Manga hardworking demon lord in Japanese. Lord of darkness at work

I first came across this anime in 2014 and immediately started watching it. Then, perhaps due to my age, I quite liked it. I gave up on episode 10, because at that time I never finished watching titles that grabbed me, trying to somehow delay the ending. And now, five years later, I decided to finish watching these unfortunate three episodes in order to forever throw it in the “watched” folder. And, unfortunately (or fortunately?), I am absolutely disappointed. I won’t say that the characters particularly grabbed me at the time, but there was something like that. After all, who didn't like it? But now nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn’t experience any emotions from the ending other than misunderstanding.

They played up the story with the umbrella in a funny way in the scene after the ending, but, in my opinion, it was completely inappropriate. Make the last episode the final one? Really...why?

There is simply zero romance here, I saw only a semblance of unrequited love and nothing more.

To be honest, I really expected that there would be at least some revelation of the relationship. But where we started is where we came to. And this applies not only to the relationship between and. I actually feel sorry for the poor forgotten girl. Throughout the entire plot, I felt that she was as superfluous as possible. It seemed that initially they wanted to develop a love line between Mao and, but this also did not lead to anything.

In general, with great difficulty I will give it a 6.

I don't write reviews often, but this anime really makes me think. Okay, I would like to start with one anecdote:

“Albert Einstein died and went to God.
God says to him:
“You have lived your life very well, and for this I will fulfill one of your wishes.”
- Write me the formula of the World.
God begins to write, write, write.
He wrote a huge formula and looks expectantly at Einstein.
- Oh my God! Yes, you have a mistake here! - Einstein exclaims.
God is embarrassed:
- I know."

And you know, you begin to think and wonder: “Why does magic work in their world, and in worlds like anime.” Shouldn't this prove the existence of God in these worlds? But in ours it somehow doesn’t want to work,

and our world is full of human suffering, but the demons from their world need strong concentration to fuel their powers,

Did God really forget about our world in these anime or wanted to forget as a mistake in the calculations...

Well, speaking about anime in general, even though I only watched half of it. In years of endless issekai, he stands out in a good way. I would even call it no more than a shojo about student life, which you want to laugh at after eternal couples. The mark is 7.5/10. The main wifes are pretty nice. Especially Chiho.

                                                       mini review
If you feel the ends justify the means, how does that make you different from us demons, exactly?” –

*beware of spoilers!*
Calm and relaxed series. Looks easy. You can calmly relax with a cup of coffee. Although the anime is comedic, as always, I saw something more here

1. Humor is acceptable, it was funny. The anime is more fun than funny. To understand the comedy, you need to keep in mind throughout the entire viewing that the real Demon King works for a living and barely makes ends meet, living in a one-room apartment with unlucky roommates)
2. I got the message that anyone, with the right desire, can change for the better.
3. cool. He does the right and logical things as soon as he enters another world: he looks for information, housing, money and work. I saw in it a reflection of people who simply “play” an unwanted, definite role in the world theater. Although in fact, they are not at all who they seem at first glance.
also “played out” the role of the Demon King, but when he came to new world and having acquired what he wants to protect; took off his mask.
4. + in addition to everything there is an interesting plot connected with the church in Ente Isla: how it plots intrigues, the inquisition of people they don’t like, etc.; They revealed that it’s more than excellent for a comedy.
5. The ending is quite abrupt, but for “Romance” + “Comedy” this is a common practice, so everything is OK.

In general, an average work would simply make a reverse isekai with the Lord of Darkness in McDuck, and that’s all; and there are great beginnings of a good plot here.
7/10 + 1 point for the plot and idea (Satan is trapped in our world, working in a fast food restaurant, ######)
p.s. where else, except in anime, can you see this XD?

