How to remove black magic from yourself. Scorpion. How does the ritual for death work?

White Magic

What is damage?

Damage is a disease caused by witchcraft, induced magically and quite deliberately.

Damage can cause physical illness and death.

Damage causes spiritual illness, mental disorder, melancholy, sadness, fear, and on this basis various “mental abnormalities”, called in medicine schizophrenia.

Damage- these are scandals in the family, violation of mutual understanding, divorces. Therefore, do not rush with the latter, look around, get treatment for damage. This will save your family. Cherish and take care of the good ones family relationships. The devil, first of all, penetrates the family in order to destroy it, since the family is the basis of society. I recommend a wedding in a church for young people. This strengthens the future family: you gain the protection and protection of God.

  1. Corruption is the desire for fornication, adultery.
  2. Damage is a craving for alcohol, because the demon of alcohol overcomes a person.
  3. Damage is a way of life, loss and loss.
  4. Damage is disobedience and a manifestation of pride.
  5. Damage is misunderstanding, negligence, illness of children.
  6. Corruption is apathy towards work, laziness. This is an inexplicable anger when demons are scratching in your soul.
  7. Corruption is a crooked road that takes you away from God.” This is enmity and hatred of your neighbor, this is disrespect for parents and dislike for children. This is a direct path to sin.
  8. Spoilage is an animal disease and crop failure on your land.

Damage can include many other phenomena that destroy and shorten our lives.

How is damage treated?

To this day, mainly one method used to remove damage has been preserved: casting a spell on water; less known are the methods of fumigation and pouring onto wax.

The conspiracies that are used in this case are very different, but their essence is the same: they are all aimed at driving out demons and giving health to the patient.

The sequence of execution is approximately the following, although improvisation in prayers of appeal to God is allowed.

Before applying the main spell, the prayer “Our Father” is read three times over the water, then a request and an appeal to the saints (for example: the holy healer Panteleimon, the holy martyr Tryphon, the holy great martyr Barbara, the holy martyrs and confessors Gury, Samoy, Aviv, pray God “us, about the forgiveness of sins, about the healing of God’s servant (name), etc.), one should not be too verbose; You can end like this: “All saints, pray to God for us.” Next is an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos. You can make a request in your own words, as John of Kronstadt did in his prayers, you can use fragments from prayers. For example: “In repentance we cry from the depths of our souls: Lady, help by having mercy on us: hurry, we are perishing from many sins. Do not let Your servants go empty-handed, for in You we have our only hope.”

Most healers use the prayer to the Cross “May God rise again,” since its main content is aimed at the destruction of demons, as well as the prayer “Alive in Help,” which can be read before or after the conspiracy.

Prayer to the cross

(When reading, mark themselves with a cross)

“Let God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear;

As wax melts in the face of fire, so may demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and who gave us you, His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mary and with all the “saints forever. Amen.” -

“Alive in Help” is one of the most famous among the people. With her words on the lips of Christian warriors during the Great Patriotic War marched from Moscow to Berlin. Everywhere, everywhere it was protection from fear, death, and enemy invasion. In the Bible it is known as Psalm 90, in Orthodox Church is read in Old Church Slavonic, and many people know it in this version. Below I present this prayer in both languages.

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the heavenly God,” says the Lord: “Thou art my intercessor and my refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words: He will overshadow you with His splashes, and trust under His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons. You will not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying during the day, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak and the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you.

Above all, look into Your eyes and see the rewards of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope:

The Most High art Your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body: as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms, and one day you will dash your foot against a stone: you will step on an asp and a basilisk, and you will cross a lion and a serpent. Because I trust in Me, I will deliver and cover, and because I know My name, He will call to Me, and I will hear it; I am with him in tribulation, I will wear him out: I will fill him with long days and show him My salvation.”

“He who lives under the shelter of the Most High rests under the canopy of the Almighty. He says to the Lord: “My refuge, I am my defense, my God, in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; His truth is a shield and a shield for you. " at noon. A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked. For you said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Almighty as your refuge. No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling. For He will command His angels about you - to guard you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You will tread on the asp and the basilisk: you will trample the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver I will protect him, because he has known My name. I will hear him in his tribulation, and I will satisfy him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

Then you can start reading the plot against damage.

I'll give you enough strong conspiracy, which is used to remove damage.

“The Mother of God was walking across the bridge. Meeting her are Nicholas the Pleasant, Elijah the Prophet, and John the Theologian.

Where are you going, Mother of God?

I’m going to wash my nerves, clear my eyes and drive out bitterness from the servant of God (name), from his head, from his arms, from his legs, from his stomach, from his heart, from his liver, from his greens, from his spleen, from his uterus (if a woman), from his ovaries , from the bladder, from the neck, from the spine, from the blue veins, from the red blood.

Savior with a cross. Savior above evil spirits winner. Get away, Satan, from the servant of God (name). Go away, unclean spirits on all four sides. Amen, amen, amen.

Come out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name), from the head, from the hands, from the legs, from the stomach, from the intestines, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the greens, from the spleen, from the uterus (if a woman), from ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole body. Go where the grass grows, where the wind doesn’t blow, where the sun doesn’t warm. Go into the abyss, to the bottom. Amen, amen, amen.

It’s not me who is flying, it’s not me who is speaking, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks. He calls on the Lord God for help with the Angels, with the Archangels, with the Heavenly Powers, with the Lord's dawn, with the evening star.

Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carrying on his head life-giving cross. He placed this cross on the stone floor and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirty-three locks and all with one key. And gave the key to the Most Holy Mother of God in right hand. No one will open these locks, no one will spoil the servant of God (name) either in his home, or at the feast, or on the way. During the day I walk under the red sun, at night under the clear moon. Damn Satan, move away from the servant of God (name) to a thousand roads, to a thousand fields, where cattle do not walk, where people do not walk. And here the holy path is in a holy place and is fenced off by the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and preserve the servant of God (name). Amen, amen, amen."

When finished, throw a pinch of salt and three burnt matches into the water. When matches are thrown, a request for healing is made. The water prepared in this way is drunk, sprinkled on the body, bed, rooms, yard, and washed.

To cast a spell, drink water, as in the case of treating the evil eye. (Drinking water - running water, spring water, the kind that no one has drunk - you cannot take water from a bucket if water from this bucket has already been used).

When you go to get water, you need to say this: “Hello, water is Tatyana, land is Ulyana, and the key is Ivan, give me water, for all troubles.”

White Magic. Evil eye - remedies and conspiracies against the evil eye

What is the evil eye?

Evil eye- the most common phenomenon of the influence of one person on another, giving rise to both illness and various kinds of disorders. U different nations this is believed in different ways. For example, in Ethiopia they believe that only people of certain classes can cast the evil eye. In India, they are convinced that any person, as well as spirits and even animals, can cast the evil eye. In Russia people have always been wary of people with black or slanted eyes.

But the look itself sometimes turns out to be not as dangerous as an unsuccessfully pronounced word. Beware of scandals, quarrels and curses of your neighbor. It is in swearing that a person receives a certain amount of bad influence (in folk magic sometimes the evil eye and curse are combined).

An envious look is as influential as an envious word.

They can equally spoil the business, lead to ruin and failure. Experienced people never show work they have started until it is finished.

It would seem that the reason for the evil eye is clear - it is an evil eye, an evil or envious word, a curse thrown by someone; however, do not rush to conclusions. A joyful word spoken without any ulterior motive can also jinx it. Children are most susceptible to this influence. A “smoothed out” child makes itself felt on the very first day of unsuccessful communication with someone. And the first signs of this are restlessness, whim, lack of sleep. If you don't take action, nothing good can be expected except a breakdown of the nervous system.

Adults suffer from this no less. Depending on their profession, lifestyle, communication, people are, to one degree or another, under the influence of dozens of eyes, subject to discussion, criticism, deception, slander, and all this to some extent influences them. spiritual way of life. People deal with the evil eye differently. Some can live their whole lives and not need treatment, while for others the evil eye is a serious destroyer of the nervous system.

As a rule, the consequence of such an impact is lack of sleep, imbalance, and disruption of communication between colleagues. It is sometimes difficult for such a person to look into the eyes of the opposite party; he cannot stand the gaze of others. And from here comes what we call abs and nervous breakdown.

Imagine, for example, an actor who has temporarily lost the gift of communication with his partner. This means the game is upset, this is a disaster. They are looking for ways out. Medicines, drugs, and alcohol are used. And it is much easier to learn to take away the bustle of your day by using a simple and harmless remedy - a conspiracy.

In ancient times, there were various kinds of amulets against the evil eye. For example, if someone looks at a sleeping child, the mother should then spit three times. Bandages made of red threads were worn on the arms against the evil eye. The symbolic power of bright color was transferred to plants with red berries, such as viburnum and rowan. Rowan is believed to ward off witches.
Conspiracies against the evil eye have survived to this day and have practical applications.
Conspiracies against the evil eye

This section contains two spells that you can use.

All conspiracies are made on water. The question arises, why water? I will try to explain in the words of A. N. Afanasyev from his book “The Tree of Life”: “Both fire and water are light elements that do not tolerate anything unclean: the first burns out, and the second washes away and drowns all the misfortunes of evil spirits, the host of which were counted among in the old days and illness. Next to fumigating a patient, carrying him over a blazing fire, striking sparks over sores and similar means ethnoscience uses pouring water, washing, sprinkling, accompanying all this with spells on the disease so that it leaves the person or animal and retires to the deserted places of hell. Mostly medicinal properties attributed to spring water."

Conspiracy against the evil eye 1.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name), from every eye, from bad times, from women’s, from men’s, from children’s, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation.”

Execution: pour the drunk water into a jar, throw in a pinch of salt, light a match, baptize the water with fire and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Cross yourself three times and say these words three times. As the match burns, the burnt part is broken off so that it falls into the water. There should be three such fragments.

The plot is read over water nine times. After this, the patient is sprinkled with water three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Drink water several times a day. For small children, water can be added to prepare porridge. Usually relief comes immediately after one or two sessions.

Conspiracy from the evil eye 2.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Save, Lord, protect, Lord, protect, Lord, the servant of God (name) from black, from yellow, from brown, from gray, from white, from male, from female, from infant, from girlish, from child’s eye, from thoughts, from changes of mind, from conversations, from negotiations, - from evil people. It’s not me who reprimands, he reprimands Holy Mother of God with your lips, with your fingers, with your Holy Spirit.”

Read over water 12 times. Then throw in a pinch of salt, burn three matches one by one, while baptizing the water with burning matches and saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The rest is the same as in the first case.
Other remedies and conspiracies against the evil eye and curses.

Wash in the bathhouse. “Grandmother Solomonida washed and soared, and spoke conspiracies from vein to vein, into a single vein; so that neither fates, nor ghosts, nor any slander would be taken; and not lingual, and not sublingual, spot and not heel, plantar and subplantar.

