Work with the family honoring ancestors. Saturday. Remembrance of ancestors. Preparing the Ancestral Shrine

PRACTICE OF CLEARING THE KARMA OF THE KIND "FEEDING OF THE ANCESTORS" This tradition was everywhere, but it has not been fully preserved. Until now, on round dates from the day of departure, relatives go to the cemetery and put a “stack” there and for the departed, sometimes they put cigarettes on his grave, put jelly. Initially, the tradition was much more benevolent. In the Vedic society, any food is sanctified. And consecrated food, that is, that which was first offered on the altar to God, has miraculous properties. Those who have tried it will understand. And it has always been favorable to feed others with such food, but it was especially important for those who have a difficult situation. For example, the dead, whose souls have not calmed down. Understanding whether the soul has calmed down is quite simple. If remembering someone, we have anxiety, it means that it is very difficult for him somewhere now. And it happens that memories bring bright sadness. This means that the person is now all right. The descendants were obliged to take care of the souls of their ancestors. How? By making offerings of consecrated food to them. The one that works wonders. It was favorable for everyone - the suffering of the ancestors was eased, it became lunch for those who live now. If you are concerned about relationships with your parents, then again feed them with consecrated food (but not the same that you fed your ancestors). Treat them with or without reason to the food in which you have invested maximum love and which you have offered to God. I assure you there will be changes. And very strong. The Bhagavad Gita says: “The increase in the number of unwanted children inevitably leads to the fact that family members and people who destroy family traditions go to hell. With the degeneration of the clan, the forefathers will fall, for the descendants cease to bring them food and water. And that's what's happening now. Children are born "accidentally", family traditions and ties are lost. We are completely defenseless in this world, like small boats in a vast ocean, because our families are small and fragile. Such a tradition of honoring ancestors and offering them water and food exists in all traditions, relics, and cultures. But we have already forgotten why we do this, therefore, often with such “offerings” (like a glass of vodka, a pack of cigarettes or other products of ignorance at the graves), drinking alcohol at a funeral only exacerbate the suffering of the Souls of our ancestors. Until we understand what we are doing and why. It is time to return to awareness and true Knowledge. To carry out this ritual, you will need: two new plates from which no one ate, a church candle, a new pack of rice. It is advisable to perform this practice in the morning, because in the morning the energy is the most blissful. So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean. Put the rice to boil, and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it's cooked, you put it on a clean plate and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. Here are the prayer options, depending on your spiritual tradition: Prayer for the offering of food in the Christian tradition: (For the blessing of food and drink to the laity) “Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with prayers. Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever. Amen". (And cross food and drink). Muslim prayer for the consecration of food: Raise your hands with your palms up over food and read the prayer "Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim." Meaning: a request to Allah for a blessing, then "Allahumma barik lana fima razaktana wa kina azaba-nnar." Meaning: “O my Allah, put grace in what You have given us as a blessing, and protect us from the fire of hell!”. Lower your hands, as if covering the food received with the blessing. At the end of the meal, one should praise Allah with the words “al-hamdu li-llah” (praise be to Allah) Vedic mantra of food offering: Namo Om Vishnu padaya Krishna preshtaya bhutale Shrimate bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine Namaste saraswati deve Gaura Vani pracharine Nirvishesa-shunwadi Pashchatya desha tarine Nama maha vadanyaya Krishna prema pradaya te Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya Namne gaura-tvishe namah Namo brahmanya-devaya Go-brahmanya-hitaya ca Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya Govindaya namo namah Praise-prayers in the Slavic tradition for the ritual of "Feeding the Ancestors": PRAYER TO LIGHT THE WATER (Before the Idol We kind of pour illuminated water from a brother, a jug, a horn) Rode the Most High! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Mother and all the Light Gods, come and bless this water! Dana-Voditsa, living krinitsa, I pour you from the horn, I pray to Rod-Father! Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life has been born in you, renew and enrich life in our bodies and souls. May strength be in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Mother Gods! PRAYER FOR LIGHTING FOOD Hail Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us, to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and yes all our deeds will be, but to the glory of all our Ancestors and to the Glory of the Heavenly Family. Taco be, taco be, taco be! PRAYERS FOR THE HOLY FOOD Option 1: Glory to the Native Gods, for our daily food, which is for our joy and for our children for a worthy life. We ask the Gods of the Family to sanctify food and treat our Ancestors so that peace and harmony reign between the Heavenly Clan and the earthly race. Glory to the Mother Gods! Option 2: We praise the Gods of the Relatives, for the daily food that grants us to create inspired works, we ask you to sanctify this food with the Primordial Light, fill it for good and happiness with us and treat the Ancestors of light! Glory to the Mother Gods! Option 3: Glory to Ancestral Rod, Heavenly Rod, we thank You for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all be our deeds, but to the Glory of all our Ancestors and to the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be, taco be, taco be! Option 4: Glory to the Supreme Family and all the Gods for the food that they give us. We ask the Gods of the Relatives to taste our food and to illuminate our Ancestors with their Strength. So that there is peace and unity between the Heavenly Clan and the Earthly Clan. Glory to the Supreme Family! Option 5: Father Svarozhe! God Almighty! Mother of God Lada! Makosh-Joy! We thank the Ancestors for this Meal! We fill with our love and Light! We feed all our bodies. We bless God with all the power! PRAYER FOR FOOD OFFERING TO ANCESTORS Heavenly Clan, Progenitor! You, the Patron of all Clans! Remember all my Ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Be taco, be taco, be taco!* GOY! * We read this appeal when bringing bloodless Treasures and Gifts to all our Ancestors, on the days of the Memory of the Ancestors and on Parental days. Wait 5-10 minutes for the Almighty to sanctify your food. Then you spread this rice on another new plate. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food." At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray for 20-30 minutes. Then thank your family: "I thank you for accepting this food." Make a bow. ATTENTION!!! This food must not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away. It is necessary to give it to animals or take it out and put it on the ground. This completes the ritual. These plates are not to be eaten. Mark the one for God and the one for the Ancestors, and it's better to put them separately. This is a very powerful practice, it would be good to perform the ritual for at least 40 days. Better yet, always. Because by alleviating the suffering of our ancestors, we make our life easier. VEDARA WITH LOVE, SCHOOL OF FEMININITY "LADA"

