The creative principle of the universe is the basis of a living joker. Lebedko, Vladislav Evgenievich - Meditations on Joker. Magic theater on the stage of life. You become healthier

Lebedko Vladislav Evgenievich (May 31, 1966, Leningrad) - Soviet and Russian writer, cultural scientist, psychologist, professor, head of the department of “Magic Theater and Archetypal Research” at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Moscow Federal University.

He has the academic degrees of Doctor of Psychology in the field of general psychology (Ph.D.) and Grand Doctor of Philosophy in the field of psychology and culture, author of the short-term group psychotherapy method and the study of complex social systems “Magic Theater”, psychologist-psychotherapist.

In 1989 he graduated from LITMO with a degree in Quantum Electronics. In 1992, he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Psychology with a degree in Practical Psychologist. Since 1983, he studied with many Russian mystics and psychologists. He is engaged in consulting, healing, conducting seminars, writing articles and books.

Author of the books: “Awareness. Mastery. Psychotherapy”, “Chronicles of Russian Sannyasa (from the life of Russian mystics 1960-1990)” 1-4 volumes, “Magic in the profession and creativity”, “Meditation on Joker”, “Communion (Great Heresy)”.

In 1992 he created and developed a unique method for studying archetypal plots and personality transformation - “Magic Theater”. The author of the direction in counseling, healing and psychotherapy - “Directing the path of life.”

Currently, he is engaged in psychology, together with groups of like-minded people in different regions of the Russian Federation, conducts seminars and research in this area, and trains followers in conducting “magic theaters.”

Books (41)

Magic theater and archetypal technologies

The book collects and merges into a stream of a single meaning unique theoretical, practical and methodological material, amazing in its breadth and heterogeneity, presenting to the reader a new direction in psychology, cultural studies, methodology of science and human life, society and complex systems called Magic Theater and Archetypal Technologies.

The book is the result of a synthesis of many years practical experience and the theoretical research of the authors, which led them to sometimes paradoxical conclusions regarding the structure of the inner world of man, the path of personal individuation, as well as the life of human society as a whole.

Mechanisms of human addictions

It so happened that for some time we worked (and are still working) at the Center for Psychosomatic Medicine of one large St. Petersburg hospital. Most of the patients we have counseled are heroin addicts.

In the process of working with them, we came to an interesting conclusion: attachment to a strong drug very clearly and “convexly” shows the mechanisms of all kinds of addictions, and the very situation of total conditioning by these addictions, in which the vast majority of “normal” people live.

Motivation, creativity, purpose

For several years I was tormented by the question: “Do (I) need to attract people (and who exactly) to Spiritual search? " The question is far from idle.

Having walked some part of the Path, I know firsthand that the “Stairway to Heaven” in some of its sections can turn out to be extremely painful, and no stone remains unturned from the old comfortable life.

Nevertheless, I answered this question positively: “Yes. It is necessary to create conditions in which the motivation for the Spiritual quest could most fully manifest itself.”

About trust and acceptance

Let's talk about such a category as trust. Can it even be classified as a person? I think it's not news that the vast majority of people are very rigidly conditioned in their behavior.

This includes upbringing, social stereotypes and instincts, programs and much more - in general, huge amount"buttons" that the world around us and the people around them constantly press and the reactions to which, alas, are unambiguous.

Seven evenings

We want to invite you to take part in a joint action for the next ten days. This is an invitation to look at the world of Practice as a way of life. This is the first meeting. These days you can simply experience a slightly different way of life than usual.

And having touched this, having felt it from the inside, you can already decide for yourself whether this quality of life suits you or not, and whether it is worth devoting time and effort to it... We do not set any grandiose tasks and will not promise you solutions to any then your problems.

Archetypal Journeys

Based on psychoanalytic research and more modern psychological concepts, we can argue that the main milestones of personal life, relationships with people and the world, and the fate of an individual are determined by his unconscious. Unconscious motives, traumas repressed into the unconscious, emotions and beliefs form and materialize real events life.

Feedback can be established with the individual unconscious through the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist of one school or another. Thus, influencing behavior, changing and adjusting unconscious programs, including not only in the context of treating neurotic disorders or interpersonal relationships, but also in the context of activating creative potential.

An Archetypal Study of the Great Arcana of the Tarot

Tarot is a system of symbols whose fate has developed in such a way that it is too often considered simply fortune-telling.

And since card and other fair fortune-telling in all centuries was considered the fun of the common people, only very few serious researchers took the trouble to study this system and at least partially penetrate into its meaning. The symbolism of the Tarot gives us archetypal information stored in the depths of the collective unconscious, that is, going back to the very origins of the emergence of human consciousness.


