Apple saved rituals and conspiracies from loneliness. Apple Spas (August 19). Conspiracy for rejuvenation

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Apple Spas August 19, 2018 – Secrets of the holiday, rituals: how to receive the blessing of heaven. Amulet from an Angel!

A wonderful day when Angels descend from heaven to help people solve their problems, open their eyes and show the true path to the light. The Apple Festival has long been considered popular, it has absorbed both church and pagan traditions, there are hundreds of signs and beliefs known to each of us, but the holiday also has secrets. What they whisper quietly behind a closed door, and try not to say out loud, so as not to scare away luck.

This day also marks the great religious holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

In the church they bless the fruits of the new harvest, apples, plums, pears and pray for health and prosperity. This is what lies on the surface of the celebration, and the hidden meaning is to show the true essence of things to everyone.

Jesus, accompanied by his disciples, went to Mount Tabor and there appeared before them in his Divine appearance.

Showing that appearances can be deceiving, and proving that he is the True Son of the Lord Almighty.

Likewise, each of us is very often in captivity of various misconceptions; lies imperceptibly penetrate into all areas of our lives. And on a bright holiday

Transfiguration, you can easily remove the scales from your eyes and see things as they are without embellishment and lies.

And having learned the truth, you can easily change your life, call on good luck and see the long-awaited light at the end of the tunnel. There are simple and effective rituals for this.

Rite of the Apple Savior: Transfiguration of life and God's Blessing

In the morning, go to church, bless apples, pears, herbs and be sure to take home a church candle. In the evening, cut the apple into seven slices, place them on a plate to form a circle, and place a church candle in the center.

Place a small mirror next to the plate with apple slices and candles. Make sure that there is no one in the room and that no one disturbs you. Light a candle and say:

- “Lord Almighty, just as you were transformed on Mount Tabor, so allow me to discover the true meaning of existence. Give me the strength to distinguish truth from lies, cut off enemies from my life. Let the scales fall from my eyes and they will see the true light. Yes, it will be so, Lord! Amen".

Say these words seven times, cross yourself, and eat a slice of apple. Try to talk less this evening; it is better to go to bed immediately after the ceremony.

The next morning you will notice how gradually everything around you begins to change. How people you thought were friends show their true colors and leave your life. How your life priorities gradually change, and an unprecedented lightness appears in your soul.

Ritual for Apple Spas: cleansing the house, calling for prosperity and well-being

On the day of the holiday, it is easiest to drive away evil from the house, cleanse the energy of the room from accumulated negativity, and call for good luck to replace it.

On the eve of the celebration on August 18, wet clean the house and ventilate all rooms well. And for the holiday itself, take a church candle and tie it in the middle with a red ribbon. Slowly walk around the room, crossing candles at each corner. In places where there is a crackling or hissing sound, linger until these negative phenomena stop. And keep repeating:

- “Fire cleanses, drives away evil. The Lord is with me, he has protected me!”

“Water washes away all the dirt and opens up new life for us. Yes, it will be like that! Amen".

Very soon you will notice how a white streak will begin in your life, and all adversities and misfortunes will remain far in the past.

How to make an Angel amulet in Apple Spas

There is a belief that in Yablochny Spas it is good to perform various magical rituals and make wishes for betrothed girls. It is believed that this is one of the first harvest festivals, nature unfolds from summer to autumn and a connection with the other world opens. That is, on this day you need to ask for whatever you want. What are the best conspiracies to carry out during this sacred time?

Spells to save the apple are considered very effective

What rituals should be performed at Apple Spas?

Rituals performed at this time will allow you to receive the following benefits from life:

  • On such a day, it is good to ask that there is always money in the house, and that prosperity never leaves your family.
  • If there are tense relationships in your family that you want to improve, then in August you ask for love, mutual understanding and family well-being. And it will be best if such a ritual is performed on such a holiday.
  • All prayers and rituals of a young girl on the apple holiday should be aimed at meeting a loved one. If you do everything correctly and with strong feelings, the girl will soon find true, happy love.
  • The apple of paradise has long been associated with youth and beauty. Therefore, it is advisable to perform various kinds of rituals on the apple harvest holiday in order to always remain young.