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Satan is at work!
(Hataraku Maou-sama!)

in rental from: 04.04.2013

Satan is at work!
(Hataraku Maou-sama!)

in rental from: 04.04.2013

In one galaxy far, far away, the local Prince of Darkness, aka Satan, suffered a crushing defeat. When it was all over, and the best fighters of humanity, led by the hero Emilia, burst into his castle, the dark lord, having gathered his remaining strength, opened a magical portal, where he jumped along with General Alsiel. An astral storm threw two powerful demons into our world, where, after looking around a little, they realized with horror that they had lost almost all their magic, physically turned into ordinary human guys, they don’t know the language, and life in Tokyo is not cheap at all! Well, fallen angels are no strangers to difficulties. The last crumbs of the gift were spent on adapting to the new world and searching for housing - then that’s it, we’ve arrived, we need to earn an honest living. What do the Princes of Darkness do best? Of course, work with people! So while the faithful Alsiel is running the household and looking for ways to lost greatness, Satan, now simply Sadao Mao, is working hard in the famous fast food empire, confusing the people with cola and fried potatoes. Sadao is a leader in labor, the position of manager looms ahead, but then... as luck would have it, the hero Emilia appears, also transferred to our world. On the one hand, of course, it’s bad. On the other hand, there will be someone to talk to heart to heart, and the rest of the guys, you see, will catch up!

In the parallel world of Ente Isla, demons under the leadership of the prince of darkness are terrorizing the land, and the living population is suffering seriously. As a result, the inhabitants of Ente cannot stand it and a hero appears with his retinue, who gradually protects the lands from demons and reaches the castle of the prince of darkness, forcing him to retreat from this world. Leaving, the prince opens a gate to a parallel one, where he and his comrade end up. As you might guess, this place becomes the earth, and, specifically, the country of Japan and its capital Tokyo, although events will develop not entirely in the center, but somewhere on the outskirts. Quite quickly, the comrades find out where they are and adapt to human rules of life, but unfortunately the newly arrived demons will not be able to conquer the earth, because magic does not work on earth. More precisely, you can replenish your strength, but it’s such a hassle that it’s better to do something more mundane. Therefore, the conquest of the earth is postponed. This means that the prince of darkness will have to look for housing, work, and the daily life of foreign comrades begins in the MagRonald diner. Well, for added comedy and pearls, there are other guests from Ente Isla on earth, including a stern hero, who is actually a warlike and at the same time fragile girl.

Here we are shown how once enemies get along, build relationships, adapting to a world alien to them. However, this alien world teaches kindness, attention and understanding, as well as care and other norms of a law-abiding and responsive person. Looking at such a “prince of darkness,” many people today have something to learn, you know. Therefore, in this regard, the anime is good, not just an entertaining show, but contains good propaganda and just good news. However, the basis, of course, is the usual shonen showdowns, but is this the basis? In my opinion, all this is a secondary background, and everyday life in which the relationships of the characters take place comes to the fore, from which good humor arises, developing into comedy, which is the basis of the genre.

The humor is not bad, and sometimes remarkable in its kindness and slight naivety, looks fresh, and all because there is no place for vulgarity or some kind of cruelty, which is now often replete with seasonal harems and other shounen titles. The characters’ dialogues, which are not empty in meaning, are also pleasing. Subtly satirical phrases during pathetic dialogues look very harmonious and this formula is not hackneyed.

- Prince, please, what is more important to you: the capture of Ente Isla or a part-time job at MagRonald!?
- Well, they haven’t given me my salary yet! And I want a promotion!

It’s nice that the hero is not a concerned OYASH, but a very reasonable guy who has completely understandable goals and a well-developed character. The heroes are not schoolchildren, although their age is comparable to school age. This anime also very successfully uses the time-tested feature of Japanese animation “good and evil”. For example, the prince of darkness, having entered the human world, is transformed, saving people, and, for example, the Inquisition, which is supposed to bring good, pursues, on the contrary, selfish goals. Therefore, seemingly antagonistic alliances at first glance should not be surprising.