Often we do not realize to what extent our inner world consists of people and relationships with them.

Inside us are projections of relatives, loved ones, friends, classmates, teachers, casual acquaintances, strangers, movie characters and book characters, historical figures and rock stars, salesmen, policemen, prostitutes, drivers, parties, sects, religions, bandits and housewives.

And we have the most subtle emotional relationships with all of them; our assessments of ourselves, our perception of ourselves through the Other, come from their images and projections. Among the millions of images, there are several dozen of those that most harshly determine our behavior and our experiences.

In this book we tell you how to work with images real world just as with dream images - look for associations, conflicts and archetypes that link the images of our reality into the very pattern that we call our life.

Living souls, or Lebedko's adventures

The book discusses pressing psychological, philosophical, socio-political and other issues that concern the leading thinkers of our time, but in the book these issues are presented in simple and accessible language, at the same time, without reducing them to platitudes and revealing to the reader paradoxes and unexpected angles.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

...Young Opuich from Trieste saw the world with sideways eyes. He whispered: “God is the One Who Is. And I am the one who doesn’t exist.” He carried a well-hidden big secret within himself since childhood. It was as if he felt that with him, as a being belonging to the human race, something was not quite right. And his desire to change was natural. And he wanted this secretly and strongly, a little ashamed of such a desire as indecent. All this was like a slight hunger that, like pain, curls up under the heart, or a slight pain that awakens in the soul like hunger. He, perhaps, did not remember exactly when this hidden yearning for change occurred, which took the form of a small ethereal force. It was as if he was lying with the tips of his thumb and middle finger connected, and at that moment, when sleep fell on him, he dropped his hand from the bed and the fingers separated. And then he started, as if he had let something out of his hand. In fact, he let go of himself. Then a desire appeared, terrible, inexorable... Since then, he has constantly and worked hard to change something significantly in his life, so that the dream that tormented him would become a reality. But all this had to be done as secretly as possible, so his actions often remained incomprehensible to others.

Milorad Pavic “Last love in Constantinople” Letter:

Hello, Anyuta!

It's been six months since you left... Almost three months since you disappeared and no one knows where you are. And today I really wanted to talk to you. Actually, I talk to you all the time, but today is the first time I'm writing to you. I am writing without knowing where... It is unlikely that you will read these lines. But I will still write, even though you said then that we no longer need to communicate.

Last night I had a stupid dream. I dream that for some reason I am ninety-nine years old. I see in the mirror my old body, sunken eyes, toothless mouth. I understand that life is over... Suddenly - a call. I pick up the phone, and your voice is in it. Not changed at all, the same as six months ago. You ask me some banal things, something like “how are you” and “what are you doing” (I wonder what I can do at ninety-nine years old?), but I don’t answer - I cry. I understand that life is over, and the most important thing has passed by... I woke up, continuing to cry, and in the morning I immediately sat down to write. As if you read it... And as if something else could be corrected...

And I’m writing to you, Anyutka, from Krasnodar. I’m a seminarian now - I travel around cities and conduct seminars. Do you remember I read to you from Dovlatov about the daring Michal Ivanovich: “...I am a friend! ... I have a chainsaw... “Friendship”... A dick - and a chervonets in my pocket...”1 So now I am a seminarian. Three days - and three hundred “greenbacks” in your pocket. Those tossing that happened in October - November have passed, and with them poverty and eternal debts, although, of course, it’s not possible to whine every three days... Well, I’m not writing this to boast about it, - so, by the way, I had to. For the fifth month, without returning to St. Petersburg, I travel around the cities. Well, more on that later... This is not the main thing.

The main thing is that I perceived you both before and now - as my mirror, as my conscience, or something. Yes, we talked about this many times. It remains so to this day. But for some reason, when we were together, I didn’t tell you about one very important thing in my life. No, this topic was mentioned all the time, in hints, but I never directly mentioned it. And now I want to tell you about it. About Joker. About how it all began... Then a lot will become clear.