On Maundy Thursday they take pebbles from the stream: “Just as a pebble doesn’t fit, the child won’t fit.” You put the pebble in the water and wash the baby with it.

"A white birch tree, a curly birch tree, grew in an open field, a wide expanse. Everyone who walked was envious of it. She was not afraid of the wind, nor the weather, nor human slander. So you, baby, servant of God, would not be afraid of either windy fractures or human slander."

You also put spoons and coal in the water. The coal will definitely hiss if the child is exhausted. You wash your crown and chest with this water, then pour it over your left shoulder on the road and say: “It came from the people - go to the people; it came from the wind - go to the wind.”

To protect a child from the evil eye, you need to take water, three gray pebbles, three spoons; Pour water into the dish so that it runs over the spoons. This is done at dawn on the stove bench. The child must be washed with this water: wet the crown, chest, and then give him a drink. Then go outside, pour it out and say: “It came from the forest, go to the forest, it came from the wind, go to the wind, it came from the people, go to the people.” Speak three times.

“Heaven is the father, earth is the mother, water is the queen, give water not to the cunning, not to the wisdom of God’s servant Anna. Amen". (Speak to water three times, then wash yourself with this water from a cup and drink; these words are good, there are not many of them, but they are not good, they help).

“The water is water, the queen of the sea, Soap and rinse the stumps, roots, The meadows are green, the grass is silky, Also wash away, rinse off the servant of God’s baby lessons, touches, troubles.” They will speak into the water and wash with this water.

Look at rising Sun and circle your head with your ring finger so that it doesn’t hurt: “Just as on Maundy Thursday the sun rises, rejoices, shimmers with all sorts of colors, so my little head wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t feel dizzy, would live and be happy.”

Conspiracy for eye diseases.

“Dawn-Zorenitsa, red maiden, take the red eyes, and give me clear eyes.”

Put silver in the washbasin: “Just as this silver is clean, so the eyes were clean.”

Sit under the chickens' roost and splash water in your eyes while casting the spell. “Chickens, chickens, give me my sight, take my blindness.”

Spell for ear disease.

“You are cervi, Cervi are horned, don’t talk, turn the ears of God’s servant. Tread and turn a dry tree where cattle do not walk, grass does not grow, and the red sun does not rise. There is food and drink for you there.”

A spell for sore throat and cough.

We went to three sisters, we went to three dawns. In the morning I get up and read: “I will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I'll go out to open field. And I will stand facing the dawn. And I will pray and worship two dawns, two sisters: the morning dawn of Ulyana, the evening dawn of Maremyana. morning dawn Ulyana, evening dawn Maremyana, and take all the cough and suffocation from me, and carry it over the ocean-sea. Everyone will be mistaken for the ocean-sea. It's baked and cooked there for you. Amen".

You must go out on Maundy Thursday before sunrise, stand behind the house so that no one can see, and shout 3 times in a drawn-out voice: “Morning dawn, give me a voice, take away the voicelessness.”

Conspiracy for hiccups and belching.

“Hiccup, hiccup, go to Fedot. From Fedot to Yakov, from Yakov to everything.”

Three times in the morning at dawn: “The morning one is Ulyana, the evening one is Marimyana, the third goes out and goes out, there is no belching.”

Conspiracy for toothache.

“You, father, the month is bright, haven’t you flown through the air, haven’t you been to Adam’s house, haven’t you seen Adam in the coffin? Just as Adam’s teeth and gums don’t hurt, so would (name of the rivers) didn’t get sick.” Repeat three times.

Repeat over a piece of bread eaten by a mouse three times. Then this piece must be eaten: “Lord, Jesus Christ, Lord, bless the servant of God (name). Just like this mouse-creature’s teeth never hurt, at any time, at any dawn, it gnaws on iron, wood, and stone. So that the servant of God does not have toothache at any time, at any dawn, and does not feel sad. Amen".

“I will stand up, servant of God Katerina, blessing myself, go crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field. In an open field there is a fierce sea, In a fierce sea there is a fierce stone. Under the fierce stone, the fierce pike has seventy teeth. Iron teeth do not hurt without closing these teeth. Likewise, the servant of God Catherine, in clear and cloudy weather, did not get sick, did not close her teeth. From now on forever, from now on I will forever hang the key and lock on my words. Amen". Speak on the salt, on the onion and put it on the tooth. Lie down and don't go outside.
A spell for back and joint pain.

Put a broom on a person’s threshold, a broom on his back, and flog him with an ax: “What are you flogging? - Utin. “Slap me harder so that there is no pain.” Three times like this.

Ovin shorkayutstse so that no one sees, and they say: “Ovin, you, Ovin, take my duck, and if you don’t take the duck, I will burn you, Ovin.”

To prevent your back from getting tired when mowing, they tucked grass under your belt and said: “Just as the grass stands and doesn’t get tired, so your back doesn’t get tired.”

“Reaper, reaper, give me back my snare.” The reapers stood talking when they finished reaping.

For blood, wounds, shock.

“The woman was walking, leading the dog. The dog stopped, but the bleeding stopped.”

“The dog ate the dog, only the blood flew, the dog from the dog urvalasi, and the blood subsided. Amen". When you cut yourself with a sickle or something, talk to a rag or plantain and tie it up.

“An old woman was walking from the Tsar’s tavern, got scared, fell, and started bleeding.”

“Danilo was riding on a white mare; the mare was tired and the bleeding had stopped.”

“Stand on a stone, the blood won’t drain, the thread breaks, the blood boils.” You need to spit on the wound three times.

