Full moon rituals. What magical rituals are performed on the full moon? How to use magic correctly on a full moon to get a positive result

Since ancient times, people have considered the full moon to be a mystical time and a peak of energy. Such a moment is a magical period for accomplishing various magical rites. What are the most effective rituals, and how they can be performed on a full moon, are described below.

What is the power of the full moon?

All life on earth depends on the phase of the moon. The change of these phases is a consequence of what is happening on the planet.

As Scott Cunningham quoted in a witchcraft textbook it says:

During the full moon, there is a magical surge of earthly energy forces, which contributes to the fulfillment of desires. But for full moon rituals to attract money, prosperity and wealth to give a positive result, performing one ritual is not enough.

To fulfill a desire, it is important to believe in magical powers, prepare mentally and perform the ritual correctly.

Full moon rituals

Many women are interested in what rituals can be performed during the full moon to increase inner strength. Answering this question, we can highlight the “moon road” ritual, which helps a woman become more confident and attractive.

After the ceremony, the opposite sex begins to like her.

To do this, you need to plunge naked in any body of water where the lunar path is visible. Everything should be carried out in a deserted place, that is, the woman should be alone.

Other full moon rituals to attract love involve making any wish, even for the love of a man.

A simple and effective way:

  1. Write a wish. What can you ask from the moon? Anything, but desire should be written in the past tense. For example, not “I want to go on a date with some man,” but “I was on a romantic date with ....”
  2. A piece of paper with your cherished wish should be placed on the windowsill and stored in the same place for three days.

After the ceremony, you must definitely thank the magical luminary with the words:

The full moon is a magnet for attracting money.

Regardless of what rituals are performed on the full moon, with the right approach, they are doomed to success. Let's consider one of the rituals for money and wealth.

Hand the moon a wallet with different bills and say:

Then you need to take the largest bill from the wallet and hide it. This money cannot be spent for a month. This is a kind of talisman that will help open new cash flows and save you from unnecessary expenses.

Other rituals are performed using enchanted water.

Not only the ancient Slavs, but even today people often resort to such rituals. Magic water is used to treat various diseases, for example, alcoholism. It is good for washing and cleaning the house or work area.

It is enough to say these words of the spell over holy water:

The charmed holy water is left overnight so that the moonlight is reflected in it, and in the morning it is used for its intended purpose.

  1. Determine the phase of the moon using the calendar so as not to make a mistake. All rituals must be performed during the full moon. This falls on the 15-17th lunar day.
  2. It’s good to think about your desire. Cast aside all doubts.
  3. It is important to learn all spells by heart. Learn to pronounce words clearly without hesitation.
  4. At the moment of performing the ritual, read the spells from the heart in a full voice. If there is no way to be alone, then you need to speak the words in a whisper.

Since ancient times, people have believed in various signs to attract good luck and wealth to their home. These recommendations are for those who are afraid to read spells and spells.

For example:

  1. Giving alms to needy people does not in any way affect a person’s well-being. According to legend, everything that comes from pure heart, is returned twice as much.
  2. Excessive costs can be stopped by sewing up existing leaky pockets during the full moon.
  3. It is enough to leave your wallet open on the windowsill at night, so that the moonlight falls on it.
  4. On the days and nights of the full moon, it is recommended to carry a coin in your pocket.
  5. A hidden silver coin in the threshold of a house can attract money if every time you step over you say: “I’m coming home, the money is with me.”
  6. Do not give money during the full moon, otherwise the month will be costly.
  7. If you see a spider 1-2 days before the full moon, then expect good profits soon.

During the ritual, a person should be filled with a feeling of joy from the fulfillment of a desire. If this is not the case, you need to work on eliminating fear and doubt.

Although according to the lunar calendar it is said that the full moon lasts from days 15 to 17 of the lunar cycle, rituals are best performed on the 16th day at midnight. It is at this time that the ritual performed gives the expected result.

It is important not to overuse conspiracies, otherwise everything may turn out the other way around. It is not recommended to perform several rituals for money and love on the same full moon.

In fact, there are many methods of attracting money, luck, and love. It is not the method that is important, but the inner attitude of a person.

To achieve success and wealth, you need to work on your inner world, learn to wish with all your heart and believe in luck. And each person must decide personally which rituals to use during the full moon.

The moon has always attracted the eye and fascinated. Our ancestors knew about its magical capabilities. They carefully studied the influence of the night patroness on the world, and realized that each phase of the cycle has its own purpose and direction. Full moon conspiracies have powerful energy. These features are actively used by those who want to change their lives for the better.

How to perform full moon rituals

A person begins to experience the influence of a mystical phenomenon one day before the full moon and three days after it. To calculate important dates To perform the sacrament, it is better to check the astronomical calendar. Selena is an assistant not only for experienced magicians, but also for beginners in this matter. Before starting the process, you need to prepare - check the connection with the satellite: in the dark, look at it without blinking. If your eyes don’t water and you don’t want to hide from the light, then contact has been established. If you are feeling worse and have lost strength, you should not perform the sacrament.

Before the sacrament - check the connection

There are several rules that must be followed to achieve a positive result:

  • Before turning to the mistress of the night, you should cleanse your home of trash and negativity.
  • Such appeals are requests. You can't demand it. It is better to ask sincerely, not forgetting to thank for what is done.
  • It is recommended to take a cool shower the day before to keep your body and thoughts clean.
  • It is advisable to learn the text by heart and understand its meaning. The pronunciation of each word must be meaningful.
  • Extraneous sounds and thoughts are not allowed. Just full concentration on the process.
  • Rituals will not work if you do not believe in them.
  • Desire should be the only, most important, necessary thing at this moment.
  • A few days before the selected date, you should not drink alcohol.

The period is most favorable for attracting money, relationships and health. The moon has a feminine origin. Therefore, he can generously reward the weaker sex with beauty and captivating charms. You can ask for a successful marriage, profit in business, untold wealth. She is favorable to those who ask for themselves, but not to the detriment of others.

