What to do on the night of baraat. What is condemned on this night. How to celebrate the night of Predestination

The night of Baraat (in Arabic “Laylat-ul-Baraat”) is designated in the Quran as sacred. This is a special night for any Muslim when he can ask for Allah's mercy and forgiveness. This is a great night when believers in the One Creator completely devote themselves to worshiping Him. Baraat in Arabic means “non-involvement”, “complete separation”, “purification”. The night of Baraat occurs on the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban (according to another version - from the 15th to the 16th).

The night was called that because it contains two deliverances: the deliverance of the unfortunate (sinners before the Almighty) from mercy and the deliverance of awliya from failure and from being without the help of the Creator.

One alim said: “Truly, the angels have two holidays in heaven, just as Muslims have two holidays on earth: the holiday of angels is the night of Baraat and the night of Qadr (Lailat ul-Qadr - Night of Predestination), and the holiday of Muslims is Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) and Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha), and the holiday of the angels is at night, because the angels do not sleep, and for Muslims - during the day, because they sleep.”

Night of Baraat: what to do?

On May 11, 2017, all Muslims will celebrate the night of Baraat. It should be immediately noted that Baraat always occurs on the night of the 14th to 15th of the month of Sha'ban according to the Islamic calendar. The whole night should be devoted to prayers for the forgiveness of their sins, and in the morning believers perform the ritual of ablution.

Let us remember that Baraat is a symbol of kindness and love for people. In addition, this is also a time of fasting and fervent prayer for the forgiveness of one’s sins. A Muslim believer must understand the importance of his purification and correction before the eyes of the Almighty.

How to spend a Baraat night?

It is advisable to devote the night of Baraat to the worship of the Almighty. Perform desired prayers such as Witr, Tahajjud and simply desired prayer(mutlyak). If anyone has missed prayers, of course, the first thing to do is make up for them. Read dhikr more, salawat for the Prophet ﷺ Almighty, perform your virds... This night is also notable for the fact that dua is especially accepted on it.

In your prayers, in order to further increase the chance that Allah will give what you ask of Him, it is advisable to follow the recommendations mentioned in the material: How to ask the Almighty for your prayer to be accepted? The most important thing is not to sleep this night, but to worship the Almighty, for none of us knows how much longer he has to live in this world, will he survive until the next night of Baraat?

And if work or some other factors do not allow you to spend this night in vigil and worship of the Almighty, then at least try to go to the mosque and sleep there, with the intention of itikaf.

Many theologians prefer to read Surah Yasin three times on this night. The first time it is read with the intention and hope of the Almighty that He will prolong your life, the second time - so that He will save you from needing anyone other than Him, and the third time - so that Allah will protect you from troubles and adversities.

Holy Night of Baraat May 11, 2017

Believers must spend the entire night in prayer, and early in the morning a ritual of ablution will take place, for which they prepare in advance. Important! All clothes that a person will wear after ablution must be washed, or new ones will need to be purchased. It is also customary to wash, put away and clean everything in the house, and throw out all unnecessary rubbish.

After the ritual of ablution, Muslims put on clean clothes and go to breakfast with their family. The head of the family says before eating special prayer. It should be clarified that the table at which everyone gathers to eat should be low, and the dishes presented on it should be light, not greasy, with preference given to vegetables.

Month of Sha'ban night of Baraat

Sha'ban is one of the most valuable months for which special instructions can be found in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). An authentic hadith reports that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted for most of the month of Sha'ban. These fasts were not obligatory for him, but Sha'ban is the month immediately preceding Ramadan. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) proposed preparatory measures

Let us remind you that after the night of Baraat, preparations begin for the most sacred month of the year for every Muslim - Ramadan.

Sha'ban is one of the most valuable months for which special instructions can be found in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). An authentic hadith reports that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted for most of the month of Sha'ban. These fasts were not obligatory for him, but Sha'ban is the month immediately preceding Ramadan.

Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) suggested preparatory measures, some of which are listed below:

1. The Blessed Companion Anas (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked: “Which fast is the most valuable after the fasts of Ramadan?” He replied: “The fasts of Shaban are in honor of Ramadan.”

2. The Blessed Companion Osama ibn Zayd (radiallahu anhu) reported that he asked the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Messenger of Allah, I have seen you fasting in the month of Sha’ban as often as in no other month.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied: “This (Shaaban) is the month between Rajab and Ramadan, which many people neglect. And this is the month in which the reckoning of (people's) deeds is presented before the Lord of the universe, so I want my deeds to be presented while I am fasting."

3. Ummul-Mu'minin Aisha (radiallahu anha) said: “Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) used to fast throughout Sha'ban.” I asked him: “Messenger of Allah, Shaban is your favorite month to fast?” He said: “This month Allah sets the list of people who die this year. Therefore, I want my death to come while I am fasting.”

4. In another hadith she says: “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sometimes began to fast continuously that we began to think that he would never stop fasting, and sometimes he used to stop fasting that we began to think that he would never will not fast. I have never seen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasting for an entire month except the month of Ramadan, and I have never seen him fasting more than on Sha'ban."

6. Ummul-Mu'minin Umm Salamah (radiallahu anha) said: “I have never seen the Messenger of Allah fasting for 2 months continuously except for the months of Sha'ban and Ramadan.”

