Why swing in a dream? What does a swing seen in a dream mean? Roll someone, swing yourself, someone rides

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Be in an unstable position or on an unstable structure- you rely too much on others, but not all advice is worthy of attention. More trust in yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Rocking in a rocking chair- inconstancy in business.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are swinging on a swing- this is a sign of joyful events.

Rocking in a rocking chair- inconstancy in business.

Italian dream book

Sway- an action that can at first glance give us pleasure and conceal a secret charm. But on the other hand, no matter how high we fly, the movements we make still do not allow us to move from a certain point. This illusion of movement may be associated with the obsession of constant repetition of actions performed as if according to a given program. The appearance of this image is due to the latent fixation of the maternal complex.

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Swings are a favorite pastime for children, but adults also sometimes like to fly into the skies on them or sway in thought. Dream books will tell you how to interpret a dream with a swing.

Love dream book

A swing in a dream symbolizes uncertainty and variability, love adventures and erotic experiences.

Swinging on a swing on your own means falling in love and dangerous love affairs; with a lover means suffering from the pangs of jealousy.

Falling from a swing means loss of self-control.

Seasonal dream book

Dreaming of a swing signifies emotional outbursts; swinging on it promises variable success, constant transitions from periods of testing to dizzying ups and back.

Gypsy dream book

Swinging on a swing in a dream or seeing another person flying on it means an easy, carefree life.

Rocking an empty swing in a dream is a warning of difficult times ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A swing in a dream or swinging on it means moving with worsening living conditions.

Seeing another person swing means that one of your friends will soon move.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of a swing: the dream symbolizes a fun, carefree time, a harmonious and joyful family life, but it can also promise troubles and worries when preparing for a family celebration or the failure of an important undertaking due to one’s own indecision.

If you were swinging on a swing in a dream, then in reality you will have to hesitate when choosing between two marriage proposals due to lack of confidence in yourself and your feelings. If the swing rose very high, and when flying down you were very frightened, then fateful changes may soon await you, especially in your personal life. Try to restrain your emotions, otherwise a fleeting romance may result in unpleasant consequences.

If you dreamed of sitting on a swing in deep thought, you would have to worry about the unpredictable actions of your child or spouse.

Swinging a child on a swing in a dream - you will have a reason for pride and joy in the success of your children.

Newest dream book

The dream book interprets a dream about a swing as a harbinger of pleasant communication with like-minded people or a warning about the need to think through complex tasks in advance.

Riding on a swing in a dream foreshadows the victory of your feelings over your mind.

Flying high on a swing and freezing with fear - to a stormy, changing life with ups and downs; falling from it - to a sharp and irrevocable change in your lifestyle in the near future.

Swinging on a swing in a dream - you will be overcome by conflicting feelings. Swinging high and being scared - constant changes in life, changing relationships, loss of control over your love affairs. In a woman's dream: a man swings you - a thirst for romantic victory over a certain person. A friend swings - to feel dependent on her, to want to secretly beat her. For a man to swing a woman in a dream - a new and strong love interest is on the verge. To fall from a swing is a decisive change in the order of life. To swing on a hammock - a good time is ahead / to live in erotic dreams, to unconsciously reduce everything to sex / headaches in the coming hours.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

An action that may at first glance be enjoyable—after all, swinging on a swing, for example, is quite a pleasant activity. But, on the other hand, no matter how high we fly, the movements that we carry out still do not allow us to move forward and achieve some goal - even while swinging, we actually do not move from a certain point. These are meaningless actions, an illusion of movement. This means that your life is dominated by just such false, meaningless activity, which in fact does not move at all from the “dead point” and is about to lead you into a dead end if you do not thoroughly reconsider your life goals and ways of achieving them.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Despite the apparent external charm of this action, the image symbolizes the swing of the pendulum as a repeated influence of the reflective matrix. Indicates an obsessive hidden fixation of the mother complex or the deviation monitor complex.

Why do you dream of a swing? This is a multifaceted symbol that does not accept one-sided interpretation. If you happen to see this simple device in a dream, then it is very important to remember even the smallest details, because the correct solution depends on this. Who knows, maybe the swing in your dream foreshadows takeoff, and real happiness will simply fall on the dreamer’s head. Or maybe they promise a fall, and then it makes sense to “lay out straws” in advance?!