Ancient rituals for the new moon

New moon rituals

Using the opportunities of the new month, they bring something new, positive into their lives: a long-awaited pregnancy, material well-being. An excellent chance to improve fortunes, increase trade sales, improve health, fill the spirit with vitality, and increase immunity. It is prohibited to treat cancer patients during this period.

Magic knots

A cord made of natural material of sufficient length is used. At night, when the sky is clear, they tie knots on a cord and say:

“I’ll tie a knot, everything I say will come true...”

To your health

The effect is done on water when you need to strengthen endurance, immunity, recover faster after surgery, etc. A full bucket is left outside the door at night. At dawn they bring you back into the house and whisper:

“The moon is growing, filling me with strength. Enter me through the water and give me full health.”

It is important to completely cover yourself with this water. Do not dry yourself, but you can put on a robe or wrap yourself in a sheet. Let your hair down and let it dry on its own.

The most effective conspiracies for making wishes come true

Full moon conspiracies, thanks to a powerful release of energy, quickly fulfill your wishes. It takes much less effort and time to implement them. And knowing especially effective ways, you can get what you want surprisingly easily.

Items for the ritual

A cherished note

The process is simple but very effective. It must be done when the hands show twelve o'clock. Armed with a pen and a piece of paper, concentrate on writing down what you want in a positive way. For example,

“I’m getting married,” “I’m vacationing at the seaside.”

A note is left on the windowsill. During the day it is put away in a dark place, and at night it is again laid out on the window. And so on for three nights in a row. After fulfilling the wish, the paper is burned.

Magnet talisman

You need to prepare the following attributes: a sheet of paper, a pen, a small magnet, a string and two candles.


Each desire has its own color, according to which the lace and candles are selected. Thus, the magic of love is red; wax candles of green shades are used for money rituals. For other sacraments, yellow and white tones are suitable.

Write your most cherished dream on paper and place it between lit candles. Closing your eyes, imagine what you want in the smallest detail, it is important to feel the emotions from this. Then say the following three times:

“Just as the moon is filled with power, so my wish will be fulfilled!”

The magnet is wrapped in a note, tied with a cord and kept in a secret pocket as an amulet until the wish comes true.

Using a mirror

To realize your plan, you need to arm yourself with a small mirror. After twelve o'clock, with a clear sky, go out into the fresh air. Taking a mirror in your hand, so as to see the reflection of the heavenly satellite. Looking straight into the mirror, say:

The mirror is removed and not disturbed until the full phase is over.

Full moon love spells

Love spells are universal. They are used not only in cases of unrequited feelings, but also when they want to protect their relationship in order to strengthen the bond. They are able to help even in the most hopeless cases, when the last hope remains.

Spells with three candles

Three candles

You will need a blank sheet of paper and three candles. The candles are placed in a row and set on fire. Write one sentence:

“(name) loves me.”

When writing your loved one's name, it is important to think about it and visualize it clearly. Exactly at midnight, the leaf is set on fire from the central candle. It should burn completely. Afterwards, the ashes need to be scattered into the wind by going outside. When throwing out the ashes, you must repeat what was written and add:

"Let it be so!"

Using flowers

Full moon spells using flowers are especially popular. A rose is perfect, but you can use any other flowering plant. In addition to the flower, you need two more red candles. This method will help you attract your ideal partner.

At exactly twelve o'clock at night, the flower is placed in the center, with lit candles on the sides. For a few minutes you can look at the composition, imagine your soulmate, happy family life with him. Then they pronounce the appeal:

“Just as this flower is beautiful and fragrant with its aroma, so my betrothed will always delight me. Our love with him will be beautiful and will never fade. I believe, I know, I attract love into life!”

Put out the fire. Determine the cozy and a nice place in the apartment.

Witch's room

Ritual on an apple

Cut a red juicy apple into two halves. Cut out the middle. In the hollow that appears, place a folded note with the name of your loved one. Combine the apple halves and tie with a red ribbon or thread. While the fruit is being tied they say this:

“As an apple dries up, so let the servant of God (name) dry up for me and become exhausted without me. When the fruit dries up without water, then it will come to my doorstep and remain next to me. My soul and heart will be filled with his love for me and passion. And there will be no end to these feelings. Let it be as I wish."

Then they put the apple on the windowsill to dry.

To make my dear yearn

Night is the time of lovers, the lunar goddess protects them. Therefore, requests related to matters of the heart are often embodied on the full moon. Melancholy comes when a man is far away. For example, frequent business trips.

Charmed water

Exactly at midnight you need to take a cup filled with water, holding it in your hands and looking into the mug and say:

“No living thing can live without water: water dries, fish die. So I will be water for my betrothed (name). And he won’t be able to live far from me. Every day he will admire me and confess his love.”

Then drink water.

To catch up with the wind

With the help of the wind, they send the sweetheart a feeling of longing, an urgent need to meet and not part. It is advisable that the night be windy and the full moon clear. Then you need to go out and say:

“Mighty winds fly to my betrothed (name), bring him to me, whisper about me. May he love me forever, forever. The moon is powerful, you see everything, you know everything. Be my assistant. Place melancholy in the heart of God's servant (name). He will have no peace without me, neither day nor night. Only next to me will he find his peace. That’s what I said, the winds did it, the moon helped!”

According to photo

A spell for the full moon using a photograph will not make you wait long for results. Exactly at midnight, go to the intersection, put the photo to your chest and read:

“Your thoughts will be cleared of all worries and troubles. Your thoughts will be filled with longing and sadness for me. You will love me alone and you will think only about me.”

Rituals for the waxing moon

The period when the star is growing is used for creation and increasing profits. They read conspiracies using one of the four elements: water, earth, fire, air. They pursue the following goals: increase income, restore love relationship, bring back good luck in business.

