What is the right thing to do at baptism? What you can’t do at the baptism of the Lord, and what you need to do. Conspiracy for wealth and financial well-being

History of the holiday

Before you find out what you can and cannot do on Epiphany on January 19, you need to remember what kind of holiday it is. He is one of the three most significant in Christianity. Baptism also has another name - Epiphany. This means that on that day, according to legend, Jesus Christ appeared to the world and to John the Baptist. At the age of 30, he came to be baptized, because it was then that the time had come to begin his teaching and appear to the world in the form of a prophet and demigod who would take away the sins of people, delivering them from evil.

Jesus was still baptized by John, despite the fact that John was initially in confusion, because God himself stood before him. He asked the absolutely obvious question of why God needed to be baptized. Christ replied that his fate was this - he was the same person as all the people of the world, despite his divine essence. The baptism ceremony took place in the holy river Jordan. This is a special moment in the history of Christianity: after Baptism, Jesus revealed himself to people, showing his true face and purpose.

In fact, Jesus baptized the waters of the Jordan River, not the other way around. Therefore, every year we collect holy water, which can heal our illnesses and protect our home. So our Lord left a piece of his great power on Earth.

What not to do on Epiphany on January 19

Every Orthodox Christian knows the rules and traditions of Baptism, which remain unchanged for many centuries.

You can collect holy water, but you cannot be greedy and collect a huge amount of it. The Church condemns such behavior, and besides, it is not respectful towards other believers. It is not nice to use the source of holiness so selfishly and only for one’s own good - this is a sin.

Also, holy water is a special drink that is something pure and immaculate. Under no circumstances should you dilute holy water. She will simply lose her power. The same applies to thoughts - when you drink holy water or wash your face with it, it is advisable to think about something bright and holy. It is forbidden to swear or indulge in any negative emotions at such moments.

On Epiphany itself (directly on January 19, and not on Christmas Eve) already you are not allowed to guess, since enough time was allocated for this action. The Church does not approve of predictions, so it is better not to anger the Almighty.

Any thing associated with the bright beginning of God requires a special attitude. This also applies to holy water. Only a mind clear of worldly vanity is able to harmonize with the source of happiness and spiritual warmth. Take the holiday and what it gives us with the utmost respect - and drink holy water, thinking about God. We wish you happiness and strong faith, and if our article helped you learn something important, do not forget to click on the buttons and

Epiphany of the Lord is celebrated on January 19. Most modern people, not to mention representatives of the older generation, honor this great church holiday. Believers have no doubt: real miracles can happen on this day. Blessed water becomes healing, proper food after fasting is only beneficial. And by taking communion and confessing to a priest, you will be able to cleanse not only your soul, but also your body for a whole year. But there are certain rules that must be followed at Epiphany.

  • Where would we be without signs...

Prepare for the holiday in advance

Be sure to prepare a festive meal before Epiphany. It is made simply: the main ingredient is rice or wheat. Honey, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, and poppy seeds are added to the dish. Sit down with everyone in your household at the table on the evening of January 18th. Wait for the first star to appear and start eating. Then you can also eat fish dishes, dumplings, pancakes, rich foods and a variety of cereals.

Go to church and bless the water. Sprinkle it in every corner of your home. It is believed that this way you will protect your home from all evil spirits. Give holy water to each family member to drink in order to protect your loved ones from illness.

By the way, if you didn’t have time to go to the temple, don’t despair. On Epiphany night you can draw water from any body of water. It is believed that in all sources it acquires healing powers.

And, of course, what would Epiphany be without swimming in an ice hole? No matter what the weather is, even the frostiest, millions of people plunge into holy water on January 19th. Just remember: church ministers do not recommend going to the font and diving into the ice hole without confession and communion. So go to the temple in advance.

If you go to water bodies to swim at Epiphany every year, you have probably noticed that a lot of people who suffer from various diseases gather at the ice holes. As we noted above, people believe that it is miraculous water that will help them recover from ailments. It is clear that many diseases do not leave the body “with the wave of a magic wand.” But these people (as they themselves admit) are starting to feel much better. Faith is sometimes much stronger than medicine.

