Anastasia of Rome (68 AD), April 15/28

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Anastasia

: Anastasia // Stacey, Stacie, Stacy, Stace, Stasia, Ana, Anne, Tasy, Sia

Note:The name Anastasia can serve as a godfather for the non-canonical name Renata, which has the same meaning - “reborn”, “born again”, from the Latin renatus (“reborn, given new life”)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Anastasia - one of the most popular names in Russia, takes 2nd place in the popularity ranking (about 550 per 10,000); the passport form named Nastasya is much less common (1-2 per 10,000); the name Renata is also rare (1-6 per 10,000, depending on the region)

Anat Oh Leah

Godfather Orthodox name: Anatolia

Meaning, origin of the name: In Greek, anatole means “sunrise”, “dawn”, “east”. Since the Anatolian Peninsula is located to the east of Greece, the second possible meaning of the name Anatolia follows - “eastern”, “resident of the east” or “resident of Anatolia”

Conversational options: Anatolya, Anatolya, Natolya, Natolenka, Natolyechka, Tolya, Tolenka, Tolechka, Talya, Tala, Nata, Natulya, Natusya, Tusya, Natosya, Tosya, Tosha, Anya

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Anatolia

Modern English analogues: Anatolia // Ana, Anna, Anatola

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Anatolia is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Angel and on, Angelica, Evangelia on, Ali on

Godfather Orthodox name: Angels on

Meaning, origin of the name: Possible passport forms of the name are also Angela, Angela, Angela, Angelika, all of which correspond to the Russian spelling norm. The godname is Angelina, which comes from the Greek word “angel” (angelos), and means “angelic”, “messenger”. The name Evangeline means "good news" (Greek), from eu ("good") and angelma ("news"). Alina is a short form of the name Angelina, which has become an independent personal name

Conversational options: Angelinka, Angelinushka, Angelenka, Angelonka, Angelechka, Little Angel, Angelka, Angelka, Angelya, Gela, Gelya, Gelina, Gelochka, Gelinushka, Gelyunya, Gelyusya, Gulya, Lina, Lyusya, Ela, Elya, Elinka, Elechka, Elka, Angie , Anzhi, Angela, Anzhelka, Anzhelka, Zhelya, Zhelka, Lika, Ala, Alya, Alinka, Alka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Angelina

Modern English analogues: Angelica, Angelina, Angela // Angelic, Angelly, Angel, Ange, Angie, Lina, Jane, Gelyn, Gela, Geli, Gel, Gelly/Jelly, Gelica, Lica, Elica

Modern English analogues: Evangeline // Angel, Angie, Annie, Anne, Evan, Eva, Eve, Ev, Evie, Evy, Effie/Effy, Vange, Vangie, Lina, Linnie, Gilly, Ella, Ellie

Note:For Alina, the godname can also be Akilina (see name Akulina)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

In total, the names Angelina, Angelica, Angela and Angela occupy a high 23rd place in the popularity ranking (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn girls). But it should be noted that of these four names, the name Angelina is the most popular: for every 70-80 Angelinas there are approximately ten Angelicas, three Angelas and one Angela; The name Evangelina ranks 83rd in the name popularity ranking (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn girls)

An that's it(see A Nna)

An and sya, Ani siya

Godfather Orthodox name: Ani siya

Meaning, origin of the name: “Achieving the goal”, “achieving success”, from the Greek anysis (anyusis) - “achieving the goal, fulfillment, completion”

Conversational options: Anisya, Anisyushka, Anisushka, Anisechka, Anisya, Anisa, Aniska, Aniska, Anya, Anechka, Nisya, Nisa, Onisya, Onisya, Onya, Onechka, Onyushka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Anysia

Modern English analogues: Anysia (Anise, Anysie, Anisia) // Anice, Ann, Annie, Anyssa, Nyssa, Nissy

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Names are rare. Anisiya, 2-6 per 10,000 newborn girls; Anisya, 1-2 per 10,000

An and that(see A Nna)


Godfather Orthodox name: Anna

Meaning, origin of the name:

The name comes from the Hebrew Hannah (Channah), meaning “favour, favor” or “He (God) favors me,” “He (God) is favored to me.” This name appears both in Old Testament(Hannah) - Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel, and in the New Testament (Anna) - righteous Anna The prophetess mentioned in the event of the Presentation, as well as Anna, the wife of St. Joachim, the mother of the Virgin Mary. The spelling of the name in the New Testament (Anna) corresponds to Latin and Greek spellings. Today Anna is one of the most popular names in the world; it has many national forms - Hannah, Ganna, Anna, Aneta, Anita, Anika, etc.