Love spell

To attract love into your life, you need three medium nettle leaves and a large fresh apple. Cut the apple in half and cut out the core from both halves. Instead, put nettle leaves and connect the two parts together. After this, bring the fruit to your lips and say the following words:

“That happiness that is now far from me, let it fly to me from distant lands. Let him cover me with his warm, caring wave. Now I have nowhere to give my heart, but as soon as I say it, there will be someone to whom I will give my heart. So that his heart will be warmed by his lover like that stinging nettle. It comes at me, it flies at me, let the fellow like one menu. My word is growing stronger, love is calling to me from all corners of the world.”

After you say the magic text, tie the apple tightly with red thread. Now put the resulting fruit in a place to dry. The main thing is to prevent it from rotting. The spell will take effect when the apple is completely dry. The faster it dries, the closer your soulmate is.

Such rituals are best performed by single girls who have not yet found love and who are waiting for their chosen one.

Conspiracy for family well-being

If you want harmony and love to reign in your home, then on August 19 you will choose several beautiful apples from the neighboring garden. And to complete the energy exchange, be sure to give something to the owners of this garden, for example, a couple of coins or some kind of gift.

Before going to bed, light a candle and place apples next to it. Looking at the burning candle, say the following words:

“Just as an apple filled with beauty and juice in the summer, so my family fills with love and awe for each other. More beauty in our home from love itself, more peace, more happiness. There is so much happiness that we begin to share it with everyone else. And as we share, it becomes even better for us and everything around us. Kindness, beauty, come into my house, mature in it. I keep it for myself and give it to others. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way. Amen".

Be sure to wait until the candle burns out completely and do not touch the fruit while performing the ritual. In the morning, give these apples to strangers, while imagining that you are giving a piece of kindness and love. By doing this, you will launch a wave of love that will return a hundredfold in the near future. Read the text, thinking that you are giving strong feelings and in return you will receive even more love. A magical ritual works well on an energetic level. You will feel happier and brighter, just like after going to church.

Plot for marriage

On this holy day, it is good for unmarried girls to ask for marriage. Especially when a guy and a girl have been dating for a long time, but there are no marriage proposals. If the groom does not have enough determination to propose marriage, such a ritual will help. Let the girl choose a red apple with thoughts of her loved one.

Arriving home, you need to light a candle and, looking at the fruit, say the following words:

“How I love you, my glorious fellow, my clear falcon. You shine for me, you light the way. I believe that you also love and respect me. It is legal for us to be together, to cultivate our love. You see in me not only beauty, but also fidelity, you consider wisdom in me, believe that I will always be with you, ready to be your strong shoulder. Feel all this, my beloved, believe in our happiness and come to me and make me your wife. My maiden word is strong, like our happiness. Amen".

While reading, imagine that you are removing the guy’s fears that are preventing him from marrying you. After the plot, put the apple under your pillow and go to bed. Treat your loved one to it in the morning. It is important that he eats the fruit.

If everything worked out as it should, then soon the chosen one will first have his thoughts brewing, and then the wedding itself will take place.

Apple Savior is a folk church holiday that is celebrated every year on the same day - August 19, after the Honey Savior. This day combines a huge number of traditions.

You can read in more detail about the traditions, signs and rituals of the Apple Savior in a separate article. They are so diverse because the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on this day. On this important day, prayers are read in churches, conversations with God are held, and festive liturgies are held, where they remember the significant event that occurred on Mount Tabor. John, Peter and James, three disciples of Jesus, saw a bright light that illuminated them, informing them that the Son of God was standing before them, who would save the world from filth.

Apple saved August 19

This day represents the transition from the summer season to the winter season. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the nights begin to grow noticeably stronger from this period of time. They are getting colder and more and more often reminding us that autumn is coming. Gardens and vegetable gardens are already beginning to turn yellow, the plants are drooping their heads and drying up. In Rus', winter planting in the fields began from this day. But autumn, which is coming closer, is not only a time of withering, but also a season of harvesting fruits, and very abundant ones.

The rituals that we will discuss below are inseparably linked with nature, which regulates a lot of processes in our lives. This great day is a great time when the energy of the cosmos is attracted like a magnet. For this purpose, special rituals for communicating with Mother Nature were invented many centuries and dozens of generations ago.