And it all started a very long time ago. Probably since childhood... Although, truly, consciously, it all began in March of ninety-five. From meeting Kirill Mikhailov. (He was then - at my birthday - remember? - He played the role of my “Internal Events” when I was being dismantled at the Theater). So, in March of ninety-five, I studied at the Faculty of Psychology2. And according to the schedule there was a lecture on “methods of modern psychotherapy,” but for some reason Kirill Mikhailov spoke instead. How did he get to the Faculty of Psychology with a lecture?, why?, why? - I still don’t understand. I remember that our lecturer on “methods of modern psychotherapy” introduced (in my opinion they were just acquaintances or friends) to us a slender, bearded guy of about thirty-four and said:

This is Kirill Mikhailov. He’s about to tell you something interesting, but he left. Kirill looked around the group, paused, smiling mysteriously. He made eyes at several girls, made some kind of face - and somehow “captured” the audience so easily and naturally. Everyone listened to him very attentively, although Kirill said things that hardly anyone (except Seryoga Evdokimov and I, who left for his homeland in Kazan after the course) needed and were important. It’s just that everyone was captivated by Kirill’s charm, his manner of speaking... An hour and a half passed in one breath. But hardly anyone learned or remembered anything from this lecture. It’s just that this was very important for me (and also for Seryoga), because this is precisely why I entered the Faculty of Psychology and, having studied from September to March, I never found it.

And Kirill began with approximately the following phrase:

First of all, let me state the fact that there is no need for a person to develop spiritually. At the same time, we will define spiritual development as something that exceeds social-normative development, that is, the generally accepted adult level of a person’s relationship with the world. So - it, this something, cannot be involuntary. In order for spiritual development to take place, it is necessary that a person has some special motivation, which is not at all necessary for normal, ordinary life- this will be the supporting rod spiritual development. Intention can be such a core. Not everyone has it. There are several factors that need to come together...

And further - about how Intention encourages a person to engage in some specific activity - Practice. Then also about a person’s comprehension of his inner nature and the process of Transfiguration... In very simple language, literally on his fingers, Kirill explained what I was looking for in dozens of books. But I still didn’t understand why he gave a lecture about this at the Faculty of Psychology. Here people are concerned about something completely different. After the lecture, I approached Kirill and asked:

Who did you read this for? After all, one or two people from the whole group really need all this...

Can I still chat with you?

Well, if you asked for it, write the address, and tomorrow evening around seven o’clock and come in...

In the madly dancing
A newly created universe,
Under the enchanting shine of lights,
The Joker walked cheerfully, carelessly -
Many Paths have opened.

I knew neither fame nor wealth -
Everything itself strove towards him.
He played the role impartially
At your call from above.

He looked with clear eyes
To the dance of ghostly shadows
The simpleton goes further and further,
Not knowing your fate.

Perhaps the most powerful “card in the deck” is the Joker. The descent of the Supreme Reality down to pass the Lila - the Game of cognition and transformation. White Light splits into many gradually interfering, continuously interacting color beams, forming a dizzying mosaic of Space - Time.

A moment after point “0” - and the birth of stars began, the birth of everything began. Here, as nowhere else later, there is an unprecedented impulse of kinetic energy - constant movement, renewal, expansion, so that after describing a spiral and having been in all the possibilities of states and roles, it returns upward - the original focus, but not the original state.

If we are talking about the evolution of the Soul within Humanity, then here are the key (basic) programs for going through the entire transformational Labyrinth of incarnations! Siddhi 22 (0) arcana is the foundation and at the same time the core that permeates the entire Sephiroth, on which subsequent “extensions”, forces, laws are built. Regardless of your level - even a sage, even a magician, regardless of your shift in the elements - the vibrations of the Strings of the 22 arcana are present at all levels, ensuring Evolution as such. Although there are peculiarities of signal conduction among Mages of Water and Air (features of multidimensional consciousness functioning in the volume of time, with some displacement in relation to the current incarnation).

What is so present here? First of all, maximum adaptation to the underlying reality. If we are talking about a person, then this is health, endurance, vitality and adaptation to living conditions.

At this level, there are still no horizontal connections with others like themselves, i.e. there is no embeddedness in egregors - we are in our perception, not sharing the knowledge, priorities and rules of those around us; we have neither friends nor enemies. We see the world as it is - purely, without illusions, but also without negativity - the siddha of Awareness.

As we go through levels, we do not get stuck on them: there is no attachment to material goods, or identification of ourselves with roles - the position of the game, the siddha of Controlled Stupidity.

The jester is characterized by curiosity, wisdom of the heart and a smile (laughter) - there is no suffering or negativity here, ideally no karmic tension is formed - everything is reset, becoming just experience along the way. Siddha - absence of mental torment.

We take a step and leave old knowledge behind, gaining new experience, opening up new horizons. Siddha of continuous learning and new discoveries in any activity, at any level.

The Vertical Channel itself (connection with the Spark) gives us energy, knowledge and protection, guiding us in the most optimal and fastest way along the path - the siddha of Providence, successfully avoiding obstacles.

The MAP was created through meditation and attunements to the Strings / Laws / Programs of the 22 arcana. Authors Veronika Borovikova - Wanderer, researcher and Anna Yulina - artist, practitioner.