"Man can and must prevent suffering that has not yet come," says the 16th sutra of the second chapter of the "Yoga Sutra" of Patanjali.

Why work with family?

  • Help the ancestors (the duty of the living is to help the departed);
  • Help yourself (as a person who is influenced by the family);
  • Help descendants (on whom Pitri-karma, i.e. the karma of the family, will also be affected).

When to work with the family?

  • On Saturdays (Saturday - day, "karma accountant", including generic);
  • Descending (from once to 40 days);
  • In the corridor of eclipses;
  • Within 49 days after the death of a relative;
  • On / the day of the death of a departed relative.

*Practices are best done in the morning, but if there is a choice between doing it in the evening or not doing it at all, it makes sense to do it in the evening.

How long to work with the family?

  • Throughout life.

What is the mood to do it?

  • With reverence, respect, gratitude (if it doesn’t work out, it’s important at least not to think of yourself as a forced cleaner or a great savior of the sinful souls of unlucky relatives).

How to work with family?

Practice #1

Drawing up a family tree

A simple yet important practice that is good for getting started with gender.

For what: helps to realize the connection with the ancestors, to feel the support and strength of their influence.

What will be required: paper (A1, A2, A3), red and blue pencils / felt-tip pens, pen.

Lay the sheet horizontally. Divide it mentally or with a pencil as follows:

  1. vertically into two halves. On the left is the family of the father, on the right is the family of the mother.
  2. Horizontally into 7 long stripes. They will accommodate 7 generations, including you:
    • 1st generation - you (1 person)
    • 2nd generation - parents (2 people)
    • 3rd generation - grandparents (4 people)
    • 4th generation - great-grandparents (8 people)
    • 5th generation - great-great-grandfather. and great-grandfather. (16 people)
    • 6th generation - great-great-great-great-grandfather. and great-great-great-grandfather. (32 people)
    • 7th generation - great-great-great-great-great. and great-great-great-great-grandfather. (64 people)

Total: 127 people.

Your task- carefully place 127 cells and enter as many names and surnames as possible in them. The more energy you bring into the process, the better - that is your sacrifice.

To the left, male names are written and circled in a red square, to the right, female names are written and circled in blue.

