Reincarnation into a female body is the next stage. How and over what time does the transmigration of human and animal souls occur - the theory of reincarnation. How to remember your past life

Every sound has a vibration and depending on what frequency this vibration will be carried different actions on the world around us. Everything is subject to vibrations: humans, natural phenomena, Space and Galaxy. The material in the article examines the influence of various sound frequencies on a person, his health, consciousness and psyche. The processes occurring in nature are also very educational.

Infrasound (from Latin infra - below, under) - elastic waves similar to sound waves, but with frequencies below the range of frequencies audible to humans.

Infrasound is contained in the noise of the atmosphere, forest and sea. The source of infrasonic vibrations is lightning discharges (thunder), as well as explosions and gun shots. In the earth's crust, shocks and vibrations of infrasonic frequencies are observed from a wide variety of sources, including from rockfall explosions and transport pathogens. Infrasound is characterized by low absorption in various media, as a result of which infrasound sound waves in air, water and in the earth's crust can spread over very long distances. This phenomenon has practical applications in determining the location of large explosions or the position of a firing weapon. The propagation of infrasound over long distances in the sea makes it possible to predict natural disaster- tsunami. The sounds of explosions, containing a large number of infrasonic frequencies, are used to study the upper layers of the atmosphere and the properties of the aquatic environment.

Infrasound - vibrations with a frequency below 20 Hz.

The overwhelming number modern people do not hear acoustic vibrations with a frequency below 40 Hz. Infrasound can instill in a person such feelings as melancholy, panic, a feeling of cold, anxiety, and trembling in the spine. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. When in resonance with human biorhythms, infrasound of particularly high intensity can cause instant death.

The maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic vibrations from industrial and transport sources reach 100–110 dB. At levels from 110 to 150 dB or more, it can cause unpleasant subjective sensations and numerous reactive changes in people, which include changes in the central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the vestibular analyzer. Acceptable sound pressure levels are 105 dB in the octave bands of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz and 102 dB in the octave band of 31.5 Hz.

Low-frequency sound vibrations can cause the appearance of thick (“milk-like”) fog over the ocean that quickly appears and also quickly disappears. Some explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle precisely by infrasound, which is generated by large waves - people begin to panic greatly, become unbalanced (they can kill each other). “Infrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 8 - 13 Hz propagate well in water and appear 10 - 15 hours before the storm.”

The influence of sound frequencies on the human body and consciousness.

Infrasound can “shift” the tuning frequencies of internal organs. Many cathedrals and churches have organ pipes so long that they produce a sound of less than 20 Hz.

Resonant frequencies of human internal organs:

Infrasound operates due to resonance: vibration frequencies during many processes in the body lie in the infrasound range:

  • heart contractions 1-2 Hz;
  • delta brain rhythm (sleep state) 0.5-3.5 Hz;
  • alpha rhythm of the brain (resting state) 8-13 Hz;
  • beta rhythm of the brain (mental work) 14-35 Hz.

When the frequencies of internal organs and infrasound coincide, the corresponding organs begin to vibrate, which can be accompanied by severe pain.

The bioeffectiveness for humans of frequencies 0.05 - 0.06, 0.1 - 0.3, 80 and 300 Hz is explained by the resonance of the circulatory system. There are some statistics here. In experiments by French acousticians and physiologists, 42 young people were exposed to infrasound with a frequency of 7.5 Hz and a level of 130 dB for 50 minutes. All subjects experienced a noticeable increase in the lower limit of blood pressure. When exposed to infrasound, changes in the rhythm of heart contractions and breathing, weakening of vision and hearing functions, increased fatigue and other disorders were recorded.

And frequencies 0.02 - 0.2, 1 - 1.6, 20 Hz - heart resonance. The lungs and heart, like any volumetric resonating systems, are also prone to intense vibrations when their resonance frequencies coincide with the frequency of infrasound. The walls of the lungs offer the least resistance to infrasound, which can ultimately cause damage.

The sets of biologically active frequencies do not coincide in different animals. For example, the resonant frequencies of the heart for humans are 20 Hz, for horses - 10 Hz, and for rabbits and rats - 45 Hz.

Significant psychotropic effects are most pronounced at a frequency of 7 Hz, which is consonant with the alpha rhythm of natural brain vibrations, and any mental work in this case becomes impossible, since it seems that the head is about to be torn into small pieces. Infrafrequencies of about 12 Hz with a strength of 85–110 dB induce attacks of seasickness and dizziness, and vibrations with a frequency of 15–18 Hz at the same intensity instill feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and, finally, panic.

In the early 1950s, the French researcher Gavreau, who studied the influence of infrasound on the human body, found that with fluctuations of about 6 Hz, volunteers participating in the experiments experienced a feeling of fatigue, then anxiety, turning into unaccountable horror. According to Gavreau, at 7 Hz paralysis of the heart and nervous system is possible.

