Development of a practical lesson on the topic: "Religion". Religion as a form of culture Relatively small numbers Closed religious communities

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Religion is one of the universal cultural mechanisms of regulation human activity: through a system of cult actions, it organizes everyday life, in the process of mastering the dogma, it forms a worldview, encourages a person to think about the meaning of his own existence.
The following elements are usually distinguished in the structure of religion: religious consciousness, religious cult and religious organizations.
Several levels of religious consciousness can be identified: mass religious consciousness, in which the emotional component usually predominates, and rationally formed consciousness, which implies an understanding of the content of the dogma. Even higher level religious consciousness- theology (theology), within the framework of which the dogma is not only mastered, but also broadcast, interpreted in relation to the requirements of the time, protected from heresies.
Modern religious scholars identify a number of essential characteristics of religious consciousness.
The first of these is the belief in the existence of objects9 with supernatural properties. From the course of history, you remember that such properties were endowed, for example, with the forces of nature (sun, wind, rain, thunder, etc.), individual fetish objects, the souls of ancestors. In developed religious systems, especially in world religions, the main object of religious worship is God, who revealed his existence to man. The important thing is that the world of the sacred for the believer is real, it does not belong to the realm of fantasy.
The next characteristic is the belief in the reality of contact with objects of religious worship. This contact, as a rule, appears to the believer as two-way. The deity in one way or another affects the fate of individuals and entire nations, but the believer also has certain channels of communication with the world of the supernatural - cult actions (prayer, sacrifice, etc.).
Another one important feature religious consciousness - the conviction that human destiny depends on the will of the deity, which makes certain demands on human behavior and is able to hold accountable for what they have done. A person's experience of his dependence can take diametrically opposite forms: from animal fear, forcing to obedience, to enlightened humility as a result of a person's awareness of his own imperfection, the limitations of his capabilities. Religion also involves the establishment of good relations between a person and objects of worship, which make it possible to propitiate the deity, and in case of violation of divine will, compensate for disobedience by repentance or sacrifice.
The main organizational forms of religion are the church and sects. The church is, as a rule, a hierarchical religious organization of the clergy and believers, based on the commonality of religious dogmas and a cult system. Sects are relatively small in number, closed religious communities that disagree with the dominant church.


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  • § 33. The role of religion in the life of society


    What is religion? When did the first religions appear? What are the characteristics of world religions?

    Religion has a special place in the sphere of spiritual culture. The religious worldview is characterized by the division of all things into the earthly and heavenly worlds, as well as the recognition of the immortality of the soul. Religion implies the presence of a mysterious (mystical) connection between man and God (or other supernatural forces), the worship of these forces, the possibility of human interaction with them.

    Why do people believe in the supernatural? Researchers of the past explained this, for example, by fear of the unpredictability and power of nature or the deep ignorance of most people, the mythological nature of mass consciousness. Do these characteristics apply to modern society? Philosophers, culturologists, sociologists, psychologists give different answers to this question. But it is obvious that religion retains its positions even at the post-industrial stage of development of society, since it performs socially significant functions, which we will consider below.


    Religion is one of the universal cultural mechanisms for regulating human activity: through a system of cult actions, it organizes everyday life, in the process of mastering the dogma, it forms a worldview, encourages a person to think about the meaning of his own existence.

    The following elements are usually distinguished in the structure of religion: religious consciousness, religious cult and religious organizations.

    Several levels of religious consciousness can be identified: mass religious consciousness, in which the emotional component usually predominates, and rationally formed consciousness, implying an understanding of the content of the doctrine. An even higher level of religious consciousness - theology (theology), within the framework of which the dogma is not only mastered, but also broadcast, interpreted in relation to the requirements of the time, protected from heresies.

    Modern religious scholars identify a number of essential characteristics of religious consciousness.

    The first of them - belief in the existence of objects 9 with supernatural properties. From the course of history, you remember that such properties were endowed, for example, with the forces of nature (sun, wind, rain, thunder, etc.), individual fetish objects, the souls of ancestors. In developed religious systems, especially in world religions, the main object of religious worship is God, who revealed his existence to man. The important thing is that the world of the sacred for the believer is real, it does not belong to the realm of fantasy.

    Next characteristic - conviction in the reality of contact with the objects of religious worship. This contact, as a rule, appears to the believer as two-way. The deity in one way or another affects the fate of individuals and entire nations, but the believer also has certain channels of communication with the world of the supernatural - cult activities(prayer, sacrifice, etc.).

