What is meant by society? Society in a broad sense means. Define the word "society"

The term "society" has several definitions.

In the broad sense of the word society

- these are forms of organization and ways of interaction between people and social groups that are isolated from nature, but are closely connected with it, and are part of the material world.

Concept of society

in a narrow sense, it appears in several variations:
1. Society as a collection of people united by a certain common characteristic, interests (a society of book lovers).
2. Society as a characteristic of a certain historical stage in the development of mankind (medieval society).
3. Society as distinctive features of life in a particular country (Russian society).
4. Society as the entire population of the Earth as a whole (the human race).

Signs of society:

a) integrity - means that society consists of interconnected components (elements of society);
b) openness - society is open to the emergence of something new;
c) sustainability - society strives for self-preservation
d) dynamism - society is in constant motion; Static society is not typical.

Functions of the society:

→ reproductive - reproduction of the species.
→ production - production of material and spiritual goods.
→ regulatory - establishing rules of behavior for people in society.
→ socializing - introducing a person to the achievements of civilization.

Society and nature are closely interconnected.

The entire material world (planet Earth) consists of two parts: society and nature.
Their interaction can be both constructive and deconstructive.
An example of constructive interaction between society and nature: the first settlements along rivers, agricultural production.
An example of deconstructive interaction: drainage of water bodies, deforestation, environmental pollution.
Just as society can influence nature, so nature can influence society.
An example of the influence of society on nature → changes in the river bed.
An example of the influence of nature on society → natural disaster (hurricane, earthquake, tsunami).

Culture - all transformative human activities.

Under the influence of what society develops:
1. Idealists believe that society changes under the influence of human ideas.
2. Materialists believe that society changes under the influence of a person’s desire to live in comfort.
3. Naturalistic approach - society changes under the influence of natural forces.
4. Most scientists agree that society changes not under the influence of any one approach, but under the influence of several.

Society is a dynamic system.

Dynamic - because it is in constant motion, staticity is not characteristic of society.
A system - because it consists of interconnected elements, subsystems of society.
Spheres of society (subsystems/elements):
a) society
b) politics
c) economics
d) spiritual world

Social process - a spatio-temporal concept that includes life milestones of different generations of people.

Trends in the social process:
- progress (movement from lower forms to complex ones)
- regression (on the contrary, degradation).

Criteria for social progress:
progressive development of production
degree of development of science
standard of living of the population
level of protection of honor and dignity of the individual
level of morality

Forms of social change:
1. Evolution
2. Revolution
3. Reform
4. Modernization

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Every person living in society cannot be completely free from it.

This statement by a famous political figure, revolutionary of the first half of the 20th century once again confirms that exactly people shape society, being not only its integral part, but also acting as its legislators, creators, builders.

But how do you get a clear idea of ​​what society is? There is no other way than to study this issue (thoroughly and comprehensively). Well, or for starters, just read this short article.

Definition of society in the broad and narrow senses

So, we should start with a generally accepted concept.

Society is a social entity formed as a result of the interaction and communication between people with common interests, thoughts and goals. These are peoples, countries, continents, all of humanity.

An important sign is that the relationship fold naturally as a result of some historical process (long or not so long).

Society can also be called a separate small group of people united by common ideas, aspirations, and norms (ethical, moral, moral, behavioral).

In a broad sense society refers to any association of people that has developed historically, regardless of their form and type of interaction. If you look very broadly, then this will be our entire humanity from its inception to its disappearance.

In a narrow sense By society (social institution) we mean certain types of social systems, specific forms of relationships with the presence of individual (special) characteristics. Here we are no longer talking about the totality of all existing types and forms of social relationships, but about specifics:

  1. Humanity today is our current society of people.
  2. The population of Russia or any other country is Russian or some other community.
  3. Interest groups - Spartak fans, gamers, chess players, etc.
  4. Community of origin - proletarians, workers, residents of our yard, Muscovites, the noble community, etc.
  5. Historical milestones - primitive, feudal, post-industrial, modern, community of the future.

Society as a form of human life

In the narrow sense of the definition, society should be understood as a social entity that arose and exists on the basis of common geographical boundaries or common political beliefs, or common economic indicators (needs) or on the basis of specific historical facts.

Even in the common sense, this looks like something more global than a narrow circle of people or a group of like-minded people, associates.

Most often, when people use the word “society,” they mean:

  1. a set of communities/groups, the unification of which is determined, for example, by the same values, activities, norms and way of life, level of economic development (colloquial example “modern developed society”);
  2. a community united territorially, that is, by the borders of a certain state (colloquial example “American community”);
  3. a specific type of society that existed in a certain historical period (colloquial example "").

