It’s hard, but not without a chance: compatibility between a Pisces man and a Sagittarius woman. Real compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman Pisces women who have a Sagittarius husband

If a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman choose the right role for themselves, their union promises to be successful. There are other nuances that partners should be aware of in order to find harmony in work, family and friendship.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are full of optimism and always have a goal in life. They are very active, fast and energetic. Such guys are open and friendly. Sometimes they lack diligence and patience. They don't like having the burden of obligations fall on their shoulders. A representative of the Fire Element falls in love instantly, but can just as quickly burn out and no longer remember the person.

The Pisces woman has a special charm. She easily makes men fall in love with her. Girls of the Water Element are often not ready for harsh reality, they are too sentimental and are helpless in the face of life's difficulties. Pisces never forgives insults and will take revenge at the first opportunity. She will interest Sagittarius with her appearance, rich inner world and sense of humor.

These zodiac signs have common features:

  • romance;
  • sense of justice;
  • extravagance;
  • striving for ideals;
  • deep views;
  • daydreaming;
  • good nature;
  • openness.

In this regard, their compatibility is very different from other signs. However, it is difficult to imagine the experiences and mental pain that a Sagittarius guy can cause to a Pisces girl. Although if he is careful and sensitive, they will suit each other.

Overall compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The union of these opposite signs is built on mutual attraction. They instantly recognize each other in a crowd. At the first stage of a relationship, partners talk a lot and find out what they have in common. They may perceive communication as an intriguing game that brings interest and excitement to life.

The Sagittarius man is often unpredictable; he puzzles the Pisces girl with his unconventional thinking and point of view on many things. She usually closes herself off in her experiences, and her partner only has to guess what is going on in her soul.

Compatibility in love relationships is 65%. If Sagittarius and Pisces decided to tie the knot, then most likely the following happened:

  • complete trust has been established between the partners;
  • both were convinced of the correctness of the choice;
  • the lovers' feelings grew stronger.

The first word in marriage will always remain with the man, so Pisces should not count on equality. Such a wife will not feel discriminated against; together they will be able to create comfort and harmony in the house.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Sagittarius finds Pisces's appearance attractive and seductive; she attracts him sexually. However, he craves rough and passionate lovemaking, while she prefers long, gentle foreplay. After intimate pleasures, the Fire sign continues to go about its business or even go to bed. A woman prefers intimate conversations about relationships and life in general.

At an early stage, their intimacy will be full of passions. Both are willing to try something new. A man will sometimes find little passion and love from a Pisces girl, and trying to take the situation into his own hands can lead a woman into confusion. To achieve sexual compatibility, they need to learn to adapt to each other.

Sexual compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

In childhood, the Sagittarius guy and the Pisces girl are not very interesting to each other. Friendship is possible when they become teenagers. These zodiac signs are very fond of philosophical conversations and travel.

 Sagittarius thinks that Pisces are not capable of risky and desperate actions. However, in friendship, a woman of the water element is ready to come to the aid of a friend and help him out of any trouble. He will always support his friend and save her from depression. They will rarely see each other, because the Sagittarius man is constantly busy with his own affairs.

Pisces is prone to coquetry, and often friendly relationships develop into something more. Therefore, their halves need to be on their guard. Even if they don’t have a serious relationship, they will maintain friendly ties until old age. This friendship will only benefit both partners.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

In one team, Pisces and Sagittarius will have problems due to the difference in characters. The exception will be professions related to education, art and charity. Melancholy Pisces will try to imitate the dynamic Sagittarius in everything. His enthusiasm inspires the woman.

If Pisces becomes the boss and Sagittarius becomes the subordinate, their tandem will be productive. Thanks to the man’s ability to quickly complete his tasks and the woman’s competence, they will achieve great success in their work. If the situation is the other way around and Pisces submits to the man, some difficulties may arise in business. Problems will arise against the background of personal relationships. Sagittarius can be a rude boss, and Pisces is very offended by rudeness.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

If these zodiac signs were destined to cross paths in life, they need to know how to please each other:

  1. Sagittarius clearly knows what he wants. Pisces often rush through life and change professions.
  2. To maintain respect in the family, the wife does not need to focus on her husband’s straightforwardness. Sagittarius must express himself more softly so as not to offend his vulnerable companion.
  3. In the business sphere, Sagittarius must show tolerance and tact so as not to offend Pisces, who obey him.
  4. A woman will not forgive if, in response to the care shown, Sagittarius becomes indifferent to the needs of Pisces. It is important to appreciate her efforts and tell her about it.
  5. Pisces does not like the straightforwardness of the Fire sign, and a man does not like the evasiveness of a woman. He will perceive her words as lies. He needs to understand that the girl is not lying, but is simply avoiding the truth because she is afraid of negative emotions on his part.
  6. A woman of the Water Element is prone to bad habits. Sagittarius must stop her in time if Pisces suddenly decides to escape from the realities of life with the help of alcohol or drugs.
  7. Rudeness and cruelty in bed can kill a woman's interest in intimate relationships.
  8. Even for the sake of great love, a man will not abandon his interests or deviate from his goals.

Female wisdom and a stable male character will make the family life of this couple strong and happy.

Relationship Benefits

The great connecting principle of these signs is the mutual love of philosophical knowledge. If Pisces and Sagittarius have spiritual goals in the first place, they will find mutual understanding, and their union will bring a lot of good to everyone’s life:

  • Sagittarius will be able to provide financially for Pisces so that she does not need anything.
  • A Water Element woman will be faithful to her partner.
  • Pisces will always give in to their partner in the matter of career growth.
  • They have many common topics of conversation; they will not be bored together.

