The name of the founder of Buddhism, meaning awakened. Philosophy tests. Interest in painting is concretization

Quotes: 1. Life with its phenomena can be likened to a dream, a phantom, a bubble, a shadow, a sheen of dew or a flash of lightning, and it should be represented in this way. 2. Love, the liberator of the mind, contains everything in itself, shining, sparkling and radiating. 3. He can who thinks he can. 4. What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind. 5. No matter how many wise words you read, no matter how many you say, what good do they do you if you don’t put them into practice? 6. Every morning we are born again. And what we do today will be of the greatest importance. 7. You yourself, more than anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion. 8. Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and its life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Achievements and contributions:

Social position: The Buddha was an Indian spiritual teacher and the historical founder of Buddhism.
Main contribution (what is known): The Buddha is a key figure and founder of Buddhism.
Contributions: Buddha is an Indian spiritual teacher, the founder and key figure of Buddhism. Historically, he is seen as a real-life philosopher and as an omniscient active deity.
So in Buddhism Theravada(Hinayana) The Buddha appears as a simple man who has undergone a deep spiritual transformation. On the contrary, in Mahayana The Buddha is seen as a cosmic being who manifests himself in human form from time to time. The name Buddha means (enlightened or awakened) comes from the Sanskrit root 'budh' which means to wake up. The word Buddha is an epithet for those who have attained enlightenment (bodhi), the main goal of Buddhist religious life. After the Buddha experienced enlightenment (bodhi), he declared that he had achieved complete Awakening, realized the cause of suffering and discovered the way to eliminate it. His first sermon, "The First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma", contained the basic doctrines of Buddhism: the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.
Four Noble Truths:
1. Suffering is an essential part of existence.
2. The cause of suffering is the craving for sensual pleasures.
3. Attachments and passions can be overcome through "calming, cessation, renunciation, detachment, liberation with distance from craving itself."
4. Following the Noble Eightfold Path will lead to overcoming attachments and passions and hence suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path includes:
Right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.
The Buddha said that Nirvana or salvation cannot be achieved through self-torture. He opened Middle Way- the path of moderation, refusing both the extremes of satisfying sensual desires and the mortification of the flesh.
There are two main schools of Buddhism: Theravada and Mahayana.
Theravada the "teaching of the elders" is a more conservative and intellectual teaching. This doctrine states that understanding should be gained through personal experience and reasoning, and not through blind faith. Achieving full awakening was not based on divine revelations, but on understanding the true nature of the mind.
The basic concepts of the Theravada teachings are:
Anicca- All things are impermanent.
Dukkha: All beings suffer in all situations due to the confusion of the mind.
Anatta: The feeling of a permanent "I" is an illusion.
(karma) (intentional action): the law of cause and effect, according to which virtuous actions create joy in the future, and immoral actions create suffering.
Nirvana: It is a state of supreme liberation, a perfect state of mind free from passion, anger and other suffering states. The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice is to achieve nirvana, exit from Samsara and get rid of suffering. Samsara: The wheel of life, the circle of rebirth is seen as a space of suffering. The goal of Theravada Buddhism is to achieve the state of an Arhat, a person who is free from suffering. The Buddha taught about getting rid of attachments and said that the sage looks at everything with an objective, independent look. According to Theravada teachings, a person is responsible for his own salvation and is not dependent on the will of higher powers (gods). The Buddha said, “No one saves us but ourselves. Nobody can and nobody will. We ourselves must go this way.”
At the core Mahayana(“Great Chariot”) lies compassion for loved ones and the desire for self-improvement. Mahayana is more ethical, social and mystical in nature. Here the Buddha is the highest principle of the unity of all that exists, he is everywhere, always and in everything, including in each of the countless beings. The moral model in Mahayana is the life of the Buddha, who, after enlightenment, went into the world to do good deeds. A person who has decided to find the path of liberation from suffering and show this path to others is called a bodhisattva.
The person who found this path, walked it to the end, and shared his experience with the whole world, is the Buddha.
Ethical Principles of the Mahayana concepts include:
- compassion (karuna),
- love (Maitri),
- non-maleficence (ahimsa) for living beings
and also stress the acceptance of the obligation to promote the development of friendship and harmony.
Buddha's teaching is humanistic and full of optimism. He believes that every person, regardless of his social status and past life, is able to gain power over himself, his ideas, passions and his destiny by his own efforts. The bliss of the awakened state - nirvana, according to Buddhism, is available to all beings. From the point of view of Buddhist doctrine, a Buddha is anyone who has discovered the dharma and achieved enlightenment through the accumulation of a sufficient amount of positive karma, through the right thoughts, words and deeds.
Main works: Throughout his life, the Buddha himself did not record anything. His thoughts and sayings were collected by his disciples in books called sutras. They are contained in the Tripitaka collection and in such influential Mahayana texts as the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Sutra, the Lotus Sutra.

Ministry and personal life:

Origin: He was born in 563 BC in Lumbini. He was a prince, the son of Shuddhodhana, the king of the Shakya tribe and the queen of Maya or Mayadevi. His family name is Gautama and his clan's name is Shakya, giving him another name, Shakyamuni (Sage of Shakya).
Education: At the age of seven, Prince Siddhartha began his studies in literature, painting, history and martial arts.
The main stages of service:
Wanderings. Being deeply struck by what he saw, having experienced and realized the “four signs”, he decided to leave everything and begin to lead the life of an ascetic. He gave up his wealth and comfort, left his wife and young son, and became an itinerant monk.
At first, Siddhartha studied yogic meditation and after mastering its technique, he realized that it could not lead to the heights of self-realization. He went south and for six years he sought the truth in the practices of severe self-restraint, self-torture and mortification of the flesh. But after six years of unproductive ascetic exercises, he abandoned the path of asceticism. After a long period of wandering and fasting, which brought him to a state of complete exhaustion, he took milk rice porridge from the hands of a pretty peasant girl Sujata, which strengthened his spirit. Having restored his strength, he came to the conclusion that the mortification of the flesh is not the way to liberation from suffering.
Enlightenment. Once, sitting under a fig tree, now known as the Bodhi tree near the town of Bodh Gaya in India, he vowed not to get up until he found the Truth and attained supreme enlightenment.
Big fight with Mara. The demon, whose name Mara means "destruction", attacked Gautama, sending wind, rain, hot coals and ashes, dirt and darkness at him. Then he sent his three beautiful daughters - Lust, Passion and Dissatisfaction - to seduce the prince, but Gautama remained strong and impassive. Eventually Mara and his demons fled.
Suddenly, a bright green morning star flashed in the sky and evoked in him a feeling of perfect clarity of understanding.
After 49 days of meditation, on the night of the May full moon, he attained Enlightenment and became a Buddha at the age of 35. At that moment the Buddha understood his purpose: bring this revelation of love and truth to all people.
Foundation of Buddhism. After his spiritual awakening, he attracted a group of followers and founded a monastic order.
Therefore, further known as the Buddha, he dedicated his life to the establishment of his teachings. For the last 45 years of his life, he traveled and preached his doctrine while teaching to a wide variety of people, including adherents of various religions. His teaching was open to all races, ethnic groups, classes and denied the caste structure.
The main stages of personal life: He was born in Lumbini (a city located in what is now Nepal, near the border with India), and grew up in the small kingdom or principality of Kapilvastu. His given birth name was Siddhartha.
At birth, it was predicted to him that he would become either a great ruler or a teacher of the universe. Therefore, his father, who wanted to see Siddhartha as his successor and ruler of the country, tried to protect him from all life's problems. He built a special palace in which he surrounded him with luxury items. The prince grew up in an atmosphere of care and love, respect and joy. At the age of 16, Siddhartha married Yasodhara and she gave birth to a son, Rahula.
At the age of 29, he decided to go outside the palace and there he saw: “four signs: an old man, a sick man, a corpse and a poor monk. The first three signs revealed to him the inevitability of suffering, illness and death, and in the serenity of the monk, he saw his fate. Then he realized that human life is nothing more than suffering.
The Buddha's followers were his wife Yahodshara and son Rahula. Mahayana Buddhism recognizes the existence of many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
The Buddha was handsome, pleasing to the eye, with jet-black hair and a golden brown complexion. He was well built and was about 184 cm (6 ft) tall.
At the age of 80, the Buddha announced that he would soon attain Parinirvana, or the final immortal state and renunciation of the earthly body. His mission accomplished, the Buddha died after several months of illness and avoiding the cycle of rebirth.
The last words of the Buddha were: “... Everything that is composite is subject to disappearance. Try hard!"
He was cremated and his remains were distributed among 8 groups of disciples who placed them in temples at the base of specially erected stupas.
Zest: According to some Buddhist legends, his years of life were (April 8, 1029 BC - February 15, 949 BC). According to some Buddhist traditions. – (623-543 BC), (c. 560-480 BC), (c. 485-405 BC) (448-368 BC) According to the legends, Siddhartha's birth was preceded by a dream in which his mother saw a white elephant entering her womb. Within seven days of giving birth, Queen Maya died. The Buddha's cousin, Devadatta, sent a wild elephant to trample the Buddha, but the elephant stopped in front of him, knelt down and bowed at the feet of the Buddha. “The world is born within,” said the Buddha. Don't look for it outside.