These hadiths indicate that fasting in the month of Sha'ban, although not obligatory, is so valuable that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not like to skip it.

But it should be borne in mind that the fasts of Sha'ban are only for those people who are able to keep them without causing inferiority in the obligatory fasts of Ramadan. Therefore, if a person is afraid that after fasting Sha'ban he will lose the strength or vigor for fasting Ramadan and will not be able to fast Ramadan with vigor, he should not fast Sha'ban, since fasting Ramadan, which is obligatory, is more important than voluntary fasting in Sha'ban. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbade Muslims from fasting for 1 or 2 days immediately before the start of Ramadan. The Blessed Companion Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do not fast after the first half of the month of Sha'ban has passed.”

According to another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Do not precede the month of Ramadan with one or two fasts.”

The meaning of the above hadiths is that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself used to fast for most of the month of Sha'ban because he was not afraid of weakness or fatigue before the start of Ramadan. And he ordered others not to fast after the 15th of Sha'ban for fear that they would lose strength and vigor before the start of Ramadan and would not be able to greet the month of Ramadan with enthusiasm.

Night Baraat

Another significant feature of the month of Shaaban is the presence of a night in it, which is designated in Sharia as “Laylatul-Baraat” (Night of Liberation from Fire). This night occurs between the 14th and 15th days of the month of Sha'ban. There are certain hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) that prove that this special night, on which Divine mercy visits people all over the earth. Some of the hadiths are given below:

1. It is reported that Ummul-Mu'minin Aisha (radiallahu anha) said: “Once the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed night prayer (tahajjud) and was in a very long sajdah, that I was afraid that he had died. When I saw it, I got up (from the bed) and moved it thumb(to make sure he is alive). The finger moved and I returned (to my place). Then I heard him say in sajdah: “I seek the refuge of Thy forgiveness from Thy punishment, and I seek the refuge of Thy pleasure from Thy displeasure, and I seek Thy refuge from Thy displeasure. I cannot praise You as fully as You deserve. You are exactly who You have defined Yourself to be.” After this, he raised his head from the sajdah and finished his prayer. He turned to me: “Aisha, did you think that the Prophet betrayed you?” I said: “No, O Prophet of Allah, but I was afraid that your soul was taken (from this world) because your sajdah was very long.” He asked me: “Do you know what night this is?” I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “This is the night of the half of Shaban. Allah Almighty looks at His slaves this night and forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and honors with His mercy those who pray for mercy, but keeps those who have evil intentions (against a Muslim) the same (and does not forgive them until until they are freed from anger).”

2. In another hadith, Sayyidah Aisha (radiallahu anha) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah Almighty forgives a large number of people on the night in the middle (of the month) of Sha’ban - more than the number of hairs of the sheep of the Kalb tribe.”

Kalb was a large tribe with a very large number of sheep. Therefore, the last sentence of the hadith indicates a large number of people who are forgiven on this night by Allah Almighty.

3. In another hadith, she reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “This is the middle Night (of the month) Sha'ban. Allah frees a large number of people from the Fire, more than the hairs growing on the sheep of the Kalb tribe. But He will not even look at the person who associates partners with Allah, or at the one who cultivates evil intent in his heart (against someone), or at the one who breaks family ties, or on a person who leaves his clothes hanging below his ankles (as a sign of pride), or on one who disobeys his parents, and on one who has the habit of drinking wine.”

4. Sayyidina Mu'az ibn Jabal (radiallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allah Almighty will look at all those created by Him on the middle Night of Shaban and forgive all those created by Him, except for the one who associates Him with partners or the one in whose heart there is evil intent (against a Muslim).”

Although the chain of transmission of some of these hadiths has some minor technical shortcomings, but if you look at all these hadiths together, it becomes clear that this night has some compelling merits, and holding this night as a holy night is not a baseless fabrication, as some imagine it to be. modern ulama, who, on the basis of the mentioned minor shortcomings of the hadiths, completely refused to give this night special significance. In fact, some of the hadith experts considered some of these hadiths to be authentic, and the defects in the chain of some others were considered by them to be minor technical flaws, which, according to the science of hadith, are eliminated by the presence of multiple paths of transmission. Therefore, the elders of the Ummah constantly considered this night as a night of special merit and spent it in worship and prayer.

What should you do on this night?

To observe the Night of Baraat, one should stay awake on this night for as long as possible. If one is more able to do so, he should spend the whole night in worship and prayer. However, if someone cannot do this for one reason or another, he can choose for these purposes any significant part of the night, preferably its second half, and perform the following acts of worship:

(a) Namaz. Namaz is the most preferred action to perform on this night. There is no specific number of rak'ahs, but it is desirable that there be at least eight. It is also recommended that each part of the prayer - such as qiyam, ruku and sajda - be performed longer than usual. In prayer, the most long suras The Holy Quran is one of those that a person knows by heart. If someone does not remember long surahs, he can also recite several short surahs in one rak'ah.

(b) Tilawat. Recitation of the Holy Quran is another form of worship that is very beneficial on this night. After performing the prayer or at any other time, one should recite from the Holy Qur'an as much as one is able to do.