Society is a complex dynamic system

How to understand that this is a society

  1. The presence of a body entrusted with the functions of control over the processes of reproduction and self-regulation (example: leader,).
  2. Existence in special matters called social time and social space. It is noteworthy that these matters are in no way connected with generally accepted concepts of temporal and spatial indicators (example: secret community, clan of poker players from different countries).
  3. Historical background. The process of forming any public association takes place in the conditions of the initial presence of some community of people connected with each other in some way (example: family relations, moral principles, national traditions).


The structure of society is the totality of certain social groups/communities and the relationships both between them and between their members.

A social community as a structural unit is a formation that includes people united by common aspirations, activities or interests, for example, a community of journalists, a club of animal lovers, a community of fans of a particular artist.

Is anything clear? Well, then watch the video (everything is in order there):

Functions of society

Any social institution pursues specific goals, which become aspects that determine its functions. For example, the functions of the army are to ensure the security of a certain territorial unit, hospitals - to cure people of functional disorders of organs and body systems.

Specialists from different fields (sociology, philosophy, social science, history), studying and analyzing the functions of society and trying to classify them, identified 4 main ones:

  1. Management/supervisory. It consists in regulating the relationships and relationships between members of social institutions by creating certain rules, norms of behavior, sanctions, responsibilities, taboos;
  2. Production/distribution. This function is based on the creation and mass production of goods and products according to the needs of members of society;
  3. Social. Distributing and communicating behavioral norms to community members, ensuring their understanding and compliance;
  4. Reproduction function. Ensuring the emergence of new members.

According to the type of activity carried out, the functions of social institutions are divided into 2 types - explicit and hidden.

  1. In the first case, this is an officially formalized activity, fully accepted by government bodies and people (example: studying at universities, marriage).
  2. In the second case, unintentional or deliberately hidden activity takes place (shadow economy, criminal structures).

Spheres and elements

Community elements are the structural components of various public spheres:

  1. Political sphere— the management sphere that regulates interethnic relations, relationships between members of social institutions, government agencies and society. Key elements – courts, army, politics, parliament, etc.;
  2. Spiritual realm- includes the processes of formation, dissemination, awareness by community members of moral and ethical norms, as well as the transfer of these norms to representatives of subsequent generations. Key elements – morality, culture, etc.;
  3. Economic sphere- responsible for production, exchange and consumption. If we imagine that society is an organism, then the economy will act as physiological processes occurring in it. The favorable course of these processes ensures a normal existence for the community. Key elements - goods, tax and bank, commerce and business, money and trade turnover, market, etc.;
  4. Social sphere- covers relationships and their principles in various age and social communities. This area is one of the main indicators of stability and well-being of social existence. The key elements are family (?), clan, class, estate, nation.

The concept of society in different sciences


Science implies the division of human communities based on the methods by which they provide themselves with a means of subsistence. Thus, the whole society is divided into 6 main groups:

  1. Agricultural. Here, too, there is a division into 2 types - complex and simple. In the first case, people are fully and actively engaged in agriculture, in the second – in crop production;
  2. Pastoral(livestock breeding);
  3. Post-industrial(high-performance industry, innovative technologies);
  4. Economic and cultural(weak level of economic and social development);
  5. Industrial(scientific and technological progress, machine production);
  6. Nomadic(nomadic type of economy).

Definition of society in sociology

Society in this science is usually called the social organization of a country, which acts as a guarantor of the joint life of its members.

This is a component of the material world, a certain form of relationships and interconnections, which develops historically in the process of its life. The criteria of society, from the point of view of sociology, are:

  1. Complexity. Society maintains and reproduces its own structural units in subsequent generations, and also includes new members;
  2. Autonomy. It has the ability to function independently, independently providing for its own life activities;
  3. Comprehensive nature(versatility);
  4. Presence of clear territory boundaries, which acts as a material stronghold for the relationships that arise within its boundaries.

Social science

In this science, there is no specific definition of society, since it is a synthesis of many sciences, for example, sociology, psychology, history. For basic concept the following definition is taken:

a group of people who have united to achieve certain goals or according to common interests (example: a union of writers, a community of collectors, a group on social networks).

Also in social science definition is also common, according to which:

society is a certain period of historical development of a specific nationality or people living in a territory clearly defined by borders (state, geographical).

I would like to end the story with an interesting and succinct statement by an outstanding German economist, sociologist and philosopher of the 9th century. It sounds like this:

by nature man is a social being, which means that he is able to fully develop his true nature only by being in society, being an integral part of it, and the degree of strength of his existing nature must be judged by the strength not of individual individuals, but of the entire community as a whole.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Let's read the information.