Buddhism is a religion that teaches that the soul constantly reincarnates. The death of one body is the birth of another. Each new life is new suffering and trials, needs and desires. The theory of reincarnation has another name, which sounds like the "wheel of Samsara". It spins, and the soul of the creature is born again and again in a different image. The founder of Buddhism is a real historical character who, by his example, showed how to break the vicious circle.

Birth of the Enlightened One

The lotus flower is a symbol of Buddha. It originates and grows in a swamp, however, it fascinates with its purity and innocence. Throughout the ages, the flower has been associated with human consciousness. Everyone can live like in a swamp, surrounded on all sides by mud, but this should not prevent him from sprouting as a pure and beautiful lotus.

The name of the founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha Gautama. This is a real historical figure who was born under the Himalayas around 563 BC in the city of Lumbini. Then it was the territory of northern India, now part of Nepal. The future educator was the son of a raja. His father, Shuddhodana, ruled over a semi-independent kingdom. There is a legend that before the pregnancy his mother had a strange dream. She saw a white elephant - a symbol of great happiness. The woman died a few hours after the baby was born. According to Buddhism, having given birth to the Enlightened One, she fulfilled the purpose of her life. The child was raised by an aunt.

It was the father who gave the name Siddhartha, which means "fulfillment of desires." After the birth of his son, the king called the wise man to tell him the fate of the child. The righteous Asita prophesied for him the life of either a successful ruler who would unite the lands, or a great philosopher. Everything depended on the path he chose. He could come to the second only by coming into contact with all the horrors of human life. But the father of the blessed child decided to choose the fate for his son himself. He was afraid that he would refuse the inheritance. Then the man did not even guess that his son was the founder of the religion of Buddhism.

Great Destiny

Shuddhodana limited the child's communication with the real world. The guy lived in happiness and without sadness. Depending on the season, the prince lived in a different palace. He dressed richly, he was constantly entertained by beautiful dancers. Everyone around him was young, healthy and cheerful. The son of a wealthy man, he was educated in classical Indian literature. Gautama came from a warrior caste, so he also studied military craft. According to historical evidence, the founder of Buddhism was a handsome young man. At 16, he married a princess.

But the essence demanded a different life, and from an early age, the Buddha often plunged into the world of dreams, comprehended silence, and sometimes moments of enlightenment came to him.

In general, Siddhartha lived without knowing about illness, poverty and death.

Four events directed on the path of self-knowledge

Everything changed when the Buddha was about thirty years old. On a walk with a servant, he met an elderly and infirm man. This shocked Siddhartha, and he continuously questioned the servant about old age. Further, fate introduced him to a leper who was terminally ill. The young man also saw the funeral procession. The fourth event that destroyed the familiar world was a meeting with an ascetic monk. But it was in him that he saw blessed peace and happiness. Everything new impressed Siddhartha so much that he was overcome by deep sadness. The serene childhood is gone forever.

Then the future founder of Buddhism decided to find a way out of the world of sorrow and suffering.

All the requests of relatives to leave the vain search for happiness did not convince the man. Gautama left wealth, entertainment and the family where his son was born, and went to the path of enlightenment as a poor man. At that time it was a rarity, because family values ​​were high.

Path to awakening

The man lived in poverty and ate almost nothing. He was fond of various sciences of self-knowledge, but did not find what he was looking for. The study of philosophical systems did not provide answers to his lofty questions. The teachings of various schools and practices also became fruitless.

He further searched for truth through asceticism. He starved himself and tortured his body. He turned to various gurus for advice, since the gods of Buddhism were not a path to the truth for anyone. There are sources that say that his body became so thin that his spine could be seen through his belly. But holding his breath and giving up earthly goods did not bring him closer to the truth.

So, after some time he spent several days on the road. At the Nairanjana River, due to fatigue, he could not get up and fell into a deep faint. Attempts to know the truth through renunciation ended unsuccessfully, after which the man decided to no longer practice hunger and immobility. Taking a plate of rice from a peasant woman, he became an outcast for his friends. The ascetics thought that after six years of wandering through the forests, the man decided to return to a luxurious life.

Discovery of truth

Then the founder of Buddhism sat in the lotus position under a tree on the river bank. He promised himself to meditate until the truths were revealed before his eyes.

Siddhartha was motionless for 49 days. And only after four weeks of practice on a May night, similar to the one when he was born, enlightenment came to him. He saw all his previous lives, the births and deaths of other beings, he realized that the mind is not eternal, but changes over time. From that day on, the man was called Buddha, that is, the Enlightened One.

The founder of Buddhism knew that the soul cannot find rest as long as desires arise. Man's thirst for power, glory, wealth is the basis of rebirth. And only by overcoming the weakness for desires in oneself, one can leave the world that is filled with pain and grief. Such a victory will be crowned with nirvana, a state of absolute peace.

Even today, the Buddhist world celebrates vesak on this occasion. This is a celebration of the birth, enlightenment and death of a teacher.


He returned from the beautiful world of silence, and the first thing he did was to catch up with his fellow ascetics. To them, a man opened his way to nirvana. He became a spiritual mentor for the nations. Now in a world full of disappointments, the Buddha shared his knowledge with people.

And so for another 45 years, the founder of the religion of Buddhism walked around eastern and northern India. He and his followers opened to everyone, regardless of origin, the secret road to peace. His teaching was called "the eight-year path". The Buddha broke faith in the Brahmins and encouraged everyone to seek their own path of insight. He broke the theory about the traditions of religions.

End of suffering

Gautama lived to be 80 years old. His life ended in a poor blacksmith's hut, where his supporters were with him. After the death of the preacher, his disciples continued his work. One of them, two thousand years later, was the Dalai Lama.

Today Buddhism is not just a religion, it is also a philosophy.