Rituals for the waxing moon

Attract money

At night, leave a handful of coins on the windowsill for several hours. Then recalculate the capital saying:

“The month is growing, giving me profit. As soon as the moon becomes full, my wallet will become full.”

Say three times. IN next night bury the coins in the ground before the full moon.

Ritual for good luck

You will need a comb and a hair tie. Stand by the window, where the moon is clearly visible, comb your hair and braid your hair and say the text:

“The power of the moon envelop me, hide me from negativity, hide me from evil. Braid good luck into my hair, help my dreams come true.”

Braid your hair and go to bed like that. In the morning, you can unbraid your hair.

What spells are cast on the waning moon?

The ideal time for internal cleansing, getting rid of negativity and bad energy, from everything unnecessary and alien, from what brings the unhappy.

During the phase of the “defective” moon, rituals of getting rid of:

  • financial difficulties and debts;
  • diseases and enemies;
  • various dependencies;
  • sadness and bad luck.

You cannot perform magical actions to attract love, health and beauty.

From lack of money

Prepare a large sheet of paper, an iron plate, and a candle in advance. In the dark, when the sky is clearly visible, go to the window, crumple up the paper and put it in a plate. From a lit candle, set fire to the paper and while it burns, say the following words:

“The moon melts above the ground, the leaf melts, trouble is gone. My debt is melting, but lack of money never looms. As the paper burns out, my debts will turn to ashes.”

When there are ashes left in the plate, scatter them in the wind by going out onto the balcony or outside. Store the candle until money problems don't decide.

Witch rituals for good luck

From bad luck

As soon as it gets dark, you should go outside and raise your hands to the month in the sky and tell him about all the misfortunes and problems. After this say:

“Luna, my friend, protect me from negativity. As the moon wanes, so do my troubles disappear. Just as the moon dissolves in the night, so is my luck to be reborn.”

When you go to bed, you should think about what changes await you in the future.

Possible consequences

Rituals based on use lunar magic, have a strong impact on external circumstances. In order for them to bring the desired result, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules and pronounce the words clearly. If you do not take this seriously, your health may be impaired or a crisis in business may occur.

You should not tell other people about the ceremony. This can frighten away luck and happiness. It will be more effective to carry out one full moon spell in one cycle.

The Earth's constant companion, powerful and mysterious, will always come to the aid of those who sincerely turn to her and believe in her magic.

Full moon rituals are powerful ways magical influence, when using which are guided by phases lunar calendar. The celestial body closest to Earth significantly influences human life, which magicians successfully use.

To try to perform magical rituals on the full moon, you need to prepare for it. Before performing rituals, check the possibility of connecting the soul with the celestial body.

On a clear night, go out onto the balcony or open the window wide. Look at the moon without blinking. If this comes easily, your eyes do not water, there is no desire to turn away - the moon responds positively.

If you feel better the next day and feel better, you can begin the rituals. If you feel unwell, your eyes hurt, insomnia or nightmares begin, do not try to perform lunar rituals.

Follow the rules for all rituals:

  • before the ceremony, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, stick to a healthy diet;
  • do not use gadgets;
  • spend a day in nature;
  • take a bath or shower;
  • Before performing the ritual on the full moon, do not communicate with people.

Powerful rituals involving lunar energy

The calendar consists of a new moon, a waxing moon, a full moon, and a waning moon.

Each phase is suitable for performing certain rituals. On the new moon, rituals associated with new plans will be successfully held.

During the growth phase, rituals associated with attraction are performed, and during the decline, rituals are performed with deliverance.

On a full moon, any ritual will be effective if you believe in it. The planet gives strength, saturates black and white magicians with energy.

There is an opinion that this time is not suitable for witchcraft - it is too dangerous, an unstable phase, especially for amateurs.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

Attraction rituals are often performed during the waxing moon phase. The luminary reaches its maximum power, its connection with the magician increases.

Make a fortune-telling on the full moon to make your wish come true:

  • for the sale of housing;
  • for good luck;
  • for luck;
  • for beauty;
  • to your health.

A spell to sell a home allows you to talk to the house spirit and ask him for good luck in real estate transactions. Perform the ritual under clear skies. At night, turn off the lights, light a white candle, and go around all the corners of the house. Say the words on the full moon:

I go around the house and clean it up.

The house is mine, but the main one is Domovoy.

Bring new owners to the house, bewitch them to me.

I hand you the keys and treat you to sweets.

The housewife walks around the house three times and places the keys near the door. Leave sweets and milk in the dishes for the brownie. In the morning, bury the leftover treats and throw the candles out of the house.

For good luck, on a full moon, put some metal coins in your left pocket. Find a body of water without a current and throw the coins into the water with your right hand. Tell:

I give money to the water and take good luck for myself.

Go home in silence.

You can perform a ritual if you wish. By the light of a white candle, write a wish on paper. Burn the paper and collect the ashes.

If the dream was to acquire or attract goodness, scatter the ashes to the wind; if you are getting rid of evil, throw them into running water.

Spells for beauty and health during the full moon. For the moon bathing ritual, find a body of water in which the Earth's satellite is reflected at night. Plunge your head into the water three times, reciting the spell:

I wash my body, I won’t hide my nakedness. The water flows, youth will return.

After the ritual, do not dry yourself with a towel - the moisture should dry on its own.

On the full moon you can prepare the elixir of youth. Take spring water, glassware, a pink candle and rose buds. In the light of a candle, take the liquid into a container and throw the petals with the words:

The water is fresh - I am young, beautiful as a flower.

Leave the water on the windowsill in the moonlight. In the morning, throw away the candle, use the water for bathing or for wiping your face and body.

Beauty ritual with water. Get naked on the moonlit path. Take a glass of drinking water and say:

Give me youth, moon. Let them look at the image, let them admire. The water will disperse for me - youth and beauty will return.

Drink water in the morning. Can be divided into portions.

