Trinity Parents' Saturday. Help Trinity Parents' Saturday

Remember, Lord, the souls of your departed servants, the newly departed and the formerly departed, and all those who have departed from this world in the hope of the Resurrection...

From ancient times the Holy Church calls upon us to commemorate all our pious forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters who have departed from time immemorial, since on the day of Pentecost the redemption of the world was sealed by the sanctifying power of the Life-giving Most Holy Spirit, which graciously and savingly extends to us, the living, and so on the dead.

Our prayer today extends beyond the boundaries of human life. There, far and near kingdom of the dead, with prayer, as with a burning candle, we strive to bring the humble gift of grateful memory and love, asking God for mercy to all the departed, may their souls be found in the saints!

Funeral parent's Saturday arranged on the eve of the celebration of the Holy Trinity and is called Trinity Saturday. On the day of the foundation of the Church, on the Holy Trinity, the grace of the Holy Spirit permeated the entire earthly Church and the entire Heavenly Church, where there are forefathers and patriarchs, holy martyrs, reverends, saints.

There is a direct connection between the earthly and heavenly churches; we pray to the saints, we ask them and they hear us. On the day of the foundation of the Church - the day of the Holy Trinity - the Spirit of God sanctified everything in the world, both the living and the dead, therefore, from the founding of the Church, the Fathers of the Church commemorated the deceased, their dear parents, their brothers and sisters, and, at the inspiration of the Spirit of God, organized funeral Saturday on the eve of the Holy Trinity.

Remember, Lord, the souls of Your departed servants

The commemoration of all dead pious Christians is established on the Saturday before Pentecost due to the fact that the event of the descent of the Holy Spirit completed the economy of human salvation, and the deceased also participate in this salvation. Therefore, the Church, sending up prayers on Pentecost for the revival of all living by the Holy Spirit, asks on the very day of the holiday that for the departed the grace of the all-holy and all-sanctifying Spirit of the Comforter, which they were granted during their lifetime, would be a source of bliss, since by the Holy Spirit “every soul is given life.” "

Therefore, the Church devotes the eve of the holiday, Saturday, to the remembrance of the departed and prayer for them. Saint Basil the Great, who composed the touching prayers of Vespers of Pentecost, says in them that the Lord especially on this day deigns to accept prayers for the dead and even for “those kept in hell.”

Requiem services were still served in the Catacomb Church, when the first Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire, and the word “requiem service” is literally translated from Greek language means “service at night” - “prayer at night for the dead.” When the Church became free, the memorial service came out of the catacombs and became a service for the dead. Over time, memorial Saturdays appeared in the Church.

“Pray to the Lord for the repose of our forefathers,
father and his brothers every morning and evening,
may mortal memory live in you,
and may the hope in you not fade away future life after death,
Yes, and your spirit expands daily, thinking about your fleeting life.”
Holy righteous John Kronstadt

Trinity Saturday associated with the founding of the Church by the Trinity and the Descent of the Holy Spirit. We pray for the departed, that the Lord would forgive them, and we believe that the Spirit of God touches not only those who live and pray, but also those who have died. Our loved ones have gone into another world with passions, vices, sins, and we pray and ask the Spirit of God, whom God sent, we ask Christ the Savior to have mercy on them. On the eve of Trinity Saturday, on Friday evening, parastas are served in our Church. “Parastas”, from Greek, “intercession” - during this service the prayer of the Church intercedes for their dead.

We beg God for forgiveness for the departed, because they can no longer beg for anything for themselves, they can pray for us, but not for themselves: “Help, Lord, rest, Lord, the souls of the departed Thy servant, forefather, father, sisters, our brethren, the Orthodox who lie here and everywhere.” The Orthodox ask on behalf of the Church that the Lord have mercy on those who left in the faith and hope of the Resurrection. Through the prayer of the Church, grace develops to such a state that helps the soul of the deceased to leave the bonds of hell.

Trinity Saturday has its deepest sacred meaning and will not lose it until the end of time, therefore memorial Saturdays are extremely necessary. Among the people, everyone knows the memorial Saturdays of the second, third, fourth of Great Lent, Trinity Parents, Dmitrievskaya Saturday, Radonitsa. To come to the grave, to give alms, to do a good deed, to say a kind word - this is also alms in our time for those who died untimely.