Conversational options: Anya, Annushka, Annenka, Annochka, Annitsa, Anyushka, Anyushka, Anyushenka, Anyusha, Nyusha, Nyushenka, Nyushechka, Nyushka, Nyushik, Anyukha, Nyukha, Anita, Annetta, Aneta, Anetka, Anetochka, Anechka, Neta, Netochka, Netonka , Anyura, Nyura, Nyurushka, Nyurochka, Anka, Anka, Anyok, Anik, Aneyka, Anyutka, Anyuta, Nyuta, Nyutka, Annusya, Anusya, Nusya, Anyusya, Nyusya, Nyusenka, Nyusechka, Nyusik, Nyuska, Nyurasya, Asya, Yasya , Anelya, Anelka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Blessed Princess Anna Kashinskaya (otherwise - Reverend Anna Kashinskaya, Tverskaya), June 12/25, October 2/15

Holy Martyr Anna of Rome, July 5/18

Holy Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod (otherwise - Venerable Anna of Novgorod), February 10/23

Holy Righteous Anna (mother Holy Mother of God), July 25 / August 7, September 9 / 22, December 9 / 22

Holy Righteous Anna the Prophetess (daughter of Phanuel), February 3 / 16, August 28 / September 10

Saint Anna the Prophetess (mother of the prophet Samuel), December 9/22

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Anna

Modern English analogues: Hanna, Annie, Anna, Hannah, Anita // Ann, Anne, Annie, Ani, Any, Annette, Nettie, Nan, Nana, Nanna, Nanny, Nannie, Nancy, Nancie, Nance, Nan, Anya, Anouk, Anoushka, Annika, An, Anne, Ann, Hana, Han, Hanny, Hattie, Nina, Ninon, Nita

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Anna is one of the most popular names in Russia, taking 5th place in the popularity ranking (approximately 400 per 10,000)

Anton and na, Antonia, Anthony yes

Godfather Orthodox name: Anthony on

Meaning, origin of the name:

The male name Anthony and the female name Anthony mean: “descendant of Anthony”, “from the family of Anthony”, i.e. indicate belonging to the aristocratic Roman family of Antoniev. Mark Antony - commander, associate of Caesar. Pius Antoninus, a descendant of Anthony, is the founder of a dynasty that gave Rome emperors for almost a hundred years (including Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius). This dynasty was no longer called “Antonies”, but “Antonines”. There are several versions of the origin of the name Anthony, including: “to fight, to compete”, “worthy of praise” (lat.)

Conversational options: Antoninka, Antonya, Antonka, Tonya, Tonechka, Tonyusha, Nyusha, Tonyusya, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonka, Antosya, Antosenka, Antoska, Tosya, Antosha, Tosha, Nina, Ina, Antonidka, Nida, Ida, Tonyura, Nyura, Nyurasha , Anya

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Antonina of Krodamn, June 10/23

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Antonina

Modern English analogues: Antonia, Antonina // Tony, Toni, Tonie, Tonia, Anton, Anto, Ann, Annie, Net, Nettie, Nanna, Nina

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Antonina ranks 73rd in the popularity ranking of female names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn girls). As for such name forms as Antonia and Antonida, they are very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Anf and sa

Godfather Orthodox name: Anfi sa, Anfu sa

Meaning, origin of the name:

The names Anfisa and Anfusa are recorded in the calendar, having the same origin - from the Greek name Anthousa. The meaning of the name is “blooming”, from the word “flower” (anthos, Greek).

In the Russian literary language, only one form of the name has been established - Anfisa

Conversational options: Anfisonka, Anfisushka, Anfiska, Fisa, Fisochka, Fisonka, Fisunya, Fisulya, Anfusa, Anfusya, Anfuska, Anfisha, Fish, Fusya, Fusa, Fusenka, Fusik, Anya, Anyuta, Anisa

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome, December 8/21

Holy Venerable Anthusa of Omonia, April 12/25

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Anthusa

Modern English analogues: Anthousa, Anfisa // Anthee, Anthi, Annie, Thea

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Apolline and Riya

Godfather Orthodox name: Apollinaria

Meaning, origin of the name:

“Dedicated to Apollo”, “daughter of Apollo”, “Apollonova” (Greek). Apollo - ancient Greek god of the Sun, healer, soothsayer, patron of the arts

Conversational options: Apolline, Apolya, Apolenka, Apolechka, Apolka, Polinaria, Polina, Polinka, Polinka, Polenka, Polechka, Polyushka, Polyusya, Polyunya, Fields, Polyanka, Polyasha, Olya, Lina, Panya, Pasha

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Venerable Apollinaria of Egypt (carried out monastic service in a male form under the name Dorotheus, only after her death it turned out that she was a woman; she had the gift of healing and miracles), January 5/18