Ritual of cleansing from excess and negativity

On the full moon, rituals of any kind are performed, including elimination of:

  • addictions and illnesses;
  • life's troubles.

You can get healthy and free yourself from addictions with a simple ritual. Write your wish on paper, burn it in a fire or on a candle on the full moon. The ashes must be thrown into the water. You can’t scatter it to the wind - the disease will return.

To ward off troubles, perform a ritual on the red thread. Light a white candle, take a new ball of red thread. Tear off the thread. Say the spell:

The red ball rolled and stopped at my house.

Remove black misfortunes, save from misfortunes.

Let a piece of thread protect you and help you in business.

Tie the thread on your left wrist.

Ritual three days before the full moon

Can be done three days before the full moon. These include rituals of getting rid of excess weight and attracting money with the help of a rug.

The ritual for excess weight is carried out like this: take a candle, wait for darkness. On a clear night over the flame say:

The flame drowns the candle wax, the moon wanes in the darkness of the night, my fat also melts.

A conspiracy to attract money using a carpet has the opposite effect. Held on a full moon. Take paper or metal money in an amount that you don’t mind spending on yourself once. Place it under the rug the best choice- doorman. Say:

I don’t lose a penny, but my income keeps coming.

Gold loves me, silver loves me.

On the day of the full moon, take out the money and spend it on pleasure. You cannot spend it on paying debts, loans, bills.

Ritual to attract money

The powerful energy of the moon helps you become rich with the help of magical rituals for money.

To wallet

Take a new wallet, light green candles on the full moon, prepare a wad of paper and metal money. Fill your empty wallet moonlight. Take one bill or coin at a time and say:

Once you enter my wallet, you won’t leave it.

Repeat the spell until your wallet is full. Put the money in the moonlight, don't put out the candle. You can use money from the 18th day after the ritual.

On a magnet

On a full moon, take three coins and a magnet. Place a magnet in your favorite clothes and money in different pockets. Turn off the lights and light a candle. The result of magic for money will be a week after the ritual.

For coins

At any time of the year, preferably in May, rituals for coins are held. Take any coin, go into the forest and find an aspen tree. Dig a hole and say:

I planted wealth. Grow wealth, I will gather you, there will be no count of gold and silver.

Dig a hole and leave.

On the water

Place 7 coins in a container of water, place them in the moonlight and say the magic words:

The moon and the cup are full, the coins are shining, they are pouring out in a heap, and there are more in your pockets.

Money charged during the ritual is a talisman and cannot be spent.

For candles

On a full moon, place two green candles on a white tablecloth. Look at one candle and wish for wealth, then at the second and wish for good luck. Put out the candles immediately.

Per capacity

Place a paper asking for wealth in a square container. Place the coins one at a time, placing the bay leaf last. Close the lid tightly.

For a large amount

To receive a certain large amount, this ritual is performed. Take all the paper money you have, preferably large ones. Start counting.

When the pack is finished, turn it over and continue counting. When you count the required amount, thank the luminary for your help.

On the box

In a new box on a full moon, put a note asking for money, a few bills, and use aromatic oil. Hide the box. When the magic is complete, give the bills from the box to the poor and burn the note.

On spices

Place ginger, basil and cinnamon in your wallet. To enhance the effect of the ritual, you can rub several bills with herbs.

Attracting love

The full moon will help to carry out a conspiracy for a man’s melancholy. A session with roses and a bath ceremony are performed.

For a pink plot, you need a container for water and dried flowers. Place the petals in a container. Find poplar and willow near your house. Cut a willow branch with the phrase:

Willow, give me beauty, wisdom, love.

Cut a twig from the poplar, saying:

Poplar, light the fire of love.

Tie the sticks with red thread and place them in a glass with roses. On the night of the full moon, throw everything from the container onto the ground. Contact your companion:

The moon is cold, but my love is hot.

Since ancient times, witches have performed a bath ritual. The woman must collect branches from seven birch trees, saying:

The birch bends down, the beloved reaches out to me. Whoever pairs me will be my partner.

On a full moon, lovers steam with a charmed broom.

What not to do on a full moon

The powerful energy of the moon leaves its mark on what happens in people's lives. This is especially noticeable in May. To avoid trouble, try to follow the rules of behavior during the full moon.

At this time you cannot:

  • hold a wedding - the spouses will quickly separate;
  • quarrel with your lover - a quarrel out of nowhere will develop into a big discord;
  • make homemade preparations - canned food will quickly spoil;
  • cutting hair and nails - that's how it goes Vital energy from the body;
  • carry out surgical operations - there is a risk of serious complications;
  • sleeping under direct moonlight will provoke nightmares.

Conspiracies and rituals during the full moon are very powerful. In other phases, the strength of the celestial body is not so high. Some experienced magicians They believe that beginners and people unsure of the power of spells should avoid casting spells during this phase of the moon.

Religious reading: prayer for wish fulfillment on the full moon to help our readers.

IN modern world many people are interested in the question of how to use magic to fulfill their deepest desires. This is due to the fact that every person has a dream that they want to make come true.

Magic can help with this, but it must be used very carefully. Any magical ritual conducted for selfish purposes and containing a negative message, can lead to unpredictable consequences. Entire generations of blood relatives may even pay for such an action. Therefore, the desire should not only be sincere, but it should not contain a negative message.

Effective rituals for fulfilling desires

A conspiracy to make a wish come true will be successful only if all the recommendations and rules of a particular ritual are followed. Any deviations may cause negative consequences.

It is important that your desire is real. You should not ask higher powers for anything unrealistic; dreams must be fully conscious and specific. This will allow you to correctly and clearly formulate your thoughts. Just for fun, you cannot use magic to achieve a goal and, of course, you should believe in magic.

Strong conspiracy on the new moon

A powerful ritual is performed during the new moon, but it is very important that this time coincides with Saturday or Sunday. The optimal time for the ceremony is sunrise.

In the ritual you will need to use:

  • Slice of bread;
  • A little rock salt;
  • A glass of drinking water;
  • A candle.

