Cathedral of the Archangel Michael

Who is God?
- Luciferus!
The carved chair, creaking pitifully, flies into the corner. As soon as the door slams and steps are heard with a characteristic metallic ringing, Gabriel jumps up, as if accidentally sitting on a hot frying pan. A tall Angel, dazzlingly bright, so that the room is filled with a golden glow, looks at the newcomer with wide open surprised eyes. The uninvited guest stands, stooping, hiding his gloomy, emaciated face, crisscrossed with wrinkles, under his black hair. Heavy, hoarse breathing is heard in the room, with trembling hands he opens his tightly drawn camisole, as if choking from suffocation.
- Not happy? – Lucifer said, curling his lips.
For a whole minute the Angels play a staring contest. Gabriel does not take his clear eyes off the dark figure holding his chest, hiding his eyes under a long hairstyle, as if sensing an incomprehensible change. Looks like he's here old friend, the first of the Angels, but you look, and you are tormented by doubts whether it is him.
- Where did you get this from? – Gabriel is the first to break the silence.
Continuing to test the archangel with his gaze, he steps back, his hand touching the cold surface of the faceted jug.
- Will you have some wine?
- Let's! “Lucifer greedily licked his dry, cracked lips with his bright red tongue, so that scarlet droplets of blood stained them.
Without waiting for special invitations and without bothering with the excesses of decency, the guest grabs a jug from the table, at once, almost choking, dumping the contents into the womb. Gabriel slowly retreats, trying not to make noise, to the corner, keeping an eye on the guest who has fallen on his head.
The usually cheerful and cheerful Lucifer is impossible to recognize. Where is that secular aristocrat with refined manners who keeps up with business everywhere, while managing to conduct an abstract conversation about the weather? The hair is tangled, the clothes are wrinkled, the face has some scratches, a trickle of wine flows down the chin and floods the collar of the shirt. Gabriel stands and watches in silence, not knowing where to start, as if his tongue had stuck to the roof of his mouth. Questions swirl around in the Angelic consciousness, leading the already confused Messenger into complete bewilderment. What about the mighty and bright Guardian of the Earth? Why did he come to him?
-What's that under your eyes? – he blurted out in fright.
Lucifer leans low towards the elaborately decorated gold mirror and pushes back his long hair.
“Wrinkles,” the angel touches in surprise the folds he doesn’t understand on the once smooth and pink skin.
“And gray hair,” noted the vigilant Gabriel. - Are you getting old, brother? But we don’t grow old... sort of.
“I don’t know,” the Angel croaked in response, examining the faded image.
There's a soul-crushing silence in the room again. Intuitively, Gabriel understands that something important is happening now, something turning point. He looks at Lucifer and does not recognize a wise boss and just a good friend.
“Luciferus,” the Angel said carefully, “what’s wrong with you?”
“You know, Gabriel,” the Guardian of the Earth seems to be rooted to the mirror and does not notice what is happening, turns to his comrade-in-arms, but speaks to himself, “I am really the eldest of you.” The brightest, most beloved, archangel of the Heavenly army... I remember those times when there was no one and nothing in the Universe. These golden-domed palaces, flowering gardens with songbirds did not exist, even you did not exist. You can’t even imagine how good it is to feel that you and God exist. And for trillions of years of travel, not a single living mind, not a speck of matter. Love permeates you, as if you are swimming in a huge warm ocean, everything that the Creator could give he gave to me. It was just the two of us. Why was someone else needed?
Probably, for the first time in the Lord’s universe, someone experienced the burden of sadness on their shoulders, which crushes and deprives them of their last strength. How does Gabriel know about these feelings? Only pity awakens, as soon as you look at the creature tormented by thoughts, you want to hug him, whisper in your ear that everything will pass, that God loves you... Gabriel pulls his hand away from the drooping man’s shoulder, painfully burned by the cold that has dug in like sharp fangs of ice.
-Have you seen Adam and Eve? – Lucifer suddenly asked.
“We all saw them, Lucifer,” Gabriel became afraid to listen further.
“I just can’t understand why Father needed them.” So stupid, unintelligent, naive... And He tinkers with them all the time, no matter how much He worked on our worlds.
“Lucifer,” anxiety rings in your voice, “you speak as if you don’t know God.” He loves every ant, every twig, Adam and Eve, you, me, any of the Angels equally. How can one be jealous of the Father for his brothers?
But the inflamed Lucifer cannot be stopped. Words fall out of your mouth in incoherent phrases, like a boat being torn off its pier in stormy weather.
- It was so simple. She sat and looked at that tree with such burning eyes, I only helped her desires... How gullible. I don’t understand what Father saw in them. Such a simple commandment, do not take the fruits of any tree...
- Brother, don’t you want to tell me anything? Have you done something?
- I? Yes, Gabriel, I woke up. I slept and slept, and then woke up and realized that the dream was beautiful, but life was not like it.
Gabriel takes a step back, feeling the cold touch of the wall on his back. In the courtyard of the palace, in the garden, the tramp of a dozen feet, loud and sharp orders from palace guard officers, and the slamming of doors can be heard.
- Listen, Lucifer, maybe it’s not too late to fix everything? – Gabriel cautiously looks out the window.
The guards are somewhere nearby, probably in the corridor, combing room by room. The stomping of feet is heard, steel armor rattles, officers knock on doors, and the surprised cries of alarmed Angels are everywhere.
Lucifer, listening to the noise, smiles nastily, his gentle angelic face is distorted by an evil mask. If he hesitated, it was no more than a few minutes. Before the frightened Gabriel, the evil angel appears in all the disgusting splendor of pride and malice.
- To correct? – sparkles of excitement light up in the eyes. “I didn’t come to you for confession.” You, Gabriel, seem to be a thinking Angel. You must understand that time flows, many things change. Perhaps it's time for some serious changes?
The knock of a fist on the door.
- Gabriel! – a voice comes dully from outside. - In the name of the Creator, open!
“They remained in the past era,” Lucifer nodded towards the door. “You must make a choice, Gabriel.” There are vast expanses before us, hope! Behind these limited creatures. Choose for yourself, there is no third option and you can’t sit on the sidelines.
- So that's what you came for? – the numbness disappeared and a bitter insight came in its place. – Do you want to move the levers of progress and deprive the Father of his love? Do you, who have been appointed Guardian of the Earth, think that it is possible to build happiness without God?
- They will forget about him. The little people beloved by God will forget about God and begin to learn to live without Him...
- No, Luciferus. I prefer to stay away from such progress in the past era. Call it what you want, Satan. But no one and nothing will dare deprive me of warmth Divine love!
Unable to withstand the barrage of blows, the door flies off its hinges. The palace guards, led by the Archangel Michael, tumble into the narrow opening, pushing and crowding. A dozen gilded protazans rest against the chest and neck of Lucifer, frozen like a statue. Fallen Angel he does not resist when his hands are twisted behind his back and he is dragged out of the palace. His gaze, full of misunderstanding and surprise, is fixed on Gabriel. But light angel sees and hears none of this. Before our eyes, through the fog of millennia, is a young, frightened girl named Maria, whose Son will correct what happened. But this is still thousands and thousands of years away...