There are no gods in Buddhism as such, but there is the teaching of Gautama. Fans consider him special because he was the first to discover nirvana, but not the only one to achieve enlightenment. Everyone who follows the right path will be able to achieve success. One's own path is a tool through which one can obtain absolute peace. This is not just a renunciation of desires and material things, this is not a desire to possess them. The Buddha also taught that there was once something formless, eternal and all-encompassing. But the main goal is to grow something like God in yourself.

The concept of deity in Buddhism

Buddhism is a religion without God. In old Buddhist texts there are legends about some mythological creatures that made up the celestial pantheon. So, for example, Siddhartha himself met under a tree, where he was enlightened, with the evil deity Mara. He tried to seduce him with beautiful dancers and scare him with terrible demons. But, as you know, the Buddha survived and received insight as a reward. And neither Gautama nor spirits like the Marys were prayed to. This deity, like many other things, the religion learned from Hinduism. So, for example, the concept of karma passed into faith.

Buddha cannot be called an atheist. He avoided talking about God and preached the dharma. This teaching of the Buddha is translated as "way", "law", "truth" or "life force", depending on the language.

On the teacher's path

Gradually, through the disciples of the Enlightened One, religion spread throughout the East. But the man, the founder of the current, was never considered something immense and heavenly. Not a unique living being, but just an example to follow - that's what Buddha was. Religion easily entered the traditions of people, because it did not contradict their perceptions of God. The followers who preached the way to the truth gathered during the rainy season to socialize in a circle of like-minded people. Monastic communities subsequently arose from such meetings. Their days consisted of meditations leading to nirvana.

There have been other Enlightened Ones in history, but they all came to the truth through the teachings of the Buddha. And today, millions of people worship the wisdom of Siddharha. His devotion to the idea of ​​a higher destiny of man inspires him to seek his own path. Engage in self-knowledge and develop spiritually. This man gave up everything, starved, lost the respect of his relatives and more than once was on the verge of death. But in the end, he became immortal and helped many to find the true meaning of life. Siddharha clearly demonstrated by his example that material values ​​\u200b\u200bmean nothing, because in fact everything is based on love.

love of wisdom

2. For the first time he used the word "philosophy" and called himself a "philosopher":

3. Determine the time of the emergence of philosophy:

7th-6th centuries BC.

4. Fundamentals of being, problems of cognition, the purpose of a person and his position in the world studies:


5. Worldview form of social consciousness, rationally substantiating the ultimate foundations of being, including society and law:


6. The ideological function of philosophy is that:

philosophy helps a person to understand himself, his place in the world

7. Worldview is:

a set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person's attitude to the world and to himself

8. What meaning did G. Hegel put into the statement that “philosophy is an era captured by thought”?

The course of history depends on the direction of thinking of philosophers

9. The defining feature of a religious worldview is:

belief in supernatural, otherworldly forces that have the ability to influence the course of events in the world

11. What is characteristic of the epistemic line in philosophy?

view of reality as constantly evolving

12. Ontology is:

the doctrine of being, of its fundamental principles

13. Gnoseology is:

the doctrine of nature, the essence of knowledge

14. Anthropology is:

doctrine of man

15. Axiology is:

doctrine of values

16. Ethics is:

the doctrine of morality and moral values

17. Section of philosophy, in which the problems of knowledge are developed


18. According to Marxist philosophy, the essence of the main question of philosophy is:

relation of mind to matter

19. Idealism is characterized by the statement:

consciousness is primary, matter does not exist independently of consciousness

20. Dualism is characterized by the thesis:

matter and consciousness are two principles that exist independently of each other

21. To whom does this statement belong: “I affirm that there are no things. We're just used to talking about things; in fact, there is only my thinking, there is only my "I" with its inherent sensations. The material world only seems to us, it is just a certain way of talking about our feelings”?

Subjective idealist

22. What historical type of worldview are we talking about here: “This is a holistic worldview, in which various ideas are linked into a single figurative picture of the world, combining reality and fantasy, natural and supernatural, knowledge and faith, thought and emotions”?

23. Some Christian theologians claim that the whole world. The entire universe was created by God in six days, and God himself is a disembodied intellect, an all-perfect Personality. What philosophical direction corresponds to such a view of the world?

Objective idealism

24. With the statement: "Thinking is the same product of the activity of the brain, as bile is a product of the activity of the liver," the representative would agree:

vulgar materialism

25. Agnosticism is:

a doctrine that denies the cognizability of the essence of the objective world

26. Agnosticism is:

direction in the theory of knowledge, which believes that adequate knowledge of the world is impossible

27. Deny the possibility of knowing the world:


28. The direction of Western European philosophy, which denies the cognitive value of philosophy, the presence of its own, original subject:



29. The law of retribution in Indian religion and religious philosophy, which determines the nature of the new birth of reincarnation:

30. The name of the founder of Buddhism, meaning awakened, enlightened:

31. The name of the founder of Buddhism


32. The central concept of Buddhism and Jainism, meaning the highest state, the goal of human aspirations:

33. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting a masculine, bright and active principle:

34. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting the feminine, dark and passive principle:

35. The concept of a “noble husband” as an ideal person was developed by:


36. What do the concepts of Brahman in Vedanta and apeiron in the philosophy of Anaximander mean:

Higher intelligence

37. In the philosophy of Heraclitus, the word Logos denotes the world law, the world order, to which everything that exists is subject. Which concept of Chinese philosophy has the same meaning:

38. What does the concept of "dharma" mean in traditional Indian philosophy:

Eternal moral law, prescribing from above to everyone a certain way of life

39. Ancient Indian philosophical texts include


40. Ancient Chinese philosophical texts include

Tao Te Ching

41. In Indian philosophy - the total amount of committed deeds and their consequences, which determines the nature of the new birth

42. Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

43. The golden rule of morality: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others" was first formulated:




1. From Greek, the word "philosophy" is translated as:

love of wisdom

2. For the first time he used the word "philosophy" and called himself a "philosopher":

3. Determine the time of the emergence of philosophy:

7th-6th centuries BC.

4. Fundamentals of being, problems of cognition, the purpose of a person and his position in the world studies:


5. Worldview form of social consciousness, rationally substantiating the ultimate foundations of being, including society and law:


6. The ideological function of philosophy is that:

philosophy helps a person to understand himself, his place in the world

7. Worldview is:

a set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person's attitude to the world and to himself

8. What meaning did G. Hegel put into the statement that “philosophy is an era captured by thought”?

The course of history depends on the direction of thinking of philosophers

9. The defining feature of a religious worldview is:

belief in supernatural, otherworldly forces that have the ability to influence the course of events in the world

11. What is characteristic of the epistemic line in philosophy?

view of reality as constantly evolving

12. Ontology is:

the doctrine of being, of its fundamental principles

13. Gnoseology is:

the doctrine of nature, the essence of knowledge

14. Anthropology is:

doctrine of man

15. Axiology is:

doctrine of values

16. Ethics is:

the doctrine of morality and moral values

17. Section of philosophy, in which the problems of knowledge are developed


18. According to Marxist philosophy, the essence of the main question of philosophy is:

relation of mind to matter

19. Idealism is characterized by the statement:

consciousness is primary, matter does not exist independently of consciousness

20. Dualism is characterized by the thesis:

matter and consciousness are two principles that exist independently of each other

21. To whom does this statement belong: “I affirm that there are no things. We're just used to talking about things; in fact, there is only my thinking, there is only my "I" with its inherent sensations. The material world only seems to us, it is just a certain way of talking about our feelings”?