Professor Gavreau's close acquaintance with infrasounds began, one might say, by accident. For some time now it has become impossible to work in one of the rooms of his laboratory. Having not been here for even two hours, people felt completely sick: they were dizzy, very tired, and their thinking abilities were impaired. More than one day passed before Professor Gavreau and his colleagues figured out where to look for the unknown enemy. Infrasounds and the human condition... What are the relationships, patterns and consequences here? As it turned out, high-power infrasonic vibrations were created by the ventilation system of the plant, which was built near the laboratory. The frequency of these waves was about 7 hertz (that is, 7 vibrations per second), and this posed a danger to humans.

Infrasound affects not only the ears, but also the entire body. Internal organs begin to vibrate - the stomach, heart, lungs, and so on. In this case, their damage is inevitable. Infrasound is not even very good great strength can disrupt our brain function, cause fainting and lead to temporary blindness. And powerful sounds of more than 7 hertz stop the heart or rupture blood vessels.

Biologists who have studied for themselves how high-intensity infrasound affects the psyche have found that sometimes this gives rise to a feeling of unreasonable fear. Other frequencies of infrasonic vibrations cause fatigue, a feeling of melancholy, or motion sickness with dizziness and vomiting.

According to Professor Gavreau, the biological effect of infrasound occurs when the frequency of the wave coincides with the so-called alpha rhythm of the brain. The work of this researcher and his collaborators has already revealed many features of infrasounds. It must be said that all research with such sounds is far from safe. Professor Gavreau recalls how he had to stop experiments with one of the generators. The participants in the experiment felt so bad that even after several hours the usual low sound was perceived as painful by them. There was also a case when everyone who was in the laboratory began to shake objects in their pockets: pens, notebooks, keys. This is how infrasound with a frequency of 16 hertz showed its power.

With sufficient intensity, sound perception also occurs at frequencies of several hertz. Currently, its emission range extends down to approximately 0.001 Hz. Thus, the range of infrasound frequencies covers about 15 octaves. If the rhythm is a multiple of one and a half beats per second and is accompanied by powerful pressure of infrasonic frequencies, it can cause ecstasy in a person. With a rhythm equal to two beats per second, and at the same frequencies, the listener falls into a dance trance, which is similar to a drug trance.

Studies have shown that the frequency of 19 hertz is resonant for the eyeballs, and it is this frequency that can not only cause visual disturbances, but also visions and phantoms.

Many people are familiar with the discomfort after a long ride on a bus, train, sailing on a ship or swinging on a swing. They say: “I got seasick.” All these sensations are associated with the effect of infrasound on the vestibular apparatus, the natural frequency of which is close to 6 Hz. When a person is exposed to infrasound with frequencies close to 6 Hz, the pictures created by the left and right eyes may differ from each other, the horizon will begin to “break,” problems with orientation in space will arise, and inexplicable anxiety and fear will occur. Similar sensations are caused by light pulsations at frequencies of 4–8 Hz.

"Some scientists believe that infrasound frequencies may be present in places that are said to be haunted, and that it is infrasound that causes the strange experiences commonly associated with ghosts - our study supports these ideas," Wiseman said.

Vic Tandy, a computer scientist at Coventry University, dismissed all ghost legends as nonsense. worth attention. That evening, as always, he was working in his laboratory and suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. He clearly felt that someone was looking at him, and this look carried with it something sinister. Then this ominous materialized into something shapeless, ash-gray in color, scurried around the room and came close to the scientist. Arms and legs could be seen in the blurry outlines, and in the place of the head there was fog swirling, in the center of which there was a dark spot. It's like a mouth. A moment later, the vision disappeared into thin air without a trace. To Vic Tandy's credit, it must be said that after experiencing the first fear and shock, he began to act like a scientist - to look for the cause of an incomprehensible phenomenon. The easiest way was to attribute it to hallucinations. But where did they come from? Tandy didn’t take drugs and didn’t abuse alcohol. And I drank coffee in moderation. As for otherworldly forces, the scientist categorically did not believe in them. No, we need to look for ordinary physical factors. And Tandy found them, albeit purely by accident. My hobby, fencing, helped. Some time after the meeting with the “ghost,” the scientist took the sword into the laboratory to put it in order for the upcoming competition. And suddenly the blade, clamped in a vice, began to vibrate more and more, as if an invisible hand was touching it. The average person would think of an invisible hand as such. And this gave the scientist the idea of ​​resonant vibrations, similar to those that cause sound waves. So, the dishes in the cupboard begin to clink when the music is blaring at full blast in the room. However, the strange thing was that there was silence in the laboratory. However, is it quiet? Having asked himself this question, Tandy immediately answered it: he measured the sound background with special equipment. And it turned out that there is an unimaginable noise here, but the sound waves have a very low frequency that the human ear is unable to detect. It was infrasound. And after a short search, its source was found: a new fan recently installed in the air conditioner. As soon as it was turned off, the “spirit” disappeared and the blade stopped vibrating. Is infrasound related to my night ghost? - this is the thought that came to the scientist’s head. Measurements of the infrasound frequency in the laboratory showed 18.98 hertz, and this almost exactly corresponds to the frequency at which the human eyeball begins to resonate. So, apparently, the sound waves caused Vic Tandy's eyeballs to vibrate and caused an optical illusion - he saw a figure that was not really there.