(c) Dhikr. This night you should also perform dhikr (remembering the name of Allah). The following dhikr is especially useful:

One should say salat (durood) to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as much as possible. Dhikr can also be recited while walking, lying on a bed, or during other hours of work or rest.

(d) Dua. The greatest benefit that can be derived from the blessings of this night is dua. It is hoped that all duas this night will be accepted by our Lord, inshaAllah. Dua in itself is ibadat, and Allah Almighty gives reward for each dua along with satisfying the needs of the person making the request. Even if what was prayed for is not achieved, a person cannot be deprived of the reward for dua, which is sometimes more valuable than the earthly goods for which he strives. Duas also strengthen a person's relationship with Allah Almighty, which is main goal

all types and forms of worship.

A person can pray for whatever he wants. But the best duas are those made by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These duas are so comprehensive that the eloquent expressions used in them cover all human needs of both this world and the Next. In fact, the duas of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) are so profound that human imagination is barely capable of commensurate with their greatness.

Books are available on the subject of the du'a of the Prophet (PBUH) in various languages, and a person should pray to Allah Almighty in accordance with them, reciting the du'a in Arabic or translating their meaning in his own language.

(e) There are people who cannot perform additional prayer or recitation of the Qur'an for various reasons (illness, weakness or being busy with other necessary activities). Such people should not be completely deprived of the benefits of this night. They should do the following: 1. Execute Maghrib prayers

, Isha and Fajr with the jamaat in the mosque or in their homes in case of illness.

2. One should constantly recite dhikr, especially those mentioned in point (c), in any position until the person falls asleep.

3. One should pray to Allah for forgiveness and other benefits. You can even do this in bed. (e) Women during menstruation cannot perform salaat and read the Qur'an, but they can recite any dhikr, tasbih, durood sharif and can make any request to Allah that they wish in any language. They can also pronounce arab duas

(g) According to a hadith, which is relatively less reliable, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was in the Baqi cemetery that night, where he prayed for the Muslims buried there. Based on this, some jurists considered it mustahab (recommended) to go to a Muslim cemetery on this night and recite Surah Fatihah or any other part of the Koran and pray for the dead. However, this action is not mandatory and should not be performed regularly as mandatory.

What not to do this night

1. As mentioned above, the Night of Baraat is a night of special blessings aimed at Muslims. Therefore, this night should be spent in complete submission to Allah Almighty, and one should avoid all those actions that may not please Allah. Although every Muslim must always abstain from committing sins, on such nights this abstinence becomes even more necessary, since committing sins on this night will be tantamount to responding to divine benefits with disobedience and serious crimes. Such arrogant behavior can cause nothing but the wrath of Allah. Therefore, one should strictly abstain from all sins, especially those mentioned in Hadith No. 3 cited earlier in this article, because sins deprive a person of the benefits of this night.

2. Some people on this night do things that they consider necessary for the celebration of the Night of Baraat: they prepare special dishes, illuminate houses or mosques, or temporary structures. All such actions are not only baseless and invented by ignorant people in Lately, but in some cases they are a complete imitation of the rituals of non-Muslims. Such imitation is a sin in itself, and committing it on such a blessed night as the Night of Baraat makes it even worse. Muslims should strictly avoid such activities.

3. Some people hold religious meetings and give long lectures on this night. Such actions are also not recommended. On this night one should engage only in genuine acts of worship.

4. Acts of worship such as prayer, recitation of the Qur'an and dhikr should be performed on this night independently and not collectively. Nafl prayer should not be performed in jamaat and Muslims should not organize gatherings in mosques to celebrate this night collectively.

On the contrary, this night involves worshiping Allah in solitude. This is a time to enjoy direct contact with the Lord of the Universe and to pay attention to Him and only Him. These are the precious hours of this night in which no one should interfere between a person and His Lord, and one should turn to Allah with full concentration without interference from anyone.

Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed acts of worship that night in complete solitude, without anyone’s accompaniment, even without his beloved life partner, Sayyida Aisha (radiallahu anha), and therefore all forms of voluntary worship (nafl-ibadat) are recommended by him to be done individually and not collectively.

Fast of the 15th Sha'ban

On the day following the Night of Baraat, i.e. On the 15th of Sha'ban, it is mustahab (recommended) to fast. It was reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) strongly recommended this fast. Although some hadith scholars have certain doubts about the authenticity of this hadith, however, as mentioned earlier, fasting in the first half of the month of Sha'ban has special merits, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted most of the days in Sha'ban. A large number of elders (salaf) of the ummah kept the fast of the 15th Sha'ban. This continuous practice indicates that they accepted the relevant hadith as authentic.