Subjective idealist

22. What historical type of worldview are we talking about here: “This is a holistic worldview, in which various ideas are linked into a single figurative picture of the world, combining reality and fantasy, natural and supernatural, knowledge and faith, thought and emotions”?

23. Some Christian theologians claim that the whole world. The entire universe was created by God in six days, and God himself is a disembodied intellect, an all-perfect Personality. What philosophical direction corresponds to such a view of the world?

Objective idealism

24. With the statement: "Thinking is the same product of the activity of the brain, as bile is a product of the activity of the liver," the representative would agree:

vulgar materialism

25. Agnosticism is:

a doctrine that denies the cognizability of the essence of the objective world

26. Agnosticism is:

direction in the theory of knowledge, which believes that adequate knowledge of the world is impossible

27. Deny the possibility of knowing the world:


28. The direction of Western European philosophy, which denies the cognitive value of philosophy, the presence of its own, original subject:



29. The law of retribution in Indian religion and religious philosophy, which determines the nature of the new birth of reincarnation:

30. The name of the founder of Buddhism, meaning awakened, enlightened:

31. The name of the founder of Buddhism


32. The central concept of Buddhism and Jainism, meaning the highest state, the goal of human aspirations:

33. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting a masculine, bright and active principle:

34. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting the feminine, dark and passive principle:

35. The concept of a “noble husband” as an ideal person was developed by:


36. What do the concepts of Brahman in Vedanta and apeiron in the philosophy of Anaximander mean:

Higher intelligence

37. In the philosophy of Heraclitus, the word Logos denotes the world law, the world order, to which everything that exists is subject. Which concept of Chinese philosophy has the same meaning:

38. What does the concept of "dharma" mean in traditional Indian philosophy:

Eternal moral law, prescribing from above to everyone a certain way of life

39. Ancient Indian philosophical texts include


40. Ancient Chinese philosophical texts include

Tao Te Ching

41. In Indian philosophy - the total amount of committed deeds and their consequences, which determines the nature of the new birth

42. Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

43. The golden rule of morality: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others" was first formulated:



44.Chronological framework for the development of ancient philosophy:

6th century BC - VI century. AD

45. The main principle of ancient philosophy was:


46. ​​The main problem solved by the philosophers of the Milesian school:

problem of origin

47. Thesis belonging to the thinker Thales:

"Know Thyself"

48. Thesis belonging to the thinker Thales

"The beginning of all things is water"

49. Anaximenes took for the fundamental principle of all things

50. Position: “Number is the essence and meaning of everything that is in the world”, belongs to:


51. A follower of Pythagoras, the first to draw a system of the world and place the Central Fire in the center of the universe


52. For the first time the concept of being in philosophy used


53. Movement, any change is only an illusion of the sensory world, they argued:

54. Representatives of what philosophical school posed the problem of being, opposed the world of feelings to the world of reason and proved that movement, any change is just an illusion of the sensual illusory world:


55. What do you think, the hypothetical dispute of which philosophers was portrayed by A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Movement"?

Zeno and Heraclitus

56. An ancient philosopher who believed that one and the same river cannot be entered twice:


57. Which of the ancient philosophers taught that everything develops, that the root cause of the world and its fundamental principle is fire, that one and the same river cannot be entered twice?


58. The concept of "Logos" in the philosophical teachings of Heraclitus means:

The universal law to which everything in the world is subject

59. For the first time he expressed the idea of ​​the atomistic structure of matter:


60. The saying: “Man is the measure of all things” belongs to:


62. Knowledge according to Socrates is identical:


63. The essence of Socrates' "ethical rationalism":

virtue is the result of knowing what is good, while the absence of virtue is the result of ignorance

64. Objective-idealistic philosophy was founded by:


65. In antiquity, the merit of discovering the supersensible world of ideas belongs to:

66. How does the idea of ​​a “horse” in Plato’s philosophy differ from a real, live, real horse? Specify the wrong answer.

The idea is immortal, eternal, the real horse is mortal

67. In Plato's philosophy, the idea of ​​a "horse" differs from a real, living horse in that:

the idea is material, the real horse is ideal

68. The statement that the soul before the birth of a person was in the world of ideas, therefore, in the process of cognition, it is able to recall them, belongs to:

69. The source of knowledge is the memory of the soul about the world of ideas, he believed:

70. Philosopher who considered logic the main tool of knowledge:


71. Philosopher, student of Plato:



73. According to Aristotle, the human soul does not enter

mineral soul

74. The essence of the ethical teaching of Epicurus is that:

gotta enjoy life

75. Roman poet, follower of Epicurus, author of the poem "On the Nature of Things"

76. The statement: “It’s not what happens to us that matters, but how we feel about it” corresponds to the worldview:

77. Roman philosopher, teacher of Nero, author of the Letters to Lucilius, representative of Stoicism

78. The philosopher who lived in a barrel considered himself a “citizen of the world” and called for poverty, ignorance

Diogenes of Sinop


79. A characteristic feature of medieval philosophy is:


80. Which of the following features is not characteristic of medieval philosophical thought?

81. Theocentrism is a worldview position based on the idea of ​​supremacy:

82. Philosophy in the Middle Ages occupied a subordinate position in relation to:


83. The totality of religious doctrines and teachings about the essence and action of God:


84. Works of early Christian literature not included in the biblical canon, i.e. recognized by the official church as "false"


85. Eschatology is

86. Savior, deliverer from troubles, God's anointed

87. Restriction or suppression of sensual desires, voluntary transfer of physical pain, loneliness:


88. The worldview principle, according to which the world was created by God from nothing, is called:


89. Teaching about the salvation of the soul


90. The principle that God determines the entire course of history and the fate of each person


91. The main task of Christian apologists was:

In justifying the advantages of Christianity over paganism

92. The name of the period of creative service of the "fathers of the Church" ( III - VIII centuries) who laid the foundations of Christian philosophy and theology; in their works in opposition-dialogue with Greco-Roman philosophy, the system of Christian dogma is being formed:


93. Outstanding representative of patristics, author of the books "Confession", "On the City of God"


94. "Shestodnev" is a book that stated:

Christian ontology and cosmogony

95. Scholasticism is:

type of philosophizing, characterized by speculation and the primacy of logical and epistemological problems

96. Such features as speculation, interest in formal-logical problems, subordination to theology are inherent in:


97. Representative of medieval philosophy:

Thomas Aquinas

98. Representative of medieval Western European philosophy:

F. Aquinas

99. The art of interpreting sacred texts that developed in the Middle Ages


100. The problem of proving the existence of God was one of the central ones for

Thomas Aquinas


101. The era of restoration of the ideals of antiquity in Europe:


102. The most important feature of the philosophical thought and culture of the Renaissance is:


103. A characteristic feature of the philosophy of the Renaissance is:


104. In what city was the Platonic Academy revived in the 15th century?


105. Type of worldview, according to which a person is the center and the highest goal of the universe:


106. The main object of study, the measure of things and relationships in the Renaissance:

107. The secular ideological position of the Renaissance, opposed to scholasticism and the spiritual domination of the church:


108. The opposition of an individual to society is typical for:


109. The type of worldview characteristic of the Renaissance, which is based on the opposition of an individual to society:

111. Representative of the philosophy of the Renaissance:

112. Provisions about the infinity of the Universe in time and space, about the identity of God and nature substantiated:


114. The philosophy of the Renaissance is characterized by

nostalgia for ancient culture

115. The teaching that developed during the Renaissance, and affirms the identity of God and nature, that "nature is God in things"


EUROPEAN PHILOSOPHY 17th-18th centuries

116. Liberation from church influence


117. Philosophical direction, recognizing the mind as the basis of knowledge and behavior of people


118. The main assertion of rationalism is that

The mind plays a priority role in human cognitive activity.