Why do you dream of a swing according to Miller’s dream book

According to Gustav Miller, a swing in a dream is a symbol of variability, and if the dreamer fearlessly soars to heaven on it, this means that he will soon have to make a truly fateful decision.

Did you dream that a couple in love was swinging on a swing? Soon one of them will give reason for jealousy, which means that a tense conversation cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream that the sleeper is swinging alone and experiencing delight? This is a clear premonition of a future love relationship that will be so long that it will almost certainly lead to marriage.

For a man who sees himself swinging on a swing in a dream, the dream book does not promise anything good, because the young lady, who is considered his lady love, has feelings not for the man, but for his wallet.

What does a swing mean in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Depending on the form in which the swing appears in a dream, it can be a warning for him or a kind of indicator reflecting the true state of affairs.

Why do you usually dream of a swing according to Vanga’s dream book? Swinging carefree on a swing clearly indicates that the dreamer is in an ambiguous position: on the one hand, everything seems to be fine with him, but on the other hand, it only seems so, because all his problems are carefully veiled, but they still will make themselves known.

Did you dream that the swing was swinging wildly and needed to be stopped immediately? This means that the dreamer simply longs for change, but right now there is no need to change anything, so as not to harm himself. Falling from a swing in a dream is bad. This promises a real fall: moral, financial or “career”.

Swing - the opinion of the Modern Dream Book

If a person dreams of a swing, then on a subconscious level he is looking for an answer to the question: what is the essence of existence or the meaning of life? Usually, such a device is dreamed of by very indecisive people, and it is this quality that greatly hinders them in life.

Why dream that the dreamer is sitting on a swing and slowly swinging on it? This means that he cannot make a choice in favor of a specific person.

Swinging your own children on a swing in a dream is very good, as they will please their parents with their successes in reality. And if the sleeper himself sits on a swing, but does not swing on it, but is weighed down by some thoughts, then soon someone close to him will present an unpleasant surprise.

Interpretation according to the Everyday Dream Book

A person swinging on a swing in a dream is akin to a knight at a crossroads: there are several options for fateful decisions, but the dreamer does not know which one to choose.

Why do you dream of a swing according to this dream book? This means that you will inevitably have to think about it in order to avoid serious mistakes and choose the most optimal model of your behavior.

Swinging strongly and at the same time being afraid of falling is a feeling that arises in people who have shouldered a load of responsibilities. Isn’t it easier to resort to the help of your family, friends and loved ones, especially since they don’t refuse it?!

I dreamed that I had a chance to push a child on a swing in a dream - this is a symbol of the onset of the most blessed time, perhaps in the entire path of life.

Swing in a dream according to Longo's dream book

According to the white magician, every person swinging on a swing in a dream is simply afraid of life. He, like an ostrich, constantly hides his head in the sand and does not want any changes, because the current state of affairs suits him quite well.

Why do you dream of a swing? They seem to be calling: stop going with the flow, because Fate cannot always be favorable to an apathetic and cowardly person. Perhaps something will happen soon, because of which the dreamer will involuntarily have to move.

Interpretation of the image according to the Spring Dream Book

Why dream of swinging on a swing - the image is akin to the amplitude of life: now up, now down. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, because life consists of ups and downs, and if today she punished the dreamer for something, then tomorrow she will certainly present him with some kind of gift.

It’s very bad if you dreamed that in a dream a person was swinging on a swing, and it suddenly froze in the air. Such a vision means that all efforts will be in vain, and the plan will not come true.

Why dream of swinging on a swing

A person swinging on a swing in a dream simply suffers from the spirit of contradiction that has taken up residence in him. To get rid of this condition, you need to have incredible willpower, but most often the situation is left to chance, which in itself is not very good, because living with such “happiness” is very difficult.

Did you dream that a swing literally soars into the sky in a dream, and the dreamer experiences incredible delight? This promises him significant changes in his life in the future. Moreover, events will replace each other with the same frequency as pictures in a kaleidoscope change.

If the sleeper experiences fear during such an extreme swing, then there will still be changes, but a lot of effort will have to be made so that “at least something in this world finally changes.”