Note:The name Apollinaria is often chosen as a godfather for the name Polina

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Apollinaria

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Apollinaria is a very rare name; a well-known bearer is Apollinaria Sergeevna Muravyova (born 1989), theater and film artist

Apr and Ksia(see Eupraxia)

Ari a dna, Arianna (Ariana), A yes, Ra yes

Godfather Orthodox name: Aria dna

Meaning, origin of the name: IN Greek mythology Ariadne is the daughter of King Minos, who helped the Athenian hero Theseus (Theseus) get out of the labyrinth by giving him a ball of thread (“Ariadne’s thread”). The name Ariadne comes from the Cretan dialect Greek language, its approximate meaning is “full of holiness,” “most pious.”The name is based on two elements - ari (very, most) and adnos (holy, righteous, pious)

Conversational options: Arina, Arisha, Ada, Rada, Ariadnochka, Ariadnushka, Ariana, Aria, Arya, Arechka, Adna, Adya, Adenka, Adochka, Rida, Radushka, Radka

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Ariadne

Modern English analogues: Ariadne, Ariadna, Ariana, Arianna, Ada // Arie, Aria, Ari, Ada, Addy, Addie, Adie, Ria, Rini, Danni

Modern English analogues: Ada // Ada, Addy, Adie, Addie


1) The name Ada can be considered as a derivative form of the name Ariadne, as well as a short form of the names Adeline, Adelia, Adele, Adelaide;

2) The name Arianna (Ariana) is the Italian form of the name Ariadne;

3) The name Ariadne is well suited as a godname for an old Slavic name Rada (“joyful”, “rejoicing”)

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

The names Ariadna, Arianna (Ariana), Ada, Rada are rare and occur with a frequency of no more than 1-4 per 10,000 newborn girls

Ar and on(see Iri on)

Ars e tions

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Female version of the male name Arseny. The name is beautiful, but for a girl it is somewhat “heavy”: its meaning is “mature, courageous, strong”, from the Greek αρσενικός (arsenikos)

Conversational options: Arsesha, Arsyusha, Arsenya, Arsyuta, Asya, Arsya, Susha, Sesha, Asyusha, Asyunya, Senya

Modern English analogues: Arsenia

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Use of the name is very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 female births)

Art e miya, artemi yes, diana

Godfather Orthodox name: Artemia

Meaning, origin of the name: "Dedicated to Artemis." Artemis (Artemis, other Greek) - greek goddess The moon, hunting, the patroness of animals, she protected female chastity and protected women in labor. The name comes from artemes, literally meaning “safe and sound” (“alive and healthy”, “safe and sound”). Among the Romans, Artemis corresponded to the goddess Diana (Diana, “divine”, from the Latin deus - god)

Conversational options: Artesha, Arteshka, Artyusha, Artyushka, Arteshenka, Artyushenka, Artya, Tema, Tema, Temonka, Temochka, Temushka, Tesha, Teshka, Tyusha

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Princess Artemia of Rome, June 7/20

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Artemia

Modern English analogues: Artemis, Artemisia // Art, Artie, Arti, Temi, Tem, Misa, Missy, Miss

Modern English analogues: Diana, Diane // Dia, Die, Di, Didi, Dee, Anna, Ana, Addie, Dian, Dyan, Dyann, Deanna, Deanne

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Diana is one of the very popular names, and takes 20th place in the ranking (approximately

150 per 10,000 newborn girls); Artemia and Artemis are rare names (1-2 per 10,000)

Ass oh

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: The name was coined by Alexander Green, author of the novel “Scarlet Sails” (1922). After the film adaptation of the book in 1961, the name became widely known and popular. Its supposed meaning is "towards the sun" (from the Spanish words al sol)

Conversational options: Asya, Solya, Olya.

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 female births)

A hundred, A strid

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: Asta and Astrid - names popular in countries Northern Europe. Derived from the Old Norse name Astridr (Astfridr), consisting of two elements, the first of which is ast (love, joy) or as (god), and the second element fridr (beautiful, beloved)

Conversational options: Asya, Asa, Astya, Stanya, Stasha, Astochka

Modern English analogues: Asta // Astie, Asti

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Borrowed European name, very rare in Russia

A country(see Stella)

Aur e lia (Aurelia)

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: "Golden." The Roman feminine name Aurelia comes from the Latin aureola (golden). This was the name of the mother of Julius Caesar (Aurelia Cotta, from the Aurelian family)

Conversational options: Aurelya, Aurelka, Avrelya, Avrelka, Aurika, Aura, Aurichka, Aurishka, Arya, Rika, Richka, Rikusya, Relya, Relka, Lelya, Zlata, Zolotko, Zolotse