A tale of lies, but there is a hint in it...
No one is trying to convince that everything happened exactly like that. To be honest, no one can even imagine how they fought in the first place. Alas, the Holy Scriptures conveyed only echoes of those crucial events.
Of course, Lucifer or simply Satan, the devil, will not come to you personally. I think such people can be counted on the fingers of one hand. But he tries to penetrate our ears, eyes, minds, even into actions that seem good. He is more than seven thousand years old, he is cunning, full of deceit, there is no limit to his experience... All this is true. But even to such an opponent, before whose power and intelligence a person seems like a worm trying to get over a mountain range, one can say “no!”


The story is great! And the style is excellent, and the knowledge of the subject, and the imagination works!
The only remark is that it seems to me that it was not worth writing the conclusion myself. In my opinion, the idea of ​​the story, its moral, if you like, should be extracted and understood by everyone themselves, and not the author should dictate it in the finale.
It’s a little reminiscent of good old school essays. :)
But these are all trifles! Evgeniy, you are great!
Best regards, Artem Marmazinsky.

Who is God? - means the name of the Holy Archangel of God Michael. Who is God? - express all his deeds. According to the meaning of the word, Michael is an Angel possessing an extraordinary, unparalleled spiritual layer. In the prophet Daniel he appears to be a special protector and patron of the Jewish people (Dan. 10:13,21; 12:1). In the Revelation of John the Theologian, the Archangel Michael is portrayed as the protector of Christians and the destroyer of the dragon and his angels: “and there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon... and the great dragon, the ancient serpent, was cast out... and his angels were cast out with him "(Rev. 12:79); then, in anger, he began to harm the Church of Christ and continues to wage war with the saints (Rev. 12:13 - 17). And as a consolation for believers, it is given to see in Revelation that this primordial struggle with the enemy of our salvation will end in the perfect victory of the Lamb (chap. 19 and 20), and that in the fight against the serpent we have supreme defenders and patrons, led by the Holy Archangel Michael.