The union of Pisces and Sagittarius often causes bewilderment among others, because they constantly quarrel and do not want to make concessions. Lovers don't care much about other people's opinions. The duration of their relationship directly depends on how important work, love and friendship are to them. According to the horoscope, this couple has every chance of a happy future.

Disadvantages of Relationships

To build a strong relationship, this couple is hampered by some Sagittarius character traits: inconstancy, haste, hot temper, laziness, impracticality and irresponsibility.

The harmony in the family can be spoiled by Pisces’ personality traits, including: indecisiveness, touchiness, vulnerability, melancholy and self-indulgence.

Domestic problems can ruin relationships between partners and cause men to cheat. Moreover, the wife will immediately notice if Sagittarius begins to deceive her; she has very good intuition. If she accuses him of infidelity, he will immediately become defensive and rude. This behavior greatly hurts the Pisces woman and she may simply walk away without saying a word.

There are other negative aspects of this couple:

  1. Pisces will not tolerate her husband's tactlessness and boasting.
  2. Sagittarius demands utmost honesty from his wife, even in small things.
  3. The Water Element woman is not interested in anything other than her love and family. He is concerned about everything that happens around him.
  4. She wants her husband to always be there, but his sociability and comprehensive development will not allow this.

Percentage compatibility of signs is a relative concept. Relationships depend more on the level of development and upbringing, and not just on the zodiac constellations.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of the zodiac signs Sagittarius man and Pisces woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Very complex, contradictory relationships can develop between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman. This is a very rare union, which, if it is born, is most often based on the material or age dependence of these people on each other, religious or political beliefs, fanaticism and membership in one particular social group. But this does not mean at all that relationships between representatives of these zodiac constellations are impossible - on the contrary, if there is complete mutual understanding and spiritual unity between the spouses, then these relationships will be simply ideal.

The romance of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman always begins with some event that globally changes their lives. They can meet at an important meeting, a convention, on a trip, at a rally, and will notice each other as soon as their eyes meet. During the first time of communication, the partners will even find out that they have many similarities in character and preferences, which will make the Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman even closer to each other. They both value the spiritual world and worship the mysteries of the soul. The Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman revere religion, philosophy, and can study esotericism and spiritual practices together, because both acutely feel the need to improve their souls, self-education, as well as knowledge of what has been hidden from them until now. If the Pisces woman devotes herself to this work at the behest of her soul, according to her deepest needs, leading her to the knowledge of spirituality, then the Sagittarius man may find himself on this path out of curiosity, out of a passion for change and change in his life. He will perceive this process as an interesting game, which, moreover, brings truly positive results to his life. In search of truth, these two can visit monasteries, various trainings and experiments. More pragmatic couples begin to participate in sports, go hiking and river rafting. Their relationship could be filled with gloom and numerous rules that cannot be crossed, but the advantage of a couple of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman is that they approach everything with a healthy sense of humor, not allowing themselves to get bogged down in such difficult jungles of spiritual work. Their relationship is very difficult for others to understand, and therefore many “spectators” twirl their fingers at their temples, watching how these two treat each other, playing and having fun, like a cat and a mouse. The question of who is the mouse in this game remains open, since the direct onslaught of the Sagittarius man is opposed by the cunning and lively moves of the Pisces woman, who leads her discouraged partner by the nose, joking and teasing him. This action can get boring for both - and then they rest away from each other. But this kind of game is always repeated as soon as the partners gain strength and incentive to continue the relationship further.

In order to keep this interesting and developing relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman in the same vein, the partners need to be more lenient towards each other. Each of the couple must respect and support the strong qualities of their partner, and then they can easily withstand all the tests that they will encounter along the way of their relationship.

He is Sagittarius, she is Pisces - compatibility with other signs

Pisces Woman Sagittarius Man

The stars promise an easy and stable relationship for a couple of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman. The guarantee of their successful union consists of a love of life, the manifestation of their qualities, given by nature to the fullest, and also the fact that both are very respectful and careful about feelings, relationships and marriage.

Sagittarius is a true connoisseur of female beauty, he is always surrounded by ladies, he knows how to flirt beautifully and intrigue. In women, he is impressed by natural shyness, modesty, and defenselessness. He can conquer a woman with his bright eloquence, romantic displays, generosity with expensive gifts and pleasant surprises.

At home, the Sagittarius man will not sit still, since the craving for new adventures and adventures will always control him. But thanks to the softness and loyalty of the Pisces woman, this union will be long-term and quite stable. The Sagittarius man does not have tact and is not frank. He does not recognize equality between men and women and treats emancipation with irony. Sagittarius is convinced that the family must obey his word; unquestioning patriarchy reigns in their house. It is almost impossible to gain the upper hand over Sagittarius; such attempts will lead to terrible scandals or separation. A couple can achieve a calm and harmonious relationship if they follow a simple path, that is, by putting aside their unfounded claims to the personal traits of the chosen one. Sagittarius is unlikely to change, so Pisces should be wiser and not torment herself and the man with impossible demands.

In a union, a couple is able to teach each other a lot, open doors to the world of spiritual perfection and self-knowledge. If there is a desire to jointly study esotericism, yoga and meditation, knowledge of the cosmos, higher powers, then they will be able to achieve high results. This will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on relationships and will soften the assertive and impatient nature of Sagittarius. The Pisces woman will acquire energetic forces that will allow her to be calm, confidently accept people, understanding that a person’s shortcomings are also his virtues and nature.

