Capricorn work horoscope november december

In November 2016, in the field of personal relationships, Capricorns will have a kind of journey into the past. You will constantly remember your victories and failures, how previous relationships developed. This is even good, because in November the past experience will greatly help in the affairs of the present. This applies not only to love relationships, but also friendships. With new acquaintances, you need to be especially vigilant, because now there is a high probability of self-deception. As soon as you find a person with similar views, you will immediately have a desire to put him on your list of best friends, but such recklessness can lead to extremely unpleasant emotional experiences.

Remember that sometimes common interests are not enough, and before you fully open up to someone, you must first know other qualities of a person. Therefore, do not rush, do not rush to quickly move to the next level of relationships. Let the situation develop naturally and systematically. Your feelings will be constantly tested anyway, so unnecessary stress is absolutely useless. Act on your own, not too guided by the opinions of others.

Astrological horoscope of the zodiac sign Capricorn for November 2016 from our permanent astrologer Horoscope. Let's find out from the video horoscope what awaits Capricorn in November 2016, what new, interesting events the month of November has prepared for him.

November is the time of the first cold weather, warm tea or coffee. It seems that nature and the whole world are falling asleep, but there is still fire in the heart and a charge for new adventures.

So let's spend November usefully without making mistakes: big and strong love, or a salary increase and career advancement, or a move and improvement of living conditions, or maybe ... But what to fantasize about, let's find out from a real astrologer from the video how things will turn out October 2016 for Capricorn. Star advice from a professional astrologer for you.

Horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn. Video

Horoscope for Capricorn for November 2016. Video text

In November 2016, Capricorns will have time to experience the whole gamut of emotions - both impudence, bordering on aggression, and a feeling of boundless happiness. Negative emotions will have to be experienced in the first half of the month, but for dessert there will be a positive one. You are used to being confident, but do not confuse confidence with rudeness, otherwise, instead of success, you will get a tarnished reputation. By the end of the month, you will want to sort yourself out. Philosophical reflections will be useful to you in order to prioritize and make plans. Just do not go deep into thoughts about why you came into this world - this way you can go deep into yourself for a long time, and this will prevent you from paying attention to interesting ideas that may come into your head or the head of others.

November will be romantic for you. If you don’t have a match yet, then it will appear, but first you will have to deal with a crowd of fans who will not want to give you a pass. This is all because you will be the most attractive this month. Family Capricorns would do well to pay attention to their loved ones - the second half, children. By the way, they will give you a reason to be proud of them, and if you do not notice these successes, you risk building a wall of misunderstanding between you with your own hands.

Relationships at work will be different and sometimes unforeseen. You will notice that in your life, like changing pictures, people appear and disappear with whom you had some kind of business or were just friends in the past. No need to take them hostile - one of these people can help you in your career achievements. A promotion awaits you in the second half of the month, but you may have to make every effort to save an important project or deal.

P.S. And most importantly. Someone from your environment can be safely called an intriguer and gossip. The dog barks, the caravan moves on. Just ignore the person who can interfere with you to go to the goal.

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In November 2016, Capricorn may change his plans. Or - modify them, making them more diverse and broad. It is likely that Capricorn will simply realize that he is not using his full potential. Or maybe he outgrew his own goals, which until recently seemed so tempting to Capricorn. Horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that now it may be beneficial to join someone else's plans, as this may provide additional perspectives and opportunities. Of course, for this, in November 2016, Capricorn will need to sacrifice some of his decisions and act on someone else's instructions. On the other hand, in this way Capricorn will receive additional help or tips on how to act in this or that case. So a professional athlete can train alone, or he can join a team, get an excellent coach and an excellent base.

It is clear that at the same time, Capricorn will no longer be able to behave only the way he wants. Yes, and the requirements will be much higher. But on the other hand, the results will also be much better. And the reward will not keep you waiting.

Favorable numbers of October - 10, 11, 16, 18, 22, 26.

Unfavorable numbers of October - 5, 9, 13, 17, 23, 28.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

In November 2016, Capricorn can expect a calm and settled life, but only if he has been in a relationship for a long time. It can be either a marriage, or just a life together, or meetings with great experience. If so, then in November 2016, Capricorn will fully enjoy life, relationships and everyday life, on the establishment of which Capricorn will spend a significant amount of time. At the same time, in November 2016, Capricorn will be able to get rid of everything that will not suit him and live as he pleases. However, the horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that there will still be certain disadvantages in November, and the main one is that in November 2016 Capricorn may lack warmth and cordiality in relationships. But Capricorn's partner will not be to blame for this, he behaves in the same way as usual, but Capricorn himself will be set up for something more.

With a new relationship, everything will be much more difficult. In November 2016, Capricorn will want to give them up just because they break his usual way of life. But if Capricorn gave himself the trouble to think, he could understand that it only benefited him. And in principle, he is not so bad in them, besides, the dynamics are definitely positive.

Financial and career horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

The situation in the professional sphere in November 2016 for Capricorn will be quite convenient, normal and generally understandable. Before showing any initiative, Capricorn will have to do his immediate work, while following a clearly defined plan. It is likely that this month Capricorn may have certain problems caused by excessive sociability. This will affect the fact that in November 2016 Capricorn can talk more than work and, of course, direct management will not like it. In addition, as a result of such idle conversations, Capricorn may receive inaccurate information and follow it in the future.