I will repeat again. There is no school here, and therefore moderately mature, intelligent and pleasant characters evoke sympathy and look very realistic due to the fact that they do not sit in pants or skirts at school, but work, trying to coexist in human world, becoming more humane than some people. Therefore, the conquest of the world is put into a deep drawer and the social aspect comes to the fore: making money, cooking, saving, purely friendly relations and communication, typically female logic and other social and everyday aspects. Do you still remember that the heroes seem to be not people and came from another world in which magic is an everyday occurrence? In this regard, from the point of view of realism, the product is head and shoulders above many of today's school harems and other school fantasies. In addition to everything else, there is a cheerful and slightly naive, but no less kind, atmosphere achieved thanks to good humor.

In general, a wonderful entertaining thing that is a must-see for all fans of anime culture. The guys from the White Fox studio have once again created a high-quality anime, setting a high bar, because the title is pleasant and comfortable to watch. Although it would seem that there is no brilliant plot and in general this is supposed to be a seasonal soap box? But during and after watching this feeling does not arise. Fantastic! Learn, fellow animators, how to create seasonal projects! What's the formula? You put more soulfulness and at the same time simplicity into the characters, and also minimize the templates by cutting out, for example, the ENTIRE school and every mention of it from the setting. In general, this wonderful young studio produces very interesting projects, because it was this studio that released such titles as “Steins;Gate” and “Jormungand”. I don’t know about you, but for me “Hataraku Maou-sama!” definitely the best comedy of the season.

The anime has been re-uploaded in HD.

Satan at work

Release year: 2013

Genre: comedy, everyday life, romance

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 13 (25 min.)

Director:Hosoda Naoto

Description:Entoisla is a continent located somewhere in the Sea of ​​Ignor of another world. It consists of four small islands and one large one, which is located in the center of the others. Everything here is run by the very personification of evil - Satan. Using his power and the strength of his servants, he was able to capture all the local lands and plunged humanity into darkness. But I found one of the human race who will change everything. A hero who appeared out of nowhere came to the rescue and led the remnants of humanity, thereby creating resistance. He was able to overthrow the four generals of Satan and drive the Prince of Darkness from these lands.

Having lost in disgrace, the Spawn of Darkness and his assistant Alsiel entered the interdimensional hole, hoping to escape from the hero and avoid death. Hating people, they end up in the most terrible place for them - on earth in the city of Tokyo. Deprived of any magical powers, they unwillingly took the form of people and were completely cut off from Entoisl. Satan has little left magical energy, so they found out what kind of world this is and until a way is found to return home, they will remain here and live according to human laws. Unfortunately for them, the same hero jumped into that very hole and ended up with them in the same city, also deprived of magical power. Wow, it will be something when they meet.

In this article we will talk about the anime “Satan at Work,” the 1st season of which was released in 2013. In particular, let us turn to the description of the images of the main characters of the animated series.

A little about the plot

The story begins in a parallel universe, where the Prince of Darkness, trying to take over the world of Ent Isla, was defeated. You can learn more about this from the 1st episode of the anime “Satan with a Part-Time Job,” the characters of which will be described below. To escape, the Prince of Darkness and his henchman escape to another world, which turns out to be modern Tokyo.

In our world, it turns out that the forces of evil have lost their magic and have turned into almost ordinary people who need to eat something, pay for rented housing and work. But the fallen angel is no stranger to difficulties, and the lord of evil finds himself an excellent job in a fast food empire, tempting people with hamburgers and fried potatoes.

Mao Sadao

This anime has some pretty unique characters. “Satan at Work” is an animated series that is interesting because there are practically no large-scale battles or fantasy adventures in it; it is rather a parody of our world, and the main role in it is given to the Prince of Darkness.

In his home world, the Demon Lord is called Stan Jacob, but when he came to our reality, he took the pseudonym Mao Sadao. Almost omnipotent in Enta Isla, in the human world he is susceptible to simple human weaknesses and can die from a bullet wound.