119.Features of rationalism XVII in. determined


120. French philosopher, he is also the creator of algebra and analytic geometry

R. Descartes

121.Dualistic philosophy is characteristic of

R. Descartes

122. In the question of substance, Rene Descartes adhered to


123. Statement: "I think, therefore I exist"

R. Descartes

124. What does the original thesis of the philosophy of Descartes mean, in Latin sounding like “ cogito ergo sum »?

if I think, therefore I am

125. The idea "never accept as true something that I would not know as such with obviousness" belongs to:

R. Descartes

126. The main statement of empiricism

All human knowledge is based on experience.

127. A direction that considers sensory experience the only source of our knowledge about the world


129. The main method of scientific knowledge, according to F. Bacon, should be


130. F. Bacon's division of experiments into "fruitful" and "light-bearing" corresponds to the division of knowledge into:

sensual and rational

131. According to Francis Bacon, any knowledge must:

build on experience and move from the singular to the general

132. Philosopher who believed that the mind of a child is like a blank slate tabula race

133. "The war of all against all" is a natural state, considered

134. The theory of "social contract" adhered to

135. Philosopher who took the so-called "monads" as the basis of being

G. Leibniz

136. Simple indivisible substance according to Leibniz

137. The representative of subjective idealism is:

J. Berkeley

138. The central philosophical problem of D. Hume


139. The central problem in the philosophy of the French Enlightenment


140. The main idea of ​​the philosophy of the French Enlightenment

The priority of reason as the highest authority in solving the problems of human society

141. Among the most important ideas of the French philosophy of the Enlightenment can not be attributed

The idea of ​​the equality of all people

142. The essence of deism is

Reducing the role of God to the creation of matter and the first push

143. Representative of the philosophy of the French Enlightenment

J.-J. Rousseau

144. “A man is born to be free, but meanwhile he is everywhere in chains,” argued

J.-J. Rousseau

145. The cause of inequality in human society J.-J. Rousseau considered


146. French philosopher, supporter of sensationalism

147. The center of European Enlightenment in the middle of the 18th century was

148.The idea of ​​the rule of law includes the provision on

separation of powers

149. French philosopher who believed in the omnipotence of education and proved that people from birth have equal abilities


150. Chronological framework of German classical philosophy

152. The most important philosophical work of Immanuel Kant

"Critique of Practical Reason"

153. According to I. Kant, the subject of theoretical philosophy should be the study of:

the laws of the mind and its limits

154. According to I. Kant, in order for knowledge to be reliable, it must:

be universal and necessary

155. I. Kant believes that space and time:

there are innate, pre-experienced forms of sensibility

156. In the philosophy of I. Kant, a “thing in itself” is

That which causes sensations in us, but itself cannot be known

157. In the philosophy of I. Kant, antinomies take place where, with the help of human reason, they try to draw conclusions about:

world of "things in themselves"

you would like them to act towards you

159. The statement: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will may at the same time become the principle of universal legislation” belongs to

160. According to I. Kant, for the formation of a person as a moral being,

moral duty

G.W.F. Hegel

162. The philosophy of G. Hegel is inherent in:


163. Hegel's theory of development, which is based on the unity and struggle of opposites, is called:


164. Reality, which is the basis of the world, according to Hegel:

Absolute Idea

165. Representative of German classical philosophy:

L. Feuerbach

166. Which of the following thinkers does not belong to the representatives of German classical philosophy?

167. The representative of materialism is

L. Feuerbach

168. Divided reality into "the world of things in themselves" and "the world of phenomena"

169. Not a characteristic feature of German classical philosophy

Denial of transcendent, divine being

170. A thinker who lived all his life in Koenigsberg, taught at the university there

171.According to Hegel, the true engine of world history is

World Spirit


172. A philosophical direction that denies or limits the role of reason in cognition, highlighting will, contemplation, feeling, intuition


173. Philosophical direction, asserting that the mind only floats on the surface of things, while the essence of the world is revealed to us through intuition, experience, understanding

Philosophy of life

174. The representatives of the “philosophy of life” include

175. Will as the main principle of life and knowledge considered

A. Schopenhauer

176. Arthur Schopenhauer considered substance, the fundamental principle of the world

Will to live

177. The central concept of the philosophical teachings of A. Bergson is a vital impulse (é lan vital ). Its knowledge is possible with the help of:

Friedrich Nietzsche

179. Ancestor of positivism

Auguste Comte



182. Irrationalistic direction in philosophy XX century


183. The term "existentialism" comes from the French word, which in translation into Russian means


184. The form of being, which is in the center of attention of existentialism

The individual being of man

185. Provisions about the absolute freedom of a person, his abandonment and loneliness, about a borderline situation that can reveal the true essence of a person, were substantiated in philosophy


186. The direction of philosophy, in which a person is considered as a self-determining, self-creating being


187. The existentialist view of man corresponds to the assertion that

Man is doomed to be free and bear absolute responsibility for his actions.


188. The most important features of Russian philosophy cannot be attributed

Pre-systematic, pre-logical character

189. One of the cross-cutting ideas of Russian philosophy is the idea of ​​apocatastasis, the essence of which is

The salvation of all people without exception: both the righteous and sinners

190. The characteristic features of Russian philosophy include:


191. The supreme god in Slavic mythology, the creator of the Universe, the manager of rain and thunderstorms, the patron of the family and home

192. For ancient Russian thought is characteristic:

Reassessment of external material existence

193. The pre-philosophy of Kievan Rus is characterized by:


194. The date of the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia is considered

195. The city where, according to The Tale of Bygone Years, Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich was baptized

196. Kievan Rus took over the "cultural baton" from:

Golden Horde

197. The double-headed eagle was first adopted as the state symbol of Russia

Ivan III in the 15th century

198. The genre of social utopia in ancient Russian literature includes

"A Word on Law and Grace"

199. Sergius of Radonezh was a contemporary

Battle of Kulikovo

200. A famous Russian icon painter is:

Theophanes the Greek


202. "The Word of Law and Grace" wrote

203. The ideologeme "Moscow - the Third Rome" was first substantiated by

204. The initiator of the correction of church books, which was the reason for the schism, was:

Patriarch Nikon

205. The founder of Russian book printing is:

I. Fedorov

206. Spiritual leader of nonpossessors

Neil Sorsky

207. They were against the ownership of land by monasteries, they believed that the accumulation of wealth was contrary to monastic vows


208. Code of the feudal way of life, which prescribed how to build a family and run a household, created in Russia in the 16th century


209. Archpriest Avvakum was a spiritual leader


210. In "Multicolored Vertograd" Simeon Polotsky likens the world

211. One of the first supporters of the idea of ​​pan-Slavism (unification of all Slavs)

Yuri Krizhanich

212. Companion of Peter the Great, Archbishop of Novgorod, author of the "Spiritual Regulations"

Feofan Prokopovich

213. The Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in

214. A supporter of deistic materialism in Russian philosophy was

M.V. Lomonosov

215. At the opening of Moscow University, among its three faculties were not:


216. Freemasonry was brought to Russia from:

217. One of the central ideas of Freemasonry is:

Perfection of a person through personal and conciliar self-knowledge

218. According to contemporaries, “he created in us a love for the sciences and a desire for reading”

N.I. Novikov

219. "Russian Socrates" was nicknamed

G.S. frying pan

220. According to G.S. Frying pans, all reality breaks up into three worlds, which does not include:


221. The work "On Man, on His Mortality and Immortality", which is one of the first philosophical and anthropological works in the history of Russian thought, was written

A.N. Radishchev

222. The question of the role and place of Russia in the history of mankind was raised in the Philosophical Letters:

P. Chaadaev

223. The first "Philosophical Letter" was published in the journal


224. The main ideas of the "Philosophical Letters" cannot be attributed

Following the Christian commandments as the only way to salvation, to the Kingdom of Heaven

225. Was declared by Emperor Nicholas I crazy for their philosophical views

P.Ya. Chaadaev

226. To whom the following pessimistic lines belong: “Alone in the world, we have given nothing to the world, we have taken nothing from the world, we have in no way contributed to the advancement of the human mind, and everything that we have inherited from this movement, we have distorted. Since the very first moments of our social existence, nothing suitable for the common good of people has come out of us, not a single useful thought has germinated on the barren soil of our homeland, not a single great truth has been put forward from our midst”?