If the blood needs to be spoken, then they say: “Earth is my mother, iron is my brother, do not carry my blood and do not sharpen the heart of God’s servant Ivan with mine, so that there is no blood, no wounds, no aches, no pinching, no blue swelling.

“Like the mother of cheese, the earth is not afraid of blood, cuts, or swelling. Neither the blue blueness, nor the servant of God (name of the rivers) is afraid of blood, nor cuts, nor tumors, nor the blue blueness.”

“On the sea, on the okiyan, on the fast brawler, there lies a stone. Mother Most Holy Theotokos stands on the Alatyr stone. Holds butcher's broom in his hands, sews up the wounds of seventy-seven veins and seventy veins of joints. Not a single bone will ache or ache. Do not break the aches. And don't burp. Amen". At the end of the third time, sprinkle with water. The prayer must be read twelve times.

“On the great ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is the Alatyr stone. Two girls are sitting on it, they are sisters. They spin yarn. The yarn has come off, and the blood has drained away.” So to speak three times.

Conspiracy for pain on impact

If you fall on the street, you must say three times: “King of the earth and queen of the earth, forgive the servant of God (name). You didn’t put it on me, but I put it on you.” This must be repeated for three days, three times. And if you are drowning, then the same thing must be said three times to the king of the water and to the queen of the water with her little children.

Whenever you fall, you must say: “Forgive me, Mother Earth.”

For burns and fever.

“The dawn is until noon, and the evening dawn is until midnight, and your burn is before my word.” Three times. Every time you speak, blow.

“Ice on the road, and ice on the doorstep, and ice on the river, and ice on the lake. Leda at five versts, and at ten versts. The servant of God (name) has ice on his hands and feet.” Lead, open the pipe and speak the words. Circle the burn with coal or sour cream three times.

“In an open field there is a flammable stone. A sick woman was sitting on this stone. She holds a hot frying pan in her white hands. Her hands did not burn and she did not feel chills. Likewise, God’s servant (name) would not have a burning hand and no chill.”

“Ice on the road, ice on the threshold, ice on the river, ice on the lake, at seven miles, at nine fingers. I remove the fever of God’s servant (name) and drive it away.”

On a flying fire, a svoroba, a thorn.

“A fox ran with foxes, with copper tongues, licking, spitting flying fire, rough and rough.” Spit on that place three times, read it three times, repeat these words.

White Magic

Fever spell.

“The servant of God (name) went out from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under the bright moon, under frequent stars. He walks the road to Jerusalem. There are two gates in them, and there is a white stone called Alatyr. On this stone sat distant maidens, distant maidens, distant maidens, they babbled and discussed how to go into the world, shake the world’s bones. Father Moron heard them, they prayed to him, they bowed to him: let us go, Father Moron, We will not go for centuries, we will not go to this house, so the servant of God (name) has not been for centuries, for centuries it has not been, for centuries there hasn’t been one for ages.” The plot must be read three times, and at the end, spit three times.

Conspiracy from the face.

“On the Siyana Sea, on the island of Kurgan there is an oak tree, on that oak there are twelve faces: Blue face, red face, wonderful face, negotiating face, funny face, eye face, windy face, crowbar face, bone face, judgment face, negotiation face. You, Vasily the Elder, gather up these ugly scoundrels, take these faces to the moss-swamp, there are silk tablecloths. Have a drink and walk with servant Anna of the Holy Spirit. Amen". This part is pronounced twelve times. “Crash and roll across mosses, swamps, white birches. King David Constantine shortened heaven and earth, and shortened the sorrowful illness of the servant Anna of the Holy Spirit. Amen". Say this part three times. They spoke early in the morning, before speaking they washed and crossed themselves. Circles and crosses were drawn with the hand over the sore spot.

Barley spell.

I put three grains of wheat on a pecan. “As these little bits crack, so will my dog’s teat disappear.”

Say it 3 times and it will dry up. Make a fig out of your fingers and poke it into your eye. It would be better not for yourself, but if someone did. “Barley, barley, you have a fig, for a fig you can buy a mare. The mare will die, the barley will dry up.”

“Barley, barley is a fig for you, whatever you want, you can buy it, buy yourself an axe, chop it across yourself.”

Boil conspiracy.

You circle the sore spot with your ring finger three times: “This finger has no name, This place has no chirp. Be my words strong and sculpting. Amen".

Find a twig, first circle the twig with your little finger, and then the boil and say: “As the branch dries up, so does the boil dry up.”

“There is no flame from stone, there is no blood from iron, there is no fruit from rudeness, and there is no name for the ring finger, and there is no place for you, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen".

“Boil Vasily, dry from above, wither from below, go to the branch, go to the branch.” Draw a knife around and tap on some knot.

“Boil Vasily, move wider, you’re in the way in that place, there’s sixty in another.”

Conspiracy against male impotence.

Blood is taken from the ridge and treated so that the guy can act. The verdict here is: “Like a rooster’s comb stands, so would (name) stand!”

The rooster's braids are dangling, three feathers are torn out and burned. Either they will put ash in the food, or they will pour it in for a man to step over: “As these feathers dangle, so would everything dangle with God’s servant Efim. Amen". (3 times)

They take the iron and heat it up (let him urinate on the iron) “Just as this iron does not bend, so the servant of God Efim would not bend. Amen".

“Just as these scissors do not bend or break, so does the servant of God... so that he can stand.”

“As a teapot has a sock, so would a servant of God... stand. From now until forever.”

“As a bull has a horn, so would a servant of God... stand. From now until forever.”