The Sagittarius man is purposeful, he has a business “vein”, commercial intuition, he can achieve great financial opportunities. He is not afraid of obstacles, does not fall into despair, and is optimistic about a positive outcome. The Pisces woman is a very constant nature, she becomes attached to a person with all her soul, goes through all the hardships with him, withstands storms, is patient and unhurried. Her steps and actions are deliberate, balanced, and she rarely initiates breakups. Thanks to female wisdom, stability of character, male intelligence, strength and loyalty to each other, the couple will live a long and happy life.

Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

To achieve compatibility and harmony in this water-fire union, both partners will have to work hard. The first and most important condition for their long-term relationship is mutual respect. And only then love. A Pisces woman in love will look admiringly at her chosen one. And if the Sagittarius man manages to inspire her with a sense of confidence, then she will even consider him her benefactor. These two signs are so different and can complement each other so perfectly if they can... What compatibility do the stars promise them?

Admirable in her femininity, vulnerable, loving to contemplate the world and devoted in love, the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, who does not recognize restrictions, is a self-confident, impulsive adventurer. Neptune and Jupiter endowed them with such qualities. A representative of a fire sign very easily manages to start a conversation in an unfamiliar company and establish relationships, but he is terribly afraid of monotony. At the same time, constancy is perhaps the main trait that the Pisces woman values ​​in people.

It will be all the more surprising for them to discover similar traits in each other: romanticism, extravagance, striving for ideals and intransigence towards injustice. In this regard, their compatibility compares favorably with other signs. But it’s scary to imagine the pain that, in moments of anger, Sagittarius can cause to his woman, especially one as sensitive as Pisces.

A man under the fire zodiac sign does not stand on ceremony with the feelings of others, he knows how to be straightforward and rude. Sometimes this quality of his deeply wounds the gentle Pisces. Another problem on the path to their compatibility may be precisely the lack of understanding of each other’s essence. In a calm and balanced Pisces woman, a Sagittarius man lacks the “spark,” the “spice,” when a showdown is accompanied by breaking dishes and ends with hugs in tears. And then he takes the situation into his own hands, showing all the passion of his nature. It begins to seem to her that he craves only carnal pleasures, while she gives him her whole soul.

This union can become tragic if in the end Sagittarius sees in his beloved just another hunting trophy. The patience of Pisces and the ability of Sagittarius to appreciate the tenderness and devotion of his girlfriend can make him wonderful and compatible. In this difficult relationship, the role of leader will be assigned to the man, and although both must make efforts, the Pisces woman will still have to try much more. And then in return she will receive in his person protection from any threats from the outside world.

So, compatibility between the sophisticated Pisces and the freedom-loving Sagittarius is possible if several features of their characters are taken into account:

  1. It will not be difficult for the modest nature of Pisces to get used to the excessive talkativeness, love of confession and the desire to constantly keep attention on oneself that distinguish Sagittarius. And men of this sign just need to be listened to carefully and admired. Well, a woman of this watery zodiac sign with her inherent talent for listening will easily satisfy his need to speak out.
  2. In addition to the ability to listen, Sagittarius men greatly value the appearance of their future companion. Therefore, the Pisces woman will have to try a lot to meet his high demands.
  3. Another obstacle to the compatibility of signs can be different attitudes towards physical intimacy. Pisces in this union must learn to liberate themselves and not see selfishness in Sagittarius’s passion or the desire to build relationships solely on this.
  4. Men of this sign do not want to be cunning and look for the right words, but in vain. They should definitely learn not to tell the truth bluntly, but to put their confessions in softer forms, using the expressions “maybe”, “it would be nice”, “I would be glad if...”.

Restraint and understanding that Pisces do not always express their pain to the offender, as Sagittarius themselves do, should help strengthen their relationship. If a Sagittarius man feels his freedom is being encroached upon, he will immediately evaporate without explanation. These men are often ready to marry only in adulthood, when their ardor finally cools down a little with age. But even then, a woman who decides to marry him will have to stock up on inexhaustible patience in order to endure frequent outbursts of causeless anger, betrayal and hear only the truth from her husband about herself.

They will feel good together in moments of peace, when they can sit by the fire to philosophize, meditate or talk about mysticism and otherworldly forces. Here they have something to tell each other. They can be united by engaging in some highly spiritual activity - charity, organization of esoteric seminars, religious rituals. The compatibility of these signs in marriage will be high if they give greater preference to platonic manifestations of love rather than carnal ones.

In her quest to find pure unearthly love, the Pisces woman must be careful in choosing her love object. And although they are credited with surprisingly long patience and the ability to self-sacrifice, she must know what she is getting into when choosing a Sagittarius man.

But is there a more ardent lover on Earth than him? And how many women can resist him? If she understands and accepts all this, she will be warmed by his love for a long time. Well, or until she herself agrees to sit on a powder keg 24 hours a day.

Compatibility horoscope for women and men with the zodiac signs Pisces and Sagittarius

Love compatibility of a couple Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

The compatibility horoscope promises an interesting union for the Pisces and Sagittarius couple. They will recognize many similar qualities in each other, which will contribute to a quick rapprochement. However, everyone has many qualities that will often irritate their partner.

This couple loves travel and adventure, but there is one thing - Sagittarius is used to moving physically, and the Pisces girl travels in her dreams. But this difference will not interfere with the relationship of this couple.