As a faithful servant of God, he was appointed by God as a leader and official over all ranks holy angels. Therefore, he is depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or flaming sword in his hand, with a dragon under his feet, i.e. spirit of evil. The white banner that adorns the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the Angels to the Heavenly King, and the cross with which the spear ends makes it known that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and victory over it is accomplished in the name of the Cross of Christ, accomplished through patience, humility and self-sacrifice .

According to church tradition, Archangel Michael took part in many Old Testament events. During the exit of the Israelites from Egypt, he led them in the form of a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. Through him the power of the Lord appeared, destroying the Egyptians who persecuted the people of God. He appeared to Joshua as an assistant during the Israeli conquest of the Promised Land. He appeared to the prophet Daniel during the days of the fall of the Babylonian kingdom and the beginning of the creation of the Messianic kingdom. Daniel was predicted to receive help from the Archangel Michael to the people of God during the period of upcoming persecution under the Antichrist.

Since ancient times, Archangel Michael has been glorified for his miracles in Rus'. The Volokolamsk Patericon contains the story of St. Paphnutius Borovsky from the words of the Tatar Baskaks about miraculous salvation Novgorod the Great: “And since Veliky Novgrad was never taken from the Hagarians... sometimes, by God’s permission, it was a sin for our sake, the godless Hagaryan king Batu captured the Rosi land and burned it and went to the New City and covered it with God and the Most Pure Mother of God with the appearance of Michael the Archangel , who forbid him to attack him. He went to the Lithuanian cities and came to Kyiv and saw the great Archangel Michael written above the doors of the stone church and the prince pointing with his finger: “Forbid me to go to Veliky Novgorod.” Representations for Russian cities of the Most Holy Queen of Heaven were always carried out by Her appearances with the Heavenly Host, under the leadership of the Archangel. Grateful Rus' sang Blessed Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael in church hymns. Many monasteries, cathedrals, palace and town churches are dedicated to the Archangel. In ancient Kyiv, immediately after the adoption of Christianity, the Archangel Cathedral was erected and a monastery was established. There are Archangel Cathedrals in Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod, Staritsa, a monastery in Veliky Ustyug (beginning of the 13th century), and a cathedral in Sviyazhsk. There was no city in Rus' where there was not a temple or chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael. One of the main temples city ​​of Moscow - a temple-tomb in the Kremlin - dedicated to him. The icons of the Chief of the Supreme Powers and his Cathedral are numerous and beautiful. One of them - the icon “Blessed Host” - was painted for the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, where the holy warriors - the Russian princes - are depicted under the leadership of the Archangel Michael.

The Church reveres Archangel Michael as a defender of the faith and a fighter against heresies and all evil. At the beginning of the 4th century, the Church established the feast of the “Council” (i.e., the assembly) of the holy angels, led by Archangel Michael, on November 8th.

Troparion to Archangel Michael
voice 4

Heavenly armies of the Archangel, / we always pray to you, unworthy, / and with your prayers protect us / with the shelter of your immaterial glory, / preserving us who fall diligently and cry out: / deliver us from troubles, / like the commander of the highest powers.

Kontakion to Archangel Michael
voice 2

Archangel of God,/ servant of the Divine glory,/ leader of angels and teacher of men,/ ask for what is useful to us and great mercy, // like the bodiless Archangel.

On November 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Council of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Powers. The cathedral is a collection of all the holy angels headed by the Archangel Michael. They glorify the Holy Trinity and serve God. We publish the word of St. Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson and Tauride, spoken on this day.

For those celebrating in honor of high and beneficent persons, it is closest and most pleasant to talk among themselves about these persons during the celebration. Therefore, brothers, I intend to talk with you today about the Holy Archangels. Their sacred images always appear before our eyes in this temple dedicated to their name; but they stand at such a height that many can hardly raise their gaze there and are not able to distinguish everything that differs in the image of each Archangel. Therefore, our word may not be a fruitless addition to your hearing and an explanation of what your eye always sees here. Just do not expect, brethren, from me in this case any of my own speculations about the world of the Angels; From this sacred place we should hear one thing that is revealed to us regarding the Angels by the word of God and the legends of those God-wise men, who are not in vain called by the Church itself interlocutors of Angels.

The persons now blessed by the Church are called Archangels, or the chief and first of the Angels, because they are the leaders and chiefs of the ranks of the Angels. For even in heaven, brothers, despite mutual love, joy and bliss of one and all, there is, however, no equality that some, out of extreme foolishness, seek on earth; and there some rule and lead, others obey and follow. Essential and complete equality is found only between the three Persons of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Although the number of Angels is extremely large, according to the expression of Scripture, there are only seven Archangels. " I am... one of the seven holy angels,- this is what Archangel Raphael said to the righteous Tobit, - who offer the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One"(Tov. 12:15). And Saint John in his wondrous Apocalypse, speaking grace and peace to the churches " from the One who is, and the One who is, and the One who is to come", then utters a blessing: " and of the seven spirits which are before His throne"(Rev. 1:4).

Why are there only seven main Angels - no less and no more?.. This is the secret of creation, known to the Lord and Creator of Angels. We can only note with reverence in the present case that the septenary number constitutes one of the most important laws of the origin and existence of creatures both in the spiritual world and in the material world. For shall we look at the Kingdom of grace?.. We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven Sacraments. Shall we look at the kingdom of nature?.. We find seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days of creation, and so on.

Of the seven supreme spirits, the Holy Church is the first to recognize Mikhail, therefore the present celebration is called the Council of the Archangel Michael and other Immaterial Forces. Who is God is what his name means; who is like God expresses all his deeds. He was the first to rebel against Lucifer when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this first terrible battle ended - with the overthrow of Dennitsa from the sky. Since then, Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children. Therefore, he is always depicted in a warlike form, with a spear or sword in his hand, with a dragon under his feet, that is, the spirit of evil. The white banner that adorns the top of his spear means the unchanging purity and unshakable loyalty of the Angels to the Heavenly King, and the cross with which the spear ends makes it known that the battle with the kingdom of darkness and the victory over it by the Archangels themselves is accomplished in the name of the Cross of Christ, accomplished through patience and humility and selflessness. Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant warfare against vice and wickedness, and constant humility and self-sacrifice.

Second place in the ranks of Angels belongs to Gabriel: a name meaning the power of God. Since among the celestials the name always expresses the thing itself, this Archangel, in the work of serving human salvation, is especially the herald and servant of the omnipotence of God. So, whether the power of God will be revealed in the miraculous conception of the Forerunner from elderly parents, the news of this conception rests with Gabriel. Whether the seedless conception of the Son of God Himself can occur, the honor of the gospel of this goes to Gabriel again. This same Archangel, in the opinion of God-wise men, was sent to reinforce the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, and to announce to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Dormition. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles. But, serving miracles, he, for that very reason, is a special servant of the mysteries of God, for one presupposes the other. Therefore, when it was necessary to reveal future events to Daniel the prophet, he heard a voice: “ Gabriel, tell him the vision"(Dan. 8:16). Bearing in mind this service of Gabriel, the Holy Church sometimes depicts him with a branch of paradise in his hand, which he brought to the Mother of God, and sometimes with a lantern in right hand, inside of which a candle burns, and in the left - a mirror made of jasper. He is depicted with a mirror - since Gabriel is the messenger of God’s destinies about the salvation of the human race; is depicted with a candle in a lantern, since the destinies of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment and, after their fulfillment, are comprehended only by those who steadily look into the mirror of the word of God and their conscience. Thus, if anyone who bears the name Gabriel has that faith of God, for which, according to the word of the Savior Himself, nothing is impossible (Mark 9:23); and if from anyone, then from them there should be as far as possible the punishment that this Archangel was once forced to impose on the father of the Forerunner for the poverty of faith (Luke 1:20).

Raphael, or the help and healing of God, is the name of the third Archangel, a name that is therefore dear to all who suffer. IN Holy Scripture there is a whole book in which it is described how this Archangel, in the form of a man, accompanied the righteous Tobiah, freed him from evil spirit his bride, restored sight to his elderly father, Tobit, and then ascended from them to heaven. Therefore, this Archangel is depicted with a medical vessel in his left hand, and leading Tobias with his right. The words spoken by this Archangel during separation from Tobit’s family are very instructive.