Your name is written in the center in the 1st horizontal sector (bottom or top, as you like) and circled in a square of your color. Two arrows are drawn from it towards half of the father and half of the mother, whose squares are located in the 2nd horizontal sector. Two arrows are also drawn from them to the 3rd sector to the squares of grandparents and so on.

At some point, the names of direct relatives that you know will end - it doesn’t matter, continue to draw squares and know that these people not only contributed to your birth, but with their lives still influence you (unless you are free from the influence, as we wrote in the article).

Practice #2

Grinding off ancestors

It is no coincidence that we started with the compilation of a family tree. It will be useful for us to pray for our family members.

For what: genus cleansing.

What will be required: a candle (preferably wax), the text of a prayer / mantra that is close to you, and an image of a holy person to whom it is addressed; family tree, a liter of drinking water and a glass.

  1. Pour water into a glass. You will need it during the prayer, as the throat will dry up.
  2. Light a candle and place it in front of the image of a holy person.
  3. Place the drawn family tree in front of you.
  4. In your left hand, take the text of a prayer or mantra (Our Father, Hare Krishna Mahamantra, prayers or mantras to saints, etc.; if you know the text by heart, it will not be needed).
  5. Place the index finger of your right hand on the image of the family tree on your square. Read the prayer.
  6. Move your finger to the mother square and read the prayer again.
  7. Then move your finger to the square of the father and pray for him.
  8. Continue praying for ancestors, starting with women on the maternal side (i.e., from right to left in horizontal sectors, starting with "recent" generations).

Practice #3

Feeding ancestors

The tradition of offering food to the dead in Vedic culture, called "shraddha", is one of the most effective and powerful funeral practices.

For what: to bring great benefit to the ancestors, nourishing their subtle bodies.

What will be required: a pack of rice, a clean pot, a new plate (preferably metal or glass), water, a candle (preferably wax), an image of a holy person, an audio recording of a prayer / mantra pronounced by a holy person.

  1. Before starting the practice, wash the floors at home, take a shower and put on clean clothes.
  2. Play an audio recording of the voice of a holy person (eg Srila Prabhupada).
  3. In a clean saucepan (if you cooked meat, fish, eggs in it, pour a little milk there, wipe the walls with it and rinse with water - this will clean the metal on a thin plane) boil rice until half cooked.
  4. Consecrate the rice in accordance with your spiritual tradition (if you are outside of tradition, ask God to accept and consecrate this rice).
  5. Transfer the rice to a new clean plate, light a candle in front of the image of a holy person.
  6. Make a prostration and invite the ancestors to come and taste the cooked rice. During the 30-40 minutes while the candle is burning and the voice of the saint sounds, you can also pray for the ancestors or talk to them, telling them what you want to say to them. The more soul and meaning you put into the process, the more your departed relatives will gain, and then you.
  7. After the time has elapsed, bow down again, thank the ancestors for coming. Leave the candle to burn out, give the rice to the birds, best of all:
    • 1) crows, pigeons are allowed;
    • 2) the same day, you can the next;
    • 3) in a cemetery, it is possible in another undefiled place (not near a garbage heap, for example).
  8. You can also feed dogs (especially black ones), then the rice should be cooked until tender.


  1. No one should eat from the ancestral plate.
  2. None of the people should eat the rice offered to the ancestors.
  3. The more animals you feed, the better.
  4. The practice can be done by pregnant and lactating women, during menstruation - according to the condition, as it will take a lot of energy to give.
  5. During the ritual, all pets can be in the same room, except for animals.
  6. Family members (especially women) can practice together.
  7. It makes sense to do the practice only for blood relatives, as well as for the clan of the husband / wife (then there should be different plates for your clan and the clan of the spouse / wife).
  8. If there are aborted children in the family, they can also be invited and "feed" from a separate new and clean plate.

There is also a special one: the Vedic rite of remembrance of the ancestors performed by the Brahmins. In its power, it surpasses all of the above practices. It can be carried out both for one person and for the whole family. After the feeding ceremony, prasadam (illuminated food) is distributed on his/their behalf to the yogis and ascetics living on the banks of the Radha Kunda River near Govardhan Hill in the holy city of Vrindavan. The blessings of these people have great power and can bring great benefits.

Also, for the purification of karma, it is favorable to do upaya for.