Trinity Saturday is also called parental Saturday, because our parents are closest to us in the flesh, so we begin the commemoration with our deceased parents. In a church memorial note, we first write the names of deceased parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and remember relatives. Parents' days They give us the joy of prayerful communication in God with those who have passed on from this life. That’s why we love parents’ Saturdays, where we remember our deceased parents, benefactors, and relatives. We come to the Liturgy, submit notes to the Proskomedia, and pray at the Memorial Service.

What more can we do for our dear departed? Give abundant alms, intensify the prayer at home for them and prepare a special funeral meal - kutia. Orthodox Christians are not forbidden to visit the cemetery on this day to venerate the graves of their relatives after they have been remembered in church. After all, when we pray for the souls of those who have passed on to another world, it is generally accepted that they, at that moment in heaven, are praying for us.

The Lord God, through the depth of His wisdom, humanely builds everything and gives useful things to everyone, i.e. if whose life continues, he benefits; and if he shortens someone’s days, it is for the sake of it, lest malice change his mind or flattery deceive his soul. And our duty in both cases is to say with childlike submission to the Heavenly Father: Our Father, Thy will be done! We will remember as best we can on earth, and departed souls will remember us in heaven. And not only the righteous, whose souls are in the hand of God, pray to the Lord for our salvation, but also the souls of sinners also care about us, so that we do not end up in the same place as they are, and, according to the Gospel parable, they ask Saint Abraham to send us to some house righteous Lazarus so that he would admonish us about what we should do, so that we may avoid eternal torment.

Rev. Anthony Optinsky


The hour is coming when the remains of the deceased are buried in the earth, where they will rest until the end of time and the general resurrection. But the love of the Mother of the Church for her child who has departed from this life does not dry out.

IN famous days she makes prayers for the deceased and makes a bloodless sacrifice for his repose. Special days of commemoration are the third, ninth and fortieth (in this case, the day of death is considered the first). Commemoration on these days is sanctified by ancient church custom. It is consistent with the teaching of the Church about the state of the soul beyond the grave.

Third day. The commemoration of the deceased on the third day after death is performed in honor of the three-day resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the image Holy Trinity.

For the first two days, the soul of the deceased is still on earth, passing along with the Angel accompanying it through those places that attract it with memories of earthly joys and sorrows, evil and good deeds. The soul that loves the body sometimes wanders around the house in which the body is placed, and thus spends two days like a bird looking for a nest. A virtuous soul walks through those places in which it used to do the truth. On the third day, the Lord commands the soul to ascend to heaven to worship Him - the God of all. Therefore, the church commemoration of the soul that appeared before the face of the Just One is very timely.

Ninth day. The commemoration of the deceased on this day is in honor of the nine ranks of angels, who, as servants of the King of Heaven and representatives to Him for us, petition for pardon for the deceased.

After the third day, the soul, accompanied by an Angel, enters the heavenly abodes and contemplates their indescribable beauty. She remains in this state for six days. During this time, the soul forgets the sorrow that it felt while in the body and after leaving it. But if she is guilty of sins, then at the sight of the pleasure of the saints she begins to grieve and reproach herself: “Woe is me! How much I have become fussy in this world! I spent most of my life in carelessness and did not serve God as I should, so that I too would be worthy of this grace and glory. Alas for me, poor one!” On the ninth day, the Lord commands the Angels to again present the soul to Him for worship. The soul stands before the throne of the Most High with fear and trembling. But even at this time, the Holy Church again prays for the deceased, asking the merciful Judge to place the soul of her child with the saints.

Fortieth day. The forty-day period is very significant in the history and tradition of the Church as the time necessary for preparation and acceptance of the special Divine gift of the gracious help of the Heavenly Father. The Prophet Moses was honored to talk with God on Mount Sinai and receive the tablets of the law from Him only after a forty-day fast. The Israelites reached the promised land after forty years of wandering. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself ascended into heaven on the fortieth day after His resurrection. Taking all this as a basis, the Church established commemoration on the fortieth day after death, so that the soul of the deceased would ascend the holy mountain of Heavenly Sinai, be rewarded with the sight of God, achieve the bliss promised to it and settle in the heavenly villages with the righteous.

After the second worship of the Lord, the Angels take the soul to hell, and it contemplates the cruel torment of unrepentant sinners. On the fortieth day, the soul ascends for the third time to worship God, and then its fate is decided - according to earthly affairs, it is assigned a place to stay until Last Judgment. That's why it's so timely church prayers and commemorations on this day. They atone for the sins of the deceased and ask for his soul to be placed in paradise with the saints.