    Another important feature of religious consciousness is the conviction that human destiny depends on the will of the deity, which imposes certain requirements on human behavior and is able to hold accountable for what they have done. A person's experience of his dependence can take diametrically opposite forms: from animal fear, forcing to obedience, to enlightened humility as a result of a person's awareness of his own imperfection, the limitations of his capabilities. Religion also involves the establishment of good relations between a person and objects of worship, which make it possible to propitiate the deity, and in case of violation of divine will, compensate for disobedience by repentance or sacrifice.

    Main organizational forms religions are church and sects. The church is, as a rule, a hierarchical religious organization of the clergy and believers, based on the commonality of religious dogmas and a cult system. Sects are relatively small in number, closed religious communities that disagree with the dominant church.


    The place and significance of religion in society are determined by the functions it performs, which include regulatory, educational, worldview, compensatory, communicative, integration, cultural.

    Undoubtedly, the most important function of religion is regulation of behavior individuals, social groups. Reg-

    The lative function of religion is based on the accumulated moral experience many generations of people, expressed in a compressed form, for example, in commandments, moral canons of various religions. Religion not only establishes a certain framework for human freedom, but also encourages him to assimilate certain positive moral values worthy behavior, and this shows the connection between the regulatory and educational functions.

    worldview function religion realizes due to the presence in it of a system of views that reflect the picture of the world, the essence of man and his place in the world.

    Compensatory function It manifests itself in the fact that religion relieves the social and mental stress of a person, compensates for the shortcomings or deficiency of secular communication with religious communication. This function is especially clearly realized in prayer and repentance, during which a person passes from depression, spiritual discomfort to a state of relief, calm, and a surge of strength. At the same time, some scholars consider religious compensation an imaginary removal of contradictions, since the true causes of a person's mental and social discomfort are not eliminated.

    Religion does the same communication function, as a means of communication for believers. This communication unfolds on two levels: in the plane of dialogue with God and the "celestials", as well as in contact with other believers. Communication is carried out primarily through cult actions.

    From the course of domestic and foreign history, you know many examples of how religion can act social integration factor,- it is enough to recall the role of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, St. Sergius of Radonezh, in the unification of Russian lands, the fight against invaders. By directing and uniting the efforts of individuals and social groups, religion contributes to social stability or the establishment of something new - let us recall, for example, the role of Protestantism in the development of bourgeois society. However, religious integration has a dual character: on the one hand, religion brings together, on the other hand, it separates, as exemplified by numerous religious wars and conflicts.

    cultural function is that religion preserves and transmits the social experience of mankind, being an integral part of the culture of human society.


    World religions cover great amount believers. According to sociologists, about half of the world's population are adherents of any of the three world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. It should be noted that in Russian Federation inhabited by representatives of all world religions.

    Buddhism- the oldest world religion, most common in China, Thailand, Burma, Japan, Korea and other countries of Southeast Asia. Russian centers of Buddhism are located in Buryatia, Kalmykia and the Republic of Tuva.

    Buddhism is based on the doctrine of the four noble truths: everything in human life there is suffering - birth, life, old age, death, any attachment, etc.; the cause of suffering lies in the presence of desires in a person, including the desire to live; the cessation of suffering is associated with liberation from desires; to achieve this goal, it is necessary to adhere to the eightfold path of salvation, including the assimilation of the four noble truths, accepting them as a life program, refraining from words that are not related to the moral goal, not harming the living, turning true actions into a way of life, constant self-control, renunciation of the world, spiritual self-immersion. Following this path leads a person to nirvana - a state of absence, overcoming suffering.

    The strictness of Buddhist morality and the complexity of the technique by which one can reach nirvana led to the identification of two paths of salvation - Hinayana ("narrow vehicle"), accessible only to monks, and Mahayana ("wide vehicle"), following which ordinary lay people can act, saving other people and yourself. It should also be noted that Buddhism is easily combined with national religions such as Confucianism and Taoism in China or Shintoism in Japan.

    Christianity is the second largest religion in the world. From the course of history, you know that there are three main currents of Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism.

    The Bible is the main source Christian faith. It includes Old Testament, common to the Jews (the religion of the Jewish people, in which Christ is recognized as only one of the messiahs) and Christians, and New Testament, which consists of the four Gospels (from ancient Greek euangelion - the good news), as well as the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Apostles and the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse).

