Monastery of healing. Miraculous healings through the prayers of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo: reviews and recorded testimonies. Healing with oil from the lamp of St. Sergius and Herman from the eyes of the peasant Alexei Ivanov

There are legends about Elder Irenar throughout Moldova. That, they say, the blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, and epileptics forever forget about their seizures. Whether this is true or not, we were unable to check during a trip to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Saharna (Rezinsky district): there were no people there with serious illnesses, at least outwardly the diseases did not appear among the parishioners. But public rumor did not mention the names of those who recovered. But here’s what we saw with our own eyes: they go to Irenar by bus, with all our...

There are legends about Elder Irenar throughout Moldova. That, they say, the blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, and epileptics forever forget about their seizures. Whether this is true or not, we were unable to check during a trip to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Saharna (Rezinsky district): there were no people there with serious illnesses, at least outwardly the diseases did not appear among the parishioners. But public rumor did not mention the names of those who recovered. But here’s what we saw with our own eyes: they go to Irenar by bus from all over our republic. And the fact that the soul and heart becomes lighter, and the body somehow becomes younger, that’s for sure.

Holy places

Along the broken road, without swearing (after all, we are going to the monastery), we get to Saharna. It’s better to go through Rezina - although the path is a little longer, there’s a little more asphalt. “The path to God is difficult,” someone in the car remarks philosophically. So this is why our roads are not repaired, because there are monasteries in every direction!

There is a parking lot in front of the Sakharnya monastery. Buses, minibuses, cars. The unbearable smell of a public toilet. And the unusual beauty of the rocks, sometimes covered with forest, sometimes bare, original monastery buildings, fortunately, not subjected to global reconstruction, when all the “beauty” goes into the plane of expensive building materials. And even the Saharna River, which is more like a stream, is covered in bags and plastic bottles abandoned by the suffering, and it is somehow especially beautiful.

We pass by a tank with the inscription “Holy Water”, which is constantly replenished with the help of a hose and a pump - people take it out by the decalitre. We pass the kitchen, where the women preparing lunch for the clergy shout at anyone who dares to set foot on their territory. And finally we reach the church. Speakers are hung on the trees, pillars and walls of the monastery buildings, from which the deep, strong voice of Father Irenar can be heard. The service is broadcast to the entire monastery, because sometimes the church cannot accommodate all the believers. This time too, there was nowhere for the apple to fall.

"Reception" at the relics of St. Macarius

The service ended, and Elder Irenar began to receive people near the relics Venerable Macarius, the first local monk to be canonized as a saint. And he is no old man - this old man Irenar,” our “landing party” was surprised. As it turned out, an elder in monasteries is called the “elder of the monastery.”

There was a queue at the relics. Each person spoke in two sentences about their problems, be they illnesses or business failures. Father Irenar blessed (“healed”), everyone bowed over the relics, prayed and kissed the elder’s hand.

After this, one man from our village was cured of epilepsy,” says the woman, who flatly refuses to give her name or be photographed. “She herself,” she revealed the secret, “is also sick with something.”

These relics have great power,” Irenar explained when we admitted that we had not come to be treated, but to collect information, “yes, they are capable of healing. But this requires strong faith. Stay, now there will be a prayer service for the removal of damage and witchcraft.

Getting rid of diseases, drinking and smoking

We listened to the elder’s advice and stayed for the prayer service. The priest covered the heads of the parishioners with two cloths - black and white, and began to lead a prayer service. People listened to the voice of Father Irenar calmly, no one twisted or howled, as happens when exorcizing demons. After the prayer service, my colleague admitted: “What a relief!” Maybe this is really how you can get rid of some illness. After all, it is believed that diseases can be caused by damage, and on Fridays in Saharna they fight against this. On Wednesday they get rid of illnesses, on Saturday - from drunkenness and smoking. Starts after the service, around 10.00. Everything is on schedule!

Go to the doctor,” Father George, the rector of a rural church in the Riscani region, briefly answered when I asked if the word of God helps with illness. - Here you can get rid of spiritual problems.

And yet, it is not in vain that people’s rumors praise the abilities of Irenar and the Sakharnyan monastery. Most likely, by believing in their own recovery, people heal faster.

Miracles of healing have always evoked awe. They were believed in and not believed in, they were looked for and waited for. People suffering from a serious illness, or their loving relatives, were ready to undertake long and difficult pilgrimages just to venerate the relics of the revered saint and other shrines.

Miracles also became a powerful argument in favor of the canonization of deceased righteous people.

Miracles of healing in 1903

In 1903, in Moscow, in the Assumption Cathedral, the saint’s robe was exhibited for veneration. St. Seraphim Sarovsky. And then several cases of miraculous healings were recorded.

