Lee ji. Dzi beads are a powerful talisman. Rules for using Dzi beads

In the minds of many people, Tibet is inextricably linked with magic and higher powers. At the same time, numerous Tibetan traditions cannot be imagined without amulets. Among the oldest products made of bronze, clay and precious stones stones with various images applied to them were considered especially valuable, each of which carried a certain meaning.

Some mysterious Tibetan talismans have survived to this day. One of them is Dzi beads. Photos and the meaning of each of them, including the horoscope, are presented in our article. Here you will also learn how to wear talisman beads in order to protect yourself from illnesses, attract good luck and find spiritual balance.

The meaning of the Tibetan talisman in the world

Dzi beads are ordinary stones of different sizes, most often elongated, tubular, with magical patterns applied to them in the form of eyes, geometric shapes, stripes, images of flowers and other symbols. Production material - agate or chalcedony (a kind of quartz). The exact time and place of their appearance on earth is not known, but it is assumed that for more than two thousand years they have been part of the Tibetan culture.

The value of Dzi beads around the world is associated with a person's desire to be strong, healthy, rich, successful, better than other people on earth. To do this, the Tibetans wore talismans with certain symbols on their bodies and believed that, thanks to the mysterious amulet, they would be lucky and successful in everything.

Feel it all magical power Tibet is possible today. To do this, you need to know the meaning of Dzi beads (with a photo showing how these items look, the reader can see in the article), so you can easily choose the “right” stone for yourself. The action of the beads was verified by many world celebrities, for whom Tibetan stones became the only valuable decoration, more important than gold and jewelry.

What is known about the origin of Dzi beads?

There are many legends related to the origin and significance of Dzi on earth. Due to the fact that any archaeological excavations are prohibited in Tibet, it is not possible to verify the authenticity of at least one of them. This makes Dzi beads even more mysterious and mystical.

The main version of the appearance of these stones is associated with the legend of the demigods. ancient civilization Bonpo, which existed about 4 thousand years ago. The Tibetans believe that the demigods wore beads as ornaments, and when they deteriorated, they simply threw them on the ground. This explains the fact that Dzi magic stones are never found in good condition. According to legend, after the beads hit the ground, they turned into insects. Dzi insects lived in the ground like worms, and when touched by a human hand, they again turned into stones.

Different regions of Tibet have their own legends about how beads appeared on earth. One of them says that Dzi is a continuous stream falling from the slope of Tibet. One day an evil woman looked at this stream, and it immediately stopped. At the same time, stripes characteristic of beads formed on its surface.

There are also other versions of the origin of the stones, associated with a fallen meteorite, the fragments of which turned into beads, and with the favor of the Buddha, who sent magic Dzi from heaven to rid the people of Tibet from the epidemic. Meanwhile, no matter which of the legends is true, the meaning of Dzi beads remains unchanged. But what the magic stones actually mean, we will consider below.

Types of Dzi beads

Depending on age, three types of Dzi beads are distinguished:

  1. Ancient - the very first beads, which, according to legend, fell from heaven. It is assumed that their age is several thousand years, but a more accurate time of appearance on earth could not be established. You will not find ancient talismans in the open sale. They are kept exclusively in museums and private collectors.
  2. Antique - Dzi beads, whose age is at least 100 years. They are made of agate, and skilful drawings are applied to their surface by the hands of monks. Such Dzi beads are also of antique value and are quite expensive. However, ancient stones can contain accumulated (stagnant) energy over the years, so they should be used only after cleansing. To do this, it is recommended to hold the bead for a short time over the fire or leave it for several hours in the sun.
  3. New - Dzi beads, which are still made by Tibetan craftsmen using ancient technologies. They have clear shapes and images and are especially valued in the practice of Feng Shui. New beads are considered clean, because they do not have someone else's energy. For their manufacture, agate mined in the Himalayas is used. This stone itself has a powerful magnetic force. It relieves fatigue, promotes good luck in business and helps to realize. So it turns out that it is not by chance that agate is used to make Dzi beads.

What do the symbols on the Dzi beads mean?

Each bead is marked with a certain image, a symbol that indicates what the magnetic energy of Dzi is directed at. Deciphering the symbols on the stone, first of all, pay attention to the number of circles and ovals. They symbolize the eyes of the Buddha, giving the bead greatest strength. In addition to the eyes, on the stone you can see stripes symbolizing the skin of a tiger, squares, etc. geometric figures, images of plants and animals. All symbols have a certain meaning, carry a certain power, aimed at protecting a person from negativity coming from ill-wishers, including curses, protecting him from diseases, realizing life potential, etc.