While representatives of other signs will try to remake Pisces, the Sagittarius guy will be ready to play along with her at any moment, and she will not mind going on any journey with him.

This couple has similar tastes and interests. That is why they will never be bored together, and disagreements will be very rare.

When they meet, they will forget about everyone in the world. They feel so good together, they understand each other perfectly, and when you meet such a person, communication with other acquaintances becomes uninteresting.

This can lead to complete rejection from family and friends, and subsequently they will become as uninteresting with each other as with others.

Both of these signs should not limit their freedom and social circle. In order to communicate with friends, you don’t have to be separated, because they can attend different events and parties together.

What connects Sagittarius and Pisces is not only spiritual and intellectual compatibility, they were united by heaven itself, so don’t lose each other.

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman in a relationship

Both Pisces and Sagittarius are mutable signs, which means that this relationship involves partners with dual natures - in essence, the combination presented is the interaction of four personality types. Both have optimistic and pessimistic aspects, which manifest themselves depending on their state of mind. Relationships can be either uplifting or depressing. Thus, their success will depend on the degree to which they support each other—and themselves—through the inevitable ups and downs.

At first glance, Sagittarius men are attracted by the bottomless eyes of Pisces women, concealing unknown worlds, still waiting for their explorer. Pisces fall for the carefree optimism of Sagittarius, coupled with their ability to chat with anyone and about anything. Fire and Water usually don't go well together, but there is still some intrigue that creates mutual attraction. Both are dreamers, but their paths to achieving their goals are different.

It is difficult for Pisces women to maintain a given direction, since they read in the hearts of those around them and do not allow themselves, taking advantage of this advantage, to win at the expense of others. Sagittarius men also deliberately do not run over those who find themselves in their way, but due to the fact that all their attention is absorbed by the goal set, and not by those who are directly in front of them, they have a much greater chance of achieving their goal.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius men and Pisces women

Pisces merge and become one with their partners, enjoying the varied expressions of their sexuality. Pisces women are rarely unhappy with anything in intimacy - unless their partner turns out to be too ardent and quick. and Sagittarius men are both hot and impetuous. There is a certain adventurous flavor to the passion of these two. Pisces women won't even blink an eye if Sagittarians declare their divine origins and demand to be considered as children of Zeus. At least in bed they will agree with all the claims of their partner, which they cannot help but appreciate.

Business compatibility between Sagittarius man and Pisces woman

For this couple, working together can be effective if the partners are endowed with an innate sensitivity to each other’s moods and are able to put aside personal ambitions for the sake of a project or for the benefit of the common cause of the team.

What a Sagittarius man needs to know about a Pisces woman

Although Pisces are deservedly considered kind and sympathetic creatures, they also have sharp teeth that they can put to work (think of piranhas). This will definitely happen if you become indifferent to their needs in response to their concern for you. For some time, Pisces women will tolerate your insensitivity and narcissism, but one day they will rebel and leave you alone with your “greatness.”

So be kind to your Pisces and make sure to tell them that you deeply appreciate their efforts while they do everything they can to make you look even more significant in your own eyes. Being a water sign. Pisces are prone to drugs and other forms of escape from life's realities. You gravitate towards the same thing, so it is very important for you not to give in to temptation and remain strong in the face of such destructive behavior from your partners.

What a Pisces woman needs to know about a Sagittarius man

By blaming others, Sagittarius men tend to suppress the thoughts that creep into their minds that they are actually not as wonderful as they want to appear to be. Pisces women, it is important that you are aware of the motives of your partner's behavior, especially in view of your tendency to take on the sins of others. You easily open your sympathetic heart to those who are suffering, but do not forget that relationships are built on both sides. Sagittarius has a desire to take retaliatory steps. They, of course, will not mind you spending the rest of your life supporting their emotional tone, but you should also consider your own interests. It is necessary that your partners not only engage in energy vampirism, but also, in turn, assist you.

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman: chances for the future

The strongest bond between these two is their mutual love of spiritual pursuits. Pisces women, who are in some part of their consciousness in metaphysical reality, have a much more comprehensive worldview than adherents of any single religious denomination. They are open to the totality of aspects of faith, which many simply are not given. Sagittarius men operate in the field of abstraction and theory: search, dissection and exploration of truth. If their spiritual goals come to the fore in the relationship between these two, they immediately find mutual understanding, which allows them to avoid the everyday problems that make up the realities of any relationship.

Changeable signs have a personality trait inherent in children: their childish nature resists growing up in every possible way, as a result of which they constantly have to wage an internal struggle with themselves. Pisces women act as a refuge for Sagittarians, which they desperately need, and Sagittarius men serve as navigators for their Pisces - thus, both partners are able to help each other cross the stormy waters of life. The combination of the best qualities of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman allows them both to cope with their worst character traits and, while maintaining their originality, make the relationship more predictable.

How compatible is a Sagittarius man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

How compatible is a Pisces woman in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?

Zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces: compatibility of men and women

Fire and water, noise and silence, mobility and slowness, concreteness and abstraction, Sagittarius and Pisces. Of the 12 zodiac constellations, Sagittarius and Pisces can be absolutely opposed to each other.

These are two people who look in the same mirror from different sides and are a reflection of each other, but exactly the opposite.

Advantages and disadvantages

If Sagittarius are complete realists who live here and now, then Pisces perceive the world more illusory and make plans for the distant future.