P.Ya. Chaadaev

227. The main idea of ​​Westernism is

Russia should develop along the European path

228. Spiritual leader of Westerners

A.I. Herzen

229. The ideology of the party is closest to the views of the "Westerners"

Union of Right Forces

230. Central idea of ​​I.V. Kireevsky

Wholeness of Spiritual Life

231. The ideological head of the Slavophiles was

A.S. Khomyakov

232. The representative of Slavophilism was

I.S. Kireevsky

233. Belief that the salvation of the West in the adoption of Orthodoxy is closest to the worldview:


234. Faith in the moral purity of the Russian peasantry is characteristic of:


The term "sobornost" in the philosophy of the Slavophils means

Free unity of people in Christ

The true hymn to freedom can be recognized

"The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor" F.M. Dostoevsky

The words "beauty will save the world" belong to

F.M. Dostoevsky

The meaning of Dostoevsky's parable about the "tear of a child" from the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is that

World harmony is not worth even one human life

F.M. Dostoevsky

Philosophical doctrine founded by Leo Tolstoy

Ethics of non-violence

The main moral rule from the point of view of L.N. Tolstoy

Don't Resist Evil

The country where Vladimir Solovyov for the third time met with the vision of Sophia as an image of eternal femininity and the wisdom of God

Vladimir Solovyov

244. Concept .... characteristic of Vl. S. Solovyova.


One of the main ideas of the philosophy of unity

Inadmissibility of any form of violence in public and state life

The highest, most perfect form of love, according to V.S. Solovyov, is

Love between a man and a woman

Domestic thinker who first created a comprehensive philosophical system based on Christian humanism

V.S. Solovyov

Russian thinker, who in his work "Names" proved that there is a deep connection between the name and its bearer

P.A. Florensky

One of the main works of S.N. Bulgakov

"Light of the Night"

Representative of Russian Marxism

G.V. Plekhanov

IN AND. Lenin developed the doctrine of Russia as

Weak link in the chain of imperialism

The founder of Russian cosmism is considered

Nikolai Fedorov

253. Representatives of "Russian cosmism" are:

K. Tsiolkovsky, V. Vernadsky

According to N.F. Fedorov, the highest moral duty of earthlings, the central task of all people is to

Destroying suffering on earth

Synthesis of philosophical and scientific teachings, united by the idea of ​​the relationship between man and nature, humanity and the universe

One of the basic rules of "cosmic ethics" K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Kill the sufferer

The basic concept of epistemology V.I. Vernadsky

Empirical generalization

The noosphere is

Realm of Mind

Founder of space ecology and heliobiology

A.L. Chizhevsky

Russian philosopher, who wrote in the book “Self-Knowledge”: “The originality of my philosophical type is primarily in the fact that I put not being, but freedom, as the basis of philosophy”

Nikolai Berdyaev

The Russian thinker ... in his work "Self-Knowledge" stated that he put not being, but freedom, at the foundation of philosophy.

ON THE. Berdyaev

The reason, the primary source of evil in the world according to N.A. Berdyaev


The dualism of spirit and matter, God and nature is characteristic of philosophy

ON THE. Berdyaev

According to L. Shestov, a person can achieve the impossible only thanks to

Faith in God

According to L. Shestov, the main enemies of man in the "struggle for the impossible" are

Reason and morality


266. The basis of being, existing by itself independently of anything else,


267. Equality of the material and spiritual principles of being proclaims

268. The existence of many initial foundations and beginnings of being affirms


269. Statement corresponding to the metaphysical understanding of matter

Matter is eternal, uncreated and indestructible

270. The atomistic hypothesis of the structure of matter was first put forward by:


271. Matter is the primary source of being, asserts


273. In Marxism, matter is interpreted as


274. Which of the following is not an attribute of matter?


275. Ideal phenomena include

276. An inalienable essential property of a thing, phenomenon, object is called


277. Way of existence of matter


278. Not related to the attributes of matter

279. The highest form of motion of matter is

social movement

280. The essence of the cosmogonic hypothesis of the "Big Bang" is the assumption that

The universe arose as a result of the explosion of a microscopic particle

281. The sequence of states reflects the category

282. Form of matter being, expressing its extension, structure, coexistence and interaction of elements in all material systems


The substantial concept of space and time was defended by

The essence of the relational concept of space and time is that

Space and time depend on material processes

What concept of time does not allow the possibility of creating a "time machine"?


The most important specific property of biological time


The most important specific property of biological space


The totality of the natural conditions for the existence of man and society

Which of the following pairs of adjectives is not used in the philosophical analysis of nature?

original and handmade

Which of these philosophers was the first to establish that solar activity affects people's well-being?



Reflection is (select the most complete and accurate definition)

The property of matter to capture the characteristics of objects acting on it

Sensations, perceptions, concepts, thinking are included in the structure:


Reflection is:

reflection of the individual about himself

The most complex form of reflection is


The ability of living organisms to navigate in the outside world, to control their activities


The thinker, whose name is usually associated with the discovery of the sphere of the unconscious in the human psyche

The method developed by Z. Freud


The main methods of studying the unconscious in psychoanalysis does not include

Belief Analysis

In the structure of personality, Z. Freud identifies

It, Super-I, I

300. One of the instances that Sigmund Freud singled out in the structure of personality

301. Sigmund Freud singled out three instances in the structure of the mental apparatus. Among the following instances, indicate the extra one, i.e. one that Freud did not single out.

In Freud's psychoanalysis, it refers to:

the realm of the unconscious

Sleep according to Z. Freud is:


The thinker who believed that a person is driven primarily by sexual instincts

According to Carl Rogers, the self-concept consists of four main elements. Which of the following is not one of them?

I am a mirror


306. Gnoseology considers

Limits and possibilities of human knowledge

307. Reliable knowledge about the world is impossible, says


308. Carrier of intentional, purposeful activity

309. Cognitive attitude consists of three main aspects (elements). Indicate which of the indicated sides is superfluous here?