    Christianity is a religion of redemption and salvation. Christians believe in the merciful love of the triune God for sinful humanity, for whose salvation the Son was sent into the world. God's Jesus Christ who became man and died on the cross. The idea of ​​the God-Man-Savior is central to Christianity. The believer must follow the teachings of Christ in order to partake of salvation.

    The political development of the Roman Empire in the III-IV centuries. n. e., its division into Western and Eastern led to a gradual isolation Western and Eastern Christian Churches with centers in Rome and Constantinople, whose disagreements accumulated over the centuries, which led to a break between them in 1054. What are the fundamental dogmatic differences between the churches? The Catholic Church claims that the Holy Spirit comes from both God the Father and God the Son. Eastern church recognizes the procession of the Holy Spirit only from God the Father. Roman Catholic Church proclaims the dogma of immaculate conception The Virgin Mary, her God's choice for the role of the Mother of Jesus Christ and the ascension after death to heaven, hence the cult of the Madonna in Catholicism. The Orthodox Church does not accept the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith, and the Roman Catholic Church considers the Pope the vicar of God on earth, through whom God Himself speaks in relation to matters of religion. The Roman Catholic Church, along with heaven and hell, recognizes the existence of purgatory and the possibility of expiation of sins already on earth by acquiring a particle of the excess stock of good deeds performed by Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, which the church "disposes" of.

    In countries Western Europe in the XV-XVI centuries. The Reformation movement unfolded, leading to the separation of a significant part of Christians from the Catholic Church. A number of Christian Protestant churches sprang up, emerging from the authority of the Pope. The largest of them are Lutheranism(Germany and Baltic countries), Calvinism(Switzerland and the Netherlands), Anglican Church(England). Protestants recognize Holy Bible(Bible) the only source of faith and believe that each person will be rewarded according to his faith, regardless of the means of its external expression. Protestantism moved center religious life from the church to the individual. Catholicism remained a strictly centralized religion. Of the European countries, Catholicism is most common in Italy, Spain, France, Poland, and Portugal. A significant number of Catholics live in Latin America. But in none of these countries is Catholicism the only religion.

    Despite the division of Christianity into separate churches, they all have a common ideological basis. The world is gaining strength ecumenical movement, striving for dialogue and rapprochement of all Christian churches.

    In religious life modern Russia All three branches of Christianity are active. The overwhelming majority of believers in our country are Orthodox. Orthodoxy represented by Russian Orthodox Church, various directions old believers, as well as religious sects. Catholicism also has a certain number of followers. Protestantism among the citizens of Russia is represented both by official churches, such as Lutheranism, and by sectarian organizations.

    Islam- the latest world religion in terms of time, distributed mainly in the Arab states (Middle East and North Africa), in South and Southeast Asia (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc.). A significant number of Muslims live in the Russian Federation. It is the second religion in terms of the number of adherents after Orthodoxy.

    Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century BC. n. e., when the religious center of the Arab tribes was formed in Mecca and a movement arose for the veneration of the one supreme God-Allah. Here began the activity of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed).

    Muslims believe that the one and all-powerful God - Allah - conveyed to people through the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad through the mediation of the angel Gabriel holy book- The Quran, which is an indisputable authority in spiritual life, law, politics and economic activity. There are five most important instructions of the Koran that every Muslim is obliged to fulfill: knowledge of the creed; five times prayer (prayer); observance of fasting W times the entire month of Ramadan; distribution of alms; making a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). Since the Koran contains prescriptions relating to all aspects of Muslim life, the criminal and civil law of Islamic states was based, and in a number of countries is still based on religious law - Sharia.

    The formation of Islam took place under the noticeable influence of more ancient religions of Middle Eastern origin - Judaism and Christianity. Therefore, a number of biblical personalities are found in the Koran (the archangels Gabriel, Michael, etc., the prophets Abraham, David, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus), the sacred book for the Jews - the Torah, as well as the Gospel are mentioned.

    The expansion of Islam was facilitated by the conquest of the Arabs, the Turks, who marched under the banner of religion. In the XX century. in Tour-

    Egypt, and a number of other states, reforms were carried out to limit the scope of religious laws, to separate church from state, and to introduce secular education. But in some Muslim countries(for example, Iran, Afghanistan) Islamic fundamentalism is extremely strong, which requires the organization of all spheres of life on the principles of the Koran and Sharia.