This animated series differs from other anime about Satan in that it begins with the defeat of the Prince of Darkness. He tried to enslave his world, but was defeated by the hero Emilia. Due to the fact that there was very little magic in our world, Mao and one of his generals who followed him, Alciel, were forced to take on human form.

Once in Tokyo, Mao got a job as a salesman at the McDonald's restaurant chain (a parody of the McDonald's brand). Here he quickly excelled and was promoted to assistant manager. Mao later succeeded in short time return the powers of the Lord of Darkness. This happened thanks to Lucifer, another demon general, who gained powers from the despair and fear of people. However, Mao had to spend all his power on restoring Tokyo, destroyed during the battle with Lucifer, and clearing the memories of the city's inhabitants.

As for Satan's past, there is practically no mention of it in the anime itself. More detailed information can be found in the novels on which the animated series was based. In particular, they say that the Prince of Darkness comes from a tribe of goblins that was destroyed and he was the only survivor, doomed to slowly die. His life was saved by the Archangel Leila (mother of the hero Emilia), who took pity on the crying demon. Leila took care of Mao and passed on human knowledge to him. The angel was also the first to call him Satan, the Lord of Demons.

Later, when Layla left Mao, he tried to conquer Ent Isla, he was helped by 4 generals: Lucifer, Adremelech, Malacoda and Alsiel.


All the characters in this anime have expressive personalities. Part-time Satan, who is also the main character, nevertheless remains the most colorful and ambiguous. On the one hand, being a Demon Lord, he showed incredible cruelty in trying to conquer people. On the other hand, on Earth, on the contrary, he tried to save people who had become random victims in a battle of demons, and spent his last magical powers for the restoration of the city. Mao himself admitted that before he came to our world, he simply did not understand people. However, he is not going to abdicate his responsibility for the lives his army took in Enta Isla.


Despite the large number of parody elements, the anime “Satan at Work” belongs to the fantasy genre. The characters in the animated series are therefore endowed with Thus, the Demon Lord has incredible power. In addition, other characters are endowed with magic, and each of them has a unique color of magic. Mao, for example, has it black.

Once on Earth, Mao lost almost all his abilities and became a simple person, since there are no sources of magic in our world. However, he later found out that he could turn people’s negative emotions into magic.

Some of Mao's most used abilities include:

  • Transformation: The Prince of Darkness has 2 forms - human and demonic. This transformation does not always depend on his will. So, returning magical abilities, against his will, he takes the form of a demon, and having lost them, he becomes a simple person.
  • Hypnosis: Maou can mentally influence people into doing what he wants or erase their memories. It was only thanks to this ability that he was able to obtain documents as a resident of Tokyo.

Hanzo Uruchihara

There are also several other demons in the anime Satan's Job, the 2nd season of which has not yet been released. One of them is Lucifer, the general of the Prince of Darkness and fallen Angel, who took the name Hanzo Uruchihara in our world.

Lucifer arrived on Earth after the Demon King along with a representative of the Orbo Church. Their goal was to destroy Sadao. However, the Prince of Darkness defeated his general, but did not destroy him, but showed mercy and even allowed him to live in his apartment.

Because the police were looking for Lucifer, he did not leave Mao's house. The fallen angel spent all his free time on the Internet, computer games and shopping in electronic stores, spending the money Mao earned, which made Ashiya very angry.

Lucifer has his own story, as do the other characters ("Satan at Work").

In the past, he was the leader of the archangels and had such a high rank among other angels that, even after becoming fallen, he did not lose power over the lower ranks. But heaven seemed too boring a place to Lucifer, so he resigned from his position. After which he lost his status, and his wings turned black, which indicated that self-destruction had begun. From that moment on, he left heaven and became a fallen angel.

Lucifer headed to the Demon Lands. Here he lived among tribes of demons who waged incessant wars with each other. Having proven himself to be a good fighter, the fallen angel gained influence and power among his new compatriots. However, due to his saintly origins, he remained an outcast among pure-blooded demons.


