Warn of danger or warn against danger. Caution. New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova


I will warn you, you will warn me, you will warn me, please. warned, cautioned, owl. (to warn), someone or something (book). In advance, to warn against something in advance, to warn about an upcoming danger, damage from someone. Warn against danger. I want to warn you. Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat; -eating; -ezhnenny (-en -ena); -egshi; Sov., whom (what). Warn in advance about the need to beware, beware. P. from danger. P. against a rash decision.

nesov. warn, -ay, -ay.

noun warning, -i, cf.

adj. cautionary, oh, oh. Warning lights.

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word warn in literature.

Last night I had to go ashore, just to warn those on the Luger: it has come to our attention that the excise officers have inspected where the barrels are scheduled to be unloaded.

Thus, the quantitative model of evidence accumulation can serve as nothing more than a visual and simplified model of what is undoubtedly a very complex process that occurs in the human brain during the assessment of evidence. Finally, it is important warn against the incorrect, unscientific use of the concept of probability in the field of judicial evidence in order to reduce the requirements for the validity of the court's conclusions and justify arbitrariness.

One day, when one of them tried warn dictator against Mark Antony and Dolabella, who too zealously undertook to defend the demands of the plebs, Gaius Julius, pointing to Cassius and Brutus, said: “We should not be afraid of the well-fed and sleek.”

Aizharyk saw the enemy trap from the top of the hill, he shouted at the top of his lungs, trying warn Keikiman, but in vain - the batyr did not hear his command.

But with all this I must warn you - seeking God, in the view of the churchmen, is the most terrible crime against the church, this is tantamount to the fact that you would intend to turn the whole world upside down.

Believe me, in this whole unsightly story with Major Pronin there is not the slightest share of our participation; on the contrary, we tried in every possible way warn you from getting involved in a criminal case - remember a flock of camels?

Abbot Duret, who started talking about worldly things when the voice of religion was powerless, Abbot Duret, who understood Dina and painted a happy future for her, saying that God would reward her for all the suffering she endured with such dignity - this kind old man could no longer warn from a false step his beautiful trustee, whom he called his daughter.

However, each of these types of idols should be discussed in more detail and definitely separately, so that warn human mind.

Do you remember, in the Apple Orchard she once warned me against Morgana and talking about the sword?

Gavrila Ivanovich didn’t break his back, didn’t look for Biren’s hand, but warned: “It became known that Prince Cherkassky was with you, I’m in a hurry.” warn: He is a slanderer and a distributor of various blasphemies.

Necessary warn, that contrary to ordinary usage, when we simply say that the signifier EXPRESSES the signified, in every semiological system there are not two, but three different elements, because what I directly perceive is not a sequence of two elements, but a correlation that unites them .

The meager remnants of a sober mind warned me from weaving the blond into this.

Saburov's painting is an alien phenomenon, and I must warn our public.

He has a revolver and a straight razor, I advise you warn their people.

Mrs. Gardiner did not forget her intention warn At the first opportunity to talk to her niece alone, Elizabeth delicately shared her concerns with her.

When troubles happen in life, many of us tend to complain about our evil fate, blaming it for all our troubles.
But few people know that fate tries every day to protect us from all troubles by giving us certain signs. There are several signs that portend misfortune and failure. And if you at least sometimes pay attention to what is happening around you, you can protect yourself from all troubles. So, what signals warn of danger?

If your wristwatch has stopped, this is bad omen. On this day, do not lend money to anyone, otherwise you will not be able to return it later. Even if you succeed, the relationship with the borrower will be damaged.

If the transport you are driving suddenly breaks down, then this is a warning that you should not resolve financial issues that day. Give up the idea of ​​taking out a loan, investing money, signing contracts and making large purchases. All monetary transactions will be unsuccessful and will cause many problems in the future.

If during the day you often come across hunchbacked people or hunched old people, then in the evening you are in danger. You should not go to visit or stay at work for a long time on this day. After sunset, do not leave your house. There is a high chance that you will become a victim of a scammer or robber.