Put off many things for another day

What can’t you do at Epiphany? Let's highlight the main points:

Do not under any circumstances drink alcoholic beverages on such a holiday (even the weakest ones). Especially if you are going to plunge into an ice hole. Not only is it contrary to religious rites. Moreover, such relaxation can cause colossal harm to health, as doctors never tire of repeating;
Don't use swear words. Drive away even negative thoughts. Especially near a pond;
You cannot shed tears on this holy holiday. Believers believe that if you cry at Epiphany, you will be unhappy all year;
During the holiday they do not do laundry (so that, God forbid, they do not defile the water), do not engage in heavy physical labor, do not knit or sew. Leave everything for later.

By the way, many of our compatriots (and not only!) like to tell fortunes just at Epiphany. But the clergy do not take this very well: you can guess your fate. But here, as they say, everyone is free to decide for themselves: to guess or not to guess on Epiphany night.

Where would we be without signs...

According to popular beliefs, the most reliable signs are those that are noticed at Baptism. So, if January 19th is “frost and sun, a wonderful day,” then in the summer there will be a drought. Is it snowing or inclement weather? Then in summer and autumn you can expect a great harvest!

Hunters dream of hearing dogs barking from everywhere at Epiphany. They believe that our four-legged friends, with their frequent barking, are preparing people for an abundance of game this year. This means that the hunter will not be left without work, everyone in the house will be well-fed.

Baptism deservedly occupies one of the main places among all holidays in Orthodoxy. This celebration carries great meaning, which is why there are a large number of rules that must be followed on this day.

Many people believe that the most important Orthodox holiday is Easter. However, this is far from the case. Many people remember about Epiphany, but few people know that each holiday has its own foundations and traditions imposed by the church. To understand the meaning of an important celebration, which is celebrated on a large scale, you need to get acquainted with biblical legends. To get acquainted with the essence of Baptism, it is important to know its history.

History of the holiday

In the Christian religion, this festival is one of the three main ones. It is also often called Epiphany. This is the day when the Son of God appeared before all the people of the earth and was baptized. And it was after this great event that He began to bring the preaching of God to humanity, changing the world forever. When John the Baptist asked Christ why the son of the Lord himself should perform such a rite, He replied that this was necessary and very important, because now He was a man and must live accordingly, showing by his example how important it is for everyone to undergo the rite of baptism.

The baptism of the Son of God took place in the Jordan River. This was the greatest moment in the life of the Christian people. In reality, it was not the Jordan that sacredly baptized Christ, but Jesus the waters of the Jordan.

What you can and cannot do on the day of Epiphany

All Christians know important rules and traditional rites of Baptism, which over the centuries have not changed their essence and meaning.

When collecting holy water, it is important to do this without showing greed, knowing when to stop. Such behavior not only shows disrespect for other Orthodox believers, but is also considered a sin and is condemned by the church. Blessed water is special. It cannot be diluted with other drinks, as it will lose its miraculous power. The same is with your thoughts and thoughts: when you drink holy water, you cannot think about something bad, evil and insidious, otherwise the divine power will not work. Also, under no circumstances should you allow yourself to curse or be in a bad mood.

On the day of Epiphany itself, January 19, any fortune-telling and conspiracies are strictly prohibited. Predictions and various magical rituals are not approved by the church, so there is no point in angering Heavenly Father once again.

Everything connected with the great and bright arrival of Christ in our world requires a special attitude and participation, including holy water. Only a sincere and kind person deserves absolute harmony in life, happiness and joy. Treat the holiday and all its traditions with special respect and recognition: read the words of the prayer, drink blessed water, and be with God in your thoughts. We wish you true happiness, prosperity, strong faith, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2018 06:11

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On January 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate the third and final holiday in a series of significant winter dates - Epiphany.

History of the holiday. In Christianity, this holiday is also called Epiphany. Because it was on this day that Jesus Christ appeared before all the people, receiving baptism from John the Baptist. And from that day he began to preach, changing the world forever.

And despite the fact that everyone knows about swimming in an ice hole on this day and about the blessing of water, few know about the prohibitions associated with this holiday.
For example, on Epiphany Christmas Eve you cannot eat fast food. That is, on January 18, Orthodox Christians observe fasting.

Also, on January 19, you cannot cook food. That is, you need to prepare all the holiday dishes in advance in order to easily and quickly set the holiday table.