Anniversary. The Church commemorates the deceased on the anniversary of their death. The basis for this establishment is obvious. It is known that the largest liturgical cycle is the annual circle, after which all the fixed holidays are repeated again. Anniversary of death loved one always celebrated with at least a heartfelt remembrance by his loving family and friends. For an Orthodox believer, this is a birthday for a new, eternal life.

Prayers for the departed help us acquire mortal memory in order to remember our last hour and refrain from sin. Let us be diligent in prayer, so that those who have passed on to another world, distant and close to us, may rest in peace with the saints, may the Lord forgive their mistakes and sins, and may the Lord have mercy and save us for our prayers for them.

Departed to better world our friends will no longer return to us, we will no longer see a dear face on earth, we will not hear our beloved voice, but everything does not end earthly life. Death is only a transition to the fullness of perfect life - and this is our consolation, all our hope. Although they will not return to us, we will go to them when the Lord calls us.

Trinity Parents' Saturday is an annual day of remembrance of the dead in late May and early June. The name comes from church holiday– Holy Trinity Day, which is celebrated on the Sunday after Parents’ Saturday, when it is customary to offer prayers for all deceased Orthodox Christians.

Trinity Saturday is one of two “big” memorial days of the year

The name “parental” comes from the fact that those praying first remember their deceased relatives and only then other believers. Trinity Saturday is one of two “big” memorial days known as Ecumenical Parental Saturdays. Unlike private parental Saturdays, Ecumenical Saturdays are held in all Orthodox churches.

What date is Trinity Parents' Saturday?

Held annually, usually in June, less often in May, on the Saturday before Trinity Day. Like many other days on the church calendar, this is a floating date. The date of Trinity Parent Saturday changes every year:

  • Trinity Parents' Saturday will be celebrated on June 15 in 2019;
  • in 2018 the day was celebrated on May 26;
  • In 2020, Trinity Saturday falls on June 6th.

The meaning of Trinity Parental Saturday

According to the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, on this day they pray for the deceased. Relatives should submit funeral notes (requiem service) in advance, and on the day itself come to the temple, light candles and offer prayers. It is customary to visit cemeteries and hold funeral services. The word “parental” in the name of the memorial day means that a Christian prays for the repose of his family and friends.

Why is Trinity Parent Saturday called that?

Saturday is named after Trinity Day, which is celebrated the following day. Trinity Day is a major church festival dedicated to the Gospel tradition about the Descent of the Holy Spirit. It is believed that the Descent of the Holy Spirit marked the creation apostolic church. This day is also important because it marked the economy of the salvation of the human soul.

It is believed that the custom of commemorating the dead stems from the words of the holy Apostle Peter, who, addressing the Jews, said: “God raised Him up, breaking the bonds of death.” Basil of Caesarea, one of the church fathers, wrote that on this day the Lord will accept prayers even for sinners who are in hell. For this reason, the day before the Holy Trinity, Orthodox Christians pray for the repose of all dead Christians.

What to do on Trinity Parent Saturday?

On Parental Saturday, a Christian believer should come to church and offer a prayer for deceased brothers and sisters in faith. You should pray for repose at the graves of your loved ones, honor their memory and care for the graves. This is a special day to clean the tombstone, renew the cross, cut the grass in the area and around the grave, and lay flowers on it.

Funeral lunch on Trinity Saturday

The tradition of holding a funeral dinner on this day dates back to pre-Christian funeral feasts. For many centuries, in many villages it was customary to organize a large and noisy feast for dozens of people. Such events were organized in the spirit of pagan funeral feasts, but had little to do with Christian ethics and customs.

Funeral meal - to honor the memory of the deceased

The funeral meal is held not for the sake of a feast, but for the sake of honoring the memory of the deceased - to talk about them and remember them with a kind word. This is a day of family remembrance, education and transmission of tradition, so on Trinity Saturday the whole family gathers and invites relatives.

Although many people bring treats to the graves of their deceased loved ones, from the point of view Orthodox faith- this is nothing more than a custom that has remained in the practice of folk life since pagan times. Therefore, from the standpoint of the Orthodox canon, this custom is reprehensible. Instead, it is better to bring Lenten products to the temple, which the priests will give to those in need. It is considered a good deed to bring Cahors (wine) to church, which will be used during the liturgy.