The purpose of knowledge

310. Not related to the types of means of knowledge


311. Absoluteness, relativity, concreteness, objectivity are the main properties


312. Consistency refers to the following criterion of scientificity


313. If the empirical consequences predicted by theory are not found in practice, then one speaks of

Approbation of knowledge

314. It is impossible to falsify:

the existence of God

315. The hypothesis about:

the existence of life on Mars

316. Coherence is

Self-consistency of knowledge

317. Heuristic refers to

Probabilistic criteria of scientific character

318. Knowledge corresponding to reality, adequately reflecting reality

319. The Criterion of Truth in Marxist Philosophy


320. In accordance with the pragmatic concept of truth, truth is

What is useful, what helps us solve problems successfully

321. The ability to comprehend the truth by direct observation of it without recourse to logical arguments


322. In the modern theory of knowledge, the rethinking of the cognizing subject follows the path

Abstraction from the personal qualities of a person


323. Dialectics is

The doctrine of development and universal interconnections

324. Philosophical doctrine of the development of being and cognition, based on the resolution of contradictions


325. Name the philosopher who is considered the founder of ancient dialectics


326.Hegel's theory of development, which is based on the unity and struggle of opposites


327. Dialectical materialism - doctrine


328. Dialectic differs from metaphysics

Understanding development

329. Metaphysics is

The view according to which the world or a separate part of it is regarded as unchanging, qualitatively constant

330. The most general fundamental concepts

331.Philosophical principle asserting that all phenomena are connected with each other by causal connections and cause each other

The principle of unity and struggle of opposites

332. An essential, necessary, recurring, stable connection between phenomena is called

333. The laws of dialectics were first formulated by

G.W.F. Hegel

334. One of the basic principles of dialectics

Development principle

335. Not a law of dialectics

The Law of Intertwining Cause and Effect

336. Dialectical source of self-movement and development of nature, society and knowledge


337. The key point of the dialectical concept is the principle


338. The law of dialectics, answering the question about the source of development

The law of unity and struggle of opposites

339. The law of dialectics, revealing the source of self-movement and development of the objective world and cognition,

Unity and struggle of opposites

340. The Law of Dialectics, Revealing the Most General Mechanism of Development

The transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones

341. The law of dialectics characterizing the direction, form and result of the development process

Negatives of negation


343. The totality of the essential necessary properties of a thing constitutes it:


344. The internal content of an object in the unity of all its properties and relations is expressed by the category


345.Theory of self-organization of complex systems



346.Theory scientific knowledge is called


347. Which of the following is not one of the main features of scientific knowledge?


348. According to the functional purpose, the goals of the study, knowledge is divided into

Fundamental and applied

349. One of the founders of the philosophy of technology

P. Engelmeyer

350. The Greek word "techne" originally meant

art, skill

351. Sensory cognition differs from rational cognition in that

The first is based on sensations, the second - on the arguments of the mind.

352. Initial, simplest form of sensory cognition


353. Form of rational knowledge:

354. Thought that singles out and generalizes objects on the basis of indicating their essential and necessary properties

355. A statement in which something is affirmed or denied


356. A form of thinking that reflects the presence of a connection between an object and its attribute, between objects, as well as the fact of the existence of an object


357. Form of empirical knowledge


358. Statement based on the union of many related facts

Empirical generalization

359. Scientific assumption, assumption in need of additional justification


360. The highest form of organization of scientific knowledge, giving a holistic view of the patterns and essential connections of a certain area of ​​reality

361. The most important functions of scientific theory include


362. Scientific hypothesis refers to

Conceptual means of cognition

363. This definition: “The study of an object under controlled or artificially created conditions” refers to:


364. Intentional, purposeful perception of an object, phenomenon in order to study its properties, features of flow and behavior


365. Study of an object under controlled or artificially created conditions


366. Product of a general conclusion based on generalization of particular premises


367. Logical derivation of particular consequences from a general position


368. The process of moving from general premises to conclusions about particular cases


369. Mental or real decomposition of an object into constituent elements

370. The procedure of mental dismemberment of the whole into parts

371. Combination of the elements of the studied object selected in the analysis into a single whole

372. A method that is not used in scientific and technical knowledge


373. The method of approximate calculations is most widely used in

Mathematical Sciences

374. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships, summing up individual phenomena under a general law is characteristic of


375. According to T. Kuhn, “a scientific achievement recognized by all, which for a certain time provides the scientific community with a model for posing problems and solving them”


377. First defined man as a "social animal" ( zoon politikon )


378. The thought: “Man is the measure of all things” belongs to


379. “It is a social by its nature, relatively stable and in vivo emerging psychological formation, which is a system of socially significant human traits”


380. Personality is

Since the concept of "personality" is inseparable from the concept of "society" - each person is a potential personality

381. Personality is:

you are not born a person, you become a person

382. Personality is:

product of public relations

383. A set of unique features that distinguish a given individual from all others


384. The highest ability of the subject, which directs the activity of reason

385. Individual consciousness is

Reflection of the individual being of a particular person

386. The priority of individuals over the public whole affirms


387. The priority of the interests of society over the interests of the individual is characteristic of


388. The essence of the problem of the biological and social in man is the question

On the interaction and correlation of genes and upbringing

389. Negative attitude towards earthly life, considering it as a continuous series of sufferings is characteristic of


390. For which of the following thinkers was the problem of the meaning of life not central?

I. Lakatos

391. The problem of the meaning of life was central to philosophy

V. Frankla

392. To whom do the following statements belong: “There is meaning for everyone, and for everyone there is a special meaning”, “Meaning cannot be created artificially, it can only be found”, “Our conscience guides us in search of meaning”?

V. Franklu

393. Who do you think the following lines may belong to: “Any attempt to raise the spirits of the people in the concentration camp again assumed that we would be able to direct them to some goal in the future. The one who could no longer believe in the future, in his own future, was lost. Together with the future, he also lost his spiritual core, internally broke down and degraded both physically and mentally ... However, the courage to live or, accordingly, fatigue from life, each time turned out to depend solely on whether a person had faith in the meaning of life, his life. The motto of all psychotherapeutic work in the concentration camp could be the words of Nietzsche: “Who has Why live, can bear almost any How »?

V. Franklu

394. To what kind of love does this description refer: “This is a tender and soft feeling, selfless love-self-giving, embodied in a mother’s love for a child or in Christian love for one’s neighbor”?

395. Who do you think belongs to the following statement: “The idea of ​​romantic love, according to which only one person in the world can be the object of true love and that the main task is to find this particular person, is erroneous. It is also not true that love for him, if one is lucky enough to meet such a person, will result in a rejection of love for others. Love, which can be experienced in relation to only one person, by this very fact just shows that this is not love, but a symbiotic relationship.

E. Fromm

396. Hedonistic love is a game that does not differ in depth of feelings and manifests itself in the forms of flirting, coquetry, etc. (in ancient Greek culture)

397. The ethical meaning of the problem of euthanasia lies in the question

Does a person have the right to commit suicide

398. “Everything in the world is predetermined, a person is absolutely not free,” representatives say:


399.According to ... "everything in the world is predetermined, a person is absolutely not free"


400. The most ancient human ancestor (according to modern science)


401.According to the data of modern science Homo sapiens appeared on earth

100-150 thousand years ago

402. According to modern science, Australopithecus did not have

articulate speech

403. Anthropoids are

great apes


404. The philosophical direction absolutized the laws of mechanics in relation to social philosophy:

18th century French materialism

405. Philosophical direction, absolutizing the laws of mechanics in relation to social philosophy

18th century French materialism

406. Founder of sociology as a positive science

407. The main work of K. Marx:


408.I singled out the socio-economic class as the main element of the social structure of society

409. The concept of socio-economic formation belongs to


410. Socio-economic formation is

A society with its inherent economic basis and the political and legal superstructure towering over it

411. There are ... socio-economic formations

412.According to the sociology of Marxism, the main driving force behind the development of society is

Class struggle

413. Philosopher who understood social progress as the development and change of socio-economic formations

414. Determining relations between people, in Marxist philosophy


415. A class capable of reorganizing society, according to K. Marx


416.In Marxism, the main factor in the development of society is

Method of production of wealth

417. Does not apply to the main types of social production:

Production of spiritual values

418. Eschatology is:

The doctrine of the final fate of the world and man

419. According to G. Hegel, the true engine of history

World Spirit

420.The essence of naturalism as an approach to explaining social life is the position that:

Public life is significantly dependent on natural factors

421. The factor which, according to social Darwinism, is the main driving force in the development of society

Class struggle

422. Anthroposociogenesis is

The process of formation of a planetary civilization on the basis of reason

423.According to Marxism, the main factor of anthropogenesis is

424. Gradual changes in society and nature


425. Movement in the direction from more perfect to less perfect

426. Social progress is

The progressive movement of society from simple forms to more complex ones

427. Deep qualitative changes in the development of any phenomena of nature, society or knowledge, occurring in a relatively short period of time


427.There are five main types of social communities. Mark which of the following six types of communities is incorrectly named here?