    In modern Russia, Islam is widespread among the inhabitants of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, republics North Caucasus, with the exception of the population of North Ossetia-Alania, whose inhabitants predominantly profess Orthodoxy. Among the Muslims are representatives of the numerous Azerbaijani diaspora. Organizationally, the Muslims of Russia are headed by the Central Spiritual Board of Muslims of Russia and European CIS countries and the Council of Muftis of Russia.


    AT Currently, a civil society is being formed in Russia, therefore the problem of interaction and dialogue between representatives of various religious denominations is extremely relevant. (interfaith dialogue) with each other and with states.

    The legal basis for resolving all emerging contradictions and problems can be compliance with principle of freedom of conscience. You know that conscience is the most important ethical category, reflecting a person's ability to exercise moral self-control, to formulate and present moral requirements to his behavior, and to achieve their fulfillment. In our time, freedom of conscience is understood as the right of a person to independently form his own worldview and openly express it in social interactions, without prejudice to the freedom of other people and society as a whole. In essence, freedom of conscience is now understood as the right of a person to the autonomy of spiritual Life. But this principle was not always interpreted so broadly - in societies with a predominantly religious worldview, freedom of conscience could be expressed only in freedom of religion, the struggle for which went on for many centuries.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with international legal acts, guarantees the implementation of the principle of freedom of conscience. Let's consider some of its aspects.

    Separation principle religious organizations from the state provides, on the one hand, non-interference of the state in the person of its bodies and individual officials

    persons in the internal life of religious organizations, the lack of state funding and propaganda of individual organizations, on the other hand, the non-interference of religious organizations in matters of public administration.

    All religions on the territory of the country are equal, there is no state, official religion - the state neutral in matters of her religious ry.

    Secular character public education implies, firstly, equal access for representatives of all religious denominations and atheists to receive state-guaranteed education, and secondly, the prohibition of any form of religious or atheistic propaganda in educational institutions, especially at mandatory lessons, and thirdly, the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance for manifestations of dissent.

    The state also guarantees all believers the opportunity to practice one's worship freely(if the activity of a religious organization is not recognized by the court as socially dangerous and is not prohibited), but by the believers liable for military service if military service is contrary to their religious beliefs, the opportunity to perform alternative civilian service is provided.

    Si! Basic concepts: religion, religious consciousness, world religions, the principle of freedom of conscience.

    Ill Terms: religious cult, religious organizations, interfaith dialogue.

    Test yourself

    1) What is religion? 2) What elements of religion do scientists single out? 3) What are the characteristics of religious consciousness? 4) What is the significance of religion in the life of society? 5) What are the main ideas of each of the world religions? 6) What is the essence of the principle of freedom of conscience? How is it implemented in the legislation of the Russian Federation?

    Think, Discuss, Do

    1. The famous sociologist P. A. Sorokin, based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands of paintings and sculptures created from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the 30s. 20th century and exhibited in the museums of Western Europe, concluded that there was a steady significant reduction in the number of works based on the religious perception of the world. Based on the knowledge of the humanities, explain the reasons for this phenomenon. Confirm the correctness of the sociologist's conclusion with concrete examples.

    Work with the source

    Read an excerpt from an article by an American sociologist of the 20th century. Robert Bell's Sociology of Religion.

    So we inevitably come to the conclusion that religion is not just a means of coping with melancholy and despair. Rather, it is a symbolic model that forms human experience both cognitive and emotional. Religion knows how not only to moderate melancholy and despair, but also to cause them.

    Man is a problem-solving animal. What to do and what to think when other ways of solving problems fail is the realm of religion. Religion deals not so much with specific problems as with the general problems of human nature, and among specific problems - those that most directly adjoin this general problem, as, for example, the riddle of death. Religion deals not so much with the experience of specific limits, but with the limit in general... But even for the most primitive savage, the realm of religion is something different, although very close, something that can be heard, but cannot be seen, and if one can see , then briefly. Transmitted religious symbols also tell us meanings when we are not asking, help us hear when we are not listening, help us see when we are not looking. It is this ability of religious symbols to form meaning and feeling at a relatively high level of generalization beyond the concrete contexts of experience that gives them such power in human life, both private and public.

    Bell R. American sociology. Perspectives. Problems. Methods. -

    M.. 1972. - S. 266 - 278.

    IV Questions and assignments to the source. 1) What, according to the author, are the possible origins of religious faith? 2) How does the author characterize religion? 3) Give some examples illustrating the symbolic nature of religion. 4) Using a fragment of R. Bell's article, your knowledge and life experience, give some explanations for the power of religion in human life.

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    The role of religion in the life of society Goals and objectives: to introduce the essence of religion, to show signs of religious consciousness, the role of religion in society, the main ideas of each of the world religions, to explain the essence of the principle of freedom of conscience

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    Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as appropriate behavior based on the belief in the existence of God or gods, supernatural. An attribute of religious consciousness is a specially cultivated moral and emotional act - an act of faith. religious faith consists of: 1) from conviction (faith) in the truth of the foundations religious doctrine; 2) knowledge of religious dogmas; 3) recognition and adherence to religious norms of morality; 4) obligatory observance of religious rites and prescriptions. Features religions beliefs rituals ethos (moral view of the systemic position) world of symbols Main approaches to the study of religion confessional (religious, atheistic) phenomenological (the study of religion as a phenomenon)

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    Structure of religion: religious consciousness; religious cult; religious organization. There are two levels of religious consciousness: religious ideology (a systematic presentation of religious dogmas); religious psychology ( religious performances and feelings of believers).

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    A religious cult is a system of symbolic actions by which believers seek to influence the supernatural. To unite believers, there are religious organizations and a special group of people, the clergy, which leads cult activities. The main organizational forms of religion are the church and sects. The Church is a hierarchical religious organization of the clergy and believers, based on the commonality of religious dogmas and a cult system. Sects are relatively small in number, closed religious communities that do not share the views of the dominant church.

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    The functions of religion are the various ways of its activity, the nature and direction of the influence of religion on individuals and society. Functions of religion 1. Worldview (religious worldview, explanation of the world, nature, man, the meaning of his existence, worldview, worldview, worldview). 2. Compensatory (social inequality is compensated by equality in sinfulness, suffering; human disunity is replaced by brotherhood in Christ, in the community, human impotence is compensated by the omnipotence of God. with a friend).

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    4. Regulatory (regulator of people's behavior, organizes the thoughts, aspirations and actions of people, groups, communities with the help of certain ideas, values, attitudes, traditions). 5. Integrating (the direction of bringing people together, their behavior, activities, thoughts, feelings, aspirations, efforts of social groups and institutions in order to maintain the stability of society, the stability of the individual, the common religion). 6. Cultural transmission (introducing a person to cultural values ​​and traditions religious culture, the development of writing, printing, art, the transfer of the accumulated heritage from generation to generation). 7. Legitimizing (the legitimization of certain social orders, institutions, relations of norms, samples from the point of view of the highest requirement - the maxim, on the basis of which an assessment of certain phenomena is given and a certain attitude towards them is formed).

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    Initially, the object of worship was a real-life object - a fetish. Then a totem appears - a plant or animal that a person considered his ancestor and protector. Totemism is replaced by animism - a belief in the universal animation of nature. Thus, religion goes through four stages in its development: 1) belief in spirits; 2) polytheism (polytheism) - belief in gods, higher beings similar to a person, but differing from him in power and immortality, personifying all the forces of the surrounding nature and exercising supreme leadership in various activities; 3) the transition from polytheism to monotheism (monotheism); 4) output religious cult beyond one people.

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    Religions of the World National World Tribal Christianity Orthodoxy Catholicism Protestantism 2. Islam Sunnism Shiism 3. Buddhism Hinduism Sikhism Shintoism Judaism Confucianism Fetishism Totemism Cult of Ancestors Shamanism Magic

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    Signs of world religions: 1) a huge number of followers (Christianity - about 1.4 billion, Islam - about 1 billion, Buddhism - about 350 million); 2) cosmopolitan nature: these religions go beyond individual nationalities and states; 3) egalitarianism, preaching national and social equality; 4) propaganda activity.

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    World religions Buddhism Christianity Islam - Hinayana - Tantrism - Lamaism - Mahayana - Orthodoxy - Catholicism - Protestantism - Sunnism - Shiism - Kharijism

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    Buddhism is the oldest of the world religions. It arose at the turn of the VI-V centuries. BC e. in India, and then spread to the countries of Southeast Asia and the Far East. Fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine: suffering rules the world; the cause of suffering is life itself with its passions and desires; you can get away from suffering only by plunging into nirvana; there is a way, a method by which he who knows the truth can get rid of suffering and reach nirvana. Two paths of salvation: Hinayana ("narrow vehicle") and Mahayama ("broad vehicle"). The legendary founder of this religion, Siddharta Gautama, called the Buddha (Enlightened One), developed an eight-step path to achieve truth and approach nirvana: 1) righteous faith; 2) true determination; 3) righteous speech; 4) righteous deeds; 5) a righteous life; 6) righteous thought; 7) righteous thoughts; 8) true contemplation. The goal of Buddhism is not to gain immortality, but to get rid of the rebirth of one's soul (from karma).

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    Lhasa. Potala Palace (Buddha Mountain) For a long time the palace was the residence of the Dalai Lamas. The complex includes more than 1,000 rooms, 10,000 shrines and 20,000 statues.

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    Statue of Buddha Sakyamuni. Jkong in Lhasa. The statue depicts the Buddha at the age of 16. The statue is the size of a man. Cast from 5 metals (gold, silver, zinc, iron and copper), decorated with diamonds, rubies, lapis lazuli, emerald. Buddhist symbol of worship.

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    Jerusalem. Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The construction of the temple began under Emperor Constantine in 326. The temple was built over the cave of the burial of Christ. 4 churches have rights to the temple: Roman Catholic, Jerusalem, Armenian and Coptic.

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    Christianity appears in the I-II centuries. in a developed society with acute social contradictions. Thanks to the availability of its dogmas, Christianity has become the most widespread in the world. The main provisions of the dogma: the original sinfulness of the human race ( original sin Adam and Eve); divine trinity: God the Father (creator), God the Son (Jesus Christ, Savior) and God the Holy Spirit ( personal experience evidence and existence of God), existing "inseparably, inseparably, but not merged"; the divine-human nature of Jesus Christ (the son of a mortal woman and God); the suffering of Jesus and his death on the cross as atonement for human sins; the resurrection of Jesus as a guarantee of salvation immortal souls the righteous; belief in the existence of heaven for the righteous and hell for sinners; faith in the second coming" of Jesus Christ for the judgment of the living and the dead, the encouragement of the righteous and the punishment of sinners, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth; the cult of suffering as a repetition of the Passion of the Lord; the commandment of love for all mankind, the most complete spiritual humility and self-deprecation. The main branches of Christianity are: 1) Orthodoxy; 2) Catholicism; 3) Protestantism.

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    Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher A low gate leads to the courtyard of the temple. A rhinestone during the passage to the courtyard sees the stone of Anointing, on which the body of Christ lay after being taken down from the cross.

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    In the center of the hall there is a chapel (Edicule), which has two limits: the limit of the Angel and the Life-Giving Sepulcher of the Lord - a cave (length - 2 m, width - 1.5 m). It contains a marble headstone set into the wall. For many centuries now Great Saturday a miraculous phenomenon of the Holy Fire appears on the Holy Sepulcher.

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    Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad) It was founded in 1345 by Sergius of Radonezh. The Trinity Monastery played a prominent role in the political, spiritual and cultural life of the state.

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    Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg). Founded by Peter the Great. The relics of Alexander Nevsky are located.

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    Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral, Intercession Cathedral)

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    Notre Dame de Paris (Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris) was founded in 1163 by Louis VII. Built over 100 years. Accommodates up to 10,000 people.

    Goals and objectives: to introduce the essence
    religion, show signs of religious
    consciousness, the role of religion in the life of society,
    the main ideas of each of the world religions,
    explain the essence of the principle of freedom

    Religion is a worldview and attitude, as well as
    appropriate behavior based on belief in
    the existence of God or gods, the supernatural.
    Hallmarks of Religion
    ethos (moral view of
    Basic approaches to the study of religion
    confessional (religious, atheistic)
    phenomenological (the study of religion as a phenomenon)
    The attribute of religious consciousness is specifically
    cultivated moral-emotional act - an act of faith.
    Religious faith is:
    1) from conviction (faith) in the truth of the foundations of religious
    2) knowledge of religious dogmas;
    3) recognition and adherence to religious norms
    4) obligatory observance of religious rites and

    Religion structure:
    religious consciousness;
    religious cult;
    religious organization.
    There are two levels of religious consciousness:
    religious ideology (a systematic presentation
    religious dogmas);
    religious psychology (religious ideas and
    feelings of believers).

    A religious cult is a system of symbolic actions,
    by which believers seek to influence
    to the supernatural. To unite believers
    there are religious organizations and a special group
    people, the clergy, which leads the cult
    The main organizational forms of religion
    are the church and sects.
    Church - hierarchical religious organization
    clergy and faithful, based on commonality
    religious dogma and cult system.
    Sects are relatively small in number,
    closed religious communities that do not share views
    dominant church.