Infrasound can affect not only vision, but also the psyche, and also move the hairs on the skin, creating a feeling of cold.

British scientists have once again demonstrated that infrasound can have very strange effects, and, as a rule, negative influence on the psyche of people. People exposed to infrasound experience approximately the same sensations as when visiting places where encounters with ghosts took place. An employee of the National Physical Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and psychology professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. Using a seven-meter pipe, they managed to mix ultra-low frequencies into the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, listeners were asked to describe their impressions. The “test subjects” reported that they felt a sudden decline in mood, sadness, some had goosebumps, and some had a heavy feeling of fear. This could only be partly explained by self-hypnosis. Of the four works played at the concert, infrasound was present in only two, and the listeners were not told which ones.

Infrasound in the atmosphere.

Infrasound in the atmosphere can be both the result of seismic vibrations and actively influence them. The nature of the interchange of vibrational energy between the lithosphere and the atmosphere may reveal processes of preparation for large earthquakes.

Infrasonic vibrations are “sensitive” to changes in seismic activity within a radius of up to 2000 km.

An important direction in the study of the connection between ICA and processes in the geospheres is the artificial acoustic disturbance of the lower atmosphere, and the subsequent observation of changes in various geophysical fields. Large ground explosions were used to simulate the acoustic disturbance. In this way, studies of the influence of ground-based acoustic disturbances on the ionosphere were carried out. Convincing facts were obtained confirming the influence of ground explosions on ionospheric plasma.

A short acoustic impact of high intensity changes the nature of infrasonic vibrations in the atmosphere for a long time. Reaching ionospheric heights, infrasonic vibrations affect ionospheric electric currents and lead to changes in the geomagnetic field.

Analysis of infrasound spectra for the period 1997-2000. showed the presence of frequencies with periods characteristic of solar activity of 27 days, 24 hours, 12 hours. Infrasound energy increases as solar activity decreases.

5–10 days before major earthquakes, the spectrum of infrasonic oscillations in the atmosphere changes significantly. It is also possible that solar activity influences the Earth's biosphere through infrasound.

It is known that at the moment of death the soul leaves the physical body. But the abandoned body may not be completely hopeless. For some time after the soul has left the body, it is likely to be revived. And at these very moments, the soul of some other person who has just died can move into the body abandoned by its own soul.

That man died completely and irrevocably. His soul had no choice but to leave the physical flesh. But, having left it, the soul, for some reason, did not fly off to other worlds, but found itself a new body - exactly the one that its own soul had left and which could still be revived. In life it looks like this: sick. He has a clear consciousness, but does not recognize any of his relatives and acquaintances and does not remember his life. But suddenly he begins to remember someone else’s life...

1970s - a lot was written in the foreign press about 12-year-old Elena Markard, from West Berlin. The girl suffered a serious injury and was unconscious for a long time, and when she came to, she stopped recognizing her family and understanding her family. German. But instead, she began to speak well Italian, which she had never learned.
According to her, her name was Rosetta Castigliani. She lived her life constantly in Italy and died there at the age of 30 after an accident. Helena Rosetta aroused the interest of scientists. She was brought to Italy. The girl recognized her town and her house, and when she saw her aged daughter, she called her by her childhood nickname, familiar to both of them.

A similar incident occurred in the 20s of the 20th century at the height of the Spanish flu epidemic, which, according to various estimates, claimed from 50 to 100 million human lives. In a crowded Prague morgue, one of the corpses suddenly came to life. According to hospital records, it was a certain Karel Turny, a resident of Prague. He did not recognize the relative who came to visit him. He was discharged from the hospital that same day. But he did not go to his city apartment, but somewhere in the countryside. In a certain village, he entered one of the houses and declared that he was the boss here. He gave his name and surname to the owner and gave many details of “his” life here.

Later, the police found that the real owner died of the Spanish flu almost simultaneously with Karel Turny, and their corpses were in the same morgue. It remains unknown how Turny learned so much about the deceased owner of the house, because no one in that village had ever seen him.

Maniac - he is also a maniac in another body

1964 - Two dozen guards and prisoners were killed during a riot at the Texas State Penitentiary. Security guard Jimmy Home could not come out of a coma for a long time. When he came to his senses, it turned out that he did not remember anything of what happened to him before the injury. But he developed uncharacteristic habits and a Mexican accent. After being discharged from the hospital, he left Texas without even saying goodbye to his family.

Some time later in different places There have been a series of attacks on women in the American Midwest. The police recognized the characteristic handwriting of one maniac known to them, a Mexican by birth. But this maniac was caught long ago, he was kept in a Texas prison and was killed during a prisoner riot. To make sure that he was dead, his grave was opened and his body was examined. There was no doubt that it was his corpse. But, in this case, it turned out that his double, an exact copy, was chasing the women...