428.Public consciousness is

The sum of many individual consciousnesses

429. Which of the following is not a form of social consciousness?

430. What is produced within the spiritual sphere of society? Give the most complete and accurate answer.

Information and spiritual meanings

431.Ideology is

The totality of individual consciousnesses

432.Ideology refers to

social sphere

433. The totality of public feelings, emotions, moods

public consciousness

434. Not one of the most important dimensions of spirituality


435. Interest is

Concrete, perceived need

436. Interest in painting is concretization

aesthetic need

437. The phenomenon to which this definition refers: “The totality of material and spiritual values, as well as the ways of their creation, transmission from one generation to another”


438. The most important functions of culture cannot be attributed

Adaptive (protective) function

439. Not a problem studied by the philosophy of history

The problem of the device (structure) of society

440. The formational approach to the problem of the historical development of society asserts that:

World history is one, each society consistently goes through a series of stages in its development, the same for all societies.

441. The formational approach to the analysis of social development adhered to

A. Toynbee

442. There is no single history of mankind, there is only the history of local civilizations according to:

civilizational approach

443.According to the ... approach, there is no single history of mankind, there is only the history of local cultures


444.According to Spengler, civilization is

Synonym of spiritual culture

445. The problems of war and peace, demographic and ecological in the modern world, are called ... problems.


446.Global problems are

Problems on the solution of which the survival of all mankind depends

447. Which of the following problems is not global?

The problem of combating international terrorism

448.Growing interdependence of different regions of the world


449.In modern Russia

The death rate far exceeds the birth rate

1. Philosophy, range of its problems and role in society. Historical types of worldview - 28

2. Philosophy of the Ancient East. - ten

3. ancient philosophy. - 33

4. Philosophy of the Middle Ages - 20

5. Philosophy of the Renaissance. - 12

6. Philosophy of New Time and Enlightenment. - thirty

7. German classical philosophy. - eighteen

8. Modern Western Philosophy. - 16

9. Stages of development and characteristic features of Russian philosophy. - 78

10. Philosophical understanding of the world. Ontology. - 25

11. Philosophy of consciousness (psychoanalysis). - fifteen

12. Cognition as a subject of philosophical analysis. - 17

13. Dialectic.- 22

14. Science, methods and forms of scientific knowledge. - thirty

15. Philosophy about the essence and purpose of man. Anthropology. - 28

16. Social Philosophy - 47

Total questions : 429 questions.

1. From Greek, the word "philosophy" is translated as:

love of wisdom

2. For the first time he used the word "philosophy" and called himself a "philosopher":

3. Determine the time of the emergence of philosophy:

7th-6th centuries BC.

4. Fundamentals of being, problems of cognition, the purpose of a person and his position in the world studies:


5. Worldview form of social consciousness, rationally substantiating the ultimate foundations of being, including society and law:


^ 6. The ideological function of philosophy is that:

philosophy helps a person to understand himself, his place in the world

7. Worldview is:

a set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person's attitude to the world and to himself

^ 8. What meaning did G. Hegel put into the statement that “philosophy is an era captured by thought”?

The course of history depends on the direction of thinking of philosophers

^ 9. The defining feature of a religious worldview is:

belief in supernatural, otherworldly forces that have the ability to influence the course of events in the world

11. What is characteristic of the epistemic line in philosophy?

view of reality as constantly evolving

^ 12. Ontology is:

the doctrine of being, of its fundamental principles

13. Gnoseology is:

the doctrine of nature, the essence of knowledge

14. Anthropology is:

doctrine of man

15. Axiology is:

doctrine of values

16. Ethics is:

the doctrine of morality and moral values

^ 17. Section of philosophy, in which the problems of knowledge are developed


18. According to Marxist philosophy, the essence of the main question of philosophy is:

relation of mind to matter

19. Idealism is characterized by the statement:

consciousness is primary, matter does not exist independently of consciousness

20. Dualism is characterized by the thesis:

matter and consciousness are two principles that exist independently of each other

21. To whom does this statement belong: “I affirm that there are no things. We're just used to talking about things; in fact, there is only my thinking, there is only my "I" with its inherent sensations. The material world only seems to us, it is just a certain way of talking about our feelings”?

Subjective idealist

22. What historical type of worldview are we talking about here: “This is a holistic worldview, in which various ideas are linked into a single figurative picture of the world, combining reality and fantasy, natural and supernatural, knowledge and faith, thought and emotions”?

23. Some Christian theologians claim that the whole world. The entire universe was created by God in six days, and God himself is a disembodied intellect, an all-perfect Personality. What philosophical direction corresponds to such a view of the world?

Objective idealism

^ 24. With the statement: "Thinking is the same product of the activity of the brain, as bile is a product of the activity of the liver," the representative would agree:

vulgar materialism

25. Agnosticism is:

a doctrine that denies the cognizability of the essence of the objective world

^ 26. Agnosticism is:

direction in the theory of knowledge, which believes that adequate knowledge of the world is impossible

27. Deny the possibility of knowing the world:


28. The direction of Western European philosophy, which denies the cognitive value of philosophy, the presence of its own, original subject:

29. The law of retribution in Indian religion and religious philosophy, which determines the nature of the new birth of reincarnation:

^ 30. The name of the founder of Buddhism, meaning awakened, enlightened:

31. The name of the founder of Buddhism


32. The central concept of Buddhism and Jainism, meaning the highest state, the goal of human aspirations:

^ 33. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting a masculine, bright and active principle:

34. The concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, denoting the feminine, dark and passive principle:

^ 35. The concept of a “noble husband” as an ideal person was developed by:


36. What do the concepts of Brahman in Vedanta and apeiron in the philosophy of Anaximander mean:

Higher intelligence

37. In the philosophy of Heraclitus, the word Logos denotes the world law, the world order, to which everything that exists is subject. Which concept of Chinese philosophy has the same meaning:

^ 38. What does the concept of "dharma" mean in traditional Indian philosophy:

Eternal moral law, prescribing from above to everyone a certain way of life

39. Ancient Indian philosophical texts include


40. Ancient Chinese philosophical texts include

Tao Te Ching

41. In Indian philosophy - the total amount of committed deeds and their consequences, which determines the nature of the new birth

42. Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism

43. The golden rule of morality: "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others" was first formulated:

44.Chronological framework for the development of ancient philosophy:

6th century BC - VI century. AD

45. The main principle of ancient philosophy was:


46. ​​The main problem solved by the philosophers of the Milesian school:

problem of origin

47. Thesis belonging to the thinker Thales:

"Know Thyself"

48. Thesis belonging to the thinker Thales

"The beginning of all things is water"

49. Anaximenes took for the fundamental principle of all things


50. Position: “Number is the essence and meaning of everything that is in the world”, belongs to:

