Charms that you can wear on yourself. How to sew a button for good luck: secrets of magic Everything will be fine with Alena Kurilova about buttons

Since ancient times, buttons were intended not only for decorating and fastening clothes, but were also equated with the functions of amulets. To scare away evil spirits, any button was sewn onto clothes from the wrong side.

If the button was made with your own hands, then its strength increased significantly.

Buttons from precious stones, gold, silver were considered baits of good luck: the more expensive the button, the more luck there will be.

To use a button as a talisman, you must carefully select the material from which it is made. Buttons made to look like jewelry attract wealth.

Buttons covered with leather or fabric will help you achieve success in love. Wooden buttons will promote health.

If you can’t “play” with the material, then try using colors. So, red buttons are for love, green buttons are amulets for good mood and health, blue buttons are for eliminating problems at work and in school.

Violet colors restore peace of mind. Shades of brown and yellow - for money.

Multi-colored buttons protect children.

Buttons not only attract good luck and protect us, but also maintain energetic integrity. When a person fastens his clothes, he, as it were, “closes” his own energy circuit in order to avoid energy leakage and negative energy intrusions.

Each button has its own place. If a button comes off, the space begins to be empty. As a result, an energy “hole” is formed through which the Vital energy person. The more such “holes” there are, the worse the feeling. If you suddenly happen to be nearby energetic vampire or a black magician, with the help of button “gaps” he will “drink” your energy in no time.

So that buttons do not become accomplices of enemies, but remain our amulets:

* Sew every button that comes off immediately!

* If someone tears off your button, say mentally: “Luck is mine, the button is yours.” Secure the area of ​​the torn button with a pin to prevent an energy gap. As soon as you can, sew on another button.

* Re-sew the buttons on your new clothes yourself, as they are usually not sewn on tightly.

* In companies where you are not very comfortable, wear clothes with a lot of buttons that must be fastened.

Choose the buttons you need for yourself and your loved ones. Sew them from the wrong side onto those things that are always with you: a wallet, a bag, a child’s briefcase, etc. When sewing on a button-amulet, say to yourself: “I sew on happiness and luck, I sew away grief.”

And may the buttons protect and protect you!

It would seem, what kind of secret meaning can such a simple and unassuming object as an ordinary button be endowed with? For all their ordinariness, these simple round objects that are perceived modern man just as a necessary and functional accessory, they have long been considered the strongest amulet.

The whole essence of this item is already contained in its name - its origin is connected with the word “scare”. The very first specimens that justify this name were made in the form of metal balls with small objects enclosed inside, which emitted a ringing sound at the slightest movement of its owner. It was this ringing that was intended to protect a person from misfortunes and troubles.

Later, the item gradually changes its purpose. Still remaining the most important element clothes, it becomes an indicator of the well-being of its owner. The accessory turns into an object of jewelry art, made from precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

It was believed that the more sparkling buttons on the camisoles and dresses of aristocrats, the higher the class position and wealth of their owners. Buttons experienced their peak in popularity from the 17th to the 19th centuries. They are everywhere replete with not only women’s outfits, but also men’s wardrobe items.

Over time, buttons acquired that very democratic appearance that is most familiar now. Their practical purpose and use as the main details of the image came to the fore, finally pushing the wonderful properties into the background. It's a pity.

After all, by adhering to certain rules, even such a simple action as sewing on a button can be turned into a real magical ritual, attracting good luck, love, success in business, friendship and respect of others, creative enthusiasm.

It couldn’t be easier to do this; the main thing is to approach it with a positive attitude, sincerely hoping for the fulfillment of all your desires. How to sew a button for good luck, and what recommendations you need to follow, read below.

To sew on buttons for good luck, you can use any of these accessories. However, sometimes it is advised to use a new button, specially selected for this purpose in the store, to enhance the effect. To choose the right accessory, you need to be guided by intuition - you need to buy exactly the copy that you liked more than the rest.

Buttons should be sewn on clothes that are worn with particular pleasure and most often. Also, the influence of the talisman will be significantly enhanced if you place it on the left inner side of the clothing, closer to the heart or on the inside of the pocket - away from prying eyes.

The color of the accessories also matters:

  • red is traditionally used to attract love and passion;
  • yellow and green attract money and success in business endeavors;
  • purple and blue enhance intuition and creativity;
  • white helps in the search for truth and spiritual enlightenment.

Here it is appropriate to follow the traditional rule - the color of the thread is matched to the tone of the button.

For a “magic” button, it is better to choose a button made from natural materials - wood, glass, crystal, mother-of-pearl. But in the absence of such accessories, which have already become rare, a button made of synthetic material will do. However, a button selected for a ritual for good luck must have exactly 4 holes, this is important, and without fulfilling this condition, all further actions will be simply meaningless.

Very important also has a time selected for sewing. It is better to do this on the waxing moon, alone, fully concentrating on the desired result, without being distracted by negative thoughts and experiences. It would be very good to accompany the sewing with a special spell that secures the action of the ritual. There is nothing complicated about this, it will be enough to repeat from the bottom of your heart: “I sew on luck and happiness, I sew away grief and adversity.”

