Don’t prejudge people – first opinions are sometimes deceiving. “Invisible: first impressions are deceiving. Sometimes the reason for a bad attitude is envy

Territory of Delusions [What mistakes do smart people make] Dobelli Rolf

Why First Impressions Are Misleading The Position Effect and the Recency Effect

Why first impressions are deceiving

Position effect and recency effect

Let me introduce you to two men: Alain and Ben. Decide without much thought which of them you like best. Alain is smart, diligent, impulsive, critical, stubborn, envious. Ben, on the contrary, is envious, stubborn, critical, impulsive, diligent, smart. Which one would you rather be stuck in an elevator with?

If you think like most people, you will choose Alain. Although their descriptions are absolutely the same. Our brain perceives the first adjective more strongly than all the following ones, and as a result it seems to you that there are two different characteristics. Alain is smart and diligent. Ben, on the other hand, is envious and stubborn. The first character trait overshadows all subsequent ones. This is the so-called positional effect or first impression effect.

If it weren't for positional effect, then company headquarters would not have to boast pompous but unproductive hallways. And then it wouldn’t matter what shoes your lawyer wore to the meeting: unlaced sneakers or polished designer oxfords.

The positional effect leads to erroneous actions. Daniel Kahneman writes in his new book how at the beginning of his teaching activities he graded exam papers. Like most teachers, everyone works in turns: first one student, then another, and so on. This led to the fact that those students who gave excellent answers to the first questions aroused the sympathy of the teacher, which was reflected in the assessment of subsequent answers. Then Kahneman changed the order. First, he assigned a grade to all students for answering the first question, then to the second, and so on, thereby eliminating the influence positional effect.

Unfortunately, this approach is not always applicable. When hiring a new employee, you run the risk of hiring someone who impressed you best first impression. Ideally, you would line up all the applicants, ask everyone the same question at the same time, and immediately listen to simultaneous answers.

Let's say you're a board member of a company, and a subject about which you haven't yet made a judgment is already on the table. Then the opinion of the first speaker you hear will be decisive for your overall assessment. The same applies to other participants in the meeting. This is a valuable advantage worth taking advantage of: if you have an opinion, do not hesitate to speak first. At the same time, you will make an extraordinary impression on your colleagues and win them over to your side. If, on the other hand, you are the chairman of the meeting, ask participants to express their opinions in random order, otherwise the person who takes the floor first will have considerable influence on the others. True, it’s not always a matter of positional effect there is also an inverse recency effect(English) recency effect). Its essence is that the information received last is remembered better. This is explained by the small size of the cells of our short-term memory: as new blocks of information arrive, the old ones are forgotten.

In which case does it dominate? positional effect and when it prevails recency effect? Answer: when you need to do something immediately after a series of impressions, positional effect stronger. For example, in the case of Alain and Ben, you were forced to immediately make judgments about both individuals. If the impression remains in the past, then the recency effect. Remember the conversation you heard a few weeks ago - most likely, only fragments of its end, dotted fragments of memories remain in your memory.

Bottom line: The middle part of the impression is below average, whether it's the middle of a speech, a conversation with a customer, or a book. Don't judge things by first impression. One way or another, it will definitely deceive you. Try to evaluate all aspects of a person with an open mind. It's not easy, but certain situations quite possible. During an interview, for example, I make notes to myself every five minutes and then calculate the average. This way I make sure that the “middle” applies equally to both the first and last impression.

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Let's try to figure it out and find answers to these questions.

Let's go from afar and remember the instinct of self-preservation. Our first reaction to a stranger is based on him. And the roots of this go deep to the times of our distant ancestors.

Ancient people, protecting their lives, were forced to instantly recognize a stranger on the principle of “enemy or friend.” Everything that was alive and encountered on their way was instantly assessed for the presence or absence of danger.

And this is not surprising. Trouble awaited our ancestors at every step, and therefore the instinct of self-preservation in those days was at a fairly high level.

If you knew how firmly this recognition mechanism has developed. He is simply unique. After all, we still use it at the genetic level. And we do it instinctively.

The image of a stranger is created spontaneously in us. We, like scanners, instantly analyze

  • Sight
  • Gestures
  • Mimic
  • Appearance and so on.

Even if a person is simply silent, he is still a source of information that we instantly read.

By the manner of behavior, by his movements, and a little later by the style of speech, we can calmly recognize the sincerity of our interlocutor, and determine whether we will trust him in the future. These are very important things.

Is the first impression deceptive in this regard? It is almost always reliable.

The first impression is our assistant. Thanks to him, we quickly navigate the communication situation. And we also quickly determine whether we will like the person or not, whether we should continue getting to know him or not, or whether it’s better to say goodbye.

Remember the phrase “I liked her right away”?

This is nothing more than a phenomenon of rapid awareness.

The first impression must be trusted and, of course, it is worth giving importance to what we feel at the moment of meeting. In this regard, it is not as deceptive as some people think.

It’s another matter when we plan some important steps.

For example, business negotiations. Here you cannot rely entirely on first impressions.

Otherwise, along with the first impression, you can get happiness, but you can also get problems.

The first impression when communicating must be carefully verified.

Numerous studies prove that most adults who have extensive communication experience are able to more or less accurately determine the characteristics of their interlocutor.

Are first impressions deceiving? Or is it reliable?

In 75% of cases, the first one turns out to be reliable. And in other cases?

Most likely, partly correct, or completely wrong. It all depends on:

  • Who is perceived
  • Who perceives
  • And, of course, on the conditions of perception.

In the meantime, good luck filling out your Observation Diary.

Marina Korelskaya

When moving towards a goal and evaluating people, do not succumb to the power of first impressions - they are very deceptive. Avoid being guided by your prejudices in making decisions. Such mistakes not only slow down progress towards the goal, they are often simply irreparable.

Interpretation of the law

Anyone who wants to achieve significant success in a professional field or business must first find mutual language with his immediate superior, as well as with colleagues, relationships with whom will influence the effectiveness of his activities. But how can you force yourself to be more or less tolerant of people who seem too narrow-minded, passive and generally extremely unpleasant?! Is it possible to overcome hostility and antipathy towards those who from the very beginning made the most unfavorable impression, to change your attitude towards them?

It turns out that it is possible. To do this, it is enough to mentally return to the moment of acquaintance and think about what exactly in the person’s appearance and behavior made an unpleasant impression, forced one to avoid communicating with him, and determined the nature of further relationships. As a rule, the result of analyzing the first impression most often becomes the following thought: the fact that this or that person made a not very good impression is actually not his fault (his appearance, his behavior), but the expectations of the person with whom he communicated. We imagined a certain image, and instead of it we received another - exactly the opposite. Hence the disappointment and hostility.

So, the first impression made by the appearance and demeanor of a new acquaintance must be treated with a significant degree of caution. By and large, he should not be trusted at all. Otherwise, a person can not only slow down the process of his advancement up the career ladder, but also lose his job altogether (if, for example, mistaking the chief engineer for a plumber, you turn to him with words like: “Hey, uncle, where is the exit?”) .

Almost every person has been repeatedly convinced that first impressions are deceptive. own experience. However, he repeats his mistake again and again, accepting a person “by his clothes,” that is, creating his own opinion about him based on some external or other completely insignificant signs.

As you know, a person’s appearance largely depends on his mood, physical and mental well-being. Anyone who had to go through a lot of stress when leaving their previous job will naturally not look too good when taking a new position in another company. It may happen that he will make an unfavorable impression on the new boss and members of the new team only because, due to the specified circumstances, he was unable to pay due attention to his appearance (he came to the interview in an unironed suit, with disheveled hair, etc.). In this case, you should postpone the analysis of the impression made by appearance “for later”, focusing only on identifying the degree of professionalism of the new employee.

Many people tend to be guided in their perception of this or that person by traditional, generally outdated views and beliefs. For example, they are absolutely sure that if a person comes for an interview with a fashionable diplomat, then he is getting a job “through connections.” And in this case, they will either show him their contempt, or, conversely, try to win his favor. And if it occurs to someone to show up for work on the first day in a loose, coarse knitted sweater, they will immediately be classified as a member of the creative intelligentsia and asked to write a poem in honor of the anniversary of one of the employees.

People rating the world only by external manifestations, show incredible sophistication in reading text written using things. And there are both positive and negative aspects to this. However, in order to really achieve what you want, you don’t need to become like such subjects, much less try to remake yourself in accordance with their standards.

By remaining ourselves, each of us can not only change the not very favorable impression made upon meeting, but also arouse sincere affection and sympathy in the interlocutor, thereby achieving unconditional success and ensuring further progress towards the goal.


Princess Frog. Anyone who hoped to see a beautiful or at least just a pretty girl in her place will probably experience severe disappointment. However, one should not rush to conclusions. It is quite possible that behind the wet green skin covered with warts lies a stunningly beautiful creature capable of bringing happiness and good luck both in the professional field and in your personal life. Take a closer look at the person, do not judge him too harshly. The time will come - and you yourself may find yourself in his place!

Proof of the law

As mentioned above, in order not to experience severe disappointment in your own actions and not make mistakes that will subsequently deprive you of the opportunity to continue moving up the career ladder towards prosperity and prestige, you should be extremely careful about the first impression made by the appearance or behavior of one or another person. It is so subjective that it cannot be considered correct and cannot inspire unconditional trust.

How many people, having succumbed to the influence of feelings that arose when they first met someone, subsequently regretted it! How many wonderful opportunities for success they missed! At the same time, they could not blame anyone but themselves for their failure.