The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that November will help you move forward on the path leading to your goal, whether it be a new position or an opportunity to participate in some promising project. But it is very important that Capricorn himself is ready for hard work and does not back down at the first failure. It is better if in November 2016 Capricorn just pretends that this is exactly what was intended.

If Capricorn intends to move to a new job, then November will be the most suitable month for this. In November 2016, Capricorn can find exactly the option that suits him and successfully pass the interview.

Health Horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

In November 2016, Capricorn should be attentive to those diseases that will appear in him at the beginning of this month. Although at first they may seem quite simple, things can turn out to be much more serious later on. And even a survey will not necessarily be able to give them a complete picture. So Capricorn will have to play it safe.

The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that in November you may well try to overcome your bad habits or, if necessary, change the regime. This month will be easier to do. In addition, you can cope with intestinal problems, especially when it comes to its lower sections.

For those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, November promises to be a stable month. During this period, achievements in the professional field come to life. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn the recognition of management and climb up the career ladder. And also many Capricorns will be able to go on a romantic trip with their soulmate.

This is not to say that November will be a passionate period. You will feel insecure and constrained in a relationship with your partner. But the next period promises to bring more love joys into the relationship. The middle of the month is an auspicious time for love. Lonely Capricorns will have great chances to find their love. Couples will be able to refresh and renew their relationship. And some couples in love will be able to go on a romantic trip. Capricorns will have a need for love and romance. It is highly likely that you will have a secret admirer.

November is an active period in terms of work. Although there are big problems in the second half of the month, you will eventually get over them.

Thanks to confidence, many Capricorns will be able to solve the ambitious tasks set by the leadership. This month you will see achievements in the professional field come to life. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn the recognition of management and climb up the career ladder.

In the second half of the month, you should carefully and deliberately make decisions. And also you will be able to emphasize your leadership qualities in the team.

In terms of finances, everything will turn out well. The last month of autumn portends good income. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. But still, spend your money wisely.

At the beginning of the month, no health problems are expected. You are full of energy and vitality. But in the second half of the month there is a big risk of getting sick. Therefore, the stars advise representatives of this sign to avoid overexertion, relax more and lead an active lifestyle.

Stars advise Capricorns, focus all your efforts on important tasks! Only in this way, you can achieve tremendous success in all matters.

The most favorable days in November for the Capricorn zodiac sign: 4, 5, 23, 27, 30.

Less favorable days in November for the Capricorn zodiac sign: 8, 14, 17, 28, 29.

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Inga Polonskaya.

love horoscope

From November 1 to November 10. You will show your leadership and organizational skills, infect others with your inspiration, original vision. The period will be extremely rich in communication, meeting with friends. In amorous communication, due to the isolation of Venus, you will want solitude from the rest of the world alone with your beloved.

From November 11 to November 20. From November 15, your feminine charm will be the bait for men in search. November 15-16 is a particularly good time for flirting and first dates. On November 16-20, there is a chance of flirting with a colleague or exchanging gazes with a man from afar. November 17-20, a spark can flare up on dates. Moral support, tender friendship in addition to your love can inspire your other half to an extremely generous gift. A sensual night would be a very appropriate response from you.

November 21st to 30th. A period of good luck in life endeavors, some hopes may come true. It is important to develop friendly relationships and do your favorite things. On November 25-27, the search for a serious relationship is more likely to succeed. Also, these days, dates will be just wonderful.

Family horoscope

Household chores will be a source of trouble and family tension. However, there will be good news and opportunities: for example, improving housing conditions or completing paperwork for real estate. Children will have to learn how to harmoniously express themselves. From November 15, it will be important for them to try themselves in something new. The spouse will begin a very interesting and dynamic period.

Health Horoscope

Your state of health will be relatively stable, and the care shown for it will be enhanced by favorable astrological aspects. Chronic ailments will require preventive action until at least November 10th. From November 1 to November 12, a decrease in the level of immunity can provoke an attack of viral diseases.

Horoscope of work and money

The period can be filled with serious reflections regarding employment prospects. The probability of financial losses is increased from November 1 to November 10. Before November 11, sending resumes and meeting with potential employers is somewhat premature.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Capricorn men

Love.In November, it will become easier for him to be active, to demonstrate his feelings. Your Capricorn will want to meet friends in the company of his beloved, so that she is aware of his mindset.

Tone. Impulsivity can be replaced by periods of concentrated inactivity. Most of the vital energy will be spent on solving financial and domestic problems. But he will be inspired by new life prospects. In November, Capricorn will be more prone to injury.

Finance.Despite the surge in business activity from November 5 to 13, there is a high probability of sudden financial losses. Some sources of income may become irrelevant. However, caution and foresight will help to stay afloat.

Work.His views on work will change significantly, which may lead to a change of workplace. Working in a large team will require the development of tolerance. Since November 5, career development efforts have a better chance of success, however, a promotion does not necessarily guarantee a salary increase. It is easier to gain patronage of Capricorn in mid-November.

Friends. Friends will occupy an important place in his life, support him in many ways, help solve a number of problems. His attention will be attracted by brothers in mind and simply colorful personalities. In November, joint trips with friends, expanding the circle of acquaintances are favorable.

Leisure.It is advisable to travel in November. Information and communication will be of particular importance, so it is worth meeting more interesting people, immersing yourself in the world of books. The resumption of sports activities will be timely.