Sagittarians are distinguished by mobility and energy, they have time for any task. These are unique people who can do several things at once and be in different places at the same time. Pisces, on the other hand, slowly and concentratedly perform the assigned work.

Contrasts between these two signs are observed in almost all areas of life. They look at the world from different angles and perceive many character traits in each other as human flaws.

So Sagittarius equates the sensitivity and emotionality of Pisces with softness. And Pisces, in turn, is disgusted by the excessive self-confidence of Sagittarius.

Despite the common features inherent in a particular zodiac sign, representatives of different sexes of the same constellation have certain differences.

Pisces men are good friends, excellent conversationalists and often become the life of the party. However, in relationships with the female sex, they prefer a passive position, because they do not at all belong to the category of brutal men.

Outwardly defenseless, soft and modest Pisces women have a stronger inner core in comparison with male representatives of this sign.

But their obvious drawback is emotionality and sensitivity, succumbing to which, Pisces women commit many rash acts.

Thanks to their easy-going nature, they are real “lucky” people. They look at the world optimistically and always see blue skies and bright sun.

However, sometimes they can be too frivolous, which creates difficulties for them in family life and work.

Despite boundless optimism, they perceive life as many peaks, which they need to conquer, and almost always they achieve success.

But sometimes success clouds their minds so much that they put on a non-existent crown and look at others from the heights of Everest.

Compatibility in love

Contrary to the old Russian proverb, which says that opposites come together, love between Sagittarius and Pisces rarely occurs, but romantic relationships happen much more often and they are cemented by mutual passion.

The Sagittarius girl never openly takes the first step towards starting a romantic relationship; she prefers to be courted for a long time and beautifully.

As a rule, the chosen ones of Sagittarius women are brutal men with a strong spirit and strong will. The soft Pisces man is perceived more by the Sagittarius woman as a friend.

If a love relationship between Sagittarius and Pisces does begin, then in most cases it ends in a break, as a result of the partners’ disappointment in each other.

A strong relationship in this couple is possible if Sagittarius does not try to change Pisces, constantly pointing out his shortcomings to him. And the Pisces guy must learn to swim against the tide in this union and take the initiative into his own hands.

The relationship in this couple can be happy as long as the Pisces woman literally steps over herself and adapts to the freedom-loving and carefree Sagittarius.

But when the scales fall from Pisces’ eyes, and she demands affection, care and devotion from Sagittarius, he will listen to her carefully, go to the store for bread and never return.

The ideal relationship for a Sagittarius man is a romance without obligations. And Pisces women see love in the complete mutual understanding of partners and their dissolution in each other.

Pisces and Sagittarius in marriage

Pisces love a cozy home environment and a romantic dinner by candlelight, or with family. Sagittarians love noisy gatherings and cheerful companies. The temperaments of these two signs are too different, which creates difficulties in family life.

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman

In family life with Sagittarius, the Pisces man is basically satisfied with everything.

The Sagittarius wife decides where to spend her vacation, goes to parent-teacher meetings at school, manages to do house cleaning and rationally plans the family budget, which is most often replenished at her own expense, because the Pisces man is constantly busy looking for his “dream” job.

Most often, this couple breaks up on the initiative of Sagittarius, after many years of living together. If a Pisces man shows strength of character and carries all male and financial worries on his shoulders, then the marriage can be very happy.

Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

The relationship in this marriage is paradoxically based on the spouses’ non-interference in each other’s personal space. The Pisces woman is busy with home, children, work, and yoga in her free time.

A Sagittarius man provides for his family, is interested in the interests of his wife and children, and spends his weekends playing football with friends.

As a rule, he does not have time for heart-to-heart conversations with his wife, as a result of which The Pisces woman often feels lonely in this marriage..

He and she in bed

Close relationships between Sagittarius and Pisces are often filled with passion and sensuality., however, there are exceptions.

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman

Intimate relationships in this union can be called impeccable. Most often, the affection between these signs intensifies after a night spent together.

Pisces men are capable of pleasing any woman, and Sagittarius women are endowed with the same quality.

Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

Compatibility in bed between these signs depends on the sensuality and activity of the Sagittarius man, who often prefers to “take everything from life,” including in bed.

The intimate relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman is endowed with unbridled passion if both partners are active.

In friendship and business

Contrary to popular belief that friendship between a man and a woman is impossible, the union of Sagittarius and Pisces proves the opposite. Often the Pisces man becomes the “best friend” and vest for a Sagittarius woman.

In the business sphere, relationships develop best if Pisces is subordinate to Sagittarius.

Pisces man and Sagittarius woman

According to the horoscope, friendship between these signs can be very strong and rarely progresses to the stage of a romantic relationship.

In the business sphere, options are considered successful when representatives of these signs are at different levels of the career ladder - one is subordinate to the other, and both options are suitable.

Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

Friendship between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman develops very rarely.

After all, Pisces expect support, sympathy and compassion from their friends, which Sagittarius cannot give, since in principle they avoid despondency and sadness. It is very rare that both of these signs find themselves in the same company, due to the difference in their interests. Author of the article: Irina Vorontsova

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Sagittarius man


Pisces Woman

For a Pisces woman, as well as for a Sagittarius man, an emotional connection is much more important than material goods and household furnishings. They love to learn new things, travel, and are fond of philosophy. Of the representatives of other zodiac signs, few people share their interests, considering them pointless and time-consuming. If Pisces and Sagittarius are united by a common occupation, or they are moving towards the same goal, the number of disagreements will noticeably decrease. Treasuring their relationship, a man and a woman are able to turn a blind eye to little things, as well as to prevent a conflict of interests.