Home was eventually caught and subjected to psychiatric evaluation. He confessed that he was not Home, but the same Mexican who was in prison and died during the riot. He became this way after his death and has no idea how he got Home's body. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he soon died. His secret remained unsolved.

Resurrection artist

It is believed that they most often occur during mass deaths - epidemics or wars. The most famous of these cases occurred during World War II.

David Chitlahe Paladin was a typical native of the American outback. He studied at an ordinary school, like everyone else, and was not particularly diligent; rather, on the contrary, he ended up in a correctional prison for teenagers several times. 1944 - he arrived in Europe as a soldier. In battle, he was seriously wounded, was captured and tortured. The Germans, dying, placed him in a concentration camp. The British who came here found him among the corpses. The body was identified by fingerprints and was about to be sent to America when they suddenly discovered that the young soldier had a pulse.

David was treated in hospitals in Europe, then transported to his homeland. For two and a half years he did not understand anything and did not recognize anyone, and when he finally came to his senses, he told those around him in broken English: “I am an artist, my name is Wassily Kandinsky.”

At first they decided that he was not himself, but the young man very soon proved to everyone that he was mentally quite healthy. True, he spoke English with a strong accent, which was previously unusual for him. And, what’s even more surprising, he knew Russian and French well, which he had never studied. Moreover, he spoke Russian without an accent and quite competently.

Later, when journalists and scientists became interested in this case, it was discovered that the famous Russian avant-garde artist Wassily Kandinsky died in 1944 in France at the age of 78 in those days when David Paladin lay in the corpse barracks of a German concentration camp.

David tried to learn as much as possible about his life in America. For this purpose, he conducted active correspondence with Paladin’s relatives and acquaintances. Then, without learning this anywhere, he began to paint in oils. The art critics to whom they were shown were convinced that these were Kandinsky’s originals.

Later, David moved away from Kandinsky’s painting style and generally began to pay less attention to drawing. He became interested in playing the piano. And there was an explanation for this in his previous life: researchers found that the real Kandinsky had a musical education and played this instrument perfectly. Already 5 years after his miraculous revival, Paladin headed an art studio and at the same time (having completed only 6 classes of a regular school!) lectured on theology at the University of Denver.

A logical question arises: why in the cases described were the bodies revived by other people's souls, and not their own?
We will probably not hear the answer from scientists any time soon. But occultists have their own opinion. They believe that the soul can be strong and weak. A strong soul, unlike a weak one, is able to re-inhabit the human body. Souls usually inhabit the bodies of infants. But they can also inhabit the bodies of adults, replacing them with their soulmates. According to this theory, the souls of Kandinsky, the Mexican maniac and the Czech villager were strong. That's why they revived the practically dead Paladin, Home and Karel Turny.

They started asking me a lot of questions, which I will gradually answer to you. So ask often. The most popular question about the idea of ​​​​transmigration of souls has become the time of reincarnation, that is, how long after the death of the physical body the soul acquires a new body. That's what today's post is about.

Fundamental Laws of Reincarnation

In order to understand why the time between soul reincarnations depends, you need to know about the mechanism of soul rebirth. There are these three laws of reincarnation:

Reincarnation with gender preservation

In rare cases, when the soul of a deceased person has completed the mission assigned to it in the current life, reincarnation occurs in a new body of the same sex, but with new karmic program. In such cases, sudden reincarnation is possible, occurring during clinical death.

This theory is confirmed by many cases where a person who has been in a coma for a long time suddenly returns to life. With such a reincarnation, completely new skills, habits and character traits of a person often appear in the current body.

You've probably read stories where a person who came out of a coma could speak foreign languages, which he had not previously thought of, or showed abilities for crafts and art. Less noticeable to others in such cases is a rethinking of life goals and self-awareness.

What determines the time between reincarnations

The time interval between the death of the physical body and a new birth largely depends on the following factors:

  • level of soul development,
  • whether the death was natural, violent, suicide or accident.

You probably want to ask how death affects the reincarnation of the soul?

Most people who die suddenly at the hands of a murderer or as a result of an accident are reborn instantly. They are embodied in newborn children or in the bodily shells of people whose spiritual component has left the physical body.

This is what is often explains sudden recovery from coma people whose brain activity was considered inactive. The changes that occur to a person after he has been in a state of clinical death are explained in a similar way.

Souls of the enlightened and spiritually developed people Those who have completed their life mission can wait many years before they are programmed for new goals and the path of knowledge of the truth. The waiting period in this case can last from several years to several centuries.

What mechanisms determine the process and time of reincarnation

The soul of absolutely any creature begins its journey revival from scratch. According to the Creator's plan, any life is a path to knowledge of truth and spiritual development. Thus, everyone begins their great path from scratch.

