What kind of women do Capricorn Pig men like? Characteristics of a Capricorn man by zodiac sign: he is an inveterate pragmatist. No less important are such features as

Forced loneliness does not have the best effect on the fair sex. in the best possible way. Psychologists note the fact that the longer a girl is single, the lower her self-esteem becomes. Confidence in one’s own attractiveness disappears, and in return many misconceptions and myths appear about what kind of women men like.

In our article we will look at the 10 most common misconceptions. Perhaps readers will see that they are not 100% true, but with them they will be able to meet a good man much faster.

What kind of girls do men like?

1. Men only like thin people.

This phrase often flashes in the minds of not only fat women weighing a hundredweight, but also girls with just a couple of extra pounds. “First I need to lose weight, and then I will actively start looking for my loved one!” - isn't this your idea?

But look around, take a closer look at the women on the street, in transport, in stores. Of course, there are models among them. But you can regularly see plump wives and mothers of charming babies, and next to them are their husbands, who look at them with admiring eyes. Do you see that you can’t equate extra pounds with failures in your personal life?

2. Men like glamorous girls.

This myth is often heard on the TV screen, and glossy magazines write in every issue that without a combat arsenal in the form of false eyelashes, nails, and hair extensions, it is impossible to conquer a man. They also provide a list of one hundred items that every self-respecting girl should have in her makeup bag.

Of course, it is beneficial for cosmetic product manufacturers to support this myth. But girls looking for their man should remember how their boyfriends told them more than once that they love naturalness. Guys won't mind moderate makeup on their loved one when going to a party or birthday party with friends. But at home, they want to see their companion with natural beauty.

3. Men only like girls with big breasts.

This is what size 1 women tell themselves and decide that their chances of finding a decent man are close to zero. This is nothing more than a complex. Important for men appearance your chosen one, but not all of them will appreciate your desire to undergo breast augmentation surgery.

Some will be worried about your health, while others cannot afford the cost of such intervention. And there are known cases when a girl made up her mind, but the guy just disappeared. In addition, many women with small busts have families, children and even - believe it or not - feel happy.

4. Men like short girls.

Girls with above average height feel that they are losing to their smaller rivals. Is this really true? The thing is that in our society it has traditionally developed that a man should be taller than his beloved, at least two centimeters, but taller.

It turns out that with a height of 160 cm, a woman really has more choice than a tall and long-legged model twenty centimeters taller. But growth should not be considered a serious reason for failures on the personal front. After all, there are plenty of tall men too. And among couples where the wife is taller than the husband, harmony in the relationship is quite possible.

5. Men have little interest in women over thirty.

This myth arose probably thirty years ago. In those days, a girl whose age was approaching the ominous figure of “thirty” had little hope of getting married. She either remained alone, or agreed to the most seedy option, just to start a family.

And now many girls get married at twenty. However, another approach to this problem has emerged: first climb up career ladder, provide a rear for yourself and your future baby, and then look for a worthy companion. But for some reason, men make very high demands, believing that they have benefited the “poor old maid.”

6. Men love weak women.

This point deserves close attention. In modern realities, a “weak woman” is not one who is unable to earn money for food and new lipstick, but for diapers and toys for her child. No, men, on the contrary, have a very positive perception of women who have achieved success in their careers.

At the same time, all representatives of the fair sex, including strong business women, must learn not to emphasize their leading role. Even if their salary is ten times higher than their husband’s salary, they need to unobtrusively and naturally emphasize that he is the head of the family. If the task seems too difficult, you will have to pay for your superiority in loneliness.

7. Men don't take marriage seriously.

No, to think that only women need a family, and that the stronger sex does not strive for family and children at all, is a wrong position. Of course, until about 25 years old, this opinion may be fair, and a guy finds the idea of ​​going to a nightclub rather than taking his baby out for a walk much more attractive.

But several years pass, men become more mature and responsible and also begin to think about a life partner and keeper of the family hearth. As statistical surveys have shown, 80% of men are looking for a companion not for meetings once or twice, but for a serious relationship and starting a family.

8. Men like bitches, not calm, “homey” girls.

This myth, most likely, was invented by harmful girls, for whom communicating with a guy without displaying bitchiness is a fantastic phenomenon. What can you say about this? Indeed, a relationship with a bitch can evoke a whole range of different emotions in a guy. He may even assume that he has met the love of his life.

But a little time passes, and the guy gets tired of being in constant tension, waiting for a call, fulfilling more and more demands of such a fatal beauty. And it is possible that he will get tired of such a “roller coaster” and for family life will choose a girl of a completely different type: kind, calm, affectionate.