You cannot wash, sew, or embroider on Epiphany. That is, you should put aside all everyday affairs, devoting time to rest, communication with family, and prayer. By the way, you can’t do laundry for two more days after the holiday.

It’s also not worth swearing, quarreling, or sorting things out at Epiphany. Otherwise, there will be problems in the house all year.

When collecting consecrated water in a church, you should not push and be the first to make your way. It is believed that such behavior will have an extremely negative impact on health.

Having returned from the temple, you cannot immediately sit down at the table. Women should bless their house with Epiphany water and draw crosses with chalk above the doors and windows. It is believed that this will protect the house from harm.

You can’t be greedy on this holiday. Otherwise, there will be problems with money all year. Therefore, it is worth giving alms and lending money if you are asked. Everything will come back a hundredfold.

Also, you can’t guess at Epiphany. Otherwise, you can change your destiny for the worse.

You must definitely go to church services and pray for your family and friends.

You definitely need to cook the kutya. But it should be lean, that is, without adding butter, cream or milk. And you should eat it on Epiphany Eve.

On the holiday itself, be sure to have fun and feel all the bright joy that Baptism brings.

And be sure to find out a lot of useful information about

On this day and on the eve of the holiday, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, water acquires special significance - believers believe that the water consecrated on these days has healing properties that retain the whole year.

What to do on Epiphany

  • On Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18, according to church rules, it is necessary to fast. This post is not difficult and most importantly, it is short - just one day. Before the evening liturgy (and according to other versions - until the first star), it is allowed to eat only Lenten dishes, the main of which was and is kutia. It is at Epiphany that this traditional porridge of grains, honey, poppy seeds and dried fruits is prepared for the last time during Christmas time.

Read also: Epiphany 2018: what to mentally ask for when diving into an ice hole

  • The traditional dinner on Epiphany Eve is called “hungry kutya”, and, as usual, the whole family, including children, gathers at the table.
  • On Epiphany, January 19, the hostess sets a festive table, on which there must be meat dishes - fasting is left behind. True, alcohol on this day is not only not welcome, but is prohibited by the church.

  • Since water at Epiphany has a special meaning, it is customary to consecrate it in the church and collect it from wells and springs, which are consecrated during the holiday. Water from open reservoirs is also considered holy if it is blessed by a priest during a religious procession. True, you still shouldn’t drink such water, but it’s quite possible to sprinkle all the corners of an apartment or house, give water to animals and water flowers. It is believed that Epiphany holy water helps to cleanse oneself of sins and even cure some diseases. This water is stored until next year and, according to believers, it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties.
  • It is also important to celebrate the day of the Epiphany in cleanliness, so the day before they do a general cleaning and go to the bathhouse.
  • Swimming in ice water on January 19, the day of the Epiphany, is also a long-standing tradition, although the church does not classify this ritual as mandatory. Moreover, not everyone will benefit from this procedure, especially if you are not prepared for winter swimming. By the way, the baptism of young Jesus by John the Baptist took place in the waters of the Jordan River, and, as we know, they are always warm.
  • If you baptize a child on the day of Epiphany, his life will be long and happy - this is what our ancestors believed.

What not to do at Epiphany

Surprisingly, there are not so many prohibitions on Vodokhreshchi and they all help you to tune in to the positive.

    • Strange prohibitions, originating from paganism, include relations with scissors - it is believed that on January 18 and 19 they should be used with caution: you cannot cut your nails, cut your hair, or generally remove anything from the body. According to popular belief, this way you can “cut your destiny” and spoil your karma for the whole year.
    • On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord and the day before, on Epiphany Eve, you should not quarrel, make trouble, and even bad thoughts should be driven away from yourself. If you draw holy water in an angry state, it may lose its power.
    • On Epiphany Christmas Eve and Vodorkhreshchi Day, any alcohol is strictly prohibited - both the church and doctors are unanimous in this.
    • On the day of the Baptism of the Lord you cannot work, especially sewing, washing, knitting, etc.
    • You should not borrow money from someone, or lend it yourself - according to popular belief, any debt for Epiphany will last for the whole year.
    • On Epiphany Eve it is customary to tell fortunes, and dreams on the night of January 19 are considered prophetic. However, after Baptism, all fortune-telling must be stopped. People believe that fortune telling and conspiracy after Vodokhreshchi can work in the opposite direction.