And most importantly, the amulet must be securely fastened. This determines how long they will last and act. magical properties buttons. If the magic button breaks, comes off or is lost, this is a signal to update the talisman, as well as to gather yourself internally so that no trouble can take you by surprise.

For love, for happiness, for good luck - options for fastening buttons

The most important thing when answering the question of how to properly sew a button for good luck is such a nuance as the shape of the stitches. That is, how the button will be sewn determines the impact of the talisman on this or that area of ​​life. By adhering to a certain sequence in the execution of stitches, we set a certain program that affects the area we need. Well, to put it simply:

  • if you want to expand your circle of friends and strengthen your position in the team, the button talisman is sewn on with two parallel stitches, reminiscent of an equal sign;
  • sharpening of intuition and the gift of foresight can be guaranteed by buttons secured with 2 vertical stitches;
  • Anyone for whom taking care of beauty and health is a priority can be advised to sew them on in the form of a cross;
  • strengthening your position in the business world is possible with amulets sewn with the Latin letter Z;
  • an inverted mirror letter Z attracts money and guarantees growth in financial well-being;
  • buttons sewn with stitches in the shape of a square allow you to bring your inner world into harmony with reality, to find peace and balance;
  • but constancy in love and passion is achieved by combining the 2 sewing techniques already mentioned - first stitches are made in the shape of a cross, and then framed at the edges with a square;
  • creative searches have reached a dead end, there is no inspiration, and there are no new ideas? Then you can try the action of buttons secured with stitches resembling the letter I;
  • A button sewn in the shape of an hourglass (a vertical cross with joined corners) allows you to increase interest on the part of the opposite sex.

Sometimes all the stitch forms listed above that are used to sew a button are compared with magic runes. Whether the amulets buttons owe their effect to these runic symbols or not is not for us to decide, the main thing is that such a simple ritual, combined with a person’s benevolent attitude, gives a really tangible result.

Buttons are important. Signs you can trust

Well, in conclusion, it would be appropriate to recall some signs and superstitions associated with buttons. They accumulated centuries-old observations and wisdom of the people. It is not necessary to literally follow each of the above postulates; it is enough to pay attention to it. So:

  • losing a button is not good. Pull yourself together—trials are coming;
  • the discovery of a beautiful and valuable button, on the contrary, is a good omen promising success in all endeavors;
  • Clothes that are not buttoned properly mean confusion in thoughts and deeds. To prevent this, it is better to unfasten and fasten again correctly;
  • sewing a button on a man means tying him to yourself. You should be careful when fulfilling such requests - the process triggered by this action is, unfortunately, one-sided and irreversible;
  • attaching a button to clothing worn in this moment means “to sew up memory.” It's better not to practice this.

Having figured out for yourself how to sew buttons for good luck, you should not forget about the proper attitude. When starting the ritual, mentally immerse yourself in your desire, think about it from all sides, enjoy your dreams and imagine the desired result in all its colors. This will bring the moment of implementation of the plan closer. However, do not forget that in order to achieve a dream, you need to move towards it, and the magic button will definitely give you strength and add additional confidence.

Video about the magical properties of buttons:

čas přidan 23.02.2018

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    Katyusha, thank you! You are a kind, bright person. If the button is for good luck, the thread is red, but the button can be any color?

    Katyusha, both the button and the thread must be the same color

    Good evening, my dear and beloved Katyusha, I’m so glad that you exist, thank you very much for giving us your knowledge, my dear. And if we wash this blouse or, for example, a blouse with buttons, it will always work after washing. Thank you for your answer in advance. I love you very much. 💋💋💋💐💐💐🌹🌹🌹🌸🌸🌸 You are just lovely

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    Hello mother, I really like your program, I am from Almaty - Katya Yusupova. I wish you great success and good health and also with the Spring holiday on March 8th, may this year be the happiest and most unforgettable for you!!!

    Happy holiday Yura! All the best!

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    Thank you Katerina for this topic. Can I sew it on my husband, he won’t do it himself, that is, I mean do you have to sew it on personally?

    Happy holiday to Yuri! Thank you Katyusha for all your advice.

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Want to create your own good luck charm? Any button you like will work for it. The whole secret is in the sewing technique.

Learn how to sew a button for good luck.

A button will bring 100% luck, but you definitely need to know certain rules.

Any button is suitable for sewing for luck, but we recommend using a new button for greater effect.

The button that you like best is best. Intuition is very important in this matter.

You must use the button with your favorite clothes. You should like it and wear it often. We also recommend not wearing the amulet in plain sight to improve the quality of the effect. The inside left side of the garment is ideal.

The color of the button plays an important role:

  • a red button will best help you achieve success in amorous affairs;
  • yellow and green talismans attract and will help in business, career and everything related to money;
  • amulets of purple and blue colors are responsible for good luck in the arts and strengthen the sixth sense;
  • a white button will help you in spiritual matters and help you understand Zen.