The types and meanings of Dzi beads in Tibetan and Chinese practices do not quite coincide. Tibetans have always believed that a bead makes a person happy, no matter what image is applied to it. The Chinese, thanks to the practice of feng shui and modern numerology, have introduced many new meanings into the character decoding table. Today, both the Tibetans and the Chinese jointly interpret the images printed on Dzi, adhering to the fact that each symbol is aimed at solving specific problems and providing certain types of assistance.

In addition to the difference in the applied images, the beads can have a different shape. All over the world there are round, elongated (oblong, tubular) stones, in the form of a sickle or a cube. People of different ages can wear them, and they will equally send their energy to everyone.

Dzi beads: meaning (description) by the number of eyes

Dzi beads with eyes are the most common on earth, while an unequal number of symbols on the stone has different meaning. Therefore, before choosing a talisman stone for yourself, you need to decide on your desires and give preference to the most suitable

The meaning of Dzi beads with eyes is as follows:

  • 1 eye - a stone suitable for indecisive, weak-willed people. It makes a person confident in his own abilities, in tomorrow, adds to it wisdom and endurance.
  • 2 eyes (two-eyed Dzi bead). The meaning of this talisman is love. This magical stone brings harmony in love relationships. If a person is lonely, then the energy of the bead will help him find a partner. The talisman will give the couples in love the opportunity to preserve their feelings and make the relationship more harmonious.
  • Dzi bead "3 eyes". The meaning of the talisman is associated with material and intangible wealth. He will help you win the respect that will lead to prosperity, success and financial well-being. Gives health and longevity to the wearer. In addition, there is also a three-eyed Dzi bead with the image of the heart of the Buddha, which gives a person all the existing types of wealth. It symbolizes the Yellow Buddha - a sign wealth.
  • 4 eyes - best protection from all obstacles in its path, helps to cope with negative energy and enhances longevity.
  • 5 eyes - a money magnet that attracts wealth from five directions. Such a bead is a powerful financial amulet that brings its owner all material wealth, good luck in money matters and good fortune.
  • 6 eyes - responsible for 6 human emotions, controls them, drives out sadness and longing, brings well-being.
  • Dzi bead "7 eyes". The meaning of this talisman is important to know for people leading a public life. It helps to establish communication, achieve fame and career growth.
  • 8 eyes is the most strong amulet in the period from 2004 to 2024. Helps to achieve harmony within oneself, provides protection from natural Disasters and disasters.
  • Dzi bead "9 eyes". The meaning of the image is associated with instant wealth and unexpected good luck. This is the most desired and powerful talisman of all.
  • 10 eyes - helps to achieve your goals with minimal financial investment (costs).
  • 12 eyes - brings good luck in the professional field, helps to cope with your fears.
  • 15 eyes - makes a person wiser and brings good luck in all matters.
  • 21 eyes - a bead of fulfillment of desires.

Regardless of the number of eyes depicted, each Dzi bead makes a person's mind clearer, gives him peace and harmony within himself, relieves diseases and helps to find happiness.

What is the meaning of the Dzi bead "9 eyes"?

Dzi beads appeared on earth at a time when Buddhism did not yet exist, and the Bon religion dominated in Tibet. The number 9 was considered her sacred number. That is why the nine-eyed Dzi bead is considered the most valuable compared to all the others, even though this number in Buddhism until some time was not given such importance as in Chinese numerology. Everyone dreams of finding a stone with such symbolism in the Tibetan mountains, because it is a powerful talisman responsible for karma.

The most popular today is the Dzi bead "9 eyes". The meaning of this symbol among Buddhists is associated with unexpected luck and wealth that await the owner of such a talisman. The nine-eyed Dzi of the Turtle is also called the imperial amulet, since in China the number 9 has always been associated with the main man of the country. The talisman associated with this figure contributes not only to good luck in financial affairs, but also is strong amulet. Such information has been preserved that during the crash of one airliner, the only person who had a bracelet with a nine-eyed Dzi bead survived. In addition, the pattern in the form of a turtle, applied to the stone, contributes to the rapid restoration of health.

Dzi Bead Symbolism

But the "range" of magical Tibetan stones does not end there. What other Dzi beads exist? Photos and their meaning are presented in the list below.