The Second Savior or the Apple Savior and the Transfiguration of the Lord is a vivid example of how church and folk wisdom combine, creating something more beautiful. This is direct proof of the unity of God and nature. This is a single whole, one organism, one essence and one person.

Rituals for August 19

Apple Spas implies the presence of apples in each of the rituals. At this time, most types of apples are already ripening, so there should be no problems with preparing for rituals and ceremonies.

First rite - “Healthy body”

We all grow old and do not get younger, but there are many rules that indicate the right path to prolonging youth and increasing energy. For example, smile more and think only about good things. A positive mood works like an elixir of youth. The “Healthy Body” ritual will help you enhance this effect and become more beautiful and healthier, regardless of age.

All you need is apples, a bag or cloth and a good mood. Cut one or a couple of apples that you picked specifically at Apple Spas on August 19. Before picking an apple from a tree, say:

After this, you need to put the cut small pieces on the window in the sun, and in the evening collect them and put them in a bag or wrap them in cloth. The apple pieces will absorb all the necessary energy, which can be used for about two to three weeks after the holiday. The bag should be placed next to the place where you sleep. Before going to bed, repeat the same lines: “I’m taking your youth for myself. I am now starting a new life.”

When about two weeks have passed, you can throw away the apples with the words: “Thank you, Mother Nature, for your help. Thank you for your gifts. Amen." From the first day of the ritual, you will begin to feel how strength fills you and a feeling of lightness returns.

Second rite - “Exchange of Goods”

Buy or pick more apples. Choose a person from your environment who will gladly accept your gifts and thank you sincerely. This could be a relative, friend, neighbor. When you give him apples as a gift, say to yourself: “I buy myself goodness by giving kindness and warmth”. It is important to give the gift directly into your hands, without intermediaries, otherwise nothing will work out.

It is impossible to receive something without giving something in return. This is the main law of nature, which became known to people thousands of years ago. For goodness to come into your life, do it to another person. Since the holiday is associated with apples, it is worth giving them to someone who will appreciate your gift. And then the Universe will help you fulfill your deepest desire.

Third Rite - “New Youth”

Another ritual that is aimed at returning youth and excellent well-being. Take fresh garden apples and juice them. After this, you will need to wash your face with the juice three times before going to bed. Stand in front of the mirror and say: “The power of Savior Apple, help me transform and regain my strength. Help me take the true path. So be it.”

Wash your face three times, repeating “I wash away old age and gain youth.” After this, the remaining juice can be drunk or poured out - at your discretion.

The first rite can be repeated even after the Savior, but as for the second and third, it is strictly tied to August 19.

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Transfiguration (Second Savior, Apple Savior) is the church name of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The holiday was established by the Orthodox Church in honor of the miraculous transfiguration of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor during prayer with his disciples.

The essence of the Transfiguration is revealed in symbols. The mountain is a secluded place for creating prayer, which leads to unity with God.

According to ancient tradition, the people called the Transfiguration of the Lord the Second Savior or the Apple Savior. Because apples and vegetables ripened by this day. People say the following about apple Savior:

Second Savior - ripe apples are picked.

The Savior has come - it’s time: the fruits are ripening.

The Savior came and brought me an apple.

If apples are not born, there will be no Savior.

Ripe fruits, including apples, were taken to church for consecration. The custom of offering and lighting fruits in the church has ancient roots. Pagan priests also blessed apple harvests in ancient temples.

At the end of the festive liturgy, the priest also blesses the fruits of the new harvest, reading a prayer over them. After consecration and blessing, one was allowed to eat the fruits. After all, before the Second Savior, people did not eat any fruits except cucumbers. That’s why they said: “The Second Savior breaks his fast with an apple” or “The Savior came and brought set his teeth on edge (meaning from green apples).”

Eating fruits before the Apple Savior was considered a sin. Especially those peasants whose children died in infancy. According to Slavic beliefs, it was believed that on the island of Iriy golden apples grew on silver trees. The fruits are distributed only to those deceased children whose parents did not eat apples before the Apple Savior.

The apples illuminated in the church were called “Spassovsky”. When breaking their fast, young people made wishes for their fate. It was believed that when you took the first bite of the “Spassovsky” apple, your intended wish would certainly come true.