It is very important to choose the right color of the candle, which depends on the type of desire:

  • White – to get rid of negativity;
  • Orange – for solving career issues;
  • Pink – for personal desires;
  • Blue – to solve health problems;
  • Green – for the desire associated with obtaining a well-paid job;
  • Yellow – when making a wish for travel and developing creative ideas;
  • Red – when desire is related to sexual relations.

After the color of the candle has been chosen, you can proceed to the ritual. The ritual is carried out in a separate room.

First, you should speak to the water with these words:

After this, the candle is lit, then in right hand Take a piece of bread, and add salt to it with your left hand.

During this process, you need to whisper the following magic words:

After this, you need to eat the bread, biting off a small piece. In the process of this action, you need to imagine the moment when your plan will turn into reality. After you finish eating the bread, you need to rub your hand together and take three small sips of the charmed water. At the end of the ritual, you should extinguish the candle with your fingers moistened with water from a glass.

After this, you need to pronounce the following magic spell:

You should drink the remaining water in the glass, and mentally say the last magic words again.

Full moon ritual

As you know, the power of the moon can help fulfill a cherished desire. The full moon has the greatest energy, but you need to address it with the right words. The ritual is carried out at midnight and it is very important that during the ritual there is a night light in the sky.

First, you should mentally formulate your desire, and then read very expressively the magic spell, previously written on a piece of paper.

The following words may be spoken:

Before any ritual, you should focus on your goal and distract yourself from the realities of life around you. It is important to understand that your desire should not pose a threat to the world around you. If the ritual was successful, then you will definitely have an inner feeling that everything worked out.

Full moon wishes come true

A strong spell on a handkerchief to fulfill a cherished desire.

I would like to offer you a truly unique handkerchief spell that will fulfill your cherished wish on full moon days.

The handkerchief should also be charmed against the “seven troubles.”

I don’t know why, but the fulfillment of a wish directly depends on the correct magical execution of the spell, which involves a newly purchased handkerchief.

Used and washed will not work.

You don't even need to go to Orthodox church and light church candles.

Everything is much simpler!

The first thing you will need is a clear formulation of your cherished desire.

The second is an uncomplaining belief that the desire will come true.

Third, you must patiently wait for the calendar full moon.

Fourth, you will have to retire to a locked room, sit down at the table and put a piece of paper with a plot in front of you.

He, in turn, should lie on the handkerchief with the magical text facing out.

Mentally imagine your innermost desire and the process of its fulfillment.

Proceed to repeatedly and confidently repeat special occult lines.

A handkerchief, a handkerchief - it will be useful for a cold. This time there is a different covenant, a slander against desire. You will lie in your pocket and spell my fortune. I get what I want, I know what I want. May my dreams come true, you will help me with this. Not for the nose or eyes - let the order be fulfilled. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After painstakingly reading the magic spell, throw the spell sheet into the trash, and carry a handkerchief with you everywhere.

Put it in a secret pocket or purse (briefcase).

You expect your wish to come true before the next full moon.

If necessary, re-create all the events to consolidate the occult result.

May all your wishes come true!

A strong spell for desire.

At exactly midnight, having carefully tracked the phase of the full moon, begin patiently whispering a magical spell. Mentally formulate a clear request, turning your gaze to the heavenly body.

To read a strong conspiracy, use handwritten text, which will come in handy in the future.

I praise you, moon and night. I turn to you with a request for the fulfillment of a wish. Let everything planned be accomplished and everything renounced not be fulfilled. Endow me with your strength and bestow good luck in this noble endeavor. May all desires gain your power, and I pledge to worship you. As you shine in the sky, so my wishes will be fulfilled on Earth. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Once again, I remind you that any desire, without exception, must be endowed with your internal energy. The full moon is just a battery that is charged by your influence.

Calling on the power of the moon for help, do not reject what nature has endowed you with from birth.

If within seven days your wish does not come true, you can whisper again strong conspiracy, only on the waning phase of the moon.

A powerful spell to fulfill a wish on a full moon.

Everything you have planned will certainly come true if you use the most powerful spell to make a wish come true.

The days of the full moon are endowed with extraordinary magical power, which is made to work by the casting spell.

Remember, we have already talked about the fundamental differences between a ritual and a spell.

In fact, both are occult acts aimed not only at provoking the fulfillment of desire, but also at gaining material well-being and long-awaited love.

You can cast a spell on any object or attract good luck without involving it.

Let's get down to the execution itself.

Attention, you don’t even have to go to the Orthodox Church for church candles. There is no need to carry out any complex or incomprehensible manipulations.

Patiently wait for the calendar phase of the full moon and accomplish your plan exactly at midnight.

Lock yourself in a room. Sit down at table. Turn on dim lights.

Stretch all the power of your energy and imagine what needs to be done.

Clearly draw pictures of your innermost desire in your head.

Do not leave this state for about 10 minutes.

After preliminary mental preparation, begin to obsessively and confidently recite the powerful spell you have written down on a piece of white paper.

I conjure my wish to come true soon. Good luck will rush to me like a whirlwind, misfortune will be quickly rejected. Any idea and plan will be implemented omnipotently. With the power of fire I conjure desires, and with the demon of the night I fulfill them. What is planned, I know exactly what I will receive, I will take it forever. From this day on, success is in my power, my life will now be better than everyone else. Amen! Amen! Amen!

To enhance the occult effect, repeat the night spell for 13 days in a row.

The more powerful your own energy surge is, the sooner your cherished desire will come true.

Full moon rituals to fulfill a wish, 2 powerful rituals.

Hurry up to use the full moon to fulfill your innermost desire.

Every person has a dream.

These could be thoughts about wealth or getting rid of illnesses.

We all lack something to be completely happy.

So make a wish, fulfilling it with a special ritual.

Rite is sometimes identified with ritual. Let it be their way.