One nobleman suffered from severe stomach pain for 30 years. Towards the end he became weak and could barely walk. Nevertheless, he hoped for healing and therefore went to the all-night vigil at the Assumption Cathedral on July 18. He kissed the icon of the saint and his mantle, and upon leaving the temple he immediately felt that there was no pain. His vigor returned and he subsequently became completely healthy.

At the same time, the Ryazan landowner Shatilov brought his weakened relative to the mantle of St. Seraphim of Sarov. They carried her into the cathedral in their arms, and the next day she stood alone at the service and heartily thanked Father Seraphim for the healing.

Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery: reviews of healing

Nowadays, as in the last century, cases of healing are recorded to strengthen the faith of those who doubt the holiness of St. Seraphim of Sarov. We are talking about miracles recorded from the words of those healed or their relatives.

Here are a few of them.

In 1999, Alevtina, suffering from severe pain in her legs, so that she had to constantly bandage them, came to Diveevo. Alevtina prayed from the bottom of her heart and really hoped for healing when she took the plunge. A miracle happened and she returned home with untied legs and no pain.

Irina Shilina from the city of Nizhny Novgorod came to Diveevo in 1994. She suffered from a skin disease for 25 years, and after bathing in the spring of Father Seraphim she received healing.

Oleg Kudryavtsev was brought to Diveevo from Cheboksary by his brother with severe headaches. Doctors discovered a tumor in his head young man. After bathing in the spring of Father Seraphim, the pain went away. A repeat medical examination a week later showed the absence of a tumor.

Here are several cases where sufferers received healing from illnesses after being anointed with oil b. Seraphim. Blessed oil from the lamp burning at the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov can be taken completely freely from the monastery in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Thus, the believing woman Alexandra was brought blessed oil from Diveyevo. She prayed and anointed her gangrene leg with holy oil. And she was healed! The miracle was so obvious that it amazed many. The woman is alive and walking. Both of her legs are white, although the previously affected leg was black.

In 1996 there was another interesting case. Seminarist P. from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra could not walk due to severe stomach pain. Then, with blessing, he drank warm oil from the lamp, and the pain left him. On his second trip to Diveevo, the young man reported that the disease no longer bothered him.

What do they ask Seraphim of Sarov for?

In prayer to the holy saints of God, you can express any of your needs and pray heartily. And yet, historically, it turns out that each saint has, as it were, his own “sphere” in which he most often helps those who turn to him. So, they pray to Nikolai Ugodnik for a successful marriage and help in financial matters; Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - about family well-being; and diseases of the legs, joints, back and head pain.

How to ask the Holy Venerable Seraphim of Sarov for healing

First of all, tune in to prayer work and approach it with reverence. Remember that serious illnesses are given to us for a reason. Sometimes they are needed to strengthen one’s faith (many come to God precisely through suffering). Sometimes such illnesses are given solely for the glory of God - so that through healing people will see a miracle. But it also happens that illness is given as a life test.

Perhaps this is why miracles happen in different ways. Some receive help the first time, as soon as they find themselves in Diveevo, while others have to perform prayer work for several months, and even years, coming to the Diveevo monastery more than once. And someone remains not healed from a physical illness, but receives spiritual consolation, pain relief, patience and peace in the soul.

But no one whose heart is open is left unconsoled. Diveevo is a special place where grace is in the air and miracles are a reality. And also, Father Seraphim is a very loving saint. During his lifetime, he greeted everyone who came to him with the words of Easter greeting: “My joy, Christ is Risen!” And this one Easter joy can be felt even after his death, here in Diveevo.

Tatyana Strakhova

Denisov Dmitry Alekseevich, born in 1952. Address: Moscow region, Shchelkovo-3 (Chkalovsky village). 3 years ago there was an operation, they opened the skull and an aneurysm burst. Didn't speak for 3 years.

On August 9, 2015, I bought candles in this monastery, prayed and left. I went to my friend and started talking.

That's all the news. As they say, neither subtract nor add. Is there any need to write anything more about this? The best thing in such cases would be to simply remain silent, but still, I think it is necessary to add a few touches to this sketch from a person’s life.

Behind these dry facts from human life actually lies the great blessing of God.

First, a little about the disease.

A cerebral aneurysm (otherwise known as an intracranial aneurysm) is a small formation on a blood vessel in the brain that quickly grows in size and fills with blood. The bulging portion of an aneurysm can put pressure on the nerve or surrounding brain tissue, but the most dangerous thing is when the aneurysm ruptures, causing blood to leak into the surrounding brain tissue (called hemorrhage).

A ruptured aneurysm causes bleeding in the brain, causing serious complications, including hemorrhagic stroke, nervous system damage, or death.

The mere fact that a person survived in this situation is a real miracle. After a very difficult operation, the servant of God Demetrius stood up and began to walk, but the gift of speech never returned. As practice shows, after any serious injury or surgery, the likelihood of recovery of motor function or speech function rapidly decreases over time. This means that if recovery dynamics are not observed at the very first time, then it becomes more and more difficult to implement this in practice.