Therefore, it is recommended to fast on the 15th of Sha'ban, keeping a voluntary (nafl) fast. One can also keep a qaza fast (making up for a missed obligatory fast) and it is hoped that the person may also benefit from the benefits of this fast.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Malakul Mavt in the middle of the month of Shaban is presented from the Almighty with a list of those who will die before half of the next Shaban. The poor man who, not knowing that he is included in these lists, is busy with worldly affairs, plants trees, gets married etc." .
Once the prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him) asked Malakul Mavt to tell him when he would die, to which he replied that he would know about it only after Allah gave him lists of those whose souls he should take this year. The first about his impending death the slave, it turns out, is recognized by the angel in charge of his destiny (rizki) when this rizki ends. The entire world order on earth is controlled by four angels. Jabrail - with all the winds, Israel - with all the souls, Mikail - with all the raindrops and winds, Israfil conveys to everyone the three commandments of the Almighty. Prophet Yaqub (peace be upon him) asked Malakul Mavt how he takes the souls of people in different places Earth, at the same time. He replied that Allah made it easier for him by shortening the distance, and for him the Earth is like a tray of food for a person: just as it is not difficult for him to eat from anywhere on the tray, it is not difficult for him to take the soul of anyone from anywhere on the Earth. Moreover, he looks into each home twice a day to find out if among them there are those whose souls need to be taken that day. In former times, people died due to illness, and therefore they began to scold the angel of death Malakul Mavt that he was killing them. Then the Almighty made a reason for death in the form of illnesses or other accidents and causes. After this, people began to forget about Malakul Mavta, and death began to be associated with various reasons. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that before the era of Musa (peace be upon him), Malakul Mawt came to people openly. When he came for the soul of Musa (peace be upon him), he poked his finger into the eye of Malakul Mavt and knocked it out. Malakul Mavt complained to Allah that if Musa (peace be upon him) had not been His beloved slave, He would have taken away his soul in agony. Then Allah said to tell Musa (peace be upon him): let him put his hand on the skin of a bull and his life will last for as many years as the number of hairs his hand covers. When Musa (peace be upon him) was told this, he asked: "Will I die after these years?". When they answered that he would die, he said: "Then let them take my soul now". Then Malakul Mavt took the fragrant plant “Raikhanat” with thorns from Paradise, pricked him and through it took his soul. Allah Almighty returned the eye of Malakul Mavtu to its previous state. After that, he began to come for souls in secret. When, after the death of a person, his relatives begin to cry and scream, Malakul Mavt tells them, standing among them and holding his soul in his hands: "For crying and groaning, I swear by Allah, I did not commit injustice by taking away his soul. I did not hasten his death before the prescribed time, I did not eat the rizqi allotted to him. I am the messenger of Allah and I cannot disobey the command of Allah. If you will are satisfied with the predestination of Allah, then you will receive a reward for this, and no one will escape from the prescribed death, no matter how much you cry, I will come and take your souls one by one.".

The name Malakul Mavta and its characteristics

For the soul devout Muslim Malakul Mavt comes in a beautiful, pleasant form. He comes to the fasik (sinner) in a terrible form, which we talked about earlier. His name is Israel. There are two eyes on his forehead and the back of his head. He is of such gigantic proportions that everything from the Arsh to the Earth is between his two knees, like a basin. Unknowing people may think that Malakul Mavt follows every person, waiting for his end to come. In fact, after the middle of the month of Shaban, he receives information about those whose souls need to be taken and when, and he, according to this, can simultaneously take the souls of up to twenty or more thousand people. When the appointed time arrives, Malakul Mavt appears before the person and takes his soul. The creation of such an angel costs the Almighty nothing. There are also many angels - his assistants, who, on his instructions, take the souls of those whose earthly life has expired. There is a story that next to Malakul Mavt there are angels of mercy and angels of punishment. He sends angels of mercy to the good, and angels of punishment to the bad. There is another story that Malakul Mavt looks at everyone during prayers: whether the end of his life has come. If he finds a slave praying in a timely manner, then when his death approaches, he assigns angels of mercy to him, who drive away the devils from him and inspire him with the words: “La ilaha illAllah.”


In the Koran there are three different formulations about how the soul is taken from the human body. One says:

"Malakul Mavt is killing you"

in another: “Our messengers are killing you,”

In the third: “Allah kills souls.”

But there are no contradictions in them.

About how the souls of all living things are taken away, except people

It is said that the soul of all living things, even fleas and lice, is taken by Malakul Mavt. There is a legend from Ibn Abbas, according to which there are four Malakul Mavts: one for people, another for genies, a third for shaitans and animals, a fourth for fish, insects, etc. It is also said that the souls of angels are also taken by Malakul Mavt, and the souls of martyrs are taken by Allah himself, without leaving this to Malakul Mavt.

Death in Iman (faith)

The greatest happiness for a person is to die in faith. Without this he will be a lost man. To acquire such happiness, he must:

1. Fulfill all the requirements and prohibitions of Allah and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

2. Always remember Allah.

3. Answer the adhan.

4. Ask for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wasilat (high degree).

6. Repeat many times: "Allagyumma akrim gyazigyil ummatal Mukh1ammadiyyata bijamili g1avaidika fi ddaraini ikraman liman jag1altagya min ummatigya salla Llagyu tagalya g1alaigyi wa sallam" .

7. Constantly repeat the following: "Allagyumma anta rabbi la ilagya illa anta halaktanii wa ana g1abduka..." and until the end.

