John Beaver biography. Books by John and Lisa Beaver. Children of God must be passionate about finishing their journey well

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The importance of persistence

Indeed, have you ever thought about the importance of persistence? Or perhaps he fought with himself or the devil so as not to give up. How important is this? Are you serious about your Christian life or is it all just an interesting game to you? Or maybe you like to walk on the edge of a knife?

Playing with God is dangerous. But He sees the heart and accepts sincere repentance. But the devil will not stand on ceremony. He tears apart the apostates. Spiritual world more real than real! I don't advise you to play with him. And once she retreated and was very badly burned. Painful was not the word. It is especially difficult to recover.

Therefore, if you are now overcome by bad thoughts, drive them away. It all starts in your head. Ask your pastor, leader, mentor, or friend to pray for you. Don't give up, be persistent. Listen, we need you! You are needed on Christ's team!

Preacher and bestselling author John Beaver

John Beaver helps us take the weapon given to us by God

John Beaver, has lived an amazing life and continues in the same spirit. He manages to be relentless. Hold on to God's hand. Walk through life together with the Holy Spirit. He understands the privilege of being a child of God.

Therefore, I advise you to listen to this man of God. He created this video series of 12 sermons in hopes of helping you and me. In them he shares his personal experiences. One day JohnBeaver I thought, how many Christians will reach the end? This is probably what prompted him to create these sermons.

After all, Satan is like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. We have an enemy. We also have weapons and our enemy is deprived of them. The Bible says that Jesus disarmed all principalities and powers. He has the keys. And all the weapons. And He gave it to us.

John Beaver preaches the importance of persistence

The most important thing in life is its end, not its beginning.

John Beaver raises the question, what kind of people will you and I be? How will our lives unfold? Will we be those who succumb to the influence of man, filled with fear and running away from adversity. Or we will be like soldiers of Christ who stand against problems. And let's finish the job we've taken on?

John Beaver remembers the passage from Scripture where Solomon says: “ The end of a thing is better than the beginning» Eccl. 7:8. You know, this verse gives me self-confidence. What about you?

How many people started their life as nothing and left it with honor. How many successful people born into poor families, they moved forward without giving up. Or vice versa. The man was a businessman, but ended his life as a homeless person. He resigned himself and lives for himself. In fact, I saw such stories in the news.

Thanks Solomon. Indeed, how we finish is more important than how we begin. This can be applied to any area in life. Whether it's a relationship, or a task, or a period of our life, or our whole life in general - the most important thing is the end!

John Beaver Inspires Christians to Never Give Up

Raise your tired arms...and strengthen your weak knees!

John Beaver emphasizes that in order to end your journey well, you need to live well. In his series of sermons, "Never Give Up," he teaches never to give up. You and I need to develop a persistent spirit.

How to ensure that the spirit is persistent. Why is this so important? That's what this course is about. About how to develop a persistent spirit, and why it is so important to have it.

It is very scary to realize that many Christians will not end their journey well. Jesus spoke about this, Paul spoke about this, and now we live in such a time. In 1 John 2:17 says " And the world passes away, and lust, lust, lust, but he who does what God wants arrives forever"(translation from English).

There's another cool Bible verse " Raise your tired arms...and strengthen your weak knees! Continue to walk in straight paths... be careful that you do not turn away from the grace of God» Heb. 12:12-13 (translation from English).

To start watching just click. In the upper left corner you can select the next sermon in the playlist.

The picture shows where the playlist opens.

Children of God must be passionate about finishing their journey well

This is written by a believer. As children of God, we should be passionate about finishing our journey well. I believe this is a powerful sermon series that every Christian should watch. And in lesson No. 1 I was very impressed by the presentation John Beaver . It accurately shows our world.

It is very convenient to watch, since one lesson takes about 30 minutes. I think 30 minutes a day is quite a bit compared to forever (sorry for the tautology). She is much more important. Moreover, after watching even one episode, you want to see 12 lessons to the end and take everything from them! Thank God for Jonah Beaver !

The text was prepared by Elena Roslik.

“You have been married for 29 years. What's the secret to a successful marriage?

-I constantly admire my wife. If your neighbor's grass is greener, it means you don't water your grass. I keep telling Lisa, “You are amazing. You are my heart's desire. You are excellent." Why am I doing this? Firstly, it helps her to blossom because the woman reflects the love of her husband. Secondly, it helps my heart to always be in love with her. Strength and life are in the power of the tongue. Lisa is now 51 years old. Recently she was in Kyiv and one doctor told her: “I thought you weren’t even forty yet.” She replied, “That’s because my husband loves me very much.” Remember, a woman is a reflection of her husband’s love.”

Early life and search for vocation of John Beaver

In 1979, at the age of 20, John accepted Christ. In January of this year, John Beaver was born again, and in June he was baptized in the Holy Spirit.