When the calendar full moon arrives, start serious work.

Wear your favorite clothes for the season. If you are a young lady, then make a “marafet”.

Sit down at table. Light 13 church candles.

Mentally imagine the fulfillment of your innermost desires and instill in the process itself inexhaustible faith in success.

Proceed to repeatedly and confidently whisper special magical spells that are part of any ritual.

As the moon shone in fullness, I made a wish. Let everything I want come true, I won’t tell anyone - I’ll remain silent. Oh, Moon, let your dreams come true, let the tears not flow from despair. May all the dreams that nest within me come true on the full moon. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

This conspiracy is truly feminine. Apparently it is intended for the weaker sex.

There is another one - universal - not inferior in strength to the first.

On the full moon I call on the forces to make everything I wish come true. There will be no barriers, no obstacles, and let no one judge me. Oh, Luna, I keep everything a secret, I won’t tell anyone about you. Help me fulfill my dream, I will read this plot again. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Take the cinders to the trash bin. Take off your favorite clothes. She has already helped you in this simple ritual.

You wait for your wish to come true until the next full moon, once again completing all the activities and working towards the final result.

Full moon rituals and rituals for the fulfillment of desires, love and money

The full moon is the most favorable time of the month for performing various kinds of rituals and ceremonies for cleansing negative energy- this can be attributed to rituals for cleansing space, as well as rituals in order to cleanse the aura, remove various damage and get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. With the light of the full month, it is proposed to illuminate those objects and objects that, to varying degrees, hinder a person’s improvement, as well as his growth as a person.

Full moon rituals are performed in order to get rid of bad habits, such as drug or alcohol addiction, smoking, poor nutrition, or painful cravings for something. If something interferes with a person’s life, and he wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible, the best moment for such deliverance is precisely the stage of the full moon.

Rite of Liberation

You need to describe on a piece of paper three things that the fortuneteller wants to get rid of in the very near future (habits or diseases). Afterwards, very solemnly give it all to the fire. In fact best case scenario such a ritual should be reproduced in this way - a person gathers on the street with friends, each of them writes a “letter of deliverance,” lights an ordinary fire, stands in a circle, and then the friends take turns throwing such notes into the fire.

You need to observe how “problems” become ashes. But if a person does not have the opportunity to light a fire, it will be enough just to write what he would like to get rid of, and then read the desire out loud very loudly and burn it with an ordinary candle - flush the ashes down the toilet .

Ritual to cleanse the aura

This is a very powerful full moon ritual to cleanse the aura, which can be performed at the moment when a person feels that he urgently needs to cleanse the aura of accumulated negativity. The best time to do it is at night. It must be carried out in full moon, or at least decreasing.

For this you will need:

You need to mix all the ingredients and before taking a shower at night, apply this mixture to your body, leaving it for seven minutes.

At this time, you need to read absolutely any prayer (like “Our Father”). At the same time, a person must clearly imagine how he is cleansed of everything negative. After this, you need to rinse everything off with cold water.

If a person feels that he needs a strong cleansing of the aura, he needs to do the procedure for seven days.

Ritual to increase sexual attractiveness

  1. You need to pour boiled water into a glass, throwing a pinch of salt into it with your left hand. Place the glass in such a way that the light of the moon falls on it. Next, you need to read the plot until the salt is dissolved: “Moon water is like a girl’s tear, may I be young, beautiful and not sad, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for my complaisance of character!” Let the glass sit all night.
  2. In the morning, when washing your face on an empty stomach, you should take a sip of this water, mentally saying: “Water is in me, and beauty is on me!” You should repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

Full moon ritual to fulfill wishes

This ritual should be performed on the very first full moon after a person’s birthday. He needs to write down on a piece of paper any desires of a material nature - for example, a house, a car, a telephone. It is extremely important that such desires be full of sincerity.

When all your cherished wishes are written down, you just need to ask the Higher Powers for a hint, help, while thanking for everything that will be received. It is believed that over the course of a year a person will be able to receive all of the above from this list.

Full moon ritual to attract money

It should be performed at night when the moon is full. It is extremely important that the sky be very clear and starry, with a view of the Moon.

  1. You need to take a cup and pour it in clean water up to half. You need to throw a silver coin into the cup. Place the cup on the windowsill or take it out onto the balcony (if possible, it’s better to go outside) so that the light of the full moon falls on it.
  2. A little, lightly you need to move both hands over the water surface, as if collecting silver in your hands. At this moment you need to say three times: “Wonderful Moon Mistress! Please give me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I am able to take everything that You bring!”
  3. Then you need to go outside and pour the water into ordinary soil (not asphalt), and keep the coin in your wallet.

Another money ritual:

Ritual "Money Full Moon"

  1. On the night of the full moon with the onset of darkness, you should go out under open sky(on the street or balcony).
  2. Then you need to take your wallet in your right hand, and with your left hand transfer large bills from one pocket to another three times. At the same time, you need to say the following words: “By the blessing of the Mother - the Moon and the powers of the components, I attract to myself the eternal flow of prosperity. I ask you to help and support me for the common good. So be it".
  3. Returning home, you need to lubricate the green candle essential oils orange or basil. In the aroma lamp you need to light incense with one scent: poppy, honeysuckle or almond.
  4. You need to lay out the bills from your wallet near a burning candle. You need to sit down and concentrate on the burning flame, visually imagining your desires coming true. You need to let the candle burn out, and then carefully put all the funds in your wallet, and in the following days try to spend them on what you dreamed of.

On the full moon you can make wishes. They come true without fail.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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How to perform full moon rituals to fulfill a wish

Since ancient times, humanity began to notice that the full moon has a beneficial effect on living beings. The earth's satellite has such a powerful energy message that a person begins to have strength and performance increases. A person’s thoughts begin to actively manifest their abilities, and magical rituals have incredible power. If you make your wish during the full moon and not after, it will soon come true, you just need to try. The only caveat is that you must adhere to all the rules for attraction specified in the ritual. In order for your cherished dream to come true, it is necessary to carry out effective full moon rituals to fulfill your desire.