8. Perform morning and afternoon prayers at the jamaat.

Death in unbelief

The causes of death in unbelief are:

1. Love for the mortal world.

2. Pride.

3. Complacency.

4. Hatred of people.

5. Forgetting Allah.

6. Frequently looking at other people's women.

7. Belief in incorrect statements (in faith).

8. Constantly committing forbidden things.

9. Not following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

How to avoid punishment for sins before Allah

The following will help you avoid punishment for sins before Allah:

1. Repentance before Allah.

2. Requests to Allah for mercy - then He washes away sins.

3. A large number of good deeds. If there are more good deeds than sinful ones, then sins are not punished.

4. Earthly difficulties.

5. Torment in the grave.

6. The prayer of brothers in faith after death for the forgiveness of his sins.

7. Reward for good deeds given to the deceased by a brother in faith.

8. Difficulties and torments of the Day of Judgment.

9. Help of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

10. Help from Allah.

News: good about good, bad about bad

When Allah wants to take the soul of a mu'min, He tells the angel to convey salam to him from Him, and the angel conveys salam to him. After this, the angel of death says to him: “It’s time to move from this earthly house, which you have not paid much attention to, to the luxurious house of the Akhirat that you have prepared for yourself.” . If a person says that he believes in Allah, but in his soul he does not believe and does not fulfill the commands of Allah sincerely, then he is told: “Move from your luxurious earthly home to the house of Akhirat, which you left abandoned, disobeying Allah.” . To a believer the angel says: "Do not be afraid afterlife and don’t worry about your loved ones on Earth, the Almighty will take care of them.” . At this moment, his heart almost bursts with happiness.From Ashab Ibnu Abbas it is said that Allah leaves an angel on the heart of such a slave so that it does not jump out of joy. He also said that someone who has committed a sin is told that for this sin he will spend so much time in Hell, then he will go to Paradise. The slave who says he believes, but does not believe in his heart, is told: "You'll be in Hell forever ». N and the palms of the angel of death are written in Radiance (Nur) "Bismillagyi rrah1mani rrah1im ». When a believer sees an angel before death, he is told: "After congratulating Rai, we will bring you back" . Then he says: “There is no need to return me to the house of sorrow and need, lead me towards Allah.” . When an unbeliever is told that after “congratulations” by Hell he will be returned to earthly life, He says: "Bring me back quickly, maybe I will be obedient to Allah" .

Meeting with the dead

“When a true believer dies, the souls of those who died before come to him, just as on earth they visit someone who has returned from a long trip.” . They rejoice that the mumin has freed himself from earthly torments and hardships, and tell each other that after earthly torments he needs to rest a little and then ask about his family and friends. After his rest, they approach him and ask him by name about his relatives. They even ask about their pet cat. When they say about the one about whom they ask that he died before him, they are sad, saying that, apparently, he went along a different road - the road of sinners, for they see only those who died righteous. If we ask a dying person to convey salaam to those of his acquaintances who have died before, then they will convey this to them.The deceased knows the one who washes him, dresses him in a shroud and puts him in the grave . The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The dead man knows who washes him, who lays him in the grave" . The deceased, who has been told the joy of Paradise, asks to be quickly put into the grave. The one who was predicted to have the “joy” of Hell asks that the procedure of washing and burial be delayed. While washing and putting on the shroud, the soul of the deceased is in the hands of an angel and looks at his body. Therefore, he knows what his family and friends are doing, hears their conversations, crying and more. If he could, he would forbid them to cry. He says to the one who washes him: "Treat me gently, my body is tormented by wounds" . His soul is in the hands of an angel all this time. The angel goes with her to the cemetery and after the funeral places the soul in the grave and leaves. The deceased rejoices when his family and friends speed up the funeral ceremony. If the deceased was a good man, then on the way to the cemetery he says: "Bury me quickly, may Allah have mercy on you" . If the deceased was bad, he says: “Even if you feel bad, where are you taking me?” . These words are not heard only by people. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If a person heard this, he would lose consciousness.” . Every deceased person on the way to the cemetery says: “O my brothers, do not let this dunya (world) deceive you as it did me. Everything that I collected and left to my heirs does not help me today.” .

Cry of heaven and earth

The Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “In heaven there are two gates for every person: one gate through which his good deeds rise; the other through which rizqs (wealth) are sent to him from heaven. When a believer dies, these gates cry.” . The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: “Every place where judgment (prostration) was performed will testify to Allah on the Day of Judgment, and when a person dies, this place also cries.” . The sky is crying because the good deeds that the believer performed will no longer rise to it. The Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asks: “Whoever dies in a foreign land, where there are no relatives, is mourned by angels, heaven, earth, and Allah Almighty takes away his torment.” . Each person will be buried in the place where the earth was taken from for his creation. . When the male seed enters the uterus, the angel who controls this process says: “O Allah, will a person be born as a result of this?” . If the Almighty tells him that man will be created, the angel is interested in what his deeds, life expectancy and rizqs will be. Allah commands him to look into the Preserved Tablets (“Lawhul Mahfuz”). In them the angel finds all the information about what will happen to this person, takes the soil from the place where he will be buried, and mixes it with the seed. Allah Almighty speaks about this in the Holy Quran: “From this earth you were created, and to this earth you will return after death.” .Once the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked the people digging a grave: “Who are you going to dig this grave for?” . They said they were digging for an Ethiopian who died on their land. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “La ilagya illAllah, Allah sent him here to be buried in the place where the earth was taken from for his creation.” .

Neighborhood with righteous people

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You improve the shroud of the deceased, fulfill his will, deepen his grave, do not bury him next to a sinner.” . When asked: "Is there any benefit to having a good gravemate?" , he replied: “Just as on Earth there is benefit from a good neighbor, so in Akhirat there is benefit from a good neighbor.” .In Medina, one deceased person was seen in a dream that he was with the people of Hell. A week later, the same man was seen in a dream with the people of Paradise. Then the one who saw the dream asked the deceased about the reasons for these changes, to which he replied that one was buried next to them righteous man and he made shafaat (intercession) to forty of his neighbors, among whom was this dead man.The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is one angel next to those carrying the deceased. People are saddened by his death, and when they leave the cemetery, the angel throws a handful of earth behind those leaving and says: “You will take care of worldly concerns and forget about the deceased,” which in fact happens.” .

Another significant feature of the month of Shaaban is the presence of a night in it, which is designated in Sharia as “Laylatul-Baraat” (Night of Liberation from Fire). This night occurs between the 14th and 15th days of the month of Sha'ban (night from April 19 to May 20, 2019).

There are certain hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) that prove that this is a special night on which Divine mercy visits the people of the whole earth. Some of the hadiths are given below:

1. It is reported that Ummul-Mu'minin Aisha (radiallahu anha) said: “Once the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) committed night prayer(tahajjud) and was in a very long sajdah that I was afraid that he had died. When I saw this, I got up (from the bed) and moved his thumb (to make sure he was alive). The finger moved and I returned (to my place). Then I heard him say in sajdah: “I seek the refuge of Thy forgiveness from Thy punishment, and I seek the refuge of Thy pleasure from Thy displeasure, and I seek Thy refuge from Thy displeasure. I cannot praise You as fully as You deserve. You are exactly who You have defined Yourself to be.” After this, he raised his head from the sajdah and finished his prayer. He turned to me: “Aisha, did you think that the Prophet betrayed you?” I said: “No, O Prophet of Allah, but I was afraid that your soul was taken (from this world) because your sajdah was very long.” He asked me: “Do you know what night this is?” I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “This is the night of the half of Shaban. Allah Almighty looks at His slaves this night and forgives those who ask for forgiveness, and honors with His mercy those who pray for mercy, but keeps those who have evil intentions (against a Muslim) the same (and does not forgive them until until they are freed from anger).”

2. In another hadith, Sayyidah Aisha (radiallahu anha) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah Almighty forgives a large number of people on the night in the middle (of the month) of Sha’ban - more than the number of hairs of the sheep of the Kalb tribe.”

Kalb was a large tribe with very a large number sheep Therefore, the last sentence of the hadith indicates a large number of people who are forgiven on this night by Allah Almighty.

3. In another hadith, she reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “This is the middle Night (of the month) Sha'ban. Allah frees a large number of people from the Fire, more than the hairs growing on the sheep of the Kalb tribe. But He will not even look at the person who associates partners with Allah, or at the one who cultivates evil intent in his heart (against someone), or at the one who breaks family ties, or at the person who leaves his clothes hanging below his ankles ( as a sign of pride), or on the one who disobeys his parents, and on the one who has the habit of drinking wine.”

4. Sayyidina Mu'az ibn Jabal (radiallahu anhu) reports that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allah Almighty will look at all those created by Him on the middle Night of Shaban and forgive all those created by Him, except for the one who associates Him with partners or the one in whose heart there is evil intent (against a Muslim).”

Although the chain of transmission of some of these hadiths has some minor technical shortcomings, but if you look at all these hadiths together, it becomes clear that this night has some compelling merits, and holding this night as a holy night is not a baseless fabrication, as some imagine it to be. modern ulama, who, on the basis of the mentioned minor shortcomings of the hadiths, completely refused to attach special significance to this night. In fact, some of the hadith experts considered some of these hadiths to be authentic, and the defects in the chain of some others were considered by them to be minor technical flaws, which, according to the science of hadith, are eliminated by the presence of multiple paths of transmission. Therefore, the elders of the Ummah constantly considered this night as a night of special merit and spent it in worship and prayer.

What should you do on this night?

To observe the Night of Baraat, one should stay awake on this night for as long as possible. If one is more able to do so, he should spend the whole night in worship and prayer. However, if someone cannot do this for one reason or another, he can choose for these purposes any significant part of the night, preferably its second half, and perform the following acts of worship:

(a) Namaz. Namaz is the most preferred action to perform on this night. There is no specific number of rak'ahs, but it is desirable that there be at least eight. It is also recommended that each part of the prayer - such as qiyam, ruku and sajdah - be performed longer than usual. In prayer, one should recite the longest surahs of the Holy Quran that a person knows by heart. If someone does not remember the long surahs, he can also recite some short suras in one rak'ah.

(b) Tilawat. Recitation of the Holy Quran is another form of worship that is very beneficial on this night. After performing the prayer or at any other time, one should recite from the Holy Qur'an as much as one is able to do.

(c) Dhikr. This night you should also perform dhikr (remembering the name of Allah). The following dhikr is especially useful:

One should say salat (durood) to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as much as possible. Dhikr can also be recited while walking, lying on a bed, or during other hours of work or rest.