“Shortly after I was saved, my wife and I were discussing the story of the woman who brought the alabaster flask of ointment to the Pharisee’s house and washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and anointed His feet with oil. While the woman was doing this, the Pharisee looked at her with contempt and thought that if Jesus were a real prophet, he would not allow this harlot to do this. Jesus looked at Simon the Pharisee and said:

“A certain creditor had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty; but since they had nothing to pay, he forgave them both. Tell me which one loved more his?"(Luke 7:41-42). Simon answered that he who was forgiven five hundred denarii loved him more, because he was forgiven more. Jesus said Simon judged justly!

I told my wife, “Sometimes I wish I had been a drug dealer, a thief, or some other criminal before I met Jesus. I would love Him more because I would be forgiven more. I want to love Him as much as possible!” While we were still talking about this, the Lord said to me: “John, you did not understand what I wanted to say. This concerned the condition of Simon's heart. He considered this woman a great sinner, and considered himself to be in another category of people, much better, and that he would only need to forgive a little. I said: “Go into the rock, and hide yourself in the ground from the fear of the Lord and from the glory of His greatness!” (Isaiah 2:10-11). In My eyes, a person who tells a lie only once in his life is the same as the worst criminal! If they are not saved, they will meet the same fate!”

Suddenly I felt a great freedom because I realized that I could love Him just like anyone else, because He would judge me the same as the worst criminal on death row!” (John Beaver)

From the moment he accepted Christ, John realized that he wanted to be not just a listener, but also a doer. This prompted him to enroll in Word of Faith Bible Institute in Dallas, Texas. In 1982, after graduating from college, John was hired by the Word of Faith International Center for Helping the Needy. He worked there from June 1983 to November 1987.

In November 1987, John began a new milestone in his life - he became an assistant pastor at the Orlando Christian Center under the leadership of Benny Hinn. In January 1990, Pastor Hinn referred John to missionary service.

1990 was a very significant year for John. Together with Benny Hinn's pastoral team, he founded The Messenger ministry. Currently, the ministry has become international: it has branches in England, Australia and the USA. The principles upon which Messenger International's ministry is based are purity, power, excellence and integrity.

In addition to missionary and preaching activities, John writes books for Christians. Many of them became bestsellers: Thus Says the Lord?, The Lure of Satan, A Heart of Fire, The Fear of the Lord, The Devil's Door, An Extraordinary Life.

John and his wife Lisa live with their four sons (Edisson, Austin, Arden and Alec) near Orlando, Florida.

John currently travels throughout the country and abroad preaching what God has put on his heart. John Beaver is a living example of the work of the Living God in the soul of man. Especially for you, we have selected a few more inspiring quotes from John:

“So much is at stake. We cannot take lightly the time entrusted to us here on earth. The eternal destiny of human beings depends on our obedience to God's plan. His will is for all to be saved and brought closer to the image of Jesus. He doesn’t want anyone to be left behind.”

“When we are hurt, when we are wrong, when we are afraid, God wants us to draw closer to Him, not further away from Him. He invites His children to come into His arms where we can be protected and loved. There He will give us such beautiful visions that they can restore us to serenity and peace."

Text prepared by Yulia Velichkina

© “Word of Encouragement”, when copying the material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

John Beaver was born again in January 1979 and baptized in the Holy Spirit in June of that year. After graduating from Word of Faith Bible Institute in Dallas, Texas in 1981-1982, he was hired by Word of Faith International Center for Needy Relief and worked there from June 1983 to November 1987. In November 1987, John became associate pastor at Orlando Christian Center under the direction of Benny Hinn. Recognizing God's call on John's life, Pastor Hinn sent him to missionary service in January 1990. John currently travels throughout the country and abroad preaching what God has put on his heart. Benny Hinn describes the anointing in John's life as "spiritual boldness." John and his wife Lisa live with their four sons near Orlando, Florida.

Name Comments Open
Driven by eternity Using allegorical illustration, the author throughout the book leads the reader to realize the difference between temporary earthly things and the eternal heavens for which we are destined.
Voice in the wilderness This book was written for the purpose of correcting ways through repentance and preparing hearts for the day of the appearing of Jesus Christ in His glory.
Victory in the Desert This book is about the desert - a place or period of time that every Christian goes through if he wants to get closer to God.
Heart on fire A serious book about the holiness of walking before God.
Satan's bait The state of resentment is a bait that Satan uses to lead you out of the will of God. This book will set you free and help you avoid falling into this trap.
Devil's door This book exposes the root of all the ways the enemy exercises control over a believer's life.
Crushing timidity Thanks to this book and the power of the Holy Spirit, every believer will be able to break through shyness and timidity to victory.
Fear of the Lord Reverence for the Lord is the key to a secure foundation, unlocking the treasuries of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. Together with God's love, it builds the very foundation for life! We quickly learn that we cannot truly love God unless we fear Him. In the same way, we cannot fear Him as He would like us to if we do not love Him.
Kiss until tears
(Lisa Beaver)
This book is dedicated to women. A word that restores lost dignity and heals broken hearts.
I'm out of control and I like it that way
(Lisa Beaver)
In this book, Lisa shows that those who give up control and trust in God are truly in control. They found freedom in their lives.
To be continued

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