Many have spoken and written about the deceptiveness of first impressions. For example, in his “Literary Portraits” M. Gorky cites several situations when a preconceived opinion about someone prevented him from truly getting close to a person, understanding and appreciating his intelligence, talent, and personal qualities.

In one of the chapters of the book, he describes the famous Savva Morozov. This man is at one of the congresses where the best and famous people Russia, dared to object to Mendeleev himself. The words of the latter, spoken in strong irritation, that Alexander III himself agreed with his views, caused silence in the entire hall, and then from “the rows of bald and gray hairs a round, smoothly cropped head emerged, a stocky man with the face of a Tatar straightened up and, his sharp eyes glistening, loudly, clearly, with poisonous politeness, he said that the scientist’s conclusions, supported by the name of the tsar, not only lose their persuasiveness, but also generally compromise science.”

Naturally, such an extraordinary personality, especially one who allowed himself to make daring statements, could not help but arouse hostility and involuntary disrespect among many, which were greatly intensified by the fact that those around him did not expect to find such character traits in this person.

Gorky himself says that Morozov’s “Tatar face” gave him a contradictory impression: “the facial features seemed soft, hinting at good nature, but in the ringing voice and sharp gaze of his penetrating eyes one could feel disdain for people and the habit of commanding them.”

As the author notes, Morozov’s appearance was so deceptive that those who directly encountered him experienced something like shock. This happens when you lie in the sun and a bucket of ice water is poured on you. With a face and figure resembling a smiling Buddha, Morozov, however, acted like a real commander, instilling in those around him a sense of respect, which was often mixed with fear. And certainly the contrast between appearance and character was one of those advantages that allowed Morozov to become not only one of richest people Russia, but also to earn respect among the people. After Morozov’s death, a legend arose among the workers of his factory: Savva did not die, another was buried in his place, and “he gave up his wealth and secretly walks around the factory, teaching the workers wisdom.”

In his “Literary Portraits” Gorky talks about his first meeting with Sergei Yesenin. According to the writer’s recollections, it took place in 1914. Yesenin seemed to Gorky to be a boy of 15-17 years old. “Curly-haired and fair-haired, in a blue shirt, an undershirt and boots with a set, he was very reminiscent of the sugary postcards that depicted boyar children, all with the same face... Yesenin gave me a dim impression of a modest and somewhat confused boy.” . The writer associated it with clerks in shopping arcades, dancers and singers in tavern choirs.

However, later, when Gorky read his “sweeping, bright, surprisingly heartfelt poems,” he could not believe that they were being written by that same deliberately picturesquely dressed boy. The writer more than once regretted that his first impression prevented him from getting to know the outstanding poet better and deprived him of the opportunity to get to know him better.

Thus, to paraphrase famous saying, we can say: everyone should judge people in such a way that it will not be excruciatingly painful later... Anyone who allows himself to be deceived by the first impression will be deceived more than once.

Authoritative opinion

It takes a lot of intelligence to understand someone else's mind.

Metal is recognized by its ringing, a person by its word.

Decency is revealed in speeches, but much more accurately – in deeds. What is needed here is keen attention, tireless observation, sober judgment...

Know the character of those you deal with so that you can understand their intentions. Learn to read facial expressions, read the soul by external signs...

Do not expect good from a freak whom nature itself has offended, and just as she did not respect him, so he does not respect her. And for the beautiful ones, the more beautiful they are, the more stupid they are.

/From the aphorisms of Baltasar Gracian/

The other side of the law

Often, someone who, impressed by the impeccable appearance of his new acquaintance, did not take into account the peculiarities of his behavior (for example, a “running” look, excessive nervousness in gestures and facial expressions), subsequently remembers the latter. However, as it turns out, he does it too late. In order not to experience such disappointment and not find yourself in the position of a person deceived by a beautiful mirage, you should “shake” your head more often, getting rid of the obsession, and be guided by your own prudence and intuition.

And in general, if you don’t trust your first impression, you should never forget about your intuition. After all, it is she who is able to “warn” a person that the one who is in this moment in front of him is, in fact, not at all what he wants to appear. His smile may be insincere, and behind it lies a desire to gain confidence, and then, at the most difficult and crucial moment, he will abandon, let down, leave someone who needs him in a difficult situation.

The ability to recognize people at first sight secret desires and intentions are characteristic of units. And such people, as a rule, enjoy universal respect, since they are protected from deception and disappointment. A person who has the gift of determining the character and desires of another person at first sight is able to “restructure”, change the tactics of action in such a way that it necessarily brings a positive result.

On the contrary, one who never listens to " inner voice”, may be greatly deceived in his expectations. Instead of moving away from a person whose presence causes unaccountable hostility, he trusts him with all his secrets and ends up being cruelly deceived by him.