For people created by the Gods as higher beings, the first birth occurs in human body. For other living beings, the path to incarnation in the human body can take a great many reincarnations. However, those people who follow the spiritual path not forward, but backward, are often reborn after death in the bodies of animals in order to go through the spiritual path from the very bottom.

The earthly path of soul formation usually takes place within eight stages of development, from the spiritual level of an ordinary person to the level of a spiritual leader, lama, messiah. Each stage involves gaining a certain amount of experience, completing missions, gaining skills and realizing your own talents. Similar to the principle of various computer games, right?

Each of the levels of soul formation, and let me remind you, there are eight of them, is comprehended in best case scenario for five or six rebirths; in the worst case, the number of incarnations of one soul is not limited. Why is this so?

It is much easier to achieve enlightenment and realize your purpose if you interact with a teacher or mentor in the spiritual sphere and follow the path of self-development and self-realization purposefully. However, the surrounding reality is always rich in temptations and temptations of various kinds, which significantly complicates the path of spiritual development of the individual.

Each soul has its own highest goal or program, the fulfillment of which determines the transition from one level of spiritual development to another. Thus, higher powers seem to program everyone for certain achievements, the path to which opens at the right stages of self-knowledge and self-development.

Cycle reincarnation of one soul directly depends on how successful was its path of development and cleansing from sins committed during all earthly lives. Only the highest lamas, messiahs and spiritual leaders of nations reached such a level of mental development.

Thus, you can begin to influence your rebirth in your next life now. It is worth listening to your own intuition and hidden thoughts more often, and not neglecting premonitions.

For those who want to learn in detail about their reincarnation path, the quantity and quality of their earthly reincarnations, I offer.

Also, you can get and try " ". I wonder if you can do it?

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

Much has been said about the controversial issue of reincarnation, but we return to this issue again and again. After all, if we look closely at the world around us, we will see undoubted signs of reincarnation. Whether it is in the cyclical movements of the moon, or it is contained in nature: seeds, pollination, the cycle of life surrounds everything around us.

There are probably many various forms reincarnation, expressing this delightful phenomenon in a variety of ways. In essence, any form of regeneration of life as energy can be seen in the maturation of the stages of life itself, the phases of development that ultimately lead to regeneration.

One of the biggest and unknown mysteries of reincarnation is whether the consciousness/soul reveals the memory of a life spent in another body. Can we see signs in ourselves that we may have previously used soul energy? Is it possible to discover and identify with our past selves, and if so, what are the most effective ways, discover and understand it?

It is important to understand that reincarnation is not a “speculation” of faith - more than 50% of the world population consider the phenomenon to be true in one form or another. Such beliefs have been entrenched for thousands of years in religious movements. Philosophical and scientific logic reincarnation has found friends even in scientific communities - for, as we have already seen, signs of conservation of energy work everywhere.

Reincarnation and the physical body.

When thinking about reincarnation, the question inevitably arises: when we reincarnate into a new body, our old self - personality, beliefs, characteristics, etc. — will they be able to be reborn? Logically the only answer is no, since gaining the energy to adapt in a new way requires the ability to be reborn in many different forms.

Thus, there are multiple selves in reincarnation, embodied by the Buddhist belief that the cycle of energy continues indefinitely while our personalities are reborn during the process.

This allows the memory to persist - although not in the version that directly leads to us, opening up characteristics from previous incarnations for memories.

Along with this, some of us, in the experience of reincarnating the soul/consciousness into a new form, are able to comprehend “memories” from before. For some unknown reason, the memory of these people is more “plastic”, adapting more easily to a new body. Here are some of the most common ways in which one can gain insight into reincarnation.

Recurring dreams.

Many people report recurring dreams. For better or worse, the same dreams often follow a person throughout life, and have no clear, expressed cause. They are not associated with stress or traumatic experiences, and are often completely divorced from our personal experiences without any logical explanation.

A typical example would be a performance where the experience of many centuries of a past life is recalled, as if in real time. In such dreams, we feel like free explorers, studying the world around us long before we were born.

Dreams revealed in dreams are a reflection of our deep subconscious, reviving memories and experiences that lie dormant in our waking life.

Memories of a past life.

Some of the most famous evidence of reincarnation comes from the memories of very young children, who can describe experiences and life events far beyond their actual ability. Similar memories come about specific people and places, revealing amazing detail of events.

Strong intuition.

Our natural intuition lies at the intersection of the conscious and unconscious, often bordering so closely that we seem to be able to get to the “essence” or “understanding”, the basis of our existence.

Intuition gives a natural understanding of what is happening around us, practically dictating actions and actions. Highly developed intuition is based on the foundation of vast experience; it is obvious that the skills acquired in past lives have an impact.

An outstanding phenomenon of Deja Vu.

Most people experience a feeling of déjà vu at some point in their lives. Many afterlife researchers believe that this is the most common way for people to acknowledge the evidence of reincarnation.

There is no full description for the Déjà Vu effect, but yet it is a very mysterious experience - recognition of a familiar place, face, smells, sights, simply a feeling of previously experienced feelings.