« Prayer with fasting and almsgiving and righteousness is good,- Raphael said, -...for alms delivers from death and cleanses all sin... When you and your daughter-in-law Sarah prayed, you offered the memory of your prayer before the Holy One: and when you buried the dead, the likeness of those present to you, and when you were not lazy to rise and leave your dinner , but having gone away to cover the dead, you did not hide from doing me good, but I was with you"(Tov. 12:8-9, 12-13). Therefore, whoever wishes to be worthy of Raphael’s heavenly help must first of all be merciful to those in need. Those who are merciful are most likely to be pardoned themselves. Moreover, the virtues of mercy and compassion must distinguish those who bear the name of Raphael, otherwise they will not have a spiritual union with the Archangel.

The Fourth Archangel is depicted with a sword turned against the Persians, and in Shuyts with a flame descending to the bottom; and his name Uriel, that is, the light or fire of God. As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and consumes impure earthly attachments in them. So, this is your Archangel, people who have devoted themselves to science! How gratifying it should be for you to know that your night vigils and your labors on the collection of knowledge are illuminated not only by the spontaneous flickering from the lamp, but also by the light from the flame of the Archangel. And here, of course, is the source of many truly useful and great discoveries in the field of science! Those discoveries about which those who made them themselves notice that they came to mind suddenly, as if by revelation from above. Is it surprising to have sudden insights from above when there is a special Archangel of light and knowledge?

What, however, can one expect from this world-class mentor? Revelations of the secrets of nature, beyond our reason and our needs? Foreshadowing of future events or something like that? No, this is not the Archangel's business. Listen to what Uriel answered to one pious, but too inquisitive man, when, in the heat of his passion for knowledge, he wanted to learn from him the secret of the Divine world government. The Archangel did not refuse to answer the questions, but demanded that Ezra (as this man was called) do one of three things for him first: weigh the flame of the fire, or indicate the beginning of the wind, or return the past day. When Ezra denied the impossibility of doing this, the Archangel said: “ if he asked you, saying: if there are many dwellings in the hearts of the sea, or if there are many springs at the beginning of the abyss, or if there are many veins above the firmament of heaven, or if they are the limits of paradise; negli would answer me: I didn’t go into the abyss, nor into hell, below into heaven when I sighed. Now you are not asked about these things, only about the lights and about the wind and about the days in which you were, and you cannot exist without these things: and you answered about these things with nothing. You cannot know these, even though you are your essence and have grown up with you, and how can your vessel contain the ways of the Most High?”(3 Rides 4:7-11).

Take note of this lesson, people devoted to the sciences, and do not forget, following the example of your Archangel, to be servants not only of the light of truth, but also of the fire of Divine love. " The mind... is boasting", one… " creates love"(1 Cor. 8:1).

The fifth Archangel is the supreme minister of prayer, and is called Salafiel. Pure and fiery prayer itself can serve instead of a Cherub for the soul, protecting it from all hostile forces. But what are our prayers?.. Weak, short, unclean, cold. And so, the Lord, knowing how necessary prayer is for each of us, gave us a whole face of prayerful Angels with their leader Salafiel - so that with the inspiration of their pure lips they warm our cold hearts and encourage them to pray, and instruct us about what, when and how Let us pray that our very offerings may be lifted up to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon the Archangel standing in a position of prayer, with his eyes downcast, with his hands reverently placed on his chest, then know that this is Salafiel. And seeing the Archangel of prayer himself in this position, try yourself during prayer to always be in a position appropriate for the one praying. Decent, I say, because many don’t even have this. Looking at how some of us pray, you would think that they do not ask, but command and threaten the One from whom they ask. Is this a prayer!..

The sixth Archangel has a golden crown in his right hand, and a scourge of three scarlet ropes in his shuitz. This is because the duty of this Archangel with the face of the Angels entrusted to him is to encourage with the reward of eternal blessings and to protect in the name of the Holy Trinity and the power of the Cross of Christ people working in various types of service for the glory of God, which is why he is called Egudiel, or the praise of God. There are no people among us who bear this name; for this, each of us, young and old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God; and since he truly works at this, it cannot be that he does not encounter various obstacles. For on our sinful earth, among us sinful people, every good deed is accomplished only with difficulty, and many with great and difficult effort. What needs? Our Lord and Master " without being offended... forget any of our good deeds and any labor of love"(Heb. 6:10) in His name; The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward for the warrior who, during battle, does not spare his life for the Church and the Fatherland, and during peace “ He won’t offend anyone, he’s happy with his dues"(Luke 3:14), for the city ruler who does not fall asleep and falls asleep, guard the city entrusted to him; for the judge who firmly holds the scales of righteousness, judges without partiality, sire and humble; this is a reward for a householder who sets an example of God-fearing to his household; for a slave who bears his lot with faith and patience.