Rituals and rituals on the full moon to fulfill a wish

How to make dreams on the full moon

Full Selena can make a person's dream come true when you perform rituals on the full moon to fulfill a wish. You just need to choose the right mood, and then correctly formulate your thoughts. Signs say that the full moon gives a person incredible strength, receptivity increases, and intuition develops. In rare cases, this leads to the person becoming tense and aggressive. If you want to use the full moon for good purposes, then you should follow certain rules.

  1. Your mental energy should be positive. During the day, do not think about bad things, and do not allow yourself to look at things negatively. All your concentration should be aimed at formulating your dream, attracting good luck and ensuring that it will soon come true. The day before the ritual, clean the house.
  2. Think about what you want in advance. You must make your deepest wish. It is important that it gives you a flow of positive emotions. Only in this case will powerful energy begin to work towards its implementation.
  3. It is forbidden to make multiple wishes for attraction. In such cases, none of them can be executed.
  4. Perform rituals at midnight. At this time, not only the disk is clearly visible. The point is that it is at midnight that magical energy reaches its highest point. Words should be spoken quietly (preferably in a whisper). They just need to sound clear and without hesitation. You can practice pronouncing them in advance. Then they will come true with a hundred percent probability.
  5. When you begin to make your cherished wish, look closely at the lunar disk. Such contact will allow your words to come true faster, and the result will come much faster.

During the waning moon, it is better not to do magical procedures; you could harm yourself. This will negatively affect the result and you will not be able to achieve the desired outcome. For magical rituals, the moments of the waxing moon are often used. The riddle is quite simple. The spell is cast after the thought has been completely formulated.

Water rituals

The Earth's satellite has a significant impact on water resources. This applies not only to bodies of water where rituals can be performed, but also to humans, because we, to a greater extent, consist of water. Therefore, the best rituals for the full moon to fulfill a wish are those that use water. Their technique is quite simple, but you can be sure that everything will come true. Let's consider the most effective ritual. Such a ritual for fulfilling wishes on the full moon does not have to be performed on the moon. You can simply speak in your own words to the water, which is infused in advance with moonlight. To do this, take water into a glass and place it on the window. The water will be charged with lunar energy.

“I, the servant of God (name), ask heaven to fulfill my deepest desire. My dream must come true, because I ask this from the bottom of my heart. I've never had to ask for help before, but I can't stand it anymore. I wish that my dreams come true and do not leave me. Bay leaf helps my dreams, so he will help me achieve my goal. I ask for love and good luck. Ideally, the result will come after my birthday. This would be the perfect gift for me. There's no getting around this. Amen".

As soon as these words are spoken, you can voice your dream, for example about love. The main thing is to invest your pure energy into the conspiracy. Don't touch the glass for one day. After a day, the charmed water is ready for use. You can drink it, you can wash your face with it. You must use it up completely.

Notes for the Moon

In order for the fulfillment of desires on the full moon to come true with lightning speed, it is necessary to carry out special rituals. Their meaning is that you must write on paper all your dreams that relate to the material sphere. They must be written in such a way as if they have already come true. It's easy to do if you really want it. For each request you must write words of gratitude for the moon.

“I thank the moon for bringing me a car. Her involvement has significantly improved my life,” or “Thank you for bringing money into my home. Involving them helped me. Their energy helps me live,” or “I met my love thanks to the fact that the moon helped me in this. I've wanted love for a long time. But I’ve never had to achieve love in a relationship before. My whole point in life was to find love.”

As soon as midnight comes, start reading the note. It is important to make sure that the moon's light falls throughout the room and not just on the sheet. Place the paper on the windowsill, and on top you need to place a figure representing a horse. Most often, a chess knight is used. Do not disturb the situation for several days. After that, you can fold it in several layers and put it in bed.

Magnet for making dreams come true

This ritual works in such a way that you will attract your dream like a magnet. In order to perform magical procedures, you need to do the following: If your desire is money, then it is better to use green candles. There should only be an even number of candles. Light them and look at the fire in a relaxed state. Formulate your request and imagine the moment of its implementation. Now you have to write your request on paper using the smallest details. The full moon will help speed up the implementation. Next stage consists in the fact that you need to wrap a magnet in a sheet and wrap it with red thread. Put the amulet in your bag and keep it with you at all times.

You must keep your thoughts to yourself and not talk about him to anyone. Don’t tell anyone that you are going to perform rituals. This may negatively affect the final result. In order not to forget your request next time, you can write it on a piece of paper and put it in a hidden place. Magic works in such a way that you should not violate its conditions. Magic can take revenge and your life will only get worse. The full moon helps to ensure that your wish comes true quickly. You just need to do everything according to the rules, and not violate the order of actions.

In this video you will find rituals to fulfill wishes in

In this video, Magician Anastasia will show a magical ritual �

Receive Rites and Rituals of incredible power �

Your faith in the fulfillment of your desire should overwhelm you, because it depends on how quickly the dream will come true, and whether it will come true at all. If you are unable to perform the rituals yourself at home, then you can use the services of a professional sorcerer. It’s just worth remembering that it’s better to carry out such rituals in person. Only then will your energy influence the moon and bear fruit. A quality specialist will help you perform the ritual. But it will interrupt your energy, and your desire will come true for much longer. This fact must be remembered, because your peace of mind depends on it.

Each of us has dreams - about happiness, health, love or wealth. Every day we take steps towards their implementation: we try to work tirelessly, improve ourselves, create, and take care of our loved ones. But few people know that you can attract the Moon to help. This satellite of our planet, according to astrologers, has a strong influence on humans. Especially when it completely comes out of the shadows and appears in all its glory. During this period, you can use the energy of the moon to achieve your goals, h make a wish on the full moon so that it comes true.