  • "Dzi of the Big Mythical Bird" - helps to cope with gossip, rumors and slander, relieves negative energy.
  • "Big Man" ("Bigman", "Aristocrat") is a Dzi bead, the meaning of which is associated with survival and victory over rivals and enemies. This talisman will attract a person into life the right people, those who not only protect, but contribute to professional growth and financial well-being. Bead "Aristocrat" (Dzi) is especially necessary for politicians, businessmen and people who are hungry for professional growth. Such a talisman will help women find the so-called strong male shoulder, which will lead them to creative, professional or financial well-being.
  • Dzi Medicine - brings health, guarantees protection from all diseases.
  • Ho Tu Dzi - guarantees protection from insults and offenders, brings happiness and prosperity.
  • Dzi bead "Lotus" - the meaning of the talisman is associated with the harmony of mind, body and spirit.
  • Dzi of Heaven and Earth - helps to find faithful allies and wise teachers.
  • Dzi Rui bead - the meaning of the talisman is associated with influence, strength and success in managing affairs. It helps to make the relationship between parents and children more harmonious.
  • Dzi Longevity - the strongest talisman for longevity, protection from deadly viruses and diseases.
  • Dzi Abundance - helps to achieve material well-being, stimulates good luck in business, business development.
  • Dzi of the Deity of Abundance - contributes to the rapid achievement and increase of wealth.
  • Dzi Turtles - protection from death, promises longevity and good health.
  • Dzi Five Bats - brings success and good luck in achieving goals.
  • Cai Shen Ji - helps people gain wealth, become successful and happy.
  • Striped - symbolizes a carefree life and fulfillment of desires. Even difficult situations helps to translate into favorable.
  • Spiritual Enlightenment - protects people who follow the path of spiritual enlightenment and development.
  • Dzi bead "Swastika" - the meaning of the image on this bead reflects the development of all positive qualities in a person. Such a talisman will allow you to avoid any life failures on your way.
  • Dzi Dragon - drives away evil spirits and helps to cope with negative energy.
  • Bead "Eyes of the Dragon" - a talisman that makes its owner happy.
  • "Tiger's Tooth" - eliminates the fears that are trying to take over you. This is a talisman that opens hidden reserves, gives vitality, removes obstacles on the path of life.
  • "Four graces" - Dzi bead, which brings success in new business, in obtaining and retaining wealth, balances, develops the mind and wisdom.
  • "Money Hook" - reveals a person's ability to accumulate wealth.
  • "Garuda" - protects everyone who is away from home, does not allow bad weather to overtake a person on a journey.
  • "Padmasambhava Dzi Hat" - a symbol of purity and harmony, a talisman of protection of all Gods.
  • "Nectar Vessel" - protection from troubles, development of all positive qualities in a person.
  • "Sun and Moon" - the image means the balance of energy in a person. Such a talisman protects on the road, helps to realize the plan.
  • "Bodhi" - makes a person more gentle and generous towards other people.
  • Dzi "Patron" - fights against negative energy directed at a person, including gossip, hatred, irritation, etc.

The magical energy contained in Dzi beads helps only those people who really believe in the power of the talisman to achieve the desired results. It is recommended to wear it as often as possible, taking it off only during sleep and taking water procedures.

The value of the Dzi bead "Lotus"

The Tibetans are of particular importance. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Dzi bead "Lotus" is present in the Tibetan teaching. The meaning of this talisman is connected with the harmony that a person must find in life, and this applies to everything: the mind, the body, and the spirit.

The lotus among the Tibetans is a symbol of purity, perfection and harmony. It is believed that this flower grows in those places where the Buddha once stepped. It symbolizes harmony with oneself: in thoughts, in the body and in the soul. Elder Dzi with such an image helps a person to improve himself, gives wisdom, helps to make responsible decisions.

It is recommended to wear a Dzi bead with a lotus in the chest area or on the pulse (on the wrist). Meanwhile, if the dimensions of the talisman are not suitable for wearing on the body, the stone can be placed in an apartment in a certain area that corresponds to the practice of Feng Shui. For example, to harmonize love relationship, the Dzi bead is located in the southwestern part of the apartment, and in order to achieve growth in the profession - in the southeastern zone, etc.

Tibetan Dzi beads: meaning according to the horoscope

AT Tibetan practice it is generally accepted that the strength of the bead will be multiplied several times if magical talisman choose according to the date (year) of birth. Chinese horoscope will allow each person to choose for himself his own amulet, contributing to the fulfillment of his desires and the accumulation of wealth.

Below are the names of animals, according to the horoscope, and Tibetan Dzi beads, the meaning of which has already been described, so you can see them above.