Trinity Saturday Service

On the Friday before Memorial Day, a great memorial service (Greek: parastas) is held in churches. On Parent's Saturday itself a funeral service is held Divine Liturgy and a general memorial service, the priests give sermons dedicated to the deceased and their remembrance.

The day before parental Saturday, a note is submitted to the temple or church with the names of the deceased who will be remembered at the parastasis or in the liturgy. On Memorial Day, they visit the temple and pray for all the deceased. Sick and infirm believers read a prayer according to the prayer book at home.

An example of a canonical prayer for reading on Trinity Saturday

“Rest the souls before those who depart in the place of refreshment, for it is not the dead who will praise Thee, Lord, those who exist in hell dare to bring confessions to Thee, but we, the living, bless Thee and pray, and offer cleansing prayers and sacrifices to Thee for their souls.”

Trinity Parents' Saturday is one of several days when the memory of the deceased is commemorated. Trinity Saturday falls on the Saturday before the Holy Trinity. When will Trinity Parents' Saturday be in 2019? What can and cannot be done on this day?

Memorial days. What day is Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019?

Parents' Saturdays or something like that special days, when they commemorated deceased loved ones and relatives, several, namely: Saturdays of the second and fourth week of Lent, Radonitsa, Meat-free parental Saturday, Trinity and Demetrius, as well as the commemoration of fallen soldiers. But all deceased Orthodox Christians are remembered on Meat and Trinity Saturdays, which are considered Ecumenical. Meat-free Saturday on the eve of the meat-free week before Lent. But Trinity Parents' Saturday is the eve of the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, which is also called Pentecost.

This day is of great importance for everyone in whose family someone has passed away, that is, for every person. On this day, it is customary to clean up the place where the body of the deceased rests and remember it. A person’s soul has long been in heaven, from where he watches his loved ones. On Trinity Saturday, you need to think only about good things, mentally communicate with your loved ones who are no longer with us.

What should you do on Trinity Parents' Saturday?

As already mentioned, Trinity Parental Saturday is the day when all Orthodox Christians remember their relatives and friends. Therefore, honoring the memory of deceased relatives is the main activity of this day.

Parents' Saturdays allow all relatives to get together and remember those who are no longer in this world.

You should definitely go to church on this day. Believers come to the temple for the universal memorial service. It’s tedious to go to the temple in the morning, and then visit the graves of deceased relatives and friends.

On this day, flowers are placed on previously cleaned graves, decorated with greenery, and funeral dinners are also held.

Why do we need to pray for those people who have died? During life, everyone chooses for himself how his life will go, whether he will be a righteous person or will sin all his life, believing that there will still be time to repent. But no one can say with certainty which day will be his last. In most cases, a person is not at all ready to leave this world; death overtakes him suddenly, breaking all plans. Therefore, only his close people who continue to live can help him. And they can do this through prayers, which are necessary even for those people who have never sinned.

It was for this purpose that the church established special memorial days.

Arriving at the temple on this day, you need to write a note on which you should write “On repose” and then the name of the deceased. It is advisable to write church name person, but no more than 10 names on one note. It must be written legibly.

You need to know that in the notes you can write the names of only those deceased who were buried by the priests, but those who committed suicide are not mentioned. This is a great sin, and the priest simply does not have the right to pray for them.

If you have any doubts about writing such a note, you should definitely consult with a priest. He will be happy to tell you how best to do this.

What should you not do on Trinity Parents' Saturday?

Even if for some reason it was not possible to get to church on Trinity Parents’ Saturday, you can read a prayer for your deceased relatives and friends at home, the main thing is to do it sincerely, with all your soul.

People who committed suicide or did not undergo the sacrament of baptism cannot pray to the church. Some people believe that it is on Trinity Parental Saturday that one can submit a petition for the repose of these souls, which is fundamentally wrong.

It is also believed that during this period one cannot clean the apartment, do laundry, wash dirty dishes. But this was most likely invented by those people who do not want to do anything and are trying to find various excuses.

Church ministers say in this regard that it is possible to work on this day, but most of the time should be devoted to prayers and attending church.

Parents' Saturday is always celebrated before Trinity (June 15, 2019, June 6, 2020, June 19, 2021). On this day it is customary to remember all deceased Christians, regardless of the specific denomination. Therefore, this entire memorial Saturday before Holy Pentecost is called Ecumenical Trinity Parental Saturday.

The church hosts a special service - the Ecumenical Memorial Service, which you should definitely attend. This helps to cope with sad thoughts and helps to tune in to bright waves.