The animated series “Satan at Work,” the list of characters of which we continued with Lucifer, is a rather small anime - only 1 season of 13 episodes was released. Therefore, many of the characters' abilities have not yet been fully revealed. So, the following is known about Lucifer’s abilities:

  • The color of his magic is purple.
  • Flight - He can materialize black wings that allow him to fly at great speed.
  • Explosion - The feathers from his wings can explode.
  • The ability to create energy charges that explode when they hit a target.
  • High endurance allows Lucifer to survive even deadly attacks.

Shiro Ashiya

We continue to get acquainted with the world of the anime series “Satan at Work.” The characters in this cartoon are mostly of unearthly origin. Shiro Ashiya, who is one of the generals of the Prince of Darkness named Alsiel, was no exception. He followed his master to Earth. Alsiel is Mao's most devoted and faithful servant, but, as practice shows, he is never there when the master needs help.

On Earth, while Mao earns money, Shiro spends his time in libraries, looking for information about the magical sources of this world, and running a household. His searches bring no results. And during the battles, he appears only in the finale, explaining his lateness by the fact that he was running home to put on a demonic suit.

IN Everyday life he takes the role of a smart, serious and responsible guy who must lead a company of small fry who constantly get into trouble. He deals with all financial matters, never missing an opportunity to save on anything. Because of this, he often quarrels with the wasteful Lucifer.

Nothing is known about his abilities, as he never had the opportunity to use them.


Emilia is Mao's main enemy in the animated series Satan at Work. The characters whose names were listed above are supporters of the forces of evil. Now let's talk about those who fight with them.

So, Emilia is the hero of Ent Isla, a sweet girl who followed the Prince of Darkness into our world. As soon as she managed to discover Mao on Earth, she treats him with hostility, follows him and tries to figure out what kind of meanness he is planning this time.

Having lost her magic, like the demons, she finds a job in a call center. Initially, she was supposed to destroy the Prince of Darkness, but gradually she begins to see positive qualities in him and falls in love.

Nevertheless, hatred of Mao has not gone away. The fact is that her father died during the invasion of the demon army. Emilia's mother was an archangel, so the church took the girl to make her a knight and teach her to fight the forces of evil.

Suzuno Kamazuki

In addition to Mao himself, there are other controversial characters in the anime. Satan's part-time job, in particular, meets on Earth Suzuno Kamazuki, an inquisitor sent by the church to destroy the Prince of Darkness. Her real name is Crestia Bell. Arriving in our world, the girl settled behind the wall with Mao and his friends. For unknown reasons, she begins to care about the demons living in the neighborhood.

She wears a kimono and adheres to ancient Japanese traditions. This is due to the fact that she studied a new world for her from old books and films. Suzuno is balanced and calm, one might even say apathetic. Nothing, not even a fight, can unsettle her.

Gradually, she, like Emilia, begins to understand that the Prince of Darkness is not as cruel and merciless as she is accustomed to believe. Nevertheless, Suzuno continues to suspect him of trying to carry out intrigues in the new world.

Unlike demons, she did not lose her abilities, so the latter had a hard time in the fight with Mao.

Sasaki Chiho (anime "Satan at Work")

As you can see, they are mostly of unearthly origin. The only exception is Chiho Sasaki, Maou's colleague, who falls in love with the Prince of Darkness.

Chiho is a positive and sweet girl who has nothing to do with the war between demons and angels, but often finds herself in the thick of things. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chiho soon learns about the origins of Maou and Emilia. But this doesn’t scare the girl at all. On the contrary, the Prince of Darkness does not seem to her to be the embodiment of the universal hall.

Mao himself treats Chiho more like a younger sister and considers himself responsible for her safety. In addition, he believes that the girl’s love is connected with the fact that once on Earth, Mao hypnotized her father, and Chiho fell under the influence of demonic magic.

There is only one unresolved question related to this animated series: “How many seasons does the anime Satan Works have?” To date, there is only 1 season, which was released back in 2013. And there is no information that the anime will continue.

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