    The functions of religion are the various modes of its activity,
    the nature and direction of the influence of religion on
    individuals and society.
    Functions of Religion
    1. Worldview (religious worldview,
    explanation of the world, nature, man, its meaning
    existence, worldview, worldview,
    2. Compensatory (social inequality
    compensated by equality in sinfulness, suffering;
    human disunity is replaced by brotherhood in Christ, in
    community, the impotence of man is compensated by the omnipotence
    3. Communicative (“communion with God” is the highest form of communication,
    it occurs in cult activity, communication

    4. Regulatory (regulator of people's behavior,
    organizes the thoughts, aspirations and actions of people,
    groups, communities through certain ideas, values,
    attitudes, traditions).
    5. Integrating (the direction of bringing people together, their
    behavior, activity, thoughts, feelings, aspirations,
    efforts of social groups and institutions in order to preserve
    the stability of society, the stability of the individual, the general
    6. Culture-transmitting (introducing a person to
    cultural values ​​and traditions of religious culture,
    the development of writing, typography, art,
    transmission of accumulated heritage from generation to
    7. Legitimizing (legitimizing some
    social orders, institutions, relations of norms,
    samples from the point of view of the highest requirement - maxims, on
    based on an assessment of certain phenomena and
    a certain attitude is formed towards them).

    Initially, the object of worship was real
    the existing item is a fetish. Then appears the totem plant or animal that the person considered his own.
    ancestor and protector. Totemism is replaced by animism, a belief in the universal animation of nature.
    Thus, in its development, religion
    goes through four stages:
    1) belief in spirits;
    2) polytheism (polytheism) - belief in gods, higher
    creatures similar to humans, but different from
    him with power and immortality,
    personifying all the forces of nature and
    top management
    various types of activities;
    3) the transition from polytheism to monotheism
    4) the exit of a religious cult beyond one

    Religions of the world

    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Buddhism
    ancestor cult

    Signs of world religions:
    1) a huge number of followers
    (Christianity - about 1.4 billion, Islam - about
    1 billion, Buddhism - about 350 million);
    2) cosmopolitan character: these religions
    go beyond individual
    nationalities and states;
    3) egalitarianism, preaching the national and
    social equality;
    4) propaganda activity.

    world religions
    - Hinayana
    - Tantrism
    - Lamaism
    - mahayana
    - orthodoxy
    - Catholicism
    - Protestantism
    - Sunnism
    - Shiism
    - Kharijism

    Buddhism is the oldest of the world religions. It arose at the turn of VI-V
    centuries BC e. in India, and then spread to the countries of Southeast Asia and
    Far East.
    Fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine:
    suffering rules the world;
    the cause of suffering is life itself with its passions and desires;
    you can get away from suffering only by plunging into nirvana;
    there is a way, a method by which he who knows the truth can
    get rid of suffering and reach nirvana. Two paths of salvation: Hinayana ("narrow
    chariot") and mahayama ("wide chariot").
    The legendary founder of this religion Siddhartha Gautama, called the Buddha
    (Enlightened One), developed the eight-step path to attain the truth and
    approaching nirvana:
    1) righteous faith;
    2) true determination;
    3) righteous speech;
    4) righteous deeds;
    5) a righteous life;
    6) righteous thought;
    7) righteous thoughts;
    8) true contemplation.
    The goal of Buddhism is not to gain immortality, but to get rid of the rebirth of one's
    soul (from karma).

    Lhasa. Potala Palace (Buddha Mountain)

    For a long time, the palace was the residence of the Dalai Lamas.
    The complex includes more than 1000 rooms, sheltered
    10,000 shrines and 20,000 statues.

    Statue of Buddha Sakyamuni. Jkong in Lhasa.

    The statue depicts the Buddha at the age of 16. A statue
    the size of a person. Cast from 5 metals (gold, silver,
    zinc, iron and copper), adorned with diamonds, rubies,
    lapis lazuli, emerald. Buddhist symbol of worship.

    Jerusalem. Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
    The construction of the temple began under the emperor
    Constantine in 326. The temple was built over a cave
    burial of Christ. 4 churches have rights to the temple: Roman Catholic, Jerusalem, Armenian and Coptic.