The threads you choose for sewing should be the same color as the talisman button.

It is very important that there are four holes in the talisman. Otherwise, the talisman will have no effect and all your efforts will be in vain.

Another important factor is when you decide to conduct the ceremony. The best time is when the moon is waxing. The entire sewing process must be done alone with yourself and be free from all negative thoughts. In this case, you need to repeat a simple formula to enhance the effect:

“I sew on luck and happiness, sew away grief and adversity”

Of primary importance is how well the amulet is sewn. This affects the term of action of the talisman's properties. In case of damage or loss of the amulet, it is necessary to create a new one, and at this time mentally prepare for some kind of misfortune or simply minor nuisance was not a surprise to you.

Even an activity like sewing a button on a garment can be beneficial. Few housewives think about magic when waving a needle and thread. But before, this business was a whole ritual, performed according to special rules and brought good luck to the owner of the clothes.

Why don’t we, when sewing a button on a shirt, skirt or trousers once again, try to conjure up some good fortune for ourselves. And in order to do this correctly, let’s turn to the knowledge of sorceresses and witches.

Which color to choose

To magic ritual worked, you need to choose the right button. It depends on which direction the magical power is directed and what it will attract into your life.

If you want to meet your love or simply attract the attention of the opposite sex, then head to the store for a red or purple button. The brighter the shade, the stronger the magical power.

Green, light green and yellow colors will bring a lot of money into your wallet, and will also establish business connections. Therefore, before an important meeting or interview, sew a button in one of these shades to your jacket.

To make your cherished dream or some wish come true, buy a pink button. If you are full of creative ideas and want to bring a bold project to life, then pay attention to blue or purple. They will help you find support or a sponsor, and will also give you the gift of premonition.

When you get confused or don't know what to do right difficult situation, sew a button to your favorite clothes white. This is a symbol of enlightenment and the beginning of a new life. You should not choose black color, it will not only scare away good luck, but also attract misfortunes and illnesses.

Which material to choose

What should a button be made of so that it attracts magical power. Of course, from natural material. It could be wood, metal, mother of pearl, stone or anything else. Plastic does not contain a natural element and is not endowed with magical properties.

  1. Buttons can be decorated with jewelry, then they will attract wealth and prosperity to your home. Don’t skimp on such a talisman, and it will definitely be worth the money spent.
  2. For health and long life, you need to buy wooden or clay buttons. They can be decorated with silk, cotton or linen.
  3. Gold and silver fittings serve as a talisman to attract love and strengthen relationships between spouses.
  4. The material of the button can be chosen according to your zodiac sign. So it will bring good luck regardless of color, size and other characteristics. Look at your horoscope to see which stone suits you, and look for a button made from it.

As for the shape, it should be round and have no sharp corners. Drawings and inscriptions will also be superfluous if they do not carry a magical meaning.

Where to sew a button

According to magical principles, the talisman should not be visible to prying eyes, so it should be sewn on the wrong side of the clothing. It is best if it is a pocket, then you can touch the button with your hand and receive energy from it. As for the fittings, which are endowed with health-preserving properties, it is worth sewing them in the place where it hurts.

The button should be on things that you wear often. If it stays in the closet it won't do any good. It’s also not worth changing it from one thing to another, as all the magical properties will be lost.

How to sew

So, you bought a button, prepared the thread and clothes and are ready to sew. There are separate instructions on how to do this. Firstly, do not rush, during the ritual think about your desire or dream, imagine a happy future and carefully make stitches.

How to sew on a button for good luck:
Two parallel horizontal lines of stitches will help you find true friends who will provide support in difficult times. Vertical parallels will give you intuition. Threads stitched with the letter Z bring success in business.

The X symbol gives beauty and health. Square stitches bring harmony and balance. The letter I will help you unleash your creative potential and win recognition from fans.

A button sewn in all directions protects strong love.

Two parallel horizontal lines + the letter X will help you live in prosperity and prosperity. Vertical stitches + letter X - will expand financial opportunities.

Two lines connected by a thread in the middle will help you find your soulmate.

The button should be sewn firmly and not dangle. If it comes off, you're asking for trouble.

Button charm

In general, you should not underestimate the magical properties of the button. There are not only rituals that attract good luck, but also signs that protect against possible misfortunes:

  1. By mixing up a button and fastening it on the wrong eyelet, you will bring bad luck. To avoid this, unfasten all the previous ones and fasten them again, but this time correctly.
  2. If a button comes off, someone wishes you harm, and if it is also lost, then expect betrayal.
  3. Before sewing on a button or sewing up a hole, take off this item, otherwise you will lose your health and mind.
  4. If you want a relationship with a specific man, sew a button onto his clothes. This strong love spell, which will stop working only if it is cut off or flogged.
  5. If you dreamed that you found a button, expect great luck. If, on the contrary, it is lost or cut off, a black streak is coming.

It would seem that the most ordinary object that everyone has has such properties. If you make a button your talisman, you will forget about failures and bad luck. Fortune will always accompany you.

Video: how to sew a button for good luck