"Consciousness has a multi-level structure. The subtle level controls the denser one. Psychotechnics have limited ability to influence consciousness, so it is necessary to know the mechanisms of influence on the most subtle levels.
1. Karma. The thinnest layer. It is at this level that an event series is formed, including the choice of a generic system. Methods of correction - sound (reading prayers or mantras), adherence to the principles of purity and non-violence.
2. Ancestors. Rituals for working with ancestors. We can say that our generic programs are manifested karma. Unfinished programs of ancestors complicate the ability to determine their true talents, get rid of negative life scenarios and behavioral stereotypes. It is the work with the family that can bring a real sense of inner liberation.
3. Relationships with parents. Relationships with parents are an indicator of karma and generic problems. The main problem lies in the misunderstanding of what is the right attitude towards parents, as well as an inadequate assessment of one's attitude. It is this level that gives the vector of all life.
4. Real life experience. The roughest and therefore easily recognizable level, therefore it is easily worked out and gives a tangible result, but unstable if you do not pay due attention to the first three. The experience of traumatic situations, negative relationships has formed flare, or stereotypes in our minds that form similar events. You can weaken the effect of a flare with the help of fairly simple techniques (forgiveness, working with traumatic situations). But changing them takes time and effort.

Working on 4 levels, we get a sustainable and tangible result.

Working with karma
1. reading prayers or mantras.
2. service to others.
3. cleanliness.
4. eating consecrated food.
ahimsa (principle of non-violence, refusal of meat food) - only if it is a conscious desire.

Working with family.

Pitra-shradda (preparation of consecrated food for ancestors).
Get out in the kitchen. To take a shower. Light and put a candle on the table, preferably wax. Cooking food with a prayer that is more understandable and close to you (“Our Father”, prayers or mantras for consecrating food, you can Ganesha and Soma). It is necessary to read a prayer all the time while preparing food. It is better to cook rice porridge. DO NOT TRY THE FOOD. If it is difficult to focus on prayer all the time, thoughts go the other way, you can turn on spiritual music or chants of saints.
When the food is ready, put it on a clean dish and put it on the table in front of the candle. Say "I'm inviting the ancestors of my kind to come and eat." Make a bow (at least mentally) then say "I thank you for life."
a) turn to the ancestors for help, support, ask for advice, in general, you can talk with them. Listen to your feelings.
b) all the time while the food is on the table near the burning candle (25-30 minutes) you can read prayers or mantras.
c) in extreme cases, if there is no time, you can go about your business.
After about 30 minutes, you need to thank the ancestors for coming and bow.
You can do the same for your spouse's ancestors. If you have dead people that you yearn for, you can perform this ritual by inviting a person by name. It is advisable to put a photograph of the deceased person near the candle.
For aborted babies. It is necessary to say that you invite your unborn children. Talk to them. Read prayers.
For unborn siblings, if you know your mother had abortions or are not sure.
After the ritual, give food to animals on the street, preferably birds.
It is advisable to do this every Saturday, on the birthdays of your ancestors and the days of death.


1. forgiveness of parents (through Easter eggs, forgiveness meditations, when communicating with parents, mentally make a bow).
2. A relationship is considered correct when you have only gratitude for the fact that your parents gave you life, and the desire to take care of your parents out of this gratitude. When I think about my parents, I want to bow at their feet.
3. wrong attitude. When you give advice to parents, criticize, consider yourself better than them, argue with them, complain about them to others. You condemn even mentally, you treat them like children ..
4. You show your love openly.

Programs formed by ignorance of female nature and wrong attitudes with others.

Solve forgiveness, awareness of their mistakes.
Forgiveness is easier to do through the technique of automatic writing (“pysanka”). The main thing is to remember those people in relation to whom destructive relationships were established. Most often, the most important images of people become “repressed” by consciousness, because it tries to protect us from traumatic emotions.
Therefore, it is useful to have a notebook of traumatic situations - a kind of piggy bank of your memories. This exercise will help you remember those people who are the key figures that set the direction of your life.

Also write out a list of all significant ones who left an emotional trace - they form the INTERNAL IMAGE OF A MAN. It is these men that we attract or almost such, over time they become such. The basic figures are the father and those who replaced him. If you had a stepfather, and you were brought up by your grandparents. You will have three key images of father, stepfather, grandfather.
It is advisable to write a list and use it to analyze the qualities of your men, the scenarios according to which your relationship was built, the mistakes that you made in these relationships. This will take some time, so it is better to have such a notebook for this work.