Déjà vu is sometimes considered a neurological “blip,” but many describe it as a feeling unlike any other—a feeling of confidence and knowledge of how a situation will unfold that is definitely being encountered for the first time in this life. And as such, Déjà vu probably represents the key to understanding transformation.


The ability to predict what may happen in the near or distant future is called event prediction. Fascinating predictions of what is going to happen can be obtained in looks, feelings or emotional terms. There are many examples where disaster could have been avoided based on the emotion “I don’t feel right” and alternative decisions made.

Many believe that precognition is an expressive reflection of an unconscious connection to spiritual energy, allowing people to “see” what is happening around them, and not just what lies within themselves.

There is also an opinion that reincarnation does not necessarily occur in ascending time. On the contrary, you can be reincarnated into the past, along with the memory of the future. And as recent research shows, the soul/personality can be reborn in another world.

Memory from a past life.

The opposite of precognition is the recollection in exact detail of events not experienced in this life, dating back to a time when a person was not yet born. There was definitely an unlocking of the memory of another life. But it is possible that this is due to memory coincidence, so some people remember quite easily past life.

Wisdom beyond her years.

The phrase “a wise head on the shoulders of the young” has more than one meaning. In our case, the meaning lies in several reincarnations. Moreover, each stage of reincarnation, passing from life to life, accumulates life experience. Our souls, moving along the steps, progress through various stages of development.

We experience a sense of maturity and understanding of the world at a young physical age, when it is more natural to be inquisitive, more reckless and prone to mistakes.

Not my people, and the planet is alien.

Some people actually believe that they belong to another culture or even time period. This could be a dormant experience and the activation of a memory from a past life.

For example, living in a civilization that left the scene thousands of years ago, and being reincarnated many times, a person retained the images of the past culture, which took a dominant position in his subconscious. It is clear that the energy of consciousness is transferred to a new body, as evidenced by these cases.

Some of the planet's inhabitants go through their entire lives without feeling comfortable on Earth. From the point of view of reincarnation, this may be because for these people the appearance on the planet was the first time. According to, a person’s soul after death does not always return to “its world.” Alternatively, they could be reborn at the opposite end of the universe.

In fact, the proposed abundance of existing theories and signs about life after death, reincarnation, etc., reveals incredible aspects of the universe, about which we know offensively little.

See for yourself: the idea of ​​quantum worlds speaks of the division of the Universe into neighboring worlds. Thus, we all also appear in new worlds. When a person dies, then in order to “enter” a new body, this is the foundation of reincarnation.

But then, where does the soul itself begin? - maybe it was originally a creation of the Universe? What do you think about all this?

Incredible facts

Have you ever felt like you've lived before? Have you ever experienced deja vu? Or maybe you once, when meeting a new person, thought that you had known him all your life? This general characteristics the process of reincarnation.

If you find yourself irresistibly drawn to a certain country or culture, or, even more extreme, have dreams in another language, this means that reincarnation has left an indelible imprint on your consciousness.

People in all corners of the world and at all times have believed and believe in reincarnation. They talked about her in Ancient Egypt, in Eastern religions (Buddhism and Hinduism), and now spoken in the Western world, where past lives are regularly studied by specialists and psychologists.

It seems that the spiritual journey with which many people are familiar is not only about soul development accumulated over a lifetime, but also spans a whole series of lifetimes, sometimes hundreds or more. So, let's talk in more detail.


What is reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the process by which a soul is born into a physical body, dies, and returns to a spiritual form to be born again in a new body. The cycle continues for thousands of years and the soul gradually gains wisdom and experience on its journey. Thus, reincarnation is a path that allows human soul constantly develop.

Think of reincarnation as waves that come to shore over and over again. The wave has a very short "life". Once ashore, it mixes with the sand and gets a short respite on land before heading back into open waters. This endless “back and forth” is how the sea, the body and soul of man live. Reincarnation represents this cycle of life.

How does reincarnation work?

There is a creative process in human awareness that divides omniscience into an unlimited number of copies of itself. This happens at all levels of life, from spiritual principles to physical manifestations. The closest possible comparison is cell biology, a form of spiritual mitosis in which the cell divides, thereby multiplying the possibilities for growth and expansion of consciousness.

There is another way to explain it, but on a grander scale: the entity separates from itself an identical version of itself that is made up of the same spiritual DNA. The main difference is that only the entity has the gift of collective spirit, and the spiritual DNA is specifically coded to respond only to those who have this gift.

The collective body of the entity remains on the astral plane, but its purer forms, its subpersonalities (as they are sometimes called), are incarnated into physical bodies on earth. The new soul is essentially another version of the entity, although the duplicated spiritual DNA allows the new personality to gain access to previously acquired skills, hidden talents, and other characteristics of the entity's previous lives.

Past Lives

After the death of the incarnating fragment, the soul returns to the astral plane. When viewed as a family, the entity resonates as a parent with a child (fragment), the connection between them is strong and compelling. Eventually the fragment returns to the essence.

Absorption is one of the terms used to describe the process, but the entity is not the one who "digests" the fragment and absorbs its nutrients (in this case, experience). A better term would be splicing. The fragment is fused with the essence, which means the union of two energies, creating a sense of unity, but allowing for the individualization of the spirit.

The entity is not a bloated mass of individuals, but a collective spirit united by a larger consciousness of disparate souls that are connected, but at the same time free to carry out their own existence.

Individual souls (or essence fragments) do not reincarnate, but they are deeply aware of other incarnations and are energetically a part of them. Souls, children of the entity, continue to evolve through their association with the entity and in their own quest for personal growth.

Once an entity recombines with its essence, its evolving soul fragments are rearranged into a new cycle and are given the gift of spiritual replication, so at that point it can create Life as collective spirits in the reincarnation cycle. This provides endless opportunities for constant expansion of consciousness.

But won't the steady increase in offspring be too heavy a burden? How does this multiplication process work?

This process only appears to be a heavy burden when viewed through the limited focus of 3D thinking. The soul's ability to create is far beyond the linear framework human mind and completely astonishes those who adhere to more traditional interpretations.

Reincarnation of the soul

To encapsulate the process, each spark from the Tao gives rise to new expressions of consciousness. These expressions work both in conjunction with the entity and of their own accord. What is important is not the multiplication of offspring, but the creative expression in the act.

This should not be taken lightly. The act of instilling self-awareness into a new form of consciousness is in some ways as powerful and awe-inspiring as the act of creating a whole new universe.

Since reincarnation selves exist under the auspices of an entity but function independently, huge amount conscious identities (or essence fragments) will never become unmanageable. The number of cells in the human body, for example, is in the trillions. They do not require conscious control and there is no need for overthinking. They are independent, but still function within the system.

The fact that a fragment of an entity (which has now become a full-blown entity) can repeat itself is a continuation of the evolutionary impulse that affects all conscious life. With each inhalation and exhalation, the fragments come together and work in new, meaningful ways.

If this act of creative expression were somehow excluded from what was happening, the spiritual impulses of the soul would still find means. This exploration of greater self-awareness cannot be denied.

The differences between an entity and its personalities are somewhat confusing to the average person. Let's take a closer look at them.

Many people do not understand how the essence differs from its fragments, which are embodied physically. In short, there are no differences. The essence is the essence. It does not matter whether you mean the entity in the collective sense or those parts of it that incarnate on Earth.

Reincarnation of souls

The spiritual composition of these multiple forms is the same. These subpersonalities are simply extensions of the same being. These are not uncontrollable children. Upon returning to the astral plane, the fragment soon realizes that it is part of something larger, and often just one thought brings them back to their original self.

However, once a personality is created, it continues to develop in its own way, while remaining part of a larger organism known as an entity. In a sense, a created personality is similar to an entity, but on a much smaller scale and simpler configuration.

Confusion occurs when people try to reconcile differences, for example: "Why are personalities transferred from other lives if they do not reincarnate, or they are still living in the essence"?

Again, these subpersonalities are part of the essence. When an entity creates new personalities, it separates from itself (the process of spiritual mitosis mentioned above) a cell, but a large number of the separated cells are still part of the same organism. When, for example, another lived life enters the essence’s piggy bank, the entire essence experiences it entirely, because it is a single whole with all its parts.

What is spiritual DNA? Is it different from physical DNA?

The problem with spiritual DNA versus physical DNA is that, for obvious reasons, the exact ratio cannot be made on a biochemical level.

Spiritual DNA performs a similar function in transmitting the identifying elements of an entity from one personality to another, but it does not include the genetic code that develops and the entity is distilled to absorb the experience of life without contamination from other sources.

About reincarnation

Does this mean that a new personality can inherit the DNA of previous personalities?

Encoding from entity to personality is a process that conveys the corresponding material, always the same. If the question implies whether the process of inheritance is empirical, then the answer in this case is yes. Unresolved experiences often bubble to the surface of consciousness for processing throughout life. However, this phenomenon is not universal, and only the experience of a specific life can suggest the answer.

Why do we choose reincarnation?

The choice to reincarnate, the choice to go through hundreds of lives with difficult experiences, comes from a deep desire within the essence (our higher self) to experience the unpredictable but very exciting grandeur (or pain) of physical existence.

This choice comes from the desire to truly understand something, to truly make something your own, and for this you need to look at the world through the eyes of different people with different points of view. In essence, this means reincarnation.

Life cannot be written down in one paragraph, just as it is impossible to have an experience based on the point of view of only one person. The picture in this case will be incomplete and unsatisfactory. Reincarnation adds necessary dimensions through collective experience.

Imagine, for example, that your essence is the master playwright William Shakespeare. Now imagine a scene with a large number of characters who are the embodiment of his creative mind, but they could just as well be the embodiment of the essence (his higher self).