Attentiveness, observation and insight are the three components that allow you to achieve success in relationships with others. Anyone who neglects the listed qualities risks being deceived. After all, there are a lot of people around us who, wanting to achieve the fulfillment of their selfish desires, put on “masks” that allow them to gain trust, win favor, and inspire sympathy and respect. Only by learning to distinguish a “mask” from a real facial expression can a person achieve real success.

Fable"Vainous Jackdaw"

Jupiter determined to place a king over the birds. He announced that on such and such a day they would all come to him, and he himself would choose the most beautiful of them and place her on the throne. The jackdaw, realizing that she was ugly, rummaged through the forests and fields, picked up feathers that had fallen from the wings of other birds, and stuck them on all parts of her body. She hoped that she would show herself to everyone as the most beautiful. When the appointed day arrived and the birds came to Jupiter, Jackdaw also deigned to appear in her multi-feathered attire. Jupiter proposed to put her on the throne for the beauty of her feathers, but the birds raised their voices indignantly, and when each pulled off her feather, Jackdaw still became only Jackdaw.

There is no doubt that the first impression of a person is never forgotten. Over time, you can understand that the judgments and conclusions were incorrect, but it is impossible to forget their essence and why the decision was such. Each person has his own unforgettable manner of behavior that catches your eye when you meet him. What impression a person leaves behind is largely determined by his horoscope.


Anyone zodiac sign there is a set of stereotypes regarding their personality, and these stereotypes also, wittingly or unwittingly, influence the person when they meet. Often people who study horoscopes can determine their zodiac sign stranger, having analyzed only his behavior.

It is also worth considering that the first opinion can often be misleading. Many people deliberately behave in one way or another in order to appear in a favorable light. However, if a person is in a relaxed atmosphere, his Zodiac sign can be determined once or twice!


Aries is impossible not to notice or not to hear. His active position can often frighten new acquaintances. It seems that he, like a hurricane, is ready to sweep away everything in his path. Aries are absolutely devoid of complexes and doubts. If you see a person who can easily tell the first person he meets: “Your bag is beautiful. Where and how much did you buy it?”, most likely this is an Aries.


When meeting a Taurus, a person may have suspicions that this is a completely fake person. Taurus's manner of communication is so welcoming and intrusive that it is impossible to relax and believe in the plausibility of what is happening. This makes it very difficult for many people to trust the ever-enthusiastic Taurus until he proves his sincerity. In fact, Taurus are loyal partners and wonderful friends.


When meeting a Gemini, you can easily catch him. Geminis are only visually dissatisfied with something, although at heart they can be absolutely happy people. Often, when meeting a Gemini, you may get the impression that he is a typical loser whose umbrella always breaks as soon as it starts to rain. Very often Geminis are the real ones energy vampires. In fact, they are lucky individuals because they always listen to their developed intuition, but others do not need to know about it.


As soon as you see a Cancer and then hear him, it will seem to you that he is the most boring bore and annoyingly shy person. His manner of conversation when meeting someone can lull you to sleep. The whole point is that he wants to show his best side. In fact, Cancers are also those who know better than you what dancing until the morning and “forever young, forever drunk” means. Although, a depressive state often overwhelms them for real.


At first meeting, Leos are a deity in its purest form. They are so delightful, luxurious and high that you can involuntarily lose yourself if you start communicating with them in his language. After meeting smart and royally magnificent Leos, it is impossible to forget them. Leo allows them to take from life everything their soul desires. However, when you get to know Leos better, you are faced with their main problems - naivety and laziness.


Virgos scare people away with their detachment and indifference. It seems that Virgos are so much that there is a desire to leave them where they are. Virgos can communicate with people without even looking them in the eyes, which is regarded as disrespect and even an insult. In fact, Virgos are really not very trembling before new acquaintances. They value and love a small number of people and are not going to smile at everyone.


The pleasant-looking Libra cannot help but charm. These people are able to find an approach to any person, they are tactful and well-mannered, they know what to ask so that the conversation “sticks together.” It seems to outsiders that Libra understands them like no one else, which is why they are ready to pour out their most terrible secrets and thoughts to them. In fact, it is impossible to believe, but deep down in the soul of every zodiac sign is Libra - and everyone. But you will still consider them sweethearts.


The sexiest zodiac signs you can't help but fall in love with. Every look, smile and movement makes your heart beat faster. Carnal energy emanates from them, and people begin to perceive them as... Such a reputation develops about Scorpios when meeting them and even makes them somewhat popular. However, you will soon notice that Scorpios have a very bad character, which destroys everything beautiful in them.


At first, Sagittarians create the impression of frivolous people, always soaring in the clouds and thinking about some unreal castles in the air. Therefore, it is very difficult to trust these zodiac signs with something serious. Soon, new acquaintances may be surprised to notice that Sagittarians are very rude and straightforward, and they often have a bad reputation.