    Christianity appears in the I-II centuries. in a developed society with acute
    social contradictions. Due to the availability of their dogmas
    Christianity is the most widespread in the world.
    The main provisions of the creed:
    the original sinfulness of the human race (the original sin of Adam and Eve);
    divine trinity: God the Father (creator), God the Son (Jesus Christ, Savior) and
    God the Holy Spirit (personal experience of the confirmation and existence of God),
    existing "inseparably, inseparably, but not merged";
    the divine-human nature of Jesus Christ (the son of a mortal woman and God);
    the suffering of Jesus and his death on the cross as atonement for human sins;
    the resurrection of Jesus as a guarantee of the salvation of the immortal souls of the righteous;
    belief in the existence of heaven for the righteous and hell for sinners;
    faith in the second coming" of Jesus Christ for the judgment of the living and the dead,
    the encouragement of the righteous and the punishment of sinners, the establishment of the Kingdom of God on
    the cult of suffering as a repetition of the Passion of the Lord;
    commandment of love for all mankind, complete spiritual humility and
    The main branches of Christianity are:
    1) Orthodoxy;
    2) Catholicism;
    3) Protestantism.

    Entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

    In the courtyard of the temple
    leads low
    gate. Rhinestone
    when in the course of the yard
    visible stone
    anointing, on
    which lay
    body of christ
    after removal from

    In the center of the hall stands
    chapel (Edicule),
    having two limits:
    angel limit and
    Life-Giving Coffin
    Lord's cave (length
    - 2 m, width-1.5 m).
    In it is
    embedded in the wall
    marble headstone. Already
    long centuries in the Great
    Saturday at the Tomb
    the Lord arises
    miraculous phenomenon
    Blessed Fire.

    Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad)

    Was founded in 1345
    year Sergius
    Trinity Monastery
    played a prominent role in
    spiritual and
    cultural life

    Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg).
    Founded by Peter the Great.
    The relics of Alexander Nevsky are located.

    Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1164)

    Cathedral of Christ the Savior (1829 -1883)

    Church of the Intercession
    Mother of God
    on the moat
    (The cathedral
    The cathedral)

    Kazan Cathedral

    Vatican. The cathedral
    Peter and

    Square in front of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul.

    Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral)

    was laid in
    Louis VII.
    Built over
    100 years.
    Holds up to
    10000 people.

    Cologne Cathedral
    (1248 to the present
    Started building for
    storage of remains
    Holy Magi
    (Three kings)

    Islam is the youngest of the world religions, originated in the 7th century.
    The founder is Muhammad, a historical person. Main
    religion positions:
    there is no God but Allah, monotheism;
    a person is not able to influence the course of events, everything is in the hands of Allah
    (the idea of ​​predestination), faith in the justice of Allah;
    prophetic mission Muhammad;
    prayer (prayer) five times a day;
    obligatory post;
    hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca;
    obligatory alms to the poor;
    jihad - the fight against the infidels, the prophet himself understood jihad as
    spiritual struggle, not war with weapons;
    faith in the resurrection Last Judgment, the existence of heaven and hell;
    establishing not only moral but also legal norms. (sharia
    - Islamic law based on the Quran
    and Sunna).
    - What unites all these world religions?
    What differences did you see between them?

    Mecca. Temple of the Kaaba ("House of God")

    In the Kaaba there is a stone on which there were prints
    Adam's legs. Built into the northeast corner of the Kaaba
    The Black Stone (Eswad), from which the
    ritual walk around the Kaaba.

    Hajj in Mecca

    1. Unquestioning faith
    in Allah and Muhammad
    2. Prayer five times
    3. Compliance
    annual fast
    4. Payment of tax from
    5. Hajj to Mecca

    Mosque "Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem

    At this point, Abraham was preparing to sacrifice his
    son of Isaac. Later, the Temple was built by King Solomon.
    where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The "Dome of the Rock" marked that
    the place where Muhammad ascended to heaven. Stored in the temple
    the footprint of the Prophet and three hairs from his beard.

    The main aspects of the principle of freedom of conscience:
    1. The principle of separation of religious organizations from
    state provides for non-intervention
    states in inner life religious
    2. The secular nature of public education
    equal access for representatives of all religious
    confessions and atheists to receive a guaranteed
    state of education;
    prohibition of any form of religious and
    atheistic propaganda in educational
    educating the next generation in the spirit
    tolerance for manifestations of dissent.
    3. The ability to freely send your cult.

    Summary of lessons
    - What do you see as the reasons for the special popularity of early forms
    religions today? Why are people turning to
    magicians, palmists, astrologers?
    - There is an opinion that an increase in the percentage of believers among
    youth in our country is connected not so much with faith in God,
    how much with the attractiveness of wedding ceremonies, baptisms,
    sacraments, etc. What do you think?