Modern English analogues: Aurelia, Aurelie // Aura, Aurea, Aurie, Aurel, Aulie, Ellie, Raylie, Rae, Ria, Reli, Lilie, Goldie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

European name, popular in France, Romania, Moldova, but rare in Russia

Afan and this one

Godfather Orthodox name: Afana siya

Meaning, origin of the name: “Immortal”, “eternal” (Athanasia, ancient Greek)

Conversational options: Fanya, Fanechka, Fanka, Fanik, Fasya, Faya, Afanasya, Afanya, Nasya, Nasiya, Nasenka, Nasik, Asya, Asenka, Aska, Afosya, Fosya, Afosha, Fosha, Tanasya, Nastya, Nastik, Tasha, Tashka, Afanasenka , Afanaska

Patron saints and birthdays (old/new style):

Holy Martyr Athanasia of Ancyra, November 6/19

Saint Venerable Athanasia of Tavensk, October 9/22

Saint Venerable Athanasia of Aegina, April 12/25

Godfather name in foreign Orthodox churches: Athanasia

Modern English analogues: Athanasia // Tansy, Tanesie

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

Afanasia is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Af and on

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: This is the name ancient greek goddess war and wisdom (Athena was also the goddess of knowledge, arts and crafts)

Conversational options: Athena, Afinochka, Afinchik, Fina, Finya, Finka

Modern English analogues: Athena, Athene // Ath, Ena, Eni, Athi, Tina, Otis, Otie, Oats, Ot, Thea

Popularity of the name (frequency) in 2010-2015.:

A borrowed European name, in Russia it is very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn girls)

Ael and that

Godfather Orthodox name: absent

Meaning, origin of the name: This is the name of the heroine of Alexei Tolstoy’s science fiction novel about the flight of earthlings to Mars (“Aelita”, 1923). Aelita is the daughter of the supreme ruler of the planet; translated from a fictional Martian language, her name means “the last visible light of a star” (ae - “last visible” and lita - “light of a star”).

Full Russian names– this is both a patronymic, a first name, and a surname. Moreover, the patronymic is precisely what distinguishes the system Russian names from systems adopted in other countries. And as additional forms of the name there are diminutives or nicknames. A person could be given a nickname at any age. It was connected with its owner even more closely than the name itself received at birth. A nickname spoke, for example, about some character trait of a person or about the place where he once lived. Most often, the nickname was known only to family and some good friends, but in everyday life it was used very actively. Despite the fine line between Old Russian names and nicknames, they were still not the same thing. It is very difficult to define the boundaries between these concepts.

For example, Russian women gave names to their children in order to protect them from evil or unkind deeds. Such names were formed from words that denoted any plants, animals or household items - and, naturally, were very similar to nicknames. The year of baptism (988) became a turning point for Rus'. From that moment on, much changed in naming, predetermining the naming system for many centuries to come. Now the Russians are like the rest Eastern Slavs, who were accustomed to calling their children personal names until the end of the 10th century, were forced to get used to the concept of “baptismal name.” That’s when most of the names that are considered modern Russian to this day appeared. The new rules obliged parents to give their children a name only through the rite of baptism - only in this way could the name be considered correct and real.

Christian names had a variety of origins - Latin, Greek, Hebrew, since the Byzantine Greeks gathered together “representatives” of the name books of those peoples who came into contact with them. The calendar even included some “common Slavic” ones (Vladimir, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav), as well as Scandinavian names (Igor, Olga, Oleg). True, they were considered a privilege of the high class, and commoners, as a rule, were not honored with them.

Only after 1917 did much change, and such “princely” names began to be used much more often. Towards the end of the 16th century, personal pagan nicknames and names were practically forced out of use. Foreign names took root with with great difficulty, especially for the common people, who found it difficult to pronounce them in their original form. In those days, there was an active struggle for the correct naming. A “humiliating” misspelling of a name was equated with causing shame and dishonor. The perpetrators were punished through the courts.

Only in 1675 a royal decree was issued, which prescribed a more loyal attitude towards this kind of “crime.” Now this situation seems curious to us, since all the names to which the Russian people got used to at that time with incredible efforts have long become familiar and familiar to us. Many are even surprised to learn that the majority, it would seem, Russian men's And female names have a completely different origin. This is such an interesting and eventful history of our names.