Sagittarius man - in a relationship, he improves the mood of his partner. He knows how to instill optimism in the most hopeless situations. Sagittarians are romantic, but too independent. Therefore, constant connections are not easy for them. By being too rational and critical, Sagittarius can hurt their partner

Pisces woman - She doesn't care much about family in relationships, but she is a good friend. A woman is not as dynamic as a man, her family makes her completely conservative, but her thoughts still fly into the distance. Her partner must also strive somewhere, then they will be together.

In this union of two so dissimilar and at the same time so independent people, Fate usually plays the main role. Sagittarius is sincere and cheerful, the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive, and in this difficult relationship a variety of scenarios are possible. Either partners discover in each other the qualities they lack, and this cements their strange union, or (as happens more often) the dissimilarity of characters, on the contrary, prevents them from being together. The ideal for Pisces is a strong, responsible man who will take care of her. The ideal woman in the eyes of Sagittarius should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. In other words, each of them is unlikely to be able to meet the expectations of the other. That is why it is possible to maintain these relationships only if the partners become less critical and more tolerant of each other. There are already too many things that separate them.

The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can be acceptable if it is based on some kind of calculation, business or material interest. It is not easy for these people to understand each other, despite the fact that they have mutual sympathy. Their worldview is very different, and they, as a rule, choose to move towards common goals at different paces. The contradictions also lie in the fact that the Pisces woman feels the need for kinship at the highest level, while for the Sagittarius man the main thing is a passion for change, including in partnership. The main complaint of the Sagittarius man against his wife is her secrecy and ability to say one thing and do something completely different. She is subject to criticism and pressure. But the Pisces woman is not so easy to change; for all her outward softness and spinelessness, she has a strong core and is unlikely to agree to do what she does not want. In this case, both spouses will feel uncomfortable and may prefer to end the relationship.

The wisdom, romance in the eyes and mystery of the Pisces woman attract the Sagittarius man, who is passionate about a new sensual experiment. She is pretty, it’s fun to just talk to her, she’s not like everyone else - winning a Pisces woman becomes a matter of honor for a Sagittarius man. And there is a chance that she will reciprocate his feelings. The Pisces woman, realizing that she has the ability to manipulate such a strong fiery man, can make him her instrument to achieve her goals. Mentally, they will not find deep intimacy. After all, the Sagittarius man is too rude and straightforward, and the Pisces woman will remain unsolved for him. The Sagittarius man is the guardian of the Pisces woman. It is no coincidence that fatalistic Pisces are attracted to the optimism of Sagittarius. Sagittarius gives Pisces the opportunity to move from being immersed in the chaos of eternal and insoluble problems to a harmonious picture of life - where stars of meaning sparkle in the cosmos of worlds. These signs have a global vision of any situation and world, and are prone to ideological disputes. Here, the height of Sagittarius’s thoughts complements the depth of Pisces’ comprehension, and they see eye-to-eye if they are able to see and appreciate these qualities in each other. Pisces, as a sign of conception, is guilty of mutual rejection.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces can be affected by the fact that they are both changeable and dual. Well, if there is not even a hint of stability in a relationship, then it is already doomed to suffering and failure. In each of them, not two, but four different personalities coexist. That is, a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman can be both true optimists and frown at the surrounding reality. If everything continues like this, then Sagittarius and Pisces will simply “eat” each other with their doubts or impulsive attacks. It all depends on how often and reverently they support each other. At first everything begins, as in a beautiful fairy tale. He was attracted by her deep and wise gaze, and she was charmed by his positive attitude. In Compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces, there is always room for intrigue and understatement. The elements Fire (Sagittarius) and Water (Pisces) are so different that it will be difficult for them to understand each other, much less get along together. Water will always extinguish Fire. And he, in turn, will try to remake Water. Alas, nothing good will come of this.

In order for Sagittarius () and Pisces () to come together as a couple, more external conditions are needed. These people can easily pass by each other and not become interested. And only if life itself brought them together do they understand how lucky they are. True, this happens after much grinding and a series of conflicts of varying severity. They may well part as friends (and this is better than letting their relationship turn into a bitter reproach). They have a chance to start all over again if they are wise enough to understand this time that they don’t have to always agree with each other on everything and be absolutely alike in order to be happy. Differences can make or break a relationship. So how exactly will this happen? It's really up to them.

The Sagittarius man finds his Pisces girlfriend seductive and charming. He is under the double male influence of his sign, she is under the double female influence. What could be better? When the masculine and feminine principles unite, there is harmony in nature itself. But it is so easy to destroy. The first charm will pass, and Sagittarius may think that his beloved is too cold and responds to his desire without much ardor. Her ardor is also fraught with danger: it may seem to her that he is only interested in the physical side of love. If he shows his feelings for her in other ways, she will respond to him with great fervor.

She simply needs softness and tenderness, and the man she loves should know this. She lives by creativity and imagination, which have a truly magical power over her. Rudeness or tactlessness can cause her depression. The Sagittarius man probably won’t even notice this, because this woman hides her grievances, trying to forget them or weaken them. But sooner or later they will appear. This is a warning that he needs to be softer and more restrained, because his Fire can “dry up” her Water.