As soon as your man begins to weaken, you go to the bathhouse and make him urinate through the wedding ring into a bucket. Then let him pour it on himself and say: “Let the trunk and a hundred branches of an oak tree stand like iron, like stone, so let all the veins and one vein of the servant of God (name) stand like stone, like flint. From now on and forever and ever, Amen.” And then let him take a steam bath and come to you, and you accept him, don’t refuse, otherwise things will be worse.

On Maundy Thursday, go to the bathhouse and pour water into the tub and throw in some garlic and pepper and say: “As this pepper and garlic are hot, so let the servant of God (name) be hot.” ​​Then let him go and pour it on himself and say: “Just as an oak tree has all one hundred branches and one twig that do not bend, do not break, or become soft, so let me, the servant of God (name) on the servant of God (name) have all one hundred veins and one vein not bend, not they break, they do not become soft, but they will be strong as steel, sharp as a knife.”

Spell for snake bites and bites.

“On the sea-ocean, on a sharp mound there is an oak tree, under the oak tree there is a bush, under the bush there is a black rune, under that rune there is a black snake Skoropey with small skoropyaty. Snake Swift, take out your fierce, flying, burrowing, field, crevice, yellow-tailed, green, red-bellied, swamp, earthen, water swifts. If you don’t take out your sting, I’ll go to the dashing archangel, I’ll light a rotten log into your family and I’ll burn out and drive out your tribe. And quick-moving snake, take your sting quickly from the slave (or from the cattle). It’s not I who call out to you, it’s your mother who calls out to you, the Most Holy Theotokos. With her holy words she called forth and blew out with her spirit. Amen.” xx (the crosses were placed according to the instructions of the performer.

Dog bite spell.

If you are afraid of dogs, like you are in the evening, put your thumb and ring fingers together and say three times: “You, dog, are blind and dumb.”

Insect bite spell.

“Wasps, you wereps are red-hot noses, don’t touch me: bitter aspen is me.” When they mow, they say it to the nest. They'll mow it down three times.

“You wereps, wasps, burning noses, don’t burn me, don’t bite me. The skin is iron and the blood is stone.” Repeat three times.

“Tick, tick, I’m going into the forest, and you crawl under the roots.” 3 times

“I’m under the tree, the tick is on the tree.” You say it three times.

“I’m going into the forest, and the tick is in the forest!”

“The tick is on the tree, we are under the tree.”

When collecting herbs, herbal medicine.

“Mother Earth, help me pick the grass for the sake of all the land, for the sake of all health.”

Medicinal herbs are plucked from Ivanov to Peter's day. They tear it up and say: “The sky is the father, the earth is the womb, wherever it fits, be there and okay. Amen".

They tear it up and say: “A root from the ground (grass). What it is good for is what it is useful for.”

Conspiracy against drunkenness.

If someone drinks a lot, catch a live fish. Dip this fish in vodka and immediately pull it out. Give him a drink: “As this fish trembles in vodka, so the soul of the servant of God (name) would tremble when he sees vodka. Amen".

Put the dead man’s teeth in wine or water and give the drunkard a drink: “The dead man doesn’t drink wine! So the Servant of God should not drink wine!”

A conspiracy from melancholy.

“Cur, mind, thoughts, mind, mind, thoughts, mind, mind of other people's words. It's too much to blame the servant of God Svetlana. Glory to the father and son and the Holy Spirit. !Amen!"

“Mother River, Klyucheva Water. How she washed the steep banks, How she carried away the yellow sands, So wash and rinse Sadness and melancholy from the servant of God (name of the rivers) From clear eyes, From bloody livers, From a zealous heart, From a violent head. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Amen! Ugh!"

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous induced negative programs. The most surprising thing is that it is this ritual that is most popular among people. And these are not just words, because the strongest envy, hatred of the enemy are the same strong feelings, like love. But if lovers use black magic to bind their loved one, then anger pushes people to perform dangerous rituals. Moreover, their effect can affect not only the victim, but also the performer or customer. So, how to recognize damage to death? How does the ritual work and how can you remove a given program?

How does the ritual for death work?

Damage, which involves a fatal outcome, is done with one single purpose - to destroy a person, to take away the most precious thing from him - his life. The performer can choose different ways to cause damage to death. However, all these rituals can only work according to two principles.

  1. Impact on the fate of the victim. In this case, the future of the person against whom black magic was used changes dramatically. He may become the victim of a catastrophe, accident or other “unexpected” event that will lead to death. Thus, damage to death manifests itself through misfortune and acts quickly and sharply. Moreover, this will not necessarily be a car accident or an attack by criminals. Damage to death can be manifested by an icicle or a brick falling from the roof on the victim’s head. Misfortunes will always haunt a person, but the witch simply changes the event field and allows everything to be completed in the way she needs. No one knows exactly how death will occur. Protection against damage of this kind must be very strong; it can only be done professional magician. Amateurs can only make the situation worse.
  2. The next option is easier and more popular. In this case, damage to the death of the enemy is done through the removal of health. In this case, the victim will die from the disease, no matter how severe the illness. This kind of damage to death is done if they dream of delivering a person as much suffering and pain as possible, if they want him to feel fear of the inevitable end life path. The peculiarity of the ritual is that it does not necessarily have to interfere directly with the fate of the victim. The ritual can be performed through a phantom, when the performer influences the human biofield. Moreover, there may be several such “breakdowns”, and then the victim suffers not from one disease, but from several at once and ultimately dies.

In some cases, performers combine both methods. First, they send illnesses to a person and, only after enjoying the agony and despair of the victim, do they allow her to die quickly, influencing her fate.

Retribution for the damage caused

Anyone who is going to perform a ritual on their own or turns to magicians about this should know that any witchcraft has a rollback, including damage to death. The consequences can be the most unexpected. As a rule, punishment follows at the moment when the reverse ritual is performed on the victim, that is, the removal of the negative. It is impossible to avoid a rollback, since the given program, which is damage to the death of a person, has not been worked out, which means it will go to the one who ordered it. And this is fair from the point of view of witchcraft. Of course, if the damage to death was ordered and it was done by a professional magician, then he will be able to mitigate the consequences. However, if the ritual was performed by an ignorant person, then expect trouble. In this case, the perpetrator will most likely face the same fate that he wished for the victim. However, the worst thing is that the consequences of a rollback can affect completely innocent people - those close to the customer. Moreover, sometimes the consequences are so strong that they fall on the entire family of the customer, transforming into a terrible curse. As a result, the customer's descendants will suffer. The cursed family is marked by early deaths, frequent suicides, the presence of epilepsy and cancer. Women of this kind often give birth to sick babies or are completely infertile. However, the most striking sign of the existence of a curse is the presence of mentally ill people in the family.

Symptoms of damage

In books on black magic you can find a lot of recipes telling how to bring damage to death or bewitch a loved one. However, the complete rituals that guide professional sorcerers are unlikely to be described in publications accessible to the common people. There is nothing there about what the victim will feel. That is why many people cannot determine that the sword of Damocles is already hanging over them. However, it is difficult to name any special signs of damage to death, since they are often intertwined with symptoms after other rituals: for a bad life, for health, etc. As a rule, damage to death is manifested by the appearance of suicidal tendencies in the victim for no apparent reason, constant loss of strength, nightmares, sudden addiction to alcohol and drugs, and the presence of diseases that traditional medicine cannot diagnose. If there are pets in the house, you should take a closer look at their behavior. As a rule, their attitude towards the person who has been damaged changes greatly. This is especially noticeable in the reaction of cats. Animals are afraid of humans and hide from him.

How to recognize damage to death?

We’ll talk about how to remove damage to death later; first you need to make sure that the ritual was actually performed. After all, sometimes what we take as signs of witchcraft is just a coincidence.

You can find out about a running program using the usual chicken egg. Cold water is poured into a faceted glass, not reaching the edge a couple of centimeters. Next, take a raw egg and carefully break it, you want the yolk to remain intact. After this, they sit down on a chair, press their chin to their chest and place the glass with the contents on the crown of their head, lightly holding it with their hand. You should sit like this for about 3 minutes. You are not allowed to move. The maximum that can be done is to change the hand holding the glass. When the time is up, look at the result. If the water remains clean and the yolk is in the white, then everything is fine with the person, there was no interference in his fate. If columns of protein are noticed in the glass, then there is spoilage. In this case, you should carefully examine the broken egg mass. If the protein has broken up into thin columns resembling hairs or cobwebs, it means that the ritual was performed by an amateur, and the damage will go away by itself after a while. Moreover, she will return precisely to the performer and become three times stronger. If there are bubbles on the protein columns, it means damage has been caused an experienced magician. But this ritual was done on bad life. The signs of a ritual being carried out, the result of which should be death, are immediately noticeable. In this case, in addition to bubbles, black dots will be observed on the protein columns. They will also appear on the yolk. This means that a very strong cemetery damage to death has been brought upon the person. If, in addition to black spots and bubbles, the edges of the protein mass look like scalded, and green and gray spots appear in the middle of the yolk, it means that the person has the most severe and terrible type of damage - painful death.

Who should I contact to remove damage?

When the first signs of interference in the biofield appear, you should immediately think about how to remove damage to death. Of course, it is best to contact a powerful magician or parapsychologist with this problem. In addition, a qualified psychotherapist who knows hypnosis can cope with damage. During sessions, he will be able to penetrate the subconscious of a person doomed to death and set him up for recovery, thus freeing him from previous negative settings. Such protection against damage is very strong, since the body can independently cope with external interference.

How to remove damage to death yourself?

If you can’t turn to specialists, you can try to remove the negative program yourself. To do this, you need to go to church, where they will tell you which prayers against damage to death help best.

Sometimes damage is caused through an object. Therefore, if you find some strange or unfamiliar thing in or near the house, you should say the following words:

  • “Water descends to the Earth as rain, then returns to the clouds. So let the deeds of my enemies return to them. So be it! Amen!”

In ancient times, people also tried to get rid of damage on their own. To carry out the ritual, 3 women were found: an unmarried woman, an old maid and a widow. The main thing is that these women themselves express a desire to participate in the ceremony. All together they went out into an unsown field and dug a hole. Next, sand was poured into the dug holes, which they brought with them and kept in a cloth bag in their bosom. After the sand was poured out, the following words were required:

  • “When the buried sand rises, then life (name of the victim) will leave. Amen!”

Having pronounced the spell three times, the women turned around and left without looking back.