— The black background is a kind of Emptiness (conventionally point “0”), Space and stars and Worlds emerging around. As above, so below - the principle of similarity between the Macro and Micro worlds. Also, the black background is the information field in which the action takes place.

— Eight-pointed star — Spark; also the star Alatyr - development in motion; harmony and wisdom of the Universe.

- Walking man - neither a man nor a woman is depicted, but a certain original character - the Joker. The prototype of the face was taken from the Ica Stones - the primacy of creation. Large nose - curiosity. Slyly narrowed eyes and a smile are a state of Controlled Stupidity, Play, carelessness, and a cheerful joke. Walking - continuous movement, gaining experience. Goes to the left - movement from the past to the future (left column of Sephiroth)

- Head raised up - listening only to vertical signals - communication through your Spark with the Absolute. They don't catch material goods.

— A crazy cap on the head is the protection of Sahasrara: it is not included in the surrounding Egregors, being in its perception. Does not share the beliefs and illusions of others. Also, the shape of the cap symbolizes the trinity: energy (+), information (-) and emptiness (0). Perhaps the principle of Spirit, Soul and Body. The cap with swirls reflects the state of consciousness - unpredictability.

Left hand raised up and holding its star by the thread - the connection with the Spark, Providence.

— A shirt in the shape of an hourglass, where the blue top (mental) goes down to materialization, and the red bottom (physical experience) accelerates in frequency to the top. A symbol of ongoing transformations.

— Red boots with heels with curved toes - materialization of ideas, gaining experience through action, self-confidence and do not feel those around you (heels). Curled toes - endless movement different levels.

- The clock dangles in space at chest level - consciousness is in the power of Time up to the range of the top of Anahata.

Right hand lowered down and holding many masks - the position of the I, of individuals choosing roles. The possibility of any manifestation of oneself.

- Flying islands - here is the successful passage of obstacles from the position of Not-I ( left leg in a blue stocking carried over the abyss), and movement from incarnation to incarnation, and in the case of a shift through Air - parallel worlds.


WEBINAR: XXII lasso | A little about the Joker's siddhis

Features of working with the Tree of Sephiroth from the perspective of the multidimensional space of Strings. Arcana 22 (0) - Joker! The very first fundamental program for building Sephiroth!
Presentation of the new Ellarium Map.
Conducted by: Veronika Borovikova.

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Meditation – ancient art self-immersion - cures many diseases, both spiritual and physical. There is a stereotype: the ability to meditate is for the elite. In fact, meditation is available to everyone, you just have to try it. And here are 7 reasons why you need to do this.

1. You become happier.

Daxer Keltner, director of Berkeley's Positive Psychology Program, believes that meditation increases positive emotions, decreases negative emotions, and strengthens defense mechanisms. Meditation is one of the many tools that are successfully used in foreign companies and even schools to keep employees and students motivated. Do you feel like your mood is at zero, but your work has stopped? Close your eyes, breathe deeply and think about something pleasant. Ten minutes of this practice will lift your spirits.

2. You become healthier.

The vagus nerve literally connects the heart and brain. Some studies show that people who meditated for 15 minutes once a day experienced an increase in vagal tone. This means a decrease in the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Reducing the concentration of cortisol in the body while simultaneously increasing the tone of the vagus nerve reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack. Recent studies have even proven that the process of meditation can change part of the DNA of telomeres, which control cell aging.

3. You become more creative

Regular meditation enhances inspiration and creativity. Just try starting your day with 10-15 minutes of meditation and watch your creativity and innovation shine through.

4. You feel better about others

When you meditate, all your attention is focused and directed within yourself. But the paradox is that by spending enough time alone with yourself, studying your own unknown nature, you begin to feel and understand other people

5. You get rid of negative emotions

It has long been noted that meditation balances the psycho-emotional state. Fears, pain and resentment will become less important and you will easily let them go. And instead of soul-searching and depression, sensitivity and compassion for other people will come. A worthy replacement, isn't it?

6. You feel less pain

When people experiencing chronic pain due to illness were taught to meditate, they reported a decrease in the severity of pain and an ability to more easily tolerate existing pain. Meditation actually affects the processes occurring in the brain and teaches the skill of independently generating positive emotions.

7. You increase your protective function

People who meditate have a more resilient response to stress. Brain research shows how different areas of the brain are activated during stressful situations. Even a few minutes spent in meditation can change the density of gray matter and balance the right and left sides of the brain. This means that when things get out of control, the brain will be able to cope with stress and find the best way out of the current situation much faster. And you will develop the skill of optimal response in such cases.

Signs of the zodiac