Angel Day September 19th men's. Did you know that

On September 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate a great holiday, remembering the miracle of St. Archangel Michael.

However, the patron saint of this day is also Reverend David, who from an evil robber turned into a monk and, having repented, was awarded the honor of performing miracles, as the Archangel Gabriel himself informed him about.

Also on this day they remember the holy martyrs Cyriacus, Faustus and Aviv, who died for their faith.

September 19 is also the day of remembrance of the Hieromartyr Cyril, who was also the Bishop of Gortyn. His fate was unusual, he lived until he was 95 years old, but was also executed for his faith.

The holy martyr Romilus could not avoid the sad fate of the first Christians, but he was not afraid to go against the king, reproaching him for recklessness and godlessness, although he was a simple military leader.

Birthday people named after saints are believed to adopt their virtues, which is why it is so important to know the history of these great people.

If you want to choose something unusual for boys born in 2020, old name, you can call them Arkhip or Vsevolod, as well as David or Makar.

The choice of names for girls is small: there is only one option - Thekla.

Those who celebrate Angel Day today should take a closer look at the lives of the saints who are their patrons. Particularly interesting is the story of the Michael Miracle, which was performed by the Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is one of the most revered saints, being the protector of all the weak and disadvantaged.

In addition, he is a strict judge who meets the souls of the dead after death.

He weighs on the scales all the good and evil deeds that were committed by people during their lifetime.

Once upon a time in the city of Hierapolis, one believer decided to build a temple in honor of this saint, since he appeared to him in a dream and promised healing to his dumb daughter if she drank water from a source.

The dream turned out to be prophetic. The whole family of the healed girl was baptized and built a temple. However, the opponents of the faith did not like this, and they decided to destroy it by flooding the entire valley.

The righteous man prayed to his saint, and he instantly found himself near the temple and saved him. A name day on the day of such a holy holiday is an auspicious sign.

Men's and women's name day September 19 to church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Complete list of female and male names and their meanings in Orthodox calendar 2020!

Men's name day September 19

AvivJewish male name. Meaning: “mature ear.” The name of the first month of the Jewish calendar. Martyr Aviv, deacon.
AndreyThe name is of Greek origin. Meaning: "courageous." Memory of two martyrs Andreev.
Arkhip (Arkhip)Meaning: “master of the stable” or “chief horseman.” Male Greek name. Memory of the Monk Arkhipp.
DavidThe name is of Jewish origin. Meaning: "beloved." Memory of Saint David.
Denis (Dionysius)Roman version of the name Bacchus. Means "dedicated to Dionysus."
EvdoxiyComes from Greek. Means "blessed." Martyr Eudoxius.
ZenoGreek male name. Meaning: "divine".
Kiriak (Kiryak)It is of Greek origin. Means "day of the Lord", in some cases interpreted as
"born on Sunday" Martyr Kyriakos.
KirillThe name is of Greek origin. Means "lord". Memory of the Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn.
KalodotComes from Greek. Translated as “giving good.” Martyr Kalodot.
Makar (Makariy)Greek name. Translated as “happy”, “blessed”. Martyr Macarius
MichaelThe name is of Hebrew origin. Translated, it means “like God.” Archangel Michael. Memory of the miracle that happened in Khoneh.
RomilGreek name, translated meaning “strong”, “strong”. Martyr Romil.
Sarapavon (Sarapamvon)The name is of Greek origin. Translated it means “dedicated” Egyptian god Serapis." Martyr Sarapavon.
Faust (Favst)The name is of Latin origin. Translated as “happy.” Memory of the Hieromartyr Faustus, presbyter.
FeoktistComes from Greek. Means "created by God." Memory of the martyr Theoktistos.

Holiday in honor of the icons of the Mother of God: Arapetskaya and Kiev-Bratskaya.

Icon Holy Mother of God Arapetskaya is one of the oldest. No information has been preserved about the time and place of her appearance. It has two more names: “O All-Singing Mother” and “Arabian”.

Miraculous icon Mother of God"Kievo-Bratskaya" appeared in 1654 and was located in the city of Vyshgorod in Boris and Gleb Church. During the war with Poland, after the temple was desecrated and destroyed, it was sent along the Dnieper in order to preserve it in this way. She washed up on the shore of Podol in Kyiv, where she was transferred with great honor to the Brotherhood Monastery.

Names for September 19 according to the church calendar (saints)

September 19 / October 2

Alexy (Alexey) - protect, protector (Greek); assistant, help (lat.);
David (Davyd) - beloved, beloved (Heb.);
Dorimedont (Dormedont) - a king carried on spears (Greek);
Zosima (Zosima, Izosim) - alive, living, strong in life, vital, able to live (Greek);
Igor - Ingvis - god of abundance; prudent, careful (glor.);
Konstantin - persistent, constant, firm (lat.);
Mary - lady, hope (Heb.);
Nicholas - conquering people (Greek);
Nile - a river in Egypt; or black (ind.);
Savvaty (Savvatey) - born on Saturday (Greek); Saturday, Saturday (Heb.);
Trofim - breadwinner, pet, nourisher (Greek);
Theodore (Fedor) - God's gift (Greek).

Did you know that...

September 19 (October 2) Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the faithful Prince Theodore Rostislavich (Cherny) and his children David and Konstantin.

Prince Theodore, the son of Prince Rostislav Mstislavich of Smolensk, was not only a wise and brave military leader, but also a pious man: he always tried to fulfill the commandments of God, and built several churches. Before his death in 1299, he took monastic vows and also the schema. His sons David and Constantine inherited their father's virtues.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


From ancient Greek name Andreas, derived from andros - “man”, “person”; There is also a translation of “courageous”, “brave”, “courageous”.

  • - from the ancient Greek name Archippos - “ruling over horses, controlling horses.”
  • - from Old Russian ves - “all” + volod?ti - “to own”, i.e. “possessing everything”, “omnipotent”.
  • - from the Hebrew name David - “beloved”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Dionysios - “belonging to the god Dionysus.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Demetrios - “dedicated to Demeter (goddess of fertility)”, “farmer”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Kyrillos, derived from the word kyrios - “lord, master, lord, Lord” translated from Persian - “sun”.
  • - from the Latin word constans - “constant”, “persistent”.
  • - from the ancient Greek makarios - “blessed”, “blessed”, “happy”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Michael - “equal, like God,” “asked of God.”
  • Women's name day on September 19 according to the church calendar

    • - from the ancient Greek name Theoclea: theos - “god”, “deity” + kleos - “glory”.

    Name of the day September 19 - Amalia

    The name Amalia is popular in so many countries that it is difficult to trace the origins of the name. It is still believed that this name is ancient German and in translation means “worker”, “hardworking”. This name is also considered Teutonic and is translated as “protector,” and the Italians call Amalia a woman of hard work. The name is especially popular in Spain, England, America, Germany, France and Portugal.

    Somehow it happened that this name is associated with a not very easy fate. It is unknown where such myths come from. If we consider the name with the help of Kabbalah, it turns out that Amalia is truly a saint, God’s chosen one, moving towards happiness.

    The owner of the name, born on September 19, is entrusted with a mission that she must fulfill. You shouldn’t open a bicycle and look for a great prophet within yourself - the mission can also be to sell something with talent. But Amalia is characterized by lofty dreams; she can reach the top in any activity.

    On her name day, Amalia can make a Name Charm for herself by taking silk threads of six colors: blue, yellow, red, green, pink, white. The threads must be twisted into a rope, six knots are tied on each thread - according to the number of letters of the name. This bracelet should be worn on the left wrist. The name amulet calms and relieves mental stress, giving you the opportunity to rest and relax.

    The first letter of the name, made in the form of a pendant, will help you move forward without deviating from your goal.

    Letters of the alphabet seen in a dream will indicate that very important changes in life are ahead. Breaking, burning or collapsing letters indicate that a period of difficulties is coming, while multi-colored, sparkling and flowered letters predict unprecedented success. The purple color of the letters foreshadows passion, blue - new things, green - acquaintances.

    Dreams come true for Andrey, David, Kirill, Makar, Mikhail.

    Letters of the alphabet in a dream on name day night predict vanity. Some words often have a symbolic meaning. For example, the word "arrest" rarely predicts prison. Most often, this Name Day Dream indicates a situation that will take too much time.

    Dreams come true for Ivan and Makar.

    A bucket full of water predicts profit on September 19th. A bucket full of vodka promises disappointment. A cracked bucket in a dream means that there is a person nearby who drives the dreamer crazy. Often such a Dream on a name day warns of ill health.

    Signs of the zodiac