The Inner image of a Woman is worked out in a similar way. Basic figures - Mom and her substitutes.

Also, in addition to the Internal images of Men and Women that form our scenarios and relationships, there are people with whom we have been and are in contact. If among them there are those with whom there is no respectful and kind relationship, it is necessary to work out forgiveness.

Pysanka is done correctly if at the end you feel at least emptiness, or (preferably) relief and (aerobatics) awareness.
Pysanka is not an essay, but a psychological technique. Therefore, you do not need to write correctly and beautifully, the main thing is to transfer phrases, feelings, images from consciousness as accurately as possible. The more precisely you do this, the faster you will release tension. After the exercise is done, the paper must either be torn or burned. (except for the notebook with traumatic situations)

It also helps to get rid of accumulated emotions - dance, physical labor to the point of fatigue (physical labor for the benefit of others is the best way to get rid of pain), drawing, massage, bath, singing, yoga.

Formation of new programs.

Women's Dharma.

The fulfillment of the female dharma will allow us to feel satisfaction with life and happiness, despite the fact that at first there will be no desire to do it, or it will be unpleasant to do it. It will also provide an opportunity to understand your talents and purpose, to work out karma.
Start forming new habits and rethink what mistakes you made in the past (in writing).
Listen to those lectures, read literature, take notes. Try to understand the question of what is female dharma as if you would teach this subject.

The purpose of a woman is to inspire loved ones, help them become better, she is the protector of a man from his bad karma and bad character traits.
We can do this only in a calm state of consciousness, when we have enough energy of joy, forgive their shortcomings (or at least rid ourselves of strong emotions that we experience from some actions of loved ones) and focus on the good qualities of character, talking about them. virtues.
(for the rest, listen to lectures)

Love for others.

In order for you to have a “self-cleansing” program launched, you need to accumulate the energy of joy.

1) forgiveness
2) to see the good in people, so much so that you feel respect for this person, interest, joy from communication.
3) Please (love) others
4) Serve others
5) Have true goals (including those related to your personal life)
6) Observe the daily routine and diet.

What to do?

1) Showing love to others - seeing the good in people, being in a good mood with a smile, looking beautiful, talking about love, not criticizing, noticing the good
2) The way to show respect and love to men is obedience. Pay attention to this aspect in communication. Be prepared for the fact that you will do what your husband wants, especially at first. Because over time, he will want to do what you want. What emotions, states of thought you will have in the process of obedience must be monitored and recorded.
3) write a list of 300 people - plan for a month and every day, about 10 people you have to express your love, so that the other person understands it.
4) Keep a notebook - write down everything that you like about loved ones.
5) Keep track of your mood, if you are prone to rapid mood swings - keep an observation diary.
6) Make a video about yourself for 5 minutes. Necessarily!

Happiness lives on the tip of the tongue.

Communication style is a reflection of unconscious processes.
Proper communication - when the self-esteem of the participants in communication increases. A sign is the joy of communication.
It is enough not to do good to start a hidden conflict.
Communication is verbal (7%) and non-verbal (93%). Non-verbal is not only our behavior, voice, energy.
Communication is a level of consciousness. It has no space => all we are talking about third parties is conflict anyway.
Condemnation of the spouse - conflict
Flirting with other men (even if no one is listening) is a conflict.

Literature required:
Alan and Barbara Pease:
1. Relationships between men and women
2. Why men lie and women roar.
3. How to make a man listen and a woman be silent.
John Grey.
1. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
2. Mars and Werner start over
3. and rest. Books in this series.

Main problems
1. Stereotypes (habits) will not give the opportunity to give the formation of new skills. To neutralize this, you need to have very important reasons to change something in your life (goals), you also need to do something every day that is not typical for you (change the style of clothing, route to work, daily routine, hair color, etc.) it is necessary think ahead.
2. It will be difficult to see your mistakes. Knowledge without forgiveness makes you even more critical and demanding of others. In this case, you will get the opposite result. Therefore, treat irritants with more love. They will be the main clues. False Ego and the formed model of consciousness will create traps for you. Be prepared for this. It will serve as a sign - if it seemed to you that you found the cause of irritation and this did not give awareness and ease, then the answer is wrong.