The meaning of Russian female names

Russian names for girls starting with the letter A

  • Alvina- from Old German - noble, friend, all.
  • Angelia- from the German name Anelie, swearing to God.
  • Augusta / Augustine(old) - summer
  • Avdotya(folk from Evdokia) - famous
  • Avelina(Hebrew) - life force
  • Aurelia(new) - gold
  • Aurora(new) - goddess of the dawn
  • Agapia(old) - from Greek. agapao - I love.
  • Agatha(new) / Agafya / Agathia(old) - from Greek. agathos - good, honest, kind.
  • Aglaida(old) - sparkling / daughter of beauty, charms
  • Aglaya(new) - brilliant
  • Agnes /Agnes(old) - chaste
  • Agnia(old) - immaculate or fiery
  • Agrippina / Agrefena(old) - from the Roman family name Agrippus (Agrippa)
  • Ada(old) - decoration
  • Adina -Jewish name, translated as “delicate, refined.”
  • Adele /Adelia/ Adelaide(Old German) - from adal - noble and heyd - state, class.
  • Aza(old) - first
  • Azalea(new) - flowering bush
  • Aida(new) - giving a harvest
  • Isadora- gift of Isis (Greek)
  • Aisylu- lunar beauty
  • Aquilina / Akulina(old) - eagle
  • Aksinya(vernacular from Ksenia) - hospitable or, on the contrary, alien (“xenos”)
  • Akulina(lat.) - eagle
  • Alevtina(old) - alien to evil
  • (old) - protector of people
  • Alena(full Elena) - sunny, scarlet, graceful
  • (lat.) - alien, other
  • (new) - charming
  • (old) - (from Semitic languages) "goddess"
  • Albina(old, cf. new Alvina) - “white”
  • Almira(new) - peaceful
  • Alfia(Arabic) - long-lived
  • Amina(new) - faithful
  • (old) - resurrected
  • Anatolia(new) - eastern
  • (old) - angel
  • Anelia(Greek) - light
  • Angela(new) - angelic
  • Animaisa(old) - soulful
  • Anisiya / Anisya(old) - sweet-smelling
  • Anita(new) - obstinate
  • (old) - “grace”
  • Antonina / Antonida(old) - kind
  • Antonia(old) - entering into battle
  • Anfisa/ Anfusa(old) - blooming
  • Anthia(old)
  • Amira(old Arabic) - princess
  • Apollinaria(old) - sun goddess
  • Arevik(Armenian) - sun
  • Ariadne(old) - sleeping
  • (folk from Irina) - calm
  • Arcadia(new) - shepherdess
  • Arsenia(new) - courageous
  • Arciana
  • Artemia(old) - unharmed
  • Asel- Kyrgyzstan Asel; /æˈsel/; from Arabic عسل - “honey”, “sweet”
  • Asta(old)
  • Aster(new) - “flower”
  • Astrid(scand.) - passionate
  • Afanasia(old) - immortal
  • Aphrodite(old) - emerged from sea foam
  • Aelita(new) - from Greek. aer - air and litos - stone
  • Aella(new) - from Greek. aello - whirlwind, hurricane

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • Bazhena(Old Russian) - saint
  • Beata(new) - blessing (Latin) - happy (Greek)
  • Beatrice(old) - blessing (Latin) - happy (Greek)
  • Bela(glory) - beautiful
  • Bella(new) - beautiful
  • Bellatrix(lat.) - warrior
  • Bertha(new) - magnificent
  • Bogdana(glory) - given by God
  • Bozena(Old Russian) - God's, blessed, gifted by God
  • Boleslav(glory) - more glorious
  • Borislava(glory) - fighting for glory
  • Bridget(new) - space
  • Bronislava(glory) - glorious protector

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • (old) - strong
  • (old) - healthy
  • Wanda(slav.) - hospitable
  • Varvara(old) - savage
  • Vasilina(new) - royal
  • (old) - regal
  • Vassa(old) - queen
  • Vaclav(glory) - more glorious
  • Vevey(old) -
  • Velora / Veloria(new) - from the Great October Revolution
  • Venus(old) - “love”
  • (old) - “faith”
  • (old) - faith in victory
  • Veselina(slav.) - cheerful
  • Vesta(old) - patroness of the home. hearth
  • Vidana(glory) - prominent
  • Quiz(old) - winner
  • (old) - “victory”
  • Vilena(new) - from V. I. LENIN
  • Viola/ Violetta / Violanta(new) - “violet”
  • Virinea(old) - green, fresh
  • Vitaliy/ Vitalina(new) - vital
  • Viulena(new) - from V.I. Ulyanov LENIN
  • Vlada(slav.) - owning
  • Vladilena(new) - abbreviation for “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”
  • Vladimir(new) - owning the world
  • Vladislav(glory) - possessing glory
  • Vladlena(new) - similar to Vladilena
  • Vlasta(glory) - ruler
  • Will(new) - freestyle
  • Vseslav(glory) - glorious everywhere