Here we see that 3 years have already passed - this is a long time. Dmitry Alekseevich himself said that he no longer hoped to speak. But the Lord judged completely differently.

Dmitry Alekseevich visited our monastery several times, and August 9 was not his first visit to the monastery. Please note that the miracle happened precisely on August 9 - in memory of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon. On this day, after the Divine Liturgy, the abbot of the monastery mentioned that only in his priestly practice he witnessed many cases of miracles and healings that occurred from the great martyr. Panteleimon. Now you and I are witnesses wonderful help, resulting from the prayers of the holy healer.

Pay attention to the circumstances of the miraculous healing. The man simply went into the temple, prayed and lit candles. “I went to a friend and started talking.”

What does this all mean, and what benefit can we gain from this incident?

Of course, such a miracle is a big “advance” to a person, which will still need to be worked off. The gift of speech is one of the main differences between us and dumb animals, and in this case we now have to work hard to correctly use the opportunity to speak received a second time.

But the gifts poured out from the generous hand of God are different. In addition to the above, the Lord also often visits a person through illness and sorrow. Here you need to understand that illness and healing are blessings that have one source - the Creator of the universe. And their goal is the same - a call to a person to change his life.

That day there were many people at the service, the church was full. But one R.B. was healed. Dimitri. Why? Because the Lord decided so through his saint - the Great Martyr Panteleimon! This does not mean that everyone else, sick and suffering, turned out to be unworthy. This means that the Lord is nearby, He knows EVERYTHING and gives each of us the best and most useful things possible.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”(Heb. 13:8). Just as in the days of the gospel preaching and the earthly life of the Savior, great miracles were performed, just as in the lives of the saints we learn about healings that took place through their prayers, so today all this is real and alive. Like the very first Christians, you and I are members of the holy Church of Christ, which even the gates of hell cannot overcome (cf. Matt. 16:18)!

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, pray to God for us!

Most cases of mysterious healing of people from various ailments that modern medicine could not cope with are associated with holy places, which include monasteries, churches, springs blessed water. In addition, many people were healed from various diseases with the help of prayers and various spells.

The healing powers of the places where churches and monasteries are located can be explained by the special energy that is generated by nature itself and has a positive effect on the human body. Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', pagan shamans placed temples in such places of Power. After staying in these places, a person returns filled with new strength and with improved health. The priests claimed that in such places there is a combination of all the energies of nature.

Many cases of healing are associated with the Sarov spring. Such facts were confirmed by representatives of the official authorities, as well as ordinary witnesses from the people. For example, there is a known case of healing of a nineteen-year-old girl named Matryona. Her limbs were cramped, her hands were clenched. After bathing in the holy spring of Seraphim of Sarov, she stood up, her limbs straightened, and the girl was able to walk freely and confidently. In addition, after bathing in the spring, the peasant woman Efimiya Ivanovna Smolnikova was miraculously cured of paralysis, and after bathing she felt absolutely healthy. After bathing in the spring, a public school teacher from Nizhny Novgorod was able to recover from malaria.

In addition to the spring, the grave of Seraphim of Sarov has healing properties. A peasant woman who came to worship in the city of Sarov Tula province Matryona did not have control over her hand, but after she kissed the saint’s grave, her hand was completely restored.

However, healing does not always come to people from all ailments at once. Natalia Mikhailovna, a novice of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery, suffered from debilitating bleeding for a long time. Despite all their efforts, the doctors were unable to help her, and then she went on foot to the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery, where she, in front of the icon of the Mother of God, asked for healing from a serious illness that had tormented her for seven years. The illness passed, but her misfortunes did not end there. She fell ill again. Doctors found a terrible tumor in her stomach that did not allow her to move freely. It was very difficult for her to walk, bend over, doing any work turned into real torment for her, she constantly felt intense heat inside her body and was thirsty. The disease continued to torment the novice for five years. As a result, overcoming severe pain, she again went to the monastery. A nun, Mother Fevronia, went with her.

They came to the monastery, where they confessed, and then began to pray, asking God for healing from their illness. Afterwards they went to the hotel. That same night Natalya dreamed that someone came into their room and said: “You came to poor Seraphim to be healed; bathe three times in my spring, and everything will go away for you.” She woke up her neighbor and told her about the vision, then looked at the door and saw that it was locked. The novice realized that Father Seraphim himself came to her in a dream.

The women got dressed, went to the morning service and after that decided to visit the healing spring. On the way, Natalya again began to bleed heavily, however, after swimming, she felt free from her illness and realized that the tumor that had tormented her during all this time had subsided. Natalya swam twice more and, waking up in the morning, felt reborn.