Shraddha - this is the name of the ceremony of honoring (remembrance) of the ancestors in the Vedic tradition. New moon, eclipses, birthdays and ancestral departures are the most favorable times for her. The purpose of Shraddha is to receive the special blessings of the ancestors and the benefits of this for the living descendants.

According to the Vedic tradition, on such days it is necessary to remember with respect your deceased loved ones, distribute food to the poor, and participate in charity. It is especially favorable these days to pray for your ancestors and for them to be in peace.

Where we are today, what we are doing today, what is our achievement and aspiration - all this is part of the path that our ancestors founded for us. We were born into a certain family, which created for us the surrounding space corresponding to us and given to us by God.

Practice at home.

For the practice you will need: a church candle, a pack of rice, spices, two new plates. You can't eat from these plates. Mark them - one will be for offering food to God, the second - for the Ancestors. Keep them separate for later.

1. Get up in the morning, take a bath and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.
2. Put the rice to boil and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it is cooked, add ghee, black sesame seeds (you can use poppy seeds, caraway seeds or other black spices), a little salt and sugar. Let the rice cool down.
3. Then form rice balls the size of a walnut and place them on a clean plate, which must be placed for 15-20 minutes in front of the image of God.
4. Offer food to God. Here are the prayer options:

* Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:
“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with prayers. Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever. Amen". (And cross the food 3 times).

* Vedic mantra for offering food:
"Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah."

Wait 15-20 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

5. Then put the rice balls on another new plate to offer to the Ancestors. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food." At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray in your spiritual tradition for 20-30 minutes.
6. Then thank your family: “I thank you for accepting this food. I want to thank you for my life! I am part of you! I want to express respect and honor to you by asking your blessings and asking for help "(say what you ask for) May these prayers express our gratitude and respect!" Then bow. Let your appeal to the ancestors express your gratitude and respect!
7. ATTENTION! Then, before sunset, you need to feed the fish or black crows with these rice balls. Cooked food should not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away.

This will complete the practice.

✿ Do your practice as concentrated as possible!
✿ On critical days, practice cannot be done;
✿ The practice has great power if it is done by several women of the Family, for example, you are with your mother or with your sister, or with your daughter;
✿ You can cook a little rice, or you can cook the whole pack. The more you feed the animals, the better;
✿ Pregnant women can do this practice;
✿ Please remember that you are a woman - the Mystical Creation of God! In your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family, which will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

This is a very deep practice, it is advisable to do it several times. Many of our families have inspired us to become who we are today. By positive or negative deeds, our families have created our lives, just as we are creating it now for ourselves and for those who will come after us!

I'll start with a question that I was asked after one speech on the topic of the cult of the Ancestors. One of the students came up after class and told me the following: “I don’t understand why the Ancestors need food, they don’t have a mouth, they won’t be able to digest it…”. Unfortunately, due to her own inattention or already established beliefs, she did not hear the main point. To avoid this question, I will start this article with the main one.

I will say right away that the feeding of the Ancestors does not take place in the literal sense. And it is symbolic. Here it is important to understand that the gift presented - food, has a symbolic meaning. Ancestors and Spirits do not count calories. And after the ritual, bite marks will not be visible on the food presented. Ancestors perceive the symbolism and energy of our sacrifice.

The ritual of honoring and feeding the Ancestors is done to improve communication with them and receive support. This support is mutual, they help us, support, protect, give advice, but they also need our support. The transition that they have made or are making is significant for the soul and it does not always go smoothly. To help them on their way, the ritual of feeding the Ancestors is done. To this day, in some regions, the custom has been preserved to take breakfast to the grave the day after the funeral. This is a tiny fragment of the cult of the Ancestors, which was once ubiquitous.

What food is sacrificed to the Ancestors?

As a rule, fruits, vegetables, cereals and bakery products are used as a sacrifice in the ritual of feeding the ancestors. Food prepared by one of the relatives specifically for the ritual is more pleasant for the Ancestors. A special plate is needed to present food as a sacrifice. Most often, a non-flat plate of sufficient size is chosen to put different foods on different sides. Most often put 3-4 types of food on one plate. On the one hand, you can put a piece of bread, a bun or a gingerbread, on the other hand - 1 or 2 tablespoons of porridge (it can be sweet, salty, spicy or with meat), on the third side - some vegetables or meat, on the fourth - fruit. As a drink, you can donate natural juice, tea or wine (when choosing wine, if you decide to donate it, be guided by the naturalness of the product). After the Sabbath evening offering, the plate and glass should remain on the altar all night, and in the morning they can be removed by laying the offerings on the open ground or setting them on fire. After that, you will need to wash the plate and glass for sacrificial food and put them in a secluded place until the next ritual, so that no one can use them for any purpose.

A few words should be said about the presentation of meat food. Not infrequently, on the vast Russian-speaking Internet, you can find an opinion according to which the Ancestors do not accept sacrifices associated with bloodshed (sacrifice of animals or their meat in the form of food). In many ways, this point of view belongs to those who themselves do not practice communication with the Ancestors or only imagine that they communicate. There are several ways, which I will discuss in other articles, about how you can find out directly from the Ancestors about what kind of sacrifice will be pleasant for them and which will not be acceptable.

Rules for the ritual

Carrying out the ritual of feeding the Ancestors, you need to respectfully treat them, putting your love and respect into every uttered word. We need to believe in what we are doing, because when we do not believe in what we are doing, we cannot do it well.

Before the ritual, you should turn to the Ancestors for a blessing. To do this, make a ritual gesture of "reverence". To do this, put your hands together with your palms facing each other, as in prayer, and raise them to the level of your forehead. In this position, say a prayer:

Ancestors, good Spirits guide me on the right path, protect me from the intrigues of evil Spirits and destroy the machinations of my enemies. Give me inspiration and strength to strengthen the family.

Most of the prayers are accompanied by a gesture of reverence. Such a prayer can be read at any time, in any situation, in order to call on the Ancestors to help oneself.

Ancestral Feeding Ritual

The ritual itself consists of 4 parts. Moreover, parts 1, 2, 4 are the same for a number of rituals associated with turning to the Ancestors. Whether it is feeding the Ancestors, calling the Ancestors in order to receive advice or prediction, calling the Ancestors in order to get help in business. The ritual of feeding the Ancestors takes about 20-25 minutes on average.

The first prayer is an invocation that opens the altar:

Oh, one and great Creator!
You penetrate into the life of each of us, arrange so that they can enter into communication with our Ancestors, with the good Spirits that live in a higher world than ours. You are the same Father to us and to them. Let us be in brotherly fellowship, so that our knowledge of the Eternal Life prepared for us will expand, and may this help us survive the years of waiting in this world.

Next comes the appeal in order to drive away the evil Spirits, remove their influence, so that our ritual is as effective as possible, directed to our Ancestors, and if we predict that none of the evil Spirits will knock us down and inspire us with false thoughts:

In the name of the God of the Sun and the Goddess of the Moon, may the evil spirits move away from me and may the good be my protection from them!
Evil spirits that inspire people with evil thoughts. Spirits are deceitful and crafty, deceiving people. Mocking spirits, taking advantage of their gullibility, I reject you with all the Forces of my Soul and close the hearing to your slanders.
But I appeal to the good God for compassion for you!
Good Spirits, honoring me with their help, give me the Force to resist the influence of the evil Spirits and grant the Light of Knowledge, which is necessary so as not to become a victim of their deceit. Guard me from pride and complacency. Remove from my heart envy, hatred, malice and every feeling contrary to mercy, for all these are doors open to the Spirit of Evil!

After that, a white candle is lit on the altar. And we offer food, and at the moment when we offer food, we raise the plate with the sacrifice above the altar or touch the altar itself while saying the following words:

Those whose names are remembered
To those whose names are forgotten and lost in the ocean of time
To those whose bones lie in the ground
Those whose ashes are scattered on the four winds
For those who have already left
For those who are leaving now
This is a gift to you from those who are alive.

At the end of communication, we declare gratitude to the good Spirits, in our own words or with the following prayer:

I am grateful to the good Spirits who wished to come and talk with me.
I ask them to help put into practice the instructions they have given.
Strengthen me in virtue. Let there be peace between us!

This is where the ritual ends. A candle or candles, if several candles were lit, may burn for some more time. Put them out when you see fit.

Peace and blessings to you and your Ancestors!

Write in the comments if you conduct such rituals or are going to conduct them? What happened in your life after the feeding rituals? And, of course, write your questions.

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