Russian names for girls starting with the letter G

  • Gaia(new) - spouse
  • Gali(old) - bright
  • (old) - calm
  • Ganna(Ukrainian folk from Anna) - blessed
  • Guyana/ Gayaniya (old) - from Greek. ge - earth
  • Gwyneth(Welsh) - happiness, luck
  • Helena(new Ukrainian from Elena) - light
  • Helium(new) - solar (Helios)
  • Gella(old) - fell into the water
  • Henrietta(Old German) - noble beauty
  • Gertrude(new) - patroness of women
  • Glafira(old) - sophisticated
  • Glyceria(old) - sweet
  • Gloria(old) - “glory”
  • Golub(Old Russian) - tender
  • Gorislava(glory) - kindling glory
  • Gulane- (Greek) - flower
  • Gulnara- (Azerbaijani) - pomegranate flower
  • Gyulchatay

Russian names for girls starting with the letter D

  • Dazdraperma(new) - “Long live the First of May!”
  • Daina(new) - another reading of the name Diana
  • Dana(new) - goddess of the river
  • (old) - winner
  • Darina/Darena(slav.) - gifted
  • Daryana(new) - winner
  • Dekabrina(new) - winter
  • Deya / Diya(new) - divine
  • Ginevra- on behalf of King Arthur's wife Guinevere
  • Juliet(old) - analogue of Julia
  • (new) - on behalf of the Roman goddess Diana
  • Dilia
  • Dilya- soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dilfuza- silver soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dina / Diniya(vernacular from old Digna) - “faith”
  • Diodora(old) - given by God
  • Dionysius(old) - patroness of winemaking
  • Dobrava(Old Russian) - kind
  • Blast furnace / Domina(old) - madam, mistress of the house.
  • Domnika / Dominica(old) - belonging to God
  • Donara(new)
  • Dorothea / Dorothea(old) - from Greek. doron - gift, gift and theos - god.

Russian names for girls starting with the letter E

  • Eve(old) - giver of life
  • (old) - noble
  • Evdokia(old) - well-known
  • Eulalia(Greek..) - eloquent
  • Eulampia(Greek) - light
  • Eupraxia(old) - doing good deeds, virtuous woman
  • Evstolia(old) - well dressed
  • Euphalia(old)
  • Euphrosyne(Greek) - well-meaning, joyful
  • (old) - immaculate
  • (old) - chosen, shining, sunny
  • (old) - worshiping God
  • Eliconidas(old)
  • Hermione(old)
  • Efimiya / Euphemia(old) - pious

Russian names for girls starting with the letter Z

  • (new) - “gift of God”
  • Zhdana(Old Russian) - awaited
  • Jasmine

Russian names for girls starting with the letter Z

  • Fun(old) - cheerful
  • Zaira- an Arabic female name, popular among many peoples. Translated it means “bright, blooming, beautiful.” There is also a form ending in -at: Zairat.
  • Zara- a Persian female name, included in the list of frequently used names among many peoples - means “gold”. There are many derivatives from this name, each of which has the root “zar” - “gold”: Zarema, Zarai, Zarbiyke, Zargishi, Zarifa, etc.
  • Zarema- Persian female name, meaning "gold". There are options: Zarnigar - “golden beauty”, Zarbaft - “golden brocade”, Zarbanu - “golden lady”
  • Zarina / Zorina(new) - light, golden
  • Zaryana- other glory
  • Saure - 1) Morning star, Venus. 2) shiny, sparkling.
  • Zvenislava(glory) - spreading glory
  • Zemfira(Arabic) - rebellious
  • Zilya
  • Zinaida(old) - born of Zeus
  • Zinovia(old) - “Zeus’s power”
  • Zlata(glory) - golden
  • Zozan(Kurdish) - alpine meadows
  • (old) - “life”

Russian names for girls starting with the letter I

  • Ivanna(nar. from John) - “God’s gift”
  • Ida(new) - mountain, “descendant”
  • Ilaria(old) - cheerful
  • Iliana(new)
  • Ilona(new)
  • Inga(new) - from other Scand. Invio is the name of the god of abundance.
  • Inessa(new) - serene
  • (old) - name of Rome / stormy stream
  • Joanna(old) - “God’s gift”
  • Jonah(old) - “dove”
  • Hypatia(new) - related to horses, equine (hippos)
  • Hippolyta(new) - from “(g)ippo” - horse and “litos” - stone, slab
  • Irada- Persian female name, found among many peoples, translated as “desire”, “desired”
  • Iraida(old) - goddess of the rainbow
  • Irena(old) - peaceful
  • Iroida(old) - heroic, daughter of a hero
  • Irakli(old)
  • (old) - “peace”
  • Isidora(old) - patroness of fertility
  • Spark(new) - sincere, bright
  • Iphigenia(old) - immortal
  • And I(old) - from Greek. ia - violet