9. Men like women who are experienced in bed.

And again, similar to the previous point, there are two possible cases here. When a guy is just in the mood for a few meetings, he will choose the option of an experienced girl with whom he can just relax and have fun, enjoying her freedom and passion.

However, when choosing a future wife and mother of their child, men consider the extensive intimate experience of their chosen one to be more of a minus than a plus. Some guys go even further and want to marry an exclusively innocent girl. Perhaps they understand that over time they will begin to ask their significant other about her experience and experience pangs of jealousy: “But it wasn’t me who taught her this pose.”

10. Men don't like girls who argue with them.

But now the arrangement of family life according to Domostroi is no longer in fashion. Husband and wife are equal partners, each of them has the right to express their opinion and express dissatisfaction if something does not suit them. If a woman always says “Yes,” she may even begin to be suspected of insincerity and very strong desire to keep your companion - to keep him at any cost.

It is possible and even necessary to argue with a guy and express your opinion. Just don’t start doing this from the first meeting. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, it is not recommended to discuss politics, religion and other topics that can easily lead to conflicts.

And in conclusion, we want to say that men like the most different women: brunettes and blondes, thin and fat ones, self-confident business women and quiet “gray mice”. We wish you to meet your soulmate in the year of the Horse.

What kind of breasts do men like? Do men like small breasts? Perhaps every girl has asked herself such questions at least once. According to the stereotype, all men like big breasts. And the bigger it is, the better. Even a joke has become widespread: “The breasts should be like Verka Serduchka’s, but real.”

And if you accidentally overhear a conversation between a male group of bachelors, especially over a glass of beer, they will say approximately the same thing. When describing girls they know, they will first of all praise big breasts. Or they will share their dreams of a girl with a very colorful bust.

Why do men like big breasts?

However, everything is not so simple here. The fact is that, as it turns out, it is more difficult for men to take seriously a girl with a bust of size four or more. Often they only see her as a sex object. Therefore, modest girls with large breasts suffer greatly from this. After all, they become objects of obsessive attention in a not entirely pleasant context. But girls with a large bust, who try to emphasize it always and everywhere with an open neckline, are completely perceived as extremely vulgar persons. Another disadvantage of large breasts is that they lose their shape over time and can sag.

Girls with small breasts - from zero to one - on the contrary, suffer from the fact that they consider themselves not very sexy. Although, this breast size does not cause discomfort to women and remains firm and toned over the years. However, men consider such forms less feminine and pay less attention to those with small breasts.

The ideal is the golden mean

It’s safe to say that those with a third breast size are luckier. This is the perfect golden mean" As social surveys show, almost every man will like breasts of this size. It's interesting that in lately a second size was added to the stereotypically “ideal” breasts. This is due to the fashion for slimness, naturalness and smartness. Moreover, slender girls look harmonious with small breasts.

As for silicone implants, they are becoming a thing of the past. So if you're wondering whether men like silicone breasts, it's safe to say that they don't! So now women, even if they decide to undergo surgery, they want to achieve, first of all, a good shape and a more natural second or third size.

In fact, still higher value than size, for men has the shape and firmness of the bust. Which cannot but please those with small breasts – just firm and beautiful.

However, there is good news for all women - you can work on your breasts. To do this, just sign up for a fitness club and work out with a trainer according to an individual program aimed specifically at strengthening the pectoral muscles. You can correct the shape well, make the breasts more elastic, and even change its size.

Each product has its own buyer

We described only the general views of the male audience. However, many men act under the pressure of the same social stereotypes or patterns, and their real preferences are completely different. There are always those who like small breasts, and they call a large bust “milking like a cow.” There are also those who prefer curvy figures, and they compare women with small breasts to boys or “boards”.

And most importantly, if a person truly loves you, for him any of your forms will be beautiful and desirable.

And a little more about sizes

  1. Size 0-1 (also called “cherries”). Men who like such breasts associate them with purity, mystery, and fragility. Such women seem vulnerable and a little unearthly to them. The owners of “cherries” are pampered, taken care of and the specks of dust are blown off from them.
  2. Size 2 (also called “cream”). Men usually love athletic, slender girls with a harmonious figure. And such breasts fit perfectly into the palm of your hand, which gives men great pleasure.
  3. Size 3 (called “peaches”). This size is considered ideal by many men, especially if good shape is added to it.
  4. Size 4 and larger (called “melons”). Liked by men who value femininity and sexuality most of all.