This day comes exactly one day before the holiday of the Trinity, and the Great Trinity, in turn, 50 days after Easter. According to the calendar in the coming years it will be like this:

How to remember the dead on Parents' Saturday

The Church calls departed people not dead, but departed. After all, the human soul is immortal, which means it simply left, and the human body fell asleep.

That is why we can and should remember our loved one - whether he is a relative, a friend, or simply good man. Therefore, it is useful to know who and how is commemorated on Parents’ Saturday before Trinity:

  1. As already mentioned, any dead Christian can be commemorated. Usually the church offers the following criterion: every baptized person is already a Christian. There is one important caveat associated with who is remembered on the Saturday before Trinity. It is not customary to remember the names of suicides. This issue is very delicate, and in some cases exceptions are even made. Therefore, it is better to ask a priest for additional advice.
  2. A believer should definitely go to church. Fortunately, Saturday is a day off, so there is every opportunity for this. The ecumenical memorial service begins in the morning, at approximately 08:30. It is better to check the schedule in advance by going to the temple the day before.
  3. By the way, the night before, it is better to submit a note with the names of the deceased. They just write on it full name person in Old Church Slavonic, for example “Tatiana”, “Boris”, “Theodore”, etc.
  4. After the service, you should not indulge in drunkenness, and in general consume even a little strong drinks. Such traditions go back partly to pagan, partly to Soviet times. If you think about it, what will our feast give to the deceased?
  5. Then how to behave on Memorial Saturday before Trinity? You should spend this day modestly, pray in the temple, for example like this:

Or you can simply say these words of prayer:

Remember, Lord, Name, your servant, and rest his soul, and forgive him his sins, voluntary and involuntary. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

  1. Another important point associated with commemoration on Trinity Day, as on any other, is the distribution of alms. This must be done from pure heart, without any thought of greed, much less self-interest. Moreover, alms can be expressed not only in money, but also in any feasible act, helping a person in need.

Parents' Day before Trinity: comments from priests

Representatives Orthodox Church are unanimous in how and who to remember on Saturday before Trinity (as well as on any other memorial day - Radonitsa or. First of all, a person must come to church in the morning.

At the same time, on Friday the day before, you can arrange a small memorial dinner - without alcohol and rich treats. After the morning funeral service in the church, they go to the cemetery and clean up the grave.

The commemoration takes place both in the church and in the cemetery. To do this, they bring a church candle (necessarily consecrated) to the grave, light it and read the funeral prayer.

You can use any text, including . Or you can even say the words that come to your heart. If a person is uncomfortable, he has the right to pray silently - the main thing is to do everything sincerely, from the heart.

At the same time, the priests especially emphasize that commemorating food at graves, or especially alcohol, is pagan tradition. And for Orthodox man such behavior is unacceptable.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Holy Trinity Day?

This is the rare case when the answer is unequivocal: no, on the bright day of Holy Pentecost itself it is not customary to visit the cemetery, tidy up the graves and remember the dead.

But, as you know, in fact, very often people do just that. Moreover folk tradition this one has been going on since ancient times. Why is this so? Everything is explained very simply, however, for this you need to remember our history.

Historically, it coincided that it is celebrated around the same time when the Slavs welcomed the onset of Rusal Week. By folk signs and it is believed that at this time the souls of the deceased finally leave earthly boundaries and go to their new refuge. And mermaids and mermen, on the contrary, come out of their sea kingdom to lure random travelers to the bottom.

That is why, both on the eve of Trinity and on this day itself, people still continue to go to the cemetery according to the old custom. Besides, it’s a day off, and it’s also quite warm outside, because summer is coming.

However, it is important to understand that there is a special Trinity Parent Saturday for commemoration. Moreover, the spirit of this holiday does not quite correspond to the feelings that surround the grave of a loved one.

Of course, life situations cannot always be reduced to a common denominator. How, for example, should we remember a person if the anniversary or 40 days fell on Trinity Sunday? It’s better, of course, to pay attention to this event, but you shouldn’t forget about the holiday.

If there are any doubts, you can simply consult with a priest or spiritually close person. A kind word helps to navigate the situation, and in general, warm communication undoubtedly brings people closer together.

Remembering those people who have passed on to another world is not only the duty of all those who follow Orthodox canons and their religious duty, but also the moral need of the soul. Honoring the memory of those who are no longer in our world is an expression of love for them and concern for their souls. If we talk specifically about Orthodoxy, then in this religion there are certain dates when we need to pray and remember the departed, and they are called parental Saturdays.