  1. Rat - a two-eyed Dzi bead and a talisman stone with 8 eyes are suitable.
  2. Bull - Dzi beads with the image of 2 and 8 eyes.
  3. Tiger - beads with 2 and 8 eyes are suitable.
  4. Rabbit - beads with the image of 3, 4, 9 eyes.
  5. Dragon - three-, four- and nine-eyed Dzi beads are suitable.
  6. The snake is a talisman with 3, 4 and 9 eyes.
  7. Horse - beads, which depict 1, 5, 7 eyes.
  8. Sheep - agate stones, on which images of 1, 5, 7 eyes are applied.
  9. Monkey - beads with the image of 1, 5 and 7 eyes.
  10. Rooster - beads with 2, 6, 10 eyes.
  11. Dog - beads, which depict 2, 6, 10 eyes.
  12. Pig - images of 2, 6 and 10 eyes on beads.

It is not recommended to wear several beads at once, because they have a very strong energy, and the person himself may even feel bad from this. You can have several talismans, but for the day you should choose the one that best suits your plans for this period of time.

How to wear Dzi beads?

In order for Dzi beads to fully reveal their magical power, it is recommended to wear them on the pulse. For this, a bracelet is ideal, in which the talisman stone will be located on the inside of the wrist. At the same time, it was verified that the value of the Dzi bead is enhanced if it is worn in a frame made of silver, red coral, carnelian, turquoise, amber.

Dzi beads located in the center of the chest and in the fossa at the base of the neck (jugular cavity) have no less power. These are the areas of manifestation of the fourth and fifth chakras, which are responsible for harmony in love and successful learning, including the realization of organizational and leadership abilities.

If even a small piece has broken off from the bead, it can no longer be worn. This means that she has exhausted all her energy, collected all the negativity of a person and is no longer able to benefit him. In this case, you just need to say goodbye to the stone and purchase a new talisman for yourself. A person can have several beads, as well as desires and goals that she will help him fulfill or realize in a certain period of time.

To be most effective, Dzi beads must be worn correctly. The more and more often your Dzi touches your body, the stronger and more stable its influence. The stronger the energy penetrates into the energy structures of your body, attuning with the desired result, the matrix of which is carried by a correctly selected Dzi.

Therefore, the most optimal method of wearing Dzi is a Dzi pendant or necklace worn on the heart or throat area (short choker necklaces), and bracelets, which can also vary in strength of influence - on the pulse (from the palmar side of the wrist) or on the outer ( on the back of the wrist). Brooches, key chains, pendants on bags and other “distant from the body” options for wearing Dzi are also working and effective, but the power of influence changes.

You can put Dzi under the pillow during sleep. Do not wash with a product with Dzi, this can damage and wear out the base of the product itself or affect additional elements of the product.

At night, remove the product from Dzi, the body should not experience discomfort during sleep. If you do not feel like parting with your Dzi at night, put it under your pillow or in the pocket of your daily home clothes. The influence of the Dzi bead will continue at night.

If the product with Dzi is torn, do not be discouraged, but still I do not recommend reassembling it yourself, it is better to entrust this matter to the master. You can replace the string at the pendant with a new one yourself, but the bracelet is a more subtle matter in terms of energy, especially if the bracelet also includes natural gems. It often happens that the time has come to replace or recharge the stones before restoring the Dzi bead bracelet. The same applies to more complex design items with Dzi.

How to independently activate and recharge Dzi beads

If you have a new Dzi bead (you have not worn it yet) and received it from a master or a person you completely trust, then you can simply start wearing it without any additional steps. Dzi herself enters into resonance with the owner and begins to work actively.

If you want to actively connect your Dzi to yourself, take the bead in your palm, sit in a comfortable position, create conditions for yourself for at least 10 minutes so that no one bothers you, turn off the phone. Do not cross your legs, the Dzi bead is in your closed palms. Now close your eyes and imagine-feel how you breathe through your palms with Dzi, as if the air passes through the Dzi material and is filled with the energy and meaning of your Dzi, and you breathe it in with a full chest. Continue to breathe like this for about 10 minutes. Palms with Dzi can be on your knees, and in front of you, and in front of your face, or you can press them to your chest - as you feel more comfortable. After that, put your Dzi on yourself.

If for some reason you want to cleanse Dzi or recharge it with the energies of the Earth, use the classic method - put Dzi washed in cool water on the windowsill for the night, where it usually falls Moonlight, then leave on the windowsill during the day, where the sun's rays usually fall. In the evening, you can put on the updated Dzi and feel the effect of "recharging".

Another simple, safe and effective method- this is recharging and cleansing on rock crystals or natural quartz druze. Just put your Dzi on a druse for a period of several hours to 3 days.
You can learn more serious methods of cleaning and restoring Dzi beads and other bioenergetic tools, options for working with them specifically for your situation at a personal Skype consultation with the Master.

There are several ways to choose exactly your dZi bead, which will help you the most.

Let's take a look at them now:

1. By date of birth

2. By the value of the beads

3. Intuitive

1. Selection of dZi beads by date of birth.

In my opinion, this is a rather weak technique, I can’t presume to say where it originally came from, but it has a place to be and many people use it.

Why I don’t like this method, firstly, not all types of beads are used (I would say, a small part of dZi beads).

Secondly, the selection technique is based on the year of birth-animals (earthly branches), and this is a Chinese technique, not Tibetan, the Tibetans have a different calendar.

Accordingly, this is not quite a Tibetan way of choosing a Tibetan talisman. However, this does not mean that the method is not wrong, it is rather some kind of cropped one.

In any case, I give this method below, keep in mind that this is solar calendar -New Year comes February 4-5, not January 1 (and you may be confusing your zodiac sign - if you have a DR in January)

Rabbits (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999) fit beads with 3, 4 and 9 eyes.

Dragons (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000) - beads with 3, 4 and 9 eyes.

For snakes (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) - beads with 3, 4 and 9 eyes.

Horses (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) - beads with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes.

Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003) - beads with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes.

Monkeys (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) - beads with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes.

Roosters (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) - beads with 2, 6, 10 eyes.

For dogs (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994) - beads with 2, 6, 10 eyes.

Pigs (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995) - beads with 2, 6, 10 eyes.

Rats (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996) - beads with 2, 8 eyes.

Bulls (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997) - beads with 2, 8 eyes.

Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998) - beads with 2, 8 eyes.

2. Choosing a dZi bead by value

Not a bad way, I like it, just read the description of the values ​​of the bead and choose what you actually really want.

There is a difficulty: there are a lot of types of beads, more than 50, making a choice is not always easy. Plus, many beads are similar in meaning.

How to be? First, remember that any bead will help you regardless of its value, so it’s basically impossible to make a mistake.

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Secondly, there is another way that complements this one - this is intuition.

3. The choice of dZi beads is intuitive

For me, this is the best way, it has never let me down. Choose a bead according to the principle - I like her and that's it.

Your subconscious will not let you down and will show you exactly what you most need here and now. So trust your inner voice. This method works great in conjunction with the previous one.

Where did they come from, what do they mean and what do they give to their owner? Today I will tell you exactly about this.

They originated in Tibet, but the exact time of their origin is unknown. But many Tibetans give an approximate date of about 2500 years ago.

Tibet... This place itself is already sacred, how many sages, gurus, prayers this land knows!
BUT Dzi beads are considered the cultural heritage of Tibet.
Buddhism is now the main religion in Tibet. But the beads appeared at a time when the religion of Bon (BON or Bonpo) was practiced.
Beads depict various patterns, symbols, hieroglyphs, looking at them, we seem to plunge into the wisdom of our ancestors, adopt it, feel the protection and power of the beads themselves!
It is extremely difficult to tell something more accurate about beads, since the culture of Tibet does not allow archaeological excavations and research to be carried out on its land. But it is known that they were used as amulets, increasing vitality and giving the right.

Myths and legends accompany the story of the appearance of "heavenly stones". Tibetans believe that real Dzi is not created by human hand and is of divine origin. Indeed, the technologies of that time could not allow the drawing to be applied by the method by which it is applied now using a vacuum, but the algorithm of actions remained the same. There are also many different stories and legends surrounding Dzi. Their origin is associated with ancient times, when the demigods wore them as jewelry. Anyway, Dzi beads alreadythousandsyears are one of the powerful talismans!

Real, genuine, Dzi beads carry pure energy that helps in achieving the necessary goal.
There are many different beads. For many, the nine-eyed Dzi bead is considered the most valuable, since the number 9 was considered sacred during the Bon - faith.
The bead itself is most often tubular in shape, 1-2 inches long (sometimes longer).
Hollow tubular beads are worn around the neck on a cord or woven into a bracelet.