(d) Dua. The greatest benefit that can be derived from the blessings of this night is dua. It is hoped that all duas this night will be accepted by our Lord, inshaAllah. Dua in itself is ibadat, and Allah Almighty gives reward for each dua along with satisfying the needs of the person making the request. Even if what was prayed for is not achieved, a person cannot be deprived of the reward for dua, which is sometimes more valuable than the earthly goods for which he strives. Duas also strengthen a person's relationship with Allah Almighty, which is the main purpose of all types and forms of worship.

A person can pray for whatever he wants. But the best duas are those made by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These duas are so comprehensive that the eloquent expressions used in them cover all human needs of both this world and the Next. In fact, the duas of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) are so profound that human imagination is barely capable of commensurate with their greatness.

Books are available on the subject of the du'a of the Prophet (PBUH) in various languages, and a person should pray to Allah Almighty in accordance with them, reciting the du'a in Arabic or translating their meaning in his own language.

(e) There are people who cannot perform additional prayer or recitation of the Qur'an for various reasons (illness, weakness or being busy with other necessary activities). Such people should not be completely deprived of the benefits of this night. They should do the following:

1. Perform Maghrib, Isha and Fajr prayers with jamaat in the mosque or in your homes in case of illness.

, Isha and Fajr with the jamaat in the mosque or in their homes in case of illness.

2. One should constantly recite dhikr, especially those mentioned in point (c), in any position until the person falls asleep.

(e) Women during menstruation cannot perform salaat and read the Qur'an, but they can recite any dhikr, tasbih, durood sharif and can make any request to Allah that they wish in any language. They can also recite Arabic duas given in the Quran or Hadith with the intention of dua (without the intention of tilawat).

(g) According to a hadith, which is relatively less reliable, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was in the Baqi cemetery that night, where he prayed for the Muslims buried there. Based on this, some jurists considered it mustahab (recommended) to go to a Muslim cemetery on this night and recite Surah Fatihah or any other part of the Koran and pray for the dead. However, this action is not mandatory and should not be performed regularly as mandatory.

What should you not do on this night?

1. As mentioned above, the Night of Baraat is a night of special blessings aimed at Muslims. Therefore, this night should be spent in complete submission to Allah Almighty, and one should avoid all those actions that may not please Allah. Although every Muslim must always refrain from committing sins, on such nights this abstinence becomes even more necessary, since committing sins on this night will be tantamount to responding to divine benefits with disobedience and serious crimes. Such arrogant behavior can cause nothing but the wrath of Allah. Therefore, one should strictly abstain from all sins, especially those mentioned in Hadith No. 3 quoted earlier in this article, because sins deprive a person of the benefits of this night.

2. Some people on this night do things that they consider necessary for the celebration of the Night of Baraat: they prepare special dishes, illuminate houses or mosques, or temporary structures. All such actions are not only baseless and invented by ignorant people in recent times, but in some cases they are a complete imitation of the rituals of non-Muslims. Such imitation is a sin in itself, and committing it on such a blessed night as the Night of Baraat makes it even worse. Muslims should strictly avoid such activities.

3. Some people hold religious meetings and give long lectures on this night. Such actions are also not recommended. On this night one should engage only in genuine acts of worship.

4. Acts of worship such as prayer, recitation of the Qur'an and dhikr should be performed on this night independently and not collectively. Nafl prayer should not be performed in jamaat and Muslims should not organize gatherings in mosques to celebrate this night collectively.

On the contrary, this night involves worshiping Allah in solitude. This is a time to enjoy direct contact with the Lord of the Universe and to pay attention to Him and only Him. These are the precious hours of this night in which no one should interfere between a person and His Lord, and one should turn to Allah with full concentration without interference from anyone.

Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) performed acts of worship that night in complete solitude, without anyone’s accompaniment, even without his beloved life partner, Sayyida Aisha (radiallahu anha), and therefore all forms of voluntary worship (nafl-ibadat) are recommended by him to be done individually and not collectively.

Fast of the 15th Sha'ban

On the day following the Night of Baraat, i.e. On the 15th of Sha'ban, it is mustahab (recommended) to fast. It was reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) strongly recommended this fast. Although some hadith scholars have certain doubts about the authenticity of this hadith, however, as mentioned earlier, fasting in the first half of the month of Sha'ban has special merits, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fasted most of the days in Sha'ban. A large number of elders (salaf) of the ummah kept the fast of the 15th Sha'ban. This continuous practice indicates that they accepted the relevant hadith as authentic.

Therefore, it is recommended to fast on the 15th of Sha'ban, keeping a voluntary (nafl) fast. One can also keep a qaza fast (making up for a missed obligatory fast) and it is hoped that the person may also benefit from the benefits of this fast.

The Night of Baraat is considered one of the most revered among Muslims. Translated from Arabic, this word means “non-involvement,” “complete separation,” or “purification.” In other words, on this night the Lord of the worlds forgives sins and also decides human destinies. And the reward to His servants for worship increases many times over.

As one of the sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) testifies, on the night of the middle (from the 15th to the 16th, or according to other versions - from the 14th to the 15th), everything that should happen during this year is predetermined for a person, who will live and who will leave this world. (In 2019, Baraat Night begins on April 19 at sunset).

Laylatul-Baraat is the second most significant night after (Night of Predestination). Some Muslim scholars believe that the rewriting of the books of human destiny begins with the Night of Baraat and ends on the Night of Destiny.