Compatibility horoscope. Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

Compatibility in love between Pisces and Sagittarius cannot be called cloudless. These are too different signs with values ​​and interests that are distant from each other. They are protected by the opposite elements of Water and Fire. But still, Sagittarius and Pisces in love can live happily ever after.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Pisces man

The physical attraction between a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man is very strong. If they find each other attractive, passion flares up instantly. In love relationships, the signs are doing great, but when it comes to a long-term union, the horoscope warns of numerous difficulties and low compatibility.

What can a Sagittarius girl give to a Pisces man? She will burst into his quiet, boring and measured life like a magical whirlwind, giving him an eternal holiday and a kaleidoscope of bright emotions.

What can a Pisces guy give her? Protection, peace, confidence in the future and tender love.

It is not for nothing that astrologers call this union mystical. Fire cannot be combined with Water. And if they are still nearby and feel at ease, it cannot be done without magic. And the most powerful magic in the Universe is considered the magic of Love.

In marriage, Sagittarius and Pisces exist as if in parallel worlds. A woman from the element of Fire simply cannot live in the measured rhythm of Pisces. Therefore, she finds the opportunity to run to parties with friends, participate in public events and be where life is constantly in full swing.

The Pisces man understands that they are only partially suitable for each other and does not demand too much from his Sagittarius wife. She is a creative person, but she does not have the same depth of perception. Therefore, she does not share many of her husband’s interests. But she is an excellent mother, housewife and, to hide it, the best lover.

What can threaten a successful relationship?

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Pisces is problematic in many respects. In principle, it cannot be complete, and one cannot dream of any 100% or even 80%. That’s why it’s so important to understand each other’s characteristics and look for common ground.

Marriages of signs can come apart at the seams due to simple communication differences. The Sagittarius woman is domineering and loves to arrange life around her at her own discretion. But she is not stupid and will not deliberately harm the marriage. The difficulty lies in the unique character of the Pisces man.

He is silent. Actually, he is silent like a fish. She does not express any displeasure, and the Sagittarius woman mistakenly takes this as a lack of influence on her part. She increases the pressure, and the man leaves. How is that possible, since nothing foreshadowed a breakup?

The fact is that the Pisces guy will never prove anything. If the atmosphere becomes unbearable, he will simply leave the area. It is not for nothing that the proverb says that fish look for where it is better.

But men of this sign are the best listeners in the world. They can listen to their favorite talkative Sagittarius woman for hours and will understand her to the core. At the same time, they will not stop loving you and will not abandon you. What more could you ask for?

Relationship between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

Opposites attract, and the quiet, gentle Pisces girl is often captivated by the cheerful and easy-going Sagittarius guy. He is not immediately hooked by her timid charm, but she knows how to wait. The horoscope claims that they converge on the basis of common interests in esotericism or other unusual phenomena. They both care about everything.

The Pisces woman never gets tired of listening to the Sagittarius man and sincerely admires his many talents. Their compatibility is based on common sympathy and sincere friendship.

The life of a couple before marriage is much easier and more fun than after. Love relationships involve less responsibility and commitment. But in the family, the Pisces wife often has to reproach her Sagittarius husband for not being obligatory. It is important for her to rely on her husband in difficult times, and he is not against it, but he cannot always be there. He has wide interests and many things to do.

The Pisces woman is more flexible than the men of this sign. She is less bothered by the bustle and hubbub that her irrepressible and sociable husband arranges around him. Therefore, they often have guests and, moreover, very unusual guests. The Pisces-Sagittarius couple loves all kinds of exotic things, cherishes them, cherishes them and very successfully includes them in their everyday life.

Where might danger lie?

Sagittarius and Pisces in love are distinguished by their inventiveness and brightness. But this is not enough for a representative of the element of Fire. He is fickle and dependent on new impressions. Therefore, betrayal on the part of the flighty Sagittarius husband is not excluded.

And then disaster strikes. Pisces' intuition is legendary - and rightly so. Pisces women almost immediately realize that something is wrong. It is impossible to hide betrayal from them. Unique insight allows them to feel when a man is just thinking about another, let alone physical intimacy.

What to do, how to avoid such situations? Here it is important not to take the path of putting pressure on a Sagittarius man, because his needs come from within, and they cannot be suppressed by fear or the threat of a breakup. From time to time he may break down.

Fish Girl can use her amazing sixth sense for another purpose. Fishes are different. There are sharks and predatory pikes, exotic fish and gentle roach. And yes, we must not forget about seductive mermaids and mysterious Sirens. They are also, to some extent, fish.

Therefore, the only way out in this situation is to change and be different. Try on different roles and images.

The Pisces wife noticed that her Sagittarius husband began to fall for fatal beauties - yes, please. Scarlet lipstick and black lace lingerie, a daring look, this is the image desired for your beloved.

Thus, although the horoscope does not promise an easy life for the zodiac couple Pisces - Sagittarius, they have good prerequisites for compatibility. They will be helped with this by:

  • A general fascination with unusual things.
  • The need for spiritual growth.
  • Physical attraction to each other.
  • Friendship.

It has long been noted that a person’s character and destiny are strongly influenced by the placement of stars and planets at the moment of his birth. The compatibility horoscope of signs is compiled taking into account this data, which makes it possible to answer with great accuracy the question of whether the partners are suitable for each other.