Swing in a dream - variations of plots

  • high swing - impending changes;
  • dreamed of a girl - fleeting flirting;
  • children's swing - incredible luck;
  • swing boats - a fun event (friendly party or family celebration);
  • motionless swing - uncertainty;
  • rusty metal ones - the harassment of a persistent admirer;
  • rope swing - some pleasant events;
  • a swing swinging by itself - internal disharmony;
  • someone is swinging on a swing - to acquire a reliable friend;
  • swinging with your loved one is unreasonable jealousy;
  • with a friend - an envious person or a homewrecker will soon darken your life;
  • a swing rocked by a man - a new romance;
  • fall from a swing - the usual way of life will soon change;
  • just sitting on a swing - it’s time to make at least some decision;
  • see from the outside - stop marking time, it’s time to choose a direction;
  • fall from a swing - dramatically change your position in life.

To understand why you dream of a swing, look at the dream book. Such a dream is important, regardless of whether you had to ride them, ride someone else, or just see them from the outside without even getting close.

Another thing is that the nature of your actions (or inaction) will significantly change the meaning of what you see. The dream book describes the following options:

  • Just see the swing from the side.
  • Trying to shake them, but in vain.
  • Watch someone swing.
  • Rock your baby in your sleep.
  • Swing on them yourself.
  • Fall from them in a dream.

These are the dream scenarios interpreters offer - by turning to them, we can find out in detail and reliably what the swing is about in our dreams. The main thing is to choose the most suitable option and take into account all the details.

Also, do not forget to remember what emotions you experienced in your dream. This will be important additional information that will help you more accurately interpret what you saw.

They fly, they fly, they fly...

1. As the dream book suggests, a swing, seen from the outside, simply as an image or symbol, means standing in one place. You have reached a difficult moment in life: you need to choose the direction of your future path and not doubt it.

Any decision will be correct for you, and even mistakes will bring valuable experience. But if you continue to stand at one point, then degradation will simply begin. Determine the vector of your development, start moving forward!

2. Why do you dream about a swing that is completely motionless, as if frozen in time? This is a hint of the dreamer’s uncertainty in reality, his indecision, fear of taking a step.

But you have to do it, so be brave! Doubts and indecision are your enemies, they take a lot of energy, but there is still no result. Better a wrong step than standing still!

3. If you tried to swing a swing in a dream, but it did not budge, was excessively heavy or hopelessly rusty - this is an interesting symbol. In real life, persistent, even obsessive courtship from an ardent suitor awaits you.

4. The swing that someone else was riding on in your dream is a wonderful symbol: an easy, pleasant life awaits you, devoid of excessive worries and problems. Difficulties will be temporary and will not overshadow the joyful everyday life, luck is on your side, the people around you are only good and reliable.

5. And rocking in your dreams with your lover (or spouse) is a symbol of jealousy! The interpreter warns and persistently advises to be wiser. Women's jealousy is often unfounded, but it can completely destroy relationships. Take care of your union, do not ruin it with this poisonous feeling!

6. A dream in which the swing was for a child, and you also rocked a child on it (it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s your own or a stranger’s baby) is a good symbol. It promises great luck in the near future; you will be lucky in everything.

7. Swinging in a dream is a hint of conflicting feelings. It is unpleasant and difficult, but be prepared: your soul will become a battlefield. And only you yourself, with your strong will, can cope with this situation.

8. Riding very high and strong is a symbol of constant change, changing life. Remember what feelings you experienced in your dreams.

If the delight was breathtaking, it means that in life you will have the same sensations. But if there was fear or fright in the dream, change will not be easy for you. Try to treat them wisely and positively - they are always for the better.

9. According to the dream book, a swing can be a symbol of love and romance, especially if a man was swinging you on it. Wait for the new novel, it's just around the corner!

10. Did she rock you, or did you ride with her? Beware of envy. This harmful feeling can creep into your soul - drive it away if you do not want to lose your friendship!

11. Falling off a swing is a symbol that does not promise any harm. He talks about big changes, about changing the usual way of life. This may come as a surprise and shock to you, but don’t stress yourself out – treat the changes positively. After all, they always open up new opportunities!

12. Sitting motionless on a swing in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in everyday life you make a decision for a long time and painfully, but still remain in one place. Take at least some step, don’t be a “lying stone”! Author: Vasilina Serova