In addition to the above cases, it also happened that in a dream Seraphim came to sick people and told them what they needed to do to be healed. One girl, Praskovya Ivanovna Kiseleva, suffered from a leg disease for two years. She kept going to visit Father Seraphim to receive healing, but she constantly had various obstacles on the way to this: there was either no money or opportunity. One day she came to the village to visit an old herbalist and stayed overnight with her. At night, she had a dream that an old man entered the house, approached the place where Praskovya was sleeping, and quietly said to her: “Why aren’t you going to Father Seraphim?” The girl answered him that she had no money at all for such a long trip. Then the elder told her that she needed to sell the embroidered canvas that she had brought with her, and use the proceeds to come to the holy spring. Waking up, the girl told the herbalist about her dream, and they decided to follow the elder’s advice. The old woman herself sold the canvas, equipped a horse and, together with the girl, went to the holy spring.

On the way, they thought that Praskovya would need help getting out of the cart when they arrived. But when the travelers arrived in Sarov, a miracle happened - the girl managed to get out of the cart on her own and go to worship Saint Seraphim. After this, Praskovya went to the holy spring and bathed in it - she was completely healed of the diseases that tormented her. She no longer had problems with her legs. And when, after healing, she returned home, she again saw a dream in which an old man came to her house; Now she clearly saw that it was Seraphim of Sarov, he approached her, smiled and crossed her.

In addition to holy water, myrrh-streaming icons have healing properties. An example is the story of nurse Natalya. One day, a young Frenchman was admitted to a clinic on the outskirts of Paris with a crippled leg as a result of a car accident. After the disaster, his leg constantly festered, causing the patient unbearable pain and emitting a strong unpleasant odor. The surgeon who worked in this hospital, in order to relieve the patient from suffering, performed several complex operations on him. The doctor transplanted muscles and arteries several times, but after each operation the patient developed terrible growths of flesh that had to be cut off. All this did not make it possible to proceed with the main and very complex operation, which involved transplanting the tibia and artery from the diseased bone to a healthy one.

All this continued for two years, and when the disease reached a critical point, the doctors said that it was necessary to amputate the leg. From severe shock, the poor young man almost committed suicide. At that moment, nurse Natalya decided to talk to him. She told him about God, about the miraculous saint myrrh-streaming icon Mother of God, which helps to heal from a variety of diseases. This icon is located in the Lesna monastery, which is one hundred kilometers from Paris. Natalya offered to take him there in her car, and the young man agreed.

After they arrived at the monastery, Natalya told Mother Abbess Afanasia about the problem of her traveling companion. She, in turn, conveyed her words to two nuns, and they began to pray for the healing of the young man. The archpriest of the monastery served a prayer service and anointed the wounds on the patient’s legs with healing myrrh. In the evening they went back to the clinic.

After traveling to the monastery, an incomprehensible gray liquid began to continuously flow from the young man’s wounds. Three days after this, when the doctor was dressing the wounds, he saw that they were completely clean, and the long-awaited necessary operation became possible. As a result of this, the operation was successful, even the surgeon was surprised at how well everything ended. Soon the young man got to his feet, and his nightmare was a thing of the past.

Another story about the healing effects of the world was told by Priest Nikolai. One day, his one-and-a-half-year-old son Alexei fell ill with some incomprehensible gastric disease, which manifested itself in diarrhea and vomiting after eating. The disease did not go away for two years and progressed. Alexei’s attending physician gave him a very strong medicine, which was water-based drops. Apart from these drops, my stomach did not want to accept anything else. As a result of the disease, the child lost a lot of weight and reached the brink of dehydration. The boy was eventually taken to the hospital. The specialist wanted to prescribe the boy artificial nutrition, since he was very thin and pale. But at the request of his parents, he agreed to leave the boy with them for six hours in the last hope that he would still be able to take food and medications in the usual way.

The sick boy's parents began to pray to God for healing. They tried giving him medication twice, but it didn't work. Then Alexei’s mother decided to drip healing myrrh into a vessel with a medicinal solution. And, to the surprise of everyone, for the first time the boy calmly drank the medicine and fell asleep without vomiting. Afterwards, the child no longer vomited; during the night the child calmly took medications, and in the morning during Divine Liturgy At the monastery, Alexey even asked for food. The next day, during a medical examination, the doctor was very shocked magical recovery baby. And next Sunday the baby’s parents went to miraculous icon Iverskaya, in order to thank the Lord. The boy leaned close to the myrrh-streaming icon and hugged it so tightly that his parents did not immediately manage to take him away from it. After this incident, the boy called the icon of the Iveron Mother of God “his own.”

The saint helps with marital infertility and sick children

Father Joel, the keeper of the shrine with holy relics, wrote: “Vladimir and Liljana Kovacs from Sarajevo did not have children for 10 years. Through the prayers of St. Basil, their son Drazen was born on February 13, 1992, and two years later another son Their youngest son fell ill with paralysis. After a prayer was read for him in the Ostrog monastery, the boy was able to walk and talk.”

The saint frees you from the shackles of passion

In the book about the miracles of St. Basil's father Joel also recorded the words of one young man (who did not want his name mentioned):

“I repeatedly wanted to quit smoking. But since I could not free myself from this addiction, I gave up, convinced of my weakness and powerlessness. In 1995, I went to venerate the relics of St. Basil. On the way to the Lower Monastery, on the spot, at where the cross once was, I felt great spiritual joy and at the same time realized that I would quit smoking.

I felt like a prisoner who, after a long time, removes his shackles, I felt free, calm. For fifteen days I had no urge to smoke at all.

Then I wanted to, but the desire was no longer strong. It was much easier for me not to give in to temptation, since I knew that I was not alone in struggling with it. With me was my heavenly patron, St. Vasily Ostrozhsky.

The power of the shrine stops multiple sclerosis

Vasilisa Terzin from Sombor, with the blessing of her confessor, Father Poil, wrote down:

"Elica Despot from Stara Pazova fell ill at the age of 32 incurable disease- multiple sclerosis. When she turned 39, as the disease progressed very quickly, she was already in a wheelchair. She did not believe in the Lord and fell into depression. She even experienced clinical death. After this, Elitsa became interested in Orthodoxy. In 1995, she came to Ostrog for the first time in her life (some pious people helped her). After a conversation with Father Yoil and after prayer in the Church of the Entry Holy Mother of God, which contains the relics of St. Basil the Wonderworker of Ostrog, her condition changed dramatically.

Elitsa’s illness did not develop so quickly; she also began to recover spiritually. She was baptized and married in Orthodox Church On October 27, 1996, the feast day of St. Paraskeva Fridays. Now Elitsa lives, waging a courageous fight against her illness. She goes to the doctor regularly for appointments. Her diagnosis: satisfactory state of health, no sudden changes (processes), which, in fact, is a miracle if we are talking about multiple sclerosis.

A real miracle happened in relation to Elitsa's spiritual life: she has been working as an employee at Stara Pazova radio for several years. She has her own show, “Windows of the Soul.” She came to the Ostrog monastery several times, but she also traveled to other shrines. Now she is able to help someone else. Many listeners turn to her for spiritual help. She believes that “St. Basil gives her the strength to do this.”

Saint Ostrozhsky saved a young man participating in the war

“During the war in Bosnia, at one point almost all the men went to war. I cried for a long time and prayed to the Lord for my son. One night St. Basil appeared to me and said: “Don’t be afraid, I will protect your son.”

And in fact, although my son participated in hostilities from 1992 until the very end of the war, nothing bad happened to him. He always felt that someone was guarding him. Now he constantly comes to Ostrog to thank the Lord and His saint, St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker."

The doctor's miraculous healing

Senior physician Predrag Kachavenda, an otolaryngologist, spoke about the following miraculous event on May 22, 2003: “Six years ago, I suddenly fell ill. At that time, as a refugee, I lived in Kikinda. I was diagnosed with a serious heart disease arteries. Therefore, I was urgently sent to Sremska Kamenica for a cardiograph. Because of very severe chest pain, I was afraid that I might die, I thought what would happen to my family in this case (I was unemployed at that time). At the insistence of my son, who was then studying at an eight-year school (he later studied at the seminary), I went to the Ostrog monastery. I confessed to Father Poil, who read a prayer for me at the shrine with the holy relics of St. Basil. home.

In Sremska Kamenica, at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, I underwent coronary artery bypass surgery and was diagnosed with a serious blockage of blood vessels. The colleague who performed bypass surgery on me said that nothing could help me (neither with medications nor with surgery). I told him that the Lord would heal me.

I left his office with a feeling of fear and confusion. I didn't know where to go. I walked down some corridor. To my great surprise, I suddenly saw the hospital chapel of St. Nectarius Eginsky. I prayed to Saint Nektarios and asked him to intercede for me before the Lord, so that He would give me healing. The council of doctors decided to perform heart surgery on me and install four bypasses. They were supposed to inform me about the date of the operation in a month.

The Nativity Fast has begun. I fasted and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Vasily to intercede for me before the Lord, so that He fatal disease replaced by some other one, with whom I, with difficulty, will live and, thus, will be able to take care of my family (I have a wife and four children), who lived in very difficult conditions. My pain has subsided, but I have noticed that I have to urinate more often and that I feel thirsty very often. I was diagnosed with diabetes.

There was no news from the institute. I called my relative from Novi Sad to check on what day the operation was scheduled for me. He answered me that I was not on the list at all and that they had no trace of me in the registry, that I had once been hospitalized with them. I immediately realized that through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. A miracle happened to Vasily. To the great surprise of my family and my colleagues, I stopped taking medication and: started riding a bicycle. After some time I was able to travel 30 kilometers.

I thank the Lord, who through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Vasily healed me of serious heart failure and gave me another illness to remind me of my previous sins and the cross that I must bear for the rest of my life with humility and gratitude.

Besides St. Nikolai Ugodnik, who is heavenly patron my family, I now have another patron - St. Vasily, to whom I made a vow that at least once a year I would come to Ostrog to venerate his holy relics."

Healing from leukemia

Mitic Tsatsa from Kotor Old Town wrote a letter on April 13th in which she spoke about the healing of her daughter:

“There are no words with which a mother could express her gratitude to the Lord and St. Basil. It can only be felt in her heart, which with all her might loves and glorifies the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos.

My daughter Elena suddenly fell ill with a very serious illness - leukemia. It was then September 1997. The diagnosis was made in Belgrade. She was in terrible pain, exhausted, and practically could not move.

We stayed in the hospital the whole day. I am a believer, and I raised my child in the faith. In my prayers I fervently begged Holy Virgin show me the path I need to take with my daughter. The doctors couldn't help us. We were offered either a bone marrow transplant in Milan or chemotherapy. But the Mother of God heard our prayers. One night, when I returned from the hospital to celebrate Elena’s birthday and wait for my turn to leave for Milano, I had a wonderful dream.

In a dream I saw a monastery and some saint. I didn’t know what kind of monastery this was. I talked with my confessor, who advised my daughter and I to go to Ostrog. Then we lived in Serbia. My daughter and I went along with other pilgrims and priests from the Lazarica Church, located in the city of Krusevac. They then helped me carry my daughter. Halfway to the Upper Monastery, Elena suddenly said to me: “Mom, put me down on the ground, I can do it myself!” And what a miracle! My daughter not only walked, but ran, as if she had never been sick! She recovered on St. Day. Vasily, May 12, 1998. We venerated the holy relics and said a prayer for us. When we left the temple, we were granted great mercy. The girl who helped me, my daughter and I saw a monk. He asked us: “Why didn’t you come earlier?” He put his hand on Elena's head, asking what hurt her, if she was tired. Then he turned to; me with the words: “It’s good that you came. You should have arrived earlier, but you arrived on time.” Now, as a sign of my gratitude, I especially celebrate St. Vasily. Through the prayers of St. Vasily, the Lord helped us. My daughter has fully recovered."

Saint Basil protected pilots in the war

Goran Radosavljevic, a native of Šumadija, captain of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, living in Podgorica, told the monastery chronicler the following:

“During the NATO bombing in 1999, we received an order to fly from Podgorica to Pristina. Captain Andjelko Pudor, before carrying out the order, went to St. Basil for a blessing and brought holy water from there. It was planned to use 10 pilots and 10 aircraft. All pilots We drank a sip of holy water, and we sprinkled the planes and the gun. Just before the flight, we decided to replace one plane with another, since there was a suspicion that it might fail. The Americans bombed our squadron every day, but they didn’t even manage to scratch any of us. “One bomb exploded not far from me, knocked me off, but I remained safe and sound. They didn’t manage to shoot down a single one of our planes. During the most fierce battle, they shot down only one of our planes.”

Fell into the abyss and remained unharmed

Hieromonk Spyridon said the following: “In June 2000, Dejan Petrovich from Sopot came to my workshop. Since he was ill, I advised him to go to St. Basil so that prayers for health would be read there. He went, prayers for health would be read there, and on the way from the Upper Monastery, at the first turn, he tripped (he is limping) and fell into an abyss 80 meters deep.

But he remained unharmed, even his glasses were not broken. Brother Mirko, who was then working in the monastery, helped him get out of the abyss.

The miraculous rescue of a woman in a car accident

In 2000, Ruzhitsa Beshlin Popov from Bila Tserkva wrote a letter to the abbot of Ostrog, Father Lazar Adzhich:

"Dear Father Lazar!

I am sending you a small donation as a token of gratitude to St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker. For being alive, I thank the Lord and St. Vasily. On May 11, 2000 at 15:45 I was returning from work by car. I didn't see the train. There was no ramp at all. The train hit my car. The car turned over three times, but, God forbid, it stood on its wheels. When I, covered in bruises, turned to the right, feeling a sharp pain in the cervical spine, near my car I saw St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker. The last thing I remember is the sound of footsteps; I was unconscious for sixteen hours.

She spent seven days in the hospital. My collarbone and three ribs were broken on my left side and my pelvis was damaged. WITH right side I had torn ligaments in my (right) shoulder and broken all the bones in my hand. I had surgery on my shoulder, and the doctors had to cut my hand three times.

My gratitude to the Lord and St. Vasily is immeasurable. The accident occurred on the eve of St. Vasily. As a sign of gratitude, I celebrate St. I celebrate Vasily as the day of my new birth, and in addition to the holiday in honor of the Renewal of the Church of the Great Martyr. George in Lydda, the day of the patron saint of his family, I consider the feast of St. Vasily.

Please, oh. Lazarus, forgive me all the mistakes I made in the letter, since everything is not in order with my head and hand yet. I ask for your prayers before the Lord and St. Vasily about my health. Thank you very much. With deep respect I kiss your right hand."

The couple, who had no children on the 21st, had a girl

Dejan and Vesna Perić sent the following letter to the leadership of the monastery on September 25, 2002: “We are originally from the village of Vlaški Do, located near Požarevac, but we have been living and working in Vienna for twenty years. We have been married for 21 years. At first we did not get married in the church Then we got married, but we didn’t have children. My wife couldn’t bear the pregnancy to the end.

We were told about the Ostrog monastery. On September 25th, 1999 (today) we prayed at the holy relics of St. Vasily. There were a lot of people there then, and they didn’t read the prayer for us, which is read when you want to have children. A year later, priest Vasily from Župa Niksic read a prayer for us. We came for the third time in 2001, and a year later, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, my wife became pregnant. She was supposed to give birth on May 12, the day of St. Vasily, glory and praise to him! Our girl was born two and a half months before specified date. She was put in an incubator and, thank God and St. Vasily, she feels good now.

I made a vow to St. Vasily, that if the Lord gives us a child, I will name him either the name of his father or the name of his mother. This means that if we have a boy, we’ll call him Peter, and if we have a girl, we’ll call him Anastasia. My daughter’s name is Anastasia, she is 18 months old and weighs 12 kilograms.

Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Vasily."

The saint warns and protects pilgrims on the road

The management of the Ostrog monastery received a letter on January 16, 2002 with the following content: “My name is Robert Voynich Purchar. I live in the city of Subotica. I am 38 years old. Somewhere in 1996 or 1997, St. Basil of Ostroh appeared to me in a dream and offered I need to come to Ostrog.

Since then, I have repeatedly come to the Ostrog monastery to venerate its holy relics.

On May 7, 2002, because I was driving at a very high speed, I almost hit a parked car whose lights were not on. St. saved me Vasily Ostrogsky.

On the way back, on May 12, I fell asleep behind the wheel for the first time in my life. Without any doubt, thanks to St. Vasily, I woke up at the last minute and avoided the accident. Thanks to him.

Also in 2000, on January 15, I went to Ostrog. Somewhere around 22:00, 10-15 kilometers from Kolasin, a huge piece of the wall fell off and began to fall directly on my car. The tragedy could have been the most terrible (there were two children in the car), if the saint’s hand had not helped me and if he had not forced me to increase the speed and turn first to the right, then to the left, and thus avoid the worst. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words.

The saint appeared and eased the death of God's servant Nada

Dusan Mihailovic from America, not knowing that Fr. Lazarus, hegumen of Metropolitan Ostrog, had passed away, and wrote him the following letter:

“Dear Father Abbot! I am writing to you instead of my sister Nada, who for many years corresponded with you, four and a half months ago, on August 26, 2003, she passed away and moved to the Kingdom of God. Nada was the most beloved my sister. Two months before his death, our beloved and deeply revered St. Basil of Ostrog (I was present) appeared in her room along with another man, tall, with a white beard and mustache, all gray.

Both of them stood near Nada's bed, and St. Vasily told her not to be afraid, that he would personally come for her. Nada tried to rise up to kiss the saint's hand. Vasily. The saint gave a sign with his hands that she did not need to get up. “Dusan, have you seen St. Basil?” Nada asked me. “Yes,” I answered, “it was St. Basil, and he will come when the hour comes for you to go and leave your brother.” Nada was then taken to the Holy Cross Hospital. I was there with her for five days so that she would not be left there alone. On August 26th, at about 2 hours and 30 minutes, Nada looked at me and said: “They have come for me.” She asked me to kiss her. I kissed her several times, then she turned to face me, but I did not hear her deep sigh. Her eyes were open. When I touched her, I felt warmth. The doctor pronounced him dead. On August 29 she was buried near our parents.

On the fortieth day after her death, I dreamed about her and said that our parents and our two sisters were there with her, and that they were very happy there, “we are waiting for you so that the whole family can be together. Our grandfather Mikhailo K. Strugar is here too , who rested in November 1945 in Rijeka Crnoević."

The saint saves the life of a man who suffered an accident

Milos Petrusic from Podgorica spoke about miraculous salvation from the mortal danger of his friend:

“On the day of the feast of St. Basil of Ostrog, Vladimir Petrushich, having lost control of the steering wheel, “flew” 200 meters and fell into the Sushitsa River 2.5-5 meters deep.

His car sank in the river. Vladimir miraculously floated out of the car through one of the windows, without a single scratch. This can only be explained by a miracle, since he did not know how to swim. When they later pulled the car out of the river, they saw that the car was completely destroyed. Thank you, Lord, and you, our patron, St. Basil".

The saint saves a non-believer from depression and an attempt to commit suicide

Netzmetskal Jadranka from Tivat and her husband Anton sent the following letter to the monastery management:

“During the 1999 war, my husband, who worked at the Arsenal plant, went on a business trip to Libya. He returned home on October 25, sick, depressed, having lost 10 kilograms. On November 4, while I was at work, and our daughter at school, he disappeared. Three days later we found him, half-dead, among some rocks, somewhere near a military point on Vrmac Hill. He shot himself in the head. He was holding a pistol in his left hand, although he was writing with his right hand. He committed suicide on the very day we found him, literally before our arrival. At the hospital in the city of Risan, they told us that he could not move and that my youngest daughter Anna was in an unconscious state. the next day, despite the heavy rain, she went to the Ostrog monastery to pray for her father. At the moment when she was praying, he regained consciousness and began to move. mobile phone from the eldest daughter, who was with her father in the hospital.

I, Anton’s wife, cannot describe the joy that I felt when I heard about this wonderful event. I decided that my husband and I would go to Ostrog. Three weeks ago we came to St. Vasily. Anton was driving. He is quite healthy and lives a normal life.

We wish the best for everyone, that’s why the Lord rewarded us with good things.”

Unexpected mercy shown to a lost guy

In July 2002, the leadership of the Ostrog monastery received a letter from Boyan Kalem from Novi Sad.

“Hello! My name is Boyan, I’m 27 years old. I was baptized in 1995. But I didn’t have faith then. I was baptized because that was my mother’s desire.

For purely tourist reasons, I went on a pilgrimage to the monasteries of Moraca, Dajbabe, Ostrog, Cetinje Monastery and Milesheva. The trip lasted from October 28 to October 31, 1999.

I started drinking when I was sixteen. When I took drugs along with alcohol, I literally lost consciousness. What else can you call a state in which I practically did not remember anything that happened to me. I drank the night and morning before the trip. My grandmother Milka, may the Kingdom of Heaven rest with her (I ask everyone who wants to remember her in their prayers) always told me: “May St. Basil of Ostrog help you.”

In Cetinje I received Holy Communion. That same day I drank beer, but for some reason I didn’t like it. We also visited the Milesheva monastery, where we could listen to a conversation about Last Judgment. Then for the first time I listened with attention when they talked about the Lord, about His holy saints, about eternal joy and eternal torment.

On November 1, 1999, after talking with my parents about the trip, I became introspective.

I felt that some strange warmth began to expand throughout my entire being. I looked at the icon of St. Vasily and began to cry. I cried often. From that day on, I no longer took drugs and stopped drinking as if I had never had such tendencies. I was in a state similar to the state mentioned in the conversation of St. Seraphim of Sarov with Motovilov. I felt very good at heart. Extraordinary calm and silence in the soul, and strong joy and warmth in the heart. I have been in this state of unusual grace for six months now. I believed in the Lord and fell in love with service, fasting and prayer.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t quit smoking. In the summer of 2000, I went to Ostrog to pray to St. Vasily, so that he frees me from this misfortune. Priest Vasily read a prayer for me. I stayed in the monastery for three days. While I was there, I didn't feel like smoking at all. And after that I didn’t even think about cigarettes. All that remains is the memory that I once smoked.

I don’t believe in dreams and don’t attach much importance to them, but this dream was somehow special. I dreamed that I was at a bus station.

There's a girl next to me. An unfamiliar priest comes towards me. I thought to myself whether or not to ask for his blessing. I was afraid that the girl might take me for strange. Still, I asked for a blessing. The priest looked at me, smiled and blessed me with a silver cross decorated with precious stones.

I woke up in a very good mood. On the same day I bought the magazine "Svetigora", number 100, and on page 47, in the lower left corner, I saw a photo of the priest who blessed me. This was the abbot of Metropolitan Ostrog, who rested in the Lord, Father Lazar. I got goosebumps down my spine and my eyes filled with tears. I did not know Father Lazar during his lifetime. I have never seen him (neither in newspapers nor on TV). Only when he was laid to rest did I begin to remember him along with my relatives who were laid to rest in the Lord.

Remember, Lord, in Your Kingdom, Slobodan, Danil, Olya, Sreten, Dzhurdzhinka and Boyan, and rest the souls of Your servants: Damyan, Milka, Vuyadin, Zagorka, Nevenki. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Vasily, may the Lord always protect and increase the number of monks of the Ostrog monastery."