The girls, thinking about the suitors, said: “What is planned is far-fetched! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true will not pass!

The early sowing of winter rye began from the Second Savior. The peasants said: “Rye sown with the north wind will bear fruit stronger and larger.” The rite of sowing fields was timed to coincide with the Feast of the Transfiguration. It consisted of the following: the priest came to the field with icons and sprinkled the plowed ground with holy water. One of the elders threw grains of grain onto the consecrated areas of the arable land.

On the eve of the Second Savior, a spell of compressed fields took place, the so-called “stubble spell.” The ritual was performed so that evil spirits would not settle in the stubble and harm livestock while grazing.

At dawn, the peasants went out into the field, holding clay pots with hemp oil in their hands. The peasants poured it onto the ground and turned alternately to the east, west, south and north, saying:

“Mother Cheese Earth! Quiet all unclean reptiles from love spells, turnovers and dashing deeds; Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb the evil spirits into the seething abysses, into flammable resin;

Mother of Cheese Earth! Quench all the midday winds with bad weather, calm the shifting sands with blizzards;

Mother of Cheese Earth! Calm the midnight winds from the clouds, keep the frosts and blizzards at bay!”

After each turn and conspiracy, the ground was watered with hemp oil. At the last word, the pots were thrown to the ground and broken. There was a belief that this spell only works on the Apple Savior and for a year.

Fairs and folk festivals coincided with Apple Savior. The girls walked in pairs and sang songs. Young people, in particular girls, gathered in several separate groups called “circles”. "Circles" were divided into rich and poor. Wealthy girls were separated from commoners. And the grooms, in turn, chose “circles” in accordance with their position. The wealthy “circles” sang romances, and the “poor” - simple songs.

"Circles" usually ended with various games, most often "burners". Men were allowed to take part in them.

The Day of the Second Savior ended with the ritual of “seeing off the sunset.” It was customary to watch the sunset, which was accompanied by farewell songs and dances.

The Second Savior included the first meeting of autumn, the so-called first “Osenins”. The following signs existed:

Since the Transfiguration of the Savior, the weather has changed.

After the Second Savior, the rain is bread-bread.

As is the Second Savior, so is January.

The cranes begin to fly away.

The hares are overfed before the Savior, and before that they are skinny and childish.

On what day is the Middle Savior, on this is the Intercession.

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Apple Savior The Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the revelation of his true, divine essence to the apostles Peter, John and James, is celebrated on August 19. Since ancient times, on this day people brought various fruits to churches for consecration - apples, plums, pears. Apple Savior

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The Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, or as it is popularly called, Apple Day, is a holiday revered both in Orthodox culture and in pagan traditions. This day is a time in which the line between worlds becomes extremely thin, almost non-existent. That is why August 19 and the days closest to this date are the time of conspiracies, magic and communication with spirits. At this time, all magical actions gain enormous power, allowing mortals to look into another world or change their destiny.

What rituals are resorted to at Apple Spas?

Apple Saving is a time when many rituals can be performed with a minimum expenditure of personal energy. Therefore, all activities focused on these days are very popular. I, like other magicians, use these days to conduct the most effective rites and rituals. Usually on these days the following rituals are performed:

  1. to Yablochny Spas;
  2. August 19;
  3. in Yablochny Spas;
  4. to Yablochny Spas;
  5. ritual to get rid of warts at Apple Spas;
  6. on Apple Spas in an open field (steppe);
  7. ritual to restore health and youth to yourself and your loved ones;
  8. a ritual to get rid of a persistent admirer;
  9. ritual for wealth the day after the Savior;
  10. ritual to attract male attention;
  11. ritual to attract good luck and cleanse yourself of negativity around you;
  12. a ritual to get rid of illnesses during the days of the Apple Savior;
  13. ritual for a good harvest;
  14. ritual for money;
  15. a plot for a successful marriage of a daughter, made with honey;
  16. honey spell when selling a house or apartment;

Spas Yablochny is a time of real miracles. However, one must understand that any magical effect also has the opposite effect. Therefore, unless you are a truly experienced magician, do not risk your health and well-being. Trust this work.