This is the Council of the Archangels! This is true for us and our salvation! For what he is like in his heavenly strength, majesty and greatness, this is not given to us now to know. We will see when we are worthy to stand at the right hand of the throne of God and enter into the very council of Angels. I say: enter, for man, according to the understanding of many teachers of the Church, was created for this purpose (much less for this purpose he was recreated) in order to fill with himself in the host of Angels that deficiency that occurred through the falling away from their bright face of Lucifer with his army.

Therefore, while celebrating the Council of Archangels and Angels, we must, brothers, think about our future meeting with them. One of two things is inevitable: it is necessary, absolutely necessary, to be either in the Council of Angels, or among the crowd of rejected spirits. Who can decide on the latter?.. But, desiring the former, one must prepare oneself in advance for cohabitation with the Angels through the acquisition of Angelic thoughts and feelings. For on earth, much less in heaven, only those who strive for one and the same goal and are animated by one and the same Spirit live in peace and constant union. Amen.

CATHEDRAL OF THE ARCHISTRATIUS MICHAEL. Everyone knows the first words of the Bible: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In these words, by “heaven” the holy fathers did not mean our blue sky or even the starry sky, not the universe with its galaxies and nebulae (for this entire material cosmos is called the word “earth”), but they understood the heavenly world, the world of ethereal beings, the world Angelov. In general, in the Holy Scriptures, the expression “heaven and earth” means the fullness of God’s creation - everything that is created by God. Thus, from the very first words of the Bible, a great secret is revealed to us - we learn that God’s creation consists of two parts: heaven, or the immaterial angelic world, and earth, that is, the material cosmos. In the following verses, the Bible tells in some detail about God’s creation of the “earth,” that is, the material world. Nothing more is said about the Angelic world. Scripture shrouded this mystery in silence, perhaps because man, as he is now, could not contain it anyway. For the realities of the heavenly world are incomprehensible to people, as they convince us, for example, famous words Christ: “If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?” That is why we know little about the life of Angels. Let us nevertheless try, on the basis of the Bible and the patristic works, to expound what we know about the Angelic world. Damascene gives the following definition: “An angel is an entity endowed with intelligence, always moving, possessing free will, incorporeal, serving God, by grace having received immortality for its nature, of which essence the form and definition is known only by the Creator... Angels are the second, comprehended only by the mind, lights having light from the first and beginningless Light; having no need for language and hearing, but without a spoken word communicating their own thoughts and decisions to each other... They are strong and ready to fulfill the Divine will, and due to the speed inherent in their nature, they immediately find themselves everywhere, wherever the Divine wave commands, and protect the regions of the earth, and govern peoples and countries, depending on how the Creator commanded them, and manage our affairs, and help us... they see God as much as possible for them, and have this as food.” Thus, from the words of Saint John it follows that Angels are incorporeal, immortal beings, incomparably more perfect than man in his earthly state. Angels were created by God before material world , before time, space and matter appeared. The fact that by the time of the creation of the world Angels already existed is confirmed by the words of the Lord in the book of Job: “When the stars were created, all My Angels praised Me with a great voice.” Studiysky says that the power and authority of even one Angel is so great that he could destroy the entire world in the blink of an eye. The Angelic nature is invisible and incomprehensible to man, but only God who created it knows it. Although the Bible describes the appearance of Angels in the form of luminous youths, or warriors, or six-winged animals - Cherubim, or mysterious chariots, or many-eyed lions, calves and eagles, the Holy Fathers say that these images are not the true nature of Angels, but are accepted by them only for the sake of people, for the sake of their perception - for the revelation of Divine secrets to them. “Angelic powers descend with wings,” says St. John Chrysostom, “not because this incorporeal power has wings, but as a sign that they are descending from the highest regions, leaving the heavenly abodes.” None of the people have seen and cannot see the Angelic nature itself. However, this nature still partially manifests itself during the appearances of Angels, and, according to the holy fathers, it is inexpressibly beautiful and shines with countless perfections that God, who created it, put into it. Angels are servants of God and His intermediaries in governing the world. “These Minds (Angels),” says St. Gregory the Theologian, “each accepted one part of the universe or were assigned to something alone in the world, as it was known to the One who Arranged and Distributed everything.” From the book of the Apocalypse it is clear that there are Angels who have power over the elements and forces of the material world. There, for example, the “Angel of the waters” and the “Angel who has power over fire” are mentioned. These Angels are the executors of the will of God in our world - through them God controls the elements of water and fire. In general, from the book of the Apocalypse, as well as from other biblical books, it is clear that Angels take an active part in revealing the destinies of God on earth. This participation is manifested, for example, in the fact that each people has its own Guardian Angel, who directs it along the historical paths destined for it by God. “They (Angels) protect parts of the earth, rule over peoples and places, as assigned by the Creator,” says St. John of Damascus. As you know, the book of the prophet Daniel mentions the Angels of the Jewish, Greek and Persian peoples. Angels took a very direct part in this story. Angels guarded the ancestors of the people of God - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others - in their earthly wanderings. Patriarch Jacob saw angels ascending and descending along a mysterious staircase in a vision. Through the Angels, Moses received the Law from God at Sinai. Angels helped the Jewish people leave Egypt and take possession of the Promised Land. For example, the Archangel Michael himself, the leader of the heavenly army, appeared to Joshua. Angels proclaimed the will of God to the Old Testament prophets. The Prophet Daniel received revelations from the Archangel Gabriel in Babylon. Also to many other righteous people Old Testament Angels appeared for revelation, for guidance, for help, for healing. In Jerusalem, as we know, there was the holy spring of Bethesda, into which an Angel descended from time to time, and the first one who immersed himself after that recovered from any illness. Angels took an even greater part in the events of the New Testament. Thus, it is known that the Archangel Gabriel preached to the Virgin Mary that She would give birth to the Son of God. An angel announced the birth of the Messiah to the Bethlehem shepherds. The wonderful star that led the Magi to Christ, according to the word of St. Theodore, was nothing more than an Angel, which was visible to them as a bright star. It differed from other stars in that it did not stand still, but could move. The star led them along until it finally stopped over the place where Christ and His Most Pure Mother were. An angel appeared to righteous Joseph and told him, Mary and the Child to flee to Egypt from the murderer Herod. Angels served Christ in the desert. An angel strengthened Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. An angel announced to the myrrh-bearing women about the Resurrection of Christ. Angels appeared to the apostles after His Ascension. An angel freed the Apostle Peter, who was awaiting execution, and miraculously led him out of prison. Finally, in the last book of the Bible, in Revelation, Angels are undoubtedly the main actors , servants and executors of the will of God both in the spiritual and material world. Angels will accompany Christ at His Second Coming. The Gospel even says that all the holy Angels will then come with Him. The angels will also gather all the righteous from the four corners of the earth and place them before God. Moschus tells about Abba Leontius, how one Sunday he came to church to receive the Holy Mysteries. Entering the temple, he saw an Angel standing right side throne. Struck by horror, he retired to his cell. And a voice came to him: “Since this throne was consecrated, I have been commanded to be with it.” But Angels not only guard the temples of God, they also take part in Orthodox worship . We know about this from the lives of many saints. Yes, in life St. Sergius it tells how an Angel served the liturgy with him. Also in the life of St. Spyridon the angelic choir that sang at his service is told. The Church itself testifies to the participation of Angels in worship: “Now the heavenly powers serve with us invisibly,” it is sung on Presanctified Liturgy . Before the small entrance, the priest prays that the Lord will send the Angels participating in this sacred rite. In addition, the Trisagion and the Seraphic hymn “holy, holy, holy” are sung at the liturgy. These chants are not human, they belong to the Angels, and during the service they are invisibly sung along with the people by the Angels. , and most importantly, it keeps you on that last, most important and dangerous path, when the soul, having been separated from the body and ascending to heaven, will go through ordeals. How can the heavenly Forces not move away from us if we indulge only in earthly things? How can pure spirits avoid leaving if we live in the uncleanness of the flesh? How can the Angels of God not withdraw if we constantly have in our thoughts and desires not God and His Christ, but the world and ourselves?” Further, it should be said that the Lord also performs church sacraments through Angels. This is why the Church teaches that Baptism, Communion and Confession are performed regardless of the personal dignity or unworthiness of the priest. If the serving priest is sinful and unworthy, then in this case everything is done by the Angel, and the priest will answer before God for his mistakes and sins. Syrian. It is generally accepted that there are nine ranks of Angels - three degrees of three ranks in each. On the first degree - Angels, Archangels and Principalities. On the second - Power, Strength, Dominion, on the third, highest - Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. However, it should be remembered that the Angelic world can only be very approximately described by these ranks. Saint John Chrysostom says: “There are Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers; but not only these hosts exist in heaven, but endless armies and innumerable tribes, which no word can depict.” The hierarchy of Angels is manifested in the fact that the lower ones receive knowledge, power and authority from the higher ones, and the highest ones - from God. Saint Gregory the Theologian says: “(Angels) either from the first Cause are illuminated with the purest, most holy illumination, or, according to their nature and rank, they receive illumination in a different way (from higher to lower). At the very top celestial hierarchy. It’s not for nothing that we sing at the liturgy: “Like the Cherubim secretly form.” It is also not in vain that the Holy Fathers teach that Christians are called to unite with the Angels and take the places vacated in heaven after the fall of the demons. In the word “For the Council of Heavenly Orders,” the Monk Theodore says that there are nine ranks of Angels, and the tenth rank is man. Christ also speaks about these ten ranks, or drachmas, in the Gospel: “What woman, having ten drachmas, if she loses one drachma, does not light a candle and sweep the room and search carefully until she finds it, and having found it, calls her friends and neighbors and he will say: Rejoice with me: I have found the lost drachma.” Also, the words of Christ about one lost sheep and ninety-nine who were not lost were attributed by the holy fathers to man and to the Angels.