Russian names for girls starting with the letter K

  • Kadriya
  • Kermen(from Kalm.) - squirrel
  • Kalisa(old) - hot, ardent
  • Callista(from Greek) - beautiful, wonderful
  • Camilla- (with German) - chamomile
  • Camila- (from Muslim Kamil) - perfection
  • Capitolina(old) - main
  • (new) - striving forward
  • Caroline (Old German) - queen
  • Katerina(adv. from Ekaterina) - immaculate
  • (old) - “madam”
  • Kirill(old) - mistress
  • Claudia(old) - lame or from the Claudian family
  • Clara(new) - clear
  • Clarice /Clarissa(new) - light
  • Cleopatra(old) - beauty
  • Clio- short for Cleopatra
  • Claire
  • Concordia(old) - consonant, agreeing
  • Constance(old) - persistent
  • (new) - baptized
  • (old) - alien

Russian names for girls starting with the letter L

  • Lada(Old Russian) - sweetheart
  • Lana(new)
  • (old) - “seagull”
  • Laura- from "Lavr"
  • Leila(Arabic) - moonlit night, darkness
  • Lena- torch
  • Leniana(new) - from Lenin
  • Lenin(new) - from Lenin
  • Leonida(old) - “descendant of a lion”
  • Leonila(old) - lioness
  • Leontia(new) - lion's
  • Lesya(new) - courageous
  • Libya(old) - originally from Libya
  • (old) - first
  • Lillian(new) - blooming
  • (new) - “flower”
  • Lilith(old) - “night”
  • Lina(new) - independent name or diminutive of Elina
  • Lyra(other gr.) - patroness of the arts
  • Leah/ Lei(old) - lioness
  • Laura(French) - laurel
  • Louise(new) - from the male name Louis, which means “famous battle”
  • Lukeria(folk from Glykeria)
  • Luciana(old)
  • Lukina / Lucina(old)
  • Lusine(Armenian) - moonlight
  • Lyubava(Old Russian) - beauty
  • (old) - “love”
  • Lyubomir(glory) - darling of the world
  • (old, slav) - dear to people
  • Lyalya(new) -

Russian names for girls starting with the letter M

  • Mavra(old) - dark-skinned, dark-skinned
  • Magda(new) - see Magdalene
  • Magdalene(old) - sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
  • Madeleine(new) - see Magdalene
  • Mayan /May(new) - goddess of spring
  • Malvina(Old German) - From mal - justice and wine - friend..
  • (old) - “pearl”
  • Mariana / Maryana(old)
  • Marianne(folk from old Mariamne)
  • Marietta / Marietta(new)
  • Marika(new)
  • (old) - sea
  • / Marya (old) - bitter
  • Marie(new) - Maria's version
  • Marlene(German) - Combination of the names Mary and Magdalena
  • Marlena(new)
  • Martha(new) - mistress
  • Marfa(old) - mentor
  • Matilda(Old Germanic) - from makht - strength and hild - battle.
  • Matryona/ Matron(old) - madam, mother of the family, mother
  • Melania / Melania(old) - dark, dark
  • Melitina(old)
  • Milada(slav.) - kind
  • Milan / Milena/ (slav.) - sweetheart
  • Militsa(old, famous) - cute in person
  • Milia(new)
  • Miloslava(glory) - glory is sweet
  • Mira(glory) - peaceful
  • Myrrh(slav.) - fragrant, fragrant
  • Miroslava(glory) - winner
  • Metrodora(gr.) - a gift from the mother.
  • Mlada(slav.) - young
  • Mstislava(glory) - conqueror
  • Muse(old) - goddess of art / inspiration

Russian names for girls starting with the letter N

  • Nada(old) - “hope”
  • (old, famous) - “hope”
  • Nadiya(vernacular, from Nadezhda) - “hope”
  • Naina(new)
  • Naira(Armenian)
  • Nana(old) - nymph
  • Nastasya(nar., from Anastasia) - resurrected
  • Natalia/ Natalia(old) - native
  • Nellie(new) - young; solar
  • Neonila(old) - principled
  • (old) - “victory”
  • (old) - ruler
  • Ninella(new)
  • Ninel(new)
  • Novella(old) - new
  • (old)
  • Nora(new) - cold
  • Nasiba(Arabic) - Bringer of light, leading along the true path

Russian names for girls starting with the letter O

  • (Ukrainian folk, from Ksenia) - hospitable
  • Octavia(old) - eighth
  • Oktyabrina(new) - autumn
  • Olesya(Ukrainian, from Alexander) - courageous
  • Olivia(Greek) - tree
  • Olympics(old) - keeping calm
  • Olympia(new) - named after Zeus
  • (old, old Russian) - saint

Russian names for girls starting with the letter P

  • Pavel(old) - small
  • Pavlina(old) - beauty
  • Patricia(old) - aristocrat
  • Pelagia(Greek) - sea
  • Platonida(old) - descendant of Plato
  • Polyxena(old) - Trojan princess

Female name Augusta, Augustine. MEANING OF THE NAME. Feminine forms of the ancient Roman name Augustus, meaning “greatest”, “sacred”.