In a broad sense

society- a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which consists of individuals with will and consciousness, and includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.

In philosophical science

society characterized as a complex dynamic self-developing system, which consists of subsystems (spheres of public life).

In a narrow sense

society- 1. A circle of people united by a common origin, interests, goals.

2. Separate, specific society.

3.Historical stage in the development of humanity.

4. Humanity as a whole.

2. Let's look at examples the words "SOCIETY" in the narrow sense.

1. A circle of people united by a common position, origin, interests; united for communication, joint activities, mutual assistance and support of each other.

high society, secular society, provincial society, St. Petersburg society, elite society, noble society, secret society, Masonic society, professional society, scientific society, pedagogical society, society of surgeons, society of artists, society of flower growers, joint-stock company, insurance society, youth society , horticultural society, entomological society, book lovers society, sports society, philatelist society, nature protection society, Russian military historical society, Russian geological society, society of lovers of Russian literature, Russian society of foresters, Russian geographical society, Russian aviation society, All-Russian society of the blind , All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons, All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, All-Russian Society of Sobriety and Health, Society "Knowledge", All-Russian Society of Motorists, Red Cross and Crescent Society, Society of Combat Veterans, Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, Society of Lovers of Russian History, Society of Descendants - Heroes war of 1812, Russian-Chinese friendship society, Russian-Vietnamese friendship society, Russian-Cuban friendship society, society of Russian-speaking students in Germany, life insurance society, limited liability company

International Society for Contemporary Music, International Society for Music Education, International Society for Human Rights, International Society for the Conservation of Nature, World Society for the Protection of Animals, National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, International Society for Contemporary Art, Royal Society of London for the Advancement of Natural Sciences (colloquially the Royal society)


2.A separate specific society (from the name of the country, state, etc.)

French society, English society, Soviet society, Russian society, Russian society, Western society, Western European society


3.Historical stage in the development of mankind.

primitive society, feudal society, socialist society, capitalist society, bourgeois society, exploitative society, modern society, traditional society, pre-industrial society, industrial society, post-industrial society, information society


4.Humanity as a whole

human society

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Literature used:

1. Social studies: Textbook for 10th grade. Part 1 - 3rd ed. / A.I. Kravchenko. - M.: “TID “Russian Word - RS”, 2003.

2. Social studies: Textbook for 11th grade. - 5th ed. / A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova. - M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo - RS”, 2004.

3. Unified State Exam 2009. Social studies. Directory / O.V. Kishenkova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008.

4. Social studies: Unified State Exam-2008: real tasks / author's compilation. O.A.Kotova, T.E.Liskova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2008.

5. Unified State Exam 2010. Social studies: tutor / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya, M.Yu. Brandt and others - M.: Eksmo, 2010.

6. Social studies. Preparation for the state final certification-2010: educational and methodological manual / O.A. Chernysheva, R.P. Pazin. - Rostov n/d: Legion, 2009.

7. Social studies. Experimental examination paper. Typical test tasks. 8th grade / S.V. Krayushkina. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009.

8. Social studies: a complete reference book / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S.V. Shevchenko; edited by P.A. Baranova. - M.: AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT, 2010.

9. Social studies: profile level: academic. For 10th grade. general education Institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnova and others, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova and others - M.: Education, 2007.

PLAN: 1. The essence of the concept of “Society” in the broad and narrow sense: 1.1. The concept in a broad sense is as a dynamic system; as a part of the material world isolated from nature; 1.2. The concept in a narrow sense - as a group of people, as a stage in history, as a global community 2. Functions of society 3. Structure of society: 3.1. Spheres of society (economic, political, social, spiritual) 3.2. Social institutions of society 4. Specific features of society 5. The role of social relations in society. 6. Development of society in the 21st century. Don't forget to take the quiz on the topic you've covered!

THE ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF “SOCIETY” IN THE BROAD AND NARROW SENSE Society (lat. Socio) A part of the material world isolated from nature, consisting of individuals, including ways of interaction between people and forms of their association. Broad meaning Dynamic self-developing system consisting of elements and subsystems

“second nature”, The concept of “nature” is used to designate not only natural, but also the material conditions created by man of his existence of “second nature”, to one degree or another transformed and shaped by man. NATURE (from gr. physis and lat. natura to arise, to be born) (from gr. physis and lat. natura to arise, to be born) the whole world in all the infinity of its forms and manifestations. the entire material world, with the exception of society, i.e. the totality of natural conditions for the existence of human society. Society, as a part of nature isolated in the process of human activity, is inextricably linked with it

TASK C5. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept “SOCIETY”? Using knowledge from the social science course, compose two sentences containing information about this concept. C6. Explain the relationship between nature and society using three examples. A1. The concept of society includes 1. natural habitat 2. forms of association of people 3. the principle of immutability of elements 4. the surrounding world A1. The concept of “development”, “interaction of elements” characterizes society as 1. a dynamic system 2. part of nature 3. the entire environment human material world 4.unchangeable system

FUNCTIONS OF SOCIETY production of material goods and services; distribution of labor products (activities); regulation and management of activities and behavior; human reproduction and socialization; spiritual production and regulation of human activity.

BUILDING SOCIETY Production, distribution, exchange, consumption of goods and services Management system, preservation of law and order in society Relations between social groups and societies; ensuring social guarantees Relationships arising in the process of creating spiritual values ​​SPHERES OF SOCIETY

STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS OF SOCIETY SOCIAL INSTITUTE - a historically established stable form of organizing the joint activities of people implementing certain functions in society, the main one of which is meeting social needs economic Market, money, banks, enterprise stock exchange, property political State Power Parliament Party Court army social spiritual Family Marriage Motherhood Fatherhood Religion Education Media Science Art

TASK OF AN INSTITUTION (ORGANIZATION) SPHERES OF LIFE OF SOCIETY A) parliament1) social sphere B) health care system2) political sphere C) public organizations D) government E) public services Q3. Establish a correspondence between the main spheres of society and their institutions (organizations): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

TASK A2. Are the following judgments about society true? A. The subsystems and elements of society include social institutions B. Not all elements of social life are subject to change. 1. only A is true 2. only B is true 3. both judgments are true 4. both judgments are false A2. What sphere of social life does the relationship between classes and ethnic groups belong to? 1. economic 2. social 3. political 4. spiritual A3. What sphere of society does religion, science, education represent? 1.economic 2.social 3.political 4.spiritual

SPECIFIC FEATURES OF SOCIETY Diversity of structures and subsystems. Integration of systems into a single whole. A system of extra- and supra-individual forms and connections. Self-sufficiency of the system. Dynamism, incompleteness, alternative development. Society allocates a special status to its own subjects Unpredictability, non-linear development

SOCIAL RELATIONS various forms of interaction between people, as well as connections that arise between different social groups (or within them) MATERIAL RELATIONS SPIRITUAL RELATIONS They arise and develop directly in the course of a person’s practical activity outside of his consciousness and independently of him They are formed by first “passing through the consciousness” of people , are determined by their spiritual values

TASK 1. Which feature characterizes society as a system? 1) constant development 2) part of the material world 3) isolation from nature 4) ways of interaction between people 2. Are the following judgments about society true? A. Society is the population of the Earth, the totality of all peoples. B. Society is a certain group of people who have united for communication, joint activities, mutual assistance and support each other. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

3. The concept of “social institution” does not include 1) school 2) marriage 3) army 4) friendship 4. Are the following judgments about the institutions of society true? A. The institutions of society exercise social control. B. The institutions of society ensure the integration of the aspirations, actions and interests of individuals. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect C8. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Society as an integral system.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

It is worth saying that modern science has several points of view regarding the definition of society. In the narrow sense of the word, society refers to a group of people that exists during a certain period of time in a specific place. As a rule, the people who make up such a group are united by some interests, views, etc.

Any society consists of elements that interact with each other. When considering society from a narrow point of view, each person included in it is recognized as an element. In addition, there is a view of society in the narrow sense of the word as a certain stage in the development of mankind, as well as a specific country.

Society as a self-sufficient structure is in turn divided into four subsystems, or spheres: economic, social, political, spiritual. This applies to understanding society in both a broad and narrow sense.

How society is organized

It is interesting that society in the narrow sense of the word is the subject of study of both sociology and social philosophy. Sociology deals with the study of society as an integral structure. Such social science disciplines as, etc., consider society from the point of view of different aspects.

Society, in its understanding as a group of people united by common interests, rests not only on a community of interests, but also thanks to the benefits that it itself produces. In contrast to the understanding of society in the broad sense of the word as a form of material consciousness isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, society in a narrower sense has true authenticity.

If we talk about the emergence of society, then initially it was formed from people united by common labor. This is close to understanding society in the narrow sense of the word. A distinctive feature of any society is its dynamism and ability for self-development. At the same time, it is important to know that while society changes, it retains its developmental characteristics.

Just as society cannot exist without the people who make it up, it cannot function without the social institutions within it. This is the family, school, student, work collectives, etc. Man, as the main structural element of society, cannot do without society. In turn, society in any understanding is unable to function without people.

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