This is especially important for lovers planning a wedding, because knowing the characteristics of the temperament of your loved one, you can avoid many problems. The compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius raises doubts even among themselves, since it is sometimes difficult for lovers to understand each other due to different views on life. However, using the tips of astrologers, such a union can be quite happy and harmonious.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces in love

From the first minutes of meeting, Sagittarius and Pisces feel a strong attraction that they simply cannot resist. Energetic and sociable Sagittarius will undoubtedly attract the attention of thoughtful and dreamy Pisces, for whom it is quite difficult to get into the soul. Both partners are sensual and romantic in love, so at first the relationship between them is almost perfect. Difficulties begin over time, when partners begin to realize that they want completely different things from life. Pisces dreams of a quiet family nest, while Sagittarius strives for active social activities.

Compatibility in love relationships between Sagittarius and Pisces is ambiguous. Despite mutual sympathy, they have quite a lot of contradictions in their views and aspirations.

Sometimes the secrecy and feigned coldness of Pisces frightens the partner, who begins to look for the reasons for such behavior of his loved one in himself. However, you just need to accept that this zodiac sign tends to fall into a melancholy mood. At such moments, representatives of the water element simply need to be left alone with their thoughts. If Sagittarius and Pisces can cope with the “grinding in” period and stay together, the horoscope promises them a fairly peaceful life together. Sagittarius can become support and support for their partner, and he, in turn, will surround his loved one with care and tenderness.

Is marriage possible between Pisces and Sagittarius?

The compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius in marriage is ambiguous and largely depends on the location of the Sun and Moon in the horoscopes of lovers, as well as on their age. When getting married in adulthood, representatives of these signs already have some experience and are ready to change their habits for the sake of family well-being. Young Sagittarius and Pisces are too emotional and unrestrained, so there will be many more problems in such a marriage. Representatives of the water element are sensitive to their partner’s feelings, so even during a quarrel they try to choose the right words. Sagittarians, like Taurus, are too hot-tempered and truthful; they tend to say whatever they think, without thinking about the feelings of the other half.

The tactlessness of Sagittarius is the reason for the separation of many couples. In addition, it is difficult for Pisces to share a loved one with others, because his sociability knows no bounds. Sagittarius can easily leave the other half in an unfamiliar company and chat with old acquaintances all evening, without even thinking about the fact that she may feel uncomfortable. It is generally difficult for him to understand the mysterious nature of Pisces, and he considers frequent mood swings to be hypocrisy. Sexual relationships in a couple also cannot be called ideal, since romantic Pisces do not share the activity and desire for experimentation of their partner.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

There are many contradictions in a pair of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman, but such a union may well be happy. Their compatibility largely depends on the similarity of interests and beliefs, as well as on the benefits that each partner receives from this relationship. The Sagittarius man is excited and intrigued by the mystery and secrecy of his new acquaintance; he can listen to her languid discussions on philosophical topics for hours. In addition, women of this zodiac sign, especially those born in the year of the Horse, are endowed with a special charm and a rich inner world. However, the active Sagittarius will soon get bored with the constant conversations and daydreaming of Pisces; he is too fickle for this sensual sign.

Much in such a union depends on the wisdom of the woman. Changing, intriguing and admiring your lover are the key points of a happy family relationship between a Pisces woman and her fiery partner. Pisces need to learn to show their feelings, and not just talk about them. Sagittarius men are inherently superficial, so they judge people by what they see, without delving into the inner world of their partner. To develop such a relationship, both spouses will have to sacrifice their own aspirations and take into account the wishes of the partner in all their decisions.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman

Compatibility of Pisces man and Sagittarius woman

Compatibility in marriage of the sign of Pisces with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

compatibility in love of the sign Sagittarius with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Pisces woman Sagittarius man

Sagittarius Compatibility

According to the horoscope, Pisces and Sagittarius men are also poorly compatible in bed. She requires tenderness and sensitivity, while for her partner sex is a reason for pleasure. To make the relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman more harmonious, the compatibility horoscope advises adhering to the following rules:

  1. Pisces should not completely devote themselves to relationships; new interests and hobbies will bring positive emotions into her life and make her more interesting to her partner.
  2. New family traditions will be the key to a happy marriage.
  3. A Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman have the opportunity to improve their compatibility if they begin to listen more to each other’s desires.
  4. Sagittarius should choose their expressions more carefully when talking with their impressionable friend, so as not to hurt her feelings.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Pisces man

According to the horoscope of the zodiac signs, the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man is low. Relationships with this combination of signs usually end after a couple of months, leaving behind only pleasant memories. The Pisces guy and the Sagittarius girl usually immediately see the futility of such love relationships, so over time they opt for friendship. At the beginning of the relationship, the girl is captivated by the romanticism and reliability of the young man, but after a while it becomes clear that in real life this handsome dreamer cannot be relied upon.

He is used to living in the world of his fantasies, so it is difficult for him to cope with real problems. The jealousy of the Pisces man also plays a significant role, who will constantly pester his beloved with reproaches and showdowns. Friendship with the opposite sex can be a real nightmare for a sociable Sagittarius woman. Even an innocent photo of a work colleague found on social networks can provoke a huge scandal.

The leader in such an alliance is most often the more active partner, especially favorable for such relationships if she was born in the year of the Dragon. It cannot be said that the wife is not happy with this state of affairs, but Sagittarius still will not miss the chance to reproach her husband for his irresponsibility and unwillingness to live a real life; sometimes such a family resembles the relationship between a boss and a guilty subordinate. Constantly being criticized, the Pisces man withdraws into himself and feels uncomfortable in such relationships. Common goals and ideas, family business and children will help bring such dissimilar partners together. The Sagittarius woman and the Pisces man should distribute responsibilities at the very beginning of the relationship, then many everyday problems can be avoided.

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