Female name Aurora. MEANING OF THE NAME. The name of the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn.

Female name Agatha. MEANING OF THE NAME. The name is of ancient Greek origin, translated as “kind”, “good”.

Female name Agafya. MEANING OF THE NAME. Agafya (Greek) - good, wise.

Female name Agnia. MEANING OF THE NAME. Translated from Latin, this name means “immaculate, chaste lamb.”

Female name Ada. MEANING OF THE NAME. Hebrew name meaning "dressy". This is the second (after Eve) female name mentioned in the Bible.

Female name Adelaide. MEANING OF THE NAME. An ancient German name, translated as “noble”, “high-born”.

Female name Adriana. MEANING OF THE NAME. Greek name meaning "resident of Adria".

Female name Aza. MEANING OF THE NAME. There are two interpretations of this name: “consolation” (from Arabic) and “strong”, “strong” (from Hebrew).

Female name Aida. MEANING OF THE NAME. Derived from an Arabic word meaning “benefit, reward.”

Female name Alana. MEANING OF THE NAME. This is the feminine form of the name Alan and translated from Arabic means “the most significant.”

Female name Alevtina. MEANING OF THE NAME. Translated from ancient Greek it means “rubbed with incense, free from evil.”

Female name Alexandra. MEANING OF THE NAME. Feminine form of the name Alexander (“protector of people”).

Female name Alina. MEANING OF THE NAME. The name is of ancient Germanic origin, its meaning can be translated as “noble”.

Female name Alice. MEANING OF THE NAME. An ancient Germanic name based on the root “noble”. It became popular thanks to the heroine of L. Carroll’s fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”.

Female name Alla. MEANING OF THE NAME. The exact etymology of this name has not been established; perhaps it comes from the Greek root “alter” - “other”, or is close to the ancient German word “noble”.

Female name Alberta. MEANING OF THE NAME. The feminine form of the Old German name Albert means “brilliant, famous.”

Female name Albina. MEANING OF THE NAME. Female form of the name Albin. It comes from the Latin word “alba” - white.

Female name Alfreda. MEANING OF THE NAME. The female version of the ancient German name Alfred, which means “free”.

Female name Amelia, Amalia. MEANING OF THE NAME. The name comes from an ancient Greek root and means “flattering.”

Female name Amina. MEANING OF THE NAME. Feminine form of the Arabic name Amin, meaning “faithful”, “safe”

Female name Anastasia. MEANING OF THE NAME. The feminine form of the names Anastas, which has now become rare. Translated from ancient Greek it means “resurrecting”, “returning to life”.

Female name Angelina. MEANING OF THE NAME. Translated from ancient Greek, this name means “angel, messenger.”

Female name Angelica, Angela. MEANING OF THE NAME. This name, very similar to “Angelina,” gives its owner a completely different character.

Female name Anita. MEANING OF THE NAME. An Old Germanic name meaning "sweetheart."

Female name Anna. MEANING OF THE NAME. Translated from Hebrew it means “grace.” According to other sources - “pretty, pretty.”

Female name Antonina. MEANING OF THE NAME. Female form of the name Anton. Translated from ancient Greek it means “entering into battle”, “competing in strength”.

Female name Anfisa. MEANING OF THE NAME. Translated from ancient Greek it means “blooming”.

Female name Apollinaria. MEANING OF THE NAME. Dedicated to Apollo - ancient Greek god Sun. patron of the arts.

Female name Ariadne. MEANING OF THE NAME. "Attractive, beloved." In Greek mythology, Ariadne is the daughter of the Cretan king, who helped the Athenian hero Theseus, who killed the Minotaur (half-bull, half-man), get out of the labyrinth by providing him with a ball of thread, the end of which was fixed at the entrance. The name Ariadne is sometimes interpreted as "faithful wife."

Female name Arina. MEANING OF THE NAME. The folk version of the name Irina is “peace” (Greek).

Female name Aster. MEANING OF THE NAME. Greek name meaning "city woman".

Female name Asya. MEANING OF THE NAME. A diminutive form of Anastasia (“resurrecting”), which has become an independent name.

Female name Afanasia. MEANING OF THE NAME. Female form Greek name Afanasy, translated as “immortal”.