Phases of the Moon and its movement around the Earth - what is the difference

The Moon influences many processes occurring on Earth. Its movement around our planet changes the force of gravity. This is not noticeable on solid objects, but water is especially sensitive to its effects.

The closer the Moon is to the Earth, the more gravity shifts towards it. A special gravitational wave arises in the world's oceans, which creates high water in one place and low water in another. This is how daily fluctuations arise - ebbs and flows.

The smaller the isolation of the reservoir, the less noticeable this process is. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Each cell of the human body has water, its own micro-reservoir, which reacts to the movement of the Moon in the same way as the water of the World Ocean.

But the phases of the moon are something else. Three phases are involved in determining cosmic bodies- Earth, Moon, Sun. It is their relative position that determines the phase of the Moon. Visually we observe its partial shading or complete illumination by the Sun. This phenomenon occurs with a frequency of 29.5 days, which is a lunar month.

Moon phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

What is the power of the full moon?

On a new moon, the Moon is not visible, but on a full moon it is completely illuminated by the Sun and is in a position of astrological opposition with it. These are two opposite critical points.

Our ancestors considered a full illuminated disk to be the cause of various troubles and misfortunes, quarrels, strife, and illnesses. This is far from mysticism, but the result of centuries-old observations and experience.

During this period, from Selena’s gaze, they tightly closed the windows, did not sow, did not start important tasks, did not organize magnificent holidays and did not start building a house. It was believed that the heavenly body takes away a person’s strength and deprives him of health.

It was at this time that magicians, sorcerers, sorcerers spent their most strong rituals and rituals, caused damage, made love spells.

How to “agree” with the Moon

If the full moon has such powerful force, then is it possible to direct all his energy in a positive direction?

It turns out that it is possible, and many people use it successfully. It is only important to consider what you can and cannot do when the Moon is in full phase.

What you can do on a full moon:

  1. Read conspiracies for love, attracting wealth, health, recovery, good luck, and for reconciliation with enemies.
  2. Repent, ask for forgiveness, reconcile, forgive.
  3. Do charity work, donate, help from the bottom of your heart.
  4. Study creative activity, care for plants and animals.
  5. Carry out diagnostics.

What you cannot or should not do:

  1. Perform surgery, remove teeth, cut hair.
  2. Start big things, businesses, enter into contracts.
  3. Lend money.
  4. Enter into an intimate relationship, apply for marriage registration, negotiate a wedding, perform weddings.
  5. Plan trips.

How to make a wish correctly

Overcome doubt - great work. As often happens, even the simplest goal remains unattainable due to underestimation of one’s strengths and lack of self-confidence. Why do some people go through life, easily overcoming difficulties, while others mark time and quietly envy? In fact, everything is very simple - a person himself puts an insurmountable obstacle in front of himself: “I’m a loser,” “I can’t do this,” “I’ll never become a boss,” “I won’t be able to earn that much money,” “I’ll always fail.” lucky."

But the Universe hears these thoughts, perceives them as yours, and, therefore, fulfills them. And if everything said or thought coincided with the full moon, then all the negativity became even more firmly entrenched. Instead of focusing on what's wrong, learn to focus on what's right.

Your wishes may be the craziest, but if you believe, they will definitely come true. The main thing is to take small steps in the direction you indicate.

Sincerely believe

Our subconscious is directly connected to consciousness. If we are convincing in our thoughts and aspirations, then the subconscious takes self-hypnosis for granted and directs all its energy to accomplish the task. In modern parlance, program yourself to achieve your goal.

Imagine a situation where a dream has come true, draw it in your mind or on paper, and reinforce this image every day. You can make a wish card, a collage of magazine clippings, and hang it in a visible place to consolidate the desired result.

Words matter

Learn to formulate your wish correctly before you say it on the full moon. Clearly and precisely define your goal. Let it be specific, realistic to achieve. From the statements: “I am open to wealth and abundance” and “I earn 5 thousand dollars a month doing work that I like,” the second is more correct and more specific.

There is no need to make several wishes at once, there will be many more full moons ahead, do not confuse the Moon. Stand on a full moon, preferably at midnight, in front of a window and look at the Moon, feel its attraction and contact. Say the affirmations while looking at the bright illuminated disk, with confidence, with joy. Don't be afraid of emotions. If you have written down your wish on paper in advance, you can read it.

It should be formulated in a positive way as if it has already happened. Correct statement: “I met a decent and reliable man with whom I create a good relationship.” Bad statement: “I don’t want to deal with idiots like I’ve been doing lately.”

The subconscious, which is the driving force, attracts what the conscious mind concentrates on. If you focus your thoughts on a negative experience, it is very likely that it will become a part of you again.

And if you say: “I want to meet my love,” then you really want it, and you will want it forever. The moon does not know the future tense and the subjunctive mood, it knows the present and the past. Not “I dream of building a beautiful house,” but “I live in a beautiful house.” Not “I want to recover from the disease,” but “I am healthy, full of strength and energy.”

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Rituals to make wishes come true

To make your plans come true, you can take additional actions that enhance the effect:

  1. Take a glass of clean water. The glass should be made of transparent glass. Say your wish to the Moon by holding a glass of water as close to your mouth as possible. Let the water “get enough” of moonlight. Leave the spoken water on the windowsill, and in the morning, after waking up, drink it in small sips, visualizing a dream come true.
  2. During the full moon, place your talisman stone or crystal on the windowsill. Let him also be a “participant” in your ritual. Carry it with you constantly to attract positive changes.
  3. On a full moon, midnight, go out into the yard and choose a strong, healthy tree. Lay a piece of new fabric under it in any of the “lunar” colors: gold, silver, blue. Stand on a cloth laid under a tree. Speak out your desire while looking at the Moon and formulating the thought briefly, in a positive way. Tear a narrow ribbon from the fabric and tie it to a tree branch. Thank the tree for its help. Now it will be your ally on the path to making your desire come true.