Despite the fact that during church year There are several parental Saturdays, two of them have a universal character. One parent Saturday is called Meat Parent Saturday, the second is Trinity Parent Saturday. And if Meat-Free Parents' Saturday has already passed, then we are yet to celebrate Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019. When will the holiday be?

  • The meaning of parent's Saturday

What date is Trinity Parents Saturday?

Trinity Parents' Saturday is always celebrated before the great feast of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, this memorial day is always timed to coincide with the date of the Holy Trinity holiday. Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019 will be held on June 15, because, according to church calendar, Orthodox believers celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity on June 16th. It's important to remember that Orthodox holidays have unstable dates and change every year. Therefore, June 15 is the date when Trinity Parents' Saturday will take place in 2019. The date of the holiday in other years should be clarified, depending on when Great Easter is celebrated.

Trinity Parents' Saturday is a mournful day, a day of remembrance of the dead. And given that this is an Ecumenical day of remembrance, every believer should not ignore it. On this day, you must definitely devote prayers for the souls of the dead, and also go to the temple to listen to the requiem service. On June 15, which is Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, memorial services are held in every church, even in the smallest churches. In addition, priests accept notes asking for prayer for the souls of those who have left the world of the living and moved to world of the dead. The only exceptions are those prayers that are served for the souls of those who took their own lives and for those who were not baptized. Priests do not pray for such souls; they do not even perform posthumous funeral services in churches.

The meaning of parent's Saturday

Yes, Ecumenical Parents' Saturday on the eve of the holiday is, first of all, a day of remembrance of the dead. But this holy day has a slightly deeper meaning.

Trinity Parents' Saturday is a day of love, without dividing it into friends and strangers. These days, we pay attention to everyone who is connected to us by the highest degree of kinship - kinship in Christ. It should especially be remembered that there are those who have no one to remember on this day. In other words, prayers for parental Saturday are read both for relatives and for all other souls who have left the kingdom of the living.

Also, Ecumenical Trinity Parent Saturday in 2019 is the day of Church unity. And the church includes the saints, the parishioners, the deceased, and the clergy.

Why is the Day of Remembrance of the Dead called “Parents’ Saturday”

Some people wonder why on Memorial Day it is customary to remember all the deceased, regardless of the degree of relationship, but the day is still called “parents’ Saturday”? There are various reasons for this.

The first of them lies not in the fact that parents, a priori, pass away before their children (although this can also be included in the list of why the day is called that way), but in the fact that our primary religious duty is to read prayers for our parents. Of all the people whose worldly life for various reasons has come to an end, first of all, we owe our memory and care to our parents and forefathers, who gave us the most valuable thing - life itself, the opportunity to live it on this earth.

The memory of those who are no longer around should live forever in the hearts of the laity. They should always remember them. That is why you cannot reduce all your prayers for the souls of the departed only to parental Saturdays. Parents' Saturdays, including Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, call on all laity to unite in their prayers for the dead. IN modern world When life picks up an incredibly fast pace, there is not always an extra minute to pray for the dead. That is why Trinity Parents' Saturday exists in 2019, a day when there is not only nowhere to put it off, but it is also impossible.

On Trinity Parent Saturday, you must definitely go to church for a memorial service, and then visit the graves of loved ones. The graves need to be put in order if weeds suddenly appear on them or garbage accumulates. And also bring spit flowers and greenery to the grave, arrange funeral meal. Only after all this can one consider that the duty to the dead has been fulfilled. There is an opinion that you cannot do household chores on parental Saturday, but this is not true.

You can do household chores after visiting the temple and cemetery. Also, on Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019, it is recommended to refrain from entertainment events, watching entertainment programs, celebrating weddings, name days and other holidays.

If possible, the day should be spent quietly and peacefully, indulging in reflection on life and death, one’s path, prayers and humility. It is believed that if the living pray for the dead, then the dead in return pray for them from heaven.

Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2019 will be held on June 15, and on June 16, all Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Already on this day you can completely indulge in the holiday, go to visit friends and simply enjoy life.

Every religious person must understand the meaning and importance of a day like Trinity Saturday in 2019, and spend this day according to the instructions of the church. In the Strait case, this is respect not only for one’s religion, but also for the souls of deceased loved ones. After all, who else can pray for the salvation of their souls if not us, living people?

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