How to choose your Dzi bead:

  1. The bead must be new and clean. Personally yours, do not wear other people's beads!
  2. The bead must be solid, without cracks and punctures.
  3. Choose the bead that suits your purpose.
  4. After the purchase, hold the bead for a day in coarse salt to remove the energies of other people from it.
  5. It is useful to charge the bead with lunar and solar energy. This will replenish her energy reserve.
  6. And be sure to charge her with your energy: sincerely ask her to be your guardian and helper, send her your love and gratitude.

Remember that the bead carries a certain symbolism, which in Feng Shui, for example, always plays a big role.

I am often asked: “What kind of bead do I need?”. If you can’t prioritize your desires, then I always answer: “Choose the one that reaches out to your hand”

But if you are a beginner and it is difficult for you to make a choice, then perhaps this table will help you. And if you do not know your sign of the Chinese horoscope, then you are HERE

Chinese zodiac sign

Dzi bead

with 3rd, 4th and 9th eyes

with 3rd, 4th and 9th eyes

with 3rd, 4th and 9th eyes

with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes

with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes

A monkey

with 1st, 5th, 7th eyes

with 2, 6, 10 eyes

with 2, 6, 10 eyes

with 2, 6, 10 eyes

with 2, 8 eyes

with 2, 8 eyes

with 2, 8 eyes

How did I get my first Dzi Bead?

It was 10 years ago in China. I went to a store with Buddhist paraphernalia. My eye was drawn to a poster with unusual beads. At that moment, I felt a slight trepidation. You know, such excitement when you are waiting for a miracle? I asked the seller to show them to me and tell me about them. I left the store as a happy owner of Beads with 2 eyes in a rose quartz bracelet. Later, when I began to study Dzi deeply, I realized that my first bead found me by the sign of the Chinese horoscope, because I am a Rat. Therefore, listen to your intuition, read the signs and exactly the Dzi that you need will come to you.

How to wear a Dzi bead correctly:

You need to wear the Dzi Bead on the pulse - on the inside of the wrist or on the jugular cavity, at the junction of the neck and shoulders. In extreme cases, in the middle of the chest, as the well-known singer Sting does. In general, they were worn in those places where the physical manifestation of the chakra was located - the forehead (third eye), jugular cavity (Vishuddha) and the center of the chest (Anahata).

1.Experiment with beads

Dzi beads are something mysterious and mysterious, all the conclusions that we make beads are based only on our observation and experience of wearing them.

There are no "right" and "true" ways to choose, wear and influence dZi beads.

This is a personal item and everyone will have their own beads. Therefore, experiment: wear dzi on different hands, outside or inside the hand. Wear different dZi beads on different days, wear together, etc.

There is no wrong way to wear dzi, but there is yours.

2. When is the best time to clean a dZi bead?

Dzi is an energy sponge, so on special occasions clean Dzi:

According to personal feelings (you yourself feel that it's time)

After the cemetery

After strong negative emotions

After strong life problems and incidents

After visiting the sick or after one's own illness

After interacting with negative people

3. Listen to your intuition

When choosing which ji to buy or wear, always listen to your intuition. Dzi is a thing personally connected with you and your energy, so personal feelings play a huge role here, listen to yourself.

4. Focus on your life purpose and dream.

If you want dzi to help you achieve your goal, then focus on it every day, think and do at least something. Then ji will help you.

It's great if you choose your bead in relation to your goal, this is desirable, though not always necessary (the case when choosing dzi intuitively, it will also work great)

5. Don't Expect Magic

If only everything was that simple. Often people expect instant results, but this does not happen. Yes, it happens when something happens instantly, but it does not always happen.

A bead is a continuation of a person, his actions and correct thoughts, when a person does something, a bead will help him, but if he lies on the couch, then it is difficult to expect success. The main thing is you, ji is your assistant!

6. Do not rush to be disappointed

Often people after wearing a bead for a couple of weeks are disappointed, because they did not win the lottery. However, this is a mistake, less requirements from your ji and more emphasis on your goal and actions to achieve it.

7. Take your beads to places of power

Be sure to wear your beads when you visit places of power, holy places, or those places that evoke strong positive emotions in you.

8. Show respect for your bead

Treat your bead like a living person and then it will help you as much as possible.

It's not a thing, it's your assistant

9. Don't wear ji on some occasions

You should not bathe and wash dishes with a dZi bracelet (see previous paragraph)

Also, do not wear it when doing something that can pollute it, for example, playing sports and sweating, weeding the garden, and other romantic activities.

10. Do not "tear" when choosing dzi

Buy the bead you can afford. Beads somehow work all the new and ancient ones, some are weaker, some are stronger. But the main thing is they work.

Characteristics of men