Each character on stage perceives what is happening from their own unique perspective. Someone may look at the scene with unbridled optimism, while another will perceive everything from a position of complete cynicism. What initially appears to be a conflict is actually a web of interactions between the participants - the characters - that generates an understanding of the human condition that is impossible to understand without multiple points of view.

Soul life

Reincarnation works the same way. Multiple lives provide greater opportunity for life experiences that govern the entire gamut of human emotions. Unlimited avenues for learning lead to experiential engagement with all aspects of the human condition, both light and dark. In many cases, a person's dark side can be their greatest teacher. Here he can learn compassion.

How many times do we reincarnate?

On average, most people are reincarnated about a hundred times during the great cycle. However, the number of incarnations does not matter and does not imply the presence of anything negative or positive about a person. Figuratively speaking, some souls draw with pencils within the outlined lines, while others go far beyond the lines.

It doesn't matter. For example, one person will always buy the same flavor of ice cream, while another will always be looking for something new. The number of lives depends more on personal preference than anything else. The only requirement is that the soul must pass through all five empirical stages of soul age, and also pass through the inner monads accompanying each stage.

Some souls believe that the Earth is the wild west of the Universe and quickly move through their incarnations. Others enjoy the opportunity for adventure and prefer the deeper experiences that can only be gained from more lifetimes. The law of the land is individual choice.

How long does it take between lives?

The amount of time elapsed between lives is often based on several things: review of the previous life, lessons learned and goals achieved, and necessary preparation for the next stage. In the process of preparation, there is an awareness of the life task, the choice of a set of obstacles, the conclusion of “agreements” with people (including potential parents) and much more.

Time spent on the astral plane also passes efficiently. It is a place where souls recharge between lives, healing emotional wounds left over from a previous life.

As a rule, if the soul lingers on the astral plane for too long, this is not good. In this case, the soul loses its connection with cultural achievements, risks becoming an anachronism, and the emotional connections between all the fragments that are still involved in the reincarnation cycle may lose their strength.

Births in a past life

Some souls, often due to inexperience or a desire for more spontaneous experiences, can reincarnate very quickly. In this case, all options are available. No experience is wrong because there is something to learn from every experience.

Why don't we remember our past lives?

In fact, past lives can be remembered, we see some moments in dreams, we feel them when we experience déjà vu, when we meet people whom we may have known in a past life, which is why it seems to us as if we have known them all our lives. Also, the past life can manifest itself through various interests, hobbies and talents.

However, there is a fundamental reason why past lives are not an obvious element of our conscious memory: the reincarnating soul is an intact copy of the essence. That is, the new personality is a purer aspect of the essence that does not bring remnants of collective memory to the waking consciousness.

These memories lie on the surface of consciousness, and some will remain completely inaccessible. Young children, however, sometimes retain memories of their last past life, but these memories also fall outside the consciousness, since the new life is a priority.

Since access to these memories is very indirect, they are usually triggered by something, for example, déjà vu. Past life regressions also work as a trigger. Recalling past life information may be similar to how taste buds work.

When eating, some foods trigger a stronger reaction than others, and may also evoke associations with forgotten culinary favorites, revealing deeper layers of memories from a past life.

This analogy does not suggest that past lives are consumed and assimilated, it suggests that the memories that the association evokes can help one remember a favorite food from a past life or take significant person from the past.

Does the soul have a basic consciousness that does not depend on a person’s vocation, role, interests and hobbies?

The idea of ​​core consciousness is correct. The vibrational energy of any spark from an entity tends over time to attract experiences that define its core. Certain life experiences are withdrawn in favor of a certain personality, and at the right moment the spark becomes a magnet for those types of experiences on which it wants to focus.

Soul, journey

If such experiences do not naturally come to the soul, they will deliberately seek it. This creates a consciousness that focuses attention on a set of experiences consistent with desired intentions and ideals.

Becoming aware of the core consciousness is as simple as following the natural impulses that come to the surface many times throughout the day. They are very noticeable when a person is observant and sufficiently self-aware.

Are we always reborn as humans?

To answer this question, it is important to understand how great cycles work.

Technically speaking, reincarnation ends when the soul completes its incremental series of lives on the planet. All lives are meant to expand and strengthen the soul's life experiences. spiritual development, progressing through perspectives colored by the stages of her age (baby, child, young, mature and old).

However, the soul's journey does not end at this stage. From physical world the soul moves into higher dimensions, sometimes called the planes of existence (astral, causal, mental, messianic and buddhaic). At the end of this cycle there is a reunion with God. Then you can start a new cycle on another planetary system.

The decision to start a new grand cycle is not easy and requires significant effort. Once the incarnation cycle begins, the soul can no longer jump to another galaxy midway and incarnate in the body of an alien, since in this case its settings for another system will not be correct.

Gradual adjustment occurs over time as the new soul, usually in maiden form, adapts to the requirements new system. Most souls who are just beginning a cycle take a new planet for a test drive, so to speak, but once the desired state is achieved, it is rare for a soul to back down from commitment. Life on another planet can always be studied in the next great cycle.