Just as between two Fridays Allah forgives our sins during Juma prayer, so sins committed throughout the year are forgiven on this night. (Recall that in Laylatul-Qadr it is believed that a person’s sins throughout his life are erased).

This Grace of the Almighty is shown to everyone, with the exception of certain categories of people. The hadith from Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) clarifies which people cannot count on the forgiveness of their Lord - these are apostates, envious people, slanderers, gossipers, drinkers of intoxicating drinks and interrupt family ties, those who disobey their parents, engage in adultery, proud people and sowing confusion. The mercy of the worlds, Muhammad (s.w.w.), added that the Creator will not honor them with His forgiveness until they stop doing all these bad deeds and sincerely repent before Him.

In Laylatul-Baraat, by the generosity of the Creator, His prophet (s.g.v.) was given the right to act as an intercessor for the entire Muslim ummah, “except for those who ran away from the Almighty, like a camel runs away (i.e. those who alienated themselves from the Lord by regularly committing sins).”

How to spend Baraat Night

If a believer wants to achieve the pleasure of the Almighty, especially during the period blessed months and days, he should spend more time in worship. When Laylatul-Baraat approaches, a Muslim is also recommended to stand additional prayers, read Holy Quran, remember your Creator and praise Him, make salawat to the Prophet (s.g.v.). In addition, one of desired actions on this night there is a dua. A Muslim should ask for what he wants, especially in the last third of the night. Each such prayer strengthens the relationship of the supplicant with his Lord.

In a hadith from Imam al-Bukhari, it is reported that the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Final Messenger of God (s.g.w.) and commanded: “Get up, read the prayer and make dua! After all, this night is the fifteenth night of Sha'ban. The Lord forgives those who spend it in worship.”

As a reliable hadith says, “On the Night of Baraat, the Merciful and Merciful will ask: “Is there anyone asking for forgiveness so that I can forgive him? Is there anyone who is being tested so that I can deliver him from them? Is there anyone asking for food so that I can give it to him?” ?" And so He lists people with various requests until dawn comes.”

In addition to prayers, the sunnah is to keep a good day. The Prophet of Islam (s.g.w.) admonished: “When the night of the middle of Sha’ban comes, revive it and fast on its day (the next).”

What duas are read in Laylatul-Baraat

Bayhaki conveys the importance of prayer to the Almighty on this night: “Duas made on these five nights are not rejected: the first night of Rajab, the night of the middle of the month of Shaaban, the night from Thursday to Friday, the nights of the holidays Eid al-Fitr and (Uraza and Eid al-Fitr )".

Another saying of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) states: “The Creator will direct His gaze to the one who performs this prayer on the Night of Baraat 70 times. With every glance He will deliver this person from seventy needs, the smallest of which will be his forgiveness” (narrated by Ibn Majah).


Translation:“O Allah, verily, I ask You for that which will certainly (lead to the manifestation of) Your mercy and will certainly (allow me to earn) Your forgiveness, and for deliverance from all sin, and for the increase of all good things, and for the attainment of Paradise, and about salvation from fire!

You can make the following dua based on the verse of the Quran:

“Oh Lord, If you wrote my name in the book of the happy, then leave it there forever. If you wrote my name in the book of the unfortunate, cross it out from there. Verily, only You command: “YEMHULLAHU MEE YEEEEEE-U UE YUSBIT. UE ʻINDEKHU UMMUL-KITEEB" (Allah erases and confirms what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of Scripture", 13:39)

What kind of prayer is performed on the Night of Baraat?

Among the desirable ones we can list tahajjud (voluntary night prayer), (about the forgiveness of sins), tasbih prayer (repetition of the words of tasbih 75 times in each rak'ah). In addition, a special prayer on Laylatul-Baraat is salatul-khair - a prayer of 100 rakats. Its peculiarity is that in each rakaat after the “Opening” surah, the “Ikhlas” surah is read ten times.

As noted in the hadiths, “Whoever performs a hundred rakats of prayer on this night, Allah will send a hundred angels. 30 angels will bring him the good news that he will enter Paradise. 30 angels - good news that he will be saved from the torment of Hell. 30 angels will deliver him from worldly troubles. And 10 angels will protect him from the instigations and snares of the Shaitan.”

What is condemned this night

On the Night Baraat is not prescribed in mandatory perform additional prayers, fast, and do dhikrs. This is not fard or wajib. Everything is done at will in order to observe the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and get closer to the Almighty. Islam, being a religion of relief, does not force a person to worship all night, exhausting himself and causing harm. If a person gets up early, is tired or sick, he can spend part of the night in worship or do what he is able to do. A Muslim can recite dua (in Arabic or native language), when he goes to bed, and do dhikr until he falls asleep.

Laylatul-Baraat is not a holiday, so it is not customary to congratulate other Muslims on its arrival. You can earn a great reward by reminding people of the onset of this night, talking about worship, virtues. After all, the one who points out a good deed receives a sawab (reward) equal to that of having performed it himself.

You should not spend the evening and night in other (worldly) matters, if they are not so important, they can be postponed. Islamic scholars also recommend refraining from Muslim lectures and collective prayers. Worship on this night is a personal matter for everyone, it is only between him and God, so it is worth spending the evening and night in solitude, without being distracted by unimportant things.