From all that has been said, it follows, brothers and sisters, that we are called to unite in heaven with the Angelic forces in their eternal presence and glorification of God. However, in order for this to happen, we must imitate the Angels in their perfections. Angels are holy - and we must live holy. Angels shine with purity - and we must strive for purity, moving away from sin and all filth. Angels burn with love for God and for people - and we must learn this heavenly love. Because of their love for God, the Angels know no rest either day or night, but remain in constant praise of the Creator. And we must always glorify the Lord with our prayers, our words, our deeds and our whole lives. And if we try to live like this, then, undoubtedly, in due time we will join the heavenly angels and merge with them in the eternal praise of God the Creator, to Whom alone belongs all glory, honor and power, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Priest John Pavlov Who is God, except the Lord? Or who is God, is it our God? For the one Word of God is true God and the Only Begotten, because He alone is also God, like the Father. Having said about Christ that he is God by nature, he now says: or who is God?

We have one God the Father, and there is no other God, so that one fulfills the request of one, and another the request of another. But perhaps the two verses are placed in mutual correspondence. Thus, the true God girded me with strength to gain victory, and laid out my blameless path to accomplish good deeds.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

St. Basil the Great

That this and similar things are said in Scripture not in relation to the Son, but in relation to the so-called, but not genuine, gods, this is sufficiently proven by those places from which we borrowed evidence that the Son is repeatedly called in both the Old and New Testaments both God and Lord. But David brings this into greater clarity; saying: "Who is like You", he added: "in bozeh, Lord"(Psalm 85:8) ? And Moses says: “The Lord is their only leader, and God is not alien to them.”(Deut. 32:12), although the Savior was with them, as the Apostle says: “Piyahu bo from the spiritual subsequent stone; the stone is Christ"(1 Cor. 10:4). And Jeremiah says: “The gods who did not create heaven and earth, let them perish under heaven”(Jer. 10, 11). For the Son is not among them; He Himself is the Creator of everything. Therefore, with regard to idols and pagan venerations, and not to the Son, we should understand what was said above and the following: “I am God first, and I am hereafter, and besides Me there is no God.”(Isaiah 44.6); And: “before Me there was no god, and after Me there will not be”(Isa.43,10) ; And: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord”(Deuteronomy 6:4); and all similar places.

Refutation of the defensive speech of the evil Eunomius. Books IV-V.

Blzh. Theodoret of Cyrus

“Who is God, except the Lord? and who is God, except our God?. For there is no other God, so that one God gives what is asked to one, and another to another.

Evfimy Zigaben

Who is God, except the Lord?

The union seems to be unnecessary here; or it is used instead of another conjunction - for. For who else, as the prophet says, by his very nature is God besides the Lord? that is, except for God the Father.

Or who is the god of our God?

In this place the prophet called God the Son. Speaking of God our, he counts himself among us who have believed in Christ, foreknowing by his prophetic spirit the holiness of our faith.

Zodiac signs