Ritual to remove damage

There is another way to remove the induced program. However, it will take much more time than the previous ones. However, health, and even more so life, is more important. In addition, this ritual not only eliminates damage, but also provides protection and patronage of the Higher Spiritual Powers. The ritual must begin on the last day of the week, that is, Sunday. The duration of the main part is 7 days. During this time, you should visit a church or house of worship every day, and read the “Our Father” in the evenings. The best time for the ceremony is Holy Week, which falls on the eve of Easter. In addition, the person who has been damaged must wear pectoral cross, and during the ritual, place in front of you an icon with the face of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” and a lit church candle. The spell against corruption, which will need to be read, will be given in the church. It should be said in a whisper 3 times. The full course is 3 full weeks. The first 7 days adhere to strict fasting, then during Holy Week they read prayers, and in the last week they drink charmed water. Unfortunately, a professionally done death spell has incredible power, so it is almost impossible to remove it in one go. As a rule, three such courses will be required.

Damage protection

In order to avoid becoming a victim of death damage, knowledgeable people recommend installing protection. It can be done in different ways. The simplest and most popular is sealing. To do this, take an empty bottle of any volume and fill it halfway with small nails, crushed glass, metal shavings, and needles. The remaining volume is filled with hydrochloric acid. While filling the bottle, certain words should be said:

  • “Going out into an open field, I met 7 demons with half-spirits, black, evil, unsociable. You demons go to unkind people, be with them. So that I, who suffered at their hands, remain safe and sound in the forest, in the house, in my family and foreign lands. Amen!"

After this, the bottle is closed with a tight stopper, sealed with wax and buried shallowly in a deserted place. In the future, this bottle will be able to protect its owner if they suddenly begin to damage him to the point of death. It will be valid for 5 years. After this, the ritual should be repeated.

Runic damage to death

Runic corruption is one of the most complex and powerful types of magical curses. As the name implies, runes will be used to carry out the ritual. Damage to death is done, as a rule, through a small ritual with an invocation of Hel. Without special knowledge, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since it can turn against the performer himself. Only the person who has the correct “protection” can perform runic damage. Combinations of runes (so-called formulas) used by sorcerers act on each individual individually. Therefore, when using a formula, it must first be diagnosed. This will help you not make a mistake with your choice and select the one you need. If you have to use several formulas, they are first checked for compatibility, since some runes conflict with each other. After this, the performer must say prayers to God for several days in a row and bring a ransom. Some people think that this need not be done. In principle, this is true, but then the ritual performed will have much less power. To cause damage to the death of an enemy, “Mannaz” is first drawn, and then “Hagalaz” runes are placed on both sides. Only a highly qualified specialist can remove such damage; beginners cannot do this. This is explained by the fact that runic damage- this is the use of special characters, which are keys that can open the entrance to secrets ancient magic. The full information about these signs has not reached us; now specialists spend a lot of time and effort on this; we can say that information is being obtained bit by bit. A limited number of magicians have access to information.

Damage to quick death from a photograph

A photograph contains a lot of information about a person, so it is most easy to damage it. Of course, it is better to use a paper photograph rather than a digital one or one taken from social networks. The latter are not “live”, so they are not always suitable.

The easiest way to cause damage is to put a photograph in the coffin of the deceased, that is, to link the living with the dead. In this case, you will need to imagine how the dead man drags the victim along with him. Thus, in this ritual, the main task of destroying a person falls on the spirit of the deceased. This ritual belongs to necromancy, which is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous sections of black magic, since any wrong move can cost the life of the performer himself.

Sometimes it happens that the biological field of the victim is well protected, and she retains her vitality until the photograph in the coffin decays, that is, the victim’s face will not be visible. In this case, the conspiracy will subside on its own, and the person will slowly begin to return to normal life. To avoid such a situation, black magicians laminate the victim’s photo, and then it can be stored almost forever. If it is not possible to place a photo in the coffin of the deceased, then other rituals are performed. Of course, they will not be as strong, but they also work. For example, they do it as follows: a photograph of the victim is thrown into a pan of boiling water and boiled, saying:

  • “Let the body of the slave (name) burn, the blood boil, and find no peace. But if she finds peace, she will remain there. Amen!”

The photograph is boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the photograph is dried and the water is poured out. A person affected by such damage will begin to get very sick and soon die.

If you have become a victim of black magic and do not know how to remove damage, try working ways to get rid of such influence and its negative consequences.

If a series of bad luck suddenly befalls you, you fall ill with a disease that doctors cannot cure, you are accompanied by failures everywhere, all your plans fail, a real black streak has come in your life, then it is quite possible that you have become a victim of black magic.

In this case, damage means the impact of negative vibrations, both sent by another person and caused by you personally.

Removing damage with candles, threads and prayer

For the waxing moon, buy five candles and thick black threads, preferably wool. On the waning moon on any day except Wednesday, at sunset, wash your hands, face and feet with warm water. After this, lay the threads on the floor in the form of a five-pointed star and place candles at its ends. Stand in the center of the sign, light the fire, starting with the eastern candle and moving clockwise. To perform magical actions, turn your face to the west.

When this is done, put your palms together at chest level, read the Lord's Prayer to clear the space around you and call on the heavenly powers to help you. After saying the prayer, lower your hands and read Psalm 58.

After reading the psalm, blow out the candles and twist the threads, which you then burn in a fire away from your home.

Reading the psalm will cleanse your aura from the damage caused by black magic and relieve it of damage. The main thing is that you must not just read, but completely believe and immerse yourself in what is being said, so that the words come from the heart. Only in this case will prayer work.

You will feel the effect immediately after burning the threads.

Removing damage using visualization and conspiracy

Prepare a sheet of paper, ink and three large candles. In the third lunar quarter around midnight, begin preparations for magical actions. To do this, place a large container of water on the floor, and place three candles in a row on the table, next to which place a sheet of paper and ink.