A ballpoint pen leaking at work is a bad omen. This is a warning that you should not rush to a new position and talk about this topic with your superiors. Otherwise, you may even ruin your relationship with your manager.

If you often come across cars with license plates of three identical digits, then this is a bad sign. On this day, and in the near future, you should not make any serious decisions. Large purchases, financial transactions, marriage proposals, important meetings, trips and other serious issues must be postponed.

If flocks of sparrows constantly catch your eye, then this sign warns you of danger on the road. It is recommended to cancel all upcoming trips and business trips. It is also recommended to be more careful with money and health.

Everything falls out of hand and nothing works out - a bad omen. Keep a close eye on your belongings, otherwise you may simply be robbed.

If flowers in the house begin to die, dishes often break due to carelessness, light bulbs quickly burn out and household appliances break down - this is a warning that one of your household needs your help. Be more attentive with your family, probably some of them are in difficult situation, but cannot ask you for help himself.

If you are late for an important meeting, but you just can’t get to the right place (your car has broken down or public transport has been delayed for a long time), this is a bad omen. On this day you need to postpone all your planned activities, otherwise misfortune may happen to you.

If you are unable to find your house keys for a long time before an important meeting or event you are going to, then you should be especially careful. It is advisable to postpone all plans altogether. If you need to get where you are going, then be careful in communicating with people. You should not trust anyone or make serious decisions on this day.

Fate is often harsh and unfair. But everything is hers unpleasant gifts are only a consequence of the actions we perform. Listen to your intuition more often and learn to read the signs of fate, then all troubles will pass you by.

There are a lot of interesting things happening on the roads around the world. Various stories happen. Drivers constantly undergo various tests. Whether it's Mother Nature, or another driver's mistake. There are a lot of cases. Someone is telling scary stories from life, someone, on the contrary, funny moments on the roads. Much is of course made up, but some is true. There are a large number of various sites and channels about stories on the roads.

You and I live in Russia, and this says a lot. Russia is an amazing country, especially on the roads of the country, things that are simply incomprehensible happen. Nothing will surprise our drivers anymore. On the roads you can meet: a helicopter, an airplane and even a tank.

(The photo is edited and blurred, since this is still military equipment, and there is some kind of law regarding this)

Women driving can also be funny, and sometimes extremely dangerous. Drunken chaos also haunts the police.

How do drivers help each other on the roads?

Among drivers there are many who are ready to help. Among them there are even heroes who throw themselves into the fire in an accident. They provide their own fire extinguishers, take you to your destination, assist in car repairs, and much more.

Non-standard warnings about the danger of drivers on the road.

On our roads, and perhaps also on the roads of neighboring countries, there are driving “tricks” that help drivers understand each other. Everyone knows about blinking headlights.

  • If the driver of an oncoming car blinks his headlights, it means there is a police patrol (DPS) on the road. Of course, it may be that other road users saw a breakdown or something else and blinked to warn you.
  • When the turn signals are broken, drivers resort to indicating the direction with gestures, namely by sticking their hand out of the window and indicating their further direction.
  • They resort to using a sound signal.
  • Various identification signs and signs are hung up.

Various stickers have become very popular: thanks to my grandfather for the victory, we can repeat, I’m going to pick up my son, Spartak is the champion.

As they say, we live in Russia, and you can be endlessly surprised on our roads. One can only envy Russian ingenuity. Here is an example of what can be found on our roads.

Funny warning for drivers to be careful.

Good luck to you dear friends on the roads, may your iron horse serve you with faith and truth.


warn someone, warn, warn about danger, give advice to be careful, point out danger; whom, what, protect, protect, guard, watch over, guard, harrow, keep safe, unharmed. Beware swimmers, there are whirlpools here! Our guards are guarding the garden. -sya, suffer. and return to be protected, to be protected; be careful. You can't avoid making mistakes. If I hadn't been careful, they would have killed me alive. Beware of bad brotherhood. Beware Wed. , duration the caution will end. husband warned caution, caution for women. or beware of wives. , about. comp. according to verb. and action according to verb. na-t and na-sya. Live without caution, cry at yourself. Takes care of the beast. Warner, -nitsa, wary of something, whom. Cautious, cautious, cautious;

| protective, protective, or

| warning about danger. Caution signs are placed on the shallows in the sea. To guard, to guard against something, to protect, to guard, to guard, to guard against, to protect; surround with protection, guard, guards, or fence for protection. Peas are wary of scarecrows. Guard the army with guards. -sya, suffer. and return according to the meaning of speech. Caution lasts. the caution will end. be careful, be careful wives. , about. action according to verb.

| Caution, caution, caution, caution, prudence, care, caution, caution, or caution, opposite. inattention, carelessness, rashness, haste, frivolity, recklessness; courage. The extreme of caution is timidity and indecisiveness. Sleep with caution, lightly; here two roots converge: guard and strict, close in meaning: The bird is strict, careful, does not let you in. You can live with caution, you can live. If you're not careful, you'll get lost. There is little guile, but there is caution. Caution is better than fortune. Cautious, circumspect, prudent, careful; calm, attentive and reasonable, anticipating any bad things. Fast in front, careful in back. Even the beast does not harm (take) a careful (thrifty) horse. Pick it up carefully, don't drop it. The fox is a little cautious and will not suddenly fall into deception. Walk carefully, don't fall through, the ice is bad. Be careful, beware, beware, be careful. To be cautious, to see only dangers everywhere, to go to the extreme of caution.

Dahl. Dahl's Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what BEWARE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BEWARE V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -ay, -ay; notsov., whom (what). Same as warning. II owls beware, -egu, -eat, -egut; -eg, -egla; -egi; -eating; ...
  • BEWARE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: ...
  • BEWARE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: ...
  • BEWARE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • BEWARE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: ...
  • BEWARE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    nesov. trans. Warn of danger; warn against smth. (dangerous,...
  • BEWARE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    beware, - I, ...
  • BEWARE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    beware, I...
  • BEWARE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    beware, - I, ...
  • BEWARE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    == …
  • BEWARE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I warn you, you warn me. Nesov. To …
  • BEWARE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    beware of the Nes. trans. Warn of danger; warn against smth. (dangerous,...
  • BEWARE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    nesov. trans. Warn of danger; warn against something (dangerous,...
  • BEWARE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    nesov. trans. decomposition Warn someone against something dangerous or...
  • PROVERBS 6 V Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree.
  • BREKSHTA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Brekszta) - the goddess of darkness among the Lithuanians. She was also credited with the ability to warn people through...
  • BREKSHTA in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Brekszta) ? Lithuanian goddess of darkness. She was also credited with the ability to warn people through...

, whom (what). Warn in advance about the need to beware, beware. P. from danger. P. against a rash decision.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what “CAUTION” is in other dictionaries:

    WARN, I will warn, you will warn, you will warn, past. vr. warned, cautioned, sir. (to warn), whom what (book). In advance, to guard against something in advance, to warn about an upcoming danger, damage from someone... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Notify, warn, pre-notify, notify, notify, beware Dictionary of Russian synonyms. warn warn Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Dictionary of synonyms

    warn- warn, warn, warn (wrongly warn), warn; prib. warned; gerund warning... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    warn- who l. from what and against what. Warn against (against) danger. I consider it my duty to warn you against mistakes and hobbies (Mother's Sibiryak). In pompous, curly expressions, the unknown author warned me against a sad fate... ... Control Dictionary

    Sov. trans. see warn Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warned, cautioned, cautioned, warned, caution, warn, warned, warned, cautioned,... ... Forms of words

    warn- warn to eat, reg at, cuts, reg ut; past vr. reg, reg... Russian spelling dictionary

    warn- (I), I will warn/, you cut, regulate/t... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    warn- Syn: beware (colloquial) ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Regulate, cut, regulate; warned, regla, reglo; warned; cautioned; wife, wife, wife; St. (whom what from whom what). Beware of what in advance. P. student from mistakes. Move a person out of danger in a timely manner. Warned against hasty... Encyclopedic Dictionary


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