At exactly midnight, undress and put your feet in the water. Further actions are aimed at working with energies, so you need to focus on sensations, thoughts and feelings. To begin, completely “let go” of the body. Imagine how relaxation from the feet rises to the pelvis, then goes along the back and stomach to the shoulders, from the shoulders down to the hands, from the hands again rises to the shoulders, to the neck and finally reaches the head.

Do this until you feel that your body has become heavy and slightly increased in size. Such manipulations are necessary so that nothing interferes with the normal circulation of energy in your body.

Now imagine how in the stomach (three fingers below the navel and three fingers deep into the stomach) a gray ball begins to actively rotate, in the middle of which a boiling red-black thick liquid reminiscent of lava is bubbling. This is the negative energy that corruption generates. The ball collects blackness from all over its body and rotates faster and faster. When you feel that everything negative from your body has gathered in a single boiling point, begin to lift cool energy up your legs, drawing it from the water, and direct it to the ball. Envelop it in this coolness, then divide it into two balls and lower it down your legs into the water. Repeat the same steps, starting with the accumulation of negative energies in the center of the abdomen and ending with their neutralization, as many times as you need to completely clear negative vibrations.

When the body is cleansed, proceed directly to removing the damage. Now you must destroy the source of negative energy. To do this, without taking your feet out of the water, take a sheet of paper and write it completely on both sides with ink with the words: “Let all the power of the evil devil, all the blackness unleashed by the villains, fade away, disappear in me, in the servant of God (name), in the servant of God (name) the power of the Divine spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, relax your body again as described above and remove your feet from the water. Wipe them with a clean cloth, set fire to a piece of paper and, while it burns, say the same words that you wrote on it. Then collect the ashes, scatter them in the wind and blow out the candles.

Pour the water into the ground immediately; under no circumstances leave it in the house overnight. Before going to bed, when you are already in bed, say the following spell: “If the evil one has left me, then let me sleep peacefully. If not, then let me know, dream about me, show me your real appearance. Amen".

If you did everything correctly, you will sleep peacefully. If something was done incorrectly and the damage was not removed, you will have nightmares all night or you will not be able to sleep at all. If the same person is present in nightmares, then he has cast a spell on you. In this case, repeat all the steps again, but remember - it is very important that you believe in the power of this magical remedy.

How to throw off the damage caused to the offender

Prepare a blank sheet of paper and ink in advance. On the waning moon on any day except Monday, at midnight, sit comfortably in a well-lit room and place a piece of paper and ink in front of you. First of all, prepare the body to remove the damage. To do this, you need to completely relax and calm down so that there is no interference with the passage of energies.

When you are ready to continue, take a sheet of paper and completely write on one side with these words: “Whoever caused the damage takes it away. It goes away from me and onto the offender. Amen".

Then wait for the ink to dry. At this time, read the Lord's Prayer and try to relax and calm down again. When you are ready, turn the paper over and draw the sign shown in the picture on the other side. That being said, you need to do some internal visualizations.

First, draw a circle, close your eyes and imagine how black energy collects in your body and comes out through your palms, filling the drawn circle. Once all the negative vibrations have left your body, continue drawing.

Draw a star inscribed in a circle and imagine that it begins to glow with a light golden light, and then gradually becomes brighter and brighter, turning into bright yellow. This is a seal that closes negative energies and prevents them from returning to you. After this, draw six large dots on the star and imagine how these dots turn into silver nails. They fasten the star and pierce negative energies. After this, draw crosses, starting from the bottom, moving counterclockwise - they will not let you in evil forces to your seal and will not allow it to be removed.

It is very important to believe in what you are doing, since the action of this method is based on your personal strength, which is supported by faith.

Leave the piece of paper on the table until the morning. At dawn, burn it, saying: “I burn it with fire, I throw it into hell. Let my damage burn there. Amen".

Within two days you will get rid of the damage.

Visualization and help of the Mother of God in getting rid of damage

To remove damage you will need holy water and four candles. On the waning moon on any day except Monday, at sunset, pour a full bath of water (the temperature should be comfortable) and place four candles on its edges. Undress, comb your hair, add holy water to the bath and kneel in it. Ask the Mother of God for help with the words: “Mother of God, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with You and His life-giving power is in Your hands and womb. Come to my aid, help me get rid of the evil spirits, help me get rid of the dirty tricks, help me get rid of the evil spirits brought upon me by my enemies. Your child, the child of the Lord God the greatest, asks you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After saying the prayer, plunge your head into the water and take a comfortable position. Relax and imagine that your body is enveloped in golden light coming from the sky and penetrating through your skin. It cleanses every part of the body, every organ, every cell, and you begin to emit this light yourself. At the same time, you should have a feeling of joy, peace, love and purity. Your body becomes light and all problems fade into the background. If such feelings do not arise, refresh the water in the bath without leaving it. At the same time, do not forget to add holy water and repeat all visualizations again.

When you're ready to continue, step out of the tub, drain the water, and rinse. Then rinse yourself, imagining how the water washes away the remnants of negativity and damage from you. Wipe your body with a clean, dry towel and say the words: “As the moon wanes, as the sun dims and disappears, so the damage leaves me and lets me go. Amen". Turn out the candles and go to bed.

If you have nightmares or very restless dreams, do the same steps the next day (even if it is Monday or the day does not fall on the waning moon). The result of magical actions depends entirely on your faith and on your inner state. Therefore, if you are not sure of the effectiveness of this remedy or are too irritated or embittered, do not use it, as it simply will not help you.

If all actions are performed correctly, signs of damage will disappear within 24 hours.

Zodiac signs